Harry Potter and the Whims of Fate (Harry Potter Quest)

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Harry Potter and the Whims of Fate (Harry Potter Quest)

Welcome to an @Mazrick and @Sidhenlae...
A Change in Fate


The Pit of Doom
Harry Potter and the Whims of Fate (Harry Potter Quest)

Welcome to an @Mazrick and @Sidhenlae produced Harry Potter quest. This won't have any crossover elements, will follow book canon aside from our many butterflies, and should be updated twice a week. In this quest, you will be playing as Harry Potter, but not exactly the Harry Potter we all know. One little change can make a world of difference… So! Put on your robe and wizard hat, it's going to be a wild ride!

November 12, 1981

The office of famed Hogwarts headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, was cluttered more than usual, and bright morning sunlight streamed through the many windows. On top of all the knick-knacks and exotic devices that were ever present in the large circular room, there were stacks of paper haphazardly organized here and there.

The many portraits of past Headmasters, lining the walls of the office, were mostly silent and next to the great oak table dominating the room stood a stand, upon which perched a creature oft renown for their majestic plumage and soothing song. This one however had his head drooped and his plumage held none of the splendour usually attributed to a phoenix.Today its feathers were drab, its song melonchaly, and its form shrunken with age.

Amidst all this sat two wizards. The elder of the two wore a drab grey robe and half-moon spectacles rested on a crooked nose. He rested behind a large oaken desk upon a finely crafted chair, and he occasionally ran his long fingers absently through his long silver beard. The younger man sat in a much less opulent chair across from the headmaster. Many would have accounted him a handsome man in the prime of his life, but now he looked haggard with unshaven stubble, messy black hair. The raven haired wizard wore a simple black robe with a low cut, full of creases, as if he had slept in the robes. Repeatedly.

Between them a bottle of whiskey, recently opened and already half empty, rested amongst the desk's clutter.

The silence loomed through the room like an oppressive cloud, like an abyss that swallowed all joy and mirth only to leave deep sadness. The younger, more haggard, looking man nursed his glass of whiskey idly in his hand, gaze lost in its contents. The bearded wizard, had his concerned gaze locked upon the man seated across him. Any remnant of the old wizard's usual cheery, twinkling gaze long disappeared.

"It was the right thing to do, James. People had lost too much hope already, they needed something to lift their hearts and ease their minds." The words cut through the silence like a lightning bolt through clear sky, pulling the younger of the two from dark thoughts.

There was a pause that hung in the air before the man, James, suddenly seemed to realise he still had company.

"You keep saying that Albus, and I want to believe you, but we both know he's still out there. What we, - I, gave those people is nothing but bold-faced lies they ate up because they want it to be true."

"We were ill-prepared for the war, James, but what you've given us is time. Time we desperately need to resist Tom's ploys. Time we need to recover. Your words helped heal our world, just as Lily's love protected Harry. By coming after little Harry, he invoked the prophecy. 'He shall have power the Dark Lord knows not'."

The fateful words hung heavy in the air. Lily's doom and their salvation.

"In the coming years, Harry may very well face Tom again, and he'll need to lean on Lily's sacrifice and your love to survive." the old man finished kindly.

"Love?" James scoffed. "What good will love do when Harry's facing down a Death Eater? Voldemort isn't our only enemy." James abruptly slammed the glass down on the desk. Whiskey nearly spilling out. "Just yesterday Lucius Malfoy walked free. If he was under the imperius the whole time, then you can call me a muggle! How many others, Albus?"

He took a deep, steadying breath. "How many other Death Eaters will walk free? Frank was killed, and that bitch Bellatrix got away despite it all. If one of our finest can be kidnapped, tortured, and then murdered in front of a dozen Aurors… What can love do against such reckless hate?"

The silence stretched again, and the wizened old man seemed to visibly age. Moments ticked by, and Dumbledore quietly searched for a way to comfort his friend.

Then James sighed, and slumped back into his seat.

"Sirius owled me not an hour ago. After the bullshit suspension, he's decided to resign from the Auror Corps." James' voice sounded too tired for any emotion to carry through it, and even his face was set into a tired, hollow look with only the eyes betraying that life still lurked behind it. He was running on autopilot now.

"They'll miss him. He was one of their best." Dumbledore replied.

He paused to let James respond, but when it was clear the younger wizard would hold his silence, Albus sighed, and said, "Have you decided what you and Harry are going to do next?"

"I'm going to have a house built in the countryside. Expensive wards. All the bells and whistles. It'll cost an arm and a leg, but Harry must be safe. Until then, Alice has invited me to stay at Longbottom Manor. With Lestrange on the loose, I think another wizard there wouldn't go amiss."

The silence fell heavy between the two wizards once more, and James rose, excused himself, and left the Headmasters office.

There was a lot of work to be done.

There were many people visiting Harry's father and his aunt Alice even during his youth, of those that Harry found the most fun to be around were: (Choose 3)
[] Neville
Aunt Alice's son was quiet, but he usually let Harry take the lead. The blonde boy would often lead in de-gnoming the garden, and it was in the garden that Neville seemed most at home. He knew every plant, and had even been found sleeping out there one night. Though usually quiet and calm, his steadfast loyalty and thoughtful ways made him Harry's constant companion.
[] Uncle Sirius
He visited Harry's father often and always took time to play with little Harry! Uncle Sirius bought the best presents for Harry, and gave him the best ideas for pranks. They had fun adventures, but the best by far was when he took little Harry riding on his flying motorbike! He snuck Harry candies and showed him magic, when none of the other grownups would. Sirius' tales about the Marauders adventures in Hogwarts filled Harry's head.
[] Ron
The youngest Weasley loved flying on Harry's toy broom, and they spent many days exploring the Potter Residence. Ron's older brother's were pranksters, who constantly picked on him, and Harry would help Ron plan pranks in return. A prank war the likes of which Britain had seldom seen blossomed between the two groups of boys. Ron's older brothers Bill and Charlie came over often, and they were… cool.
[] Uncle Remus
Another friend of Harry's father who visited often. Bit haggard looking and soft spoken with a weary smile, but what's most important is he told the best stories whenever he visited. Monsters, evil wizards, far away lands and the adventures of many heroes, foremost among them Godric Gryffindor - it had them all! Sometimes even Harry's father and aunt Alice were surprised when little Harry could name something in one of the picture books or newspapers.
[] Alby
The great and powerful wizard Albus Dumbledore came by on occasion, and when he showered Harry with sweets and indulgent smiles, the little man squealed in delight. Playing with 'Alby's' beard was a great delight for the toddler. Unlike other o[d people, Alby was all too ready to play hide and seek and any other game that took Harry's fancy. Sometimes, the old wizard would get a small, sad smile on his face, and Harry would make it his mission to cheer up the world's most powerful wizard. Harry knew he was so powerful because he didn't use his wand half the time he used magic!
[] Aunt Minnie
Not as frequent visitor as most, but Aunt Minnie always brightened up young Harry's day considerably. While he was no stranger to magic, the things Aunt Minnie could do were way cooler than anything he had seen his father, or even Uncle Sirius do! She could make an entire army out of a box of matches and then make them all move. Sometimes she even brought scenes young Harry had read about from the children's books alive. Once, she even turned into a cat!

Harry's father wed the widowed Alice while he was still young, and that same year he and Neville got a little sister named Rebecca. What does Harry think of her as?
[] Aunt Alice
Harry has little memory of his true mum, Lily, but the way his father and his friends talk of her, that bright and cheerful witch with a soft heart and great talent at charms makes Harry determined to make this great woman proud of him, even if she may not be able to witness it herself.
[] Mum
Harry barely remembered his birth mother, Lily, and Alice is Neville and Rebecca's mum. Thinking of her as 'mum' felt right. She held Harry when he cried, and she paid just as much attention to him as Nev or Becky. She could be stern and strict, but a loving smile and a soft embrace would always soothe little Harry. While Harry's father ran his business, Alice took care of their small family. Calling her mum wouldn't erase Lily. Instead, he would have two mommies!

After Harry's 6th birthday, James sat him down, and spoke at length to the young boy. According to the older Potter, it was time for him to start school. James outlined two options. Choose one to be happy about:
[] Muggle School
Harry thought attending muggle elementary school with a lot of other kids his age and seeing for himself the crazy muggle inventions his father and uncles mentioned on occasions sounded great! And father tells his mother actually attended one of these as well!
[] Wizarding Tutors
Harry thought private tutors and learning about the Wizarding world and magic was pretty much the best thing ever. All of the things that his father and witches and wizards could do… he wanted to do them too!

While growing up, one of Harry's favourite past times was:
[] Broomstick flying!
The small kids one wouldn't go very fast or high, but nothing quite rivaled the feeling of freedom and the sensation of wind blowing through his hair while in the air. One time he had been scolded for taking an adult broom for a spin, but he couldn't wipe away his grin for days.
[] Experimenting with Magic!
Harry wouldn't have a wand until he turned eleven, but magic intrigued him. He had seen Alby do it without a wand, and he tried himself! Or whenever he could nick a wand without getting in trouble, he'd try to practice spells, and all he'd get were strangely colored explosions. Other times he would practice wand movements with a stick.
[] Play dates!
Sometimes upon Aunt Alice's insistence Harry's father would go through the effort of setting up a play date with other wizard kids. The Longbottom manor didn't get many visitors Harry or Neville's age, so any opportunity to meet other kids was treasured. Harry learned of many interesting things on these play dates that his father or Aunt Alice hadn't told him, not to mention the friends!

Please wait for Sidhenlae to give the all clear before you post.
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Character Sheet:
  • Name: Harry James Potter
    Status: Healthy
    Age: 14
    Titles: None
    XP: 20

  • Entranced by Magic - Ever since you can remember, you've been filled with wonder and delight over magic. You often lose awareness of your surroundings when it comes to learning about new magic. Effects: Eased learning of magic, effect on some story choices.

    Longsighted - You are longsighted, meaning without your glasses you can barely see things near you. Effect: None as long as glasses are worn.

  • Waddiwasi (Proficient)
    Shoots a small and soft wad of whatever the caster desires at a target.

    Diffindo (Proficient)
    Rips, tears, shreds, or otherwise lightly damages the target.

    Expelliarmus (Proficient)
    The Disarming charm. Causes whatever the victim is holding to fly away.

    Feather-light Charm (Proficient)
    Makes something lightweight.

    Leg-Locker Curse (Proficient)
    Locks victims legs together.

    Lumos & Nox (Proficient)
    Creates a narrow beam of light that shines from the wand's tip, like a torch. Nox extinguishes it.

    Tripping Jinx (Proficient)
    A jinx to trip up or impede the target.

    Wingardium Leviosa (Proficient)
    Levitates and moves the target.

    Accio (Proficient)
    The Summoning charm. Summons an object to the caster.

    Cheering Charm (Proficient)
    Causes the person upon whom the spell was cast to become happy and contented, though heavy-handedness with the spell may cause the person to break into an uncontrollable laughing fit.

    Alohomora (Proficient)
    Used to open and/or unlock doors, but doors can be bewitched so that this spell has no effect.

    Evanesco (Proficient)
    Makes the target vanish.

    Engorgio & Reducio (Proficient)
    Causes objects to swell in size / Makes an enlarged object smaller.

    Finite Incantatem (Proficient)
    Negates many spells or the effects of many spells.

    Flame-Freezing Charm (Proficient)
    Causes fire to become harmless to those caught in it, creating only a gentle, tickling sensation instead of burns.

    Incendio (Proficient)
    Produces fire. Flames burst out flying.

    Point Me (Proficient)
    Causes the caster's wand tip to point to the north cardinal point, acting like a compass.

    Protego (Adept)
    The Shield Charm causes minor to strong jinxes, curses, and hexes to rebound upon the attacker, or at least prevents them from having their full effect.

    Stupefy & Rennervate (Proficient)
    Puts the victim in an unconscious state.

    Scourgify (Proficient)
    Used to clean something.

    Reparo (Proficient)
    Used to repair broken or damaged objects.

    Riddikulus (Proficient)
    Description: A spell used when fighting a Boggart, "Riddikulus" forces the Boggart to take the appearance of an object upon which the caster is concentrating. When used correctly, this will be a humorous form.

    Petrificus Totalus (Proficient)
    Used to temporarily bind the victim's body in a position much like that of a soldier at attention; this spell does not restrict breathing or seeing, and the victim will usually fall to the ground.

    Expecto Patronum (Proficient)
    Conjures an incarnation of the caster's innermost positive feelings, such as joy or hope, known as a Patronus. A Patronus is conjured as a protector, and is a weapon rather than a predator of souls: Patronuses shield their conjurors from Dementors or Lethifolds, and can even drive them away.

    Reducto (Proficient)
    Description: Enables the caster to explode solid objects.

    Impervius (Novice)
    This spell makes something repel (literally, become impervious to) substances and outside forces, including water.

  • Physical:
    Strength: 11
    Stamina: 11
    Agility: 16
    Reflexes: 11

    Intelligence: 20
    Perception: 25
    Willpower: 25
    Improvisation: 20

  • Hogwarts basic:
    Transfiguration: 29
    Charms: 29
    Potions: 29
    DADA: 28
    History of Magic: 20
    Astronomy: 16
    Herbology: 17
    Flying: 16

    Hogwarts Elective:
    Arithmancy: 9
    Muggle Studies: 5
    Divination: 10
    Study of Ancient Runes: 8
    Care of Magical Creatures: 9
    Alchemy (???)

    Magical Theory: 20
    Dark Arts: 12
    Awareness: 20
    Evasion: 20
    Stealth: 13
    Athletics: 12
    Occlumency 5
    Legilimency 5

  • James Potter (Father)
    Alice Potter (Mother)
    Neville Longbottom (Brother, Friend)
    Sirius Black (Uncle, Friend)
    Remus Lupin (Uncle, Friend)
    Albus Dumbledore (Interested)
    Adrian Hopkirk (Tutor, Acquaintance)
    Belvina Withey (Tutor, Acquaintance)
    Daphne Greengrass (Friend)
    Marie-Suzanne Dubois (Acquaintance)

Character Sheet Spreadsheet
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These mechanics were largely inspired by @NSMS quest Ninja of the Leaf, which I heartily recommend.


Attributes represent a characters natural or innate capabilities. One of the main benefits of attributes is their passive bonus to skills (explained under the Skills tab), but several of them have many uses on their own as well. The attributes are divided into physical and mental.

Strength - Represents the physical prowess of a character. Carrying or lifting heavy loads, delivering powerful strikes and to a lesser degree taking physical punishment - all fall under it.

Stamina - The endurance stat. This represents a character's staying power and overall physical conditioning. High stamina makes a character tire slower and capable of sustaining more physical abuse.

Agility - Speed and manual dexterity of a character. Necessary for any sleight of hand tricks and fine wand manipulation, amongst others.

Reflexes - Unlike strength or agility, reflexes are something ingrained to a character and performed without conscious thought. A high value here means the character has superb reflexes, something very important to one's prowess in combat and self-defense.

Intelligence - The intellectual capability of the mind. A high value here means the character will have an easier time of memorising or studying and putting theoretical knowledge to practical use.

Perception - A measure of how perceptive and aware the character is at all times. A high stat here means the character is more adept at picking up hints and out of place details in both social encounters and the environment, and generally being more aware of one's surroundings.

Willpower - The mind is a fortress and the walls are the willpower. Allows characters to resist temptations, gives them mental fortitude and in some cases even allows to resist magical effects.

Improvisation - An abstract statistic to represent a character's ability to think outside the box and adapt to any unexpected developments. Very useful in transfiguration. Also opens up some wilder course of actions.


Skills represent the learned knowledge and abilities of a character. Unlike attributes, they usually focus on a more narrow subject.

A skills value is composed of the following: 50% of the actual skill value (unless stated otherwise), while the rest of the 50% comes from the following:

Hogwarts basic:
Transfiguration (25% Improvisation, 15% Willpower, 10% Agility)
Charms (20% Intelligence, 10% Improvisation, 10% Agility, 10% Willpower)
Potions (20% Intelligence, 15% Improvisation, 15% Agility (ingredient preparation and stirring)
DADA (20% Reflex, 10% Willpower, 10% Improvisation, 10% Agility)
History of Magic (70% of skill value, 30% of intelligence)
Astronomy (70% of skill value, 15% Intelligence, 15% Perception)
Herbology (15% Intelligence, 15% Agility, 10% Improvisation, 10% Perception)
Flying (15% Agility, 15% Reflexes, 10% Perception, 10% Improvisation)

Hogwarts Elective:
Arithmancy (70% of skill value, 20% Intelligence, 10% Improvisation)
Muggle Studies (70% of skill value, 20% Intelligence, 10% Improvisation)
Divination (20% Improvisation, 15% Intelligence, 15% Perception)
Study of Ancient Runes (70% of skill value, 15% Intelligence, 10% Improvisation, 5% Perception)
Care of Magical Creatures (15% Intelligence, 15% Perception, 10% Improvisation, 10% Agility)
Alchemy (???)

Magical Theory (70% of skill value, 20% Intelligence, 10% Improvisation)
Dark Arts (25% Willpower, 15% Agility, 10% Intelligence)
Awareness (25% Perception, 15% Reflexes, 10% Willpower)
Evasion (25% Reflexes, 15% Perception, 10% Agility)
Stealth (20% Agility, 15% Perception, 15% Improvisation)
Athletics (20% Stamina, 15% Agility, 15% Strength)
Occlumency (15% Willpower)
Legilimency (15% Willpower)

Skill & Attribute XP Costs:
Up to 10: 10 XP per point
11 to 20: 20 XP per point
21 to 35: 30 XP per point
36 to 60: 40 XP per point
61 to 100: 50 XP per point
101 or higher: 60 XP per point

Important note: If your Combined Skill Value(the value composed of skill + attributes) is higher than your raw Skill Level, then the value will be reduced to the average of the Effective Skill Value and Raw Skill Level.
Skills Explained

Skills explained and examples of corresponding values to averages.

Hogwarts basic:
- the art of changing the form or appearance of an object.
Charms - the type of spells concerned with giving an object new and unexpected properties.
Potions - the art of creating mixtures with magical effects. It requires the correct mixing and stirring of ingredients at the right times and temperatures.
DADA - defensive techniques to defend against the Dark Arts, and to be protected from Dark creatures.
History of Magic - the study of magical history.
Astronomy - branch of magic that studies stars and the movement of planets.
Herbology - the study of magical plants and how to take care of, utilise and combat them.
Flying - the usage of enchanted broomsticks for movement.

Hogwarts Elective:
- a branch of magic concerned with the magical properties of numbers.
Muggle Studies - the study of the Muggle (non-magical) culture from a wizarding point of view.
Divination - the art of predicting the future.
Study of Ancient Runes - a generally theoretical subject that studies the ancient runic scripts.
Care of Magical Creatures - how to care for magical beasts.
Alchemy - composite subject between Transfiguration, Potions and ???, focused roughly on the transmutation of substances into other forms.

Magical Theory - magic from a purely theoretical standpoint, including the topic of how spells work.
Dark Arts - Jinxes, Hexes and Curses. Magic that is mainly used to cause harm, control or even kill the victim.
Awareness - how aware the character is of his surroundings at all times, especially in combat.
Evasion - the physical ability to weave through and dodge spellfire or other detrimental effects.
Stealth - the ability to move undetected.
Occlumency - the skill of magically closing one's mind against Legilimency. It can prevent a Legilimens from accessing one's thoughts and feelings, or influencing them.
Legilimency - the act of magically navigating through the many layers of a person's mind and correctly interpreting one's findings.

Attribute/Skill rough guidelines:

1-5: Child
6-20: Youth
21-35: Average Adult
36-60: Professional (Auror)
61-100: Specialist (Ollivander & Wands, Snape & Potions etc.)
101+: Mythical

Spells & Mastery

A spell is a magical action that manifests the magic inherent to wizards and witches, allowing them to perform extraordinary feats. Spells are a huge factor in magical combat and the casters mastery of them is a large part in deciding the outcome of such. Mastery denotes the casters familiarity with the spell, of which there are 5 stages:

Mastery levels:
– You've only just learned of the spell, and still struggle to cast it under even the most favourable of circumstances
Novice – You've grasped the wand motions and enunciation, and can thus cast the spell successfully as long as there aren't too many distractions.
Proficient – Wand motions and vocalization comes easily to you; the spell never straying far from your mind, but in situations of extreme duress you may slip up.
Adept – You've grasped the spell to a point you can cast it by reflex alone.
Master – The spell flows from you with nary a thought. Casting it feels as natural as speaking and you've the ability to push the spell to new heights. Having mastered a spell also makes it easier to cast it without vocalization.

For example, a mastered spell would look thus:
Wingardium Leviosa (Mastered) – Able to cast under any circumstances and move greater weights, or catch them mid-motion, or even on multiple objects at the same time.


Experience (XP)
Experience is gained throughout the game for various deeds and accomplishments. Due to the nature of Hogwarts, even attending classes will provide some XP. More can be gained by devoting actions to self-improvement, or as mentioned before, accomplishing something noteworthy.

OOC you can gain XP from entertaining reaction posts, quality omakes, awesome artwork, interesting discussion, reasoning affixed to votes, and per number of voters.

XP can generally be spent under 3 circumstances:
  1. You've pursued a study or self-improvement action previously.
  2. You're being mentored or taught by someone else.
  3. During special events/circumstances (plot points)

When pursuing options of self-improvement, half the XP you earn must be spent on the relevant statistics and by the end of that particular training period. The other half may be kept as 'floating' XP, to be used at a later date as you wish.

XP and Spell Mastery
Experience points are also needed to upgrade a mastery of spell to the next stage. The amount can vary depending on the spell. Anything above the level of Proficient will require an action dedicated to mastering that spell, or an extremely steep XP cost to circumvent that.

Experience Spending Modifiers
In order to represent various circumstances that make learning something easier or harder, there will be various XP expenditure modifiers depending on the circumstance of study. Capable mentors will increase it, while independent self-study will be the least efficient, especially if it's for a more obscure topic. For the sake of ease, Hogwarts will be assumed as a modifier of 1x.

The main factors affecting combat are:
  • Relevant spellcasting categories (Typically Transfiguration, Charms, DADA or Dark Arts)
  • Spells known and their mastery level.
  • Evasion - for physically evading spells.
  • Reflexes - decides your reaction speed in comparison to opponents.
  • Willpower - defense against mind-based spells.
  • Perception/Awareness - spotting an opportunity and exploiting weaknesses.
  • Energy - how long you can keep going before succumbing to exhaustion.
  • Health - how far you are from death.
  • Chosen strategy/approach for the duel.

How they interact:
Reflexes play a role in how fast you can react to any situation. If you run into an opponent with lesser reflexes in an otherwise even situation, you will likely win the initiative and take your first action before him.

The relevant spellcasting categories are the actual avenues of attack and defense(outside of evasion) available to combatants in most scenarios. There's 4 main schools when it comes to direct magical duels.

For example, a high stat in Transfiguration would let the wielder quite effortlessly bring into being inanimate, or animate objects to shield him and attack the opponent. In case of large skill gap one could even Untransfigure the opponent's creation. Generally transfiguration gives a good balance of defense and offense with utility.

A high statistic in Dark Arts represents a very lethal repertoire that is able to bypass many forms of defense, but is relatively light on defense.

DADA is a mix of charms and DA; a balanced blend. Mainly uses standard and straightforward offensive spells along with regular shield and counter-spells.

Charms is the king of utility. While lacking in easy direct offensive spells, there's no shortage of defensive applications, or outside of the box usage of spells to attack from unexpected vectors. A master of charms is someone who can turn the very elements themselves against an opponent; a true powerhouse capable of sweeping away opposition by the numbers.

Spells known and their mastery will likely be the deciding factor in a furious single combat, or when facing off against a small number of opponents. A high mastery of simple spells can let you keep up a quick barrage of spellfire and thus control the tempo of a duel and let you dictate the flow, as your opponents scramble to keep up. Conversely an opponent with high mastery in any of the main magic branches is lot less likely to be inconvenienced by high volume of weak spells.

Evasion is one of the main defensive tools in your arsenal. This means physically evading, or maneuvering to minimize, the effects of spells. Relying on evasion alone will however see one's energy quickly depleted. It is best to keep a balance of evasion and magical defence.

Perception & Awareness are the statistics for combatants to keep a keen awareness of the developing situation and notice any surprises developing. A low value here can cause a fighter to become tunnel-visioned and thus easily tricked or ambushed. A high value can be useful in spotting a potential weakness or flaw in another's form. For example: is he favouring one of his legs more heavily? Does he often default to the same chain of spells when pushed? Does he seem to be running out of breath faster than you?

Energy and Health are the most important statistics. If your Energy runs out, you will be at the mercy of your opponent and anything you do will be severely hampered. Energy can be quickly regained even with short pauses during intense activity, but a full day of such will start wearing you down more heavily.

Health represents your physical well-being. As it decreases from damage taken, so may your performance due to injuries suffered. If it reaches critically low, you may pick up severe injuries and If it drops to below 0, you die.

Outside of already existing statistics and spell masteries, the players will be able to influence a fight by choosing the strategy they will use via write-in. The QMs will determine the effectiveness of a given strategy and write out the scene accordingly. This way players may be able to match or overcome even opponents that statistically are far superior. In general, a concise plan that outlines an approach and doesn't try to do too many things at once will always give some bonus to the PC.
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[X] Neville
[X] Uncle Remus
[X] Alby

Are we going to be addicted to lemon drops?

[X] Aunt Alice
[X] Wizarding Tutors
[X] Experimenting with Magic!
Plan Zooboss

[X] Uncle Sirius
[X] Uncle Remus
[X] Alby

Dad's best friends and the best wizard.

[X] Mum

Let Harry have an actual family here. Inirr that I didn't choose Neville for the previous vote.

[X] Wizarding Tutors

Mum went to one? But I didn't know Lily. Also, lets try avoiding the Muggle wankery for now.

[X] Play Dates

Experimenting with Magic reeks of munchkinry and while Broomstick flying is cool, my plan doesn't yet involve Harry being with kids his age.
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[X] Uncle Sirius
Uncle Sirius is the best Sirius. Also, he'll approve of the shenanigans we get into.
I like Ron. Messing with the Twins and meeting Charley and Bill is just icing on the cake.
Why not? It'd be interesting to see a Dumbledore that's more actively involved in our lives as opposed to the cannon protect from afar.
[X] Magical Tutors
We do need to fight Voldemort at some point.
Quite natural for this to happen and it's not like the option has us forget Lilly.
[X]Broomstick Flying
The magic option is tempting, but I'd like a Harry that isn't magic 24/7
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[X] Uncle Sirius
[X] Uncle Remus
[X] Alby

[X] Aunt Alice
[X] Wizarding Tutors
[X] Experimenting with Magic!

My body is ready
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[x] Neville
[x] Uncle Sirius
[x] Aunt Minnie

[x] Mum

[x] Muggle School
[x] Play Dates

Just going with what seems interesting and fun. I'm pretty sure my options won't win but they're still there.
[X] Neville
[X] Uncle Sirius
[X] Uncle Remus
[X] Mum
[X] Wizarding Tutors
[X] Experimenting with Magic!

I think Neville's cool enough, however useful Albus might be. Plus he's family here.
Who is this scrub he sounds like some sort of inbred version of henry bell that was dropped on his head one too many tines
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[X] Uncle Sirius
[X] Alby
[X] Ron
[X] Aunt Alice
[X] Wizarding Tutors
[X] Experimenting with Magic!

Ron was a bro, I don't care what y'all and your fanon think. He was a broest of bros.
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[X] Neville
[X] Ron
[X] Uncle Remus

Voting for Remus because he's a werewolf, for Neville and Ron because Harry's a kid and he needs kid friends.
Not voting for Albus only because you mangled the name.

Disappointed by the lack of more potential Harry's age friends.

Want to murder someone for Alby. It's nearly as bad as Dumbles.

[X] Mum
However much that hurts (or doesn't) James, I guess this is a more natural option.

[X] Wizarding Tutors
Probably the hardest choice of the lot. I hope this doesn't include actual spellcasting, just the general knowledge a wizard needs to have.

[X] Broomstick flying!
Does Harry still have the toy broom Sirius gifted him, before the whole Lilly dying against Voldemort shebang? I figure a Potter can't not like Broomstick flying.

p.s. What's the fate of Peter (Wormtail)? Harry probably hasn't heard anything of him in either case, right?
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Ok everyone, so we have a choice of character interactions. Margaery is certainly a viable option, but just because Dany is in Essos--
Wait. What kind of weird, obscure setting is this quest?! I demand a refund! :mad:

[X] Ron
[X] Uncle Remus
[X] Alby

[X] Mum
[X] Wizarding Tutors
[X] Play Dates

Basically Zooboss's vote and the same reasons for each, except with Ron instead of Uncle Sirius. I really want to see what Mazrick and Sidhenlae can do with Ron. :)

I chose Sirius for replacement instead of Remus 'cause I found Remus's description more interesting for character development. I presume that Sirius will find ways to jump into our life as we get older.

(Hehe Alby. Alby/Albi the Dragon!)
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[X] Uncle Sirius
[X] Uncle Remus
[X] Alby
[X] Aunt Alice
[X] Wizarding Tutors
[X] Experimenting with Magic!
[X] Neville
[X] Uncle Remus
[X] Alby

Best bro Neville! Adventure telling werewolf! Playing hide and seek with the most powerful wizard of the age!

[X] Mum

As stated, calling her mum won't erase Lily and besides, Neville and Rebecca call her that so it would be a bit weird for us to call her aunt.

[X] Wizarding Tutors

Boring muggle stuff vs the wonder that is magic, let me think about that one for a minute. :p

[X] Play Date

We can wait till Hogwarts to make shit happen with magic, for now let's be a social butterfly!
[X] Neville
[X] Ron
[X] Uncle Remus

[X] Mum

[X] Wizarding Tutors
[X] Broomstick flying!

James 2.0 is a go
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