Chapter 44: Hathaway's Fall-Part 10
Secretly a Cat
- Location
- The Plane of Infinite Kittens
- Pronouns
- She/Her
[X] Will not strong enough. Cave to her demands. To MacDaniels with you.
"Yeah, I'll have a Big Mic with extra onions, can't go wrong with that. We're also getting a MacChicken Deluxe, a MacEbi, a MacSpam, a MacNugget Joyful meal for my Little Sis here, two large fries, and…" You glance back at your group, "Let's get a small drink for each of us. What's the damage?"
The cashier, whose face has the universal shellshock of service workers, taps on his screen and your total comes up on the display. That's…
Not bad, actually. You were ready to pay a whole lot, this is just a little more than one of the hot dogs from Disney World! Hell, this much food would have cost more back on Cascadia!
"…Okay, what's the catch?" You frown at the young man, who's jarred out of his daze at the unusual question, "I had to pay a king's ransom for lunch, how are you asking so little for all this food? You trying to pull a fast one on us just because we're Spacenoids?"
He blinks in confusion, looks down at the clothes and souvenirs you five are sporting, and a small spark of realization glints in his eyes… before it vanishes and he returns to customer service mode.
"Food at amusement parks is marked up, ma'am." He delivers flatly with a tired look, "Here at MacDaniels, we strive to provide inexpensive, quality food to our customers. We strive to standardize our prices all across the Earth Sphere as well. The price of our food is the same planetside as it is on the colonies."
Without waiting for a response, he hands you your receipt, "Your number is 78, please take a seat and your food will be out shortly."
You hesitantly accept the slip of paper and scrutinize it. Everything seems to check out…
"…Thanks." You mutter, and you find a table with the rest of the team.
"I could have told you about the markup," Lorelei says as everyone sits, "Did you think that the prices at Disneyland were standard prices for food on Earth?"
"Yeah!" You growl, receipt crinkling in your clenched fists, "How dare those Earthnoids trick me! I even felt sympathy for them! I won't make the same mistake again!"
Dastardly Earthnoids! How low will they stoop?!
"Earthnoids smell." Sicilia sticks her tongue out at no one in particular, "That's why they steal money from us!"
"Really?" Eris grins, humoring the small Cyber Newtype, "And just what do they smell like? Dirt?"
Sicilia sneers, her reply dripping with contempt, "Gravity."
"I, uh," Theo chimes in, thoroughly confused, "I don't think that you can smell gravity."
"I can." She insists, refusing to elaborate further.
As Eris and Lorelei start up a lively discussion about what gravity would even smell like, you lean back in your chair and take a look around. This place isn't all that different in layout from some of the fast-food places back on Cascadia, but admittedly none of the major brands were present on your home colony. They were all homegrown brands who'd taken over the locations after the colony itself became isolated by the debris field. You're pretty sure you ate in an old MacDaniels before, so this layout is almost reminiscent of that. There are plenty of people here, mostly families, and a bunch of kids absorbed in their Joyful Meals. There's a constant rumbling of background conversation… it's peaceful. You wish that life was more like this.
An employee with a faded uniform and a fake smile delivers two trays of hot food to your table then walks away, and the feasting begins.
"MacNuggets…" Sicilia gasps and she opens the small container lovingly decorated with bright mascots to reveal the contents of her Joyful Meal: a little plastic novelty watch in a plastic bag, small kid's fries, and the hallowed MacNuggets themselves. She all but tears the accompanying sauce cup open and starts dunking the fried chicken into it.
Eris's "MacEbi", which looks like a burger with pineapple slices, quickly has a chunk taken out of it by your ravenous friend.
"God, this is so greasy, but so good…" She sighs, "The knockoff back home just wasn't the same."
"Yeah, what was it called again?" Theo said as he unwrapped his own chicken burger, "McDonald's or something? Way to be unoriginal."
"You should see the burger scene back where I came from." Lorelei has an amused smile as she admires her MacSpam, "We had a street called 'Burger Alley'. Each place was a competing burger joint. We had MacDaniel's, Burger Prince, ObeseBurger, Windy's, Out & In, Johnny Missiles, Four Guys, Rad Robin, Shock Shack, and Carl's Senior."
Huh. That's all the major franchises. You should visit her hometown in the future, if only for a Burger Tour.
Now, your burger, the Big Mic with extra onions…
It's good. About what you'd expect from a fast-food place, and better than the knockoff back home.
Not that the one back home wasn't good, but they were never able to get the consistency that MacDaniel's is famed for. This is junk food… but you're glad. It's been a while since you had something like this. The burgers onboard the Bellerophon is that rehydrated stuff, more reminiscent of military rations than fast-food.
You're all about halfway through your meal when you're reminded of something.
"…Hey Lorelei," You set your burger down, "In that last battle, did you see what I saw?"
She finishes chewing before innocently replying, "You'll have to be more specific than that."
Lorelei can kind of read minds, so you know that she knows what you're referring to. You narrow your eyes. Is she a part of this conspiracy?
"I mean, that Gunperry and the two GMs that were present." You clarify, more for the rest of your team than her, "You had to have seen them. They were all decked out in MacDaniel's company colors."
The rest of the team stare at you like you've grown a second head.
"I know what I saw." You insist, turning to Sicilia, "Come on, you were there too. Tell me you saw them!"
She just keeps eating, pretending that she didn't hear you. Traitor!
"Uh, Cybele," Theo says gingerly, "Are you saying that MacDaniel's tried to claim the Xi Gundam? Because that's what it sounds like you're saying."
"That's exactly what I'm saying!" You confirm without hesitation, "Think about it! They already have market dominance in certain parts of the Earth Sphere, perhaps they've moved on from thinking about economic conquest and are now planning a military campaign against us all!"
Your perfectly valid and reasonable theory receives no reply, save for the incredulous stares of your team.
They don't believe you! Bah!
"Well, when we're all slaves to Roald MacDaniel, and forced to eat MacNuggets forever, don't say that I didn't warn you!" You stuff your mouth with Big Mic. Nobody understands your genius.
"MacNuggets forever…" Sicilia repeats with wonder in her eyes, "Sieg MacDaniel…"
The conversation drifts about, from various ideas Theo has on upgrades to the Cascadia Stein, to history lessons from your resident history buff Eris. Since dinner was less expensive than you thought it would be, you get everyone ice cream shakes as dessert.
SHHLLLUUUUURP goes Sicilia's straw.
"So, I know he didn't want to come with us," Eris looks to you, "but do you know what Mort decided to do instead? I mean, I don't blame the guy, I don't think Disneyland is his thing."
It takes you a second to clear your mouth of delicious vanilla shake.
"He mentioned something about 'Becoming a Man'." You shrug, "I asked what he meant, but he just shrugged me off and said it was adult stuff."
You could swear that Eris grimaced for a second before ending that line of questioning. Huh. You wonder if she knew what Mort meant by that… you'll have to ask her later.
Your shakes are almost gone when Eris heads to the bathroom, and that's when Theo leans forward and whispers to you in a hushed voice.
"Um, Cybele? Sorry to bother you about this, but… have you noticed Eris being… nice?"
"I don't know, but even if she is, I fail to see how that's a problem." You counter.
"No, but I mean, weirdly nice." He insists urgently, "She is never this nice to me! She hasn't called me a name, put me in a chokehold, slapped me on the back, stolen my clothes, made me buy her things, or thrown a drink at me all week!"
Lorelei turns to look at Theo in confusion, mouths "Oh" as she gleans some kind of Newtype revelation from mind-reading, then goes back to her shake.
"She's trying to make me drop my guard so she can pull a fast one on me, I just know it!" Theo continues under his breath, "You gotta help me, Cybele! I'm too young to die!"
Okay, he's overreacting.
"Relax, Theo." You pat him on the shoulder, "I'm sure she's just preoccupied. We all are. Now if you excuse me, I have to hit the bathroom too."
"Alright," He frowns as you get up, "But if I wake up to the inside of my cockpit covered in melted butter, it will be on your head!"
You enter the Ladies Room as Eris is washing her hands.
"If you're going to tell Theo, you better make it quick," You whisper as you pass by the sinks, "He's starting to get freaked out."
Eris flinches as you pass, "W-What? Dunno what you mean by that, Cybele. Whatever."
She leaves awfully fast, though, barely taking the time to dry her hands.
Urgh, you can't wait till Eris finally admits to everyone that she likes Theo. It's not like you're all back on Cascadia, there aren't other social groups of your peers that'll judge her for liking Theo. He may not have been a Cascadian native, but that didn't mean jack shit now.
After you finish your business and start washing your hands, you notice a little framed photo on the wall, with a little plaque beneath it. You turn to look at it… and freeze.
In the photo, two men pose in front of two large GMs, the former in Federation uniforms and the latter painted in MacDaniel's colors. A Gunperry in similar livery sits off to the side, cut off.
The plaque reads, "During the One Year War, MacDaniel's showed its dedication to the war effort by donating the funds to purchase two Mobile Suits to the Earth Federation ground forces. The pilots of the respective units painted them in MacDaniel's livery to show their appreciation for the gesture."
Those two! It was those two units that you saw during the fight! You're sure of it! But… why?
The others need to see this!
You hurry and finish washing up, before running back out to the others who are getting ready to leave.
"Hey, come with me, I'm not crazy and I can prove it!" You grab onto Eris and Theo and start dragging them towards the restrooms. You ignore their protests. They must know the truth!
But when you turn the corner to the bathrooms, one of the restaurant staff has closed off the girl's bathroom! They've got a little caddy with soapy water and a mop, but you know that they're just trying to hide the truth!
"I'm sorry, ma'am, the women's room is currently closed." The tired young man says as you try to push past him, "Feel free to use the unisex one in the meantime."
"No! I have to get into this bathroom!" You insist vehemently, "It's very important!"
"Oh come on, Cybele, don't make a scene." Eris sighs, dragging you back with Theo's help, "Sorry sir, our friend is just tired. We'll be on our way."
Carried away by your arms, feet dragging, you shout in defiance.
"You can't cover up the truth forever, MacDaniel's! I'm onto you!"
Even with the MacDaniel's detour, you all made it back to the ship in time. Mort's back as well, having arrived before you. Judging from his demeanor, things didn't go well.
"Hey man," You nudge him as the two of you stand near the open hangar doors., "How was your night? I thought you were going to 'become a man' or something."
"…Uh, yeah…" He sighs despondently, "I kind of… backed out. It was intimidating, alright?"
You just smile comfortingly and pat him on the back. You have no idea what he backed out of, or why it was so intimidating, but it's your job as team leader to be supportive!
Luio and Co are loading the last of the supplies, and the deck crew is doing an admirable job of securing it all. You'll be ready for launch in no time!
A hundred or so meters away you see a HKDF (Hong Kong Defense Force) Guncannon Detector deployed on one of the piers, guns facing out into the port. Not too far away is a GM III… huh, it's docked with a G-Defenser. You know they can do that, but that's not normally done unless they're expecting a fight…
There's a twinge, a sharp sting of intent. From the look in Lorelei and Sicilia's eyes, they feel it too. Even Eris and Theo stare out at the open waters with you as you sense something coming towards Hong Kong. Something big.
"Hrm…" Sicilia mutters, squinting suspiciously, "I smell gravity."
"Let's go suit up." You motion for your team to follow, "Something's coming."
Mort eyes you in concern as you zip up your flight suit, "Cybele, the Captain isn't going to like us launching right now. We're supposed to getting ready for takeoff."
"Well," Lorelei replies for you, "Can't takeoff if we're dead!"
"Still," He shakes his head, "Cybele, I get it, you want to protect the ship, but you're a soldier now. We all are. We can't just act unilaterally like this. Getting ready is fine, but I don't think we should launch right now. If you're right and there really is something out there, I'm sure the Captain will give us the order before too long."
True, but if you wait that long then they'll be upon you! You want to preemptively deal with this!
There is the HKDF to consider, though. They have an appreciable amount of firepower. If you let whatever is out there come to you, you'll have some serious backup. That does put the Bellerophon at risk though, not to mention the Broadway.
[] Mort's concerns are noted. You're launching now.
[] Mort is right. You'll stay on standby until orders come in.
[] Mort is right, but you can't wait. You'll need to convince the Captain.
"Yeah, I'll have a Big Mic with extra onions, can't go wrong with that. We're also getting a MacChicken Deluxe, a MacEbi, a MacSpam, a MacNugget Joyful meal for my Little Sis here, two large fries, and…" You glance back at your group, "Let's get a small drink for each of us. What's the damage?"
The cashier, whose face has the universal shellshock of service workers, taps on his screen and your total comes up on the display. That's…
Not bad, actually. You were ready to pay a whole lot, this is just a little more than one of the hot dogs from Disney World! Hell, this much food would have cost more back on Cascadia!
"…Okay, what's the catch?" You frown at the young man, who's jarred out of his daze at the unusual question, "I had to pay a king's ransom for lunch, how are you asking so little for all this food? You trying to pull a fast one on us just because we're Spacenoids?"
He blinks in confusion, looks down at the clothes and souvenirs you five are sporting, and a small spark of realization glints in his eyes… before it vanishes and he returns to customer service mode.
"Food at amusement parks is marked up, ma'am." He delivers flatly with a tired look, "Here at MacDaniels, we strive to provide inexpensive, quality food to our customers. We strive to standardize our prices all across the Earth Sphere as well. The price of our food is the same planetside as it is on the colonies."
Without waiting for a response, he hands you your receipt, "Your number is 78, please take a seat and your food will be out shortly."
You hesitantly accept the slip of paper and scrutinize it. Everything seems to check out…
"…Thanks." You mutter, and you find a table with the rest of the team.
"I could have told you about the markup," Lorelei says as everyone sits, "Did you think that the prices at Disneyland were standard prices for food on Earth?"
"Yeah!" You growl, receipt crinkling in your clenched fists, "How dare those Earthnoids trick me! I even felt sympathy for them! I won't make the same mistake again!"
Dastardly Earthnoids! How low will they stoop?!
"Earthnoids smell." Sicilia sticks her tongue out at no one in particular, "That's why they steal money from us!"
"Really?" Eris grins, humoring the small Cyber Newtype, "And just what do they smell like? Dirt?"
Sicilia sneers, her reply dripping with contempt, "Gravity."
"I, uh," Theo chimes in, thoroughly confused, "I don't think that you can smell gravity."
"I can." She insists, refusing to elaborate further.
As Eris and Lorelei start up a lively discussion about what gravity would even smell like, you lean back in your chair and take a look around. This place isn't all that different in layout from some of the fast-food places back on Cascadia, but admittedly none of the major brands were present on your home colony. They were all homegrown brands who'd taken over the locations after the colony itself became isolated by the debris field. You're pretty sure you ate in an old MacDaniels before, so this layout is almost reminiscent of that. There are plenty of people here, mostly families, and a bunch of kids absorbed in their Joyful Meals. There's a constant rumbling of background conversation… it's peaceful. You wish that life was more like this.
An employee with a faded uniform and a fake smile delivers two trays of hot food to your table then walks away, and the feasting begins.
"MacNuggets…" Sicilia gasps and she opens the small container lovingly decorated with bright mascots to reveal the contents of her Joyful Meal: a little plastic novelty watch in a plastic bag, small kid's fries, and the hallowed MacNuggets themselves. She all but tears the accompanying sauce cup open and starts dunking the fried chicken into it.
Eris's "MacEbi", which looks like a burger with pineapple slices, quickly has a chunk taken out of it by your ravenous friend.
"God, this is so greasy, but so good…" She sighs, "The knockoff back home just wasn't the same."
"Yeah, what was it called again?" Theo said as he unwrapped his own chicken burger, "McDonald's or something? Way to be unoriginal."
"You should see the burger scene back where I came from." Lorelei has an amused smile as she admires her MacSpam, "We had a street called 'Burger Alley'. Each place was a competing burger joint. We had MacDaniel's, Burger Prince, ObeseBurger, Windy's, Out & In, Johnny Missiles, Four Guys, Rad Robin, Shock Shack, and Carl's Senior."
Huh. That's all the major franchises. You should visit her hometown in the future, if only for a Burger Tour.
Now, your burger, the Big Mic with extra onions…
It's good. About what you'd expect from a fast-food place, and better than the knockoff back home.
Not that the one back home wasn't good, but they were never able to get the consistency that MacDaniel's is famed for. This is junk food… but you're glad. It's been a while since you had something like this. The burgers onboard the Bellerophon is that rehydrated stuff, more reminiscent of military rations than fast-food.
You're all about halfway through your meal when you're reminded of something.
"…Hey Lorelei," You set your burger down, "In that last battle, did you see what I saw?"
She finishes chewing before innocently replying, "You'll have to be more specific than that."
Lorelei can kind of read minds, so you know that she knows what you're referring to. You narrow your eyes. Is she a part of this conspiracy?
"I mean, that Gunperry and the two GMs that were present." You clarify, more for the rest of your team than her, "You had to have seen them. They were all decked out in MacDaniel's company colors."
The rest of the team stare at you like you've grown a second head.
"I know what I saw." You insist, turning to Sicilia, "Come on, you were there too. Tell me you saw them!"
She just keeps eating, pretending that she didn't hear you. Traitor!
"Uh, Cybele," Theo says gingerly, "Are you saying that MacDaniel's tried to claim the Xi Gundam? Because that's what it sounds like you're saying."
"That's exactly what I'm saying!" You confirm without hesitation, "Think about it! They already have market dominance in certain parts of the Earth Sphere, perhaps they've moved on from thinking about economic conquest and are now planning a military campaign against us all!"
Your perfectly valid and reasonable theory receives no reply, save for the incredulous stares of your team.
They don't believe you! Bah!
"Well, when we're all slaves to Roald MacDaniel, and forced to eat MacNuggets forever, don't say that I didn't warn you!" You stuff your mouth with Big Mic. Nobody understands your genius.
"MacNuggets forever…" Sicilia repeats with wonder in her eyes, "Sieg MacDaniel…"
The conversation drifts about, from various ideas Theo has on upgrades to the Cascadia Stein, to history lessons from your resident history buff Eris. Since dinner was less expensive than you thought it would be, you get everyone ice cream shakes as dessert.
SHHLLLUUUUURP goes Sicilia's straw.
"So, I know he didn't want to come with us," Eris looks to you, "but do you know what Mort decided to do instead? I mean, I don't blame the guy, I don't think Disneyland is his thing."
It takes you a second to clear your mouth of delicious vanilla shake.
"He mentioned something about 'Becoming a Man'." You shrug, "I asked what he meant, but he just shrugged me off and said it was adult stuff."
You could swear that Eris grimaced for a second before ending that line of questioning. Huh. You wonder if she knew what Mort meant by that… you'll have to ask her later.
Your shakes are almost gone when Eris heads to the bathroom, and that's when Theo leans forward and whispers to you in a hushed voice.
"Um, Cybele? Sorry to bother you about this, but… have you noticed Eris being… nice?"
"I don't know, but even if she is, I fail to see how that's a problem." You counter.
"No, but I mean, weirdly nice." He insists urgently, "She is never this nice to me! She hasn't called me a name, put me in a chokehold, slapped me on the back, stolen my clothes, made me buy her things, or thrown a drink at me all week!"
Lorelei turns to look at Theo in confusion, mouths "Oh" as she gleans some kind of Newtype revelation from mind-reading, then goes back to her shake.
"She's trying to make me drop my guard so she can pull a fast one on me, I just know it!" Theo continues under his breath, "You gotta help me, Cybele! I'm too young to die!"
Okay, he's overreacting.
"Relax, Theo." You pat him on the shoulder, "I'm sure she's just preoccupied. We all are. Now if you excuse me, I have to hit the bathroom too."
"Alright," He frowns as you get up, "But if I wake up to the inside of my cockpit covered in melted butter, it will be on your head!"
You enter the Ladies Room as Eris is washing her hands.
"If you're going to tell Theo, you better make it quick," You whisper as you pass by the sinks, "He's starting to get freaked out."
Eris flinches as you pass, "W-What? Dunno what you mean by that, Cybele. Whatever."
She leaves awfully fast, though, barely taking the time to dry her hands.
Urgh, you can't wait till Eris finally admits to everyone that she likes Theo. It's not like you're all back on Cascadia, there aren't other social groups of your peers that'll judge her for liking Theo. He may not have been a Cascadian native, but that didn't mean jack shit now.
After you finish your business and start washing your hands, you notice a little framed photo on the wall, with a little plaque beneath it. You turn to look at it… and freeze.
In the photo, two men pose in front of two large GMs, the former in Federation uniforms and the latter painted in MacDaniel's colors. A Gunperry in similar livery sits off to the side, cut off.
The plaque reads, "During the One Year War, MacDaniel's showed its dedication to the war effort by donating the funds to purchase two Mobile Suits to the Earth Federation ground forces. The pilots of the respective units painted them in MacDaniel's livery to show their appreciation for the gesture."
Those two! It was those two units that you saw during the fight! You're sure of it! But… why?
The others need to see this!
You hurry and finish washing up, before running back out to the others who are getting ready to leave.
"Hey, come with me, I'm not crazy and I can prove it!" You grab onto Eris and Theo and start dragging them towards the restrooms. You ignore their protests. They must know the truth!
But when you turn the corner to the bathrooms, one of the restaurant staff has closed off the girl's bathroom! They've got a little caddy with soapy water and a mop, but you know that they're just trying to hide the truth!
"I'm sorry, ma'am, the women's room is currently closed." The tired young man says as you try to push past him, "Feel free to use the unisex one in the meantime."
"No! I have to get into this bathroom!" You insist vehemently, "It's very important!"
"Oh come on, Cybele, don't make a scene." Eris sighs, dragging you back with Theo's help, "Sorry sir, our friend is just tired. We'll be on our way."
Carried away by your arms, feet dragging, you shout in defiance.
"You can't cover up the truth forever, MacDaniel's! I'm onto you!"
Even with the MacDaniel's detour, you all made it back to the ship in time. Mort's back as well, having arrived before you. Judging from his demeanor, things didn't go well.
"Hey man," You nudge him as the two of you stand near the open hangar doors., "How was your night? I thought you were going to 'become a man' or something."
"…Uh, yeah…" He sighs despondently, "I kind of… backed out. It was intimidating, alright?"
You just smile comfortingly and pat him on the back. You have no idea what he backed out of, or why it was so intimidating, but it's your job as team leader to be supportive!
Luio and Co are loading the last of the supplies, and the deck crew is doing an admirable job of securing it all. You'll be ready for launch in no time!
A hundred or so meters away you see a HKDF (Hong Kong Defense Force) Guncannon Detector deployed on one of the piers, guns facing out into the port. Not too far away is a GM III… huh, it's docked with a G-Defenser. You know they can do that, but that's not normally done unless they're expecting a fight…
There's a twinge, a sharp sting of intent. From the look in Lorelei and Sicilia's eyes, they feel it too. Even Eris and Theo stare out at the open waters with you as you sense something coming towards Hong Kong. Something big.
"Hrm…" Sicilia mutters, squinting suspiciously, "I smell gravity."
"Let's go suit up." You motion for your team to follow, "Something's coming."
Mort eyes you in concern as you zip up your flight suit, "Cybele, the Captain isn't going to like us launching right now. We're supposed to getting ready for takeoff."
"Well," Lorelei replies for you, "Can't takeoff if we're dead!"
"Still," He shakes his head, "Cybele, I get it, you want to protect the ship, but you're a soldier now. We all are. We can't just act unilaterally like this. Getting ready is fine, but I don't think we should launch right now. If you're right and there really is something out there, I'm sure the Captain will give us the order before too long."
True, but if you wait that long then they'll be upon you! You want to preemptively deal with this!
There is the HKDF to consider, though. They have an appreciable amount of firepower. If you let whatever is out there come to you, you'll have some serious backup. That does put the Bellerophon at risk though, not to mention the Broadway.
[] Mort's concerns are noted. You're launching now.
[] Mort is right. You'll stay on standby until orders come in.
[] Mort is right, but you can't wait. You'll need to convince the Captain.