1.1, 1.2


Right, as I'm likely to be continuing these reactions, time to move them to a separate thread.
*watching Symphogear 1.1*
Darkish skin. Yellow Eyes. Ears may be pointed. Red hair.
My Xehanort senses are tingling.

Wow, this got dark quick. People are explicitly dying left and right to the monsters.

Aaand the viewpoint character just got heartshotted and is spurting blood.
No wonder they were on the grave at the beginning.

Music's gone piano in reaction to heartshot girl's death. Now time-
Wait, why is their spear disintegrating? Final Song? Is that a suicide attack?
EDIT: Yeep. Suicide attack.

Huh. Heartshot isn't dead.
Red Wing, on the other hand, literally dissolved from the suicide attack.
Music school. I'm now confused. What the hell's going on?

I'm used to Tachibana in the context of Kamen Rider. The MC being called that feels weird for no adequate reason.
I think that's the girl that cancelled going to the concert. We flashing backwards again?
Wait, no, this is after. The hospital managed to save her, at the cost of a nasty scar.
Oh hello there masquerade. Why are the defenders secret but the threat public?
Military VS SachielNoise. This ain't gonna go well.

Blue Wing apparently upgraded to long traily bits after Red Wing died. Also going LEEROY JENKINS on Sachiel.
Okay, this background lyric set isn't being subbed. Do I need to track down another source, or is this unimportant?
GATE OF BABYLON! EXCALIBUR! Sachiel is now dead.
Okay, why is Blue Wing at the school?
And of course Hibiki walks straight into what I'm pretty sure is another attack.
Ah, Hibiki's saving a little girl. The Noise are going to be chasing her, aren't they?
Yep, just as she trips.
Ambush on the rooftop. Of course.
Singing. It's the end-of-episode henshin!
...Okay, whatever this "Gugnir" is doing to her body, it doesn't look good, from how her teeth just went all carnivore.
Correction: All Anti-Sora.

Right, 1.2.
Irish Music apparently dispels going Anti-Sora. Good to know.
I see what 'Kal meant about significant lyrics. Even Hibiki has no idea why the background singing's on.
Unfortunately, being a magical girl doesn't come with an instruction manual, though she manages to land fine.
She finally works out punching as a motorbike comes in.
Ah. Blue Wing Interrupt. Hibiki's playing defense here.
I don't think Blue Wing took losing Red Wing well.
And Blue Wing oneshots it again.
Sudden henshin collapse. I suspect the government wants to use the magical girls for more than just monsterbusting.

Goddamit MIB. Were handcuffs really neccesary?
Ah. The Geofront's under the school. That explains Blue Wing going there.
The Geofront seems remarkably colourful for a secret base.
Welcome party. Hibiki and Bluewing are just as wat as me.
why are you asking her to strip. you're NERV, not Nudist Beach.

Ah, it's been two years since Red Wing died.
[INSERT YURI FUEL HERE]. Masquerade's making things difficult.
Yep. Blue Wing still doesn't take Red Wing's death well.
"Your life is like that of an anime character" Fourth Wall Damage: 1%
Blue Wing is not keen on Hibiki apparently having Red Wing's stuff. Hence, back into the Geofront in handcuffs.
Apparently the Magical Girls are powered by Noble Phantasms. Which one's Divine Sword supposed to be?
Right. MGs use song chants to unleash their Noble Phantasms into the Symphogear armour.
Ah, that heartshot was from Gungnir. Ironic. Blue Wing continues to not take it well.
Monster attacks. The best way to interrupt awkward situations.

Ah, I see we're pointing out how being that eager to fight isn't normal, Shirou-style.
The monsters can combine now?!
Okay, what's up with the henshin words?
And Dynamic Entry from Hibiki!
To be continued next episode.
what the fuck is up with the ending.
Magia, with extra Mami and lack of clothes on important parts.
Episode Three!
Wait, what happened to the "Let's fight" from the previous episode?
Oh, month's timeskip.
Stock consequence of superheroing: Your time for schoolwork gets impacted.
Flashback to "Let's fight". Commander is hands-on in stopping morons.
Bluewing really needs a therapist to get over Redwing's death.
Bluewing, Gugnir's a spear, not a sword.
GIANT SWORD KICK! Commander punches it out. Commander is awesome.
Goddamnit, Bluewing really needs therapy.
Not the best choice of words there, Hibiki.
And of course Bluewing blames herself for Redwing's death. Goddamnit, Japanese attitudes to therapy.
Hibiki isn't taking the lack of teamwork well, either.
HQ's used a chain of logic to speculate that someone's behind the Noise. Given how they're supposedly the monsters and demons of old, I'll call them Echinda.
Yep. NERV is containing Lillith a mostly-complete Durandal in Terminal Dogma.
Ah, politics. USA wants the supermagicgirl armour for themselves.
Bluewing. Therapy. Needed. Sees herself as solely a weapon.
...The scientist woman is being rather creepy.
"Well, it's not as if you'll get much done now. This isn't anime". Fourth Wall damage: 2%
...The Noise are going to interrupt them watching shooting stars, aren't they?
Yep. Being hero is suffering for social life.
Mooks are fine. Bomberman, less so.
...Oh dear. I think we're about to get a Berserker rage here.
Anti-Sora's back. Not Good.
...Apparently, it can't last too long though. Hibiki's shortly back to normal.
Dynamic entry oneshot from Bluewing. Again. Wonder if HQ got the Berserkering on record?
BUT SUDDENLY third person in what I assume is Symphogear armour!
Nehustan? I'll have to look up that myth.
Episode 4
As with last episode, we start by failing to show what actually happened last time. Five Years Ago Flashback.
Oh, it's Red Wing. Oh. Tragic backstory, and is that RAGE tendencies I see? HER PARENTS ARE DEEEEEAD!
Redwing keeps raging. Commander proceeds to comfort her. Commander is still awesome.
NERV testing isn't exactly painless-is Commander clenching so hard he's drawing blood?!
And Redwing isn't compatible with Gugnir. Clearly that changes.
...Right now, via Redwing shooting herself in the headneck and summoning her Persona. I don't like the mad look on her face.
Literally coughing up blood, Redwing is. Commander sends for help, before Redwing's bloody hand hits the glass and she transforms. I heard Gungnir in the singing there.
Right. Redwing started as RAGE, before mellowing when she realised people's gratefulness for her work.
Back to the present and Neshutan, which is apparently Moses's snake.
...Bluewing has history with Snake. I'm wondering if Bluewing used to use Neshutan.
Hibiki tries to stop them fighting. Both Bluewing and Snake call her mad. Realising this starts the fighting.
Damnit, unsubbed background music again.
...Okay, Snake's apparently using an unbroken Symphogear. Bluewing may be having trouble.
Hibiki isn't doing well against Noise saliva. Snake knows exactly what to say to push Bluewing's buttons.
"You seem to think you're the main character here. You're wrong." Fourth Wall Damage: 3%
...And Hibiki was the goal from the start. The badguys apparently want Odin's spear.
Unfortunately, she can't summon her weapon. And Bluewing's having trouble with Snake.
That said, she can just about keep up, so Snake resorts to Electro Ball to take her out.
And Bluewing's still standing. Snake gloats, but she's already pinned.
And the swansong starts. And Commander isn't there to interrupt yet.
Snake summons more Noise. Bluewing's already past them.
It oneshotted Snake. But she still got away. Bluewing's gonna have killed herself for nothing.
She's streaming blood from her mouth and eyes. I think that just broke Bluewing.
On the one hand, they managed to save her. On the other, Hibiki's been hit hard by this.
Backstory dump for Hibiki, and an explanation that the Swansong pushes past the body's limits for MAX POWER.
Also, Bluewing is confirmed not to have taken Redwing's death well.
MEANWHILE IN DREAMLAND, it's time for the Zwei Wing reunion.
Unfortunately, Bluewing can't breathe underwater. Reaching Redwing is futile.
NERV is speculating that Snake had a mole. Meanwhile, Hibiki's blaming herself for everything. What a lovely divebomb for the mood.
The flashback ends before the mood turns around, and Hibiki's friend has turned up.
Oh hey, handholding. Wasn't that in the OP that didn't air this episode? That said, Hibiki's friend is remarkably perceptive.
Today's aesop: Be true to yourself, don't try changing into something you're not.
Seems Hibiki has found her resolve. I suspect this unlocks her weapon as well.
Wait, why are the credits using the Irish Transformation Music?
Hibiki goes to the logical person for awesome training: Commander.
...Training is apparently a montage that starts with mimicing action movies. Pfft.
There's Hibiki's friend again, hiding in the background of a shot.
Oh dear. Masquerade-induced drama. Again.
Ahh, Symphogear is a wonderful trio of anime.

I'm glad I found this right as you hit the point where the first starts to really pick up :D

And yea, the Commander is like 100 different kinds of awesome. Really helps that he's voiced by the second guy who voices Ryoma in Getter Robo :cool:
Last edited:
Episode 5
Seems like the training worked; Hibiki managed to punch off that bag. There was a random heartshot though...
Oh hey, Snake's joined the opening.
English speaking. Another relic in Solomon's Key. The presumably-Americans ask how the tests are going.
MYSTERY WOMAN with a Noise Gunner. Have the Americans been developing Noise-summoning weapons?
Confirmation that Possibly America is up to Shady Stuff. I blame Trump.
Seems MYSTERY WOMAN has been playing America for fools. And has Snake, now named Chris, shackled to a cross. Is Solomon's Key also Moses's Snake?
...Snake is following MYSTERY WOMAN for a wish. This is her punishment for failing to drag Hibiki here. I'm liking this woman less and less as time goes on.
She's literally electrocuting Snake for jollies. Fuck you, mystery woman.
...Why is Mystery Woman nude?
Again, fuck you mystery woman.
Meanwhile, with her friend covering for her, Hibiki asks why they're using teenage girls to fight.
Seems NERV is unpopular with the government because of the collateral.
Yep. Japan wants to use the Symphogear as a weapon.
Scientist Woman is off reporting to the Government. Security's been namedropped. NERV's gonna get attacked, isn't it?
And Ms Scientist is apparently the result of Misato and Ritsuko fusing, judging by her driving.
Now we return to Dreamland, where Bluewing failed to die.
Oh hey Redwing. I see you agree that Bluewing took your death way too hard.
Alright, even Bluewing knows how hard she took Redwing's death.
One heart-to-heart between Zwei Wing later, they wake.
Apparently this is Bluewing's first unauthorised absence. There goes 100% attendance.
Cut to the government guy. The one who actually helps NERV.
...Only for a truckfull of soldiers to cut them off. They're gonna get kidnapped, aren't they?
And everyone gets slaughtered. Goddamnit America.
SciLady arrives to the news of their one ally on the government being assassinated. I can assume this is Not Good.
And SciLady has orders from the governm-Why does the suitcase have blood on it?
Their orders: Transport the sword(that actually looks like a sword) from Terminal Dogma to a secure vault under Parliament. It's gonna get stolen, isn't it?
Okay. Durandal is literally kept in Terminal Dogma 2km underground.
Meanwhile, more masquerade trouble for Hibiki. Her friend is really worrying for her.
Someone left the Sun lying around, complete with the scantily-clad girls. Hibiki does get the news of Bluewing's recovery, though.
More aesops from the manager: They're an organisation for a reason. Don't shoulder the burden alone.
And so, the operation begins. I suspect Snake's gonna turn up too.
Commander's follwing by helicopter. Hibiki's the first to notice the cracking road.
A second car goes down to a manhole. The Noise are apparently in the sewers.
And another car down. Commander, being awesome, has twigged that the Noise aren't harming the sword. Which indicates sentient control.
SciLady doesn't look happy about them not retreating.
And the final car down. Time for the confrontation over Durandal-wait, I recognise that effect. That's the Noise Gunner.
Oh hi there Snake. SciLady advocates leaving Durandal behind again.
The heels on the outfit are in the way. So Hibiki breaks them.
That training worked. Hibiki's slaughtering the Noise.
And apparently Hibiki's singing activated Durandal, from the looks of it.
Snake pulls a Dynamic Entry to interrupt, and Durandal literally spins out of its casing.
Snake goes for the sword, Hibiki punches her out the way, and everything inverts the moment Hibiki touches the sword.
Hibiki's going feral again, but I think we're about to get an Excaliblast.
Oh dear, Anti-Sora's back. Snake engages DOOOOODGE as her summoned Noise and whatever's behind them gets Excaliblasted.
SciLady now has an unconscious Hibiki and Durandal in her AT field. Somehow, I don't think this is good.
...Wait, it's fine. Everyone's still there, including the sword. No explanation for the AT Field, though.
Hibiki also wants an explanation for the AT field. Not coming, unfortunately.
And of course the episode ends there, with Durandal getting returned to Terminal Dogma.
Mystery Woman speaks probably the worst engrish I've ever heard in all my years watching anime.

Behold the power of the Commander's Training Montage! Hibiki went from barely knowing how to fight to kicking All The Ass after a single one :D
Mystery Woman speaks probably the worst engrish I've ever heard in all my years watching anime.

Behold the power of the Commander's Training Montage! Hibiki went from barely knowing how to fight to kicking All The Ass after a single one :D
To be fair, considering that the other half of the conversation is fairly decent English (by anime standards) and that Mystery Woman is basically insulting them, it's almost certainly intentionally bad Engrish.
Episode 6
Oh hello Mystery Woman's Castle. I have a bad feeling.
Oh, it's just Chris on the waterfront, musing on the Excaliblast.
Fenie? Do we have a name for Mystery Woman? Either way, it took Snake half a year to get the Staff to work, yet Hibiki Excaliblasted instantly. Snake is not happy about this.
Oh hey, the opening continues to be added to.
Fenie is apparently obsessed with Hibiki. Meanwhile, we get a series of flashback stills about Chris's Not Good childhood.
Speak of the devil, and she appears. Chris insists she's better than Hibiki.
Bluwing's staggering out of the hospital. She seems to be finally taking advice of recovering from Redwing's death by not focusing on combat.
Unfortunately, the nurses have found her to drag her back to the hospital. Hibiki's worried about how she jumped straight to Excaliblasting Snake.
Meanwhile, Commander's back from the funeral. The bright side of the transfer being called off is that they can upgrade NERV's defences in case of invasion.
The Defence Minister got a promotion to replace the dead guy. Given that the last Defence Minister I saw was Drive's Freeze, I have a bad feeling about this one.
Apparently, he's Pro-American, and the Americans are going to be able to influence Japan more. Given how they want Symphogear, I doubt this is good.
The Masquerade continues to kill Hibiki's social life.
...How did Bluewing manage to trash her hospital room so fast? She's still supposed to be recovering.
Apparently, NERV assumed she'd been kidnapped. That's some impressive room-trashing.
Meanwhile, the friend's spotted Hibiki and Bluewing speaking. I can literally feel the drama incoming. Added irony for the "Be honest with yourself" book.
Bluewing asks why Hibiki fights. Seems not being decent at other things, and being saved by Redwing, means that she wants to help others, as she doesn't need to compete.
Bluewing warns that it could become suicide, fighting like that to cover old wounds. Basically what she was doing.
Hibiki wishes to protect her ordinary life. For that, she'll fight. If she faces Noise, she'll slaughter them as fast as she can. If she's facing a human, she'll try to express her feelings on if they need to fight.
Friend's not taking the masquerade well, but she's resolved to talk to Hibiki about it. This is gonna go well.
Oh dear. Incoming Snake.
And Hibiki runs into her friend just as Snake attacks. Pop goes the masquerade!
Incoming falling car. Hibiki tranforms to protect her friend.
She's leading Snake away from her friend. Who's probably realised what all the secrets were about now.
Snake calls her a dumb bitch. Hibiki corrects her...by infodumping her entire profile.
Hibiki's making good on her promise. And dodging Snake's attacks, but that's less important.
Her optimism is really pissing off Snake. She responds with two Electroballs.
Hibiki's still standing. Though she then blows herself up with Aura Sphere.
She can't use external attacks. So dedicate that power to internal attacks instead. Grab Snake's whips, then proceed to hit her straight with a Rocker Punch.
We end with Snake's armour cracking and the friend crying as she stands watching the smoke.
Episode 7
According to Snake, she's still dealing with the damage from Bluewing's Swansong. Doesn't mean the damage from that punch isn't healing, though.
Snake gives out her full name of Chris Yukine accidentally. Hibiki still doesn't want to fight. Snake is still pissed.
Wait, no, this is a Form Change. Which HQ is up in arms about her having a second relic.
Damnit, subs didn't localise the song again. Snake's pissed about having to sing.
Snake Form 2 specialises in bows and guns. Hibiki's having trouble dodging.
And by 'guns', we mean she's gone into full missile spam mode. With gatling guns as well.
The smoke clears to reveal a shield. Well, technically sword, but it's working as a shield.
Having got over Redwing's death more, Bluewing's style has completely changed. Rather than ruthless attacking, she's effortlessly dodging Snake's fire.
[NOISE INTERRUPT?!] Two take out the guns, while Hibiki counters a third aimed at Chris.
And here's Fine. Declaring Snake a faliure. Again. Given she has the Gunner, Chris has probably failed her for the last time.
Yep. Fine is ditching her. And she's getting rather emotional over it.
Noise are summoned as Fine makes her getaway. Chris pursues.
Meanwhile, NERV has tracked her down to her disappearance two years ago. Same time that Redwing died. (They've also brought in Hibiki's friend.)
Bluewing no longer seems to need therapy. That's good. All it took was nearly dying.
...Gugnir's apparently fusing with her heart, granting her enhanced healing. That presumably explains the random heartshot during training.
The fallout from the broken secrets is finally hitting Hibiki, and her friend's not happy. Meanwhile, Chris is wandering in the park after being abandoned by Fine.
Presumably due to those flasbacks, Chris wants to end war. Apparently, she aims to do that by crushing anyone who'd cause war.
Despite Chris jumping to conclusions about the siblings, I like this random kid. Also recognise his voice from somewhere.
Chris is very much a tsundere. And despite her hating singing, she's unconsciously humming.
Aesop of the day: Even if you fight with people, you can still get along. Time to cut to the other two in a similar situation. They're not doing well.
...Why is SciLady giving out an infodump on Symphogears on the phone?
It apparently took an entire concert to activate the Symphogear that Chris was previously using, but Hibiki can just Excaliblast right off the bat.
Shot of a butterfly on a mug, shortly before the infodump in the stalker shrine descends into magibabble. Like the one on Fine's hat. I have a feeling that SciLady's the mole spoken about earlier.
Back at school, relationships are still frosty between Hibiki and her friend.
"Can you compare it to some anime so I can understand it?" Fourth Wall Damage: 4%
Nevertheless, the other trio immediately manage to accidentally home in on the issue. Miku runs off in tears.
And crack goes that emotional anchor. The credits seem a bit early this episode.
Yep. Post-credit scene. Fine's on the phone to AMERICA, while Chris has tracked her down.
Fine proceeds to mercilessly explain how she played Chris like a damn fiddle, before donning golden Symphogear armour. Chris knows too much. Time to die.
That grin reminds me of Gilgamesh for some reason. Must be the arrogance.
And now Chris becomes a walking Gundam reference, having switched to her actual relic :D

Those crossbow handguns? Crossbone
The twin gatling guns they turn into? Heavyarms from Endless Waltz
That missile barrage? Normal Heavyarms, I think
Incidentally, [Ichaival] is the bow of Odin, said to be able to turn a single arrow into ten. This manifests as her having a lot of dakka.
Also, just FYI, there's an important detail, which you seem to have missed (easy for that to happen), about the armor that Chris was initially using.

That thing is a Complete Relic (like Durandal), not a Symphogear. It's a relic that has always been an armor. Complete Relics are ones that are still in their original form, not shattered into little pieces by the flow of time.

The thing about Complete Relics is that they are far, far more difficult to activate than the Relic Fragments used to create a Symphogear (the fragments are inside those red pendants, along with some high tech stuff), but will stay activated for a very long time without needing anyone to sing. That means that after being activated, anyone can wield a Complete Relic. That's also the reason why Chris wasn't singing during earlier fights.
Also, just FYI, there's an important detail, which you seem to have missed (easy for that to happen), about the armor that Chris was initially using.

That thing is a Complete Relic (like Durandal), not a Symphogear. It's a relic that has always been an armor. Complete Relics are ones that are still in their original form, not shattered into little pieces by the flow of time.

The thing about Complete Relics is that they are far, far more difficult to activate than the Relic Fragments used to create a Symphogear (the fragments are inside those red pendants, along with some high tech stuff), but will stay activated for a very long time without needing anyone to sing. That means that after being activated, anyone can wield a Complete Relic. That's also the reason why Chris wasn't singing during earlier fights.
I'd actually mentioned that back up in Episode 4, though I referred to it as a Complete Symphogear rather than the technically-correct term.
I'd actually mentioned that back up in Episode 4, though I referred to it as a Complete Symphogear rather than the technically-correct term.
Yeah, it's actually a big difference. A Symphogear uses a bunch of modern technology to artificially draw out part of the power of a Relic, creating an armor regardless of which Relic is used. Getting that part done is the entire purpose of all the tiny, complex technology that's inside those crystalline pendants together with the Relic Fragments.

All the fancy science information that other countries want is the theory behind how to create those pendants.
Yeah, it's actually a big difference. A Symphogear uses a bunch of modern technology to artificially draw out part of the power of a Relic, creating an armor regardless of which Relic is used. Getting that part done is the entire purpose of all the tiny, complex technology that's inside those crystalline pendants together with the Relic Fragments.

All the fancy science information that other countries want is the theory behind how to create those pendants.
...And yet, as I understand, Hibiki's operating off the Gugnir fragments that heartshotted her back in Episode one.
Which presumably lacks said techbits.
I have a feeling this'll end up plot-relevant, won't it?