Is it just about time for Grail-kun to migrate to a new fictional work to wreck havoc? (Multi-vote).

  • Yes! Fresh blood. Getting tired of Earth-Bet.

    Votes: 154 41.2%
  • Wait a few more wishes. There's a couple of people we need to screw over first.

    Votes: 148 39.6%
  • NO! We live and die on Earth Bet. CONSUME US! *writhe around in ecstasy*

    Votes: 114 30.5%
  • Also, I would be interested in writing my own Grail-kun Quest, Numen. A NEW GENRE IS BORN!

    Votes: 19 5.1%
  • I understand that Harry Potter and Naruto are fandoms you understood best- but there are others.

    Votes: 80 21.4%
  • Note: This is an opinion poll. There will be a proper vote for such things.

    Votes: 81 21.7%

  • Total voters
Grail-kun, known information is now on the Introduction page.

Keep planning and voting folks. I will tally tonight (if I don't get a headache and fall dead asleep). If there is sufficient number of voters and a clearly defined plan. Otherwise, I will wait until tomorrow.

Good luck Grail-kun. Satan Love and peace is counting on you!
Grail-kun, known information is now on the Introduction page.

Keep planning and voting folks. I will tally tonight (if I don't get a headache and fall dead asleep). If there is sufficient number of voters and a clearly defined plan. Otherwise, I will wait until tomorrow.

Good luck Grail-kun. Satan Love and peace is counting on you!
Love and Peace... oh god I know how we deal with the wish to end the end ringers.

"Love and Peace! That is my Policy!"
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"I'm Grail-kun, and I've come to grant you a wish!"
"Is that what you want? That's not a problem Scion-kun! You've just got to ask!"
"Geez, that's so romantic! So you want to find your wife? No problem, I can help you out.
"You're hopeless Scion-kun! Tadaa, a portal to The Thinker's harvested corpse coming right up!"



"Wow, so shiny! What brilliant beams of Stillness! Look, Summoner! Scion is being very energetic right now!"
"Oh god what is happening Grail-kun? Is those rifts in reality? Why is Scion destroying everything!? Please make him stop!"
"Is that your wish, Taylor-kun?"
"Yes yes just oh christ the Protectorate Base... It just blew up! OH GOD SCION HAS GONE MAD!"
"Geez, you're hopeless Taylor-kun! Wish granted!"

*Something worse happens*
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"I'm Grail-kun, and I've come to grant you a wish!"
"Is that what you want? That's not a problem Scion-kun! You've just got to ask!"
"Geez, that's so romantic! So you want to find your wife? No problem, I can help you out... You just need to ask!"
"You're hopeless Scion-kun! Tadaa, a portal to The Thinker's harvested corpse coming right up!"



"Wow, so shiny! What brilliant beams of Stillness! Look, Summoner! Scion is being very energetic right now!"
"Oh god what is happening Grail-kun? Is those rifts in reality? Why is Scion destroying everything!? Please make him stop!"
"Is that your wish, Taylor-kun?"
"Yes yes just oh christ the Protectorate Base... It just blew up! OH GOD SCION HAS GONE MAD!"
"Geez, you're hopeless Taylor-kun! Wish granted!"

*Something worse happens*
Another Possiblity:
"So Scion-kun, you want to meet your love one again?"
"Then this is the solution for you. Tadadada, a reuniting device."
*Scion looks at the ordinary knife and look back to grail-kun*
"Kill yourself so you can meet your lover again"
"Hey Alexandria, apparently Scion just killed himself"
I threadmarked the glorious OMAKERS. Alas, this Quest involves virtually no dice or other such things, otherwise y'all fine fellas would've earned yourselves some Free Rerolls.
No, that's Grail-kun's point, not the quest's. Though it's arguable that even that's not true for Grail-kun, if the description of his abilities and motives is at all accurate, then granting wishes is not even remotely intended as a means of helping people.
Well one way or another, as Grail-kun's incredibly reliable voices, we must always give Grail-kun the most 'halpful' advice. Hence although I know this might not be the right time, can I advice that if Taylor wish for a power, can we give her the power of Merem Solomon from the nasuverse series. Merem is a dead apostle ancestor with a power of creating beasts from his own body part. I believe that it is something good for Taylor and fun for us, since for Taylor, she get's friends and for us, we can see Taylor and others panicking when she mutilate or sever her own body parts to use her powers.
Current Tally. Not final. Keep voting, folks!

Vote Tally : Grail-kun! The random wish granter Quest! (Worm AU) | Page 8 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally

[X] Annette
-[X] Create perfect copy of myself, body, mind and soul, in the Brockton Bay of reality you have taken me from in such a way that copy is not in immediate danger and that other people are not harmed by its creation and arrival
No. of Votes: 7

[X] Daniel
-[X] Remove the Endbringers!
No. of Votes: 4

[X] Daniel
-[X] give taylor permanent control of the endbringers!
No. of Votes: 4

[X] Annette
-[X] Create perfect copy of myself, body, mind and soul, in the Brockton Bay of reality you have taken me from in such a way that copy nor anyone else is not endangered by process
No. of Votes: 1

Task: Grant us powers immeasurable

[X][Grant us powers immeasurable]
-[X]Grant Danny the ability to control temporal states (pause, revert to previous states, accelerate and slow the passage of time) of objects and areas within his sight
-[X] Grant Annette the ability to send her mind back in time at any point of her personal timeline, with an instinctual 24 hour backstep at the moment of her death
-[X] Annette will move three steps to a side, and Danny will revert the area she was in, creating a clone of her from several seconds before. One of Annette's will then go back in time to her own world, avoiding the crush, while the other one will remain here, preventing the paradox
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 9
[X] Daniel
-[X] give taylor permanent control of the endbringers!
[X] Annette
-[X] Create perfect copy of myself, body, mind and soul, in the Brockton Bay of reality you have taken me from in such a way that copy is not in immediate danger and that other people are not harmed by its creation and arrival.
[X] Annette
-[X] Create perfect copy of myself, body, mind and soul, in the Brockton Bay of reality you have taken me from in such a way that copy is not in immediate danger and that other people are not harmed by its creation and arrival
[X] Daniel
-[X] give taylor permanent control of the endbringers!
[X] Daniel
-[X] give taylor permanent control of the endbringers!

@Numen, just making sure, but is this how Grail-kun will interpret Danny's wish if this ends up winning?

I mean, he could say that he wishes for something to that's completely capable of protecting Taylor at all times in an attempt to keep her safe because of his fear that someone will try to use Taylor and Grail-kun for their own schemes. It doesn't seem IC for him to outright say that he wants his teenage daughter to be capable of controlling the EBs, this seems like the most likely situation imo.
Just making sure, but is this how Grail-kun will interpret Danny's wish if this ends up winning?

I mean, he could say that he wishes for something to that's completely capable of protecting Taylor at all times in an attempt to keep her safe because of his fear that someone will try to use Taylor and Grail-kun for their own schemes. It doesn't seem IC for him to outright say that he wants his teenage daughter to be capable of controlling the EBs, this seems like the most likely situation imo.

Keep in mind that in-story they're merely using Danny's wish to do something they all agreed upon. The actual plan was thought up ahead of time by Taylor, Annette, and Daniel brainstorming together. They're trying to solve all of their little family inter-dimensional problems. Theoretically, with the current plan proposed by most people, only 1 wish is needed to accomplish both the objective of reviving Earth-Bet!Annette and sending Annette home. That means they have an extra wish they can use on for whatever they want, and for some reason, you guys decided to vote for getting rid of or shackling the Endbringers.

EDIT: And you're Grail-kun. You tell me if that's how Grail-kun will interpret Danny's wish xD

Anyway, keep voting!
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how about giving them a forced encounter with insert name here token?

I am pretty sure forced encounters are pretty much already part of the normal mechanics. Grail-kun will always be given a range of characters to teleport to.

The problem with a forced encounter of choice is that it may unrealistically take Grail-kun beyond the borders of Brockton Bay. He's not sweeping the globe for wishes just yet. Rather, people that are brought to his [your] attention may incite his curiosity and make him check them out.
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I threadmarked the glorious OMAKERS. Alas, this Quest involves virtually no dice or other such things, otherwise y'all fine fellas would've earned yourselves some Free Rerolls.
Well what about extra 'benefits' for Taylor. Since Taylor is Grail-kun summoner, she should have extra benefits from Grail-kun and said benefits are given to Taylor without her knowing, since we and Grail-kun care fore her deeply and belive that surpirses are fund and nice.
@Numen, just making sure, but is this how Grail-kun will interpret Danny's wish if this ends up winning?

I mean, he could say that he wishes for something to that's completely capable of protecting Taylor at all times in an attempt to keep her safe because of his fear that someone will try to use Taylor and Grail-kun for their own schemes. It doesn't seem IC for him to outright say that he wants his teenage daughter to be capable of controlling the EBs, this seems like the most likely situation imo.
Actually... if that vote does win, Grail-kun would technically have to turn Taylor into an Entity with the appropriate shards to control the endbringers, or steal Eidolon's control shard and give it to her. Those are the most immediately possible ways to gain control of them. Or an Endbringer Control Device. Threaten the Endbringers with it to control them. *cough*
Actually... if that vote does win, Grail-kun would technically have to turn Taylor into an Entity with the appropriate shards to control the endbringers, or steal Eidolon's control shard and give it to her. Those are the most immediately possible ways to gain control of them. Or an Endbringer Control Device. Threaten the Endbringers with it to control them. *cough*

I was thinking making Taylor into Magical Girl, Guardian of the End-chan. whose power is Endbringer control and summoning, and temporarily fusing with them.
Outfit changes based on which one is controlled.
Well what about extra 'benefits' for Taylor. Since Taylor is Grail-kun summoner, she should have extra benefits from Grail-kun and said benefits are given to Taylor without her knowing, since we and Grail-kun care fore her deeply and belive that surpirses are fund and nice.

Okay, how about I keep track of a stock of "Goodie Tokens". And a "shopping list" of special boons or effects you can grant to anyone at will. And you can buy it using the Goodie Tokens.

Items to buy might include stuff like,
- SCHODINGER'S GIFTBOX! For your loved ones. (What's in the box? You don't know. I will roll a dice. It might contain a lethal airborne virus. Or it might contain Excalibur.)
- WISHCRAFT! (actually design a wish and grant it to anyone you want and implement it to exact specifications without corruption or problems)
- BRAINVOYEURISM! (spy on the mind of a character of choice. See what they're thinking. Know their fears and desires.)
- FANON ENCOUNTER! (pick any character from any worm fanfic to visit- fuck them up. Fuck them up bad.)
- TO THE ROOT! (instantly add +10 wishes granted to your score. Push the opening of Akasha deadline closer for good or ill).

I don't know. I am making this nonsense up. Honestly, Grail-kun is pretty broken already as a setting ruining plot device. But I too understand the desire for more player interactions. Some of kind of ability that can be utilized at will or a resource that can be spent will probably make it more exciting to play this Quest.

Any thoughts on this?
Actually... if that vote does win, Grail-kun would technically have to turn Taylor into an Entity with the appropriate shards to control the endbringers, or steal Eidolon's control shard and give it to her. Those are the most immediately possible ways to gain control of them. Or an Endbringer Control Device. Threaten the Endbringers with it to control them. *cough*

So Grail-kun would accidentally-but-not-really Eidolon! Taylor?