Is it just about time for Grail-kun to migrate to a new fictional work to wreck havoc? (Multi-vote).

  • Yes! Fresh blood. Getting tired of Earth-Bet.

    Votes: 154 41.2%
  • Wait a few more wishes. There's a couple of people we need to screw over first.

    Votes: 148 39.6%
  • NO! We live and die on Earth Bet. CONSUME US! *writhe around in ecstasy*

    Votes: 114 30.5%
  • Also, I would be interested in writing my own Grail-kun Quest, Numen. A NEW GENRE IS BORN!

    Votes: 19 5.1%
  • I understand that Harry Potter and Naruto are fandoms you understood best- but there are others.

    Votes: 80 21.4%
  • Note: This is an opinion poll. There will be a proper vote for such things.

    Votes: 81 21.7%

  • Total voters
Recent readers

Numen presents
Grail-kun! The random wish granter's Quest!
(Worm AU)


You my...


Long Time Creeper
Numen presents
Grail-kun! The random wish granter's Quest!
(Worm AU)


You my friends, are the collective conscience and cognitive process of Grail-kun! Doraemon-wannabe Wish granter extraordinaire! This is an open thread, catch up on the latest chapter, jump right in!

Partly inspired by the random nature of Rocag's Every Day Anew Quest, I decided I really wanted to run my own. This is my first quest, so please point out any mistakes or technical oversights I might have made. I've tried to keep the mechanics simple. Learning process for me, entertainment for you. It gets daunting trying to write these complex serious stories all the time. So here we are.

Trying to keep it short with more frequent updates. Each chapter will probably be around a few hundred words. 1k+ words at the very least. For some reason I type too much.

First, the subject of the Quest is based on this:

Get the premise? It will be clarified. Well, read on!

The Basics
You will be provided with options. Choose which characters to interact with.

I will roll for a wish from a list of wishes. You can Keep, reroll or use a free roll (earned by granting up to 10 wishes).

The method of wish granting is broad, and can involve other fictional works or alt Worm timelines and objects.

Why limitations: To prevent people from specifying too much details, thereby increasing chaos and generalization.
What is it: A detail is a significant piece of information or condition in your chosen method of wish granting. What constitute a detail? Any of the following examples count as a 1 detail.

- Open a portal
- Eden
- Carlos
- Nearby bottle of vinegar
- a knife
- Alter!
- Heroic!
- Superman
- Powers of Naruto
- 1977
- 2045
- Kobol
- where his wife died
- where parahumans didn't exist
- right before she died
- right after he teleported back to his homeworld
- a female version of her
- that was his mother
- where magic is real
- zombie
- power of superman
- Sarah Conner
- clone of
- superman
- summon
- copy
- female
- male
- genderfluid
- aggressive
- psychotic
- lustful
- robot

Basically, any name, action, place, time or specification that is actually vital or important.

Functionally identical details can be combined into one for the purposes of determining whether it exceeds the limit.

So, for example:

"Stone of Blood! Upload(1) her mind(1) to a female(1) Dragon(1) from the future of the Darren Shan universe(1). Their brains are biological computers." This counts as 5 details.

"cyborg magical girl Dragon-chan
--using taylor's DNA(1) as a starting point make her a body(1) that has all the abilities and enhancements of Subaru from MGLN(1). make sure to include an implant that let's her control her tech with her mind(1)
---have the body be the same age as Taylor(1) and drop it off with the Heberts(1).
----Don't forget to get rid of all her restrictions(1), destroy the hole in her security created for Ascalon, and deactivate Ascalon(1)." This counts as 8 details.

Titles don't count. So calling something "The Godslaying Blade of Justice!" while actually only throwing a knife on the floor is still just 1 detail.

By default, you will have 3+1d6 details to include in the method of wish granting. You don't have any free rolls right now, but if you did, you can use it to boost the number of details allowed.

- Grail-kun's natural powers seems to be teleportation, opening portals and desire-radar.
- Grail-kun scours the multiverse for general things or effects that roughly fits the criteria of the wish that is asked of him by the client.
- All wishes granted must be by a methodology that actually exist somewhere in the multiverse. Grail-kun cannot grant miracles, but merely emulate it.
- Grail-kun cannot grant wishes to the same client twice in a row.
- Grail-kun siphons off a small amount of energy from granting wishes to build up a personal store. When a threshold is reached, he can drill a hole to Akasha.
- Grail-kun is uncertain what his purpose is, but he believes it may have something to do with staving off entropic heat-death.
- Grail-kun cannot alter his own nature by a wish others ask of him.
- Grail-kun can sense the needs of others and feels compelled to grant wishes to any who ask it of him.

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1. Grail-kun gets summoned!
Grail-kun! The random wish granter's Quest!
(Worm AU)

January 8th, 2011, 3:00AM

Taylor Hebert pounded at the metal door of her locker, screaming and hollering, "Let me out! Let me out! Someone, please...."

Suddenly she felt gravity change around her as she became weightless in her own locker. Shit and used tampons flew everywhere as she screamed in terror.

Flashing lights could be seen outside the slits of her locker. Oh my god, did Emma and Sophia set a firecracker off outside my locker!? Wait, that doesn't explain the weightlessness-


And just as sudden there was a jarring CRUNCH as her locker shook violently.

The locker door swung open to an impossible visage.

Taylor blinked her eyes and stared at Brockton Bay. The actual bay!

She stepped out carefully in a daze and turned around to note that her locker was heavily bent on the outside. It's actually slightly curved now. The bottom was covered with scorch marks.

"You're so hopeless Taylor-kun!" said a cutesy kid's voice. Taylor yelped and spun around and stared at....a thing.

It was a tall purple-brown monster. Looked like a big muppet with a floating ball of multi-coloured light atop of tentacles? What the fuck. His big smiling face was constantly dripping what looked like a tongue but was actually slime. The consistency seemed fleshy.

"Uh, hi," Taylor said lamely to what was obviously a cape. Maybe one of those case-53s people talk about?


"Uh, who are you, and how did you know my name?"

"I am Grail-Kun! And of course I know your name. You're the one who summoned me."

"I...summoned you....but that means...."

Taylor suddenly squealed for joy and began to jump up and down. Yes!

"Oh my god, I am a cape! YES! Take that Emma! Take that Sophia and all you bitches! I got powers, I got powers~!"

Grail-kun remained silent. Finally Taylor stopped dancing and coughed, her face flushed red with embarrassment.

"Um, were you the one who brought me here?"

Grail-kun's head bobbled up and down, "Yes yes! That was me!"

"Not that I am ungrateful...but why am I here at the bay? You could've just opened my locker door."

Grail-kun's unblinking eyes stared at Taylor with sudden intensity, "Oh, that was what you wanted? I am sorry, I thought you said you wanted to be 'let out'. So I let you out!"

"By transporting me to the Bay?"

"By causing the area surrounding your locker to violently explode actually. You were thrown here! I am amazing aren't I?"

Taylor groaned, "Oh man."

Off in the distance, Taylor could hear sirens.

"Shit, I rather not out myself to the cops. We should get out of here."

Taylor began to walk home but stopped when she noticed Grail-kun wasn't moving.

"Grail-kun! Move!'

Grail-kun shook his head, "No, I need to go grant more wishes!"

Taylor blinked, "You grant a genie?"

Grail-kun bobbled his head, "Yup! Exactly like so. And there are so many people with so many needs in this city. I need to grant their wishes so I can grow more powerful."

"Wait, you're my power. Why are you wanting to work for other people!?"

But Grail-kun was already gone. He vanished into thin air. Taylor bursted into tears.

I finally get powers and it won't even listen to me!


Grail-Kun saw a homeless drug-addict. He screamed when he saw Grail-kun.

"C-cape! Don't hurt me! I am not with Skidmark!"

Grail-kun glided even closer to the druggie and calmly stated, "I am not hurting you."

He didn't seem to have heard Grail-kun.

"Please, I beg you.... leave me alone!"

Grail-Kun began to bobble up and down in excitement.

"You're hopeless homeless-san!"


How will Grail-kun grant the homeless man his wish of being alone?

[] Knife! Maybe he might kill himself? That's one way to be alone, right?
[] Personal Space! Open a portal to an uninhabited alternate Earth.
[] Alone Time! Give him a time-grenade. He might use it on himself.

After you are done granting the man's wish, what do you wish to do?

[] Go home to Taylor. She is your summoner after all.
[] Maybe you should investigate this Skidmark fella the homeless man mentioned.
[] Taylor mentioned Emma. Maybe you should teleport over to her.
[] Taylor mentioned Sophia. Maybe you should teleport over to her.

Note: Only this first time will you be unable to choose what the wish-maker wants to wish for. Next time, you'll always vote on which wish to make before deciding which items/powers/effects to grant the wish-maker.

Standard Mechanic: You will be provided with options. Choose which characters to interact with. If they request a wish, you decide which wish a character chooses to make. Then you decide how to grant them their wish- they might not use their wish the way you intended depending on their personality. The items or effects in question can be from a work of fiction, non-fiction or from Worm-canon.

A perfectly ordinary knife is always available as an item to give away. Sometimes, write-in may be an option.

Sit back and watch the consequences of your actions unfold, for good or ill xD
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Well, this looks interesting.

By which I mean:

(Also, correct me if I am wrong, but does it make more sense to tally by individual posts or by multilinear? Again, I am new at this and at the VoteTally program)
Try NetTally instead, which has a more functional UI, more featureful and refined functionality, and better support.

For this kind of vote in particular, you may want to use the "tasks" feature, which effectively lets you run multiple votes simultaneously by prefixing options with a [task name].
2. Taylor I
Vote Tally : Grail-kun! The random wish granter Quest! (Worm AU) | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally

[x] Go home to Taylor. She is your summoner after all.
No. of Votes: 19

[x] Knife! Maybe he might kill himself? That's one way to be alone, right?
No. of Votes: 14

-[x] "Isolaninator!" Knife drops on the ground. "Kill yourself so you can end your suffering."
No. of Votes: 14

[X] Personal Space! Open a portal to an uninhabited alternate Earth.
No. of Votes: 9

[X] Taylor mentioned Emma. Maybe you should teleport over to her.
No. of Votes: 8

[X] Alone Time! Give him a time-grenade. He might use it on himself.
No. of Votes: 6

-[X] make sure its permanent.
No. of Votes: 4

[X] Maybe you should investigate this Skidmark fella the homeless man mentioned.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Taylor mentioned Sophia. Maybe you should teleport over to her.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 29

[x] Knife! Maybe he might kill himself? That's one way to be alone, right?
-[x] "Isolaninator!" Knife drops on the ground. "Kill yourself so you can end your suffering."
[x] Go home to Taylor. She is your summoner after all.

Taylor I

"Isolaninator!" Grail-kun declared with good cheer. A stainless steel knife drops on the ground, stabbing through the concrete. "Kill yourself so you can end your suffering."

Homeless-san flinched and tripped, falling on his butt. He broke out into hysterics.

"Oh my god, a Master! Noooo! Don't hypnotize me! Waagahabradon'tkillme!"

He began to soil himself as his drug-fueled mind began to generate a nightmare scenario irrespective of his surroundings.

Grail-kun decided that his task here was done. It's not his job to decide how the client utilize their wishes. He picked out Taylor's location- her soul feels strange. So much grief and suffering. And so much needs, tsk, tsk.


Taylor wasn't sure what the hell was with her today. After her sentient wish-granting genie power...projection....summon- whatever decided to just up and leave her, there wasn't much for her to do except to trudge home.

She avoided all the bad places, but didn't feel comfortable walking through any really public places either because she was embarrassed that people would think she was some homeless bum.

I have powers now. I am a parahuman. I am going to be a hero. I am not a bum!

But a nasty part of her, in Emma's voice cried back, But you're so pathetic your powers won't even listen to you!

When she finally rang the doorbell of her home, the rosy coloured dawn was shining through the gaps between houses.

The chirping of early birds were interrupted by her father's shout of "TAYLOR!"

Her father's relief morphed into tears as he hugged her tight. Despite the shit and the blood and the sweat, Taylor was immensely relieved.


She began to cry into his shoulders. A moment later they were both in the dining room. Her father was demanding answers.

"Can I explain later? I am fine. I just need a shower."

"Alright Taylor. I will make some pasta."


The water feel so good Taylor sighed in pleasure as she washed the grime out of her hair.

Grail-kun suddenly appeared next to her.

Taylor shrieked and covered the sensitive parts of her anatomy.

"Aaaaaagh! What the fuck!"

From downstairs her father's concerned voice hollered, "Taylor! Taylor! Is everything okay!"

Footsteps could be heard pounding up the stairs.

Taylor glared at Grail-kun, turned off the shower by pushing the knob inwards and hollered back at her father.

"Everything is fine, Dad! I just tripped on the wet floor, that's all!"

"Alright, hun! Be careful."

Footsteps could be heard retreating back downstairs. The clang of a pot could be heard as Daniel Hebert went back to his cooking.

Taylor sighed in relief.

"What the fuck!?" She hissed.

Grail-kun bobbled his head up and down in apology.

"I am sorry Taylor-kun! I just teleported to your location, I did not realize you were having happy private times."

The teen's face flushed red with outrage as she spluttered, "Wha-what, no, I was not having happy private times, I was showering!"

Grail-kun bobbled his head, "Yes. That's what I meant."

He oozed out of the stall, leaving behind gooey stains all over the bathroom floor as it mixed with the bathwater down the drain.

"Eeeew, anyway, get out and wait in my room. And for God's sake, don't let my dad see you! Do you understand?"

Grail-kun bobbled his head up and down and walked right through the walls of the bathroom.

Taylor sighed in relief.


"Taylor-kun, you look so pretty!"

Taylor scowled. Inside however, she felt warmth that someone thought she was pretty. Distantly, she understood that Sophia and her cronies had broken something. She shook the feelings away.

"Okay, uh, so you're my power. Why the fuck did you leave me alone?"

"So I can grant wishes to other people. Duh! You're so silly Taylor!"

"No I meant," She stopped and scowled, "Powers make no sense. So uh, are you a projection or what?"

Grail-kun shrugged, "Projection?"

"It's a parahuman thing."


Taylor nodded to herself, "Okay, so you're probably not an aspect of my subconsciousness since you clearly don't know anything. Except English I guess."

Which is a good thing. I am not sure what that would say about my psyche.

So, who did you grant a wish to?"

Taylor was honestly curious.

"A homeless man wanted to be alone. So I gave him Isolaninator! An item that can help him be alone!"

Taylor was excited. That sounded very cool.

"You can give people tinkertech?"

Grail-kun sounded confused, "I grant wishes."

"Can you show me Isolaninator?"

Grail-kun bobbled his head up and down, "Why? Do you wish to be alone too?"

"No, I just want to see examples of your abilities. I need to know what you can do so I can be a more effective hero!"

Grail-kun approximated a shrug and threw a knife on the ground with a thud. It sank into the floor halfway.

Taylor blinked and pulled it out with a shing!

It looked normal.

It's probably like the items that Dauntless empowers. I wonder what it does. It makes people alone, so does it give them stranger powers? Maybe it works like Hade's helmet or-

Grail-kun suddenly broke her train of thought by piping up cheerily.

"Hey, hey! Taylor. Do you want to make a wish? You have alot of wish potential in you."

Taylor nodded her head excitedly, "What kind of wish can you grant?"

So does he act like a literal genie? if I wanted to fly, does he lift me up, or if I wanted to beat up a bad guy, does he blast them or...



"A-anything? Like anything anything?"

Grail-kun leaned forward. Taylor shrank back slightly. It- she....he...whatever, was pretty intimidating up close.

"Anything~ Taylor-kun. Anything you want badly enough."

Taylor opened her mouth.

Choose One

[] "Can you give me another power? I think I want a _____ power"
-[]Write in. Specify power classification (ie, brute, stranger, etc). Rating will be rolled for randomly.

[] "I want the bullying to stop."
-[]Write in. Specify how you wish to stop the bullying using only knowledge Taylor possess. Ie, She does not know Sophia's alter ego.

[]"I need street creds so the PRT will take me seriously when I join the wards. I need to take down ______"
-[]Write in. Specify Brockton Bay Villain. No Undersiders, Taylor does not know they exist yet.

[] "I....I want my mother back. Can you do that?"

How the wish will be granted will be voted upon in the next vote.
A/N Am I using tasks and write in correctly here? Let me know if I am making mistakes or technical errors. Thanks.
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Vote/Tally- How to bring back Mom
Okay, so I think the consensus is fairly clear. Let's move on!

Vote Tally : Grail-kun! The random wish granter Quest! (Worm AU) | Page 2 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally

[X] "I....I want my mother back. Can you do that?"
No. of Votes: 16

[X] "I....I want my mother back. Can you do that?"
-[X] Upload Annette's mind as a controlling intelligence into Simurgh's body.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] "Can you give me another power? I think I want a _____ power"
-[X] Stranger
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 18

[X] "I....I want my mother back. Can you do that?"

Of course you can! You're Grail-kun!
Choose your top 3 choices by rank.

Put [1], [2] or [3] instead of an [x]
The winning vote will be what is granted to Taylor. The category names are not important.

Item Options

[]Knife! "Expressway to Mom! Join her right now."
[]Last Kiss! Grant Taylor the blessings of R'hllor, the Lord of Light. Kiss mommy back to life. Just like in those Disney movies.
[]Black Lantern Ring! Mommy will love it so much she'll never take it off. If she was capable of love anymore.
[]Awooooo! A vial filled with the blood of William Corvinus
[]Found it in Scotland! Give Taylor the Resurrection Stone.

Wibbily wobbly timey wimey stuff
[]AlterMom! Open a portal to Annette's apartment in Earth Aleph.
[]QuantumMom! Kidnap Annette from right before she died in an alternate timeline and bring her forward in time to this timeline.
[]Mom! Immediately teleport Taylor's mother to her.
[]Daughter! Immediately teleport Taylor to her mother. Note: Your existence is not tied to Taylor's well being in anyway.
[]Open a portal to the Afterlife (in which human dead may be found)
-[]Write in. Which Afterlife?

Open a Booster Pack
[]Give Monster Reborn to Taylor. As an activatable Yu-Gi-Oh! card.
[]Give Endless Ranks of the Dead to Taylor. As an activatable Magic the Gathering card.
-[]You may choose to cast it instead of giving it to Taylor, if so, the first target is Annette.

[]Give March of the Returned to Taylor. As an activatable Magic the Gathering card.
-[]You may choose to cast it instead of giving it to Taylor. If so, the 1st Returned will be Annette. 2nd Returned will be random.

Again, rank your top 3 choices. Do not use Xs. Thanks
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3. Quantum!Mom
Vote Tally : Grail-kun! The random wish granter Quest! (Worm AU) | Page 4 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally

Last Kiss! Grant Taylor the blessings of R'hllor, the Lord of Light. Kiss mommy back to life. Just like in those Disney movies.
Black Lantern Ring! Mommy will love it so much she'll never take it off. If she was capable of love anymore.
Black Lantern Ring! Mommy will love it so much she'll never take it off. If she was capable of love anymore.
AlterMom! Open a portal to Annette's apartment in Earth Aleph.
Awooooo! A vial filled with the blood of William Corvinus.
Black Lantern Ring! Mommy will love it so much she'll never take it off. If she was capable of love anymore.
Daughter! Immediately teleport Taylor to her mother. Note: Your existence is not tied to Taylor's well being in anyway.
Found it in Scotland! Give Taylor the Resurrection Stone.
Found it in Scotland! Give Taylor the Resurrection Stone
Found it in Scotland! Give Taylor the Resurrection Stone
Give Endless Ranks of the Dead to Taylor. As an activatable Magic the Gathering card.
Give March of the Returned to Taylor. As an activatable Magic the Gathering card.
Give Monster Reborn to Taylor. As an activatable Yu-Gi-Oh! card.
Knife! "Expressway to Mom! Join her right now."
Last Kiss! Grant Taylor the blessings of R'hllor, the Lord of Light. Kiss mommy back to life. Just like in those Disney movies.[1]QuantumMom! Kidnap Annette from right before she died in an alternate timeline and bring her forward in time to this timeline.
March of the Returned
Mom! Immediately teleport Taylor's mother to her.
Open a portal to the Afterlife (in which human dead may be found)
QuantumMom! Kidnap Annette from right before she died in an alternate timeline and bring her forward in time to this timeline.
The unnamed limbo from Angel Beats, where those poor souls who died with lingering regrets get to spend eternity as a high-school student, complete with de-aging.
Yomi's Annette. (Styx or Elysium works too!)
You may choose to cast it instead of giving it to Taylor, if so, the first target is Annette.

Winner: QuantumMom! Kidnap Annette from right before she died in an alternate timeline and bring her forward in time to this timeline.

First Runner Up: Knife! "Expressway to Mom! Join her right now."

Second Runner Up: Give 『i』Monster Reborn 『/i』to Taylor. As an activatable Yu-Gi-Oh! card.

Third Runner Up: 『url="Last kiss"』Last Kiss!『/url』 Grant Taylor the blessings of R'hllor, the Lord of Light. Kiss mommy back to life. Just like in those Disney movies.

Honorable Mention: Mom! Immediately teleport Taylor's mother to her.

Honorable Mention: Open a portal to the Afterlife (in which human dead may be found)

Honorable Mention: Found it in Scotland! Give Taylor the 『i』Resurrection Stone.『/i』

Honorable Mention: AlterMom! Open a portal to Annette's apartment in Earth Aleph.

Honorable Mention: Daughter! Immediately teleport Taylor to her mother. Note: Your existence is not tied to Taylor's well being in anyway.

Total No. of Voters: 33

QuantumMom! Kidnap Annette from right before she died in an alternate timeline and bring her forward in time to this timeline.

"I....I want my mother back. Can you do that?"

Grail-kun bobbled excitedly and said, "You're hopeless, Taylor-kun."

The Holy Grail concentrated and tore open a portal for a brief moment. A screaming woman in a modest cardigan and black dress pants came hurling through to crash into Taylor. The portal snapped shut.


She looked around dazed and confused. Her mobile phone clattered to the ground as she untangled herself from Taylor and stood up.

"Wha- I am in Taylor's room?"

Taylor reacted immediately, "MOM!"

She ran forward and gave the woman a crushing hug.


Annette was confused as all heck. A moment ago she had looked up from texting and saw a truck barrelling into her car- and the next she was flying into Taylor's room.


And then a willowy teenager who could not have been Taylor grabbed her into a bear hug and refused to let go.

Reacting on instinct, Annette hugged the teen back. But she's too tall.

"Taylor! What's happening!?"

The door slammed opened and Daniel stood at the doorway, panting from charging up the stairs.

He stared at her in shock, jaws falling open.


Annette could only stare in horror. Daniel looked old now. Like all life was sucked out of him by a vampire. He looked like he had already given up on life. Like he's been pulling all-nighters every day for years.

Finally she found her voice.

"Can someone explain what the fuck is going on?"

Taylor shifted and pulled away from her, tears in her eyes.

"I-I did it. I brought you back."


Taylor wiped away her tears and began to explain, his voice raw from emotion.

"I am a cape. That-" She pointed behind Anette.

Everyone turned to look at the...thing standing there, observing them with it's small beady eyes.

"Hello! I am Grail-kun!"

Taylor coughed, "Yeah, that's my power. I summoned Grail-kun and his ability is to grant people wishes. I wished for you to come back...and you did."

She began to cry again.

Annette frowned, "Okay I died?"

Daniel walked over and stared at her in awe. His arms twitched, like he wanted to hug here but was afraid to. A reaction Annette didn't fail to notice. That's weird. I hugged him just last night. But then again, last night, he wasn't so decrepit looking and Taylor wasn't so tall. Something is wrong here.

"You did Annette. Was a car accident. Texting and driving. A truck barrelled into you at-"

Annette blinked, "King and York. Yes I know. Because I was just there. I almost died. And then I was here."

" traveled through time?" Taylor spoke up, confused.

Annette nodded, "I seriously don't remember you being so tall Taylor. Or you looking so terrible, Dan."

He winced.

Taylor turned to Grail-kun, "What did you do?"

Grail-kun bobbled up and down, "Oh, I reached into an alternate continuum in the past and pulled your mother from right before she died and brought her forward to you. Ta-da!"

Taylor looked horrified, "Oh God...."

Annette was confused, "What's so terrible Taylor?"

"I stole you. I stole you from another Taylor and another Dad. Don't you understand? You're not my mom!"

Daniel gasped.

Annette felt like she was punched in the guts.
Taylor. Dan.

Somewhere, her daughter and husband just lost their mother and wife. She could imagine what that would be like, a car accident, the paramedics reporting her body unfound. Disappeared into thin air. As if she never existed....

Okay Annette, think rationally....

She grabbed Taylor and pulled her closer.

"It makes no difference. I would've died either way if Grail-kun didn't pull me here. I am still your mother even if I am missing a few years."

She turned to Grail-kun, "More importantly, you have the most bullshit Parahuman power I've ever heard of. Lustrum would shat bricks if she heard about this."

She remembered that Lustrum generally hated Tinkers, called their work to be "Bullshit!" on more than one occasion. But her Taylor's power takes the cake- well, not her Taylor, but her counterpart's Taylor- okay that's too confusing. Stop.

She stared at Grail-kun right in the face, "Can you grant me a wish?"

Grail-kun stared at her and nodded, bobbling its head up and down in a weird creepy way, "You're hopeless Annette-san. Yes I can."

Annette nodded. That's useful. She turned back to Taylor and Daniel.

"I know I am not your Annette...but I am going to make this right. With Grail-kun's help, I think I can solve our dilemma."

Taylor frowned, "How?"

"Taylor....I was a Dungeon Master. I run D&D games. I have players looking to exploit loopholes all the time. And I've done wish-granting genies as a plot device before. What exactly was your wording when you wished to revive me?"

Taylor shrugged, "Um, I think I said, can I have my mother back? Wait no, I said, I want my mother back."

Annette nodded, "Okay, let's work this out. There's a lot of potential here. Let's figure out how Grail-kun's powers work and figure out how we can sort this out."

She turned to Grail-kun, "I need to understand how you work."


Choose 6 questions you wish to ask about the Nature of Grail-kun's powers. Top 6 questions will be answered by Grail-kun. That is, answered in the most technical, elusive and honest manner.

Use [X]s this time!

Annette Questions:
[] "Are there any limits to the number of wishes you can grant?"
[] "How important are semantics and grammar to how the wish is granted?"
[] "Are there any wishes that you cannot grant?"
[] "Why did you pull me from an alternate-timeline instead of simply reviving my counterpart here?"

Taylor Questions:
[] "Why did you leave me at the docks to grant wishes to other people?"
[] "Do you grant wishes to anybody who asks?"
[] "You say granting wishes makes you more powerful, how?"

Daniel Questions:
[] "Does Taylor have complete control over you?"
[] "Are you a projection? What happens if Taylor is incapacitated?"
[] "Are you loyal to Taylor?"
[] "Can wishes be undone. Are they time-limited?"

EDIT: You can ask SIX questions. My bad.
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Tally- Q&A
These are the tally results. Expect an update later tonight.

[X] "You say granting wishes makes you more powerful, how?"
[x] "Do you grant wishes to anybody who asks?"

[X] "Are you loyal to Taylor?"

[X] "Are there any limits to the number of wishes you can grant?"
[X] "How important are semantics and grammar to how the wish is granted?"
[x] "Are there any wishes that you cannot grant?"

Vote Tally : Grail-kun! The random wish granter Quest! (Worm AU) | Page 6 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally

[X] "You say granting wishes makes you more powerful, how?"
No. of Votes: 12

[X] "Are you loyal to Taylor?"
No. of Votes: 12

[X] "Are there any limits to the number of wishes you can grant?"
No. of Votes: 11

[X] "How important are semantics and grammar to how the wish is granted?"
No. of Votes: 11

[x] "Are there any wishes that you cannot grant?"
No. of Votes: 11

[x] "Do you grant wishes to anybody who asks?"
No. of Votes: 11

[X] "Why did you pull me from an alternate-timeline instead of simply reviving my counterpart here?"
No. of Votes: 10

[X] "Can wishes be undone. Are they time-limited?"
No. of Votes: 8

[x] "Why did you leave me at the docks to grant wishes to other people?"
No. of Votes: 8

[X] "Does Taylor have complete control over you?"
No. of Votes: 6

[x] "Are you a projection? What happens if Taylor is incapacitated?"
No. of Votes: 3

[x] "Do you grant wishes to anyone who asks?"
No. of Votes: 1

[x] "Are you a projection? What happens if Taylor is incapacitated or dies?"
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 18
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4. Grail-kun I
[X] "You say granting wishes makes you more powerful, how?"
[x] "Do you grant wishes to anybody who asks?"

[X] "Are you loyal to Taylor?"

[X] "Are there any limits to the number of wishes you can grant?"
[X] "How important are semantics and grammar to how the wish is granted?"
[x] "Are there any wishes that you cannot grant?"

Grail-kun I
The Summoner's mother, Annette-san turned towards him and enunciated carefully.

"Okay Grail-kun. First of all, are there any limits to the number of wishes you can grant?"

Grail-kun approximated a shrug, "Yes and no. I can grant one wish per client at a time, but I cannot service the same client twice in a row due to the dependency of wishes on the quantum-kalapa blowback effect, specifically in it's second variation. That's just not done. There is an upper ceiling to the quantity of wishes I can grant but that depends on how much energy is required."

"So the nature of a wish impacts the amount of energy it takes for you to grant it? Should we conserve our wishes then?"

The Grail shook, "There would be no point. I transmute energy, I don't expend it. Unless the entire multiverse enters entropic heat-death, I will not run out of wishes to grant."

They glanced at each other.

"I am not sure I understand," Annette began.

"It is science beyond your ken. Don't worry about it," Grail-kun tried to smile in a reassuring way.

"Next question then," Annette continued, "How important are semantics and grammar to how the wish is granted?"

"Not very."

"So the wording doesn't matter?"

"It does and it doesn't. How should I put this? I don't control how wishes are granted. I am like Google. I search for top results. I search all of space and time for sets of physical laws that generally fits the wish of the client and then bring it into this reality."

"So you use science?'

"In a manner of speaking. I seek out Universes where the laws of physics work differently and bring that here."

Taylor sucked in her breath, "Holy shit. You're a shaker. I mean, I am a shaker."

Annette continued, "But what makes you pick a certain set of laws over another?"

"There are voices in my head. They reach for consensus. It's very complex, millions upon millions of voices. Like a computer. I think I am like a computer."

Annette gave Taylor a look. Taylor shrugged, "I swear, Grail-kun is not based on my subconsciousness. I hope."

"Okay, are there any wishes you cannot grant?"

"I cannot alter my own nature. I cannot grant wishes that are impossible. All of my wishes require methodologies to work. These methodologies must already exist somewhere within the multiverse. I borrow their properties, I don't dictate them."

Taylor spoke up then, hesitantly, "At the docks, you said that granting wishes makes you more powerful. How?"

Grail-kun bobbled up and down, "Are you familiar with the concept of Trophic levels?"

"Um, isn't that the transfer of energy between different levels of the food chain. Plants have the most energy because they produce it, but each step up the food chain, more energy goes to waste. The idea being that eating meat is really inefficient and wastes water and soil, contributing to global poverty?"

Annette looked impressed, "If I doubted you're Taylor, I know now that you're definitely her."

She blushed.

Grail-kun continued, "Essentially, I am an energy transfer system. For each wish granted, I draw upon a significant amount of energy from elsewhere. I pocket a small percentage of that as a commission. The rest is used up to make the wish happen. Does that make sense?"


"And so, because I continue to store up energy granted by wishes, eventually, I obtain a store of permanent energy."

Annette frowned, "And this makes you more powerful, how?"

"Once I reach a certain threshold, I can drill a hole to Akasha, the root of all things."

"Akasha? That's from Hindu philosophy. It means the void," Annette said knowingly.


"And what happens when Akasha is reached?"

Grail-kun shrugged, "I do not know. I think stopping entropic-heat death is part of my purpose, but I am uncertain. I do not remember."

Taylor spoke hesitantly, "I was you need to grant wishes to anybody who asks?"


All three of them shared a horrified look.

Annette spoke up, "If we keep Grail-kun here....between the three of us, we can bypass the 'no same client twice in a row' restriction...."

"If I detect someone who needs a wish in my vicinity, I will teleport to them. I cannot control myself."


"Are you loyal to Taylor though?" Daniel-san questioned, his voice suspicious.

"She is my summoner."

"That didn't answer the question."

"I am my nature, which is to grant wishes and to open a door to Akasha. I am incapable of any kind of alignment or purpose other than that."

The three of them huddled together and conversed briefly, glancing warily at him.

"....okay, we can still use him to get rid of the Endbringers, right?'

"Okay, what about you, I mean, how do we bring back our Annette and send you home...."

10 minutes passed, Taylor was scribbling things in a notebook, passing it to the adults who fussed over the wording. Things were erased and rewritten. Heads were shaken. Heads were nodding.

Annette turned back to Grail-kun.

"Okay, can you grant Daniel here a wish? After that, I want to make a wish as well."

"Of course! You're hopeless Daniel-san, Annette-san."

Wish Granted: 3

Decide on how to word the following 2 wishes, keeping in mind the restrictions mentioned by Grail-kun. He can only grant the wishes in a general method. Work together, discuss, and combine your plans.

Use [X]s.

1. Revive Earth-Bet!Annette
2. Send Annette home.

[]Daniel Hebert's Wish
-[]Write in

[]Annette's Wish
-[]Write in
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Vote/Tally- Sending Annette home & Removing Endbringers
Vote Tally : Grail-kun! The random wish granter Quest! (Worm AU) | Page 8 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally

[X] Annette
-[X] Create perfect copy of myself, body, mind and soul, in the Brockton Bay of reality you have taken me from in such a way that copy is not in immediate danger and that other people are not harmed by its creation and arrival
No. of Votes: 11

[X] Daniel
-[X] Remove the Endbringers!
No. of Votes: 7

[X] Daniel
-[X] give taylor permanent control of the endbringers!
No. of Votes: 6

[X] Annette
-[X] Create perfect copy of myself, body, mind and soul, in the Brockton Bay of reality you have taken me from in such a way that copy nor anyone else is not endangered by process
No. of Votes: 1

-[X] Create perfect copy of myself, body, mind and soul, in the Brockton Bay of reality you have taken me from in such a way that copy is not in immediate danger and that other people are not harmed by its creation and arrival
No. of Votes: 1

Task: Grant us powers immeasurable

[X][Grant us powers immeasurable]
-[X]Grant Danny the ability to control temporal states (pause, revert to previous states, accelerate and slow the passage of time) of objects and areas within his sight
-[X] Grant Annette the ability to send her mind back in time at any point of her personal timeline, with an instinctual 24 hour backstep at the moment of her death
-[X] Annette will move three steps to a side, and Danny will revert the area she was in, creating a clone of her from several seconds before. One of Annette's will then go back in time to her own world, avoiding the crush, while the other one will remain here, preventing the paradox
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 14

[X] Annette
-[X] Create perfect copy of myself, body, mind and soul, in the Brockton Bay of reality you have taken me from in such a way that copy is not in immediate danger and that other people are not harmed by its creation and arrival

How will you grant Annette's wish? Excepting the knife option, all other options also include a portal to Annette's Earth. Choose one.

[]Knife! "One day, in the far future, in at least one possible reality, a mighty AI will simulate the entire multiverse and in one of those simulations, you will be in your own Earth, alive and well. So just die and wait for that day."
[]Mama's Mama! Open a portal to Noelle Meinhardt's vault in Coil's base.
[]Gantz! Summon a Black Sphere from the Gantz's universe to Taylor's Living Room with a 100 point menu unlocked.
[]Bonesaw is Ready! Open a portal to Bonesaw.
-[]Or open a portal to a Heroic Bonesaw from an alternate reality.
[]Clone! Give Annette a Cabals trading card that can summon an accelerated cloning vat that can receive DNA input and create a perfect copy.
[]Magic Clone! Give Annette a MtG card that can create any copy of a target creature.
[]SIMULATOR! Give Annette a hard-drive that contains a simulation of her universe, with her request accomplished.I mean, everything is data right? It's not like it makes a difference.

[X] Daniel
-[X] Remove the Endbringers!

How will you grant Daniel's wish? Choose one.

[]Knife! "One day, in the far future, in at least one possible reality, a mighty AI will simulate the entire multiverse and in one of those simulations, the Endbringers won't exist! So just die and wait for that day."
-[]Give Daniel a knife and open a portal to Eidolon's bedroom.
[]Grant Daniel Hebert knowledge of the Four Symbols Seal. Host must be an infant or possess robust biology.
[]Not Subtle! Grant Daniel a MtG card that can summon the Helvault.
[]Sue their Dad! Grant Daniel a MtG card that can cast Deadly Tempest. In this context, creatures are not humans, and control must be have.
[]Justice! Give Daniel a copy of the Death Note and Eidolon's Driver's License.
[]Time out! Relocate all of the Endbringers to another Earth.
-[]Include the unactivated Endbringer embryos.

If these choices are truly unsatisfactory, I am open to suggestions.

After this, Grail-kun will be teleporting elsewhere to grant other people's wishes.
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