Good Drones Obey: Communism and Kink in Post-Revolutionary America

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Sucks to suck, Nazi scum.

Honestly you do a great job writing this villain. My own attempts at making good villains come off too soft IMO. Too much "being evil needs to be relatable" in my literary education I suspect. Ultimatey I feel the right way to do it is to just take immature mindsets and feed them until they bloom into abominations.
Yeah, she absolutely deserves it with interest. Bridget is the human equivalent of pond scum infected with something.

Only she would be so obsessed with bigotry to assume that Daisy "Pretends to be trans so she can make jokes about grooming kids at actual day cares" Holland would be hiding her power level.

Mind if I ask what you like about how I write her, specifically? I'm very flattered, and I really do appreciate the feedback.
Yeah, she absolutely deserves it with interest. Bridget is the human equivalent of pond scum infected with something.

Only she would be so obsessed with bigotry to assume that Daisy "Pretends to be trans so she can make jokes about grooming kids at actual day cares" Holland would be hiding her power level.

Mind if I ask what you like about how I write her, specifically? I'm very flattered, and I really do appreciate the feedback.

I dunno. It's something visceral. In the same way I'm hesitant to beat up my characters too much emotionally, I have trouble writing in truly ugly mindsets because it just makes me so angry. Which in turn makes it hard to focus on what they (the villain) is supposed to be thinking.

If i had to pin it down, I suppose it'd be the willful ignorance. There's a thread of self delusion that runs through the character, similar to the other conservative warlord you wrote, except even more desperate and deranged. At the end, the other guy fessed up and admitted it was all bullshit, but this lady seems to still be clinging to that toxic hope because she doesn't want to look inside. Which ironically meant her smashing all the reflective surfaces she can at the end there is possibly a bit of unintended metaphor.

There's a great line from warframe that i think does well to describe most villains like this:

"You are a mask, with nothing behind it."
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I dunno. It's something visceral. In the same way I'm hesitant to beat up my characters too much emotionally, I have trouble writing in truly ugly mindsets because it just makes me so angry. Which in turn makes it hard to focus on what they (the villain) is supposed to be thinking.

If i had to pin it down, I suppose it'd be the willful ignorance. There's a thread of self delusion that runs through the character, similar to the other conservative warlord you wrote, except even more desperate and deranged. At the end, the other guy fessed up and admitted it was all bullshit, but this lady seems to still be clinging to that toxic hope because she doesn't want to look inside. Which ironically meant her smashing all the reflective surfaces she can at the end there is possibly a bit of unintended metaphor.

There's a great line from warframe that i think does well to describe most villains like this:

"You are a mask, with nothing behind it."
Yeah, that's fair. I feel like there are certain kinds of characters you can't or shouldn't romanticize or allow to seem too sympathetic, as long as it feels logical? Like, Bridget's psyche is a mess of bigotry and borderline-medieval delusions about being some kind of Knight of the Race or something equally evil and stupid. You can't really make that slick and cool, she's just kind of fucked in the head. Even Dream-Kendra acknowledges that she's irredeemable.

That doesn't mean she can't stop being shitty. There's the small chance that if she stopped doing the things she does and actually tried to improve the world, she could theoretically do more good for the world than she did wrong. That said, she can't bring the many people she caused lethal harm to back from the dead, and she hasn't shown that capacity. Obviously, I believe that you can be "irredeemable" and still be better than the person you were, and I think that it's important to be as compassionate as possible to everyone, but you also have to be aware that you can't just undo harm you did. That's why you have to be careful not to do harm.

I also agree that Bridget is consumed by self-delusion. She's basically a Georgian bisexual butch who's convinced herself she's not only straight, but actually some kind of Teutonic Knight or Crusader ready to bring the Church of Hitler to the heathens. She thinks she's a Shakespeare tragedy's main character, when in reality she's a loathsome little fascist.

In a sense, Harry Strecker's mask was that he was a Traditional Man, and Bridget's mask is that she's a Traditional Man, but underneath Harry's mask was a scared little boy and underneath Bridget's mask are cracks and fractures.

There's probably a closeted/repressed transmasc interpretation of Bridget as a character, but I don't write her that way and I feel like it would be a bit reductive and stereotypical.
Yeah, that's fair. I feel like there are certain kinds of characters you can't or shouldn't romanticize or allow to seem too sympathetic, as long as it feels logical? Like, Bridget's psyche is a mess of bigotry and borderline-medieval delusions about being some kind of Knight of the Race or something equally evil and stupid. You can't really make that slick and cool, she's just kind of fucked in the head. Even Dream-Kendra acknowledges that she's irredeemable.

That doesn't mean she can't stop being shitty. There's the small chance that if she stopped doing the things she does and actually tried to improve the world, she could theoretically do more good for the world than she did wrong. That said, she can't bring the many people she caused lethal harm to back from the dead, and she hasn't shown that capacity. Obviously, I believe that you can be "irredeemable" and still be better than the person you were, and I think that it's important to be as compassionate as possible to everyone, but you also have to be aware that you can't just undo harm you did. That's why you have to be careful not to do harm.

I also agree that Bridget is consumed by self-delusion. She's basically a Georgian bisexual butch who's convinced herself she's not only straight, but actually some kind of Teutonic Knight or Crusader ready to bring the Church of Hitler to the heathens. She thinks she's a Shakespeare tragedy's main character, when in reality she's a loathsome little fascist.

In a sense, Harry Strecker's mask was that he was a Traditional Man, and Bridget's mask is that she's a Traditional Man, but underneath Harry's mask was a scared little boy and underneath Bridget's mask are cracks and fractures.

There's probably a closeted/repressed transmasc interpretation of Bridget as a character, but I don't write her that way and I feel like it would be a bit reductive and stereotypical.

While I agree that compassion makes the world keep turning when it seems like it can't, Like, even though Elon Musk is clearly a tool and has become a total mouthpiece for the far right, i keep thinking back to some of the personal anecdotes I've heard about him and how ultimately, he seems like a class clown who just wants to be the funny man, but doesn't know how to be, and worse, doesn't know where to stop and self-reflect. Bridget is a bit like that perhaps, in that you can sort of see how they got from there to here, but you can't imagine how they could ever get back. Thinking about fixing her feels like sticking your hand into a blender full of broken glass. There might be something fixable there but right now, I don't see it. I also believe there are people who are just beyond fixing; people with holes inside that don't just refuse to be filled, but which will suck in and chew up people like some sort of lamprey. Perhaps TJ was like that. Coming into contact with real evil, and immersing yourself in it like she clearly did, could be said to be like living in a leper colony. Eventually bits of you just need to be cut off, and when you come out you're never quite whole again, no matter what.
Update 34: Training
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Kendra Oswald, when not directing movies or partying, liked to write fanfiction, and at the moment she found herself in the Eckhart house's guest bedroom doing it with her laptop. The lights were off, everyone else was asleep, and the obvious ship to go for was Cassgrave from the teenager-focused conspiracy stop-motion webcartoon-comic-thing Red Dirt. Cass McCulloch was the scheming head of the True Skull and Bones, and Moroni Leechgrave was the attractive and deeply bitter older man who was currently serving as her ally in the US Presidency. It was an alternate history, one where the Age of Cyberpunk never ended.

She'd quite proudly found herself outlining in utter literary beauty Leechgrave sitting in a bar, drinking his life away with experimental chemicals. His abusive mother, the Vice President, had her strings dangling from his wrists, and he was in a state of utter misery. As she wrote the draft, she checked the comments of the previous update. Cass had won: for now.

SocialJusticeMage said:
You are an awful writer.

RealKendraOswald said:
What's your problem?

SocialJusticeMage said:
You can't write people being happy. You're bad at it.

RealKendraOswald said:
Oh, huh, I never thought of it that way. What, exactly, am I doing wrong?

SocialJusticeMage said:
Your characters are all miserable, awful people, and I think that's because you can't feel happiness unless it comes at someone else's expense. You're an egotistical, drunk, high mess who wouldn't know love or compassion for others if it bit you on the ass. Stop writing and stop ruining my fandoms, you celebrity fuck.

MithridaticHardcore said:
I don't think that's constructive criticism.

SocialJusticeMage said:
Well, she came into fandom culture like she owned the place because she got off scot-free after the revolution, and she keeps making these terrible stories that nobody likes, but we all have to read them because Kendra Oswald wrote them. Do you know how many authors get forgotten because people are too busy reading Kendra's bad Cassgrave fics?

MithridaticHardcore said:
Dude, I think she's just sad. You saw it on the news, right? She relapsed.

SocialJusticeMage said:
Well, frankly, I don't feel that bad for a toxic reactionary who hasn't earned her place in the real world, let alone fandom culture.

RealKendraOswald said:
How do I write happiness well, dude? Like, for a shipping fic.

SocialJusticeMage said:
Learn to genuinely love someone in a way where they'll love you back, like a human would.

She closed her laptop, got on her back, and took a deep breath. He's right, you know, her thoughts told her. He has you down cold.

Am I incapable of love? she thought.

For the first time since she was five, she prayed. Jesus, I know I'm...probably not in your good books, but please make me human. Make me normal. Help me get better.

Kendra heard the sound of a call bell and rushed to the kitchen. She wore, uncharacteristically, a baggy t-shirt of Captain America and Bucky Barnes (the hot aged up one from the 2011 film) making out, along with tight wetlook leggings. Her face was, as Dakota had insisted, unpainted. This was meant to be time for Kendra to relax, after all. She got down on her knees and looked up at the woman in the flowing white top with a pleading expression.

Dakota reached onto the counter and took a glazed donut hole, putting it in Kendra's awaiting mouth. She gave Kendra a pat on the head and tousled her hair. Kendra chewed the treat, swallowed, and went to go sit down for dinner. She briefly looked at Peridot Brimstone, who was staring at her owner and Hellish mistress with something resembling the look of a dog ready to greet its master after a day of work, albeit doing so while serving mashed potatoes and steak onto plates with asparagus.

Peridot put the plates out for the three of them, and Kendra spoke. "Geez, Dakota must really have a fetish for girls in glasses," she said, mentally comparing her "sexy librarian glasses" (her words) to Peridot's big and round ones. She heard a slightly higher bell, and Kendra instantly said something positive on command. "I mean, uh, Peridot, I love your whole...bottom...heavy...God, I need to work on my—" She heard the ding of the bell again. "Fuck! Peridot, you're hot, bang me."

"We're at dinner, and the Princess of Darkness would like us to eat," Peridot said. Peridot wore a collar, leather and heavy, with a goat's-head pentacle dangling off of the front D-ring.

Dakota traced her nails across two of the three bells she'd gotten so far. Kendra had learned to come to dinner, but she hadn't learned to tone down her attitude. Well, she would be taught. "The Princess of Darkness also recognizes that your sorta hypersexual attitude is just a part of who you are, but if you make my Hellbound slave uncomfortable with that attitude we're going to find a way to make sure you keep it to yourself," the non-bespectacled woman said.

Dakota, Kendra noticed, had brought sweet tea to dinner. What a stereotype, she thought. Even if sweet tea does taste pretty good. How does she stay so thin if she drinks that all the time? Kendra thought. She started to cut her asparagus into tiny little pieces, just like her mom had taught her. Err on the side of caution, Kendra, smaller is better, she remembered Liza saying.

The group continued to eat, Kendra seeing Dakota without the horns and Peridot perceiving red skin and bison horns. Hypnosis was a powerful thing, as was loving authority. They're just humoring me. They're being nice. They want me out, Kendra thought to herself.

"Why are you doing this for me?" Kendra asked.

Dakota finished a bite of steak and spoke. "Everyone deserves to be given love."

"Is everyone able to give love back?" Kendra asked.

"Honey, do you really think you're incapable of being loving?" Dakota asked. Kendra nodded, and Dakota made a tsk-ing noise. "I'll give you love, unconditional love, okay? How's that sound? You can learn from my example."

Kendra looked down at her plate.

"Little imp, is everything alright?" Dakota asked, affecting class.

"Just got some mean comments on a fic of mine," Kendra said, feeling like she was admitting to her mom that she got a D in Social Studies.

"What kind of comments?" Dakota asked, toying with Peridot's pentacle tag.

"Someone said I was bad at writing happy people because I don't get them, since I'm toxic," Kendra said.

Dakota took a bite of her asparagus and gave Kendra a sympathetic glance that she was convinced she didn't deserve. "Are you on antidepressants?"

Kendra shook her head.

Dakota continued. "Why aren't you?"

"I never thought I needed them."

Dakota gave a little smile. "Little imp, it hurts to have your flaws shown to everyone, doesn't it?"

"You can say that again," Kendra said, blushing. It wasn't a sub thing, it was a Dakota thing, definitely.

"Well, you can't argue with people like that. All you can do is prove them wrong, and the reason you prove them wrong is so you can prove you wrong. Now, why don't you finish your meal, and I'll give you and Peridot lots of pets and treats?"

Kendra blushed deeper.
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So how much of the country was actually pro communism by the end of the war, and how much was like
It was a mix of both, honestly. If I had to very roughly hash it out, I'd say that by the end of the Civil War, 45% had become some variant of communist (though not always to the obsessive or doctrinaire level of the pre-War communists), 15% were openly hostile to the new order (either opposed to it through political or violent means in some way), and 40% were basically just thankful all the killing was over.

The 45% would be your Dakota-type people, the 15% would be your Sam Cross-type people, and the 40% would be your Kendra-type people.

Of the Dakota-types, only some of them are on the level of the kind of people who joined pre-collapse communist parties in terms of devotion. Most people are less obsessive cadre revolutionaries and more communist in the same way that many Americans are capitalist now. If you ask them, they'll say communism works pretty well and they support it, but it's not a fringe ideology anymore.

When something stops being fringe, you get less people into it who are militant obsessives.
I feel like I'm missing some social cues, here. What do you mean by the second half of your post? It went over my head.

Sorry, the image took a moment to embed. Just declaring once again, as a spectrum person, I have had those thoughts and I hate it (but it also makes Kendra relatable, even if there's a 100% difference between our blood alcohol contents).
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Sorry, the image took a moment to embed.
Makes sense, I guess I just wasn't sure what the image specifically was in reference to? Like, was it saying that you related to that thought of the character's, that you were thinking that Kendra might be incapable of love, that people were reading Kendra's actions in a way unfair to her, or something else?

I feel like I missed the point.
Makes sense, I guess I just wasn't sure what the image specifically was in reference to? Like, was it saying that you related to that thought of the character's, that you were thinking that Kendra might be incapable of love, that people were reading Kendra's actions in a way unfair to her, or something else?

I feel like I missed the point.

It's just a meme that i felt fit my reaction.
I 100% agree with you, you're absolutely right. There might not be poverty anymore, but some people are still jerks.

Oh, and any thoughts on the rest of the update?
It's a bit of a mirror in some ways. In my teens and early twenties I was an objectively awful person and it's been a hell of a hard journey to try and undo that learned toxicity. I never went the substance abuse route, but I see commonalities in Kendra.
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It's a bit of a mirror in some ways. In my teens and early twenties I was an objectively awful person and it's been a hell of a hard journey to try and undo that learned toxicity. I never went the substance abuse route, but I see commonalities in Kendra.
Oh, well, I'm glad that it resonated (even if it sucks that you had to deal with that). I really do appreciate the comment. Kendra draws from a lot of my own feelings, so it's kind of nice to feel seen, even if Kendra's problems and tendencies are very different than mine or yours.

Thank you so much for your comment and for mentioning your stuff. I really appreciate it, and I'm glad that it can speak to you a bit in that way.
Update 35: Jester King Online
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GameProle Magazine
"Jester King Online" Review

With the formation of the Japanese Workers' State in 2043, many gamers wondered what might happen to the notoriously creative and equally exploitative Japanese games industry. Though the Japanese Workers' State very pointedly does not recognize the Worldwide Republic's claims of global sovereignty, referring to the state as Socialist America, the Japanese Workers' State does have close ties to the Worldwide Republic owing to threats from the so-called "People's Republic" of China and due to their mutual beliefs in democratic socialism.

All of this is to say that many American and Red Canadian observers were concerned that the Workers' State would preserve exploitative entertainment practices such as crunch and the pre-revolutionary karoshi culture. Thankfully, that does not seem to be the case, and the Faris Gaming Collective in Japan has produced what they describe as "the first socialist MMORPG": Jester King Online.

Players play as members of the Society of the Harmonious Blade, a group of freedom fighters in a medieval fantasy setting inspired by Final Fantasy VI-esque steampunk and Dragon Quest-esque tradtional fantasy. This is perhaps owing to the fact that some former Square developers jumped ship to Faris. Players must explore territory, level up their Jobs (ranging from Freelancer to Samurai to Swashbuckler and even Beastmaster), complete quests, and defeat the Demon Kings who rule over swaths of the benighted land of Terra.

The title is named after the Jester King, the evil god of chaos and whimsy who has plunged Terra into chaos with the fall of the Advestrian Empire. Jester King Online is made by a very large team, due to being sponsored by the Japanese state as a model for electronic entertainment. The game is free to play without microtransactions (money still being used in Japan in limited circumstances, much to the chagrin of the Worldwide Republic), and players are encouraged to use the in-game editor to code in new visual assets.

The game has a detailed combat system reliant on mastering various Jobs, and players can either work with each other in an adventuring party or hire NPC "Mercenaries". The game lacks voice acting and the graphics are more reminiscent of Final Fantasy VIII than Final Fantasy XIV or Black Desert Online, but the writing is second to none and the dungeons have that Nintendo style of introducing a mechanic, iterating on it in interesting ways, and then moving onto the next mechanic.

What the game lacks in capitalist-era glitz it makes up for in heartfelt characters and satisfying real-time roleplaying game action. The satisfaction of using Graviga to send enemies sky-high to get them closer to a Thundaga bolt triggering Explosive Runes for massive damage is hard to match, and the physics engine is janky but very versatile.

Mercenaries include Junko, a brilliant alchemical researcher tormented by her past with a Water Elemental; Kisugi, an honor-bound Samurai willing to fight cruelty with compassion; Dotesk, a brutish but brilliant barbarian seeking to become king by his own hand; Lona, an intellectual Black Mage with a dominant quality and a remarkably tastefully-depicted interest in kink; Desa, a frankly nightmarish White Mage who uses her healing powers in sadistic ways in the name of her evil Alabaster God; and finally Kasi, a disabled pickpocket and rogue who gives the player a high bonus in social interactions.

The game promotes cooperation through the Party Up! mechanic, making cooperation easy with the click of a mouse. It also seeks to inhibit toxicity through the Cheer mechanic, a buff that anyone can do that requires typing or speaking a compliment and having it recognized as such through an AI parsing system. This AI system also monitors slurs and angry shouting and automatically mutes them, though players can turn this feature off.

Many of the nicest in-game houses and bragging-rights rewards can only be achieved through real-person party play, which admittedly makes it a bit hard to solo the endgame. Players also have access to one of six randomly assigned Veldts full of dungeons with unique treasure, meaning that trading gear between players from different Veldts is essential for character optimization. The game pointedly lacks an auction house, instead requiring players to interact with each other in-game or use external tools.

The Job system is versatile and allows players to get creative with different archetypes, and there are accessibility features. One accessibility feature that isn't flagged as such is that there are three "Slow-Paced" Jobs (Strategist, Time Mage, and Tarot Knight) geared for those who prefer to take their time or who cannot play the game as an action game but still want to have fun with their friends. Time Mages' signature feature slows enemies down heavily, the Strategist can lock enemies into a turn-based Strategy RPG-esque form of battle (the "Square Battles"), and the Tarot Knight can challenge enemies to turn-based card battles. Enemy attacks are simple and built to be easily adapted to card or Square Battle mechanics.

Conversely, Jobs like the Paladin and Bladecaster move intensely quickly and rely on dexterity and action RPG skills to fully master, with playing a Bladecaster specificially feeling a lot like controlling Sora from Kingdom Hearts. All in all, the variety of Jobs make the game a joy to play, and the stellar (and frankly, goofy and fun) writing adds much to the experience. Translations are imperfect, but the game supports third-party patches.

Given the resources of the Faris Gaming Collective and their stellar accomplishment, we give Jester King Online nine point five floppy disks out of ten, and we encourage gamers around the world to give it a shot.
Though the Japanese Workers' State very pointedly does not recognize the Worldwide Republic's claims of global sovereignty
Yeah I figured that would cause problems later on. Like it was certainly boisterous for these people to proclaim that they were going to unite the world, and they were probably surprised when most socialist countries responded with "no fuck off". I would've just started with making establishing a socialist alliance first.
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Yeah I figured that would cause problems later on. Like it was certainly boisterous for these people to proclaim that they were going to unite the world, and they were probably surprised when most socialist countries responded with "no fuck off". I would've just started with making establishing a socialist alliance first.

Yeah, Canada's still in a period of national collapse and civil war, one that the Worldwide Republic is backing sympathizers in.

As for the socialist alliance, the Worldwide Republic is very much trying to avoid falling into the pitfalls of becoming "just another country" (even a communist country) in the way that the USSR did. The last thing they want to be is a Red America doing standard politics, given all the death that people fighting over America caused. After all that death, the prevailing opinion is fuck standard politics, which is, you know, a gamble.

So there are pros (you avoid stagnancy and failing to actually move towards the goals of the Revolution) and cons (You're more or less in a state of ideological-or-military war with most of the world).

The next update features Dan Lowell, the President of the progressive Sacramento Government, and you might find some of his distaste with the Worldwide Republic being essentially the death of everything America stood for relatable. The WR is trying to be a new thing rather than just a Red America, and that means that America is...Well, its civic mythology, culture, and the ideas it standed on aren't necessarily around anymore.

What one thinks of that is more or less up to one's own opinion.

Thank you so much for the comment, it's very insightful and I really do appreciate your thoughts!
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As for the socialist alliance, the Worldwide Republic is very much trying to avoid falling into the pitfalls of becoming "just another country" (even a communist country) in the way that the USSR did. The last thing they want to be is a Red America doing standard politics, given all the death that people fighting over America caused. After all that death, the prevailing opinion is fuck standard politics, which is, you know, a gamble.
Ngl that's some tech bro logic. You know how they try to be disruptive & different for the sake of being disruptive & different, and they just ignore why everything is like that in the first place such as making steering wheels not wheels.
The next update features Dan Lowell, the President of the progressive Sacramento Government, and you might find some of his distaste with the Worldwide Republic being essentially the death of everything America stood for relatable. The WR is trying to be a new thing rather than just a Red America, and that means that America is...Well, its civic mythology, culture, and the ideas it standed on aren't necessarily around anymore.
Yeah that sounds right up my alley, I figured that if I was still alive in this timeline I'd try to vote against everything regarding the framework of this country except "Socialism yes".
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The truth I want to see the WR fall as well because from the look of thing is just another Manifest destiny from the look of it
See I wouldn't go that far, I would just want to see it mellow out once it finds it's footing. We're in that revolutionary fervor phase that made people think red traffic lights were a good idea.

Edit: I'm trying to find the source for that
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Ngl that's some tech bro logic. You know how they try to be disruptive & different for the sake of being disruptive & different, and they just ignore why everything is like that in the first place such as making steering wheels not wheels.

Yeah that sounds right up my alley, I figured that if I was still alive in this timeline I'd try to vote against everything regarding the framework of this country except "Socialism yes".
I don't know if I personally agree with the first part, but I do see your point. On the second part, yeah, I think you'll like it. If you wanted a decent non-communist leader, he's more or less the one, and he's kind of there mourning the death of America in the name of this thing.
The truth I want to see the WR fall as well because from the look of thing is just another Manifest destiny from the look of it
I'd mostly agree with Terran Alias on this one, but that is a fair enough concern. That said, I think it's a concern you'll find in almost any revolutionary internationalist project beyond normal IR, and I don't think it's inevitable.

Cards on the table, I think that the WR is a pretty good society, but ultimately people are allowed to have their own opinions and I've tried hard to make its downsides evident.
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I don't know if I personally agree with the first part, but I do see your point. On the second part, yeah, I think you'll like it. If you wanted a decent non-communist leader, he's more or less the one, and he's kind of there mourning the death of America in the name of this thing.
I'm probably going to be reminded of those EEUSG entries that are formatted with "guy explains why system is good, followed by guy explains why system is bad" to serve as a counter argument.