Good Drones Obey: Communism and Kink in Post-Revolutionary America

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This movie sounds assss
It's as good as a movie based on a book the screenwriter and director both skimmed can be.
Fucking Jared Leto is in this?


That is not the issue :V

Fuck it, may as well

Oh, oh no.
Thankfully, Jared Leto isn't in it, so that's one saving grace.

Tyrants has given me an appreciation for cursed content.

Thanks, I hate it. (that's a complement)
Tyrants has bad movies in it?
So is this like an Avant Garde experimental thing, or did most of the movie people with functioning brains flee the country?
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So is this like an Avant Garde experimental thing, or did most of the movie people with functioning brains flee the country?
Under communism, if twenty people can get together for a year in their free time, they can make an unbelievably shitty movie.

Remember, Kendra Oswald is doing what before the revolution would be indie or mid-budget films, and that is the height of blockbuster cinema in post-capitalist society.

This is nineteen weirdos and one screenwriter with bad judgment.

If anything, it's a triumph of creativity that you can make movies this bad now without someone telling you they aren't paying for it.
SUNY Purchase Film School
"Nineteen Eighty-Four (2048)"

The Cinema Demon
"Ninteteen Eighty-Four (2048)"

Audience Reviews:

Dakota Eckhart: "What am I watching?"

Transistor Pernet: "This is a good metaphor for communism"

Lottie Cross: "As a fan of the book, I'm disappointed"

Ruby Singh: "Well, it's exactly what that rat Orwell deserves"

Dane Oswald: "You can just...make movies like this, now?"

Kendra Oswald: "God, this movie fucking rules"

The Cinema Demon
Nineteen Eighty-Four Sequel Confirmed for Next Year

There actually were a couple fan attempts at a 1985 which focus on the themes of the revolution betrayed if I recall correctly. Big Brother dies and the Party eats itself, but things only get superficially better.
Under communism, if twenty people can get together for a year in their free time, they can make an unbelievably shitty movie.

Remember, Kendra Oswald is doing what before the revolution would be indie or mid-budget films, and that is the height of blockbuster cinema in post-capitalist society.

This is nineteen weirdos and one screenwriter with bad judgment.

If anything, it's a triumph of creativity that you can make movies this bad now without someone telling you they aren't paying for it.
On the one hand, good for them?

On the other…cringe.
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There actually were a couple fan attempts at a 1985 which focus on the themes of the revolution betrayed if I recall correctly. Big Brother dies and the Party eats itself, but things only get superficially better.
I would absolutely read that.
On the one hand, good for them?

On the other…cringe.
Yeah, nobody is ever going to have the resources to make a Tangled, but you also won't see anyone have the resources to make a Rise of Skywalker.

Frankly, most of the more ideological communists ITTL see movies like Avatar in the same light as how we see those massive ziggurat structures built by slaves: impressive in the effort it took to build them and their artistry, but only able to be made through inhuman means.

Still, there are definitely a lot of people who miss the old blockbusters' sheer size.
I would absolutely read that.

Yeah, nobody is ever going to have the resources to make a Tangled, but you also won't see anyone have the resources to make a Rise of Skywalker.

Frankly, most of the more ideological communists ITTL see movies like Avatar in the same light as how we see those massive ziggurat structures built by slaves: impressive in the effort it took to build them and their artistry, but only able to be made through inhuman means.

Still, there are definitely a lot of people who miss the old blockbusters' sheer size.

Probably a lot of people are learning the art of good makeup and puppetry again…which isn't terrible. If anything, I bet that Babylon 5 is the new standard for 'how much cgi is just right'. IMO, the show never stood too heavily on its cgi, and blended old and new just right…but you still probably wouldn't see that anywhere outside some of the larger film collectives, so still ech.
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Additionally, I can't find the exact version I talked about but there seem to be several "1985" sequel attempts written by various people. The Burgess one in particular sounds like a load of anti-syndicalist islamophobic trash. This one isn't a whole lot better: 1985 (Dalos novel) - Wikipedia

EDIT: Actually, the Dalos one might be the one I meant…
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I would absolutely read that.

Yeah, nobody is ever going to have the resources to make a Tangled, but you also won't see anyone have the resources to make a Rise of Skywalker.

Frankly, most of the more ideological communists ITTL see movies like Avatar in the same light as how we see those massive ziggurat structures built by slaves: impressive in the effort it took to build them and their artistry, but only able to be made through inhuman means.

Still, there are definitely a lot of people who miss the old blockbusters' sheer size.

I mean, you could have those in the indie movie industry share their know-how and pool their resources through cooperatives, guilds or unions; it's not like people haven't tried this already, in other industries. And given how technology progresses over time, something like Avatar could easily be made by a cooperative bringing several indie studios together - hell, nowadays you have bedroom developers come up with games that rival Nintendo and Squaresoft's greatest 1990s hits, for example.
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I mean, you could have those in the indie movie industry share their know-how and pool their resources through cooperatives, guilds or unions; it's not like people haven't tried this already, in other industries. And given how technology progresses over time, something like Avatar could easily be made by a cooperative bringing several indie studios together - hell, nowadays you have bedroom developers come up with games that rival Nintendo and Squaresoft's greatest 1990s hits, for example.
You could definitely be right on that one, but from my perspective as the author I try to write this with a minimum of future technology, so as to show that everything in the TL is possible in the world we live in now.

I also think, as a Marxist who believes the post-revolutionary society is genuinely better, that erring on the side of caution is generally prudent. More to the point, the Second American Civil War also did a lot of damage to America's economy/resources and heavily slowed things like the development of entertainment technology.

That said, I am absolutely being pretty conservative with technology's progress for thematic and in-setting reasons, and you could absolutely make the case that people in the Worldwide Republic might have more resources for these things than depicted. So, yeah, you 100% make a lot of good points.
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You could definitely be right on that one, but from my perspective as the author I try to write this with a minimum of future technology, so as to show that everything in the TL is possible in the world we live in now.

I also think, as a Marxist who believes the post-revolutionary society is genuinely better, that erring on the side of caution is generally prudent. More to the point, the Second American Civil War also did a lot of damage to America's economy/resources and heavily slowed things like the development of entertainment technology.

That said, I am absolutely being pretty conservative with technology's progress for thematic and in-setting reasons, and you could absolutely make the case that people in the Worldwide Republic might have more resources for these things than depicted. So, yeah, you 100% make a lot of good points.

I'm sure it's frustrating everyone keeps focusing on their desperate need to confirm their favorite bread and circus still exists to some extent...but it's a coping thing. Plz don't take offense.
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I'm sure it's frustrating everyone keeps focusing on their desperate need to confirm their favorite bread and circus still exists to some extent...but it's a coping thing. Plz don't take offense.
I'm not bothered by it, don't worry. What do you mean by it being a coping thing?
Update 32: Control Plus Reset
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Zodiac Peer-to-Peer Text Communication System
Worldwide Republic Office of Telecommunications

RealKendraOswald said:
I'm a fuckup, a total fuckup. I wish I was like you and Peridot. You guys seem, you know, happy. Like you have a healthy thing going.

SouthernByGraceOfGod said:
...What happened now?

RealKendraOswald said:
I got way drunk straight out of rehab because my dad convinced me it was a good idea. I redeemed my labor vouchers for the bottle, but, like, I wasn't going to drink too much of it until Dad said I could go nuts. Ruby broke up with me because of it.

SouthernByGraceOfGod said:
...Kendra. Listen to me. Your daddy is a terrible example, but you have to be responsible for your own choices. Right now, I want you to sit with me. It wasn't Daddy that made you drink. Like you said, you were gonna do it before. I feel like I see you just...not making the effort. You wanna be better, right? You really wanna be better?

RealKendraOswald said:

SouthernByGraceOfGod said:
Look, we all have reasons why we do the things we do, but that doesn't mean it's not on us when we do them. Say it with me: I chose to get drunk after rehab.

RealKendraOswald said:
You're being an asshole.

SouthernByGraceOfGod said:
I'm not. I need you to acknowledge that you did something wrong and that you bear responsibility for it. We don't have to be the people our parents make us to be. Just say it, won't you?

RealKendraOswald said:
Fine. I chose to get drunk after rehab.

SouthernByGraceOfGod said:
Good girl. Now, it's good that it's your fault that you got off the wagon. Oh, and you really ought to learn to be nicer to people. A smile doesn't cost anything.

RealKendraOswald said:
What are you talking about?

SouthernByGraceOfGod said:
The fact that you made your problems means you can make up for them and get better. You have the ability to become better than you think you can be. God gave you that power.

RealKendraOswald said:
I lost my girlfriend, I'm a danger to the best female lead actress I know because I might bring her back down, my mom's dead, and my dad keeps trying to get me to do drugs and shit. How am I supposed to just get over it?

SouthernByGraceOfGod said:
Which of those can you change?

RealKendraOswald said:
I don't think I can get Ruby back. Honestly, I barely knew her. I don't think I can hang out with Lottie in person except with other people around to make sure I don't drag her down. I obviously can't bring my mom back, and my dad...

SouthernByGraceOfGod said:
Have you ever tried to get your daddy to stop bringing this stuff up?

RealKendraOswald said:
I don't think he's able to not do it.

SouthernByGraceOfGod said:
Do you think that the problem's that you're an addict, or is that just a symptom of a bigger problem?

RealKendraOswald said:
I don't know what you're talking about.

SouthernByGraceOfGod said:
What I'm saying is that your addictions certainly ain't good for you, but I don't know if that's the root problem.

RealKendraOswald said:
Why are you psychoanalyzing me?

SouthernByGraceOfGod said:
Someone as hot as you shouldn't be such a prickly mess. I figure it might be good if I helped you untangle some of your shit. Besides, your smug attitude is kinda adorable, like a cat.

RealKendraOswald said:

SouthernByGraceOfGod said:
Here's what I'm getting at. If you were sober, one hundred percent sober, do you think you'd be happy?

RealKendraOswald said:

SouthernByGraceOfGod said:
So, how about this? Why don't you put your second rehab stay off for now, and we try and figure out ways to make you happy? Seems like your bitterness, your egotism, your addictions, it's all because you're not happy and you don't know what to do but spread that unhappiness, right?

RealKendraOswald said:
...Oh my god, you're right.

SouthernByGraceOfGod said:
You're in between projects, right?

RealKendraOswald said:

SouthernByGraceOfGod said:
Well, my hours went down guarding Picano since I got a partial stand-in. Why don't you fly down to South Carolina? I'll introduce you to Peridot in person, and I'll pamper you. You can even be Satan's pet, if you want. You need a break, and a non-threatening place to just relax and be happy. I'll take care of you, add in some healthy routines to your life...A bit of, you know, BDSM therapy.

RealKendraOswald said:
Why can't you just give me those routines and help online, while I'm in Seattle? I'd tell you when I did them.

SouthernByGraceOfGod said:
Would you actually do them?

RealKendraOswald said:

SouthernByGraceOfGod said:

RealKendraOswald said:

SouthernByGraceOfGod said:
...Be honest. We want self-improvement, right?

RealKendraOswald said:
Shit, I have a long way to go, huh?

SouthernByGraceOfGod said:
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. I'm just glad you've got your boots on.
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This psychotherapy is miles better than anything I've ever undergone.
Yeah, therapists and friends-standing-in-as-therapists can vary wildly.

Also, the next update involves everyone's favorite neofascist chaser. Specifically, it involves her life getting a lot worse for her.
Update 33: "With Strange Aeons, Even Death May Die"
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CW: We're delving into Bridget MacBay's psyche again, so expect general bigotry, slurs, and violence/gore. Also, Bridget's psyche's version of Daisy Holland is somehow even more bigoted than the actual Daisy, so expect that, too.

When Bridget fell asleep, she opened her eyes in the nude. She saw in might and glorious torture Daisy Holland, her rotting corpse puppeteered by meat hooks jammed into the comic's skin. Daisy's hair was a mane of fire that bled blue, and she hung limp in the air. Her mouth was sewn in on one side, and she cackled at Bridget. "Well, Eva, we all knew you were a dyke, but this is ridiculous!" Daisy cackled. She floated above the grass.

Bridget looked up and realized that the giant, gloved hand of the Foxwoods Sniper puppeteered the comedian. Radiohead begun to play, even if Bridget couldn't hear the lyrics. She just knew it was playing. Orgasmatron. "Go away," Bridget snarled. "I'm not a lesbian." Even in her dreams, she'd trained herself to stay politically correct. You had to in this fallen world.

"Oh, then what was that wet dream? Wait a minute! Wasn't the object of your affections a tranny? Maybe you are straight after all, Bridge!" Daisy giggled, a dead hand grasping Bridget's neck. "Still makes you a faggot of some kind, though, wanting to bang a tranny. Then again, we all knew that your Nazi affectations were just for your boyfriend. If you really hated the niggers, trannies, kikes, spics, and all the rest you'd do what I did. You'd stop being a terrorist or a coward and just get people to hate the fuckers.

"I hate niggers too, Bridge! I know you want to cut them into itty-bitty pieces! I had to pretend to like the KFC-eating fucks, but you know what? I learned how to fake being respectable way before you did! I bet you wouldn't've gotten that Satan Nazi tattoo if you'd picked it up early, huh? What a fucking retard you are!"

Bridget tried to punch the marionette-corpse of Daisy in the mouth, but her hand went straight through. Then, Bridget's fist was surrounded by Daisy-flesh, slimy and half-spoiled. Daisy continued. "Oh, but you're a nigger too. You're a fuckin' wigger, a real class act with your Satan shit. You took it too seriously, and look where it got you! You weren't supposed to take it seriously! You were supposed to tell jokes. If the jokes get a few trannies killed, well, that's a bonus, but you can do anything if you say it's a joke, Bridge! Bridge! Bridge! Bridge! Lesbo! Cocksucker! Tranny whore!"

"What do you want?" Bridget snarled.

Daisy Holland's corpse vanished, replaced with Kendra Oswald's face on the hooks. Bridget's hand was still stuck in her head. "What do I want? I want what everyone wants. I want you dead. Maybe if you'd been a liberal, or a good person, I would've slept with you, but you're a cartoon villain and a total piece of shit." Bridget tried to pull her hand out. She succeeded, taking most of Kendra's face with it. Kendra's faceless hole still spoke. "Oh, you've really dug yourself deep, huh? You've done things you'll never get to take back."

"Oh, I don't wanna take them back," Bridget snarled, a suit of Germanic medieval armor appearing on her body. "Maybe I like killing you people," she said. "I am Death incarnate!"

"Yeah, that's why nobody will ever love you," the faceless Kendra said.

She vanished, to be replaced by a corpse-marionette of Calliope Anderson. Calliope looked beautiful, more a vampire than a zombie. She laughed. "Oh, you think you're Death? That is adorable. I wiped out entire states with a word. You're small time compared to that."

Bridget stared at the beautiful horror, from her full hips to her sharp facial features. "You're an angel."

"Oh, no. MacBay, I'm the exact opposite. I'm Satan, the Devil, the Adversary, and the Lady of Lies. I'm your queen. Atompilz, the mushroom cloud? I gave birth to the mushroom cloud. I am your mother, your master." The hooks on strings receded from her, and Calliope walked on her own power. "I don't give a shit about your race science, but I killed more liberals and multiculturalists in half an hour than you did in your entire career. Cute sword, MacBay, but when you swing it someone's head goes right off. Mine goes off too." Calliope put a hand on Bridget's shoulder.

"You're not Him, you're the enemy of the race. You promoted perversion, degeneracy, and race-mixing. You put the Negroid above the Aryan."

Calliope chuckled, and turned into a male demon made of flesh and sinew. "For I am Beelzebub, Lord of Flies, and you shall heed my name."

Bridget bowed as Kendra groped her, as Daisy kissed her on the mouth. She succumbed, and the monsters vanished. She was a mess in the meadow, covered in sweat as she curled her legs together. Then, from above, she heard a booming voice. It was a feminine voice. It wore a gas mask, the symbol of the Foxwoods Sniper from the calling card left at Daisy's body. "One day, I shall bring you to a place of torment," God said. Her hand reached down and grasped Bridget, lifting her up. The corpse-creatures watched. Bridget found herself being pulled higher into the sky.

Higher, faster.

The world disintegrated below her, and the clouds broke above her.

She woke up. She looked at her phone: 4:03 AM. She checked her wallpaper: Kendra Oswald in a crop top. When had she changed it? She changed it back. She googled Kendra Oswald, just to remind her of the degeneracy of that...woman. It was funny how anyone could be a woman, now, she thought. Apparently she'd taken a break from directing.

She pleasured herself to the thought of Kendra Oswald's cock and then waited to go to the gym in the later morning. She read Kendra's Wikipedia page, salvaged from before the Revolution. She looked as far as she could for evidence of what Kendra looked like before she'd turned herself into this horrible angel of God's will, but found to her horror that Kendra had transitioned at a young age and had been kept out of the public view for much of her childhood: The former was degeneracy.

She came to Kendra's face again.

What is it about you? she thought. TJ, please, beyond the grave, help me.

She went to the gym and returned to her apartment, falling fast asleep. Then, she found herself in a nice Italian restaurant, staring at a very much non-zombified Kendra sitting across from her. "Bridget?" Kendra asked. Kendra cared about her. Kendra knew her name.

"Yeah?" Bridget asked, taking a bite of spaghetti.

"You don't seem OK, babe. What's up?" Kendra asked.

"I just feel bad. You're not right, and I miss TJ. Why am I obsessing over you?"

Kendra put a hand, softly, on Bridget's thigh. "Babe, you're obsessing over me because the Nazis lost. You did so much damage, and it was all for nothing. Your boyfriend who got you into this stuff is dead. You never got your crazy Aryan paradise. You're just here, under communism, same as I am. I lost out, you lost out. We're two of a kind, and you need to move on. You can't ever take back the things you did, but you can stop. You can turn away. You can sin no more, right? That's all you want. You want to stop hurting people."

"You don't know me at all," Bridget said, recognizing that as the story she wished she could believe about herself. "You're nothing like me. You're a degenerate, transgender liberal."

Kendra sighed. She sounded disappointed. "Bridget, none of those things matter. We're both just people, and you're a person who's, well, evil. I love you, please, but if you ever want to be with me you need to fix your life. You need to leave the ANCP, you need to stop lying to everyone, you need to rebuild, you need to help people, and you need to prove that you're not Commander MacBay anymore. You need to devote your life to doing good, just like you devoted your life to doing evil. After that, maybe I'll be with you."

"I can do that," Bridget said, hastily. "How do I start?"

"Well, first, you shouldn't be judgmental to someone you love," Kendra said. "Your entire worldview is wrong, and loving me means accepting me and everyone like me."

Bridget took another bite of spaghetti. "What if I can't? What if I'm just a monster?"

"You are a monster, Bridget. You turned yourself into one, and you can't stop it. All you can do is be a nicer monster from now on."

Bridget began to tear up. "Should I just take her?"

"She'll never love you if you take her."

"I could teach her to love me," Bridget said. Kendra faded away, and Bridget woke up again. She looked at herself in the mirror. There were two sig runes on her collarbone under her pajamas and a swastika on her shoulder that was barely visible. She prayed for guidance. Everyone wants me dead, she thought. She paced back and forth.

It was TJ or Kendra.

Her life was blowing up.

She heard her phone's notification sound go off twice.

Savannah Housing Network said:
Dear Bridget MacBay, due to your breach of the terms of your residential stay (See Section 4B of your agreement, which covers promoting hatred and bigotry), you have been evicted by vote from the Savannah Housing Network. Please vacate your apartment within twelve hours.

Worldwide Republic Department of Criminal Justice said:
Mrs. MacBay, you have been found subject to a higher sentence due to your creation of a fascist party. When combined with your confirmed atrocities during the Second American Civil War, this act of treason has caused your sentence of two years of imprisonment and weekly monitoring has been replaced with service in the 74th Army Penal Battalion, serving in the German Civil War. Please report to your local recruitment office tomorrow, on August 3rd, 2048. The People's Militia is inbound to ensure your trip will be safe.

Bridget grabbed her head with a hand as she read the news. It was well-known what being made to fight in a Penal Battalion meant: no running, no hiding, and no breaking anything you weren't told to. It was time to break shit.

She stalked her way to the wall hangar, and took from it her heavy claymore. Perfectly balanced, she put two hands on its hilt before swinging it against the wall. It went straight through drywall and wires, and the lights flickered off. She swung it next against the end table, then the TV, then the framed copy of that defaced Norman Rockwell painting she'd gotten cheap. She took another swing, then another, her movements first deliberate and military before devolving into bestial war-screams.

"Fucking kill!" she yelled, the blade hitting a mirror and shattering it into ten thousand pieces. It screamed. She screamed louder. She slashed at the walls, leaving deep cuts and electrical sparks.

Evicted. Drafted. Humiliated.

Loveless. Hopeless. Heartless.

Comeback. Come back. Come back!

She swung her sword straight through the wooden coffee table, her face a demonic mask. Why, Lord, why? she thought, staring at the canyon that was where she used to put her take out.

Where were her victory, her comeback, her party, her boyfriend, and her corpses?

She was supposed to have won. She heard a knock at the door.

Her muscles were so tense they were numb, and all she felt was atomic inferno.
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She was supposed to have won.

Sucks to suck, Nazi scum.

Honestly you do a great job writing this villain. My own attempts at making good villains come off too soft IMO. Too much "being evil needs to be relatable" in my literary education I suspect. Ultimatey I feel the right way to do it is to just take immature mindsets and feed them until they bloom into abominations.
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