Overdue Diligence
Very carefully, Amy slipped into her sister's room. She hadn't responded to Amy's shout from down the hall, which meant she was engrossed in something. Hopefully something interesting, or funny.

True to form, her sister was hovering on her back just over head height, reading something out of a binder. Chekov's ears perked up as he watched Amy come in, but fortunately the cat was precariously perched on the back of Vicky's chair, where Vicky couldn't see him.

"Whatcha doing?" Amy asked, grinning.

Vicky, startled, dropped her binder, and rotated back to a vertical orientation.

Amy rolled her eyes. "Besides showing off."

"Hey now," Vicky responded with a grin, "it's not showing off in my own room, and besides Mom said I could fly in here. You're just jealous."

"Fine, fine," Amy replied. "Still, what are you looking at?"

"Oh, I'm going over the Taylor money idea file again."

"Looking for ways to incorporate her 'friends'?"

"No," Vicky said with uncharacteristic gravity. "Double-checking things now that I know what sorts of things Taylor thinks is normal and fine and Ok to be doing."

Amy looked unimpressed. "She entirely seriously suggested you farm Nazis for cash."

"That was a great idea! It's not like they need it, they're Nazis!"

Note: They're lucky to still have kneecap and solid food privileges!
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Vicky should just publish her "List of Sensible and Reasonable Ideas, by A.P.Iary", and watch as the villain population of Brockton Bay mysteriously fades into the wind...

"...And due to the presence of Othala, such damage can be regenerated in a relatively modest timescale. This has the advantage of providing an increased supply of transplants for those who desperately need them, as well as tying up a strategic asset of an enhancing Trump. Thus, it is clear that this proposal to harvest the organs from incapacitated Empire members is the only moral choice..."
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Nazi deserve punishment, yes. Maybe up to lethal measures, true. But torture? That's stooping to their level, and nobody should ever do that.
And yet, they do. Truly, one of the worlds perplexing mysteries.

In truth there is only one quote to use when referring to Nazis:

Nazis? Fuck them.
When removing a groups rights, which I am happy to do in this instance, we have to ask which other groups so we fit into this removal of rights.

Is it solely based on their name? What if they used a different name? Is it their beliefs? Well what if other groups share similar beliefs against Jews, Gays, and others, and believe in wiping them out? Do religions get a pass? If so, what if there are Nazis who truly believe Hitler was a prophet? Do they get that same pass?

If you deny rights to any group, you cannot stop at that group. Not if they share important things in common with other groups.

Best to just not remove rights from anyone.
Makeover Madness, Part 3
"I Like The Cloaks," Duchess said. "The Shape Is Hard Though. Why Is Corporeality So Difficult?"

"Hmm," Alec said, unfazed by the gradually increasing disorder in his living room. "Yes, I understand. Me, I use falsies when I need to get my shape right, but…" Alec turned to Aisha. "Aisha, my excellent friend, do I have a mop?"

"I'm not mopping your floor," Aisha said disdainfully.

"No," Alec replied. "I mean, a sticky thing we could put the cloak on?"

Aisha gave him a look. "Like a hanger?" Aisha gestured to the pile of discarded packaging. "We got like fifty."

"No, no," Alec said, pacing about, uncharacteristically deep in thought. He suddenly pivoted to look directly at Aisha, giving her double finger guns. "I got it. We need some of those things they have at malls, ones that are empty inside. Maybe wire them for sound?"

Aisha did not look impressed.

"You know," Alec said, striking a pose. "The creepy thing they put clothes on?"

"I don't think dolls will help."

"No, no," Alec said shaking his head. "Bigger, like the Dutch wives we would fuck around with, except without the holes."

Aisha somehow looked even more unimpressed.

"They put them in store windows?"


Dr. Mother looked relieved to find Kurt in the kitchen. He immediately checked for exits.

"Kurt, there you are," she said. "Do you know why we have a, um, habitation block full of dismembered mannequins?"
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"No, no," Alec said, pacing about, uncharacteristically deep in thought. He suddenly pivoted to look directly at Aisha, giving her double finger guns. "I got it. We need some of those things they have at malls, ones that are empty inside. Maybe wire them for sound?"

Aisha did not look impressed.

"You know," Alec said, striking a pose. "The creepy thing they put clothes on?"

"I don't think dolls will help."

"No, no," Alec said shaking his head. "Bigger, like the Dutch wives we would fuck around with, except without the holes."

Aisha somehow looked even more unimpressed.

"They put them in store windows?"
... Alec, honey. I know English is hard, but you know what the *French* word for mannequin is?
... Alec, honey. I know English is hard, but you know what the *French* word for mannequin is?
I suspect the answer is 'No'. Deprived childhood is the least of it...

OTOH, one might suspect that 'RealDoll' is not a product known in 2011 Earth Bet, unless there's some Tinker/Masters who... have an unfortunate specialisation...
("Robot horde? I see no robot horde! It's... just a super-model convention... who've gone... a bit heavy on the make-up...")
Country Living, Part 10
"Are you sure you are OK staying out here?" Cassie asked, concern in her voice.

Rachel grunted. "Dogs like it."

The two girls were walking around the grounds of Rachel's farm turned training compound, accompanied by a dozen or so dogs under Rachel's watchful eye. The cops had taken the bad cars away, finished their poking and prodding, and their picking up, and all the other stuff they were doing. Seemed like a good time to take some of the dogs around, stretch their legs.

Make sure the bad scents were gone.

Cassie made more concerned noises. The words weren't important. Worried about the dogs, worried about Wafa, worried about more Nazis. Wafa made the same sort of noises. So did some of her students.

"Fuck the Nazis," Rachel finally said. She stopped to let a dog to do his business. "Showed them," she continued. "Will show anyone else who comes. Cops did their things. Phones and wires and shit. Better here than somewhere new." Better here than somewhere she didn't know.

She'd done her things too. Done them when the cops weren't looking. Cops changed once, could change again. Better be prepared. Put things places she could get to them, made things easier to get over, get under. More places dogs could hide. More places people could hide.

Better places to hide her pack, and the packs for Wafa and Cassie.

Rachel surveyed the scene carefully. Her students had just finished a training exercise. They had done good. The dogs had done good. Even the suits said so, the ones who came to watch. The suits wanted to talk more, too. Lots of words, too many words. Not much said. Rachel let Wafa and Dr. Weaver do the talking back. Suits seemed happy, and let Rachel focus on important things.

Some of the Wards came. One was a younger girl who came often. Liked the dogs. Treated them well.

Smart girl.

Another was there too, also a young girl. Vista. She followed the smart girl, but kept eying Rachel nervously. Finally, her posture shifted, and she approached Rachel cautiously.


Rachel Lindt intimidated Missy, and she didn't care who knew. Everyone should be intimidated by Rachel Lindt.

Rachel Lindt was strong, and tough, and beat Nazis into the ground with a shovel, without even using her powers! She carried herself like one of the veteran troopers, like she didn't give a fuck about anyone or anything and was prepared to take down anyone at a moment's notice. She just… stood there, silent, for the whole exercise, as the troopers, some of them super old, worked with the dogs.

Rachel Lindt even blew off Deputy Director Rennick and the person who had come up all the way from D.C.

Still, Missy had a mission! She had paid attention to the debrief materials on the Nazi attack, and knew she had found something. She could do this! All she had to do is approach the tall, strong, intimidating woman…
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And what is "this" that Lil'Missy wants to do? Shovel tips? Dog tips? Clockblocker training tips?!? Adopt gruff Rachel as her mother?
The possibilities are endless...
I love this story, so many wonderful things going on.
I'm... pretty sure Missy wants to discuss Nazi/Shovel interaction with Rachel. Probably with an eye to using Rachel's skills in that area. Maybe in a way that's good for dogs? Whatever, I'm pretty sure shovel-ology is involved.
Perspectives, Part 2
"How was the exercise?" Emily asked. She remembered the old days, back when she would have paid no mind to the D.C. observer's visit.

How foolish she had been.

"Well," Phil replied. "The dogs and K-9 unit impressed the observer, and Miss Lindt left the talking to others."

Emily nodded. "Likely for the best. Any occurrences of note?"

"Insight and Vista observed, as did Velocity and some of the PRT responders, I'll get you a list."

Emily allowed herself a small smile. "Insight seems to have taken a liking to Miss Lindt, or the dogs at least. It is nice to see Vista becoming engaged as well, goodness knows she could use some…" Emily trailed off at Phil's expression.

"About that…"


"… an entrenching tool," the younger girl said with growing confidence. "Hikers use them, and wilderness firefighters, and some soldiers! It works like this, see—"

Rachel watched with interest as the girl unfolded and then refolded the shovel. She didn't know why the girl had brought her a gift, but it would be good to include in her pack. It would be good for taking shits in the woods. Clearing debris. Moving dead things.

The sharpened edge was nice too.
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