Oh, are you about to talk about how to win the war-
The War is the Hell Invasion. Mangler is but a single battle.
+++Phys is not going to give us the attack boost to beat the Mangler on its own
We are already almost winning. +++PHYS will undoubtedly be the eventual tipping point.

That said, short-term goals: defeat/kill the Mangler. That is a battle, not the war. If I can cross both long-term goals with short-term goals (which have priority right now), I'll do it - which is why I vote for Draconic Vigor II. It gives us a flat boost to physical and mental/spiritual capabilities, which means an eventual purchase of Dragonscale will be worth more, and with interest. It's sort of like using a level 3 spell in a level 8 slot.

EDIT: Also - Ambrosia Power

View: https://soundcloud.com/gabrygabra97/humanity-marches-on-remastered-gabriele-solinas
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The War is the Hell Invasion. Mangler is but a single battle.
...fair enough. But I don't think anyone considers Reinforcement II or Dragonscale to be 'for getting Hell eventually' choices,
We are already almost winning. +++PHYS will undoubtedly be the eventual tipping point.
We don't know how many transformations the Mangler has, but regardless, we were almost winning against the Manglers Last form. He tiered up again and his Regeneration went up to 'all wounds from so far healed before Zane could do anything about it', who even knows what changed for his durability.
...and +++Phys is a Single, tier One, Noble invocation. Don't get me wrong, that's not bad for an effect developed 'instantaneously' and added on to everything else, But I don't think the difference between 'strong enough to beat the mangler' and 'not' was measured in 'one additional successful Invent Invocation roll.' .
That said, short-term goals: defeat/kill the Mangler. That is a battle, not the war. If I can cross both long-term goals with short-term goals (which have priority right now), I'll do it - which is why I vote for Draconic Vigor II. It gives us a flat boost to physical and mental/spiritual capabilities, which means an eventual purchase of Dragonscale will be worth more, and with interest. It's sort of like using a level 3 spell in a level 8 slot.
I'd argue our shortest-term goal is 'don't die to the mangler' and that we can worry about Defeating it after we manage to Run from it and preform several more days of training, attaining an Imperial Knight Arm in the process (The Knight Arm level which, as it happens, has 'The Mangler stands no chance and perhaps never did.' as part of its blurb, so I think that's a good point to aim for.).
Chapter 29 - Wrath's Day
Wrath's Day

Imagine thinking that you could change the world.

A snapping tendril of pure darkness - vantablack, darker than anything Zane had ever seen before - moved out of the Mangler's jaws like a snake, reaching forth sinuously through the air, and then cascaded down into a hundred bolts, like a Lichtenberg figure, aimed down at Zane.

Imagine being that stupid.

Although he'd miraculously dodged the few that came near him, the rest of them pierced the asphalt underfoot and drained it fast; crumbling tarmac into dust, and dust into nothing, and then sucking it in. Like a straw drawing in liquefied food.

He dashed, as soon as the nearest tendrils cleared, jumping off a tiny bit of concrete that hung suspended in the air in the hundredth of a second between existence and full disappearance, and he somehow made it across the field of streaking darkness and into the clear air. After that, Zane sprinted, forcefully punching aside large blocks of rubble, sliding cars, mailboxes, street lamps, and crumpling beams of steel, making his arms burn. It seemed the Mangler was drawing in the destroying features of the terrain to himself, like a werewolf-sized black hole, at speeds that must've seemed, from a normal person's perspective, to be like those of an arrow.

He reached Mephistopheles a second of dashing, running, dodging, and sprinting later and clasped his hand firmly, anxiously closing his eyes. There was a pop, a displacement of air, and a sensation like being dipped in lukewarm water for a moment before they reappeared elsewhere.

They re-appeared in something resembling a spacious office, with a mahogany desk atop which sat an expensive monitor, some documents, a stationary phone, and a small picture frame. Around himself, Zane saw both Johnny Buddha and Spike, as well as a couple of unknown or almost-unknown Cardbearers.

He recognized Hephaestus among them the most, but there were three others, too.

There was a man with a bushy beard and dark hair tied into a ponytail, wielding a trident of shining gold, observing their dual appearance with a raised eyebrow. There was also a pair of man and woman who stood close enough together to outline them as teammates, dressed in avant-garde red and blue outfits respectively, as well as face-concealing visors. Both of them smiled, then promptly frowned, as Zane stumbled following the teleportation and grasped onto the nearby desk for support. He was feeling ill, like he wanted to throw up. Fucking teleportation.

A moment later, he realized that sinking feeling in his gut wasn't caused by the sudden teleportation, but the wounds he'd sustained making themselves known as the adrenaline flow in his body rapidly diminished. All of a sudden, Zane could feel the spikes of heat digging into his forearms where the Mangler's claws had pierced down past major nerve clusters. His entire chest felt empty, like an egg that had been sucked of its yolk, and incredibly cold, like a radiator turned off.

He almost blacked out right there. He exerted every iota of willpower to keep standing, but the edges of his vision crawled with darkness, like a tunnel closing in on the center of his sight and threatening to overtake him.

A moment later, he coughed and felt his entire stomach and throat heave together in one, wet pulse. A thick pool of blood, scarlet red, splattered over the desk he was holding onto. It was only a few seconds later that Spike ran over and examined him.


"He needs medical attention," concluded Mephistopheles sharply. He didn't sound particularly distressed, walking over to a corner of his office to roll down the window blinds. A moment later, he made his way over to another part of the office and pressed his thumb against a portion of the wall, causing it to sink in like a button. A hidden compartment opened behind, underlit by cyan neon lights, displaying various items: guns on racks, a katana with a gold-white hilt, and a first-aid kit with a red cross on it.

Zane looked away at that moment, in order to wretchedly vomit blood again. It fell down from his throat, leaving a feeling of bile and copper in his mouth. It was somewhat darker, almost edging towards black. He didn't know what that meant.

"He's bleeding black," Spike noticed. "Maybe lay down?"

"Mm. His blood oxygen level is low," said Mephistopheles measuredly, with little compassion. He tossed something over, that Spike caught. "Give him that, to start with. It should help. Make sure to hit the vein, next to the shoulder. I'll look for blood bags and an IV drip."

"Don't move, buddy," Spike whispered as he raised up a syringe filled with some kind of translucent fluid, and pressed it gently into Zane's arm, giving him a shot. It pricked, but not worse than the wounds the Mangler dealt him.

"Fuck. Shouldn't you disinfect my skin first?" Zane growled through grit teeth.

"Won't matter." Mephistopheles returned with a blood bag, a small needle, a tube, and a few other medical appliances. "If you die today, it won't be something as puny as an infection that gets you. If you're coughing blood, that indicates extensive internal bleeding, and that's far worse than an infection. Believe me. Give me your arm."

He didn't know why he complied with the demands of the man who'd attempted to kill him and trashed his uncle's restaurant in the process - maybe it was the bone-deep awareness that he'd probably, indeed, die anyway, so what the hell?

He extended his arm, as much as he could, and Mephistopheles grabbed it and pushed him, forced him to sit down in an office chair.

Zane merely grunted as his back thumped against its surprisingly comfortable leather. Mephistopheles then worked, in slow, patient motions, connecting him up to the small blood bag. After it was done, he handed it over to Spike and instructed him to hold it up so the blood will flow in properly. As the transfusion took place, over the course of well over a minute, slowly, Zane found himself focusing once more and regaining some portion of his attention. All of the people in the room watched this, and then lapsed into a slow conversation, which Zane found difficult to follow until his eyes snapped open, and he felt inexplicably attentive again.

"How do you know my blood type?"

"I know the blood types of all my enemies," said Mephistopheles, as if that explained anything. He was doing something on his phone. "Now that you're all conscious, let's discuss. According to the latest reports, the Mangler is currently tearing up... Hell's Kitchen, attempting to find us. It'll be at least five minutes before he relocates your scent and two more before he reaches Lower Manhattan. It's clear that you are his primary target in this massacre. My contacts at the oh-so-brave NYPD informed me the National Guard has mobilized, and the Army is soon to follow. Between you and me, they can't do much. Any ideas outside of the obvious would be appreciated."

"Evacuate. The city," said the man with the trident, a small tone of insistence to him. He sounded like he was used to giving out orders and wasn't happy about being stuck here, among would-be equals or superiors.

"Unwise," Mephistopheles said casually, coughing a little, then leaning against his desk. His gloved hand touched Zane's blood vomit with a wet sound, and the man held it up and grunted disgustedly, wiping it off on a stack of papers, before deciding it was futile, and removing his glove altogether.

"How is that unwise?" Hephaestus asked him, voice tense, yet calm like she wanted to punch him in the face.

"Because it accomplishes exactly nothing," replied Mephistopheles, with a scathing venom, turning on her. He coughed again, far more hoarse than before, and continued to speak with a raspy voice, clearing his throat in between words and sentences, "The Mangler is faster than a bullet; given time, deadlier than a nuke, and he can't be destroyed. I could attempt to contact the McNessas and in doing so, accomplish nada. The Wardens are moving already, but too slow. And the policemen are sleeping on their fucking job. The Mangler will kill as many thousands of people as he pleases and we can't do anything. Focus on something we can do."

"Move Zane outside the city," proposed Johnny Buddha ardently.

"Fuck that," Zane answered, ripping the IV out of his arm with a growl. "I'm finding Persephone, getting better healing, and I'll fight that fucker. I almost had him last time."

"A fascinating method of suicide," Mephistopheles said, voice filled with nothing less than pure admiration for his choice. "I debated that one myself - fighting the Mangler. It sounds like such an exalted way to have your fucking guts ripped out."

Mephistopheles laughed at him, and at first, Zane was angry, but then, the man's laugh transformed into a rasped fit of coughing. He coughed, and doubled over, almost falling to his knees, and Zane's anger disappeared, replaced with confusion. The coughing persisted for almost ten seconds, when the man finally stopped, breathing in.

"Are you..."

"I'm dying," said Mephistopheles, raising a hand. He spoke, snappily, to preserve his voice and stamina, "Had to sacrifice health, power. Irrelevant, currently. Focus on Mangler. Save myself later."

"Fuck. I don't know. Use me as bait," Zane said, throwing a random idea at the board. "I don't want people to die because of me."

"Constantine," Spike suddenly offered. "We need to find him. If we can fight with him at your side, he'll be able to even the playing field - make the Mangler weaker, and you stronger. And he can bless us, let us coordinate better. It could make us more relevant to the speeds you're at."

"Then we need to find him," said Mephistopheles, voice still hoarse, lightly punching his chest. "Call him."

Spike did, but to no avail. After a nervous few moments, the call didn't even go through.

"Fuck," Zane cursed. "I'm going after the Mangler, then. Teleport me."

"Stupid." Mephistopheles laughed again. "And I can't. I can only go where they call my name. Don't worry about the Mangler, he'll come to us soon enough. If we're going to fight the beast, come up with a battle plan."

"I assume this building doesn't have anti-Mangler defenses?" Johnny Buddha asked, voice almost hopeful.

Mephistopheles' voice, in turn, was mildly spiteful. "No. It does not."

"Then we should leave here pronto," Johnny Buddha said. "He can kinda cut down buildings like a lumberjack, my guy. Skyscrapers especially."

After a moment of blankly staring into space and clutching his chest, right near the heart, Mephistopheles asked, "Car or helicopter?"

"You have a helicopter?" Spike asked. "Wait, who even are you?"

"Doesn't. Fucking. Matter," answered Mephistopheles, voice going ragged with sheer, vein-boiling wrath. "If you make it, you'll find out in the newspaper when they post my obituary. Focus on the fucking question. If we flee by car, our options of escape are limited, we'll be limited by terrain features, and the Mangler will definitely be faster than us. If we flee by helicopter, we'll limit his attack vectors and we'll be much faster, but I could die in the middle of the flight, or pass out, and force you to save yourselves. Can you all survive a helicopter crash?"

"Uhm. I can," Buddha said.

"Me too," Spike offered.

The man with the trident nodded.

After a moment of thought, the man in the red outfit said, "Hm, I suppose I could transform into a pontoon or parachute and save Bonnie here from the subsequent fall, so I suppose we're all good."

"Alright then. Your choice," Mephistopheles said, looking over at Zane.

"How is it my choice?" He wanted to react with a laugh of his own - this was ridiculous and illogical.

"He's pursuing you, so you're the one fleeing. All of the rest of us are there as willing backup. If you want to fight here, we can't do much to stop you. If you want to escape, again, not much we can do - but we can at least go with you and help you if the Mangler catches up," said the man, drawing in a sharp breath, as if to center himself in all this stupidity. Zane was surprised at how straightforward his response was, and even more surprised that a mob boss would actually give a fuck about what happened in regards to a Mangler massacre.

"I think we should take the chopper," opinioned Spike, drawing everyone into a discussion of the merits and demerits of each option. It was, however, ultimately Zane's choice as to what he did.


As of right now, you have 2.5 Ambrosia.

Select an escape plan, or a general plan of action:

[ ] Hunker Down - As of right now, your priority is to put down the Mangler and make sure he can't deal more damage. Fortify the building as much as possible using Johnny Buddha and Hephaestus' shared powers, and then make a plan to defend it.

*Minimizes collateral civilian deaths and overall damage.
*Also increases your odds of death.
*Mephistopheles is confident he can provide you with better medical attention in the meantime, to get you back into fighting shape and then some (apparently, he can enhance you further in some way to give you an edge.)
*Actual tactics improve odds of success.

*Johnny Buddha, Hephaestus, and Poseidon favor this plan.

[ ] Air Escape - Use a helicopter to run away. A non-zero chance that Mephistopheles dies before you leave city limits, making you crash. A rough 5% chance he dies in general while you're in the air. It's possible - maybe even likely - that you'll lose the Mangler this way.

*Spike, Bonnie, and Clyde (Sun Wukong) favor this plan.

[ ] Ground Escape - Use a car to run away. Even if Mephistopheles dies, someone else can easily take the wheel and keep driving further down the road, and most of you won't be especially affected. At the very least, it's possible you'll leave city limits before the Mangler catches up.

*Mephistopheles favors this plan.
I'm conflicted between hunkering down and an escape by air.

Losing the Mangler will leave the city up for his mighty jaws, which is terrifying and will create more problems way down the line - the upside is our survival, and that is pretty much what matters because Hell is coming and we need to be here for it, and to make sure Pryldet also arrives.

Hunkering Down, though, allows us to fight on our terms. We'll have more allies on our side, now, some possibly powerful, and Mephisto can give us an edge. We won't be injured, too, which means we'll be at peak performance when Wolfy here comes for us.

So that's my choice. Let's start strategizing. Anyone here have a CS for every relevant member of our party, right now?

[X] Hunker Down

EDIT: So, first ideas come to mind. We have Poseidon, which means water-based powers. Hopefully, his compatibility is high; an idea would be to bust every water pipe nearby, to provide a minor nuisance and give Neptune here a weapon to use against the Mangler. In Mythology, Poseidon is also the god of earthquakes, so maybe he can crack open the earth and get us some larger water reservoir? Maybe bring out lava, with Haephestus helping, to stop the Mangler from regenerating?

EDIT2: So, I asked Birdsie, and Poseidon doesn't have earthquake powers. Shame.

- enhanced condition (can't match you or the Mangler, but could easily fuck up Spike without his Arms)
- golden trident, allows him to fire water balls or hose-like sprays that have the force of sniper bullets and a firefighter's hose respectively
- enhanced swimming (easily swims at 120kph, can breathe underwater)

- equipped with magical armor and weapons, is basically impervious to anything less than a concentrated assault with artillery
- enhanced crafting/tinkering sense with normals items and technology
- can imbue magic into objects to reinforce them physically

Sun Wukong (Bonnie and Clyde)
- have one card between them, with the same power for both
- can transform into one of 72 shapes; once a shape is 'set,' it has that forever; they've already occupied 30 forms and 18, including a lockpick, a suit of armor, etc. the assumption is that one turns into a thing and the other uses it

Anyway, Haephestus is a powerful tank, so he will obviously be doing that - tanking the Mangler. Haeph is impervious to anything less than a concentrated artillery assault, and I doubt the Mangler is at that level yet, especially when he has to focus on so many people attacking him at once. Poseidon is our poke and nuisance, as per the flood everything with water plan (he can also move around faster, that way). Hephaestus can imbue our weapons and armors with magic (maybe one suit of armor made by Sun Wukong's Cardbearer).

Maybe he can imbue our Knight Arm with magic? He probably can, since it is an object. I wonder how the two magics will interact... But whatever! Reinforcing the building is priority before the weapons themselves, and it'll allow us to not have an entire house come down on our heads. As far as Mephistopheles is concerned, he's dying - I'd rather keep him as our healer only, because that's as much as he's able to do in his condition. If anyone should be bait, it should be him - he already knows his fate is sealed.

Johnny Buddha, now: he's in for suicidal tactics, for some reason. Very well; if push comes to shove, he can cover himself in bombs and jump in the Mangler's mouth and blow him up from the inside. The Mangler has shown stupidity when in his beast form, which means he'll gladly munch on a suicide bomber as if it was the tastiest treat.

And, of course, Zane. Zane should focus on healing himself, before the Mangler arrives, and maybe meditate to get some minimal measure of improvement before the fight restarts. The fight depends on him being able to kill the Mangler; I'm confident he can kill him.

It's also narratively appropriate, hm? What better way to earn Pryldet's respect as his squire than to prove your worth and slay a great beast of legend?

(702 words)
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[X] Air Escape
I propose we try surviving. Also, if Zane is stable without A Flower Is A Fist's + Echo of the Brawler's Constitution boosts, he should use Sheath The Blade while in flight- I'm not sure if that went without saying- This also applies for ground escape, and to a much lesser extent to Hunker Down to give the others more prep time.
If anyone is confident in their ability to tank the Manglers incidental attentions while Zane isn't nearby for long enough for The Mangler to realize that, it might also be beneficial to have them feign a Ground Escape while actually going by air, so The Mangler will be distracted.

I gotta say I have no idea how Gabe can justify being confident Zane can kill the Mangler. He put up a good showing... from full Mana and decent health, on the Manglers pre-black-absorption-thing form. He is now at lower health(Mephisto said 'fighting shape and then some', not 'pristine condition') and quite low mana, unless you think like, 10 minutes is going to be enough for him to fully regenerate. He hasn't gotten much better at his powers, either.
On that note, spend the helicopter ride practicing the dragonic flight Zane suspects but doesn't know he has but totally has, very slowly and carefully, so that if Mephistopheles passes out, Zane can jump out of the helicopter and keep flying, an even less significant and quite antimemetic spec on the horizon. That's not just a selfish choice- If Zane isn't there, the Mangler will probably move on, possibly not even find the crash in the first place if he wasn't following the heli when it happened.
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Uh, yeah, pretty much everything about your argument is "Our skin first."
I didn't say it wasn't a selfish choice- I said it wasn't Just a selfish choice. Specifically regarding 'staying in the air when the helicopter goes down' on the assumption an air escape was already ongoing. Staying near someone makes it more likely they'll die from the Mangler, and while we're not in the position to refuse help for their safety, the case of a Helicopter crash is one where both sets of incentives align.
And what makes you think the Mangler can't just jump at the helicopter and drag us down? Because he can. He very much can.
He absolutely can jump up to the helicopter. But, that limits his options. his approach has to be a Jump. He doesn't have any flight powers, as far as we know, so a jump is an extended period where he isn't able to maneuver. If our trajectory changes during the jump, he will miss, then continue to careen into the distance for some time- It doesn't matter how strong his limbs are, gravity is only 9.8 meters per second squared. Helicopters fly at around 3000 meters up, so every miss is a Minimum of 18 seconds before he reaches the ground again- And that's assuming he cuts through the air like a condensed metal rod with a terminal velocity of who-even-knows. That's also assuming he even has the precision needed to manage that and that his eyes are good enough to pick out the helicopter spec from ground level while Sheath is active, and that he reaches the helicopter at the absolute apex of his lunge- the faster he's moving when he reaches the helicopter, the longer it'll take him to hit the ground afterwards, and the slower he's moving, the more time there is to dodge. If we have one second to dodge, that means he's moving upwards at 3000 meters per second for obvious reasons, and That means it'll take him three minutes just to reach the apex of his jump (assuming he's cutting through the air etc etc otherwise he'll go slower on the way down than on the way up but he also won't go as high the math is annoying). a Helicopters rotor is about 10 meters, so that's the target the Mangler will need to hit to crash the helicopter. Some quick searches say it takes a helicopter around 4 seconds to reach 44 meters per second from a dead stop, which is about 11 meters/second/second of acceleration, meaning that even if the Manglers jump takes only a second- putting his instantaneous top speed at about 60 times higher than a car and making escape by ground laughable- the helicopter can Still dodge it fairly reliably by randomly changing directions. More likely his instantaneous top speed is substantially lower than that (possibly because the ground will fall apart before he can push off it hard enough) which makes it quite feasible to dodge if not taken by surprise- or even to dodge by accident simply by not moving in a straight line.
On doing some math, the instantaneous acceleration needed to be able to reach a helicopters height with a single jump from ground level- with no horizontal component- is roughly 330 meters/second, 738 miles/hour, meaning he'll have to be at least twice as fast as the fastest car in the world. Makes escape by ground seem increasingly unlikely.

But hey! Let's say the Mangler does jump at the Helicopter, and then mephisto doesn't dodge because his instantaneous acceleration turned out to be like 9000 meters/second.
How does he drag the helicopter down?
He is currently moving upwards at 9000 meters per second. If he hits the helicopter, whatever he hits is going to be heading upwards in a similar direction- but knocked aside- at a similar speed. So he hits the helicopter blade, I guess the blade breaks, he can come back and see if we crashed in another 18 minutes(or 6 if he's just going at 3000m/s). He hits the helicopter main body, the helicopter goes flying way up in the air but slower, on a somewhat different trajectory and he loses track of it, he can come back in 18(or six) minutes. in general, He cannot come to a stop in the helicopter because the helicopter doesn't weigh enough and isn't strong enough.
But let's be extra-charitable! He aims so precisely that he hits Zane! head on! He and Zane are carried by his ludicrous momentum really high into the sky! Did he manage to grapple Zane? if so, is he so durable Zane cannot beat his way out in six minutes? If so, I think. Uh. Zane was going to lose anyway! His burst potential is stronger than his everything else and if he can't Kill the Mangler, he loses. If not, Zane gets free (or wasn't grappled) and is now even Further up in the sky while the Mangler careens helplessly away; Zane can now fly away, leaving no trail because he is over 200 kilometers up in the air in the thermosphere and intensely antimemetic. He literally wouldn't be visible Anyway, because there's too much Air in the way.
Have I mentioned Zane can fly yet? he already used this ability (sort of, reoriented in the air) and he has the helicopter ride to figure it out on.

on the other hand, if the Mangler manages to hit the helicopter because nobody noticed him for 18 seconds straight, after he broke the sound barrier, he can probably drag it down and not lose track of Zane. but in that case everyone failed enough spot checks that they deserve to die.

It's also narratively appropriate, hm? What better way to earn Pryldet's respect as his squire than to prove your worth and slay a great beast of legend?
Also I'd like to propose the alternative way of proving your worth by having a self-preservation instinct. I hear it's a rare trait.
and then we can slay the great beast in five more days. safely.
Honestly, we are dealing with Magical Bullshit Giant Wolf. This... entire argument is based around the fact that the helicopter will fly at maximum height and at top speed.

In the middle of New York.

And anyway, running away is pure cowardice no matter how you look at it. If Zane runs away, the hungry and angry animal who has shown to be animalistic will certainly leave Spike, Johnny Buddha, Poseidon, Bonnie and Clyde alone, right? He won't just fucking kill them, exactly like he'll kill THOUSANDS OF CIVILIANS because we were too much of a pussy to prepare and fight him ON OUR TERMS? We need to run away and condemn New York to billions of dollars in damages, untold destruction and so many deaths that they'll have funerals for months.

We have gacha'd our way here, even though you did not want to. We came out on top, even though you did not expect us to. Now our odds are better than ever before, even though you don't agree.

Patterns repeat, Joe. You have been proven wrong two times, and three times the charm.
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Honestly, we are dealing with Magical Bullshit Giant Wolf. This... entire argument is based around the fact that the helicopter will fly at maximum height and at top speed.

In the middle of New York.
Not in the middle of New York; by the time the Mangler finds us and catches up, if he does at all. And not top speed; top acceleration. Acceleration is what's necessary to dodge- you need to apply a new and non-predicted force so the Mangler isn't already headed towards your 1-second-ahead destination.
And since I was using a 'from 0' thing and the directional acceleration will be related to blade speed which won't be going from zero, the acceleration I gave is actually a lowball.
And anyway, running away is pure cowardice no matter how you look at it. If Zane runs away, the hungry and angry animal who has shown to be animalistic will certainly leave Spike, Johnny Buddha, Poseidon, Bonnie and Clyde alone, right? He won't just fucking kill them, exactly like he'll kill THOUSANDS OF CIVILIANS because we were too much of a pussy to prepare and fight him ON OUR TERMS? We need to run away and condemn New York to billions of dollars in damages, untold destruction and so many deaths that they'll have funerals for months.
Well, if he runs away The Mangler isn't trying to track down the exact position of Spike, Johnny Buddha and co alone. I'm expecting the Mangler to prioritize us if he knows where we are and to not find them- because he isn't looking for Them- if he doesn't.
He also kills thousands of civilians no matter what and has already done so. Hunker down reduces civilian deaths, but it doesn't undo the earlier ones or any he makes on his way to us. Not to mention, if we're running and the Mangler knows we're running, he leaves the city looking for us. And any confrontation that does happen won't be in the city.
We have gacha'd our way here, even though you did not want to. We came out on top, even though you did not expect us to. Now our odds are better than ever before, even though you don't agree.

Patterns repeat, Joe. You have been proven wrong two times, and three times the charm.
...I voted For Hopeless And Tireless Maiden Prayer for most of the vote duration, though I changed my mind at the end(Not because I thought the odds were Bad per se, but because they were Odds, and I decided I didn't strongly prefer HaTMP's outcome to the other one.). And frankly what happened with saving Johhny Buddha was even worse than I'd expected; I'd thought we'd at least deflect that blow without problems and that the Mangler would end up ahead once the Unhesitating Martial Advance boost ran out- instead of him cleaving straight through our Knight Arm and mangling our limbs without even expecting us to be there. We also didn't come out on top even After we got the 12-Ambrosia upgrade; We forced the Mangler to use another level of transformation. That's it. And better than ever? Well, probably. They started out at about 7%, though. Even odds that are 'better than ever' aren't terribly high.
Regardless of how you interpret the events, though, I haven't been proven to be wrong, because I never claimed the decisions would fail. I only ever claimed they were bad decisions- and that's a question measured in values and probabilities, not flat outcomes. buying a lottery ticket is a bad Decision, even if you win. A similar principal applies, though obviously to a much lesser degree with the odds being double-digit percentages.
[X] Air Escape

Yeah, people will die. But if we die, people will still keep dying. And keep on dying. And then demon taint will keep increasing and those who didn't die will wish they were dead.

We are, want it or not, Earth's last hope. And yeah, Dragon Daddy coming in to pick us up for Knight School is cool... assuming we live (actually, does our death change his trajectory/coming? I assume it will, but didn't hear WoG on the topic).

Let's just go. Get out, get healed, get stronger, go and solve Mangler or whatever other nightmare is waiting for us to outgrind them.
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Chapter 30 - Helicopter Escape
Helicopter Escape

"Alright then," Zane agreed, not one to ignore the advice of his friends. "Let's use the helicopter to escape."

"Follow me," commanded Mephistopheles, striding out of the small office. All of them walked after him, Poseidon and Hephaestus in the lead, Bonnie and Clyde at the end, with the Demon-Slayers and Buddha in the middle.

It seemed they were in some kind of large office or work building, with long halls lined with doors and fluorescent lamps. All of it gave Zane a claustrophobic feeling, with little space or windows. There was a quality of liminal space to it, as well, because there were no workers present, and none of the hustle and noise that he'd associate with a busy working environment like this. Maybe some of that was his cultural media spoilage, but he expected to constantly hear the clatter of typing and phone calls, yet he could hear none, even on the lower floors. It seemed like the place was abandoned. Or maybe it was because it was a weekend, but even then, wouldn't some people still be working?

"So, who are you guys?" Spike asked the duo behind them. "I remember you from the meeting."

"Bonnie Finn," said the woman in blue, flashing him a winning smile.

"Clyde Sawyer," added the eccentric man, with a confident grin of his own. "Despite our humble origins in the slums of Louisiana, we - Bonnie and Clyde - have made a name for ourselves as the greatest thieves in New York! Alas, we stole from Poseidon here, and he didn't react too well..."

"I'd sooner have the BMX Bandits over either of you clowns," growled the man with the trident, apparently Poseidon.

"We, ah," Hephaestus interjected with some coy chuckling, "We were having something of a bidding war when the Mangler attacked. We'd intended to help you out when Mephistopheles said it'd be pointless to fight the Mangler in the open and proposed his own plan."

"Don't be afraid to give us a call, if we make it out," said Clyde with a smile, swiftly and, almost clandestinely, passing Zane a business card. It was a fancy white, red, and blue paper with a cartoony infographic printed out on it, containing their number and some miscellaneous information. It was one of several business cards he'd received from Godcard users, he realized, and that line of thought - maybe in addition to some of his grogginess from blood loss and general deoxygenation, led him to ask a question.

"Is there some kind of... Cardbearer catalogue for designing and ordering business cards?"

It seemed like Hephaestus was about to answer his question. "Well, actually-"

"Quiet," snapped Mephistopheles. He stood in front of an elevator, pressing a button and pressing his thumb to a scanner. "I cannot bear to listen to any of you anymore. I've been called elsewhere to make a deal. Go to the top floor. I need someone here to call my name in two minutes from now." And with that, he disappeared.

All of them stepped into the cluttered elevator together and then, once everyone was onboard, Johnny pressed the button that'd bring them to the top. The doors closed, the elevator beeped, and then all of them could feel the push downward as the elevator started its ascent.

"Does everyone have some kind of anti-Mangler alliance that we don't know about?" Spike asked during their steady ride up. He folded his arms, looking at the people in the elevator from his corner. "I mean, you guys seemed to be awfully trustful of Mr. Devil Pants over there."

"No offense, kid, but he's probably done more good for this shithole city than five of you put together," Poseidon replied with a casual laugh. "It was him who got Dionysus and Olympus to play nice with each other and make the monthly meetings into a thing. And he helped with the entire Odin fiasco, back when the McNessas were fresh, greedy, and ready to take everyone's Cards. A bit of a funny, ironic turnabout with what happened to the Zuchezzis now, I suppose. Fun shit. Mephisto? He's legit. A man of his word. He might strongarm you, but at least he doesn't shoot first, not without asking questions. He's good."

"And bad," said Hephaestus, as if contesting him. Poseidon looked at her with a somewhat unamused glance, lifting an eyebrow as if to ask her if she really believed that, in her heart of hearts. "He peddles drugs and weapons. There isn't much that can excuse that kind of behavior, Poseidon. I don't claim to be a saint myself, although, yes... I do admit that I suppose he was a stabilizing influence. Nothing much we can do about it now, however."

It was an enlightening bit of conversation, but Zane didn't find himself caring overly - or feeling guilty in the slightest. He'd promised himself to never again listen or bend to any asshole who wanted to use him, for anything, and Mephistopheles had tried and lost. He should've cut his losses and stepped back. He also made for a decent example to the others. It was a part of the strategy that allowed Zane to lift himself up to where he was, capable of making his own choices. All he needed now was to get rid of the damn Mangler somehow. All he wanted was to live in peace.

And he wasn't sure how all of the Lotus Maiden stuff was supposed to fit into that desire in the slightest. It felt a bit like ramming a square peg into a round hole. He was a Knight-Aspirant now, and that implied duties and burdens on a cosmic scale, at least eventually. Could he run a flower shop and do that at the same time?

There was something laughable about the idea - Zane Li Black, gardener and flower shop owner by day, cosmic warrior-knight by night.

"What was your beef with him, anyway?" Poseidon asked, looking back at Spike.

"Doesn't matter right now," Spike answered curtly, a bit too curtly - almost aggressively.

"There is an alliance of sorts, though," Hephaestus shifted the topic back to its original source. "After the first meeting, he and Constantine gathered together and made all the major powers swear an oath to prioritize the Mangler's destruction over any petty grudges if he reared his head again."

"Apparently, that's biting him in the ass right now," Poseidon mused, clearly referring to Mephistopheles. "His oaths and deals are binding, even to himself. I can gather context clues from what I know about him. He wanted to off himself, maybe earlier today. You've scored a big, fat victory against him."

"Shut the fuck up," Spike said. "Don't piss me off."

"Or you'll do what, kid?" Poseidon sneered at him. "Fight me?"

"Enough," Clyde stepped in between them. "I don't know what kind of conflict you two have, but we should focus on escaping."

"That's r-right," Bonnie added, not quite as confident as her partner.

A few moments later, the elevator made a positive beep and its door shuttered open to unveil the rooftop.

It was clear, at that moment, that they stood on one of the tallest skyscrapers in New York City, as there were only a few buildings of comparable height. Most of them were a handful of floors shorter, with only a few that were taller or equal. An endless howling filled Zane's ears, made by the tumultuous winds blowing about at this height, hundreds of meters above the solid earth. They stood on an edifice of mortar and steel construction, yet one that could so easily be toppled should their enemy know where to strike. It did nothing to alleviate his worries to know that he'd be leaving in moments.

The group made its way, briskly, across a dark, lattice-steel catwalk and then up a set of metal stairs, directed for the helipad near the outer edge of the rooftop's north side.

It gave them a prime viewing opportunity to see what was happening in Upper Manhattan - utter and incomprehensible carnage.

Even from where they stood, there were clearly half-collapsed high-rises, having fallen over like oak trees cut down by a lumberjack. Large plumes of gray smoke rose into the air to form into sky-lakes of dark clouds. The landscape was dotted with small domes of red luminescence that seemed to flare against the surviving buildings, sometimes releasing sudden bursts of cinders into the air. There weren't mere dozens of buildings aflame, but hundreds and every building meant hundreds of people dead. It was hard not to look at the entire mess and consider how much of it could've been prevented if he'd stayed there to fight. Or simply acted smarter.

"Mephistopheles," said Hephaestus.

He appeared a moment later, in between eyeblinks, standing on the landing pad with his coat swaying in the air. He was watching the carnage as well. "I've attempted to contact Olympus and discovered something," he said, voice a little flat.

"What is it?" Poseidon stepped forward.

"This is their doing," Mephistopheles said, a sudden note of somber realization entering his voice. He looked over at Zane. "They intended to assassinate you. But I cannot... fathom why? What do they have to gain from it?"


"Your power," realized Mephistopheles. "It's disrupting their plan. Of course. Now I realize..."

There was a loud gunshot, and Mephistopheles ducked and then leaped to hide behind the helicopter. All of the others rushed to protect themselves, with Spike raising up his shield and drawing substantial gunfire.

"From fucking where?" Johnny Buddha yelled.

"Over there!" Spike returned. Another rooftop, a hundred meters distant from them. Zane could see men there, dressed in thick armor suit and outfitted with rifles. A few helicopters already in the air, unmarked and dark.

"The entire fucking world wants me dead," Zane muttered.

There was a moment of clattering, as Clyde passed the Sun Wukong Card off to Bonnie. Her body compressed like an explosion in reverse, transforming into a fine and ornamental, metallic blue crossbow that landed in Clyde's arms, already loaded with a bolt. He took up aim and shot one bolt, then hid as someone returned fire.

"Nevermind the chopper," said Mephistopheles. There was a noise of crackling lightning as Spike tossed his javelin at one of the shooters, taking him down. "It seems we aren't flying anywhere for now, and..."

There was a distant howl. Mephistopheles nodded as if his worst fears had been confirmed.

"He's found us. Shit."

The beast cut its way through New York like a knife that had somehow gotten lodged inside a vein, pushing forcefully through and cutting apart blood vessels as it went further down, rending apart buildings like the knife would've mangled tissues. At this height, it was impossible to spot individual people, but Zane could see the cars and city buses being thrown about like sand in the wake of his motion, shockwave after shockwave killing dozens after dozens. It was nauseating to think about, so bad that he almost lost consciousness lost in the trance of murder.

"Get your game face on!" Johnny Buddha said, bumping Zane in the side of the arm as if to rouse him up to something that resembled attentiveness. Zane stared at him, disbelieving the man still had some kind of plan or idea for what to do. "Here's the plan: I'll hit him with a binding spell, and you fuck him up."

"Your binding spell won't affect the Mangler but for a second," said Mephistopheles in response.

"A second should be enough. And we don't have a better plan. If he reaches us, we're fucked."


Current Ambrosia is 2.9. Work harder!

A game plan is necessary - there's around a minute left before the Mangler reaches your position, maybe less.

[ ] Bind & Fight - It's very far from ideal, but it gives your other allies some time to escape. Wait for the Mangler to get close to the building you're on and then let Johnny Buddha hit the bastard with a binding spell, following which you'll attempt to land some critical hits on him.

[ ] Focus on Escape - Instead, direct Buddha and yourself to help defeat the gunmen before they can disable the helicopter. Escape while it's still possible.

Would you like to activate Brawler of Midwood for this?
[ ] Brawler - Yes
[ ] Brawler - No
[X] Focus on Escape - Instead, direct Buddha and yourself to help defeat the gunmen before they can disable the helicopter. Escape while it's still possible.
[X] Brawler - Yes

Let's just keep escaping.
Keep on escaping and keep on living with our allies in tow.
And if we won't use Brawler here then we may and probably will die horribly next update, regardless of our other choice.
[X] Focus on escape
I'm not sure about the brawler. To be clear, if we don't activate it, is it used at the 'delay of 10 attacks culminating in death' way, or are we close enough power-wise that it will actually guarantee survival if we keep it for now?

Theoretically, Zane could jump(and fly. because he can fly.) into one of the distant Helicopters and say Mephistos name as he clears out its inhabitants, skipping any takeoff sequence and very slightly muddying the trail for the Mangler, but I don't think anyone's going to support that since it leaves the others out to dry. If only anyone but Mephisto knew how to fly a helicopter we could pick a milquetoast mixture of stall and run where Zane stays behind while they fly away, until the Mangler actually shows up and Zane starts running out of mojo, then one of them says Mephistopheles(they'll be too far away to see this, so I guess they just say it over and over periodically) and Mephisto grabs Zane and they vanish again to the Manglers abject confusion.
Also, once flying away in the helicopter, the Mangler is probably going to try and jump at us at least once considering he knows where we started from; Zane should keep an eye out for where the Mangler is once the other threats are handled and be prepared to fire those petal balls at him as they are ranged attacks which should disrupt his trajectory.
and also breath supersonic spears of silver at him but he doesn't really know that's an option yet. does brawler increase the feasibility of Zane doing what would otherwise be metagaming?
Doesn't Brawler activate automatically in the event of a Death-State roll? Or did I read that wrong at the start of the quest.
It normally does. It's slightly ambiguous what Brawler activating will do now, though. When he started fighting the Mangler, he was so far beyond Zane that Brawler multiplied the victory chance (rather than the roll) if activated, and that the automatic activation of brawler would only protect Zane from death for '10 attacks' of time rather than an entire encounter.
However, since that time, we've gained a 12-Ambrosia advancement, so it's possible we're back to normal mechanics for Brawler. If so, I'm personally inclined not to use it because survival is my primary consideration, but it's still not known if this is the case.