[x]Absolute Favor of Invocation(A Flower is a Fist)
[x]Absolute Favor of Invocation(Unhesitating Martial Advance)
[x]Fusion of Forms
[X] Fusion of Forms
] Absolute Favor of Invocation (AFIAF)
[X] Absolute Favor of Invocation (UMA)

I'd call this plan "A Martial Blooming"
some invocations I wrote up earlier but didn't post because I was the most recent poster. not particularly relevant to the present.
A Stem Is An Arm (Cultivation + Will)
Within you sits the Athenaeum of every heart - the principles formed of cool will. And it grows.
An active Invocation by the nature of what it supports, it can only be used once per day, and its effect lasts until completion.
The benefits of this invocation depend on the form the Knight Arm currently takes.
Flower-Form: It is the nature of flowers to grow, and so the stem must grow too, tall and strong, to hold them up and support them. While this invocation is active, the stem of the Knight Arm grows longer. More importantly, gain (level 1)+1 to the roll for Aspiring Knight Meditation and increases the Die to a D6(level 2) +2 to the roll for Aspiring Knight Meditation and increases the Die to a D8 , supporting future growth.
Tekko-Form: Flowers are implements of growth, and their unit of time is a season. but the Tekko is a tool for immediate violence, and an Arm is the Maiden's baleful sword. While this invocation is active, the edges of the crescent grow longer along the direction of the arm. More importantly, increases the odds of gaining a new invocation, and of gaining invocation mastery, by (level 1) 30%, for a total of a 40% chance of each (level 2) 65%, for a total of a 75% chance of each.

A Seed is a Strike (Martial Arts / Cultivation)
About you stand the Causeways of every heart - the skills made of accumulating action. And they pulse.
An Active Invocation. It can be used 4 times per day(increasing with Mastery, experience, and training), with further uses coming at the price of slightly accumulating hunger.
The effects of this invocation depend on the form of the Knight Arm.
Tekko-form: The next strike you make receives the benefits of +++Agility and Strength, along with a +50% multiplier to speed and a +100% multiplier to bypassing defences; If you are already mid-strike, it applies to the current strike. If not, this ability also eliminates the time it would otherwise take your fist to accelerate, going from motionless to full speed in an instant, a disconcerting effect which is more useful the more skilled your opponent is in the martial arts.
Flower-form: The Flower forms, and sheds, a single seed. If the flower is currently decentralized such that this is implausible- as a product of A Flower Is A Fist, for instance- a seed forms in your hand. A Seed is a Strike, so anyone in contact with the seed can expend its magical power, charring the seed to cinders as it is a conjured object, to perform a single additional strike, 'added on' to the number they would otherwise perform in that time. If the seed is left alone in moderately fertile earth, or better yet cared for, it will eventually grow into a faintly luminous Lotus Flower of moderate magical potency, and if several such Magical Loti exist, they can pollinate one-another and form additional seeds, not unlike ordinary Loti.

More relevantly to the current vote: I'm in favor of getting the Lotus Maiden as our second inspiration (assuming we don't gather the Ambrosia for the 25 or 50 Ambrosia options before this vote closes); Zane probably wouldn't make an Invocation which violates his First inspiration of himself, so it leaves us no worse off than if we'd picked the maiden off the bat, and 'with the aim of doing good' isn't going to be a high bar to clear when we're going to be fighting against Hell. If we can assume we'll get a similar build vote at the next Knight Arm tier, then I'd also consider the possibility of saving our Ambrosia for the Next Knight Arm Tier-up so we can get a high-Ambrosia option then.
I got an even better idea

[x]Absolute Favor of Invocation(A Flower is a Fist)
[x]Absolute Favor of Invocation(Echo of the Brawler)
[x]Fusion of Forms
[X] Fusion of Concepts - Willpower+Cultivation for Achievement.
[X] Fusion of Concepts - Achievement+Martial Arts for ???
[X] Absolute Manifestation of Concept [12 Ambrosia] - All Invocations made with a particular Concept as its center will now be marked as, 'Manifest.' It allows you to train said Invocations with an extra 1d6 and a +3 bonus to each Mastery roll, but it must be patently clear that said Concept is at the very center of said Invocation.

Alright, so this is something of a combo plan where we combine all of our concepts into one and then Manifest the remaining Concept to boost all future training and streamline our growth going forward.

I am aware there is some danger coming up, but from what I've been told we already have a good chance of making it through as is and a slight increase in straight power doesn't seem like it would make much of a difference. Worst case scenario, we Sheathe The Blade and flee.

Edit -
[X] An Ambrosia-Saving Compromise
-[X] Fusion of Forms
-[X] Fusion of Concepts: Willpower + Cultivation = Achievement
-[X] Fusion of Concepts: Achievement + Martial Arts = [Unknown]

Voting for this as well, because I like this plan just as much as I like my own as far as future potential goes, but it has the added bonus of costing no ambrosia and giving us a moderate power boost from fusing our forms.
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Continuing to follow Shrike's lead on this.

[X] Fusion of Forms
] Absolute Favor of Invocation (AFIAF)
[X] Absolute Favor of Invocation (EOTB)
Fusion of Forms is a no-brainer imho. It allows us to use all of our invocations anytime we need them. no Choice paralysis, no regrets over taking the wrong form. Also it looks kinda badass in a flowery way.

For the fusion of concepts, Achievements sound like one we should pick sooner rather than later, because it's likely one that focuses on growth and thus gets stronger with time.

However Combat farming sounds ridiculous. I love it.
Also, if we save our ambrosia now, we can buy stronger things later. Those expensive options are tempting.

[X] Fusion of Forms
[X] Fusion of Concepts: Willpower + Cultivation = Achievement
[X] Fusion of Concepts: Cultivation + Martial Arts = Combat Farming

I think you may be underestimating level 9 invocations.

As we are we have enough power to demolish a reinforced skyscraper in a few minutes. I'm trying to get us to the city busting threshold. It's still weak when compared to what's coming(Theoretical Continent buster) but we might be able to do meaningful damage with a double invocation/fusion of forms plan.

As we are now a UMA enhanced banishing blow will maybe bruise the enemy. We may be able to go further beyond if Echo of the Brawler level 9 multiplies our willpower bonus to physical stats or gives us an ontological magnitude boost or something. Especially combined with lvl 9 flower is a fist.
Fusing everything into a singular concept and upgrading said conecpt sounds ridiculous and great.
But I want Zane to live, and this is still the "ROLLED < 90? YOU DIE" route. Not enough Ambrosia to overturn that prognosis.

[X] Fusion of Forms
[X] Absolute Favor of Invocation (AFIAF)
[X] Absolute Favor of Invocation (EOTB)
Fusing everything into a singular concept and upgrading said conecpt sounds ridiculous and great.
But I want Zane to live, and this is still the "ROLLED < 90? YOU DIE" route. Not enough Ambrosia to overturn that prognosis.

[X] Fusion of Forms
[X] Absolute Favor of Invocation (AFIAF)
[X] Absolute Favor of Invocation (EOTB)

It's more like Rolled <25 at this point given what I've heard in discord

I think you may be underestimating level 9 invocations.

As we are we have enough power to demolish a reinforced skyscraper in a few minutes. I'm trying to get us to the city busting threshold. It's still weak when compared to what's coming(Theoretical Continent buster) but we might be able to do meaningful damage with a double invocation/fusion of forms plan.

As we are now a UMA enhanced banishing blow will maybe bruise the enemy. We may be able to go further beyond if Echo of the Brawler level 9 multiplies our willpower bonus to physical stats or gives us an ontological magnitude boost or something. Especially combined with lvl 9 flower is a fist.

Haven't we been explicitly told that, even with level 9 invocations, the boost in power would not be enough to win against the nebulous upcoming danger? As in 'you'll only slightly bruise it'.

I understand that it's an immediate, measurable increase of power and that it opens up future ability to train that invocation beyond it's max. That being said, alternatively we could have a significant training boost that would continue paying dividends for weeks to come.

If the immediate power boost isn't enough to matter, I don't see the point of sacrificing long-term gains just to have it.
My inclination- especially as I doubt the probability of second-inspiration winning- is...
[X] An Ambrosia-Saving Compromise
-[X] Fusion of Forms
-[X] Fusion of Concepts: Willpower + Cultivation = Achievement
-[X] Fusion of Concepts: Achievement + Martial Arts = [Unknown]
(this is slightly different from the earlier one by @ManyOne in that it's definitely possible, while the other one is dubiously possible, or definitely possible if you interpret it as meaning this one, since the first form-fusion consumes the cultivation concept into a greater whole.)
I'm also inclined to guess that the final concept with this order of concept-fusion will be 'Exaltation' or similar. seems to fit.
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Haven't we been explicitly told that, even with level 9 invocations, the boost in power would not be enough to win against the nebulous upcoming danger? As in 'you'll only slightly bruise it'.

I interpreted it as level 7 is slightly bruise territory.

Edit: Here's Birdsie's Exact bit from the Discord @Ehbon

A Flower is a Fist reached Mastery Level 7 (Leftover Points: 11)
*Knight Aspirant now has a 0.03 rating of ontological magnitude when this is toggled on.
*+25 Strength, Constitution, Agility, Wits, +35 Willpower.
*Tekko-Form: 10x armor-pierce, +15 Strength when making melee attacks.
*Banishing Blow now has twelve uses per hour, its attacks have an ontological magnitude of +0.02, and doubled power from before.
*Flower Shot now only utilizes 10% of the petalmass and it has the raw power of a main tank gun; it has an ontological magnitude rating of +0.02.

Unhesitating Martial Advance reached Mastery Level 7 (Leftover Points: 7)
*12x to all values instead.
*Lasts for three actions, then for another three at half-strength.
*Can be suppressed for no more than eight actions.
*Can be triggered a third time per encounter, but only for a single action's span.

Followed by
Slight retraction on what I said, Shrike.

At this level, you'd be capable of slightly damaging the foe you'll face (although defeating him would be a miracle-level task.)

You'd need to use UMA and then land Banishing Blows on him to do anything, but it'd quite possibly cause bruising.
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I interpreted it as level 7 is slightly bruise territory.

Edit: Here's Birdsie's Exact bit from the Discord @Ehbon

A Flower is a Fist reached Mastery Level 7 (Leftover Points: 11)
*Knight Aspirant now has a 0.03 rating of ontological magnitude when this is toggled on.
*+25 Strength, Constitution, Agility, Wits, +35 Willpower.
*Tekko-Form: 10x armor-pierce, +15 Strength when making melee attacks.
*Banishing Blow now has twelve uses per hour, its attacks have an ontological magnitude of +0.02, and doubled power from before.
*Flower Shot now only utilizes 10% of the petalmass and it has the raw power of a main tank gun; it has an ontological magnitude rating of +0.02.

Unhesitating Martial Advance reached Mastery Level 7 (Leftover Points: 7)
*12x to all values instead.
*Lasts for three actions, then for another three at half-strength.
*Can be suppressed for no more than eight actions.
*Can be triggered a third time per encounter, but only for a single action's span.

Followed by

Hm, that provides a tiny bit more hope, but I don't see how two levels would change the situation from 'miracle level victory' to something even remotely attainable. Honestly, any plan that depends on just fighting seems like a long shot to me, maybe boosting StB to level 9 would let us bounce with multiple people? No idea.
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Hm, that provides a tiny bit more hope, but I don't see how two levels would change the situation from 'miracle level victory' to something even remotely attainable. Honestly, any plan that depends on just fighting seems like a long shot to me, maybe boosting StB to level 9 would let us bounce with multiple people? No idea.

[X] An Ambrosia-Saving Compromise
-[X] Fusion of Forms
-[X] Fusion of Concepts: Willpower + Cultivation = Achievement
-[X] Fusion of Concepts: Achievement + Martial Arts = [Unknown]

Voting for this as well, because I like this plan just as much as I like my own as far as future potential goes, but it has the added bonus of costing no ambrosia and giving us a moderate power boost from fusing our forms.

If you want to approval vote all your plans need to be in 1 post.
On An unrelated note, here's some math I just edited in

Strength of a UMA enhanced Banishing Blow with current capabilities

60 Strength from Base Strength buff combined with Willpower from Echo of the Brawler
+15 Strength is 75 Strength

75 Strength, 10x Armor Piercing, +.02 to +.05 Ontological Magnitude depending on if it includes our ontological magnitude, with whatever the doubled power precisely means. Multiply strength by 12 and we've established 900 strength, 10x Armor Piercing, with the Ontological magnitude and power boost is the slightly bruise threshold.

Assuming Level 9 is something like this for a Flower is a Fist, and that Unhesitating Martial Advance Level 9 Provides a 16x multiplier

Zane now has a 0.05 rating of ontological magnitude when this is toggled on
35 to Physical Stats+Wits, 64 to willpower, 1400% Armor Pierce with 28 Additional Melee Strength
.03 Ontological Magnitude Banishing Blow(24 per hour with maybe another power boost) and 5% Flower Shot(Also with .03 Ontological Magnitude)

99 Strength from Base Strength Buff combined with willpower from Echo of the Brawler
+28 Strength is 127 Strength

127 Strength, 14x Armor Piercing, .05 to .08 Ontological Magnitude depending on if it includes our ontological magnitude, with whatever banishing blow power multipliers do precisely. Multiply Strength by 16 and you get 2032 Strength, 14x Armor Piercing, with the Ontological Magnitude boosters. And we get might get more than 3 banishing blows per unhesitating Martial Advance.

I have no idea how the math would work with Echo of the Brawler level 9 with the UMA Level 7 we have as opposed to UMA level 9 with Echo level 1.

Stats for A Flower is a fist over various levels for reference

Level 1: 3 to Physical Stats+Wits, 5 to willpower, 200% Armor Piercing
Level 2: 5 to Physical Stats+Wits(Delta 2), 8 to willpower(Delta 3), 300% to Armor Piercing with 2 addtional melee str

Level 4: 10 to Physical Stats+Wits, 14 to Willpower, 500% Armor Piercing with 4 additional melee strangth
Level 5: 14 to physical Stats+Wits(Delta 4), 18 to willpower(Delta 4), 600% Armor Pierce with 6 additional melee strength, .01 Ontological mangitude to Zane, .01 Ontological Magnitude Banishing Blow and 20% Flower Shot
Level 6: 20 to physical Stats+Wits(Delta 6), 25 to willpower(Delta 7), 800% Armor Pierce with 10 additonal melee strength, .02 Ontological Magnitude for Zane
Level 7: 25 to Physical Stats+Wits(Delta 5), 35 to willpower(Delta 10), 1000% Armor pierce with 15 Additional Melee strength, .03 Ontological Magnitude for Zane, .02 Ontological Magnitude Banishing Blow and 10% Flower Shot(also with .02 Ontological Magnitude)
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A Stolon* is a Stance (Martial Arts + Cultivation / [Unknown Comprehensive Concept])
Beneath you lies the Foundation of every heart - the readiness born by long experience. And it waits.
An Invocation that is more active than passive. if the Knight Arm has multiple forms, its effect depends on the Form.
Tekko-Form: By arranging internal energies and physical form in a suitable approximation of the Brawlers Stance, which the Knight-Aspirant knows instinctively and strongly resembles their natural inclination, they receive +20% to the effectiveness of attacks and responses to attack, -20% to injury or stamina-loss from being attacked, and +20% to the ease of detecting and handling any sort of surprise attack or deception. Theoretically, others can also use the Brawlers Stance if taught, but at dramatically reduced effectiveness; similarly, the stance gives benefits while the Arm is in Flower form, but dramatically reduced ones.

Flower-Form: By arranging internal energies and physical form in a suitable approximation of the Garden Stance, which the Knight-Aspirant knows instinctively and resembles a cross between a meditative pose and a rooted position, they receive +20% to all forms of recovery, +20% to their ability to focus, -10% to the rate at which they grow mentally exhausted, +10% to the growth of plants around them, and +All Stats. Theoretically, others can use the Garden Stance if taught, but at dramatically reduced effectiveness; similarly, the stance gives benefits while the arm is in Tekko form, but dramatically reduced ones.

Tekko-Flower-Form: By arranging internal energies and physical form in a suitable approximation of Druid's Stance, Knight-Aspirant knows instinctively and finds moderately familiar, they receive +10% to the effectiveness of attacks and responses to attack, -10% to injury or stamina-loss from being attacked, +10% to the ease of detecting and handling any sort of surprise attack or deception, +10% to all forms of recovery, +10% to their ability to focus, +10% to the growth of plants around them, and +half a stat in all stats. As the Druid's Stance is maintained, these benefits accumulate until up to twice their original magnitude. Dependent on the number and quality of plants nearby with a close connection to the Knight-Aspirant, the benefits can increase further up to a maximum of the same linear quantity. dependent on the number and quality of allies also taking the Druid's Stance nearby, the benefits can then further increase up to a maximum of the same linear quantity. And lastly any plant or ally which adds to the benefits of this Stance receives similar benefits themselves, though lesser.
Theoretically, others can use the Druid's Stance if taught, but at substantially reduced effectiveness

*a Stolon is a horizontal connection between organisms. in the case of plants, these are like Stems that go horizontally at or just under the ground. Based on my research on Lotus Stolons in particular, they're supports and nutrient-stores, though that might be Rhizomes; the information I could find was unclear.

I'm not sure about the precise balancedness of this ability(specifically in the Tekko-Flower form), but it doesn't seem entirely out of the question to me (and especially not as a Royal invocation in which case it's probably underpowered if anything). Like the other two earlier, it's not intended as a proposal or something we Should get, just an invocation idea for AreteAmbrosia production. The general idea of internal-energy 'Stances' is from A Simple Transaction, where there are a number of them, like the All-Defeating Stance and the Self-Defeating Stance, and they're like something of a magic system in-themselves(though more like a sub-part of Accretion).
There's a concept that Birdsie went into in this update that people unfamiliar with his CYOAs and/or Rihaku's work may be unfamiliar with.

Ontological Magnitude. Assuming it's like existential weight from his CYOA, an otherwise normal person with sufficiently large ontological magnitude will be able to break concrete with a punch because the concrete isn't as metaphysically important as they are. This has simliar effects on a person's other qualities, or an attack, or a magical barrier.

Arm Wrestling Contests to illustrate my point:
A(25 Strength, 1.01 Ontological Magnitude), B(25 Strength, 1 Ontological Magnitude): A Wins
A(25 Strength, 1.5 Ontological Magnitude), B(34 strength, 1 Ontological Magnitude): A Probably wins
A(25 Strength, 1.5 Ontological Magnitude), B(42 strength, 1 Ontological Magnitude): B Probably wins
A(25 Strength, 2.0 Ontological Magnitude), B(Transfinite Strength, 1 Ontological Magnitude): A Narrowly wins
A(25 Strength, 3.0 Ontological Magnitude), B(Transfinite Strength, 1 Ontological Magnitude): A Resoundingly wins

Disclaimer: Numbers are used to illustrate a point for what Ontological Magnitude/Existential Weight/ISH Ratings imply and should not be taken as a mathematically precise portrayal of reality.
[x]Absolute Favor of Invocation(Echoes of the Brawler)
[x]Absolute Favor of Invocation(Sheath the Blade)
[x]Fusion of Forms

Echoes of the Brawler is a much better pick than either of the others because the relative difference in immediate power is far, far greater. That's a +6 difference of Mastery Levels of the invocation versus a +2. Given similar areas of focus, that's just a better choice. As for Sheath the Blade, we really should ensure we can stay under the radar and hide from this guy since we're still quite a ways from really being able to take him out. But given the speed of growth we're undergoing, I imagine reaching Imperial and then spending some more time training would get us there.
I'm playing around here for escape builds, but

[x]Fusion of Forms
[x]New Form(Airship)
[x]Absolute Favor of Invocation(Sheathe The Blade)
[X]Absolute Favor of Invocation(Echoes of the Brawler)
[X]Absolute Favor of Invocation(Sheath the Blade)
[X]Fusion of Forms

Makes sense.
For an explanation of what I'm going for with my current plan, I'm thinking about trying to get ALL the Wardens out on a Stealth Craft without sacrificing power from having 3 forms, lest they be slain by our adversary say... having a psychotic break and destroying the city, or taking hostages, or something.
How do you know it's so good? People would be more convinced to vote as you do if you explained via argumentation.
Well, the blessing has to be from the Lord of Seasons. The name suggests it very heavily, and I am inclined to believe it. Now, who the hell is the Lord of Season? He wasn't mentioned in Godcard, nor any prior Silververse Quest that is present on this forum - but here I am, with my memory and my herculean leaps of logic, remembering the QM's words regarding the Lord of Seasons.

The Silververse (the universe this quest is set in) has a few beings at the top of its power hierarchy - the Lotus Maiden is one of them. We could think of these beings as 'High-Celestial Functionaries,' all serving in one way or another under Arcadia, who is the big bad boss of the Silververse. She is the administrator of the cosmos, the Lotus Maiden is the 'adversary/Satan' of the whole thing, trying to turn HEaven's wheel back around while still being a part of it. The Lord of Seasons can be considered as part-secretary of state, and minister of the physical universe.

And since Seasonal Blessing comes directly from the Lord of Seasons himself (basically the one being that's literally two/three meta-steps below the Creator - who is Birdsie), I think we only stand to gain with voting this. We'd be in terrible Ambrosia debt, a full 27, which is -270 to every roll that's done... But I guess me, digging up this ancient lore to explain my vote is worthy of at least 1 Ambrosia. So I reckon we'd have a -260 to every roll.

Alas, I think it's worth it. Maybe the blessing, given by the master of the physical realm, will see the rolls as unnecessary? Maybe we'll gain so much power no threat on Earth or Hell stands a chance against us, if not for the darkness beyond the veil, and the danger of our universe losing itself to it? Who knows.

All I know is that I want to see where this goes. It can't be all bad.