[X] Zane Might Have A Crush

FLOWER WAIFU! FOR FLOWERKNIGHT SYMBOLOGY-SYNERGY: Max that relation dice stat at once and reap the flower weapon harvest!

[X] He Tells Me Cool Bible Proverbs, I Tell Him About Gardening

Professionals with the priest is cool yo. 2 Degrees of moral ambiguity so we can spike someone else's pills and label it "happiness" with less of a guilty conscience.

[X] Fighting Results In Success

The reshaping of the land didn't come by waiting. It came from the Yangtze submerging everything beneath its crushing waters!
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[X] Zane Might Have A Crush

[X] He Tells Me Cool Bible Proverbs, I Tell Him About Gardening

[X] But Patience Grants Victory
[X] Zane Might Have A Crush

[X] He Tells Me Cool Bible Proverbs, I Tell Him About Gardening

[X] But Patience Grants Victory
Going with this for now.

[X] But Patience Grants Victory
[X] He Tells Me Cool Bible Proverbs, I Tell Him About Gardening
[X] There's Nothing Between Us, Except The Bond Between Friends
[X] But Patience Grants Victory
[X] He Tells Me Cool Bible Proverbs, I Tell Him About Gardening
[X] Zane Might Have A Crush
Is there a logic behind giving Zane a crush here? I don't think Knight Arms respond to abstract attempts at narrative embodiment like Godcards do.
[X] But Patience Grants Victory
[X] He Tells Me Cool Bible Proverbs, I Tell Him About Gardening
[X] There's Nothing Between Us, Except The Bond Between Friends
Thinking from the sense of what would be narratively interesting, odds are good Zane crushing on Persephone leads to her demonically possessed at some point. Then again Spike would also be a good candidate going by what's narratively interesting. I don't know, make your decisions accordingly.
[X] But Patience Grants Victory
[X] He Tells Me Cool Bible Proverbs, I Tell Him About Gardening
[X] Zane Might Have A Crush
[X] Zane Might Have A Crush

[X] He Tells Me Cool Bible Proverbs, I Tell Him About Gardening

[X] But Patience Grants Victory

Choosing this not because I believe it might be objectively better, but because I believe it'll be interesting regardless of how it plays out. Also because the idea of the perpetually mega-grumpy Zane having a crush amuses.

Also, as an aside, I choose to believe that the reason our meditation luck was so bad is because Zane is realllly bad at it.
To be clear, does picking Fighting Results In Success also preclude preforming Special Actions(Specifically Aspiring Knight Meditation) in that time? Aspiring Knight Meditation Is a type of preparation for fighting, after all... If it precludes it, I'm inclined for patience; if it allows for it, I'm inclined for fighting.

regardless, on the other votes:
[X] He Tells Me Cool Bible Proverbs, I Tell Him About Gardening
Don't see particular reason for Zane to think of Constantine as like a father to him, so.
[X] There's Nothing Between Us, Except The Bond Between Friends
On the other hand, his rapport with Helene is literally rated as friendship.
[X] But Patience Grants Victory
[X] He Tells Me Cool Bible Proverbs, I Tell Him About Gardening
[X] There's Nothing Between Us, Except The Bond Between Friends
A test tube is less fragile then a playing card, and if somehow the safe is raided, people can contest ownership of the godcards with the flake in their possession, assuming the adversary doesn't destroy the cards.
Although this maneuver would actually work, you don't know that in-character, nor does anyone else. It'd be a (heh) leap of faith to employ it, unless you had a man from Olympus tell you it's possible, and wanted to get Light Yagami levels of tricky in protecting your magic power source.
Ah, what a close vote. I'll keep it open for another day or two - we'll do the final tally on Thursday, maybe a bit earlier.
[X] But Patience Grants Victory
[X] He Tells Me Cool Bible Proverbs, I Tell Him About Gardening
[X] Zane Might Have A Crush

I don't think our Mastery Benefits for A Flower is a Fist Level 2 have been posted in the thread yet.

A Flower Is A Fist (lvl. 2)

Above you stands the vestibule of every heart - the dream made of ignited hope. And it beats.

An active Invocation with passive effects. Can only be used four times a day (increasing with experience/training.) Its effects normally last twenty minutes but can be extended further past that, indefinitely, at the price of slightly accumulating exhaustion.

This Invocation gives its user +++++Strength, Constitution, Agility, and Wits, as well as a further ++++++++Willpower on top of that, during its activation.

A further bonus which depends on the Form of the Knight Arm applies.

Tekko-Form: The Knight Arm shines through with an outer light of soft red aura. Attacks made with the Knight Arm gain a +300% armor-piercing bonus for every blow, equally ignoring and sundering physical defenses, and further enhancing Strength by ++ when making melee attacks. Nothing can stand in the way of your hopes and dreams!

Flower-Form: The Knight Arm's petals are detached and fly around the user in a whirling storm of red husks, while its stem rests in his hand like a wand. Reflexively, the petals shall protect the user from harm, ablating away both ranged and melee damage. Mentally directed, they can be made to fly off in the form of moderate-power ranged attacks, every petal like a crossbow bolt in terms of range, stopping power, and overall offensive attributes.

We get 2 additional uses per day compared to level 1, and their normal duration is double that of level 1.

We get an additional 2 pluses to physical stats/wits, and an additional 3 pluses to willpower.

Our armor piercing in Tekko form is increased by 100 percent for a total of 300 percent. Our melee attacks in Tekko form now benefit from 2 additional strength pluses, for a total of 7(Level 1 just had 3 strength pluses).

Finally, our Flower Mode petals are now as deadly as crossbow bolts.
[X] But Patience Grants Victory
[X] He Tells Me Cool Bible Proverbs, I Tell Him About Gardening
[X] Zane Might Have A Crush
Update incoming.

View: https://imgur.com/5L1JSyn

Content of the Birdsie DIscord remark I screenshotted for reference purposes
OctarineShrike Can I bother you to inform the thread that I've changed my mind and that I'm locking the vote? It's very highly improbable that I'll be able to get any major posts out this week, so I want to work on one now while I still can.
You can post an image of this declaration if needed.
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Chapter 24 - An Ofuda For Your Love
An Ofuda For Your Love

"Stupid bitch."

"Pompous motherfucker."


"Sherm-head prick."

"Dumb asshole."

"Heh," Zane smirked and held out a hand, waving his fingers. A moment later, an irritated Spike put a ten-dollar bill in his palm. As he pocketed the money, Zane kept smiling with the kind of smug superiority that was reserved only for young adults who hadn't entirely had a chance to grow up yet.

It was just about right, as they both entered the Wardens HQ a few moments later.

Inside, Yukari was already waiting for them, twiddling with her phone near the main table in the living room. It was dark inside, the curtains pulled up to block out the sunlight, with none of the lights on. Around, there were scattered boxes of packed-up furniture and other miscellaneous items, a few boxes of cotton that Baba Yaga wove on her sticks, and some of the food that Uncle Shen had cooked, to be distributed to homeless people later in the day at a 'private' charity event. Yukari was in her civvies much like them, but to Zane's surprise, she had a gun - a pistol lying on the table in front of her, clearly loaded, with a spare magazine lying next to it.

"Engaging in thuggery, ain'tcha?" Spike spoke in a vague mafioso accent, walking up to the table and extending his entire leg to place his foot on it. He laughed and looked back at Zane who laughed as well, hands in his pockets.

Annoyedly, Yukari pushed his foot off in a lightning-fast motion. Spike hopped up, once and twice, making shocked noises of someone who's lost their balance. Zane managed to catch him with one hand and support him enough that he didn't topple. Yukari smiled at them, and then returned to her phone.

"No, seriously, what's the strap for?" Zane asked, reaching out to pick up the pistol and play with it. Yukari intercepted his wandering hand, slapping it away. "Ow, fuck!"

"Weedheads. Both of you." She closed her eyes in lamentation and turned off her phone. "I can't believe we took you on, and you aren't even going to fight in an upcoming turf war, and you'll get high in the basement of a church instead. It's almost tragic."

The last time Zane smoked anything that wasn't a normal cigarette was a few years ago, and the last cigarette he smoked was from the Zuchezzis. Still, he'd allow her to persist in the delusion that she had any idea what was going on in his private life.

"Potheads. Weed is simply another kind of plant. Also, we aren't high," Zane said, frowning as he massaged his hand.

"Yet," added Spike.

"Yet," Zane supported with a smirk.

His smile disappeared as he saw that Yukari was staring at him with a very unimpressed expression, like a woman seeing what's under your briefs for the first time and finding the contents to be very lacking. He started excusing himself, "Come on, we need to lay off. We've had a stressful while. And you know about my Knight Arm, Pax Bellum. I need a while to train it up to usable potential. Until then, I'm pretty much useless. And besides, the gangs are after us, so we'd get majorly targeted in any fights."

"First, that's a stupid name for a weapon," Yukari said. Zane's frown deepened, gaining a few lines. He liked that name - she was blatantly wrong. "And second, I can't believe you actually think that and aren't just deluding yourself to be lazy. Or a coward."

"Are you calling me a coward?" Zane quirked an eyebrow, now unimpressed himself. He and Yukari stared at each other, eyes of blue steel meeting eyes of unrepentant gray. He could feel an intense flicker, a desire to look away, but didn't back down.

She was the first to look away a few seconds later, sighing deeply and stuffing the pistol somewhere in her hoodie. "I guess I'm unnerved. It'll be my first real fight. I'd have appreciated some fire support from a team like you guys."

She isn't kidding. And here I was convinced the Firestarter had us until I got my Knight Arm.

"It's more ergonomic for Zane to train," Spike answered. "He's our wild card. His power isn't from a Godcard - it can't be stolen or destroyed, so if he develops it properly, he'll be pretty much untouchable by local standards. After that, it's merely a question of how to direct that power."

"A terrifying thought," Zane said, shivering theatrically, for comedic points. "Me, in charge."

Spike chuckled. "Don't worry, homie, I've got your back. I'll be your vice president after we take over the United States and Canada."

"If you're going to be the saviors of New York, I'll eat my own fingernails," Yukari said, and then shivered - not in a comedic display. She stretched a little and then left them on their own, only replacing the goodbye with some very ominous words: "Also, someone's gonna die in a week from now, so be ready."

"Huh. The fuck's that supposed to mean?" Spike asked, but even though she heard them, she didn't turn around to grace them with a specific answer. "Yo? Fuck me."

"She's crazy," Zane answered his question, belatedly, with his own theory. "Or trying to scare us."

"Sometimes, I think MacArthur had a point."

"Yeah, right."

"Whatever. Let's focus on your dating life," Spike said and stopped. He blinked and looked at Zane, an overwhelming frankness and speechless perplexity showing on his face as clearly as the sun in the morning. "I never thought I'd say that."

Zane shook his head, looking down. "Look, I really don't want to talk about it."

"No, no, I agree with you. Helene's got a nice, round-" Shoulder meets fist. Thwack. Spike rubbed his bicep. "Ow, okay, point. Although..."

"No, you can't be my wingman. And no, you can't date her if I fail miserably."

Spike chuckled coldly. "I thought you might say that. Fortunately, I came prepared."

Zane shook his head, slightly disbelieving. He'd never known that Spike could get this intense about something as idiotic as dating. Neither of them had even thought about it until Zane realized he liked Helene, and then Spike realized that he wanted to make it into some kind of twisted competition. "You're a pig, man."

"Oh, we're doing that game, again? Fine, I'll start - asshole."

"Prepare ten bucks for me, bitch."


As usual, we are stuck in a vicious cycle of teenage dating and angst. It's all your damn fault. This is why you'll die - at this point it's only a matter of time before Darwin sobers up. Ambrosia is 14, not that it'll be of any help to your dog ass.

As a result of teenage hormones and being in the vicinity of a girl he found to be genuinely likable and tolerable, Zane has developed a minor crush on Helene Schuster. As a result of this crush, he must pursue some kind of action whose intent is to either test the waters or advance their relationship in some manner at least once every week. It's permissible to do this more rarely if Zane is particularly occupied with something very important, but it must otherwise be attempted at the very least unless you manage to creep out the subject of your crush to the point of disgust.

Helene is likely to agree to most non-offensive requests, such as grabbing coffee or lunch together, but the actual 'dates' depend on what you want to happen.

I-I can't believe this. My writing, reduced to a teenage dating simulator... how far I've fallen.

As per usual: five actions per day, and seven days in this turn. All of the usual rules apply.

As a result of his [Strategic Genius], Spike came up with a plan to, quote-on-quote, "get you both laid at the same time," and proposed a double date between Zane and Helene, as well as himself and Jennifer. This cannot possibly go wrong.

[ ] Custom Action (write-in)

[ ] Training
-[ ] Martial Arts
-[ ] Weapons Training (what kind of weapons?)
-[ ] Group Training (with whom? what kind?)
-[ ] Train Knight Arm Use
-[ ] Master Invocation (which one?)
-[ ] Invent Invocation (what kind? describe in broad terms only, its purpose and its core idea)
-[ ] Other (write-in)

[ ] Social
- All Social actions count as half-actions (as in, you can take two for the price of one, but you can't take more than six per day.) It's possible to take multiple for one person in order to focus on them more.
-[ ] Speak With: Helene
--[ ] Propose Activity (Write-in.)
-[ ] Speak With: Spike
-[ ] Speak With: Brick
-[ ] Speak With: Johnny Buddha
-[ ] Group Activity (what kind?)
-[ ] Double Date!
- Pick a restaurant that isn't Shen's, because that one's broken.
-[ ] Other (write-in)

[ ] Resources
- All Resources actions count as half-actions, however, only two in total can be taken per day.
-[ ] Procure Armaments (what sort? from whom?)
-[ ] Procure Items (what sort? from whom?)
-[ ] Contact Hephaestus
- Maybe she finished your armor now?
-[ ] Contact Baron Samedi - Maybe hire him to die of embarrassment in your stead? It seems like a valid idea.
-[ ] Other (write-in)

[ ] Special
- Can be taken once per day only.
-[ ] Essential Meditations - Generate a free 0.5 Ambrosia.
-[ ] Enlightened Meditations - Has a 40% chance to generate a free 1 Ambrosia.
-[ ] Exalted Meditations - Has a 50% chance to generate a free 3 Ambrosia, a 25% chance to do nothing, and a 25% chance to lose 5 Ambrosia.
-[ ] Personal Meditations - Has a 25% chance to restore a use of Brawler of Midwood (currently: 2/3)
-[ ] Awakened Meditations - Has a 50% chance to restore a use of Brawler of Midwood. Has a 50% chance to lose a use of Brawler of Midwood (currently: 2/3)
-[ ] Aspiring Knight Meditation - Make free progress towards the next Rank of your Knight Arm. Also has a 10% bonus chance to unlock a new Invocation which is useful to your present situation, and a 10% chance to improve your skill with one of your Invocations.
-[ ] Aspiring Warrior Meditation - 50% chance to gain + to physical statistics, as a fully paranormal/supernatural but permanent improvement.
-[ ] Hopeless and Tireless Maiden Prayer - A 1% chance to instantly unlock the equivalent of a 25-Ambrosia power. If the prayer fails, the odds of the next prayer succeeding increase by 0.5%, accumulating the odds.
Proposal: perhaps we should see if you keep benefits from Shen-cooked Food if you vomit it out. Although unpleasant, this could allow us to accumulate several times more food buffs in the same amount of time.
If not(or regardless, really), we should develop an invocation that has our degree of fullness as a cost and some kind of permanent benefit, something like 'at the cost of a hearty meals worth of satiation, gain a + to Strength' or whatever the balanced equivalent is. While we're at it, spec into cake-related-*shot*

...ahem, so yeah, Shens Kronos power is high-potency and we should definitely be abusing it(and the spoon) harder.
I'm not inclined to write a full plan at the moment in part because I don't want to propose advancing the crush, but it's required, but I will be voting for any plans involving creating an invocation with the purpose of abusing Shens power.

(I'm imagining the purpose and core idea would be 'Improving the self using food', and I'm pretty sure it's in Pax Bellum's wheelhouse since the concept of Cultivation is all about self improvement and quite frequently, in stories, about doing so by-way-of external resources.)
Proposal: perhaps we should see if you keep benefits from Shen-cooked Food if you vomit it out. Although unpleasant, this could allow us to accumulate several times more food buffs in the same amount of time.
No one is willing to test this. (You are insane. Maybe you're insane in the name of science, but you are insane.)
Some preliminary math:

We are 20 percent(6/30) of the way to Royal tier Knight Arm. If we were to get an opportunity to Flash buy a rank up it would probably cost 20 ambrosia(Base Cost 25). Theoretically reachable if we go for the right setup of Enlightened/Exalted Meditations but I wouldn't recommend it.

Aspiring Knight Meditations give 1d4 Progression on this 30 point scale. We have a 2 percent chance of reaching Royal Rank with 7 days worth of meditation based on Anydice. We have a 19 percent chance of getting a new evocation, a training proc, or both per Aspiring Knight Meditation. We have a 22.9% Chance of getting nothing but rank progression if we spend 7 days on meditation(.81^7)
Zane has developed a minor crush on Helene Schuster. As a result of this crush, he must pursue some kind of action whose intent is to either test the waters or advance their relationship in some manner at least once every week. It's permissible to do this more rarely if Zane is particularly occupied with something very important, but it must otherwise be attempted at the very least unless you manage to creep out the subject of your crush to the point of disgust.

YUS! All actions directed to the flowership!

Both of them liked gardening of all sorts but enjoyed physical combat and exercise as well, and most importantly - they both had a wise older mentor figure. It was Uncle Shen for Zane, and Helene's grandmother, Muriel

So tentatively…
-[X] Speak With: Helene
--X ] Propose Activity: Martial Arts Date! Get the shit beaten out of each other with your respective powers and then go on discussing flowers, waxing philosophical about flower memes and the infirmities of your respective geriatrics.

Fellow battlejunkies unite and commiserate on flower powers!
I had a brainstorming session in Birdsie's discord for new invocations that Zane could maybe try and create. Here are the products of that brainstorm.
Discord said:
Strike out the Weeds (Cultivation/Martial Arts): Drastically increases experience gained when Zane spars with an ally, both for himself and his sparring partner.

Roots and Leaves Meditation (Cultivation): Enhances and modifies Aspiring Warrior Meditation. This meditation requires high levels of comfort, including peaceful outdoor setting, direct sunlight, fertile earth, and the absence of noticeable hunger, thirst, or tiredness. In return for meeting these requirements, the meditation has an increased 75% likelihood of garnering stat growth, and an additional 33% chance for that stat growth to be doubled.

The Language of Flowers (Cultivation): Allows Zane to create a special flower garden. By sowing seeds in this garden and successfully tending to them, he may slowly accrue Knight-Arm rank-up progress. Additionally, by growing particular varieties of flower in this garden, he may add additional magical effects to the Flower form of his Knight-Arm, based on the meaning and elemental nature of the flowers he grows.

Many Bamboo, One Root (Willpower/Cultivation): By performing a series of difficult, high-energy katas, Zane can develop a Spiritual Root. Once developed, he may continue practicing the katas to develop Spiritual Shoots, which in turn can be developed into a Spiritual Stalks. Each fully developed Spiritual Stalk can be expended to fully heal Zane of all injuries and purify his body of all poisons, toxins, and exhaustion, or to briefly double his stats (stacking linearly with additional stalks, rather than exponentially). If Zane would be lethally injured or succumb to poison while possessing any mature Spiritual Stalks, one is automatically consumed to protect him.

Sheath the Blade (Martial Arts): Zane can willingly take a debuff to his physical stats and seal the use of other invocations in order to be subject to a powerful anti-attention effect, casting away the suspicions and awareness of others. Even recordings of his passing will possess an aura of disinterest as long as this invocation is active. This invocation can be ended by transforming his Knight-Arm to its Tekko form, which additionally provides a brief, modest bonus to his Agility.

Valley-Carving River (Willpower/Martial Arts): By applying a relentless assault to a single enemy, attacking them at every opportunity presented to him until they are defeated, Zane's strikes are imbued with steadily growing power, the damage dealt increasing proportionally to the time spent continuously targeting the opponent.

Body Abides, Soul Overrides (Willpower): Once per battle, Zane can test his Willpower when he is successfully attacked, with difficulty proportional to damage dealt. If he succeeds, the damage is negated, and even on failure, the damage is deferred until the end of the battle.

Watered with Blood (Cultivation/Martial Arts): After every combat, Zane gains an amount of Creative Energy proportional to the sum of the damage he dealt and received. When performing creative actions during down time, such as gardening, cooking, or doing home-repair, he can expend Creative Energy to receive a bonus to the quality of those actions.

Petals in the Wind (Martial Arts): While this invocation is active, Zane's accuracy with ranged attacks (including those made with his Knight-Arm in Flower form, or with improvised throwing weapons, such as chairs, flowerpots, or playing cards) is vastly improved. Additionally, while his Knight-Arm is in Flower form, whenever his petals intercept a ranged attack, he can redirect it to a target of his choosing within the attack's original range or the range of his petals, whichever is further.
Here's a Plan Template for a 4 Aspiring Knight Meditation/3 Aspiring Warrior Meditation Plan
Meditations(7 Actions):

4 Aspiring Knight Meditations(57% Chance of at least 1 bonus besides Rank progression)
3 Aspiring Warrior Meditations(50% Chance of 2-3 Stat Pluses, 12.5% Chance of No Gains)

Training(22 Actions):

3 On Train Knight Arm Use
4 On Mastering Unhesitating Martial Advance(100% Chance of reaching level 2, 94.6% Chance of reaching level 3 or more, 15.9% Chance of reaching level 4)
4 on Mastering A Flower Is a Fist(99.3% Chance of Reaching Level 3 or more, 44.37% Chance of reaching Level 4)
1 on Mastering Many Bamboo One Root(50% Chance of Reaching Level 2)
1 on Mastering Strike Out the Weeds(50% Chance of Reaching Level 2)
1 on Mastering Sheathe the Blade(50% Chance of Reaching Level 2)

2 on Many Bamboo One Root Cultivation

1 on Strike out the Weeds Sparring with Brick
2 on Strike out the Weeds Sparring with Interested Wardens

1 on Creating Sheathe the Blade
1 on Creating Strike Out the Weeds
1 on Creating Many Bamboo One Root

Social(5 Actions):

10*.5 = 5 On speaking with various individuals I didn't decide on

Resources(1 Action):

.5(Contact Hephaestus)
.5(Contact Noodle Guy)

Here's where I'm getting my level up probability ideas from, we've got 4 points in A Flower is a fist right now I think:

Cumulative Mastery Costs from level 1
Mastery Level 2: 3 Points(3 Point Cost from 1 to 2)
Mastery Level 3: 9 Points(6 Point Cost from 2 to 3)
Mastery Level 4: 18 Points(9 Point Cost from 3 to 4)
Mastery Level 5: 30 Points(12 Point Cost from 4 to 5)
Mastery Level 6: 45 Points(15 Point Cost from 5 to 6)

Below this point is the plan template:

Day 1:
[]Aspiring Warrior Meditation
[]Train Knight Arm Use
[]Master Invocation(Unhesitating Martial Advance)
[]Master Invocation(Unhesitating Martial Advance)
[]Create Invocation(Strike out the Weeds, Aabcehmu's idea for an Experience Booster for Zane and his Sparring partner when Zane spars with allies)

Day 2:
[]Aspiring Warrior Meditation
[]Train Knight Arm Use
[]Create Invocation(Many Bamboo, One Root, Aabcehmu's poison insurance idea)
[]Master Invocation(Unhesitating Martial Advance)
[]Master Invocation(A Flower is a Fist)

Day 3:
[]Aspiring Knight Meditation
[]Many Bamboo, One Root Cultivation
[]Contact Hephaestus
[]Speak with: ???
[]Speak with: ???
[]Speak with: ???
[]Speak with: ???
[]Resources: Contact Noodle Guy to buy some more noodles, if Shen's willing to go with it, offer Shen working with his noodles as a negotiation option if he has somebody he wants to use Noodles of that power on

Day 4:
[]Aspiring Knight Meditation
[]Master Invocation(Many Bamboo, One Root)
[]Master Invocation(A Flower is a Fist)
[]Create Invocation(Sheath the Blade, Aabcehmu's stealth idea)
[]Master Invocation(Strike Out the Weeds)

Day 5:
[]Aspiring Knight Meditation
[]Many Bamboo One Root Cultivation
[]Speak with: ???
[]Speak with: ???
[]Speak with: ???
[]Speak with: ???
[]Speak with: ???
[]Speak with: ???

Day 6:
[]Aspiring Knight Meditation
[]Strike out the Weeds Sparring: Whoever the first interested Warden is
[]Strike out the Weeds Sparring: Brick
[]Master Invocation(Sheath the Blade)
[]Master Invocation(Unhesitating Martial Advance)

Day 7:
[]Aspiring Warrior Meditation
[]Strike out the Weeds Sparring: Any interested Warden
[]Train Knight Arm Use
[]Master Invocation(A Flower is a Fist)
[]Master Invocation(A Flower is a Fist)