God save the tsar (Imperial Russia quest)

the future of the quest

  • continue with it and improve the future updates

    Votes: 48 96.0%
  • re-start it with Nicholas as the MC

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • re-start the quest with an other MC

    Votes: 1 2.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
finally somebody picked the intrigue action to plant agents. next update is going to be a planning session to prevent the assassination, I did some rolls early when the quest started to see if this event still happened (the attempt on Alexander III in which Lenin's brother was captured and hanged) and if it was under 50 it didn't happen the roll was 51 then too see if aleksandr wos part of the group it rolled again same parameters and it roll 99.
just a heads up for the next 3 weeks I have exams so updates after the following "arc" are going to be a little slow not one a day more like 1 every week until they end
guns of St.Petersburg part 1
20 of June 1887

Okhrana headquarters

It was well into the night when you, received a letter from Igor Vyacheslavovich asking to meet with him at the headquarters a soon as possible that the matter could not wait, it needed to be discussed in secret and that Brusilov would come too, that worried him considering that since you met him Igor had been a calm man in regards to Okhrana matter yet he seemed worried so you headed out as fast as he could.

When he arrived Brusilov was already there and gave a salute which you returned while both headed inside, where you found Igor questioning a redheaded man, when he noticed you both him and the man looked in your direction and also saluted you.

After some pleasantries where exchanged Igor told the man to introduce himself and you learned his name was Vasily Romanoff who then proceeded to talk about what he discovered while undercover in the grope known as Narodnaya Volya.

He talks about a plan they have to ambush you either on the streets or by infiltrating the palace he listed the members of said organization and their involvement in your grandfather's murder. When he finished you thanked him and ask him to name you a reward for his service that he could decide later, so with the matter settled you turned to see an angry Brusilov cursing with words you didn't even know could be used as curses and a stoic but worried Igor.

Brusilov proposed sending men from the army and arresting them on a raid and then having a trial to show that you were just and respecting some of their rights, this could backfire given that they are hidden on a residential area and collateral damage could infuriate the people of the city. Igor, on the other hand, handed the option to you considering the methods he could employ were ones that would be noticed by the population risking an increase in tension.

So here you were planning how to stop your own assassination.

[] going loud

Brusilov plan in which he proposed sending some army men capturing the plotters and them proceed to have a trial in which you can be painted in a good light respecting the prisoners' rights, the the downside of these is that there could be collateral damage in regards to civilians and your enemies will use that to make the people angry.

Chance of success: 80%

Rewards: public trial, risk of revolt reduced (50% chance of getting info on other revolutionary cells).

Failure: The risk of revolt increased.

[] write-in
a couple of things on why Igor didn't put a forward plan first is that I come from the alternate-history forum where putting something like people disappearing will get the mods attention and second is history with Argentina dictatorship and the disappearing of 30000 men and woman with the appropriation of children (which was done because of suspected association with political party or other things that could harm the regime). So I will ask the mods about it if I can put an option and if they okay it ill try to put one forward and edit the chapter if they allow it, if i don't have an answer with the mods the chapter stays like these
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well i talk to the mods and been informed that they couldnt really answerd me so just to avoid trouble im leaving the chapter like it is so you can vote now
[X] going loud
- [X] Bring enough soldiers for two groups. One will focus on raiding the rebels while the other will focus on evacuating and bringing residents to a secure area (safe from the fighting and to screen them for any Volya escapees).
- [X] After the raid is over, offer compensation for any medical or property costs.
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could we more it more of a police action and less a military one ? or are they still mostly the same thing at this time?
could we more it more of a police action and less a military one ? or are they still mostly the same thing at this time?

it could be a police action if you want it, i put write-in for things people want to suggest something. I will have to put a how much of a chance of success you have.

and remeber the police has not been changed there is no +/- for them but you do have the re-rolls if the action fail the first time
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[X] Going Loud
- [X] Bring enough soldiers for two groups. One will focus on raiding the rebels while the other will focus on evacuating and bringing residents to a secure area (safe from the fighting and to screen them for any Volya escapees).
- [X] After the raid is over, offer compensation for any medical or property costs.
[X] Going Loud
- [X] Bring enough soldiers for two groups. One will focus on raiding the rebels while the other will focus on evacuating and bringing residents to a secure area (safe from the fighting and to screen them for any Volya escapees).
- [X] After the raid is over, offer compensation for any medical or property costs.

Damn, I'm really liking the quest so far. It's easy to tell Carvacho has done a lot of research
[X] Going Loud
- [X] Bring enough soldiers for two groups. One will focus on raiding the rebels while the other will focus on evacuating and bringing residents to a secure area (safe from the fighting and to screen them for any Volya escapees).
- [X] After the raid is over, offer compensation for any medical or property costs.
on quest dificulty and prologue ending
ok folks a couple of things on the quest that im going to give you as a heads up

first the quest right now its on easy mode, its going to get harder as you advance crit will be need higher rolls to be achived, actions will have a lower chance of succes and event rolls are going to start happening.
Some of these are going to be implemented before the prologue ends in a gradual manner, so no theres not going to be a 10% chance of success next turn.

Right now here is no money or economic system for two reasons the first im not knolegeble enough in russian economic from the late 19 century, a fact that im trying to remedy as fast as i can, the second reason these is my first quest im trying to give you guys a good one but im learning as i go so if i get a good sistem going im implementing it in the 1890 turn if not when the prologue ends.

last thing is that the end of the prologue will be in the 31 of december 1899 starting the next stage from 1900. the action of the constitution will push you towards the prologues endgame so i recomend you do it near the end if you want to have more advanteges but not too late since it has two follow ups after it.

(im on my phone so grammar and other mistakes will be corrected later)
guns of St.Peterburg part 2
Okhrana headquarters

You agree with Brusilov on the basic concept of the plan, the conspirators have to be captured to show that you are respecting their rights at a trial but you request more men so that a part of them can check the rest of the complex ensuring no Volya sympathizer escapes while also moving civilians out of the area, the rest will fight and capture the enemy.

With the planning done Brusilov leaves so he can start informing the soldiers who are going on the raid. As you sit in the office the only thing you can think about is how heavy the burden of leadership really is, your grandfather did a good job and you like to think that your father would have done well but they are both dead now and it's your turn at leading Russia through these uncertain times

(This chapter is merely a prelude to the raid that's where the rolls will come in which I am currently writing)
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guns of St.Peterburg part 3
The Raid

22 of June 1887

Your men arrived near the complex early in the morning without the Volya noticing them which allowed them to set a perimeter in the streets, so no member could escape. Of the fifty men that arrived ten stayed behind to cover the exits while the other forty were divided into two groups of twenty-one to clear the house next to the targets.

Group 1 who was in charge of entering the known Volya house went first, unfortunately, something went wrong because as soon as they entered the house they were greeted with bullets which killed two and wounded a third man, lucky for your men they were quick to react and fire back at them killing five of them wounding two more.

They proceed to split 10 up the stairs the rest stayed searching the rest of the floor and watching the two wounded Volya and their own man. The group upstairs found 3 more men thanks to the fact it was early and their confusion your soldiers managed to subdue them without an incident. The ones who stayed on the ground floor didn't find anything else.

Group 2 had a more difficult time, the two houses they were supposed to check did contain enemy fighters who were alerted thanks to the gunshots but your men were better so they managed to wound two, capture four without injuries, killing three with only getting three of your soldiers injured. They also report one civilian family who weren't involved with the organization. Only one man managed to escape jumping out from a window but was then caught by the ones who were guarding the streets

Now that they were caught the only thing that was left for the courts to judge them

Your units

Fifty infantrymen (2 killed and 4 wounded only 1 who will not survive injuries)

Enemy units

19 Narodnaya Volya fighters (8 killed, 7 captured without injuries, 4 wounded 2 will not survive)

[] Ready, aim, and fire

These men attempted and committed high treason by not only training to kill you but also succeeding in the assassination of your grandfather Alexander II they will get the firing line.

Chance of success: 100%

Reward: the conspirators are sentenced to a firing line

[] Katorga

These men deserved nothing less than to live the rest of their life in the frozen land of Siberia send them to the Katorga.

Chance of success: 100%

Reward: the conspirators are sent to Katorga where the will work for the rest of their lives

surveilance and initiation you rolled 99 ( crit roll 70) enemy rolled 20
group 1
entrance and reaction you rolled a 37 and the enemy rolled 62 with the re-roll
firefight your was a 90 (crit roll 77) the enemy rolled a 15
upper floor you rolled a 97 (crit roll 60) enemy rolled a nat 1
ground floor rolled 0 for the enemy so empty
group 2
enemies in houses rolled 10
civilian rolled 4
firefight rolled you rolled 88 the enemy rolled 22
civilian injury rolled 0
did one escape you roll for prevention was 50 enemy rolled 84 for escape)
was he caught you rolled 89 he rolled 48
did Aleksandr Ulyanov survive 81 (bruised but alive)
dead wounded you rolled 1 they rolled 2
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a warning before the vote both actions will have consequences they could appear now or pass the prologue in 1900 it's up to you to decide also turn 5 is in the works

edit mistakes fixed
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