God save the tsar (Imperial Russia quest)

the future of the quest

  • continue with it and improve the future updates

    Votes: 48 96.0%
  • re-start it with Nicholas as the MC

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • re-start the quest with an other MC

    Votes: 1 2.0%

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[X] Accept the surrender and discuss terms

I really like the DMZ and oil in perpetuity ideas, as well as the various ethnic blocs being united politically. Hopefully would calm the region down, as we'd be enabling most groups to get what they want by way of independence.
Hmm, I'm thinking of granting both Kurd's and Assyrians their states since they live around same regions and have similar claims.

So my plan is divide territory to North/Kurdistan (Diyarbakir, Urfa and Mardin )

and south/Assyria (Mosul, Erbil and Kirkuk)
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world new interlude part 3
Word news 1890


"The future of warfare has forever been altered by this war" quote by Generealferdmarschall Alfred von Waldersee 12 of April 1890

The war that brought the Russian empire against the ottomans is now ending and even though it was short all the countries in Europe have noticed the changes it brings. The use of machineguns, armored cars, what is now being called trench warfare, and other innovations the Russians used on the battlefield are now being studied by almost all the powers in the continent, both the German and A-H empires sent request to the Tsar in hopes of gaining advisors, meanwhile the British lion continues to roar on his island unwilling to join a conflict that will draw both the league and the newly formed faction the coalition even with the aid of their colonial subjects and the French, they are now trying to train their armies in the new tactics.

Up north Sweden is facing internal problems in the form of Norwegian protesters demanding more autonomy in the union, so far the protest are made peacefully and that's not expected to change any time soon. Within the Danish state things are a little bit tense, thanks to German troop movements (troops the Kaiser wanted to send to Russia) the Danish high command has ordered the construction of a fortified line near the border, called Baldur, so far Kaiser Wilhelm hasn't been angered by it either because he believes the German war machine could crush them or he doesn't see Denmark as a threat is unknown.

The lower countries (Netherlands and Belgium) have decided to form a faction, called the Benelux alliance, intending to keep their neutrality and defended the so-called gateway to Europe.

In Italy the political sphere is heating up with many arguing that attaching the newly form country of Albania could bring prestige to the country but for now the closest advisors of King Umberto the first disapprove of the invasion not only because the Russian would come to their aid but neither the Germans or Austro-Hungarians would support them instead of the Tsar and are suggesting to keep their focus on the dark continent.

Romania is now looking for allies, realizing the position their country (surrounded by members of the 3 emperor's league) King Carol is now arguing with the government who proposes to join the entente while he leans towards the League. Rumor has it that French diplomats have arrived to convince the king.

North America

"We are proud to announce that the Mexican outlaw's incursions are now over" quote by Lawrence Sullivan Ross 13 of March 1890

The US army after 2 months of struggle managed to capture the leader of the raids, who turn out to be a farmer that managed to rally others in a militia his motives are still unknown but after this, the tension that plagues the US-Mexican relationship has been lifted and the troops are withdrawing from the border.

On other matters, it seems a lot of politicians are arguing for what they call "new imperialism" which states that the U.S must expand its land borders beyond their country, so far the movement seems popular and they are now looking towards Hawaii believing Russia would not interfere so soon after the Russo-ottoman war.

South America

"Our countries do not seek war but if they push first we will push back" quote by President Celman 18 of March 1890

The members of the northerner pact are now in an awkward position considering they lack the intelligence on all three members, and with the new technology the Russians presented during the war, they are forced to move carefully until support from Europe can arrive.

The southerner league countries are requesting both advisors and whatever supplies the imperial Russian army can give them while they continue to prepare in case of northerner aggression.

"We resisted both the Japanese and the Chinese and we will continue to do so" quote by Queen Min 20 of March 1890

The Kingdom of Joseon faces the threat of Japan who believes that with the recent war and their treaty new treaty with England they could manage to keep the Russians away from the conflict while they expand their borders. The Korean are requesting aid both in military and economic matters.


"Though small it seems that our nation is catching up with the rest of the world" quote by King Kalākaua 2 of February 1890

The Hawaiian kingdom is stuck between a rock and a hard place, its position makes it both a target for the Japanese and the Americans, but thanks to Russian investment the nation seems to be prospering and its people are waiting for the marriage of Nicholas and Victoria which is stated to happen in less than two years. They are requesting military aid for the future so that any enemy they face will have trouble to land men to capture the island.
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well it seems that the dice screw the plans I had for a US-Mexican war and they decided to give Europe more trouble, you may notice that some countries are absent like the Balkans or the middle east region and they will be discussed in the peace treaty (like the state of the ottomans among other things) and the other ones that were not mentioned its because with the dice things kept their original course and no deviation in their history happened

ps: the peace treaty coming late today
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I really think you should have started this quest in 1900. Armored cars in 1890 are... unbelievable to say the least.
well it seems that the dice screw the plans I had for a US-Mexican war and they decided to give Europe more trouble, you may notice that some countries are absent like the Balkans or the middle east region and they will be discussed in the peace treaty (like the state of the ottomans among other things) and the other ones that were not mentioned its because with the dice things kept their original course and no deviation in their history happened

ps: the peace treaty coming late today

Judging from state of the Ottomans thing, am i right to assume that Congress just happened?
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Judging from state of the Ottomans am i right to assume that Congress just happened?

yes this post runs in paralel with the congress (it starts the 5 of april, i am still deciding which city it will happen but the what the ottoman offer for peace in the first update has been written already)
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yes this post runs in paralel with the congress (it starts the 5 of april, i am still deciding which city it will happen but the what the ottoman offer for peace in the first update has been written already)

So would it be right to assume that if we accept what Ottomans offer we could technically avoid the Congress?
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So another thing to assume would be that if we accept what Ottomans offer we could technically avoid the Congress?

with the offer acepted you are now going to discouse terms with them no interference by the entente or your allies they will offer you things to stop the fight and you could acept their initial offer or counter it with new terms (which unless they are something outrageous theres a good chance they will accept) be advice that armenian and kurdish freedom is already garantied
Suddenly Russia is Mr. Popular. On another matter, is it wrong that I already have some rather raw ideas incase of Italy or Japan declaring war on our allies/subordinates?
Suddenly Russia is Mr. Popular. On another matter, is it wrong that I already have some rather raw ideas incase of Italy or Japan declaring war on our allies/subordinates?
Actually in case of Italy, Albania really isn't our subordinate yet, we still have Congress before us which should hopefully define spheres of influence between us and Austro-Hungari when it comes to Balkans.

We basically just formed the state (maybe), but it's fate is left to further negotiations.

Edit : What I'm mostly interested are influence in Bulgaria and Greece due to their closeness to the straits and Aegean sea in case of Greece specifically.
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In Italy the political sphere is heating up with many arguing that attaching the newly form country of Albania could bring prestige to the country but for now the closest advisors of King Umberto the first disapprove of the invasion not only because the Russian would come to their aid but neither the Germans or Austro-Hungarians would support them instead of the Tsar and are suggesting to keep their focus on the dark continent.

I mean @carvacho12 do we really have to come to their aid? Basically there are historical example of Balkansl countries not being in Russian sphere of influence even if they were freed by it, good example of this was fact that after Russo-Turkish war on Berlin Congress Serbia accepted Austria as it's patron. It lead to the Austro–Serbian Convention of 1881.

Edit : actually, i think that they are still Austro-Hungarian client state even now, while Bulgaria is in our sphere.
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I mean @carvacho do we really have to come to their aid? Basically there are historical example of Balkansl countries not being in Russian sphere of influence even if they were freed by it, good example of this was fact that after Russo-Turkish war on Berlin Congress Serbia accepted Austria as it's patron. It lead to the Austro–Serbian Convention of 1881.

you are not obligated to go to their aid but you could intervene if you want to
ok update is almost done one thing I want to say is that this terms they offer are pretty basic (the lands of Armenia and Kurdistan) you will be able to accept this or you could counter them, the other thing is that for you to understand is that the Ottoman government still believes that they can hold the west if they peace out with you but they also know that to continue fighting in both the east and the west is a death sentence. With that said it's up to you to decide how what's going to happen to the ottomans
Russo-Ottoman war of 1890 peace treaty part 1
3 of April 1890

Sofia – Principality of Bulgaria

With the massage for terms accepted both you and the sultan decided to hold the peace talks in the capital of Bulgaria with both strict rules to ensure no incident occurred while you were there and for the sultan passage through Macedonian controlled lands.

Sultan Hamid terms were quite simple with them recognizing both the independence of Armenia and Kurdistan and little else, there was no mention of Macedonia, Albania or Greece. From their point of view they knew that they couldn't keep fighting your armies, these three months proved that, but if they could secure the east and focus their attention on the Balkans countries they could try to salvage the situation.

This puts you in an uncomfortable position, you could accept these terms and set up both Armenia and Kurdistan while leaving the rest of the coalition to fend of the ottomans alone (knowing that they could join with the British and the French after the war) or you could make new demands to secure every member objectives (successfully keeping them in a friendly position towards you).

Diplomacy options

[] Accept these terms

[] reject these terms
- [] write-in new terms
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Hahahahahahahaha no
[X] reject these terms

We have the upper hand in every way imaginable and i don't think they have quite caught on yet.