God save the tsar (Imperial Russia quest)

the future of the quest

  • continue with it and improve the future updates

    Votes: 48 96.0%
  • re-start it with Nicholas as the MC

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • re-start the quest with an other MC

    Votes: 1 2.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
some weird spelling and grammar error but nothing really bad about the new chapter.

strange to see someone going from running away while being shot down if droves to trying to counter attack but hey dice rolls uh.

also more rebels willing to fight? yes please can always use more friends.

sorry about the grammar dont have grammarly on the phone and it was written in between periods i will edit later on
@MajorKO Don't suppose you could add something in your plan about enveloping the Ottoman troops facing Army group Yellow using our fast movers, not only would it cause large casualties but it would also be a good opportunity to test the use of vehicles and cav in strategic manoeuvring
[X] Plan: WE WILL TAKE JERUSALEM! (Eventually)
[X] Take the holy city of Constantinople, drive them out of their homes in the name of The Lord! DEUS VULT!!
[X] with the leaders of these rebellions now somewhat friendly to you see if you can get them to strike an alliance with you and secure them into your zone of influence
[X] Send inquiries as to possible cooperation with Greece to both coordinate with them and help them coordinate with (Greek, Macedonian, and Albanian) rebels to the north.
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I love the enthusiasm, but man we aren't even at Ankara yet, let alone able to reenact a certain Venetian Doge.

Though I wouldn't be upset if we could dismantle the Ottomans and absorbing Armenia would be amazing.

We probably can't accomplish taking Constantinople yet
I'm back

edit: hi guys its been a while if you are wondering what happened well things got complicated I lost my job and failed some tests so writing had to take the back seat for a while and now that I passed the exam make-ups (sp?) and found a job I have some free time to write again, on thing I should warn all of you is that I haven't written anything in English in this time so my spelling may be full of errors (more than usual). The next update is already written I am just going over some details.
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war against the ottomans part 3
31 of March 1890

February was now over and with it, and things are looking more in your favor.

The armies of Greece, Macedonia, and Albania (in the case of the last two supported by your guns and ammo) managed to break the enemy lines in the west and are now threatening Constantinople.

The Ottomans did not suffer much in the terms of casualties because their men kept surrendering in exchange for a fair treatment by the Coalition (The name of the alliance) which now is composed of Albania, Armenia, Greece, the new nation of Kurdistan, Macedonia and Russia, with the Greeks being a recent addition after the diplomatic meeting in early February.

On the eastern front, the fighting seemed to have left the ottoman forces, with the pocket nearing the Caspian Sea surrendering at the middle of the month and the offensive in Anatolia managed to secure the Armenian lands with only some of the Kurdish lands remaining in the hands of the Ottomans.

The casualty list are a lot shorter now that many units are surrendering but six hundred men perished in the attacks with the ottomans taking two thousand dead and almost one thousand captured

The navy seemed to regain the initiative and proceeded to start the bombardment of several dockyards and cities in the coast of the black sea with but they are hesitant of bombarding Constantinople for the cultural ramifications the destruction of the Hagia Sofia could bring, there's more good news in the fact that the blockade seems to be very effective in its job and have now captured a total of 4 ships from Britain and France who are now docked in of the port in the Caucasus.

In the political battlefield, the situation is quite tense with both the French and British demanding the release of the smugglers and both Austria-Hungary and Germany asking to join the fight so they can grab land in the Middle East.

However, there are good news considering that a telegram from the ottoman sultan Abdul asking for terms of surrender, it's now up to you to decide if this war continues or if talks can be arranged and stop the slaughter that's been going on this last moths

Diplomatic talks

[] Accept the surrender and discuss terms
[] Ignore it and continue the fight
[] Write-in

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one of the things that have been going on through my head is the number of mistakes on the quest that I made, like the crits not giving special rewards the use of hero units and other things, so I been thinking of doing one of three options the first is about restarting the quest( same format and add crit reward), starting another quest with the same style but a different MC, and the other one is to keep going here and improve both the writing and the quest in general in future updates

I am most likely going to put up a poll (when I figure out how to do it) and get your opinion on the matter.
I think that we should continue and let our allies get something from it, especially since both French and British don't seem to raise to much fuss about the war.
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Personally I would just say keep working on this quest and improve on it as you write it. You already have a few turns invested into this quest and for the most part people seemed to have enjoyed it.

Hmm, Now what to do about the offer of surrender. We could chose to Ignore it and keep kicking them while their down but I have the feeling the British and French would intervene if it looks like the Ottomans are going to be conquered.

But on the other hand we have quite a few minor powers on our side and the Germans and Austria-Hungary are wanting to join in so they could serve as a counterbalance to British and French intervention. I guess the worse case scenario is that we kick off the Great War about 24 years early.

I would be interesed to hear what the Ottomens would be willing to offer us if we accepted their surrender. I guess what we would want is unfettered access to the Mediterranean sea for our black sea fleet followed by some territorial gains for us and finally for independence be granted to the Armenians. These are at least the things I can think off the top of my head.
on thing you should remeber is that they are only demanding sailors and ships but should germans and austrians join well things could go ugly

We can take the relationship hit with them, deny their requests to join the war. Without a direct invitation from us they lack a casus beli and will face serious reprisal for their interference, as for England and France? They are currently bumbling about trying to save face after their state sanctioned smugglers were caught, luckily for us their lions are made of paper here and they dont have a leg to stand on between themselves.