...I haven't slept in 20 hours. I'll just look this over tomorrow.
With the combined force of sleep deprivation and 2000+ words of expanded Chihiro backstory, I LILITHIUM, have overwhelmed LostDeviljho!

Lightly salted that there won't be any response until tomorrow though. The whole 'undercover' part intended by only sharing the expanded version with the GM would loose meaning if I shared it here too. RIP.
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I honestly just want to suck the anger out of Katsuki. That's the entire idea that gave birth to this.

I mean I want to like him but at most I can just tolerate him in canon. Telling Izuku to kill himself like what the fuck fuck you god damn. If I could regress Katsuki into being a little kid again when he probably had good intentions at the start sure okay yes. Cute genki boasting ore-kun is okay. Maybe he just wanted to protect his weakling friend or something and be the bestest so that everyone praised him, he's a kid it's all good.

But fucking shit middle school Katsuki can fuck right off. Part of me wants to see how he'd act if Izuku had actually done it. Mostly because I feed off of suffering induced character development.

He is getting nice character development though.
Also, am I the only one that will miss Mineta? He's ripe for character development.

His fight with Midnight was kinda inspiring and I was looking forward interacting with him. Maybe he'll be in the Gen program or Class B. Back up for if anyone has to bow out of the RP. 'Provisional/Reserve' Member.

Mostly I think that his antics lend a sense of realism to a class full of teenagers, but in a comedic way that's treated realistically by everyone else. The highschool drama shit isn't why we like the series but if everyone acts like a mini adult it defeats the purpose of teenhood.

There is a small Mineta within everyone.
What about within Mineta?
Mineta currently has an excess of Mineta due to compensating for all the other characters. This is an evolutionary trait born from being in what amounts to a series aimed at children and young adults, thus being subject to related laws. In exchange for most of the cast not having the nasty thoughts that real minors would be having, the Cowardly but Ultimately Good Mineta must instead show this trait in a comedic way that won't make adults feel violently uncomfortable. This is also a good thing because it shows the younger readers that while it might be funny to watch flanderized behavior of in fiction; being an obvious peeping pervert towards peers is not something acceptable.

One may hold hands, maybe kiss, but only the slapstick comedic side character can actually be a pervert. Once the cast is all grown up Mineta will not be as Mineta.

Also it's a classic trope in Japan to have a [usually old] pervert who gets into slapstick shenanigans and fails in love. Like Jiraiya from Naruto or Moroku from Inuyasha.
I'm happy that Mineta won't be around. My character will not get along well with him :V
Conflict is good and Mineta serves his purpose very well. He's a good character and also a good person beneath the archetype he fulfills. That said he isn't necessary to the plot thus far and is replaceable.

I don't think he'd mind getting 'eaten' by Chihiro, but he wouldn't be able to actually enjoy it in a creepy-pervy way if it was the instant bite method. It would be very ironic if the class tried to push Chihiro into a kind of Mineta-Herder role. Which I had kind of wanted.

Mineta getting worked up and thinking of spying on the girls? Have Chihiro nibble on him. Mineta being a flighty little asshat? A Chihiro a day keeps the overwhelming fear away! A single bite puts him out of commission for a full minute! And it'll even force him to reflect on his choices for a while!

It's the perfect cockblock. The angst would be the best possible fuel for Chihiro's power too, and Mineta is so small and glue-able that he'd function as a small detachable battery!