Glory to the machines! (Empire Builder)

Should I switch this Quest to Single Transferrable Vote?

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  • Poll closed .
Ah, fair point. Will modify.

Well, I'm also focusing more on improving transportation systems at home before moving onto other worlds. Improving transportation tech should benefit other worlds' infrastructure as well as ours, once we start building it.

As for the Ion Shields, they're a comparatively new development, and it's up to the GM I suppose whether they have the preliminary tech for it or not. I put in Research just to be on the safe side.
The GM stated that I really should have put Space Elevators into development instead've spending a turn researching it so I'd say precedent supports them being development.

EDIT: Ninja'd by GM.
Okay, moved stuff around after GM's clarification. Moved Ion Shields to Development, added Industrial Nanotech/Nanoassembly Systems to Research. Everything else is the same.

[X] Plan Dipping Toes V2.0

Expansion (N/A)

- Continue research on FTL (Warp Drive).
- Research Exotic Matter Containment
- Research FTL communications.
- Research material science, with a focus on creating heat and electrically-resistant materials to build robot bodies/chassises out of (stronger ceramics utilizing silicates combined with CNT?). (OOC: Primarily to enable easier colonization of Planets 1, 3, and 4)
- Research Industrial Nanotech/Nanoassembly Systems

- Develop improved manufacturing techniques.
- Develop Gen1 Ion Shields (Ion Shield for Interplanetary Spaceships Now a Reality - Universe Today) in conjunction with Colony Ship plans/development.
- Improve existing planetary transportation infrastructure tech (vacuum maglev railroads, better roads, coordinated logistics centers, etc)
- Develop Gen1 particle beam weaponry.
- Develop Gen1 colony ships plans/schematics.

- Improve/expand existing planetary transportation infrastructure (vacuum maglev railroads, better roads, coordinated logistics centers, etc)
- Continue building Space Elevator

- Expand XCarb manufacturing (aiming for 8 more, the new total number 20).
- Build additional citizen factories (aiming for 5 more, the new total being 10).
- Do Preliminary work for core mining.
- Do Preliminary work for core mining.

- Set up clusters of early warning satellites orbiting all the major planetary bodies and moons throughout the system (and a few satellite clusters orbiting above and below the Belts' main orbital planes).
- Research Industrial Nanotech/Nanoassembly Systems
What is that supposed to do?

You've already got ion shields.
What do you mean? That we can develop them, or that we already have them? Haven't seen them mentioned anywhere.

@avatar11792, what is your suggested use of this technology?

I generally don't care too much between the differences in the plans, as their core values are common, but I will support more active plan-making and switch to [X] Plan Dipping Toes V2.0.
If comes into contact with regular matter, the two cancel out. In addition, applying force to it via magnetic fields results in it moving the opposite direction it normally would, were we dealing with conventional matter. (-1 RSO, -1 XCarb, XMat unlocked)

Well, there goes Entropy

Next turn we are adding a research to make Magnetic XMat as well as Containment

Two magnets are attracted to one another, one is Exotic, one is Normal and thus while Normal moves closer, Exotic is repulsed at the same velocity
This means the two magnets fly through space in the direction of the XMat
Tie it to a Windmill via a rope and you get a self-driving windmill. It's like consistent Wind power.
It can be deployed anywhere the turbines can be pumped, limited only by the size of the magnets/containment system.
Infinitely renewable if maybe not as space efficient as a Fusion, so would be Colony not Spaceship tech

Velocity transferred into Kinetic Energy transfered into Electricity
A few can even be placed up the Space Elevator as redundancies for electrical shorts between sections
Well, there goes Entropy

Next turn we are adding a research to make Magnetic XMat as well as Containment

Two magnets are attracted to one another, one is Exotic, one is Normal and thus while Normal moves closer, Exotic is repulsed at the same velocity
This means the two magnets fly through space in the direction of the XMat
Tie it to a Windmill via a rope and you get a self-driving windmill. It's like consistent Wind power.
It can be deployed anywhere the turbines can be pumped, limited only by the size of the magnets/containment system.
Infinitely renewable if maybe not as space efficient as a Fusion, so would be Colony not Spaceship tech

Velocity transferred into Kinetic Energy transfered into Electricity
A few can even be placed up the Space Elevator as redundancies for electrical shorts between sections
I expect magnetic XMat is somewhat farther down the tech tree than we'll be able to get in the space of a turn. That said, improved our ability to create and manipulate XMat will probably be key to both mid and late game technologies.
Why? Exotic Matter is clearly reactive to magnetism, it's fairly simple to make such a thing magnetic itself in real Matter
Makes sense to be something we could learn in 5 years of dedicated research
Why? Exotic Matter is clearly reactive to magnetism, it's fairly simple to make such a thing magnetic itself in real Matter
Makes sense to be something we could learn in 5 years of dedicated research
We can only barely make exotic matter and don't know many of it's properties, how do we know it's simple to make it magnetic to real matter? I'm sure we could research it eventually but I expect fine control over the properties of our exotic matter to take awhile to research.
We can only barely make exotic matter and don't know many of it's properties, how do we know it's simple to make it magnetic to real matter? I'm sure we could research it eventually but I expect fine control over the properties of our exotic matter to take awhile to research.
Congratulations, you've just found the criterion for [DATA EXPUNGED] Suffice it to say, that's really late game stuff right there.
There is a reason I wanted to research exotic matter containment, Once we can handle the stuff, we can develop exotic matter refineries and start researching things such a gravity manipulation.
There is a reason I wanted to research exotic matter containment, Once we can handle the stuff, we can develop exotic matter refineries and start researching things such a gravity manipulation.
Exotic matter containment is being developed in the locked plan. I've also put more general research in the plan to further our theoretical knowledge of exotic matter.
Turn 4 Resolution, Turn 5 votes
[Compressing Memories]

Leader, the colonization missions you've ordered have gone as well as could be hoped for. The beginnings of a city have been founded on our system's first planet, and is already home to nearly a thousand Carmote. They've already begun mining resources, and have even established a brand new Citizen Factory. (-30 RSO, -10 FIS, -20 XCarb)

The asteroid belt colonization mission has also gone well, with them having towed several asteroids into close proximity and built a city bridging them together. It's interesting to note that the microgravity there has rendered mobile platforms far more popular there than they are here on Darth. (-30 RSO, -10 FIS, -20 XCarb)

The team in charge of researching ways to warp space more effectively has also lamented the lack of stable supplies of XMat to work with. They've managed to get some results, but until we crack XMat containment they won't be able to achieve much more.

Speaking of which, XMat containment is proving to be a particularly stubborn problem. We've managed to successfully isolate microgram sized samples of it and keep them mostly contained… until we try to move the containment unit. Then everything goes bad and we need a new XMat sample.

Fortunately, XMat production hit a major breakthrough! Where before it took weeks to create a single microgram, now we have a reliable machine massing about a ton that can produce up to 80 kilograms of nega-hydrogen per week. Now if only we could actually store it in an effective manner. (industrial XMat synthesis unlocked).

Also, our research into replicating the {monster}'s apparent quantum communications technology has hit a few snags. Namely, manipulating the state of one particle after entangling it doesn't actually affect the other one. Fortunately, there seems to be a bit of a loophole in that we can tell whether or not a particle is still entangled without disentangling it. (EPairs unlocked)-

In significantly more exciting news, there has been a major breakthrough in laser cooling! Now waste heat can be disposed of without large and vulnerable radiators. The equipment to do so effectively only doubles the mass of the ship in question's heat sinks, and has performance 6 times that of an equivalently massed radiator! (-1 XCarb, -1 RSO)

We've also manage to discover an efficient method to produce antimatter! We can now make it at a rate roughly 10% that of XMat, and just like XMat, containment is a problem we have yet to solve. (Antimatter unlocked)

Also, a particularly brilliant team has managed to develop a rather impressive manufacturing technology to the point where we can realistically use it on an industrial scale. In it, layers of material are placed on top of each other with atomic resolution. While it doesn't let us make anything faster, it does let us manufacture to far, far tighter manufacturing tolerances than were ever possible before. (-1 RSO)

In more explodey news, a weapons development team has recently unveiled the first generation of effective particle beam weapons suitable for deep space combat. They've got an effective beam intensity of roughly 2 megawatts per ton, and with enough length can easily fire atoms of helium with TeV levels of energy. Unfortunately, the neutralizing chamber required to keep the beam from dispersing itself through electric charge itself adds a bit of dispersal, limiting range for more 'flashy' damage to roughly 1,200 km at most. It can still potentially manage a radiation kill from farther out than that though. (-1 RSO, -2 XCarb)

Also, the general purpose colony ship design you requested came back in, and it is excellently designed. It's got enough on-board supplies and equipment to begin mining resources with no problem, rudimentary refining equipment for everything a developing colony is likely to need, and the ability to land and take off from basically everywhere in the system thanks to its fusion torch engine. It's even got places marked out for installing a warp drive and XMat tanks once we figure out those particular bits of technology. (CRIT!)

Another project that turned out far better than expected is the improvements to the global rail network. With the atmosphere gone, maglev trains are no longer limited by aerodynamic drag. This allows them to travel at nearly orbital speeds without much issue, though they still need to slow greatly if a turn that isn't measured in hundreds of kilometers is ahead. (CRIT!)(-80 RSO, -40 XCarb)

In other news, the space elevator has been pushed a bit farther along. 3 tracks out of a planned 36 are now operational, leading to the ground station having an outbound 'flight' every 1.3 days, each of which can carry a load of up to 3,000 tons. The major bottleneck is now XCarb manufacturing. (-480 XCarb)

Speaking of which, 24 new XCarb refineries have just opened, along with 18 new citizen factories. We can afford this because the mantle mining project was completed a whole year ahead of schedule and has an immensely excellent yield.(Crit'd on building Mantle Extractor)(Mantle Extractor unlocked for general usage)(-64 RSO, -198 XCarb)

Lastly, the EWD satellites the factory's been pumping out are being deployed to various locations all over the system just like you ordered. It takes them a while to get anywhere, but they're doing their job admirably.

Current Territory
1: 1% controlled (MOON not controlled)
Darth: 100% controlled, moon not controlled
3: 0% controlled
4: 0% controlled
Ast. Field 1 (dense): 1% controlled
6: 0% controlled
7: 0% controlled
Ast. Field 2: 0% controlled
9: 0% controlled
10: 0% controlled
11: 0% controlled
12: 0% controlled

Current Resources
RSO: 15
FIS: 7
XCarb: 11
RSO: 64
FIS: 45
XCarb: 543
RSO: 5
FIS: 3
XCarb: 7

Current Assets
Population: 934
Excellent Mines (2)(out: 5 RSO)
XCarb Refineries (1)(out: 36 XCarb)
Citizen Factories (1)(in: 15 XCarb, 1 RSO | out: 1,500 Carmote)
Small spaceport (1)(operating costs of 1 RSO per turn)
Cities (1)
Population: 38,269
Poor mines (G?: 90)(10:7)(9:11)(8:12)(7:0)(out: 1 RSO)
Poor Uranium Mines (G?: 9)(10:2)(9:3)(8:2)(7:0)
Mantle Extractor (out: 500 RSO, 50 FIS)
XCarb refineries (39)(out: 36 XCarb)
Threadbare global communications network
Excellent Global transport network
Citizen factories (23)(in: 1 RSO, 15 XCarb | out: 1,500 Carmote)
EWD Satellite factory (1)(in: 3 XCarb, 5 RSO | out: 300 EWD satellites ready for launch)
Medium Spaceport (1)
Partially Operational Space Elevator (3/36)
Vault Complexes (35)
Population: 675
Asteroid Mines (2)(out: 4 RSO)
XCarb Refinery (out: 36 XCarb)
Citizen Factory (in: 1 RSO, 15 XCarb | out: 1,500 Carmote)
Asteroid Habitat (1)

Expansion (+10 bonus)(1 slot available)
Diplomacy (LOCKED)
Research (+25 bonus)(1 slot available)
Development (+25 bonus)(1 slot available)
Industry (+10 bonus)(1 slot available)
Economics (+20 bonus)(1 slot available)
Espionage (+5 bonus)(1 slot available)
SPECIAL: Name the planet (no roll, 1 slot)
Expansion (+10 bonus)(2 slots available)
Diplomacy (LOCKED)
Research (+25 bonus)(5 slots available)
Development (+25 bonus)(5 slots available)
Industry (+10 bonus)(2 slots available)
Economics (+20 bonus)(4 slots available)
Espionage (+5 bonus)(1 slot available)
Expansion (+10 bonus)(1 slot available)
Diplomacy (LOCKED)
Research (+25 bonus)(1 slot available)
Development (+25 bonus)(1 slot available)
Industry (+10 bonus)(1 slot available)
Economics (+20 bonus)(1 slot available)
Espionage (+5 bonus)(1 slot available)
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[X] Plan Entrench

[X] Name Planet "Makers' Tribute"
[X] Name Belt "Vanmote Belt"
-- Expand Colony on planet 1.
-- Expand Colony on first belt.

-- Research high-energy plasma physics.
-- Research ftl communications.
-- Research material science, with a focus on exotic matter.
-- Research antimatter.
-- Research Carmote self-improvement (Preliminary to improving specific aspects such as ability to control drones or perform research or build industry.)
-- Develop antimatter containment.
-- Develop basic combat vessels.
-- Develop exotic matter containment.
-- Develop particle beam weaponry.
-- Develop improved communications.
-- Build Basic Combat Vessels.
-- Build Space Elevator
-- Expand XCarb manufacturing.
-- Build additional citizen factories.
-- Expand XCarb manufacturing.
-- Expand XCarb manufacturing.

-- Set up defense satellites throughout the system.

-- Expand Colony

-- Research electromagnetism.
-- Develop Improved Asteroid Colonies.
-- Build Improved Communications.
-- Expand resource mining.

-- Set up monitoring posts around the colony.

-- Expand Colony

-- Research particle physics.
-- Develop improved thermal resistance for Carmote.
-- Build Improved Communications.
-- Expand resource mining.

-- Set up monitoring posts around the colony.

Basically focus on expanding our new colonies and continuing to upgrade Darth. The new colonies are mostly just additional R&D slots with eco/industry being focused on getting the basics working. All the extra XCarb production on Darth should help us expand both our population and our Space Elevator. Improved communications should get our communications network up to excellent. Theoretical research should help open up new possibilities in R&D. Development is focused on implementing new discoveries, with X/AMAT containment, basic combat vessels, additional particle beam research, improved thermal resistance for Carmote, and better colonies/communication. Espionage is being used to fortify our system with large numbers of defense Satellites in order to delay, or possibly even stop, any attacks.
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[X] Name Planet 1: Sith

[X] Plan Science

Planet Sith Actions:
1: Set up both a satellite field in orbit designed for a full habitated planet (future-proofing). This includes communications as well as GPS and other assorted Orbital needs

1: Make Exotic Carbon easier to manufacture in larger quantities

1: Design an Orbital Factory/Dock that will be the capstone of any Space Elevator Projects. It should be able to receive the maximum amount from the Elevator and still process it at maximum efficiency, there will be no bottlenecks at the top of the Elevator

1: Space Elevator

1: Civilian Factories. Civilian Factories. Hab Blocks. We have so much ground to cover there aren't enough Sophonts to even make the Sophonts to cover it. Make this world as much of a Nursery as is possible in 5 years.

Asteroid Belt 1:
1: Colonize more pieces of the Field

1: Anti-Matter Containment

1: City-Bridge AutoTemplate. It worked so well here, a more formalised template would make later projects of similar scope easier and more predictable

1. Anti-Matter Factories

1. Cultivate Civilian-Asteroid Harvesting Companies to purchase raw materials from

1: Colonize Sith's Moon (name: Malak)
2: Aid Asteroid Field's attempts to expand their control over the Field

1: XMatt containment
2: XMatt containment
3: Anti-Matter containment
4: XCarb production is easier
5: XCarb Production makes more XCarb

1: More resource-efficient Civilian Factories
2: More resource- efficient Civilian Factories
3: Morse-Code equivalent Entagled Pairs for FTL Comms
4: Orbital Factory/Dock to capstone the Space Elevator
5: Orbital Factory/Dock to capstone the Space Elevator

1: Space Elevator
2: Apocalypse-Proof Mantle-Bunkers around the Mining Efforts

1: Expand Manufacturing
2: Expand Manufacturing
3: Expand Manufacturing
4: Expand Manufacturing
[X] Name Planet 1: Sith

[X] Plan Science

Planet Sith Actions:
1: Set up both a satellite field in orbit designed for a full habitated planet (future-proofing). This includes communications as well as GPS and other assorted Orbital needs

1: Make Exotic Carbon easier to manufacture in larger quantities

1: Design an Orbital Factory/Dock that will be the capstone of any Space Elevator Projects. It should be able to receive the maximum amount from the Elevator and still process it at maximum efficiency, there will be no bottlenecks at the top of the Elevator

1: Space Elevator

1: Civilian Factories. Civilian Factories. Hab Blocks. We have so much ground to cover there aren't enough Sophonts to even make the Sophonts to cover it. Make this world as much of a Nursery as is possible in 5 years.

Asteroid Belt 1:
1: Colonize more pieces of the Field

1: Anti-Matter Containment

1: City-Bridge AutoTemplate. It worked so well here, a more formalised template would make later projects of similar scope easier and more predictable

1. Anti-Matter Factories

1. Cultivate Civilian-Asteroid Harvesting Companies to purchase raw materials from

1: Colonize Sith's Moon (name: Malak)
2: Aid Asteroid Field's attempts to expand their control over the Field

1: XMatt containment
2: XMatt containment
3: Anti-Matter containment
4: XCarb production is easier
5: XCarb Production makes more XCarb

1: More resource-efficient Civilian Factories
2: More resource- efficient Civilian Factories
3: Morse-Code equivalent Entagled Pairs for FTL Comms
4: Orbital Factory/Dock to capstone the Space Elevator
5: Orbital Factory/Dock to capstone the Space Elevator

1: Space Elevator
2: Apocalypse-Proof Mantle-Bunkers around the Mining Efforts

1: Expand Manufacturing
2: Expand Manufacturing
3: Expand Manufacturing
4: Expand Manufacturing
Please note that outsourcing R&D to developing colonies may lead to bandwidth issues.

EDIT: Sorry, misunderstood the plan.
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[X] Name Planet 1: Sith

[X] Plan Science

Planet Sith Actions:
1: Set up both a satellite field in orbit designed for a full habitated planet (future-proofing). This includes communications as well as GPS and other assorted Orbital needs

1: Make Exotic Carbon easier to manufacture in larger quantities

1: Design an Orbital Factory/Dock that will be the capstone of any Space Elevator Projects. It should be able to receive the maximum amount from the Elevator and still process it at maximum efficiency, there will be no bottlenecks at the top of the Elevator

1: Space Elevator

1: Civilian Factories. Civilian Factories. Hab Blocks. We have so much ground to cover there aren't enough Sophonts to even make the Sophonts to cover it. Make this world as much of a Nursery as is possible in 5 years.

Asteroid Belt 1:
1: Colonize more pieces of the Field

1: Anti-Matter Containment

1: City-Bridge AutoTemplate. It worked so well here, a more formalised template would make later projects of similar scope easier and more predictable

1. Anti-Matter Factories

1. Cultivate Civilian-Asteroid Harvesting Companies to purchase raw materials from

1: Colonize Sith's Moon (name: Malak)
2: Aid Asteroid Field's attempts to expand their control over the Field

1: XMatt containment
2: XMatt containment
3: Anti-Matter containment
4: XCarb production is easier
5: XCarb Production makes more XCarb

1: More resource-efficient Civilian Factories
2: More resource- efficient Civilian Factories
3: Morse-Code equivalent Entagled Pairs for FTL Comms
4: Orbital Factory/Dock to capstone the Space Elevator
5: Orbital Factory/Dock to capstone the Space Elevator

1: Space Elevator
2: Apocalypse-Proof Mantle-Bunkers around the Mining Efforts

1: Expand Manufacturing
2: Expand Manufacturing
3: Expand Manufacturing
4: Expand Manufacturing
Firstly, please use spoilers when posting multi-planet plans. Secondly alot of that research should really be in development. Things such as "XCarb Production makes more XCarb" should really be in development. Honestly pretty much all your research seems like it'd be better suited to development. (Research doesn't actually make the containment/manufacturing available, it still requires a development action and we already have the tech we need to do the development action. This is the same mistake I made with the space elevator by putting it into research instead of development.) Also, using multiple slots for one R&D action is inefficient and should only be done for really important things. I'm not sure exactly what "Expand Manufacturing" is mean to do, could you clarify this (e.g. XCarb/Fusion/Citizen refineries/factories.)

Also I'm not sure we can build antimatter factories yet, I think we need to develop containment and then spend another dev action on the factories themselves.
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I am in favor of expanding our colonies. Those 'control' numbers on world '1' are just pathetic.

Since we do not need big population to run our colonies I would like to look into colonizing a few other worlds, and into their corresponding challenges, in the next few turns as well:
Bodies 3 and 4 present more interesting challenges to living there. 3, though rich in minerals is an immensely active volcanic hotbed. 4 has slightly fewer minerals for exploitation, but has intense electrical storms requiring hardened colonists.
What I'd like is to colonize many different worlds and let them handle the difficulties that arise independently, while only requiring support from the mainland as a last resort (when the colony capabilities prove insufficient). By the time we can finally explore other star systems I want us to be able to handle any exotic conditions we might encounter.

Will look at the plans in more detail later.