Glory to the machines! (Empire Builder)

Should I switch this Quest to Single Transferrable Vote?

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A few official abbreviations for resources you guys might like using

Resources -> RSO
Fissionables -> FIS
Exotic Carbon -> XCarb
??? -> EPairs
??? -> AMat
??? -> XMat
Entangled quantum Pairs, AntiMatter and eXotic Matter, unless I'm very much mistaken. Those'll be fun to play around with. I'm guessing we need the last one for FTL, unless Magnets ends up going somewhere really weird.
Guys, please remember that only a small part of this game is actually happening online. All the other in-sector groups will be controlled by other players (As soon as I can find a player for the Skander at least). Therefore you won't get any special GM treatment.
Um, what brought that on? I'm certainly not expecting any particular leeway once we-IC have figured out how the universe works.
[x] Plan First Rung

Guys, please remember that only a small part of this game is actually happening online. All the other in-sector groups will be controlled by other players (As soon as I can find a player for the Skander at least). Therefore you won't get any special GM treatment.
I have to suggest Spacebattles and the non-NSFW portion of QQ if you're looking for places to try and start...I don't know of that many forums that do this kind of stuff.
[x] Plan First Rung

I have to suggest Spacebattles and the non-NSFW portion of QQ if you're looking for places to try and start...I don't know of that many forums that do this kind of stuff.
Actually, the other players are probably going to be people I know IRL. For instance, my parents agreed to play as the Randera.
I think that depends very much on the players. There's going to be all the usual sources of antagonism, such as disputed resource and territorial claims, What Their Sheryl Said About Our Vince On Facebook, certain backstory actions, and so on so forth.

I mean, I don't see us as being very willing to let other people's starships into our inhabited systems until we know and trust them, probably violently objecting if an attempt to force the issue for whatever reason is made. That could cause serious friction if somebody else is pushing for trade deals immediately after first contact, for example. There are ways around that, like constructing a station at the heliopause for the express purpose of transferring incoming cargo to our own ships for transport in-system, but that might not be the preferred outcome for the other party who may apply pressure to have us do something different. They're going to have to like it or lump it, of course, hence the disagreement fodder.

Getting around those will, like real life, involve either some clever diplomacy and willingness to live and let live, or an outside actor that we dislike more than we do each other.
You know what, I'm just going to resolve your first turn now, and have the other players start a bit after you. Here we go.

EDIT: Plan first rung is the clear winner
Turn 1 resolution, Turn 2 votes
[Patching error #341AF6E]Not going to lie, you guys got really shitty rolls for development.

Since you came into office, much work has been done to rebuild from what the {monsters} did to us. The study of the radiation from the weapons they used came back in, and is honestly kind of a letdown in some ways, it's exactly what we'd expect if a blob of plasma was forced to undergo fusion and then slammed into a planetary surface at a few thousand km/s. (-1 RSO)

Our materials science department also sent back information about the superconductors they were trying to make. Strictly speaking, they work, but they're nowhere near as cost-effective as Exotic Carbon. Maybe with a few more years they might come up with something that competes with it, but for now that is not the case. (-1 RSO)DC reduced by 40

They also note for the spaceship hull materials you requested that Exotic Carbon is a pretty good starting point. They've had some success integrating it into a composite material with some interesting metal alloys, and while it would make a good hull material we are currently only capable of laboratory scale synthesis. (-1 RSO, -1 XCarb)

The last research project you requested, studying applications of magnets, was distressingly vague. Still, we managed to get some good out of it. We can now induce an inebriated state from 12 meters away. Perhaps an improved version could reduce systems functionality on the {monsters}' ships? (-1 RSO)

The engineering department reports abject failure when the nuclear rocket proposal is concerned. Pretty much the instant they fixed one problem another seemed to crop up. With all the delays, unexpected setbacks, and the resource rationing we are forced to operate under, we've only barely managed to make a working prototype engine, with the rest of the space-frame still failing to be completed. Still, some progress has been made. (-3 RSO)DC reduced by 34

The same unfortunately goes for improving our fusion reactor designs. While we've learned a lot of things that will make them not work at all, we've yet to make any noticeable improvements to efficiency, power output, reliability, or cost of construction. Thankfully, the design we're currently using still works. (-2 RSO)DC reduced by 32

On the bright side, the heat sink project has... produced all of 3 'working' prototypes. This has been a bad 5 years for engineering. (-1 XCarb) DC reduced by 40

The early warning satellites are similarly roadblocked, with the dearth of available launch capacity stifling the project. The defense satellites had a few working prototypes completed, but we haven't gotten to test them in space due to the lack of a viable launch platform. (-1 RSO, -1 XCarb) DC reduced by 60, satellite projects merged.

Infrastructure development has thankfully gone much better, with the beginnings of a global long-distance railway network coming into being and connecting most of our Vault Complexes. It's electrically powered using power directed down a superconducting 3rd rail. It should be finished next year. (-50 RSO, -8 XCarb; this is a big project)

Expanding the spaceport has been slow. While there haven't been any major setbacks, most of the resources that would have been allocated to it got used for other things. If we keep at it, it should be done in a couple more years. (-10 RSO)DC reduced by 48

Searching for new sources of mineral wealth has been amazingly successful given that the {monsters} made off with a large chunk of our mineral resources. We've managed to locate 40 new places to mine most of the structural metals we're made with, and 10 new sources of Uranium. Before the attack we wouldn't have considered them commercially viable, but they'll have to do.

Going over the records of the attack has revealed several things about our enemy. First, the ships involved averaged at about 500 meters long, with the longest being 3 kilometers. When they appeared several light-minutes out, they had a prominent ring structure around their hulls which they promptly retracted beneath armored blast doors as soon as they arrived. This indicates that their FTL works similarly to the hypothetical {Alcubierre} drive.

The actual bombardment was primarily done by the smaller classes of ship, with the larger craft likely acting as some variety of logistics or support craft. When attacking, they only used a few of the observed weapons pods, indicating separate weapons systems are present for surface bombardment and deep space combat, which was backed up by our pre-existing satellite network being destroyed with X-ray lasers.

In addition, they remained perfectly co-ordinated despite not making any observable radio communications, indicating that either the attack was pre-programmed, or that they have some sort of alternate communications system. Researchers are already going down the list of physical phenomena that might allow this, and quantum entanglement seems to be a good match.

Current Resources
Resources: 130 (1 Resource = 1 skyscraper sized chunk of whatever)
Fissionables: 18 (1 fissionables = what you need to run a fission plant for 1 year if you don't reprocess. Fortunately, most of your power is fusion based. You still need it for certain industrial processes though)
Exotic Carbon: 376 (This stuff is useful for everything. Super-strong cables, superconductors, and most importantly, making new AIs. 1 Exotic Carbon is enough to make 100 new Carmote)

Current Assets
Darth (Homeworld)
Star: Class G Dwarf
Orbit: 1.09 Earth years
Atmosphere: Blasted off by orbital bombardment
Diameter: 15,600 km
Gravity: 14 m/s2
Oceans: Blasted off by orbital bombardment
Terrain: Flat
Biosphere: None
Mineral Resources: Very Sparse
-Population: 16,269
-Poor Mines (120)(1 Resources per peacetime turn each)
-Poor Uranium Mines (16)(1 Fissionables per peacetime turn each)
-Exotic Carbon Refineries (12)(36 Exotic Carbon per peacetime turn each)
-Threadbare global communications network
-Decent global transport network (mostly completed rail system)
-Citizen Factories (5)(Each uses 15 Exotic Carbon and 1 Resources each peacetime turn. Output of 1,500 new Carmote per peacetime turn each.
-Basic spacelaunch facility (1)(Only really good for tossing small satellites into orbit, this facility needs 5 Resources per peacetime turn to continue operating.)(Currently down for upgrades)
-Vault Complexes (35)(The closest thing you've got to cities, these underground facilities have plenty of space for SCIENCE! and industry)

Expansion Locked until you're capable of sending a colonization mission into space. This will need at least a Medium Spaceport (30 Resources) and a far more cost-effective means to haul stuff to orbit.

Diplomacy Locked until you've got someone to Diplomat towards

Research (+25 bonus)
(Research can be "I want more information on physical phenomena Y", or "I wonder what will happen if I..." Basically, it's scientific experimentation)

Development (+25 bonus)
Suggested projects
-Develop Nuclear Thermal Rockets for more efficient spacelift (Partially complete)
-Develop Improved Fusion Reactor Design (You've got very rudimentary fusion power reactors)(Partially complete)
-Develop improved heat sinks (Partially complete)
-Early warning/defense satellites (Partially complete)
(Development is what you use to apply your knowledge of the world. It's the engineering to Research's science)

Industry (+10 bonus)
(Industry is used to develop places you've already settled. Once you've got infrastructure set up it'll keep churning out whatever it's supposed to make as long as you've got the resources, so only really big things like super-dreadnaughts need to be individually ordered.)

Economics (+20 bonus)
(Economics is basically extra industry slots, but devoted purely to producing more resources for you to use. You can't have a strong nation with a weak economy)

Espionage (+5 bonus)
(This is exactly what it sounds like. Is also used for counterintelligence.)

Operations Locked until you make contact
[X] Plan Bootstrap

-- Investigate non-exotic-carbon superconductors for use in non-essential or disposable systems.
-- Investigate materials for use in combat spaceship structures. Ideally lightweight with good ability to resist acceleration stresses.
-- Research ideas for improved resource extraction.
-- Research the possibility of some sort of "space elevator"
-- Research the possibility of some sort of "space elevator"
-- Develop nuclear-thermal rockets for more efficient spacelift.
-- Develop nuclear-thermal rockets for more efficient spacelift.
-- Improve fusion reactor design.
-- Improve fusion reactor design.
-- Improve heat sink designs.
-- Improve global comm network.
-- Expand spaceport to Medium.
-- Prospect for and develop sources of Resources.
-- Set up a Resource Recycling Plant
-- Prospect for and develop sources of Fissionables.
-- Develop additional fusion fuel refineries.

-- Further analyze records of the attack. Try to identify capabilities, doctrines, communications security, and anything else that might make their annihilation easier. Or that we can repurpose for our own use.

Continue previous efforts while also looking into the required research to begin development of a space elevator. Work on better fusion reactors in order to both improve planetoid power generation and eventually give spacecraft fusion power. Satellites will be delayed until spaceport reaches medium, all of our current launch capacity will be focused on the thermonuclear rockets. The goal is to finish thermonuclear rockets and improved reactors before starting on fusion rockets.

As far as mining goes we mostly need more resources. More fissionables is also good but resources are the most in demand. We should expand our fusion fuel refineries in preparations for eventually using fusion drives on our ships. Getting our mines above basic would be nice but we need all our development actions right now.
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The reason you're stuck with only poor mines is because the {monsters} ran off with most of your planet's mineral resources. There legitimately isn't much to mine.
Oh, I thought it was the tech level and we'd be able to improve resource extraction with development. I figured the strip-mining only affected the number of mines. Could we reduce the disadvantage from the strip-mining with enough R&D?
Oh, I thought it was the tech level and we'd be able to improve resource extraction with development. I figured the strip-mining only affected the number of mines. Could we reduce the disadvantage from the strip-mining with enough R&D?
Possibly, but it would require some outside the box thinking on your part.
One question, do mines eventually run out of resources and stop functioning? If so, we will eventually be able to tell how many total resources planets/asteroids/moons have at various levels of exploration. (With core mining (probably) being the highest.)
Well, setting up a proper Moho Mine (name derived from 'Mohorovicic Discontinuity' which is the proper term for where the crust transitions to the mantle) will require extremely pressure- and temperature-resistant materials which also need to be very hard.

Probably a few linked applications of exotic carbon - one superhard diamond-analogue for the drill bits, a high-efficiency thermal conductor for transferring heat from the bit to cooling elements closer to the surface, a low-friction graphene-like coating to minimise wear on the shaft of the drill from rubbing against the surrounding rock, and most likely a few other uses that our geology-focused labcoats will be better at thinking of and applying than I am - and advanced metallurgy.
One question, do mines eventually run out of resources and stop functioning? If so, we will eventually be able to tell how many total resources planets/asteroids/moons have at various levels of exploration. (With core mining (probably) being the highest.)
Yes, I'll tell you when a mine is 10 turns out from being exhausted.