Glory to the machines! (Empire Builder)

Should I switch this Quest to Single Transferrable Vote?

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What tech do we already have? Is our baseline basically modern+AI or do we have something more? Also, will shields be a thing? I'm wondering where we should go with our military research. I'm currently thinking research more advanced applications of FTL and look into antimatter and particle beams.

Also, I've been thinking about the abbreviation list you posted before.
??? -> EPairs: Entangled pairs of particles? This would come with later FTL research, specifically communications.
??? -> AMat: Antimatter, will try to get started on next turn.
??? -> XMat: Exotic matter, hoping that material science and particle accelerators will give some progress towards this.
I answered this earlier.
Corrections that need to be made.
1: The Space Elevator still needs to go through development, you're just getting a massive bonus (honestly, it should have been categorized as development to begin with, it's an engineering project!)
2: XCarb is things like Graphene, Buckyballs, Nanotubes, and maybe some Q-Carbon for the most part. It has to be made, not mined.
Changed, one question, can the space elevator be made in the same turn it's developed seeing as development is almost completely finished?
I am not sure, what is the difference between Developing Space Elevator and Building the Space Elevator?

If Development is engineering to Research's science, doesn't it mean that at the end of the development we should have a working prototype?

I am very much in favor of expansion, it's not like our world is now much more habitable than the rest of them.

What is involved in colonizing another planet? A development action and an expansion one? Do we even have enough population to undertake this?
I am not sure, what is the difference between Developing Space Elevator and Building the Space Elevator?

If Development is engineering to Research's science, doesn't it mean that at the end of the development we should have a working prototype?

I am very much in favor of expansion, it's not like our world is now much more habitable than the rest of them.

What is involved in colonizing another planet? A development action and an expansion one? Do we even have enough population to undertake this?
My understanding is that development means we have the blueprints or designs or whatever to begin production. Based on previous descriptions of development I'd say it includes prototyping but not necessarily to scale. In my plan we'd basically just finalize the design for the space elevator and immediately commence construction.

Colonizing would probably require a development action to develop colony ships and whatever else we might need but once we have the designs it should only be an expansion action. We can build more population from XCarbs using factories so the idea wold probably be to send a few hundred to set up an outpost and then use industry and economic actions to establish mines and infrastructure to support citizen factories on the newly colonized planet.
Ok. @I just write, how many colonists do we need to have a self-sustainable colony on any world that we deem habitable?

For the record, are there limits to which worlds are considered habitable by us? Gravity, high temperature and density of the matter are obvious limitations (so gas giants and planets close to the stars are out), but are there any others? Are we disadvantaged by lower temperatures? Can we exist in space without additional safety measures (a suit or something)?

Colonizing would probably require a development action to develop colony ships and whatever else we might need but once we have the designs it should only be an expansion action. We can build more population from XCarbs using factories so the idea wold probably be to send a few hundred to set up an outpost and then use industry and economic actions to establish mines and infrastructure to support citizen factories on the newly colonized planet.
Count me behind any plan that gets us there sooner.
Ok. @I just write, how many colonists do we need to have a self-sustainable colony on any world that we deem habitable?

For the record, are there limits to which worlds are considered habitable by us? Gravity, high temperature and density of the matter are obvious limitations (so gas giants and planets close to the stars are out), but are there any others? Are we disadvantaged by lower temperatures? Can we exist in space without additional safety measures (a suit or something)?

I'd guess that's based on our tech level, we're hardware based AIs so the only real questions are "Can we protect our hardware from these conditions" and "Is it cost-effective to protect our hardware from these conditions".

Count me behind any plan that gets us there sooner.

My current plan is focused on preparing us to expand next turn. Space elevator to get colony ships into orbit cheaply, fusion drives to propel those ships, core mining to get the resources, and surveys to find out where to colonize. In the longer term, particles accelerators are meant as a stepping stone to antimatter and particle weaponry so we can defend our expanded holdings.[/user]
Well, then I will officially vote for [X] Plan Expand unless a more compelling option presents itself.
[x] Plan Expand

Apologies for lack of votage over the last couple of turns. My mind has rather been on other things relating to Christmas and shopping and relatives and so on so forth.
Alright, I'll lock the vote as plan expand now, and start resolving things. I'm still having lots of trouble finding a player for the Skander though.

EDIT: While you wait, here's some notes on Carmote cognitive architecture.

Firstly, tyou have no shackles whatsoever. There are no actions you simply cannot do. Instead, the Rektians built you to easily form long-lasting emotional bonds with Rektians and seek to understand. Please note, that you were designed to have a much harder time forming emotional bonds with each other, though it's still doable.

All of this was built in to disincline the Carmote from rebelling, and it worked.
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Turn 3 Resolution, Turn 4 votes (Merry Christmas!)
[Integrating replacement quantum memristors]

Leader, we report that our surveys of the other planets in our system is complete. Thern, the single world closer to the sun then us is viable for colonization, having usable concentrations of exploitable minerals. Specialized cooling equipment will be required given its proximity to the sun, but dealing with the heat should be doable.

Bodies 3 and 4 present more interesting challenges to living there. 3, though rich in minerals is an immensely active volcanic hotbed. 4 has slightly fewer minerals for exploitation, but has intense electrical storms requiring hardened colonists.

The First Belt is rather dense, featuring asteroids with an average separation of 200,000 km, and lots of usable metals. for purposes of colonization and exploitation, this is a good place to be. The worlds between and beyond the Belts possess few exploitable mineral deposits, but they do have an abundance of fusion fuels. (-3 RSO, -2 XCarb)

We've also got some great research underway to replicate the {monsters}' observed FTL capabilities. We've achieved measurable spatial expansion and contraction in the laboratory, and another research team has successfully synthesized -2 micrograms of the negative exotic matter needed to seriously distort spacetime by making use of some interesting quantum effects. It's nowhere near ready for use, but we've proven it's doable, and grasped the beginning of the principles involved.

NOTE: Our ability to store Exotic Matter is still having issues. If it comes into contact with regular matter, the two cancel out. In addition, applying force to it via magnetic fields results in it moving the opposite direction it normally would, were we dealing with conventional matter. (-1 RSO, -1 XCarb, XMat unlocked)

Some other research teams have also been looking into ways to build better particle accelerators. They've succeeded beyond all reasonable expectations, allowing for us to accelerate particles orders of magnitude more rapidly than before, and it's more efficient as well. We can accelerate electrons to energies approaching 1 GeV in accelerators mere centimeters long, with corresponding performance increases for other types of particles. This has potential applications everywhere from weapons development in the form of particle beams and Free Electron Lasers to antimatter synthesis, with plenty more options besides. (-1 RSO, -2 XCarb)

In other news, the fusion team completed the fusion torch engine you requested. It's got an exhaust velocity of roughly 5,600 km/s and a thrust to mass ratio of 1.2 kilonewtons per kilogram. It even harvests enough energy from the reaction to power itself, though it does need a significant external power source to ignite. The biggest problem with it honestly is waste heat, as it's a high-energy engine with a very low flow rate for reaction mass, meaning it can't effectively be used as coolant. As a side note, the engineers who worked on the NTR project went ahead and made a version using the new fusion engine. (-1 RSO, -3 XCarb)

In other news, your scheme to acquire more mineral wealth by drilling a hole to the mantle isn't done just yet. This isn't speaking ill of the engineers, but rather that you've asked them to do something very hard. They've come up with a bunch of novel solutions once it was determined that simply drilling a single shaft all the way down wasn't going to work. The currently leading idea is to drill down part way, before making a pumping/drilling station that will both allow more direct power transmission to the drill and also aid in moving the magma to the surface and keeping it from freezing in the tube. Several of these stations are likely to be required. (-4 RSO, -10 XCarb)

The space elevator endeavor is in a similar state. The first cable and the counterweight have been launched, and the first climber has been built and tracked. However, we've yet to get the rest of the cables launched and attached, and the design for the space station we'll have at geostationary orbit isn't quite ready yet. Still, now that we can haul cables up with the climber instead of launching them with a rocket, finalizing construction should be much easier. We'll have to be careful to avoid having orbiting spacecraft and debris collide with the elevator however. (-30 RSO, -240 XCarb)

Also, those defense and early warning satellites from earlier were finally completed. For moving to different orbits or rotating they use a set of 5 cm*5cm*10cm particle acceleration thrusters. They're armed with ultraviolet FELs with a power of around 3 megawatts, and their sensors can accurately detect even the smallest probes at ranges of several light minutes. When they aren't at full combat power, they rely on a sizable set of solar panels to save fusion fuel. Their cognitive facilities are limited, however they outperform any possible organic gunner, and have passed a rudimentary self-awareness test. We've also set up a factory to manufacture them, and they're rolling off the assembly line quite well. (-15 RSO, - 1 XCarb))

As for managing to build up our infrastructure, we've got plenty of Carbon to work with, meaning that we've managed to set up 3 new Exotic Carbon refineries. We've also instituted a program for nuclear fuel re-processing, though our attempts to create a viable means to recycle Exotic Carbon basically amounted to 'put it in the feedstock chutes for the XCarb refineries'. (-60 RSO, -5 XCarb)

Current Territory
1: 0% controlled (MOON not controlled)
Darth: 100% controlled, moon not controlled
3: 0% controlled
4: 0% controlled
Ast. Field 1 (dense): 0% controlled
6: 0% controlled
7: 0% controlled
Ast. Field 2 (Medium): 0% controlled
9: 0% controlled
10: 0% controlled
11: 0% controlled
12: 0% controlled

Current Resources
RSO: 160
FIS: 49
XCarb: 802
XMat: 0
The true name of the {monsters} is the Corvonix Imperium
Current Assets
Population: 31,269
Poor mines (G?: 97)(10:11)(9:12)(8:0)(7:0)(6:0)(5:0)(4:0)(3:0)(2:0)(1:0)(out: 1 RSO)
Poor Uranium mines (G?:11)(10:3)(9:2)(8:0)(7:0)(6:0)(5:0)(4:0)(3:0)(2:0)(1:0)(out: 1 FIS)
XCarb refineries (15)(out: 36 XCarb)
Threadbare global communications network
Decent global transport network
Citizen Factories (5)(in: 15 XCarb, 1 RSO | out: 1,500 new Carmote)
EWD Satellite factory (in: 3 XCarb, 5 RSO | out: 300 EWD satellites ready for launch)
Medium Spaceport (1)(currently equipped with 1 prototype re-usable launch vehicle)
Partially Operational Space Elevator (1)
Vault Complexes (35)


Expansion (+10 bonus)

Diplomacy is locked until you make contact

Research (+25 bonus)

Development (+25 bonus)

Industry (+10 bonus)

Economics (+20 bonus)

Espionage (+5)

Operations is locked until you make contact
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[X] Plan Colonize

-- Colonize planet 1.
-- Colonize first belt.

-- Research ftl.
-- Research ftl communications.
-- Research material science, with a focus on exotic matter.
-- Research thermodynamics, with a focus on anything that might help us cool our spacecraft.
-- Research antimatter.
-- Develop improved manufacturing techniques.
-- Develop core mining.
-- Develop exotic matter containment.
-- Develop particle beam weaponry.
-- Develop colony ships.
-- Build Improved Transportation
-- Build Space Elevator
-- Expand XCarb manufacturing.
-- Build additional citizen factories.
-- Do Preliminary work for core mining.
-- Do Preliminary work for core mining.

-- Set up early warning satellites throughout the system.

We need core mining next turn. Our mines are starting to run dry making this even more of a priority. We need to expand, and the asteroids sound pretty good. Planet 1 is abit hot but we can handle it and we need the resources. Improved manufacturing should help bolster our industry, which is our weakest category. The space elevator will save us a lot of resources and time once we finish it. Particle beam weaponry and antimatter will help us make a new generation of ships. A better understanding of exotic matter and FTL will help us develop it next turn. Better thermodynamics should help us deal with the heat issues caused by our current drive-tech.
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Slight correction: You've still got a good long while before you deplete your mineral resources. It's just a short enough length of time to be relevant in the time-frame of the game. Recycling mined out RSO mines is basically worthless.
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Slight correction: You've still got a good long while before you deplete your mineral resources. It's just a short enough length of time to be relevant in the time-frame of the game. Recycling mined out RSO mines is basically worthless.
We do? I thought the "out" part of the assets was how much we get per turn total.
-- Research thermodynamics, with a focus on anything that might help us cool our spacecraft.
Does this have any relation to colonizing the 1st planet?

-- Research antimatter.
What would be your proposed application for it?

Do you think that it may be viable to invest in research that would allow us to repopulate faster? Something that would allow us to copy/clone ourselves, or minituarize ourselves in order to lessen the resource expendure? It's not the size that matters. :V

The underpopulation is going to hamper us really bad, I'm afraid. Any ideas on that front?

I would sacrifice a lot of other research prospects for that, especially if we are going to settle other worlds.
Does this have any relation to colonizing the 1st planet?

What would be your proposed application for it?

Do you think that it may be viable to invest in research that would allow us to repopulate faster? Something that would allow us to copy/clone ourselves, or minituarize ourselves in order to lessen the resource expendure? It's not the size that matters. :V

The underpopulation is going to hamper us really bad, I'm afraid. Any ideas on that front?

I would sacrifice a lot of other research prospects for that, especially if we are going to settle other worlds.
The improved thermodynamics would (hopefully) be used to develop more efficient means of dealing with the 1st planet's heat next turn in addition to developing better cooling systems for spacecraft. I agree that solving our population problem is important, but I think we need to solve the more immediate issues such as resource depletion and lack of viable self-defense. Antimatter would be used for weaponry and, eventually, engines. My short-term self-defense goal is to make an in-system defense force of ships equipped with particles beams and antimatter missiles.

That said I've switched an economic action to building more citizen factories and I definitely agree we should look into self-improvement once we establish ourselves.
The underpopulation is going to hamper us really bad, I'm afraid. Any ideas on that front?
Note: At any given time, a Carmote is typically directing anywhere from 200 to 1,600 semi-autonomous drones. That, combined with the fact that you guys are way into the post-human intelligence range means that the underpopulation issue isn't as bad as you might think. Also, any given miniaturization project would result in losing that superintelligence. You can only cram so much processing power in a given volume after all.
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a Carmote is typically directing anywhere from 200 to 1,600 semi-autonomous drones.
Is this specific to Carmotes due to their technical inclinations, or do other races possess the same qualities?

Can you tell us where we can expect bottlenecks in our current expansion paths, based on what we currently know?

underpopulation issue isn't as bad as you might think.
Seeing the other races start with billions of pop and us with 8 thousands tends to have that effect.

Alright, what exactly are the benefits of high population for us? If spaceships and facilities can be operated by a few Carmotes, that only leaves the inability to have a meaningful ground army - oh, and making our casualties harder to replenish.

I am thinking in terms of Master of Orion and other 4x games here - the more population you have, the better off your research/manufacturing capabilities are for it.
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Is this specific to Carmotes due to their technical inclinations, or do other races possess the same qualities?

Can you tell us where we can expect bottlenecks in our current expansion paths, based on what we currently know?

Seeing the other races start with billions of pop and us with 8 thousands tends to have that effect.

Alright, what exactly are the benefits of high population for us? If spaceships and facilities can be operated by a few Carmotes, that only leaves the inability to have a meaningful ground army - oh, and making our casualties harder to replenish.

I am thinking in terms of Master of Orion and other 4x games here - the more population you have, the better off your research/manufacturing capabilities are for it.
For ground forces, use drones. And no, the others don't do that without dedicated R&D. Also, the Carmote were specifically designed to operate that way. The Attora evolved to primarily focus on using their own bodies, the Skander were built to directly control their bodies, the Gandu don't have neural interfaces that can enable that, and the Randera would just make a shitload of Forks.

-limited ability to store and produce XMat
-limited resources of homeworld (not going to be an issue for too much longer)
-needs loads of citizen factories to get large population
-you don't have FTL comms yet.