[X] The vote that has made up the majority of this quest

It's a reasonable choice... but if things *do* descend to combat, we'll probably want both of them for *that*.Given the time skip we probably have 2 void points again. If we can use one of them to avoid combat that would be a good idea. If we go with the letter getting some extra dice would be a good idea. Or maybe on some other aspect of the plan. After all, it isn't like much else will happen today that needs void right?
[x] Your eyes narrow. Your nostrils flare.
[x] "Tarumo, I thank you for not insulting me by suggesting that I pay you for simply returning a thing to its rightful owner once informed of your mistake. I do not respond to such insults well."
[x] "Let us be clear. The hollow tree that you took the necklace from was the home of a spirit ally of the Crab Clan to whom the necklace rightfully belonged. You stole it from her home while she was elsewhere - driving off invaders from gaki-do. I do not blame you for this. I understand that the theft was unintentional - but you will return the necklace."
[x] "That having been said, you are seeking to take part in the twenty goblin winter. Any man or woman who seeks to pit themselves against the shadowlands has my approval, and I would not wish for you to starve before you arrive. Bring me the necklace, and I will see what I can do to help."
I figure that the veiled not-quite-insults and not-quite-threats here should placate our temper a bit.
Obviously, we're not going to give them anything like as much as the necklace is actually worth. We're also not going to empty out our purse on this one. At the same time, if giving them a relatively small sum will ensure that they at least have food for the next while... long enough to get back on their feet, as it were, that seems like a reasonable thing to provide, from a service to the clan standpoint, if nothing else. We have 54 koku on hand. Canonically, a koku is equal in value to enough rice to feed a man for a year. How many ronin are there? If we give them, say, a koku or two per ronin, they'd be hard-pressed to claim that they're going to starve in the next few months.
With respect to the letter of recommendation idea - could we possibly have an Awareness+Etiquette (6k3) to know about letters of introduction, how appropriate they'd be in this case, and how much they'd actually mean?
Cool - and the approximate number of ronin in the camp? Also, I assume they are on foot - if they have horses, that would also be good to know.
My idea was that that was the vote -- and then we'd have another vote on what to actually give them, if they went for it. Among other things, whether or not they get a letter of recommendation, and how much of a recommendation it contains, will depend rather directly on their comportment here. How *do* they react to realizing that they've committed theft against a spirit-ally of the Clan? (Yes, I know I'm going a bit out on a limb with this one, but I'm fully intending that she *be* a spirit-ally of the clan by the time we're done.)
If you want to get this bit done the sooner, though, and thus want me to extend the vote to include an idea of what to offer them, I can do that.
No no no. I'm not suggesting anything to be added to the vote as it is now. I'm literally saying that we'll say "I'll see what I can do." with no further explanation. It's going a bit hard-line on this one, with the suggestion that we are intending to help them, but that the degree and kind of help will be at our discretion. Asking stuff about a letter (and other ways he could help) was, if anything, just Sousuke's internal thought processes. If we start talking about what we're going to give them before we get the necklace, they're going to try to drag it back to negotiation (...which might, in turn, force us to start making will checks to not kill them all). If we give them no space to negotiate, and are then reasonably generous with assistance, though....Ah, then we had a slight misunderstanding. My apologies. I was asking if you wanted Sosuke to suggest he could write a letter if the Ronin asked for clarification on what Sosuke could do to help them. You seem to be saying that's part of the vote as it is now. I just wanted to be sure of that.
We have 53 on hand.