[x] Sirrocco
You reach behind you and pull out your coin purse. Digging through, always keeping your eyes on the Ronin, you feel out ten Koku. The heavy coins have some real weight in your hand, and clink a bit as you move. You open your palm to Tarumo as you put your purse away, and then toss the coins to the side.
"I have found myself without need of certain things," you say. "And so I have tossed them away. But perhaps another who finds these objects could get use of them. With that they might, perhaps, have all the supplies they need to last till winter, and thus have more time to train and study to fight against our mutual enemy."
You scowl as Tarumo's face lights up, but at least this way you have avoided the direct shame of handing money over to the man. Directly engaging in commerce of any kind is something to be avoided if possible, to be handled in a roundabout manner. To publicly engage in it… That would be shameful.
The Crab are more lenient on some things than the other Clans, and money is one of them. Even still, it is best to leave direct money handling to the Yasuki. If you've the chance to mitigate the act of money changing hands, you will take it. Especially since this man has been so annoying already.
"Yes," Tarumo says, grinning. Two of his men go to collect the Koku. "I think someone could indeed make use of what you have discarded."
"As well," you say. "I offer advice. Do not take the head of any Nezumi, the Ratlings, during the Twenty Goblin Winter. They are allies, and you would be slain on return of their heads. Furthermore, trust no plant life in the Shadowlands. No doubt you already know to be wary of the creatures there, but the foliage is no less deadly. Also be sure to drink no water, for it is as Tainted as everything else in that place."
"Interesting advice," Tarumo says. "I didn't know any Nezumi still lived in the Shadowlands. Certainly didn't think anything actually grew there."
"If you wish to expand your knowledge," you continue as if Tarumo had not spoken. "And further your training in service to the Clan you wish to join, then go to any of the Crab barracks and present yourselves. If you are humble, and state your intentions clearly, chances are good you can find work."
Tarumo nods. "Thank you, Hiruma-san. I was wondering how best to go about exactly that. I didn't think it would be as easy as just approaching one of the barracks."
"We are a practical people in many ways," you respond. "And we always could use more men to fight the Shadowlands. Now, I believe we are done here?"
"I think so," Tarumo says. He bows to you, just as deep a before. Which is to say, not as deep a he likely should, but not so much a to be a blatant insult. "A good night to you, Hiruma Sosuke-san."
"And to you," you say with a short bow back. Then you turn and walk away. You are glad to do so, before there is more opportunity for Tarumo to anger you.
You enjoy the breeze a little as you walk, happy to be done with that whole ordeal. It felt too much like bargaining for your comfort, and that isn't something you feel you are suited for. That is best left for those with the temperament and the skill for such things. As it is, things came dangerously close to insults you could not let stand. It is fortunate that events did not come to that point.
Soon enough the Ronin camp is nothing but a faint light in the distance, but you still have a ways yet to walk before you return to your own camp. But the time it has taken just to walk this distance has let your anger cool, and you are already looking forward to getting some proper sleep. The Ashigaru keep pace with you, staying just a few steps behind.
"Odious man," Jinbei says, glancing over his shoulder at the now distant light of the Ronin's campfire. He turns his head to the side and spits.
"To show Hiruma-sama such disrespect," Hoshi says. "I wanted to gut him right there, the way he presumed so!"
"He is lacking in manners," you say to the Ashigaru. "But he also wishes to fight the Shadowlands. I'll grant him some leeway for that."
"A you say, Hiruma-sama," Jinbei responds.
Any further conversation halts as the Kitsune appears in front of you, her tails alight with a pale blue flame. The wave behind her, a sign of her anticipation, and she looks up at you with hopeful eyes.
"The pendant," she says, her voice soft yet determined all the same. "You have retrieved it?"
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