Glory of the Emerald Empire (Legend of the 5 Rings Quest)

Is there a roll we need to do for this? I was under the impression that Haiku composing is an artisan skill of some sort.

Normally, yeah, but I figure that's there for players who don't bother coming up with their own Haiku on the fly and just rely on numbers. Since you're not in some kind of competition or formal event, I would let the Haiku stand as rough but charming unless people wanted to roll for better.
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Normally, yeah, but I figure that's there for players who don't bother coming up with their own Haiku on the fly and just rely on numbers. Since you're not in some kind of competition or formal event, I would let the Haiku stand as rough but charming unless people wanted to roll for better.
Ah, okay then.

I don't like Gman391s vote after it goes into the whole Haiku part as I am getting a little tired of us playing the flustered teenager in front of her constantly and embarrassing ourselves without reason.

Frankly, I'm fine with Sousuke getting flustered in his interactions with Shasa. We don't really get to interact with her often enough that it loses it's appeal, and it's totally in character for him to act this way. Plus, it's always interesting when it happens.
He's an adult samurai by Rokugan's standards, but for us he's officially a teenager. He won't lose face for being flustered so...

Also, Shasa has the beauty advantage as well. Is quite difficult to feel flustered, you know?

Ah, also. Vote:

[x] Gman391

I like the haiku. Is a nice touch for Sosuke being poetic every once in a while. For the duration of this quest, he has showed to be more than just an ordinary Bushi.
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Frankly, I'm fine with Sousuke getting flustered in his interactions with Shasa. We don't really get to interact with her often enough that it loses it's appeal, and it's totally in character for him to act this way. Plus, it's always interesting when it happens.

Hasn't he been interacting with her continually for weeks now?
IIRC, the last direct, "just us" interaction was when entering Kyuden Ikoma. After that, there's was not a significant exchange of words.

Surely they must speak to each other every day, probably multiple times, off screen.

It would be impossible to do their jobs otherwise. We're talking about hundreds or thousands of conversations., with a total length of hundreds of hours. It's not as if they've much else to to fill the empty weeks of travel with.
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Surely they must speak to each other every day, probably multiple times, off screen.

It would be impossible to do their jobs otherwise. We're talking about hundreds or thousands of conversations.

I don't think is more significant that "Hi", or "Keep your eyes open" (perhaps not verbally, but with signals. They're yojimbo, they are expected to know what they do as such). :\
I don't think is more significant that "Hi", or "Keep your eyes open" (perhaps not verbally, but with signals. They're yojimbo, they are expected to know what they do as such). :\

They have nothing else to do for ten hours a day but have conversations. We know that's what happen while they travel, as we saw it earlier in the journey. Shasa is the only other person in the party of equal status and sharing the same job, so should she should be the person he probably talks to most.

I'm not exaggerating when I say that they should have clocked up several hundred hours of conversation.
For the record Haiku are kind of a big deal in Rokugan, but they're also distinctly not really a Crab thing. So Sosuke saying a haiku out loud leaves him a little vulnerable on two counts:

1) Art is important messing it up is a great way to show yourself to be an uncultured brute. Sosuke is cool with the brute but not the uncultured, face is after all still important.

2) Depending on the Crab, haiku isn't regarded as very Crab like or good, so a bit of cultural wariness there.

That combines with Sasha to leave him feeling more flustered than usual.

That and I thought it was fun.
Honestly, the flustered... has gotten old.

Sousuke has, as Alratan pointed out, probably spent hundreds of hours talking with Shasa at this point - and from almost the beginning of the journey, he's taken it in part as a way to become accustomed to her beauty so that he can better handle such things in the future. Also, he has social position on her, and has used that social position in a semi-patron sort of way to help her out. They've also fought beside each other and, most likely, sparred a fair bit as part of keeping their skills sharp.

Bah! Humbug, I say!
Well, gonna need more votes to avoid the adorkable if that's what people want. As it stands, adorkable is going to win for the update. I'll be sure to tone it down from earlier incidents, though. Sosuke still finds Shasa attractive, and that affects him, but it's not quite as bad anymore.
I'm good with just toning it down a bit - and don't really have the creative ergs to come up with a worthwhile counterproposal at the moment anyway.
[x] Gman

"What more than to serve the clan?" you ask quietly, more to yourself than to Shasa. "Yes, what more…"

You look up toward the sky at the cry of a hawk, watching it fly. In truth, though, you're trying to marshal your thoughts. Shasa's sentiments are good. A Samurai should always serve their Clan, to work toward its betterment. But is that truly all there is? Despite agreeing with Shasa, you have a sinking feeling in your gut in response to her words.

It takes your mind toward darker thoughts… Remind you of lessons learned many years ago during your education.

No one speaks of it much anymore, but one of the great heroes of the Crab wanted nothing more than to better the Clan. Hida Kisada pursued that goal with a passion that overtook everything else. He chaffed under the scorn so often heaped upon your Clan, and felt more strongly than anyone that the Crab deserved recognition long overdue.

And during the Clan War, more than one hundred years ago, he allied with the creatures of the Shadowlands in an attempt to achieve that goal.

All of Rokugan suffered for his ambition. Eventually the Great Bear realized his error and broke his alliance with the evils of Jigoku, but not before inflicting so much harm upon both the Crab and the Emerald Empire. The Crab would not be redeemed for this mistake until Hida Yakamo, Kisada's son, stepped up during the Second Day of Thunder as the representative of the Crab, defeating Fu Leng along with his fellow Thunders.

It is a lesson that cannot be forgotten, no matter how much time passes. People often learn more from their failures than their victories, and what happened during the Clan War cannot be regarded as anything but a failure. The Crab Clan has grown from that shame, and must continue to do.

"To serve the Clan is our duty, and in truth I could find no other task to desire beyond that," you say, your voice still quiet. "Yet as we walk these lands so far from home, beyond the darkness and terror, I find myself thinking it is good that we protect them from that." You look back at Shasa and smile. "So if you were to ask me what more, I would have to say to serve the Empire through the Clan."

You pause for a moment, struck by a sudden whimsy.

"Emerald Empire,
Bound by Honor and Duty.
For your sake, we die."

"That's not a bad poem," Shasa says, looking at you. You feel a sudden heat in your cheeks, both at the poem and her attention, but fight it down.

"Anyway," you say, moving hastily away from that feeling. "I wish you best of luck on your path Shasa-san, and I am sure that when people tell your tales they will be glorious."

"My thanks, Sosuke-san," Shasa replies. She's smiling at you, though she seems thoughtful. "For both your thoughts, and the well wishes."

[] Write in.
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[x] gman391
[x] Interact with the Ashigaru
-[x] Ask them how the hills are treating them.

I'm tempted to interact with the Ashigaru. Ask them how the hills are treating them... In fact, I'll do it.

No one speaks of it much anymore, but one of the great heroes of the Crab wanted nothing more than to better the Clan. Hida Kisada pursued that goal with a passion that overtook everything else. He chaffed under the scorn so often heaped upon your Clan, and felt more strongly than anyone that the Crab deserved recognition long overdue.

And during the Clan War, more than one hundred years ago, he allied with the creatures of the Shadowlands in an attempt to achieve that goal.

All of Rokugan suffered for his ambition. Eventually the Great Bear realized his error and broke his alliance with the evils of Jigoku, but not before inflicting so much harm upon both the Crab and the Emerald Empire. The Crab would not be redeemed for this mistake until Hida Yakamo, Kisada's son, stepped up during the Second Day of Thunder as the representative of the Crab, defeating Fu Leng along with his fellow Thunders.

"Your greatest weakness is just your greatest strength pushed too far."
--- Mark Rosewater
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Just so y'all know, if there's enough votes for a consensus I'll try to do a double update today. I want to make up for missing yesterday.
[x] gman391
[x] Interact with the Ashigaru
-[x] Ask them how the hills are treating them.
[x] gman391
[x] Interact with the Ashigaru
-[x] Ask them how the hills are treating them.