Glorious Shotgun Princess, Thread 3

Durabys said:
I do not think she killed that idiot. Just damaged her reputation somewhat.
I did say roll (as in the dice roll) as opposed to troll. But easy enough to misunderstand. I think she's just using it instinctively, as GSP is kinda fluff based much like Cast in Gold as opposed to crunch.
Dirtnap said:
I did say roll (as in the dice roll) as opposed to troll. But easy enough to misunderstand. I think she's just using it instinctively, as GSP is kinda fluff based much like Cast in Gold as opposed to crunch.
Oh. Okay. But a higher Essence Exalt should have a finer control over his/her charms, no?
Durabys said:
"Commander Shepard? Octavian Parsus from the Legioni Magazine,Turian Hierarchy. Our edior-in-chief got today morning, just after you announced your press release, a text only e-mail from someone calling him- or herself 'The Dragon'. This person says he, or she, is a great fan of yours and the email is publically viewable on our website. The letter contains lewd references, is somehow contradictory on itself, even though our linguists are tearing their scales out to pinpoint which are the logically false statements, but there is also the interesting part saying that your, and I quote, 'predecessors were responsible for mutiliating half of my people, and unmaking the other half'. Please, can you confirm or deny the last bit, Commander?"
"…Joker! Did you send that?!"
swordomatic said:
"Continuing from this train of thought, Commander, are you implying that the Reapers are not only genocidal progenitors, but also unpleasant to be around? If so, how do you think we should carry out our smartass replies?"
"From behind a large ass gun." The omnitool beeps. Holding up a hand, Shepard taps it and listens in. "Crap. Emergency. Spectre business." She blows out her lips, walks off stage, and drags a helmet-less quarian along by the crook of her arm.

"Shepard, exactly why aren't I coming with you?"

"Someone has to suffer," Jane mutters, and walks out.

Sighing, the quarian woman flicks back curly lavender hair. Then realizes she's standing in front of a crowd of people who hadn't seen a quarian without her helmet before.

"Oh fuck it," she says, "Commander Shepard will be indisposed. My name is Tali'Zorah vas Neema nar Rayya, and I will answer any further questions."
"Miss Zorah, is it true that you feel resentment at the fact that Commander Shepard sees Liara as 'her waifu' while you are merely 'her younger sister'?"
A Elcor makes half a step foreward.
"With Honest curiosity: Are the rumours about a religious crisis after the recent emergence of the species that you created true?
Unbelieving amazement: And also the rumour about Geth wearing Quarian bodies controlled by cybernetic implants?"
And because someone else has to ask...

"Miss Tali'Zorah! Are you currently dating anyone, and if the answer is "no" might I invite you for dinner and dancing this evening?"
StormFury213 said:
*blinks* I've gone to sleep for a day and this thread has somehow turned into a news agency is this normal for spacebattles?
Every so often Gregg holds a character Q&A. This is one of those times, so I'd recommend thinking up a funny question or something you genuinely want to ask.
StormFury213 said:
*blinks* I've gone to sleep for a day and this thread has somehow turned into a news agency is this normal for spacebattles?
No, actually. For once, people are not derailing the thread, thanks to a mod stepping in threatening to lock it several pages back.
"Miss Zorah, is Shepard or someone else teaching you the 'Bullshit Magic' quote unquote?"
"Miss Zorah, is the fact that you're currently not wearing a helmet related to... Oh god, I can't believe I'm saying this, Shepard's ninja's bullshit healing magic? And if so, is it possible, and how much would it cost, for the ninja to come heal my son?"
"Ma'am, are the rumours true that a 'mad ball with a God complex the size of the Citadel' made Normandy bigger on the inside than on the outside?"
"And that the ship's mascot is a Honey Badger?"
"Miss Tali! What were your feelings when you discovered that Commander Shepard was still alive?"
"Miss Tali'Zorah! There are rumors of a new Quarian Heavy Encounter suit design being used by you in combat against the Reapers." Pulls up image of auto-power-armor-suit "Do the Quarians intend to field more of these? Where can I get one?"
Robo Jesus said:
...guys, I think the Q&A in-story is kind of over now.
No, no. Remember, I live in korea. These questions were being asked when I was asleep. Keep asking! I'll get to the responses.
GreggHL said:
No, no. Remember, I live in korea. These questions were being asked when I was asleep. Keep asking! I'll get to the responses.
Ahh, the way you wrote the previous snippet was more in lines with a "Question time is over so let's move to the next scene". Still, I'm glad I was mistaken there (though yeah, the way that last scene was written was perfect for ending or moving on from it), but since it's not over, hmm...

"Is there any truth to the rumors that there are billions of humans living in the dyson sphere known as Autochthonia?"
HioH said:
Do you still walk the walk?
"Much to the gratitude of the Normandy's pilot, yes."
Requiem_Jeer said:
Because someone has to ask...

"Miss Tali'Zorah! Aren't you worried about getting sick without your helmet? Does this have greater implications for the Quarian people as a whole?"

PhoenixFTW said:
"Miss Zorah, is the fact that you're currently not wearing a helmet related to... Oh god, I can't believe I'm saying this, Shepard's ninja's bullshit healing magic? And if so, is it possible, and how much would it cost, for the ninja to come heal my son?"

"Actually, this one's not Shepard's fault. It's because of the hundred or so Geth programs running around my suit. I mean, if I wasn't on someplace with a controlled climate like the Citadel, I'd still take my helmet. But now, it's more of a sensible precaution than a 'Oh ancestors I am going to die hold me big strong human' thing which the quarian fetishists love." She shudders.

SpacePaladin said:
"Is it true that you can fight like a Krogan, run like a leopard, but you'll never be better than Commander Shepard?"

"Yes, but on the other hand, I know how to program Shepard's DVR."

SightedJT said:
What do you say to allegations that Commander Shepard has many many robotic spiders inside the normandy

Tali hisses at the reporter.

swordomatic said:
"Miss Zorah, is it true that you feel resentment at the fact that Commander Shepard sees Liara as 'her waifu' while you are merely 'her younger sister'?"
"Yes, but on the other hand, every little request I make to Shepard doesn't have the subtext of 'After we make out.'"

"Shepard and I are not like that!" comes the breathy response from off stage.

"You and Shepard are exactly like that!"
Scya said:
A Elcor makes half a step foreward.
"With Honest curiosity: Are the rumours about a religious crisis after the recent emergence of the species that you created true?

Unbelieving amazement: And also the rumour about Geth wearing Quarian bodies controlled by cybernetic implants?"

"Yes to the first, no to the second. The Geth have experienced a religious crisis. The Geth that attacked the Citadel a year and a half ago were ones that decided all organics have to die. This was actually a minority among the Geth. Most of them have actually been on the former quarian colonies for the past three hundred years, cleaning up the damage."
TheSandman said:
And because someone else has to ask...

"Miss Tali'Zorah! Are you currently dating anyone, and if the answer is "no" might I invite you for dinner and dancing this evening?"
"Tempting…buuuut I'm going to have to wait for Reegar to get back."

Happerry said:
"Miss Zorah, is Shepard or someone else teaching you the 'Bullshit Magic' quote unquote?"

"Yes, and no. I'm currently being taught entirely different kinds of bullshit by Iri."

The Bushranger said:
"Ma'am, are the rumours true that a 'mad ball with a God complex the size of the Citadel' made Normandy bigger on the inside than on the outside?"

"And that the ship's mascot is a Honey Badger?"

"The honey…badger?" Tali blinks. "No, no. But the mad ball, yes. Oh, Ancestors, yes-"

On cue, the stage behind Tali flashes with lightning and a three meter tall golden giant appears, with two women sitting on each shoulder. Tali rubs the bridge of her nose and carries on, listening to the next question.

Balagor said:
"Derek Trustman, Daily Galactic News. Miss Zorah, any truth to the rumors that 'Commander Sheppard' is in fact a personal sexbot with a malfunctioning VI ? And that the Quarians are using it as a decoy while they subvert the Citadel to their control ? Are the 'Reapers' just holograms and false data implants to help maintain this fiction ?"

"Did…did Goto steal your sanity or…"

Ultra Sonic 007 said:
"Miss Tali'Zorah, Willy See from Fornax! Are you available for a nude photo shoot?"

"We'll ask Reegar when he gets back, because no one's seeing me naked before him."

Aleph said:
"Miss Tali! What were your feelings when you discovered that Commander Shepard was still alive?"

"Relief she was alive, dread because it meant she was going to drive again." She turns to the golden giant. "What. Seriously, are you back now?"
spencer1519 said:
"Miss Tali'Zorah! There are rumors of a new Quarian Heavy Encounter suit design being used by you in combat against the Reapers." Pulls up image of auto-power-armor-suit "Do the Quarians intend to field more of these? Where can I get one?"
Tali turns to the golden giant. One of the two women on his shoulders slides down; a lovely, curvy young woman in a long, blue chinese dress with chopsticks in her black hair. "Noedumari," the voice from the giant says, confirming to Tali it is him, "Here's a list of what I need, and here's a credit chit. Should be no problem."

The woman nods with a smile. "On it, sir," she says, taking the scroll and the card, and walks out. On the other shoulder, a young girl with reddish blonde hair waves at the cameras.
Draconas said:
Miss Tali'Zorah, is it true one of your newest crewmembers is a spider-cat-girl who is a member of a race mostly wiped out by the reapers and came from a mechanical planet, that turned her into a magic cyborg?

"That's absolutely true."

TheSandman said:
"Miss Tali'Zorah, would you care to comment on rumors that the Q&A is kind of over now?"


"No, no. I think we're just getting started."

Talon88.1 said:
"Commander, Garak Bolt'har, Tuchanka World News. Is there any truth to the rumor that you and Urdnot Wrex quote 'rode the thresher maw together', end quote?"

Tali blinks. "What? No! That's like me and my Uncle Han!"

SpacePaladin said:
"*kst* Star-clan Tali'Zorah, Fortin Nu of the Volus News Conglomerate. *kst* Can this 'bullshit magic' allow us to survive in the toxic, low pressure *kst* environment of the Citadel?"

"Well." Tali taps her lip. "I wouldn't be surprised if it did."

Requiem_Jeer said:
"Miss Tali'Zorah, is it true that Miss T'soni has broken the record for the largest thing an asari has had sex with? And how large was it?"

"Well, according to Shepard, Liara did, and I quote, 'f____ a planet', and did it around one hundred sixty nine times. Which, I understand, is why Liara's got bigger boobs."

Gamerex27 said:
"Taris Abran, Sur'Kesh Broadcasting Network. Are you aware how this "bullshit magic" is made, and how to utilize it? Will there be a way to give more people powers like Shepard, Mr. Vakarian, and Ms. Goto? If so, how long do you expect it to take for the quarians or...uh, geth to accomplish this?"
"Ah! Ah, yes! I can answer this!" Tali mutters a blasphemy, stepping aside so the golden giant doesn't bowl her over. "Yes, yes! The problem, is creating the Perpetual Motemic Engine, the Supermote, is in fact impossible! It also requires beings of absolute power to catalyze this, which is also impossible! Which means it cannot be created!"

Tali sighs, patting the giant on the arm. "Right. You take over. I need to find a bathroom." She pulls her helmet on her head and struts out.

The golden giant turns to the crowd. It holds up its arms. "Yes! Greetings, reporters! I!" Thunder booms overhead, despite being indoors. "Am Autochthon! Next question?"
God dammit Autocthon.

"Steven Selias, Terra News Now. Mr. Autocthon, do you consider yourself to be the foremost designer of things made up of, and I quote, 'Bullshit Magic'?"