Glorious Shotgun Princess, Thread 3

fijkus said:
Considering the fact that you're using the two words which sums up the entire plot of the ME universe in your fic, I am more than a little afraid.
This will be nowhere as bad as that thing in GSP Book 2 where Auto increases all his Virtues to 5.
GreggHL said:
This will be nowhere as bad as that thing in GSP Book 2 where Auto increases all his Virtues to 5.

Something like this then?

Compassion don't want to harm even a leaf of grass.
Conviction won't be persuaded even by little puppies begging at your feet.
Temperance 5..saying that you are an ascetic monk would the understatement of the century.
Valor 5..the greatest heroes and warriors in history would go green with envy at seeing your courage.

Oh shit.
Durabys said:

Something like this then?

Compassion don't want to harm even a leaf of grass.
Conviction won't be persuaded even by little puppies begging at your feet.
Temperance 5..saying that you are an ascetic monk would the understatement of the century.
Valor 5..the greatest heroes and warriors in history would go green with envy at seeing your courage.

Oh shit.
And of course you will have to react to every slight with the need to avenge yourself and are unable to ignore suffering unless your plans need you to do so. and well we saw how that worked out for the other guy with virtues at 5.
Scya said:
And of course you will have to react to every slight with the need to avenge yourself and are unable to ignore suffering unless your plans need you to do so. and well we saw how that worked out for the other guy with virtues at 5.
How can Autochthon even get this Virtue boost to begin with!?
Durabys said:
How can Autochthon even get this Virtue boost to begin with!?
If we talk in game , spend EXP. and as for a in story reason . Clearly he either tries to emulate the UCS/gets into mental contact with him or does something in which he has already experience namely cutting his own brain open and playing around with it.

(ignoring for a moment that virtues are not part of your brain but instead your soul)
Scya said:
If we talk in game , spend EXP. and as for a in story reason . Clearly he either tries to emulate the UCS/gets into mental contact with him or does something in which he has already experience namely cutting his own brain open and playing around with it.

(ignoring for a moment that virtues are not part of your brain but instead your soul)
I think him getting his Virtues overcharged is somehow connected to Autobot getting into his old lab.
Alasnuyo said:
Now I'm wondering whether or not Autochthon had some kind of virtue-modding charms going on when he was still a primordial.
He probably does. As for why, remember that the Great Curse of the Solars is connected with their Virtues. Hence, in order to explore how it works- and hence be able to fix the flaw- he attempts to experience it first hand. (after all, Shepard is too valuable to undergo Limit Break just for observation, and Javik too destructive and the Eclipse…well, let's not try that). Hence, he increases his Compassion to 5 and starts watching sad puppy videos on the Extranet to induce a Limit Break.

Leading to a golden sphere wandering around the Normandy, screaming at the top of its lungs, "NO! NO! I CANNOT HANDLE ALL THESE FEELS!"
Auto having a Limit Break ... I think I have a new definition for "worst thing that could possibly happen" ... because he'd try to fix whatever set him off.

"The universe isn't fair! Bad things happen to good people. I must fix it!"
GreggHL said:
Hence, he increases his Compassion to 5 and starts watching sad puppy videos on the Extranet to induce a Limit Break.
Wait, can gods gain limit? I thought they couldn't. Did he make a copy of the limit system and implant it in himself and then uses the charm to boost Compassion to 5 and then break? That seems like something Auto would do.
tq343 said:
Wait, can gods gain limit? I thought they couldn't. Did he make a copy of the limit system and implant it in himself and then uses the charm to boost Compassion to 5 and then break? That seems like something Auto would do.
Limit Break and the like is Exalts/Primordials only normally.
Actually, SightedJT, think about it for a few minutes. Auto has, historically, had massive problems anticipating the side-effects of things he builds or fixes. Even with his recent character growth that flaw remains.

He might fix reality.. but what would he break doing it?
Nicholai said:
Actually, SightedJT, think about it for a few minutes. Auto has, historically, had massive problems anticipating the side-effects of things he builds or fixes. Even with his recent character growth that flaw remains.

He might fix reality.. but what would he break doing it?
Best case? Himself.

Worst case? Everybody else.
Destrark said:
Everybody? you mean Everything don't you? :)

*several minutes later after getting his breath*

No. So wrong! He saves Reality and Everything while dooming everybody else.
Doors open to the sounds of two people talking. Footsteps marching against metal floors in the staccato rhythm of two soldiers. "...not a DNA match despite fingerprints, retina, everything else matching up. Probably a glitch but we don't want to hedge bets on it, Commander."

Gloved hands pull back, extended fingers tracing through the air. The conference room shimmers with the soft pink light with every motion, every breath. Windows behind her tint, the crowds milling about the Zakera Ward outside becoming silhouettes, then wireframes behind the opaque screen. The table before her, a long and narrow metal sheet, fogs with condensation.

In the bowl before her, the light, the power, the Essence condenses, and becomes a pile of pink flower petals.
Blue eyes open underneath the hood. Looking down, she grabs a petal and pops it into her mouth. Then, blinks and blanches. "They taste like crap."

Sitting at the table, Pria claps her hands with a wide grin beaming with pride. Standing at the other end of the table, Tali and Joker stare at the bowl, with wide eyed and blank faces mirrored by the Shepard, standing in the open doorway. The older man with cropped blonde hair standing next to her blinks, shrugs, and walks back down the corridor.

"Okay," Jane says, "The Hell was that?"

Kasumi Goto rolls her shoulders, leaning on the table, and gives the most unhelpful answer she can manage.


Jane blinks. She stares at the petals, then back at Goto. "Bullshit."

"It's sorcery," Pria explains, hands folded in front of her, "Magic, but not the same as what you and Goto normally do. Much like the messages that you were receiving in your..." She stares at Jane's face for a moment. "If I may ask, where were you when the messages arrived?"

"My shower."

Joker shuffles back behind Tali. Tali taps the side of her helmet and turns the faceplate opaque. "Ah," Pria says, "Apologies." She balls her fist and coughs. "Anyway, Goto's just managed to cast her first spell. While the petals taste like-"

"Crap," Goto helpfully adds, leaning back and forth on her heels.

"They are nourishing. For a time, at least." Pria leans back in the chair and smiles. "It's Sorcery," she continues, "Goto has been successfully initiated into the Emerald Circle. I could probably teach you, as well." She shrugs, still smiling. "Although, sorcerous initiation does take sacrifice."

"Sacrifice," Jane repeats, "Like, a goat?"

Pria sighs, put upon and tired. Kasumi skips over and pats the spirit on the shoulder. "Long story," the thief says, "Less a physical thing, more an emotional thing. Something holding you back, like grief or longing. You let it go."

Goto straightens up and claps her hands with a giggle. "Just like I did! So, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna find Jacob-" She pumps a fist into the air. "And I'm gonna get laid!" And she skips out, whistling the entire way. They watch her go, clicking her heels and turning the corner, and then turn back to Pria.

"Shepard," Pria says, "Let's go for a walk."
Probably the emotional attachment to Kenji, yes.

Of course, that means it'll get so much worse when she goes for Sapphire, because your Sacrifice gets compounded with each initiation. In other words, giving up your intimacies to a dead lover might well result in you cutting the ties to a living one.

Adorjan approves.
Cornuthaum said:
Probably the emotional attachment to Kenji, yes.

Of course, that means it'll get so much worse when she goes for Sapphire, because your Sacrifice gets compounded with each initiation. In other words, giving up your intimacies to a dead lover might well result in you cutting the ties to a living one.

Adorjan approves.
Yeah...but she doesn't want more right now...she has things to do.
Like Adjoran says: People are just holding you back. Just let everything go and it will feel a lot better!
Sorcery sacrifices are, basically, character development. The sacrifice should be something that holds you back. In Kasumi's case, it wasn't her intimacy towards Keiji- it was her grief at his passing. Once let go, it's not something she'll dwell on- she acknowledges he is dead, she knows he has been avenged, and she accepts that he is gone. She savors the memories but they do not rule her.

The more power, the more sacrifice. Sorcery is not a point-buy system. Sorcery is perceiving the universe through new eyes. Each sacrifice is something that held you back more. Kasumi is a Sidereal, and hence can get only to the Sapphire Circle- but she may let go of something greater for that. Her past, her laziness, her playfulness.

Adamant Circle- which she cannot get, and could only get if she were a Solar or Akuma- would be even more severe. Like her being a thief. Adamant Circle is basically "That man is dead and I remain."

Some people take this too literally. Hence the joking suggestion in the SNG game that our Twilight sacrifice his right arm and right leg for Sapphire circle, and his skin for Adamant Circle.

We are unsure if he will.

But still, Total Annihilation~
horngeek said:
Yeah, one character idea I have would literally give up her attatchment to her culture of birth for Solar Circle Sorcery. Which she was, at that point, the only surviving member of. Let it die, essentially.

Out of interest, what did said Twilight sacrifice for the Emerald Circle?

And yeah, Total Annihilation is awesome, especially ES's version. Is there any possibility of it (or for extra fun, Dragon Breaks Reality) being used against a Reaper at some point? :D
His grief at the death of his parents, which from what I remember was partially his fault by accident.

As for Total Annihilation- well, some thing to keep of note is that in many ways, one of the ways the Reapers have kept control is making sure that the exalted in the MEverse don't learn the more useful spells of the varied circles- in fact, no evidence of Adamant Circle may remain.

Of course, Autobot's in Yu Shan right now, so I have of course written up the chant.
I grasp your chains with my hand, binding you, unbindable and omnipotent to my will.

I stand between the past, and I stand before the present, and call upon you
To blaze my path into the future!

Hear me, Lord of Hell! Hear me, Green Sun!
Show my enemies their folly with your righteous Emerald Fire!

Hear me, Ligier!
Hear me and obey!
And Bring Forth;

White birds- some with features, some with undulating silver plates- flit overhead in the polarized sunlight. A massive creature on trunk like legs- an elcor, talking with a glowing crimson sphere, lumbers past the two women on the white walkway. Overlooking the Conduit, the pathways lead in a half circle from the elevators to the shrill noise of a bazaar.

Green eyes glance from the silent god to behind them, and Jane looks for signs. Of being pursued, of being followed. She's never been able to track, say, Goto. But she does keep a sign for anyone- or anything- that looks like her mother.

"The Citadel hasn't really changed," Pria says, "We called it the Cuff, in my Cycle."

She stops, mid step. The black haired woman turns, the white and violet dresses barely moving when she changes direction and glides towards the railing. Staring at the Conduit, she goes silent for moments. "That is new," she says, and turns. Not to Shepard, but to the walkways themselves. "Those are not."

Gliding down walkways, between turians, asari, salarians, she walks just fast enough for Jane to keep up. "So," Shepard says, "Sorcery? This is kind of new."

"In my incomplete state, I was unable to grasp the enlightenment I possessed when I lived," Pria explains, slowing her pace and letting Jane walk alongside her. They duck under a low walkway, shifting to the side to let a Hanar pass. Its tentacle briefly brushes against Pria's hand, and it pauses before continuing along.

"Goto has been initiated into the Emerald Circle," Pria continues, "I am a practitioner of the Sapphire Circle. My sacrifice was...greater." She bites her lip, pace slowing. "Goto has given up the grief she held for the man she loved, and who's death she blamed herself for. To initiate into the Sapphire Circle, I sacrificed the love I held for the leader of my Circle."

She stops. Jane walks past her for a moment, then skids to a halt. Hands folded at her waist, they ball into a fist. The woman, the god, glances once more at the Conduit. The newest addition to the Presidium. "I was seventy three years old when I did so. I lived for...much longer. Longer than Goto has lived, in any case. In fact..."

She taps her lip with a sigh, turning completely from Shepard, and shuffles to the side. Foot traffic moves around her, not mindful of the odd, lavender skinned woman. "In fact, it was when I was just ten years older than Goto that I moved on past that. A young man from my home-colony." She smirks. "A student of mine, in the arts of craft. I was stubborn, he was determined."

She gestures to the walkways past the Conduit with a wistful smile. "He followed me, to the Cuff. To the Citadel, during a scheduled meeting of our Circle. Finally won me over, and we decided to elope."

Jane smirks, walking up next to Pria. She folds her arms, nodding. "So you two lived happily ever after?"

Jane turns to the side, and immediately regrets her words. Sees the twin streams running down Pria's cheeks. "No," she whispers, the crack in her voice evident, "That's when the Viator emerged, murdered my entire Circle, and formed Seeker from my corpse." She gestures, pointing to a walkway next to the Conduit. "There. I died there."

She wipes her face with her sleeve. "If I was lucky, he died during the attack. If not, he spent seventeen million years as part of my prison." She folds her hands, eyes dry. "We should go the Deus Machina at some point in the future. There are things I need to teach you there."

She rises from the walkway. "I'll be abck on the Normandy, if you need me," she says, and vanishes with but a whisper.