I always feel that Fate deliberately ignores a lot of the benefits of the modern age. :(

Seriously I want one character to be summoned, take one look at the modern world and go.
"Holy shit this is amazing!"

"These scrying devices are common? You mean everyone has them!"
"This chilled cream comes in how many flavors!?"
"The moon? But I heard it's invested with blood drinking beasts!"
"A world of your own controlled and displayed inside a box!"
"This liquid powers your instruments through explosions, how mad... yet ingenious!"

Stupid Grail takes all the wonder out of exploring a new age.
[Huffs] It probably taints the information and puts a focus on the not-so-good stuff as well.

Alex enjoyed the modern world. Dude loved video games and finding out how big the world was.
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I always feel that Fate deliberately ignores a lot of the benefits of the modern age. :(

Seriously I want one character to be summoned, take one look at the modern world and go.
"Holy shit this is amazing!"

"These scrying devices are common? You mean everyone has them!"
"This chilled cream comes in how many flavors!?"
"The moon? But I heard it's invested with blood drinking beasts!"
"A world of your own controlled and displayed inside a box!"
"This liquid powers your instruments through explosions, how mad... yet ingenious!"

Stupid Grail with its modern_age.pdf takes all the wonder out of exploring a new age.
[Sulks] It probably taints the information and puts a focus on the not-so-good stuff as well.
Alexander and Astolfo love it. :D George is also included in that group, as he loves photography and travelling.

That said, Nasu confirmed that a lot of modern tech was present during Gil's time.

*incoherent rage*
I always feel that Fate deliberately ignores a lot of the benefits of the modern age. :(

Seriously I want one character to be summoned, take one look at the modern world and go.
"Holy shit this is amazing!"

"These scrying devices are common? You mean everyone has them!"
"This chilled cream comes in how many flavors!?"
"The moon? But I heard it's invested with blood drinking beasts!"
"A world of your own controlled and displayed inside a box!"
"This liquid powers your instruments through explosions, how mad... yet ingenious!"

Stupid Grail with its modern_age.pdf takes all the wonder out of exploring a new age.
[Sulks] It probably taints the information and puts a focus on the not-so-good stuff as well.
Nah, Nasu hates everything modern. Something something swords are awesome.
Yeah. Though I got the impression the super ancient technology had a lot to do with the much greater magic present as well, rather than unexplainable pure technological degradation.
Plus most Mgi are completely ignorant of modern day tech. Rin despite actually interacting with the modern world by going to scho is really ba with tech and only Shirou's role as a fake janitor has made him familiar with modern tech and he doesn't even really have that much technology at home glassful

It also doesn't help that most servants aren't chill enough to just enjoy being alive again thanks to the war. I mean look at F/HA where the servants are relaxing and having fun.

In fact if I recall Medea liked playing cooking simulation games on the DS

Alexander and Astolfo love it. :D George is also included in that group, as he loves photography and travelling.

That said, Nasu confirmed that a lot of modern tech was present during Gil's time.

*incoherent rage*

Turns out humans are really unoriginal as we've always had the same basic desires and Uruk was just so advanced that they already had modern day stuff and Gil owning all the world's treasures has them too. The gate expressedly is said to have submarines and Airplanes.

Not to surprising since we did know Vimana had nukes.
Turns out humans are really unoriginal as we've always had the same basic desires and Uruk was just so advanced that they already had modern day stuff and Gil owning all the world's treasures has them too. The gate expressedly is said to have submarines and Airplanes.
And FTL Spacecrafts
Yeah. Though I got the impression the super ancient technology had a lot to do with the much greater magic present as well, rather than unexplainable pure technological degradation.

It's party this.

Remember Modern humans are explicit said to have weaker thank to several things(the Tower of Babel resulting in the loss of the Unified Language, human souls being weaker thanks to the power of Alaya being more divided thanks to the higher number of humans, and the Age of Man succeeding them age of the gods and all the mystery starting to fade from the world since we have "explained" the unknown with scientific fact.)
Hm, forgot about Alexanders enjoyment of modern convenience..
Though I chalked that up to him loving any new experience in general, not really examining its benefits against his age except in the mindset for future conquest.
Alexander loved it. :D

That said, Nasu confirmed that a lot of modern tech was present during Gil's time.

*incoherent rage*
And that's why Gil is pissed and completely unimpressed with modern society.

"Oh, we had that stuff in my time and it was waaaayyyyy better."

All Riders. Odd
Not sure why but the idea of ancient Mesopotamia having commercial airlines, vaccines, healthcare, knowing-to-wash-ones-hands and everything else plus a thousand fills me with profound irritation.

It just feels... cheap/weird/fake?
Hard to place how I feel about that...

"Back in my day we had all this amazing stuff that makes everything you strive and bleed for look like shit."
"Well what happened to all this amazing stuff?"
"It vanished because mankind became weaker."
"You know that's pretty interesting because if we look at the numbers in our population along with recent developments and growth there is a definitive pattern of pro-"
"Nah nah I dont wanna hear it. The fact is humanity is now inferior and it is my duty to fix it."
"Oh, interesting we've been trying to better organize ourselves for some time how do you plan on-"
"By killing 95% of humanity!"
"I suddenly feel a strange urge to stab you in the eye with my spork"
"A what?"
"Spork -its a fork and spoon in one."
"...That's actually pretty amazing. Props modern humanity I award you points on that."
(More late 1800's then modern but eh, close enough.)
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Unfortunately, update is not coming as I want it to; mostly because I'm not feeling too well and partly because it's hard to write the fight as appropriately epic as it should be. I'm stuck on what to write after they Enuna Elish at each other and the aftershocks of the attack vaporize the city.
Unfortunately, update is not coming as I want it to; mostly because I'm not feeling too well and partly because it's hard to write the fight as appropriately epic as it should be. I'm stuck on what to write after they Enuna Elish at each other and the aftershocks of the attack vaporize the city.

Well, if we're seeing from Hakuno's perspective, perhaps you can just cite her not being able to keep up with the fight. So the only times she can really make out some details is when Gilgamesh and Enkidu slow down a bit during their fight for whatever reasons. Then you don't need to depict an entire fight, just dramatic excerpts of a fight.

Possibly while Jeanne is scraping her jaw off the floor and Hakuno is providing commentary? That'd be an odd reversal, the human infodumping the Servant, if it can be feasibly explained.

Maybe write a full interlude of the fight later, when it fits together in your mind.
Unfortunately, update is not coming as I want it to; mostly because I'm not feeling too well and partly because it's hard to write the fight as appropriately epic as it should be. I'm stuck on what to write after they Enuna Elish at each other and the aftershocks of the attack vaporize the city. may love or hate his stories, but Third Fang really knows his epic fight scenes and use of drama and prose, especially in his Take Two Round Two. Easily found on ffn.

There's also this really conceptually driven and prose filled story focused on the Nasuverse itself, let's see...Game of Kings.

Most people on SB hate it, but The Demon Lord's Hero has a very epic and well written fight between UBW wielding Shirou and the Fallen Angels led by Azazel

I can try and figure out more epic scenes. They might give inspiration for how to write epicness in literary detail.

And Hymn's got a nice idea with going for the actual fight in detail later after you've had time to really think about it.
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Unfortunately, update is not coming as I want it to; mostly because I'm not feeling too well and partly because it's hard to write the fight as appropriately epic as it should be. I'm stuck on what to write after they Enuna Elish at each other and the aftershocks of the attack vaporize the city.

Also, you don't necessarily have to have long fights with constant different actions, this particular weapon used then that then this, etc, just has to be a combination of words that gets by how, generally, the fight goes, how they generally fight, with May e a few "slowed down" examples of the bout, and some prose that really pushes up the epicness. I mean, it's not like Hakuno has good enough senses to keep track of every part of their fight, every little detail. The key is general grandness essentially, enough so we can fill in most of the details ourselves: show, don't tell.

Don't do away entirely with telling of course (figuratively speaking, considering you're writing) but don't feel the need to explain every little thing, that can get a bit troublesome-like how the Light Novels tend to explain lots and it starts sounding awkward.

Anyone else willing to help our GM? Advice?

Edit: And maybe watch some UBW scenes for inspiration, what with the obscenely awesome fights and animation.
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Unfortunately, update is not coming as I want it to; mostly because I'm not feeling too well and partly because it's hard to write the fight as appropriately epic as it should be. I'm stuck on what to write after they Enuna Elish at each other and the aftershocks of the attack vaporize the city.
I'd have Enkidu charge forward as Gilgamesh attempts to peg him with GoB, Enkidu using shapeshifting to creatively employ the wreckage to assist in dodging and blocking strikes, only for Gil to smirk and try to hit him with his namesake may love or hate his stories, but Third Fang really knows his epic fight scenes and use of drama and prose, especially in his Take Two Round Two. Easily found on ffn.

There's also this really conceptually driven and prose filled story focused on the Nasuverse itself, let's see...Game of Kings.

Most people on SB hate it, but The Demon Lord's Hero has a very epic and well written fight between UBW wielding Shirou and the Fallen Angels led by Azazel

I can try and figure out more epic scenes. They might give inspiration for how to write epicness in literary detail.

And Hymn's got a nice idea with going for the actual fight in detail later after you've had time to really think about it.
God Slaying Blade works had a pretty epic fight before it really started to go to shit.
Yeah, but let's not forget we're not trying to discuss fanfic quality, but help inspire epic writing.
It's not that I don't know how the fight goes, but rather how to put it into words. I could give a summary of it right now, but I can't find the right words to give it the appropriate gravitas it deserves. Probably because of how light-headed I am right now. Hopefully a cat-nap and some soup will help with that.
It's not that I don't know how the fight goes, but rather how to put it into words. I could give a summary of it right now, but I can't find the right words to give it the appropriate gravitas it deserves. Probably because of how light-headed I am right now. Hopefully a cat-nap and some soup will help with that.
Maybe yeah. But I do recommend looking at other works, I take inspiration in writing from reading works I find contain a certain degree of grandness or quality in certain areas.
It's not that I don't know how the fight goes, but rather how to put it into words. I could give a summary of it right now, but I can't find the right words to give it the appropriate gravitas it deserves. Probably because of how light-headed I am right now. Hopefully a cat-nap and some soup will help with that.

Tell it from Gil's perspective