Speaking of Karna just remember that F/A Karna isn't weakened due to having given his armor to his master like his CCC counterpart did so he should be able to put up a better fight even while holding back to not kill his master.

Unless you decide to violate her poor maiden kokoro and force her to face the secrets she's buried deep within her heart for her own good. Like you did with Rin, Rani VIII, Jinako, Passionlips, Meltlilith, and Elizabeth.

To be fair we did that because the people in question were our enemies or we had no other choice. But depending on what happens in this war, we may do it to her. I mean that's Shakespeare and Giles did to Jeanne in Vol 4 when they were forcing her to confront what happened to Giles and her feelings for Sieg.

At the very least if we did violate her maiden heart ad he tried the same trick she'd just shank Shakky instead of having BSOD.
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Bit curious on this after reading the summary of Fate CCC.

Hakuno and Gil both escaped/left the Mooncell; the alien Moon computer that is like the Matrix.

But the Mooncell was all data and and souls so how did they receive physical bodies upon leaving?
Did the universe just spawn them physical forms that were closest to there digital selves in order to rectify the oddity of digital people walking around in the material realms?
It's Gilgamesh

He gives no shits
Seigfried is the prototype of Shirou, selfless hero who fought only for the sake of others. Real Hero of Justice unlike the scrublord who sold his soul to Alaya.


Damn that was cold true but cold and I love me some EMIYA.

Though if I remember right Siegfried always felt a little empty because he never really.

Wait a minute why does CCC Karna have better stats then F/A Karna?

And lol. Karna dislikes the words "communication skill."
Well, Jeanne could discover her true self as the Ultimate White Girl who can compete with Gilgamesh in egoism.
See The World By Jeanne
Jeanne: About 9700km from Domremy, France, I saw a quiet town from the window of a car.
Jeanne: Fuyuki, the town known as the location of the original Holy Grail War.
Jeanne: Most of the people living here have been affected by the Holy Grail War, be it in a major or minor way.
Jeanne: The large temple visible in the mountains is Ryuudou temple, which contains a large natural cave.
Jeanne: The Great Grail with Justeaze as its base is installed there, making it the place where the first and last grails of the Holy Grail War were summoned.
Jeanne: Well, people have still been having Grail Wars all over the place after that, though.

Jeanne: So I, the maiden of Orleans, Jeanne d'Arc…
Jeanne: …am using the Heroic Spirit vacation time that I recieve for completing my work as Ruler to come here to Fuyuki on holiday.
Shirou: ?
Jeanne: Of course, as France's biggest celebrity, I haven't forgotten to disguise myself to hide my identity.
Jeanne: It wouldn't do to see "Shocker! Saint Descends In Far-East Land!" as the headline on tomorrow's morning newspaper, after all.
Jeanne: Despite appearances, I'm the worldwide super-famous Heroic Spirit Jeanne d'Arc, you know?
Jeanne: It's so haaard. It's so haaard to hide my identity even when I'm on vacation.
Jeanne: It's so haaard to have to hide my name for a different reason than Servants.
Shirou: ?
Jeanne: Oh, this boy… (gasp)?! Could he be…
Jeanne: …a young soldier who was affected by my holy aura, couldn't contain himself, and rushed to serve under my banner?!
Shirou: ?
Jeanne: Oh well, there's not much I can do about it, I am a worldwide super famous Heroic Spirit after all.
Jeanne: Anyone who saw the maiden of Orleans walking wearily along the road would pledge to rush through a fleeting yet intense life like a flame in service to her sacred banner, wouldn't they?
Shirou: Ah! I remember! I've seen you on TV!
Jeanne: Right?! Of course you would.
Jeanne: It's so haaard, it's so haaard having my uncontainable super famous Heroic Spirit aura (divinity) seep out even if I try to hide it.
Jeanne: But I'm in the Ruler position, so I can't participate directly.
Jeanne: Even if you said "if I'm gonna summon anyone it's gotta be the maiden of Orleans, it's just common sense!"…
Jeanne: …and wanted to summon me, it seems that's impossible as far as the system goes, so please give up, okay… um… little boy from this country?
Shirou: You're King Arthur, right?! King Arthur! They showed you on that anime on TV! You're actually a girl, right, I know I know!
Jeanne: Damn you, England!

Jeanne: How can this be…?
Jeanne: To think I was actually not such a famous Heroic Spirit in the East…
Jeanne: What were you doing, Xavier?
Shirou: Sorry, seems I mistook you for someone else!
Jeanne: I don't think I can be that easily mistaken for King Arthur though… My chest, for example…
Jeanne: No, but still, I'm Jeanne d'Arc, you know?! From the Hundred-Year War?!
Jeanne: When you think "hero of France", you think me, right?!
Shirou: Sorry. But I do know of Napoleon!
Jeanne: Even that little man?!
Jeanne: Grrr…
Jeanne: Here! Please look at this flag, it's an amazing Noble Phantasm!
Jeanne: One wave of this even made Gilles so full of spirit he went France BASARA on the enemy camp and it was a huge mess!
Shirou: Sorry, it's kinda plain. A sword that shoots beams is easier to understand!
Jeanne: Waaaaah! Fine!
Jeanne: Stupid, stupid! Pink hair! I'm never coming back to this countryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
Shirou: Sorry, pretty foreign ladyyyyyyy! I don't really get it, but sorryyyyyyyy!

Narration: ~7 years later~

Jeanne: I will ask you. Might you be my Master?
Jeanne: Or whatever. I can't stand out if I don't participate!
Jeanne: Being Ruler feels more like a punishment. I wanted to try competing for the grail too sometime!
Jeanne: Oh, my Noble Phantasm? Don't worry, I brought a really flashy one.
Jeanne: Look at this one-time-use Crimson– Ah, this was a self-destruction Noble Phantasm! (tee-hee)
Shirou: Wait wait wait.
Jeanne: It might finally be coming! The Jeaaaaaaaaanne boom!
Jeanne: There'll be a Red Jeanne and a Sakura Jeanne, gosh, guess there's no helping it since I'm such a popular character!
Jeanne: It's so haaard, it's so haaard being popular, I'm tired of all these Jeanne clones…
Jeanne: …Do you think I might be well on my way to becoming a star cash-cow like that?!
Shirou & Lancer: Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait.
The End
From the Gilgamesh perspective Marik's wish is bad because mortality is an inherent part of being human, the knowledge that your time is finite is what drives people to try and live their unsightly lives to the fullest. It's the struggle of living our lives that makes living worthwhile.

Anyways, prepare for the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny, followed by all the other Servants shitting themselves. Except for Jeanne who'll just have an aneurysm.

I don't think that all of the servants would be terrified by the bro force.
Karna will probably roll with the punches and just be the unflappable man. Shakespeare would most likely find inspiration for his next work. Spartacus would just try and fight the broforce and get shanked. Frankenstein's monster, Atalanta and Astolfo won't think it concerns them until they actually meet up with us.

Everyone else would probly start trying to plan around the Ruler faction or be terrified before regaining their composure.
It's why Hakuno is so interesting, because she is genuinely that person who befriends the unbefriended like you think of in fanfics-only, it's actually believable.

Hakuno was pretty much the only person who ever gave a shit about Julius without asking for something in return(mind you this is AFTER Julius came back as a digital ghost to kill Hakuno) and the entire plot of CCC happens literally only because Hakuno was the only person to ask Sakura if she was okay.

Hakuno can become friends with pretty much anyone.

L'li Ronnie was basically the only Master Hakuno never befriended on some level and that's because (s)he never had time to befriend when they weren't fights each other like Gatou in CCC.
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I don't think that all of the servants would be terrified by the bro force.
Karna will probably roll with the punches and just be the unflappable man. Shakespeare would most likely find inspiration for his next work. Spartacus would just try and fight the broforce and get shanked. Frankenstein's monster, Atalanta and Astolfo won't think it concerns them until they actually meet up with us.

Everyone else would probly start trying to plan around the Ruler faction or be terrified before regaining their composure.
Yeah, they're not so easily frightened. And if they are, they're not that bad at hiding it.
Karna knows no mercy.

"Get out! Everybody just get out already!
It's easier for some hopeless creature like me
to just curl up like a caterpillar―――!"

"You must apologize to the caterpillars.
They are creatures who cling to life with zeal.
The only hopeless creatures are humans, Jinako."
Why is there a copy of me, that's actually oddly nice of him to say if you tilt your head and squint.
Why is there a copy of me, that's actually oddly nice of him to say if you tilt your head and squint.
Karna's personality boiled down to a single sentence.

Yeah, they're not so easily frightened. And if they are, they're not that bad at hiding it.
No, but seeing EX rank Noble Phantasms thrown around like nothing is going to be unsettling regardless of who you are. Unless you're Spartacus. Then you rush headlong right into that shit.
It's Gilgamesh

He gives no shits
One day... in the future we will find remnants of epic literature even older then Mesopotamia.
On that day I shall drink Kinoko Nasu's tears. :p

"My word i-it's 'AGH' the f-first true hero from the Neolithic era!"
"He's activating his Noble Phantasm!"
"He's slamming a rock on his head."
"Gilgamesh flee! Not even you can stand up to his beyond divine power!"
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Yeah, they're not so easily frightened. And if they are, they're not that bad at hiding it.

Yeah they'll have a collective AW Shit moment before regaining their composure. Shiroumine will take longer due to this completely fucking with his plans.

You also forgot Achilles in wanting to just go charging after the broforce.

No, but seeing EX rank Noble Phantasms thrown around like nothing is going to be unsettling regardless of who you are. Unless you're Spartacus. Then you rush headlong right into that shit.

Hey he has to fight the oppressors and Gil would definitely count.
Difference in Master, I'd guess. Compare Arturia under Shirou with her under Rin or Kiritsugu, for example- there's a huge difference there.
Eh, but the thing is CCC takes place on the Moon where all sort of shenanigans happen. I think there is also the fact that there is no Gaia trying to suppress the existence of Servants.
I didn't really get to read up too much into Fate/Apocrypha but isn't Jeanne possessing a girl? I don't know if it'll ever happen but I imagine that things would get kinda weird if Thesis of the Still Heart has to be used on her what with the whole two souls in one body bit.
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The term "cakewalk" or "curb-stomp" doesn't do the current situation justice,with us being on the aiming end of it. The only person stupid/fearless enough is Spartacus, but we don't talk about that particular bug, it's not that much of a problem as it is a walk on a slightly hot/cold day. I am SO into seeing everyone's reactions though, especially Ruler, and her other reactions, as our BROFORCE antics can only escalate from here, Even Gil's endless finances won't match up to the pricelessness that is her reaction and responses that follow, or maybe they can, it's Gil, shit if rules start applying to him.

So, what would be a fitting an appropriately epic fight song for the background of the coming epicness?

I would like to point you to this particular song.

Hail to the king,
EDIT: Also I think there's a translation of the lyrics in the comment section, don't worry, it's like the first few so no losing of faith in humanity needed.
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Say Ender? My money's on yes because Gilgamesh, but does the aforementioned King of Heroes realize at this point that Enkidu's summoning was intentional on our part? That we meant to summon Enkidu specifically?

Damn that was cold true but cold and I love me some EMIYA.

Though if I remember right Siegfried always felt a little empty because he never really.
There was once a hero. A great hero who killed a dragon.

Flawless and perfect in all aspects, he was an impeccable great hero. A man who everyone adored, seeking his power and asking requests of him.

I was—happy, the hero thought. That didn't change until just before he died. He neither yielded to overwhelming power nor was crushed by despair.

The only thing he received were words and songs of blessing and praise. From the moment he was born till his death. That had never changed, the hero thought.

The very last wish that was asked of the perfect hero, who continued to be made requests of, was his own death.

A request that he carried out ended up coming back to him as punishment. His brother-in-law loved a certain woman and requested that the hero make her capitulate, and so it was settled by having the hero embrace that woman as his proxy. That may not have been a crime, but it wasn't behavior that could be praised either.

Due to knowledge of this spreading around, the hero wounded the woman's honor. He wounded the woman's pride. And she wasn't an ordinary woman, but the queen of a country. As a result, he sensed that it would cause a terrible conflict—and so he spoke to the man who he had once called a friend and who he should have exchanged cups of brotherhood with.

"Ah, the situation is beyond my control. Hagen, I am invincible and so have never once been wounded by you. But even so, if I don't have you kill me…"

The man who was once his friend granted the hero's wish. He tenaciously searched and found out the hero's weak point, crafted a plan knowing fully well that it was a cowardly act, and aimed for the hero's back as he drank water. Even while knowing that, the hero stopped himself from resisting.

Without leaving behind any unseemly figure or stupidity, the hero died as a tragic hero who received a sneak attack due to trickery. His former friend became widely known as a rare villain who had killed the hero through foul play.

Properly speaking, the story ended here. It should have become a tale where the conflict was resolved and the hero alone died a noble death.

…But it led to the worst of situations that was beyond what the hero had expected.

The woman who was the hero's wife burned with the flames of revenge and, as a result, many men died.

It was surely because the hero was loved by and befriended everyone. He probably couldn't truly understand something like a deep-rooted and blind love… a passionate love that repays the murder of one's loved one with twice the payback.

Or perhaps it was because he repeatedly responded to the requests made of him. Perhaps the woman who loved him thought he wouldn't do something if it wasn't requested of him.

As a result, his wish wasn't granted right until the very end. For the hero who had acted neither to defeat evil nor do good, but instead specialized in simply 'granting the requests of others', it was probably an inevitable conclusion.

But, right as he was on the verge of death, the hero had a faint thought. As he was confronted with death, 'what he wanted to do' finally became clear to him.

I lived and died as a hero. I have no regrets about that in itself. I can declare that there was not a single disagreeable thing in my life.

Even so, I can't help but think. If I weren't a prince, if I were just an ordinary man.

Wouldn't I have been able to earnestly pursue my own will?

It doesn't matter if I'm not acknowledged by anyone. I don't mind if I'm not praised by anyone. I want to acknowledge myself. I want to have pride in myself. There lies what I sought. What I wished for.

I want to stand on the side of what I believe in. If I could do that, then surely—I would be able to live with my chest puffed up proudly.

I won't fight for the sake of someone else. I won't fight for my own sake either.

For the sake of the benevolence that I believe in, the justice I believe in, the loyalty I believe in, and the love I believe in. I will take hold of this sword and fight with this body.

That is my dream, my wish.

I——want to be an ally of justice.
Wait a minute why does CCC Karna have better stats then F/A Karna?
I headcanon'd that as compensation for giving away his armor to his master. Other than that the only other stat that CCC Karna has better is Luck, and that's only better because he willingly changed his stat-sheet to reflect how lucky he felt having Jinako as a master.

Say Ender? My money's on yes because Gilgamesh, but does the aforementioned King of Heroes realize at this point that Enkidu's summoning was intentional on our part? That we meant to summon Enkidu specifically?
Yeah, but it's a moot point now; Enkidu's here and everything's good.