Gangster Squad Redux - One Crimefighter At Sufficient Velocity...

Say, what does Babyface do?

Also, how much retconning can we do when rebuilding our characters, since we're doing a soft reboot?
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Also, what's the formula for Resilience and Resolve? It's not written in the Character Creation doc.
Also, what's the formula for Resilience and Resolve? It's not written in the Character Creation doc.

Resilience was previously calculated as 6+Stature I believe, but I think Sketch is changing that.

Oh right; what's the cost to replace a limb, if you take the amputee trait?

Also, what does the Soft trait for college graduates do?

While it would probably depend on the quality of the replacement, it is currently unlisted. I would guess that it would be 30 for an arm and 20 for a leg, with the added cost of an arm and a leg.

And no idea in regards to what soft may do.
Is this okay? The math should line up, though I'm assuming the Delusional trait carries over from last time. My other two characters will not be coming back for now, I think.

EDIT: Done!

Name Lin Xiaowen Human? Yes Archetype Partner
Age   Handedness Both    

Origin Second Generation Education Graduate
Politics Synthgenic Front The War Marine
Ambition Fortune Motive
Vice Wrath Virtue Charity


Law Enforcement
Class 1 Transportation Walk

Eyes Dark Vision (-$50, -5M) Right Arm  
Ears Electric Earplug (-$15, -1P) Left Arm Flex Joints (-$50, 4P), Hidden Blade (?)
Brain   Right Hand Grip Lock (-$60, 5P)
Throat   Left Hand  
Chest   Left Leg  
Torso   Right Leg  
Spine   Other  

Ambidextrous (-4)      
Delusional (?)      
Amputee (0)      
Grit 2 Intelligence 2 Slickness  
Fisticuffs 3 Dexterity 3 Stature 3
Steadiness 2 Sleuthiness 1 Connections  
Derring Do 3 Covertness   Contacts  
Strikes   Fatigue   Stress  
Hardiness 5 Sharpness 3 Resolve 6
Vitality 10 Endurance 10 Resilience 9
Perks Perks Perks
-Weapon Proficiency: Hidden Blade (-5)
-Piledriver (-5)
-Furious Charge (-5)
-Disciplined (0)
-Knowledge: Xianese Culture (0)
-Language: Anglic (0)
-Knowledge: Engineering (0)
-Friend Indeed (0)
-Lean on Me (0)
-Rally the Troops (0)
-Survivor (-6)
Day Wear

Advancement Points:
Augments: 10
Traits: 10
Generic: 5
Physical: 12
Mental: 8
Social: 5
Starting Funds: ?

Augments: -$175, -10PAP, - 5MAP
Traits: -4TP
Perks: -15PAP, -6SAP
Skills -5MAP
Total: -$175, -25PAP, -10MAP, -6SAP, -4TP (-45 Total)


The third child of immigrants from Xian, Lin Xiaowen was fortunate enough to have a relatively stable childhood. Her parents, though not the most successful of people, did well enough in their jobs to send their children to school, and they had hoped for their children would go on to college and climb up the social ladder. Xiaowen, for her part, did well in high school, but before she could go on to pursue the engineering degree she wanted fate intervened.

Her two elder brothers had joined the military at earlier dates, the first joining the air force and the second the navy. Union City had need for more soldiers, however, and so Xiaowen found herself served with a draft notice. She joined the Marines and was soon on a ship bound for Viteli and the war.

For several months Xiaowen fought on the frontlines, acquitting herself well, but then the Golden City launched an amphibious invasion of the island of Sicani, which had been held by the Allies since its capture shortly after the start of the war. In a devastating offensive, the Golden City smashed the Allied defenders first at sea and then on land, quickly overrunning key fortresses and annihilating several Marine divisions, among them Xiaowen's own unit. Xiaowen was one of the few to make it out that disaster alive, but with horrifying injuries. She would spend the remainder of the war in a hospital, where doctors had to replace nearly a third of her body; by the time she had recovered enough to walk again, the Vitelian War was over.

When she finally returned home, she was the only one out of her siblings to do so. Both her brothers had died in the war, and her mother had been killed in an car accident. With her father stricken with disease and grief and her younger sister still in her early teens, Xiaowen could not afford to continue with her studies. Using her mother's old contacts, she managed to land a stable career in law enforcement.

From there, various events would transpire, leading her to join the vigilante group known as the Gangster Squad...
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Right, here's the revised version of my Character Sheets: (I'll be posting all of them here, starting with Nathan.)

Name Nathan W. Sanders Human   Archetype Partner
Age 22 Handedness Ambidextrous Career Military
Origin City-Dweller Education Dropout
Career Military The War Marine Experience
Ambition Mastery Motivation Responsibility
Vice Wrath Virtue Diligence
Class 2 (Lower-Middle Class, $15 Living Expenses)

TRAITS (4/12 Points)
Introvert (+2 Points)
Ambidextrous (-4 Points)
Friend Indeed (Archetype Trait)
Lean on Me (Archetype Trait)
Rally the Troops (Archetype Trait)

> Apolitical

SKILLS AND PERKS (18 + 3 for Skills) (12 + 5 for Perks)
Physical Mental Social
Grit 3 Intelligence 3 Slickness  
Fisticuffs 2 Dexterity 3 Stature 2
Steadiness 3 Sleuthiness   Connections 2
Derring Do 2 Covertness 1 Contacts  
Strikes ? Fatigue ? Stress ?
Hardiness 5 Sharpness 3 Resolve ?
Vitality 11 Endurance 11 Resilience ?
Physical Perks Mental Perks Social Perks
Maintenance Freak (4 Pts)
Stay Down! (3 Pts)
First Responder (5 Pts)
Battlefield Medic (5 Pts)
Trade - Medic (Free)
EQUIPMENT (Starting Cash: $ 250.00)
> Day Clothes, complete with shoes and hat. (Free)
> R1 Battle Rifle (-$80.00)
> Combat Knife (-$10.00)
> Flak Jacket (-$75.00)

> None


Having been raised in an orphanage in the poorer districts of Union City, Nathan was thrust into the harsh ghetto life that plagued all its residents. As luck would have it, he came under the care of a tough but loving caretaker who he considers to be the closest thing he has to a mother. Once he was of age, he had signed up with the UCMC in order to make something better of himself and to escape the dark spiral of violence which had claimed so many lives. He had found himself to have a talent for Marksmanship and had saved his squad many-a-time with his sharp eyes and steady hand although he had found himself to be quite adept at learning new things, becoming a Medic in particular, if he put his mind to it.

After serving in the Vitelian War, which was wrought with hardship and pain that he would not wish on anyone, Nathan returned home to a steady wage and a cushy desk job as a Medical Officer in one of UCMC's Military Bases just beside the 34th District. While seeking to advance his craft as a Medical Personnel, he had learned of Gangster Squad and, after a bit of contemplation, decided to use his talents for a worthy cause so that at least one child wouldn't have to live through the childhood he had. People would get shot, after all, and he'd be there to patch them up.

OOC: I wonder if I can get a Trade Skill for Medical-related stuff for free due to Nathan's role in the UCMC as a Medic and then spend the other free Trade Skill for something else. Please point out any errors in my sheet or anything that'll improve it, thanks.

You have the Cynic perk from your background.
You have the Cynic perk from your background.
Done. Thanks for the head's up.

EDIT: I moved over Nathan's Char Sheet to a Google Document using the new Char Gen Sheet and took the liberty of messing with a few points here or there. What's the perk Sketch said that lets someone use Dex instead of Int for Simple Medicine?

EDIT 2: Also, I re-did Grigori's Character Sheet. Is it possible to bring him back for the reboot?

He's been re-sleeved as a Copper instead of a Partner, so he's a Policeman serving in the 34th District and was one of the many who walked out... until he heard of Gangster Squad.
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Hey O_S, how about that sparklock with the sabot rounds that I suggested back in SB? And could I ask if Bladed Tonfa's are a possibility?
I re-did Franziska as well and would there be any modifiers to being a Deprogrammed soldier too Vitality, Endurance etc etc?
Special Origins are getting a rewrite. It'll provide custom answers to some of the questions on your sheet.

(I'm going to do it in a few minutes. But first, there are some fools stepping to my bottom lane.)
Hmm, I think my character might be the most heavily augged in Gangster Squad right now.

Also, have a small problem. Currently, there are war veterans who are younger than people who were too young to participate in the war.
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Hmm, I think my character might be the most heavily augged in Gangster Squad right now.

Also, have a small problem. Currently, there are war veterans who are younger than people who were too young to participate in the war.

Did the war end or begin in 2914? I know that the way it is written implies that it is the end, but the war beginning in 2914 provides a neat parallel to World War I, which it is already supposed to do.

EDIT: It starts in 2914, or slightly earlier.
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Might as well throw my opinion into the fray: I'll revise Miguel for this, but generally Too Young should probably only apply if the character in question was below the age of 6 or so when the war began proper (so 21 years old or below at the time of Hardboiled). Looking at both WW1 and WW2, there were children still active in the war effort at home after all, collecting scrap and helping plant victory gardens and learning inspirational nursery rhymes designed to bolster morale and sell war bonds, etc.

Taking into account the minimum age for signing up should be about 16 or so, 14 for those who snuck into the military without authorization, the proper age for military veterans should be at least 27 (assuming they were 16 as of 2918, that the war even stopped in 2918, and that they saw combat instead of just sitting behind the lines or in a noncombat position).
Blegh. T3 isn't going to have enough advancement points to get a tricked out robot arm, and all his starting perks. Well unless I grab the synthgenic front political thing, but I was kind of aiming towards apolitical for T3. Even then he's not gonna be able to get subdermal. Ugh. I think I have to face the fact that the new T3 will not be an improved T3 or even equal to original T3. ;-;
All Veterans are going to be receiving a perk called Disciplined, which reduced the rate that you gain fatigue in combat. I'm pretty sure that it covers what Veteran would have done.
Or you could throw in Battle Hardened in as well for good measure. It'd make sense that a Frontline Veteran who lived long enough to be here would be desensitized (to violence) to a degree.

Assuming that Veteran was fighting in the trenches instead of being in a Support role.
T3, the most min-maxed of any Gangster Squad character was going to be apolitical?
Yes. Because there isn't a political choice for FACE PUNCHING!:p

I might min max but I do try not to ignore characterization. And well apolitical fit him best at first read through. I might take a look again.
Or you could throw in Battle Hardened in as well for good measure. It'd make sense that a Frontline Veteran who lived long enough to be here would be desensitized (to violence) to a degree.

Assuming that Veteran was fighting in the trenches instead of being in a Support role.
That's not an assumption these rules necessarily make. You could get "Disciplined" from military training without ever seeing combat.