Gangster Squad Redux - One Crimefighter At Sufficient Velocity...

Hmm I was leaning towards partner archetype for the physical/mental/social stat distribution. I'm not big on playing social characters but I like my guys being brainy and capable of kicking ass. But I'll think about turning T3 into a Copper archetype who's not actually a cop.
Hey, everyone so far is a Hegemonist. Is it for the mechanical benefit or because you like the more?

Because if you like them, it means I need to make the less palatable. They might be too much "civil rights" and not enough "heartless business cronies" at the moment.

Ever since I wrote up the fiction piece where Miguel accidentally kills that one dude I've had him as a "been Hegemonist since I was old enough to vote" thing. I think it's more in-character, with the civil rights aspects slowly leaking in due to his personal experience and the "heartless business sense" ingrained due to his family believing in the Silver Dream of "one day Martillo's Automotive Repair will be that big business and dominate everyone else in town".
For the Weapon Proficiency, instead of Guns, can I put that in Weapon Proficiency: Throwing Knives?

Since that is what Cale uses.

And I choose Hegemony mostly because Cale's a conservative Cop, who's dealt with far too many of the criminal elements of just about every faction.

He's also taking a perk for Knowledge in Xianese Crime.

Because he thinks those Ninjas might be coming back for him.

It isn't the ninjas he has to watch out for, it's those hired dwarves disguised as potted plants with fake leaves over their head. Everyone expects ninjas, after all. No one expects fake potted plants.
The minimum ages listed for education seem pretty human-centric.
Yep! But I'm totally rewriting what the life of your average Servo looks like for maximum sympathy and anthropomorphize. It won't be dissimilar when rewrites are done, plus we'll have derpy servos learning how to... be, and teenaged servos rebelling by modifying their chassis, and more stuff about the communal factories and servo life and omg this is gonna be fun to write :D
I know that it is still a tad early, but I really want to start to see these characters converse with eachother, they're an interesting bunch :p
I'll come up with a Trait for missing limbs and stuff pre-game so you can get augments for cheaperish in exchange for... something indeterminate. If you were wounded you are back in the game but you'll still need to replace missing limbs.
Ahhh bugger, that means Nathan will have to buy a prosthetic Leg for himself somehow. Oh well.

Can I at least bring back any characters who died from the original game? I want to bring Grigori back, if it's possible. :D
Well, here's Ed.



ED-279 "Ed Sprockets"


Archtype: Partner




Career: Law Enforcement





Home Taught

Servo Liberation
The War

Too Young









Law Enforcement - Beat Cop

Gangster Squad HQ?




Ears Electric Earplug
Brain Ballistic Computer



Custom Tooled

No Frills

Friend Indeed

Lean on Me

Rally the Troops







Derring Do


















-Hot Potato
-Duck and Weave
-Urban Runner
-Combat Reflexes
-Drunken Boxer

-Language: Turing
-First Responder
-First Do Harm

-Contacts: Revolutionary Servo Groups
2 Generic Advancement Points

-Day Wear
-Police Belt w/ Pocket
-4 Small Firebombs

Assembled by an anarchist servo group in North Madison, ED-279 spend his early years rather isolated from Union City society at large. Eventually becoming weary of frequent schisms within the movement, Ed adopted a more human-friendly name and idealistically decided the best way to help his local community was to join the local police force.

Still working out his equipment. He's in a bit of a weird place where he's a cop but not a copper (gotta have those mental skills). Washington might take a while longer, as is, his character is kind of boring me. Actually, that one-shot Merovine Cabbie I made for the highway mission seems a lot more interesting in comparison.
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Hmm I was leaning towards partner archetype for the physical/mental/social stat distribution. I'm not big on playing social characters but I like my guys being brainy and capable of kicking ass. But I'll think about turning T3 into a Copper archetype who's not actually a cop.

Get T3 a piston punch arm, shock pads and upgraded knuckles. You know you want to.

Oh right, are arm swords still a thing or are we stuck with hand claws now?
Also, how many pieces do we get for one purchase of subdermal plating/implanted armour?

Only one. Prices may need to be reviewed a tad more, but it is still a constant armour modifier that you can wear under other armour with no movement cost. Thats why I made it so expensive.
It was a bit abused last time, and I don't really want it being a must-have.

I'll go on and pick out the Chestburster as my favorite. :D

That said, the nightvision stuff looks the most pragmatically useful, at least for Oswald. How exactly does Midnight Eye/Dark Vision work?
They both eliminate penalties that would occur for fighting in the dark. Midnight Eyes need the presence of an Infared light on the field to work.
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They both eliminate penalties that would occur for fighting in the dark. Midnight Eyes need the presence of an Infared light on the field to work.
And lo, does our sniper assassin no longer need light to see by, freeing him to sulk about the shadows to his heart's content. :cool:

I presume the disadvantage from grabbing Midnight Vision/Infrared Emitter is that it can be detected by other people with Midnight Vision, while being slightly cheaper than the undetectable Dark Vision augmentic?

Yeah, literally the only extra thing I have on Oswald's sheet that isn't just from a basic character is the Nice Vest Mooky made him (from spidersilk!).

Well, and possibly the R1 Battle Rifle. Not sure if that's within the range of the Copper's free rifle/shotgun.
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I think I finally finished perfecting Ford. The Trowbridge is just as good, if not better, than it was before, and he can even speak Turing now!

...While I understand it may not be entirely useful that often, its still pretty cool.
Get T3 a piston punch arm, shock pads and upgraded knuckles. You know you want to.

Oh right, are arm swords still a thing or are we stuck with hand claws now?
Tempting. Very very tempting. Lightning piston punches with the left arm, pulse jian swording with the right arm. I'm liking the sound of that.
Yeah, with the lack of armor... We're definitely going to need to take this slower. Not getting shot is a very good thing.
Yeah, with the lack of armor... We're definitely going to need to take this slower. Not getting shot is a very good thing.
Dunno about you, but I took Class 2 specifically so I could buy Nathan a full set of Flak Armor. Gotta keep the Medic alive in case he gets shot. :p

Just wondering, now that the stakes are a lot bigger in a firefight, will a "Suppression" mechanic be implemented?
Just wondering, now that the stakes are a lot bigger in a firefight, will a "Suppression" mechanic be implemented?

Its mentioned down here.

It can be surprising how many bullets are fired in a gunfight with no real intent of actually hitting the opposition. Often one fires simply to keep the enemy's head down in order to allow others to move safely.

At the end of a round, suppression is calculated against any individual who was fired on. This includes characters against whom dice were rolled as part of a clustered attack. Add up every attack die rolled against the target from shooting attacks, regardless if they did damage or even hit. This includes attack dice from explosive weapons. If the total is higher than the character's Stature, then the character is Suppressed.

A Suppressed character must make Full Defence action on their round, and takes a Stress point.

Roxy Blitz takes cover behind a concrete highway divider as a triplet of Golden City agents empty their autopistols at her, all of them firing two shots each. None of them manage to hit, but as Roxy only has a Stature of 1, she spends the turn trying to make herself as small as possible and praying to Washington that their aim doesn't get better.
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Ok... I'm not sure if T3 is going to be able to get decked out fully in all the stuff I want. In fact going by the prices I don't think he can even get as much sub dermal as he originally had. Since, he pretty much had everything covered but the ankles and feet.

So for the built in knuckles thing, is that 30$ per hand? or does one purchase of it cover both hands?