Gangster Squad Redux - One Crimefighter At Sufficient Velocity...

I imagine that it's only when fights drag out that you've got people resting, reloading, and using the Aim action. As is, we've not seen a ton of that. Usually it's all said and done before anyone needs to reload... Or at least, people make a point of pulling their pistols to keep shooting. Which is valid when you're shooting magnum revolvers, screamer pistols, and plasma throwers.
New combat rule changes which are small, but will change things immensely.

- Every turn you are in combat, you take a point of Fatigue. So you can very quickly get to a point where you are simply numb and doing every rote. This is, by the way, why trained characters are vastly superior; they keep their wits about them longer, and they'll still be able to act even when they can no longer wager because they have more auto successes available from perks and higher Skills.
- Taking a break is back; if you do nothing on your turn, you get Fatigue back instead. So you might want to manage longer fights so some of you can get a breather.
This will make fights either intensely short... or intensely long. :p
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*If at least one person isn't on the ground, screaming in pain/unconscious/dead, and bleeding out rapidly in the first three turns, it's not Hardboiled.
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New combat rule changes which are small, but will change things immensely.

- Every turn you are in combat, you take a point of Fatigue. So you can very quickly get to a point where you are simply numb and doing every rote. This is, by the way, why trained characters are vastly superior; they keep their wits about them longer, and they'll still be able to act even when they can no longer wager because they have more auto successes available from perks and higher Skills.
- Taking a break is back; if you do nothing on your turn, you get Fatigue back instead. So you might want to manage longer fights so some of you can get a breather.

I love this, it's very fun, makes combat even more frenetic and crazy, and gels very nicely with the tone of realism that HB goes for in its combat.

Some perks will be both; if you see a stealth perk that is movement based, it's both. If it's disguises, lockpicking etc, it's Mental.

BTW, with this will come new Stealth rules. Basically, within a stealthy encounter, you guys will slowly pile up, uh, let's call them "anti-stealth" points, as you fail Covertness checks that accompany your actions. When you get too many, threshold determined by enemy sleuthiness, you're detected. The math is non-existent, but this should be more tension-filled; you are basically "using up" your stealth to move through an encounter.


You'll get mechanical stuff from your political leanings too;

I dunno if its a good Shrek gif or not!

It's a pretty small change (About 5 AP) and basically represents the kinds of things you pick up by being passionate about a certain political scene. Like... if you associate yourself heavily with an intellectual movement, you're probably going to pick stuff up from smarty-pants people. If you only casually support their goals, you'd pick "apolitical", but hero characters usually are passionate about something. Choosing a political leaning is like, no you guys my dude is hella into this.

It makes sense that if you're really behind, say, the Synthegenic movement, and you are in those circles, you've probably got more experience with augments. Or if you are all about human supremacy, you've probably pumped iron with a few of your buddies because that's the culture of that thing. And if you're in the big political parties, you've got a badge and a handshake that mean something in some spheres, you've been to meetings and talked to to certain sorts of people.

Also, I kinda realized that it's the interwar period, a time of communists and fascists fighting in the streets, of people in coloured shirts and armbands and revolutionaries on pulpits. As I mentioned, character creation is supposed to sorta be an introduction to the world. Asking you "Hey, does your character really, truly believe in any of these things (there's a cookie in it for you if you read)" is like, a perfect way to introduce that idea.
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Ford W. Audington


Archtype: Sleuth




Career: Creative






Servo Liberation
The War

The Other Side











Creative - Author


Audington Detective Agency







Gut Feeling

Paranoia 3

Burst of Insight

Pathological Hatred (Suburbian Advance) 2

Complex Design 2

Lucky Hat 1

Out of the Loop 2






















Derring Do






















-Urban Runner (3)
-Stay Down (3)
-Center Mass (4)
-Aim High (6)
-Weapon Proficiency, Trowbridge (Free!)
-Disciplined (Free!)

-On The Spot (4)
-Last Place You Look (5)
-Into the Shadows (5)
-Language: Turing (10)
-Bullet Counting (5)

-Survivor (Free)
-Cynic (5)

Trowbridge 2828 (w/ Longscope/Silencer) (140?)
-Balanced +80
-Precise +40
Helmet +5
Silk Vest +40
Kamuflin Cloak +150

$45 For Augments

Manufactured in one of the Suburbia's largest Servo foundries, Ford would begin life just as any other Suburbian Servo, which equated to a very poor, barely High School equivalent education followed by an immediate thrust into a world of prejudice against her mechanized citizens.

Although originally a simple financial worker in a large company, one of Ford's employers took great interest in his careful analysis of all data presented, quickly elevating him to the position of a personal secretary of sorts. While this would provide him with a relatively, by Suburbian Servo standards, comfortable life, it would begin to quickly deteriorate as the first Suburbian Autons were manufactured. Not only did this result in the removal of Ford from his job, it would also begin the first basic phase of what would become the recalls. Servos began to be declared defective for almost trivial reasons, leading to the quick annihilation of almost all Servos that lived in the Downtown district of Suburbia, which accounted for approximately 40% of Suburbia's total Servo population.

When the Vitelian war began, this would only expand the depth of the recalls, leading to countless acts of murder by Suburbian Citizens on the Servo population out of fear that they were possible saboteurs. Ford was fortunate enough to escape the clutches of the Suburbian Unionists, the homeland defense division of the Suburbian Rangers. It would be then that Ford is drafted into the Suburbian Resistance Army, which would fight against the Suburbian Unionists until Suburbia began to withdraw Suburbian Rangers from Viteli, bolstering them with new war-based Autons.

While the resistance had managed to put up a fight until this, Ford becoming known in some circles as a reliable sniper, the introduction of new troops would lead to the downfall of the resistance. While Ford should have been slaughtered along with droves of other resistance fighters, he managed to sneak aboard and stow away on a Union City Ship that had docked in Suburbia for emergency refueling, eventually managing to travel to Union City proper as a refugee.

Managing to secure a string of low level jobs in Union City, Ford managed to rise as a private detective. Eventually becoming friends with another Servo Detective and a Repairman, the three would go on to solve a number of cases that would secure each of them a decent standard of living. Upon the request of Detective Inspector of Gotham (Inspector is his name, Detective is more of a title), Ford has moved to enter the 34th District to provide assistance to the newly founded Gangster Squad.

Trying to fix up the formatting, its coming out weird >.<
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I would imagine so. Medicine is a profession after all.
True, but he's not a full-blown Doctor. He knows just enough to stabilize his patients and then get them to a proper Field Hospital for treatment.

I wonder if I could get Trade - Medic for free as part of his backstory and use the Free one I got from taking Dropout as his Education to pick something else?

Also, we really need an updated list of the loot that GS has so far. My characters don't really have much cash to spend so they might have to borrow from the armory. :p

EDIT: Changed Nathan's Class to 2, I doubt that Union City would pay its own armed forces so little.
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True, but he's not a full-blown Doctor. He knows just enough to stabilize his patients and then get them to a proper Field Hospital for treatment.

I wonder if I could get Trade - Medic for free as part of his backstory and use the Free one I got from taking Dropout as his Education to pick something else?

Also, we really need an updated list of the loot that GS has so far. My characters don't really have much cash to spend so they might have to borrow from the armory. :p

EDIT: Changed Nathan's Class to 2, I doubt that Union City would pay its own armed forces so little.
Hilariously, a Marine Private in the US Army made just under ten dollars a week in 1942. So you were probably making about a dollar a day, not even enough to manage a Class 1 lifestyle. Then again, you could actually be banking most of the money you made as the military would provide you with food and shelter and longer service and promotions come with more money, so a frugal person could come out the other side of military service set to join the middle class.

You could totally take a Trade - First Aid or similar. Trade perks assist you when using Dex checks, so it'd help with rote medical procedures; I believe there is a perk that lets you use Dex for simple medicine instead of Intelligence. However, you're backstory is Incorporated into your character making; no free lunches!
Lets take it to the PMs
Shoot, it's nearing 1AM over here though so don't expect an answer until later in the day since I have College to take care of.

Hilariously, a Marine Private in the US Army made just under ten dollars a week in 1942. So you were probably making about a dollar a day, not even enough to manage a Class 1 lifestyle. Then again, you could actually be banking most of the money you made as the military would provide you with food and shelter and longer service and promotions come with more money, so a frugal person could come out the other side of military service set to join the middle class.
Well, the way I see it, Nathan could have returned from the Vitelian War with his savings and a cushy desk job as a Medical Officer in a base somewhere in Union City. He definitely would have the experience for it and I'm sure his Training would've filled the gaps, especially now that he's back.

EDIT: Also, edited Nathan's backstory. He's looking to advance his skill as a Medical practitioner just when Gangster Squad rolls in.

You could totally take a Trade - First Aid or similar. Trade perks assist you when using Dex checks, so it'd help with rote medical procedures; I believe there is a perk that lets you use Dex for simple medicine instead of Intelligence. However, you're backstory is Incorporated into your character making; no free lunches!
Fair enough, Trade - First Aid it is. Healing is composed of First Aid (which uses Dex) and Medicine (which uses Int) which would have a Knowledge-based Perk, correct?
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Gah, in the middle of doing my sheets, and Zero is the one I'm having problems with.

Deprogrammed Soldier Origin, but Veteran(Infantry) traits are not up yet, and Ambidextrous is free for that Origin, so I don't have to have Short Fuse to balance it out, and how Educated figures into that, I have no idea.


I'll concentrate on Cale and Killua, for now.
I'm going to boop some stuff to fix that up. Special Origins are getting an overhaul.

You infantry vets are going to get the new Disciplined perk, which reduces the speed at which you take Fatigue in combat.
Hmm. So are we remaking characters from scratch, or are we adding in our accrued advancement points somewhere?

Fine either way, I'm just wondering.