Gangster Squad Redux - One Crimefighter At Sufficient Velocity...

Hmm. So are we remaking characters from scratch, or are we adding in our accrued advancement points somewhere?

Fine either way, I'm just wondering.
I think there's going to be a bit of a reboot. I'm going to run a much tighter ship; more complex adventures for better testing and less Monty Haul, I think. So start 'em from scratch!

(Switched Marine Experience War background to Disciplined from Weapon Proficiency.)
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I think there's going to be a bit of a reboot. I'm going to run a much tighter ship; more complex adventures for better testing and less Monty Haul, I think. So start 'em from scratch!

(Switched Marine Experience War background to Disciplined from Weapon Proficiency.)
Soooo...Mooky lost all that character development? And his leg? Again?
Oh no, events will stay as-happened. We're just fudging the details.

For one thing, not all of you are starting with fucking armoured vests and nonsense like that this time around :p If you can't quite afford iconic items from last time though, I'll swing 'em in.
So what about people who got hospitalized? Are we magically instantly patched up? Or will we still sit on the sidelines for a bit longer? Hm... and I suppose I need to actually look at the new character gen stuff before I get concerned about being able to afford T3's stuff.
Oh no, events will stay as-happened. We're just fudging the details.

For one thing, not all of you are starting with fucking armoured vests and nonsense like that this time around :p If you can't quite afford iconic items from last time though, I'll swing 'em in.
So I'm keeping the leg, and the spidersilk vest and the subdermal armor and the flask and the sawed off shotgun and Mortimer's Fine Wears?

I just want to be clear.
My word.

Cale is somewhat tanky.

With Police Training, Healthy and Hardy, he gets a total bonus of +2 to Hardiness, and +4 to Vitality.

For the Weapon Proficiency, instead of Guns, can I put that in Weapon Proficiency: Throwing Knives?

Since that is what he uses.
Oh no, events will stay as-happened. We're just fudging the details.

For one thing, not all of you are starting with fucking armoured vests and nonsense like that this time around :p If you can't quite afford iconic items from last time though, I'll swing 'em in.
Is the pulse rifle iconic? :p

Okay, no, no, I'm not asking for that thing, in all seriousness it's such a freaking murdermachine. Pulse rifle OP, nerf plz.

Anyway, I'm thinking I'll take this chance to actually make Oswald sneaky. Though I'd also ask that he can have a R1 Rifle that he can put Weapon Proficiency down on and that he's had customized, like for lightening it up and maybe bolting a scope on.

What has to happen, for Zero's scarf to provide 1 Neck Armor?

Because I find the idea of a Kevlar-ish scarf funny.
Obviously, it's a spidersilk scarf from his Golden City days!
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Is the pulse rifle iconic? :p

Okay, no, no, I'm not asking for that thing, in all seriousness the pulse rifle is such a freaking murdermachine.

Anyway, I'm thinking I'll take this chance to actually make Oswald sneaky. Though I'd also ask that he can have a R1 Rifle that he can put Weapon Proficiency down on and that he's had customized, like for lightening it up and maybe bolting a scope on.

Obviously, it's a spidersilk scarf from his Golden City days!

Nah, he burned the SpiderSilk uniform.

This was his way of differentiating himself from his GC days.

StormTroopers aren't allowed to wear scarves, I think.
Well, maybe he cut off one of the sleeves of his uniform before burning it, or a sleeve survived, and he turned that into his scarf?

I dunno, just throwing out ideas man.

By the way, @open_sketchbook , think you could add a motivation for... Well. Frankly? The reason Oswald is in this is because it's really all he knows how to do. Would that just be Circumstance, or what?

Also, how are we handling Augments? We going to knock Oswald and the others back to basic stuff?
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Well... I've stumbled across bit of a problem. I can't find where subdermal armor and built in knucks are priced. And those are both pretty integral to T3. D=
Hello again everybody! Let's see if this works....

Miguel Martillo
Skill Trade

Second Generation
The War
Too Young


Skill Trade (Automotive Repair)

Martillo's Automotive Repair


Zoot Suit

Fedora w/ feather

Work Overalls (-$10)

Beat Vest (-$50)

Padded Barrier Armour: Left Shoulder, Right Shoulder, Left Arm, Right Arm, Left Thigh, Right Thigh (-$10)

Welding Helmet [Hard Hat] (-$5)


P&D Wyvern (-$45)

Mirabel Dragoon (-$35)


Knapsack (-$10)

10 Buckshot 8-gauge rounds (-$10)

10 Lead .38 rounds (-$10)

Pocket Money ($70)


Back-Alley Bifocals (Unsettling Appearance)
Right Arm
Left Arm
Right Hand
Left Hand
Left Leg
Right Leg


Language: Anglic
Friend Indeed
Machine Empathy (+3)
Lean On Me
Unsettling Appearance (-3)
Rally the Troops!
Short Fuse (-1)

Derring Do
- Double Tap (-6)
- Center Mass (-4)

- Combat Reflexes (-4)

- Stay Down (-3)

- Fortify (-4)

- Trade: Automotive Repair (Free)

- Knowledge: Vehicle Engineering (Free)

- Knowledge: Aerocraft Engineering (-5)

- First Responder (-5)

- Battlefield Medic (-5)

- It's a Wash (-5)

- Networking (Our Patriots of the Blood)


When Ricario Martillo and his family finally arrived in Union City after the harsh and unforgiving journey from Aztlan, their eyes were filled with wonder and relief at the miraculous Silver City that promised to lend them a better lifestyle than decades of farming under the glare of the burning eternal sun. The wonder and sparkle in their eyes faded slightly, however, when they became aware that for all its glory and miracle Union City was a harsh and unforgiving mistress in its own right. The small money they had brought with them quickly evaporated, the large family they had also brought packed into a slum apartment, and their hands forced towards manual labor and menial work, the Martillos nonetheless vowed that one day they would make it in Union City. If not them, then their children and grandchildren.

One of the grandchildren of Ricario, Miguel Martillo was one of those lucky few to rise from life in the slums to join the ranks of the lower middle class. With an affinity for machines at an early age, he quickly took to working with his fathers and uncles at their jobs repairing appliances, automotives, and other labor-intensive machines before making just enough money to allow him to attain a public education - one of the first in his familial line. His father had received several work bonuses, he was attending public middle school, and fortunes in general for the Martillos seemed to be improving. Samuel Martillo even bought a small run-down automotive repair shop in the Gotham Borough, a second step on the road to the Silver Dream.

The Vitelian War, however, interrupted things. Samuel Martillo, as was his duty, joined with the Union Marines. Maria Martillo, in order to ensure that at least one Martillo stuck around on the home front, oversaw patriotic scrap drives and civilian automotive refits to donate to soldiers without cars serving overseas. Miguel's uncles and aunts joined up in the Air Force, the Navy, the Marines, and he helped as best he could at only eleven years of age. The years were filled with a constant overtone of hope, fear, anger, and anxiousness...until the War ended, and Samuel Martillo came back a war hero and a dead man, and Maria Martillo found herself a grieving widow. For several years, Miguel helped his mother run Martillo's Automotive Repair, until by the age of 19 he was able to take it over entirely. He fixed cars, motorcycles, bicycles, even the odd Marine half-track on the side. His dreams didn't lay in cars and automobiles, however: in his dreams, falling asleep to the smell of grease and the hum of neon signs, he could fly. Great machines of iron and rivets and hot paint, engines roaring and wings slicing the air clean in half and the choke of diesel smog in his face, no flying fortress or aerostat would he pilot but an honest-to-Founders airplane. He read about them in books, cut pictures out from newspapers and hung them on his wall, and feverishly knew that one day, one day, he would own one for his very own.

And then, one day while 24-year old Miguel was bent over a customer's Lemon, trying to figure out where all the bullet fragments from the gunshots had gone, there was an accident.

Miguel wasn't the poorest of folks, but he didn't have much to his name beyond the shop and his clothes. Augmentations were out of the question - those you needed money for, those you saved up for, those you got if you really needed an edge over the competition and Miguel had prided himself on his skills alone. But when your eyes were nothing more than a mass of white dripping tissue and blood, when everything went dark and you were writhing on the floor screaming because the fragments from the engine were piercing your skin, there was no other option. Even if you didn't have the money, even if you couldn't find a licensed anthromechanist, even if in the end your only option was a back-alley surgeon with unsterile tools and a public school textbook on the subject for advice. Even if, from then on, your new eyes would forever cause you irritation, the cheap and shoddy implants digging in and cutting the skin, regularly causing a release of fluids, blood, and lubricant that made you look like you were crying reddish-black gunk.

That was Miguel's option, and from then on Martillo's Automotive Repair stopped being so successful. From then on, he stayed close at home, cleaning his tools and checking for customers and wiping the blood from his face and wincing every time the augments dug into the tender flesh where his real eyes had been. He made some friends with Our Patriots of the Blood, where several Servos who had once worked with his folks volunteered their time and tried to ease tensions on the streets, though they could do nothing for his new eyes. He stayed in his shop, and only when he saved a Servo from certain death at the hands of some thugs did he think about doing something more. He fought off gangbangers, helped solve some cases with that very same Servo, and cracked a few skulls along the way. He found himself known, if only a little bit.

And when that same Servo, Ford Audington, informed him about a little outfit in the 34th known as the Gangster Squad, he found himself craving more action.
Well, maybe he cut off one of the sleeves of his uniform before burning it, or a sleeve survived, and he turned that into his scarf?

I dunno, just throwing out ideas man.

By the way, @open_sketchbook , think you could add a motivation for... Well. Frankly? The reason Oswald is in this is because it's really all he knows how to do. Would that just be Circumstance, or what?

Also, how are we handling Augments? We going to knock Oswald and the others back to basic stuff?

Sketch is going to work on augments tonight I believe.

What has to happen, for Zero's scarf to provide 1 Neck Armor?

Because I find the idea of a Kevlar-ish scarf funny.
I will add a spidersilk scarf to the GC stuff for their desert troops. I imagine it'd be like the keffiyeh you always see American troops sporting on desert deployments.

So what about people who got hospitalized? Are we magically instantly patched up? Or will we still sit on the sidelines for a bit longer? Hm... and I suppose I need to actually look at the new character gen stuff before I get concerned about being able to afford T3's stuff.
I'll come up with a Trait for missing limbs and stuff pre-game so you can get augments for cheaperish in exchange for... something indeterminate. If you were wounded you are back in the game but you'll still need to replace missing limbs.

Well, maybe he cut off one of the sleeves of his uniform before burning it, or a sleeve survived, and he turned that into his scarf?

I dunno, just throwing out ideas man.

By the way, @open_sketchbook , think you could add a motivation for... Well. Frankly? The reason Oswald is in this is because it's really all he knows how to do. Would that just be Circumstance, or what?

Also, how are we handling Augments? We going to knock Oswald and the others back to basic stuff?
That would be circumstance. Augments are being written up tonight.
Name: Oswald Renard
Human?: Yes
Origin: City-Dweller ( Language (Anglic), Perk (Cynic) )
Education: Dropout ( Trade (Repairman), +1 Rank in Career )
The War: Marine Experience ( Perk (Discplined) )
Politics: Hegemonist ( Networking: Military )

Ambition: Fortune
Motivation: Circumstance
Vice: Envy
Virtue: Patience

Class: 1 ( Working Class, $10 Living Expenses )
Employment: No Other Career/Military Marine Pension/Law Enforcement (Hah!)/OOCly Not Entirely Sure Here
Archetype: Copper ( Physical/Social/Mental )
Card Generation: Coppers get cards for upholding the letter of the law to the detriment of the party.

Fisticuffs (Fs): 0
Steadiness (Sd): 3
Derring Do (Dd): 2
Grit (Gt): 3

Hardiness: 7
Vitality: 13
Strikes: 0

Dexterity (Dx): 0
Sleuthiness (Su): 1
Covertness (Co): 3
Intelligence (Iq): 0

Sharpness: 4
Endurance: 8
Fatigue: 0

Slickness (Sl): 0
Connections (Cn): 3
Contacts (Ct): 0
Stature (St): 3

Resolve: Base + 1
Resilience: Base
Stress: 0

6 Points (Rollover to Perks)

Clearance - Once per week, make a Hard Connections check to gain official government information. (4 AP)
Police Training - Coppers have +1 Hardiness and +2 Vitality. Coppers can choose to start either with Weapon Proficiency for one of their starting guns or Vehicle Expert: Cars. (Weapon Proficiency w/ R1 Battle Rifle)
Take the Bullet - Once per combat round, if a Copper is within 2 yards of another character and they are attacked, the Copper and that character can immediately switch places.

0 Physical Points
0 Social Points
0 Mental Points
6 Generic Advancement Points (Rollover to Augmentics)

Aim High: Once per round, reroll a hit location roll and pick from either result. (6 AP)
Double Tap: When you hit with a 1 die attack on a non-manual firearm, roll a second shot that can't get a higher result than the first. (6 AP)
Networking (Military): +1 to Connections, Contacts or Class rolls related to the chosen group. (Hegemonist)
Networking (Military Bureau of Investigation): +1 to Connections, Contacts or Class rolls related to the chosen group. (5 AP)
Weapon Proficiency (R1 Battle Rifle): +1 Steadiness when using personal rifle. (Copper)
Disciplined: (Marine Experience)
Cynic: +1 Resolve (City-Dweller)
Into the Shadows: Add +1 to your base Stealth value so long as you remain in the dark or shadows. (5 AP)
Battle Hardened: -1 stress at the end of combat. (5 AP)
Trade (Repairman): +1 to related Dexterity and Intelligence checks. (Dropout)
Urban Runner: Treat pipes, fences and other climbable urban environmental features as ladders for the purpose of climbing. (3 AP)
They Never Look Up: Add +1 to Stealth rating if above an enemy (5 AP)

1 Generic Advancement Points

Agumentic Eyes:
Dark Vision
Cost: $50
Penalty: 5 MAP
This upgrade to the artificial eye allows you to negate vision penalties from darkness and see in low light as though it were day.

Police Uniform w/ Badge
Coolstone 20
R1 Battle Rifle
Beat Vest
Nice Vest (Mooky Spidersilk Special)

Alright, it was a bit... Messy, but hopefully that works. At least until Augmentics are up.

Heh. Man, Oswald really is a lot more filled out. I'm liking this. Here Oswald is, set up as being very capable at shooting, sneaking, and getting information/help via military connections.
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I'll come up with a Trait for missing limbs and stuff pre-game so you can get augments for cheaperish in exchange for... something indeterminate. If you were wounded you are back in the game but you'll still need to replace missing limbs.

That would be circumstance. Augments are being written up tonight.

Neat. Also yay, augments. Once those are done I can complete T3! And I guess Professor Proton since he's got the super tricked out robot eyes.










Life-Long Citizen





The War

Stayed Home









Employment: Law Enforcement




Right Arm

Left Arm

Right Hand


Sub-Dermal Armor

Left Hand


Sub-Dermal Armor

Left Leg


Sub-Dermal Armor

Right Leg


Sub-Dermal Armor


Sub-Dermal Armor (Pelvis, Left/Right Shoulder, Head.)


Police Training

Take the Bullet




Grit 3
Intelligence: 0
Slickness: 0

Fisticuffs: 3
Dexterity: 3
Stature: 3

Steadiness: 0
Sleuthiness: 1
Connections: 2

Derring Do: 3
Covertness: 0




Hardiness: 8
Sharpness: 1
Resolve: 9

Vitality: 15
Endurance: 8




-Knife Nut
-Shrug It Off
-Strong Arm
-A Thrower Of Sharp Things

-Knowledge: Madison City Neighborhoods
-Knowledge: Architecture
-Knowledge: Xianese Crime
Knowledge - The Vitelian War
- Networking: Police Force



I think this is good, but it may require more work.
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Hey, everyone so far is a Hegemonist. Is it for the mechanical benefit or because you like the more?

Because if you like them, it means I need to make the less palatable. They might be too much "civil rights" and not enough "heartless business cronies" at the moment.
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Hey, everyone so far is a Hegemonist. Is it for the mechanical benefit or because you like the more?

Because if you like them, it means I need to make the less palatable.
Mechanical benefit. I don't find the idea of isolationism likable at all. That said, it is more palpable less unpleasant than racism, which I expect is because I don't really understand how bad isolationism actually is since it isn't really a modern issue, where racism certainly is.

I admit though, when I saw everyone else is going Hegemonist, I considered swapping out for something else. :p

Hmm. By the way, for Flesh First, I'm assuming there's a good few splinter groups involved with that? The old guard veterans who are displeased with the new extremists, the Golden City influenced jerks we've been fighting, those who 'just' have a varyingly icky pride in being human, etc?

Edit: 'Heartless Business Cronies', huh? I think putting Oswald's Vice and Ambition down as Envy and Fortune respectively might have been more fitting than I first anticipated... Going with 1% Capitalist Douchebaggery, then?
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Mechanical benefit. I don't find the idea of isolationism likable at all.

I admit though, when I saw everyone else is going Hegemonist, I considered swapping out for something else. :p

Hmm. By the way, for Flesh First, I'm assuming there's a good few splinter groups involved with that? The old guard veterans who are displeased with the new extremists, the Golden City influenced jerks we've been fighting, those who 'just' have a varyingly icky pride in being human, etc?
There are some, of course, but I also want people to be able to play unpleasant characters. I'm going to be working a bit on Flesh First's character a bit too; there will still be the tattooed thugs, but I kind of want to flesh out their actual political branch a bit more, give them the feel of interwar fascist movements. The idea that a sizable portion of Union City is more sympathetic to the Golden City than Anglia and thinks the government is making a huge mistake siding with the theocratic empire over their old allies is something I want to explore, and given the time period I don't think you'd need to be a total nutter to think that what Union City needs right now is a strong leader against the crime and foreign threats. I also want to start emphasis the actual oppression servos face a little bit more so it's clear the climate this is happening in, and I'm also thinking of making FF creepy popular with law enforcement in some regions.

Put simply, people just don't know yet. They're on the wrong side of the 20th Century to have learned the hard lessons of where fascism leads.
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Is there some sort of police training equivalent that you can get without being a cop? Because T3 was a prize fighter/underground fight club dude, and I feel like making a living off of beating people up and getting beaten up in return would give a similar hardiness and vitality benefit. On that note, where would that fall under the career thing?
Is there some sort of police training equivalent that you can get without being a cop? Because T3 was a prize fighter/underground fight club dude, and I feel like making a living off of beating people up and getting beaten up in return would give a similar hardiness and vitality benefit. On that note, where would that fall under the career thing?
Oh man, I totally forgot to add Athlete to the Careers. I'll fix that shortly.

You can take Copper and drop LE was a career for now.
For the Weapon Proficiency, instead of Guns, can I put that in Weapon Proficiency: Throwing Knives?

Since that is what Cale uses.

And I choose Hegemony mostly because Cale's a conservative Cop, who's dealt with far too many of the criminal elements of just about every faction.

He's also taking a perk for Knowledge in Xianese Crime.

Because he thinks those Ninjas might be coming back for him.
For the Weapon Proficiency, instead of Guns, can I put that in Weapon Proficiency: Throwing Knives?

Since that is what Cale uses.

And I choose Hegemony mostly because Cale's a conservative Cop, who's dealt with far too many of the criminal elements of just about every faction.

He's also taking a perk for Knowledge in Xianese Crime.

Because he thinks those Ninjas might be coming back for him.

