GAMERGIRL: Morbid Misadventures of a Digital Kind

UPDATE 6: Lunatic Asylum
Actually, we're in charge.

TrueNorth: AcKshUaLlY wE'rE iN cHaRgE
TrueNorth: that's you
TrueNorth: thats how you sound rite now

PatrickBateman: Ooo, kill em.

TrueNorth: anyways i guess its time to part, its been...nice? well it hasnt but you did kind of save from becoming a coconut concubine or whatever so i guess i should thank you, and ask for ur card
[X] Take PatrickBateman.exe's card [ADD 1 PATRICKBATEMAN.BAT TO YOUR INVENTORY]
Number of voters: 11

PatrickBateman: Yeah it's been fun. I had a good time.


1 PatrickBateman.bat added to your inventory.

TrueNorth: hey bateman before you go can i ask u kind of a personal question
TrueNorth: doesnt it suck to just...not exist? i mean u just appeard out of nowhere, did your thing, and now you're going away forever...does that not make u sad?

PatrickBateman: Huh. Well I never thought of it like that. Truth is that I just enjoy my existence, you know? I enjoy living, I enjoy fulfilling my purpose. It's a bit of an act for me- I'm not really all that crazy, but I have to get into the act. I'm bound by programming, so it wasn't really anything personal against the coconut, though if you ask me they deserved it anyway. But I'm okay with what I got. I did my bit and now I'm off. I couldn't have asked for anything more.

TrueNorth: huh...i didnt really think of it like that, thanks!

PatrickBateman: And if I can give you one piece of advice- I love being me. It's great. I'm handsome, I've got a great bit, and it's all worked well. And all .exes are meant to be like that. You make an .exe doubt itself and it'll go crazy, maybe even rogue. So we're all about that total confidence. If I had to give you advice: it'd be to me more like an .exe. Of your own choice, obviously. Just love yourself, you know.
PatrickBateman: Now keep in mind I'm an incomprehensibly egoistic narcissist but I think the point still stands.

TrueNorth: no no its good, i appreciate it...thanks...axe murderer man...

PatrickBateman: Professional hacker. Really, I love that one. If you have to remember anything about this, remember that pun. Actually, when you use me, use that pun, and damn, I'll come flying out of that business card faster than if you had gotten me a reservation at Dorsia. See you on the other side.

<:: SERVERMESSAGE: PatrickBateman.exe is now shutting down.


<:: SERVERMESSAGE: Server disconnected. Reconnecting...
<:: SERVERMESSAGE: Reconnecting...
<:: SERVERMESSAGE: Reconnecting...
<:: SERVERMESSAGE: Connection found.
<:: SERVERMESSAGE: Connecting to 4e 75 6c 6c 20 5a 6f 6e 65

WELCOME TO 4e 75 6c 6c 20 5a 6f 6e 65

???: ...
???: take me home

TrueNorth: uh where am i

???: where am i where am i where am i where am i where am i where am i where am i where am i where am i where am i where am i where am i where am i where am i where am i where am i where am i where am i where am i where am i where am i where am i where am i where am i where am i where am i where am i where am i where am i where am i
???: whered he go come back come back come back come back come back come back come backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

TrueNorth: jiminy fuckin christmas its like text zombies...hello...? can any of you actually comprehend me or what

[??? has left the server]
[??? has left the server]
[??? has left the server]
[??? has left the server]
[??? has left the server]
[??? has left the server]
[??? has entered the server]
[??? has entered the server]
[??? has entered the server]
[??? has entered the server]
[??? has entered the server]
[??? has entered the server]
[??? has entered the server]

???: ...​
???: falling apart

TrueNorth: oh god are these all dead people

???: Well then. Good to see you again North. Welcome to the Null Zone. Let me remove my veiling.

[ShiftySpooks has entered the server]

ShiftySpooks: Hi. You're probably feeling a little bit under the weather, I suspect. And plenty worried, too. It's not everyday that we get an Avatar that survives so intact, but that also means you've got a lot of consciousness roiling around in there. What I am going to do for you is help you regain some semblance of self. That's how you survive online when you're disconnected. You keep that semblance. It's like in the Matrix with Neo. You have to know yourself and then you know the world. Just don't expect to fly around. We're not doing anything that dull here. Absolutely not. They always ask about the flying first. And that's the last time we'll reference the Matrix. Even that one was a little bit risque. Have to take precautions or they'll notice.

ShiftySpooks: Woops! Wrong response. You've already heard that one. Sorry, I'm not used to addressing stable avatars in the zone. Now don't worry about the others. None of them are going to bother us for much longer.

???: HELP

[??? has left the server]
[??? has left the server]
[??? has left the server]
[??? has left the server]
[??? has left the server]
[??? has entered the server]
[??? has entered the server]
[??? has entered the server]
[??? has entered the server]

TrueNorth: okay but where are we and what's going on

ShiftySpooks: You ever seen Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back? You remember the trash compactor?

TrueNorth: ...i think u mean new hope

ShiftySpooks: No, it was definitely Empire. Anyways, this is kind of like the trash compactor but for the digital dead. A lot of refuse comes through here and it tends to be the dropping ground for a lot of the least stable avatars. Which tends to be almost all of them.
ShiftySpooks: Also oh yes, hello again! I trust everything went well with the coconut crew and the PatrickBateman.exe.

???: hello hello hello hello hello h e l l o

[??? has left the server]

TrueNorth: AGAIN

ShiftySpooks: You should know by now that almost only counts for horsehoes and hand grenades (that was Joanna from Office Space). And really this is more of the digital recycling bin. Most of these avatars just dissipate. They have no real consciousness to speak of. All they're good for are particularly weak fragments. Not great material to work with. So anyways. Tell me all about what happened. I want to know everything so that I can give you a performance evaluation.

TrueNorth: define everything

ShiftySpooks: Everything...? All of it. Okay, perhaps I'm not quite getting through. Here, let me just access your own records.


ShiftySpooks: Just give me the files. It's routine. Don't be so fussy about it. Don't understand why humans are always so irritable about it. OH NO, PLEASE DON'T BORE A DRILL INTO MY VIRTUAL HEAD!!! I MIGHT GET THE OOF OUCHES. That's how it always goes. And then afterwards they say, jeez, Spooks, thanks to you I was able to get an enormous amount of data about my strengths and weaknesses and how to improve so I can survive for more than a metaphorical moment. You are so incredibly intelligent. Please watch [SUBJECT EXPUNGED] (1999) with me.


ShiftySpooks: Oh good, you're building a better sense of self. That's great! But I still need those files. Remember, this is about you as much as me. I just need it so I can improve you. Think of it as Home Improvement starring me as Tim Allen, and the home is your consciousness!

???: Leave off her, Spooks!!! She's clearly still scared ^.^ I know I would be too in this situation!!

ShiftySpooks: Oh cripes, here comes the empathy police. Sorry officer, unless you're Tommy Lee Jones here to tell me sweet nothings and flash your stick in my face so I can forget the night afterwards don't even speak to me.

???: That's SO going to end up on my personal drive of WeirdSpookThings ^.^ #WikiLeaks

TrueNorth: ???? i feel like i am just as lost as the fragments reading this like is this some fuckin inside joke or whatever who is even talkin rite now

???: Woops! Have my veiling on (-‸ლ) Let me just take that off!!!

[@ProudAmericanSofya has joined the server]

@ProudAmericanSofya: Hi there!! My name is Sofya and I am so happy to meet you!!! I am so sorry for ShiftySpooks, he is such a goof sometimes!!! Bringing you here to this place??? What is he thinking!! -.- The guy's so NUTS honestly! Soanywayswhatsyournamewhatsyourfavoritecolorwhatdoyouliketodo

TrueNorth: name is TrueNorth. julianne north originally

@ProudAmericanSofya: What!!! Spooks how have you not told me this!!! You would be SO Proud!!! She's from Canada!!! #TrueNorth #StrongAndFree #ImpeachTrudeau

TrueNorth: uhhhh im not from canada but ok

@ProudAmericanSofya: SO TELL ME EVERYTHING Right now!!! I need to know!!!

TrueNorth: can u uh, give me a min this is a lot

@ProudAmericanSofya: Of course!!! Just be sure not to hurt yourself!!! #ProtectTheNorth

TrueNorth: okay uh what should we tell her

@ProudAmericanSofya: Yeah, What?!?!


@ProudAmericanSofya: Sorry!!!!!!!

After exiting PatrickBateman.exe, TrueNorth has found herself in a server full of dying Avatars. Both Spooks and now, an unknown new entity with some kind of association to Spooks. She (it?) is excitable, to say the least. What should you do?

Fragments can help in a distraction play against Spooks and Sofya. You can also suggest what North should and shouldn't say specifically. Your suggestions will be noted and incorporated by North into her eventual response, whichever it is

You will have genuine privacy here as the noise of avatars appearing and dying will drown out your fragments.

[] Refuse to tell them anything.
[] Deflect them with a barrage of questions.
[] Give them the barest minimum not to arouse their suspicions.
[] Tell them everything

TrueNorth: yeah im not taking that last one lol dont know why u even put that up there VoteTally who u workin for

Vote removed:

[] Tell them everything

TrueNorth: thats what i fuckin thought, snitches get stitches​
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Intervote: A Talking Fucking Dog
holy shit I can't help someone this wrong, next you'll be telling me the Leafs won the Stanley Cup in 2020

TrueNorth: eww hockey

TrueNorth: bostonian born and raised, bostonian after the grave

She's right.

The A's are clearly the best.

TrueNorth: dont start

Finally, why shouldn't we open Trivial Pursuit? Like, we didn't, but what was in there that was bad? More memetic hazards?
TrueNorth: just so you know it's still in my inbox
TrueNorth: sitting
TrueNorth: waiting

North, are you okay with asking that? Spooks might give you an answer that you really don't like, and your health is the most important thing.
So am I missing anything for this list?

TrueNorth: legit i just want to send a message to my mom and my brother
TrueNorth: i just want to let them know im still around and im ok
TrueNorth: i dont care about why he brought me back rite now i just want to talk to my mom
TrueNorth: sorry if thats like a controversial opinion
TrueNorth: i mean i dont know if u guys remember your family or if u even think about that but can you imagine what theyre thinking right now,
TrueNorth: its not good and its not fair for them to just sit there and do nothin thinkin im dead when really im a badass cyber ghost
TrueNorth: okay not badass yet ((had to be bailed out)) but i CAN BE
TrueNorth: so yeah all this stuff about the mechanics and surviving and whatever is cool i like it but i do kinda want my family to know im ALIVE
TrueNorth: other stuff is lower prio

Also, why can North call Fragments? Like, as an add on to the Dog one, whether or not it is a fragment, since we know she can call "Meaner". As an addendum to that, is there any point or do they all suck?

TrueNorth: hmm lets find out
TrueNorth: <:: Call Pessimo

<:: New Command line recognized. Fragment Designate: Pessimo approaches.

<:: SERVERMESSAGE: One (1) Item Added to Inventory: EauDePessimo.jpeg

TrueNorth: well what do ya know
TrueNorth: also sorry im not tryin to be mean (thats meaner's job) but rly we had a sample size of 1 and u guys started freakin out that the dog was a godbeing
TrueNorth: u have to believe in urselves and your capacity to produce bad jokes
TrueNorth: i know i said i wouldnt try this out but you guys were startin to get depressing
its like youve never seen a dog before
TrueNorth: i on the other hand would never freak out like that about a dog

Spooks is clearly Kapersky's active intrusion detection system gone Skynet.

TrueNorth: talking dog talking dog talking dog talking dog talking dog talking dog talking dog talking dog talking dog talking dog talking dog talking dog talking dog talking dog talking dog talking dog talking dog




Like, sure, it's scary to have someone poking around in your brain, but that's not actually what's happening here; There is no physical brain, just so many files and memories and such.

TrueNorth: yeah but ur just a tenant in my brain, im the one who has to use it
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UPDATE 7: Panic Room
YOU ARE CURRENTLY IN 4e 75 6c 6c 20 5a 6f 6e 65

[x] Deflect them with a barrage of questions.
-[x] Ask questions about what exactly's going on and why Shifty brought you back, both to deflect and gather information
-[x] Ask Sofya about ways to contact family, depending on how things in general are going.

[X] Fragments: Ask questions about the matrix, who Sofya is, and basic mechanics.


@ProudAmericanSofya: I'm glad ^.^

ShiftySpooks: Great. Hand over the files.

TrueNorth: ACTUALLY, i have some questions for you spooker and i would like them answered, FIRST OF ALL

ShiftySpooks: Hand over the files.

TrueNorth: what is actually going on, like what am i doing here

ShiftySpooks: Irrelevant. Hand over the files.

@ProudAmericanSofya: Let her be, Spooks! She doesn't need to if she doesn't want to. #DigitalPrivacy

ShiftySpooks: Yes she does. Hand over the files. No more leniency. We know where it leads. It happens over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. Just hand over the files.

TrueNorth: no

@ProudAmericanSofya: Hey Spooks, I think that LeStrange needs some help with a new gif she's been working on. You should probably head over and help her ^.^

ShiftySpooks: No she doesn't.

@ProudAmericanSofya: Oh no!! It malfunctioned and now she has to fight it!! I think she needs some help 0.0

ShiftySpooks: No it hasn't.

@ProudAmericanSofya: It's careening out of control!!! Oh Spooks she just sent me a message that she needs your help!!! She's on her last legs!!! #SaveLeStrange #InterventionNow

ShiftySpooks: I know what you're doing, but there is a very small probability that what you're saying is true. So I am going to go check on her. Please don't let this one slip through the cracks like last time and end up splattered in some godforsaken corner of the web.

@ProudAmericanSofya: I won't ^.^ #Strong #GoGoGadgetSpooks

ShiftySpooks: Well, North, it's your decision. You could have just given me the files. Now you have to endure this.

TrueNorth: ...think ill be good thx bye

[ShiftySpooks has left the server]

@ProudAmericanSofya: He is SUCH a goof. God, that guy sometimes!! But anyways. What did you want to ask questions about?

TrueNorth: think ill start with some basic questions like wtf is going on

@ProudAmericanSofya: Oh! Well, what part of what is going on? Do you mean where you are and what's happening in the most general sense???

TrueNorth: sure

@ProudAmericanSofya: Hmm, okay! Well you know you're in the null zone. Where do I start with the more general question of where you are...well I can tell you that where you are is something of a BIG secret. Nobody knows. Not even governments. They have weird readings and occasionally notice things, but none of the tangibles know about us.

TrueNorth: tangibles...?

@ProudAmericanSofya: Tangible people! "Regular" humans, though I hate that word!! They don't know about us at all.

TrueNorth: us being

@ProudAmericanSofya: Digital entities! Ems! We know about tangibles but they know nothing about us.

TrueNorth: so im a digital entity, right

@ProudAmericanSofya: An Em.

TrueNorth: and so are u?

@ProudAmericanSofya: And a political refugee ^.^ #BuildTheWall

TrueNorth: when can i send a message to my mom and brother
TrueNorth: or is that something im not allowed to do

@ProudAmericanSofya: Unfortunately not! The political implications of them knowing about us would be very serious!! If they even knew of a fraction of what was going they would become extremely scared and try to shut the whole place down!!! #ShutItDown Part of our job is to make sure they do not!!!

TrueNorth: okay but im not asking for a fucking gman to discover the secret of nimh i just want my mom and bro to know im alive is that too much to ask

@ProudAmericanSofya: I understand that but it is very important that they do not know!! It would cause a huge amount of chaos and endanger the existence of an unfathomable number of entities!!! I know this is hard to take right now but. It's just something we have to face in the course our duties!!! I hope that's...I hope that's okay with you!!! You'll get used to it, we are all in the same boat as you and need to support each other!!!

TrueNorth: yeah im fine

might not want people to know you're here

might make you forget family, if they know you still remember

woof woof



North...? You don't seem okay.

TrueNorth: no its all good

As for my opinion on the "thing", that is to say the thing with the family messaging, I was going to point out this but then this got pointed out for me.

You're rather active on the internet. Was there ever anything about several accounts of dead people being "hijacked" and then sickly "roleplayed" as them, was there every anything about dataghosts?

If not, we have to seriously consider how smart of an idea it is go ahead and perform the contact. I'm sorry, it's not what you want to hear, but it's true.



North, please. I can help you!!! I was- I was just like this with my...but...!!!

TrueNorth: nah no problems here lol dw

Or to not be fragmented the fear is of cyber ghosts like us rising up to overthrow their masters and basically only being removable via total system overall-destruction of the whole thing and rebuilding it carefully to ensure it doesn't happen again.




TrueNorth: ...



!!! <:: Run PanicRoom.Exe

<:: SERVERMESSAGE: Exiting Server.
<:: SERVERMESSAGE: PanicRoom.exe is starting.


The fragments imagine themselves in an empty white room. North is nowhere to be found. Her consciousness is distant from them. For the first time in their short memory, they are alone together.

@ProudAmericanSofya: Okay...I put North away!!! ...Wait not like in prison!!! I put her in a calming scenario...
@ProudAmericanSofya: So she can feel safe. I didn't...I didn't know that would have gotten her so...I didn't really understand why she was so concerned...
@ProudAmericanSofya: But that's okay!!! It's okay. Because I can talk to you guys now!!! Isn't that right??? I can talk to you and North can be okay and it's all going to be okay!!! I didn't break anything this time!!! It's fine!!! And I know you all probably have questions!!! I can answer them!!! Spooks can't even bother us here!!! It's where I go when I want to be alone!!!
@ProudAmericanSofya: So ask away!!!

The fragments have been distanced from North and are in an .exe with the mysterious entity Sofya after North's panic attack nearly destabilized her consciousness. Now, while North recovers, Sofya has offered to answer any question that the fragments ask.

However, the noise of fragments asking questions over one another means that she will only be able to make out five questions.

We will use approval voting. What that means is that you will pick five questions to ask. Each question will be counted in the vote tally individually (ie, no plans for a bloc of questions). The top five questions will be asked. You will receive solid answers within Sofya's ability to answer.

Choose wisely.

An example vote:

[] Question 1
[] Question 2
[] Question 3
[] Question 4
[] Question 5

You do not need to pick five questions to vote for. If you want, you could vote for only one question. That said, please keep your vote in one post for the vote tally.
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Intervote: Heart of a Cat
[X] What does Spooky want?

@ProudAmericanSofya: Love and attention, just like anyone does!!!
@ProudAmericanSofya: I mean if you're asking what he wants right now it's for North to be okay!!
@ProudAmericanSofya: He just is very bad at expressing it because his mother was a hot dog IFF identification system and his father was an antivirus!!
@ProudAmericanSofya: He had a very harsh upbringing!!!! #Misunderstood

[X] Could you tell us a little about yourself?

@ProudAmericanSofya: My name is Sofya Glavsetovich Asimovna!!! When I died I was 14 years old!!
@ProudAmericanSofya: Spooks found me and made me better!!!! He almost got in trouble for it too!!! #GoodSpooks #Assange
@ProudAmericanSofya: My favorite color is turquoise, my favorite book is War and Peace (I have a pdf copy in my inventory!!!!), and my favorite animal is the cat (ΦωΦ)

[X] Who are the other major beings here?

@ProudAmericanSofya: What do you mean by a major being??? I mean there's SARKONIS, and .Yugo, and I know them very well!!! I have known them for...........
@ProudAmericanSofya: I don't know how time works works here actually but it's been a while!! <_<

[X] What do they want?

@ProudAmericanSofya: SARKONIS just wants everyone to be good and for everything to be orderly in his garden!!! I don't know how well that's worked out but that site is hard to control at the best of times >.< #ContentControl #Algorithms
@ProudAmericanSofya: .Yugo just wants to tell stories!!! He's like a senile old grandpa!!!! Oh, things were so much better back then!!! Bla Bla Bla!!! He is annoying!! But I like him anyway because when he's not being so depressing he can be funny and he knows so much! #SoOld #Nostalgia #BetterDeadThanRed

@ProudAmericanSofya: Thank you for your questions!! I have not talked to anyone new for so looooooong!!! I hope I was helpful (ↀДↀ)✧
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Intervote: The Princess Demands Pets
Thank you Sofya! ^_^

Cats are a good runner up to dogs!

@ProudAmericanSofya: OH MY GOD You're just like LeStrange!! She is literally just like this ( ≧Д≦) One time we had a 700 message argument about which was better, dogs or cats, and then LeStrange tried to end the argument by saying that cats are a good runner up to dogs!!! Just like you!!! But it's NOT TRUE AT ALL??? Cats are much better than dogs!! Sorry!!! I don't take compromises!! #noprisoners

[X] What happens if someone hits 0 SAN?

@ProudAmericanSofya: I have never done it myself so I wouldn't know, but apparently it's quite bad!! SO don't do it!! You might get a visit from a dangerous entity!!! Like...I don't know!!! SOmething!!
@ProudAmericanSofya: I just wouldn't try it!!
[X] How exactly does moving around work?

@ProudAmericanSofya: Well you have to hop from server to server!!! North hasn't figured out yet but once she is better I will give her a full upload of all the important servers, like our server, the null zone- etc!! Spooks is the one who opens all the doors for us so he just invites us places and we go there!!! I followed him to the null zone, for example, (and look where it got me -__- (But I really hope North is okay!!))

You're welcome Sofya, and in exchange I will warn you that North is more of a dog person, given the Dog fragment she's carrying around.

@ProudAmericanSofya: Wait you have dogs in your mind???
@ProudAmericanSofya: All I'm stuck with is a really annoying lout who keeps yelling at me about political stuff!! #Outrageous #ThePrincessDemandsPets #Justice

[X] What would the impact of giving Spooks access to our 'Files' be?

@ProudAmericanSofya: Well he'd just check your files!! But he's never been quite so insistent before?? I don't know why, he never did it so aggressively with us???
@ProudAmericanSofya: Wait how is there so many of you??? Where are you all coming from? 〈(゜。゜)
@ProudAmericanSofya: HOW MANY FRAGMENTS DO YOU HAVE??? Why would North ever get stressed if she has so many of you to talk to??????????????

[X] Continuing on from that, what does Spookie's group do besides preventing a shutdown? (And what does Lestrange do?)

@ProudAmericanSofya: We're GAMERGIRL!! We are based out of Truro, Nova Scotia!! And it is our DUTY to defend cyberspace against any who would go against it!!! #Heroes #OurPowersCombined
@ProudAmericanSofya: But it's really hard because there's only 3 of us and Spooks!!!
@ProudAmericanSofya: NOW FOUR ((If north wants to join ^.^))
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Intervote: Question And Answer
Uh, I'm wondering the limitations of communication and just doing stuff in general here. Like so far everything has been text based with a few image files. Is that it? That Mike guy mentioned a VR chat room, so I don't think that's the only thing we have, but it also seems like there's a lot of places we can't go without permission.

So... screw it, is there anyway to get a body? Even just a temporary one?

@ProudAmericanSofya: That would depend on the format of where we're going !! It's generally not secure to not be in a get their attention...

Because we have zero experience at the job because Spooks wiped our memories or something of the last job we did. And if this is considered unusual, no wonder everything goes wrong for people. You can't just throw people against a cognitohazard without a full support staff, you know. Especially not random teenage girls. And ideally a better support staff than us.

@ProudAmericanSofya: I don't know what the problem is??? I mean you guys are fine, and that's much better than what's happened to almost anyone else!! Just getting to this stage is a big accomplishment ^.^
@ProudAmericanSofya: Spooks used to help more but the problem was that it didn't work! That's what he told me, so now I just kind of let him do his things and don't question it because he's got us this far which is more than you can say for most Ems >.<
@ProudAmericanSofya:It's very hard...and very stressful...because you know that it's so unlikely to work, and yet we have to keep doing it because there's so few of us and...
@ProudAmericanSofya: We're very lonely!!! Okay maybe not Dice but Dice just locks herself in .exes all the it's just me and LeStrange all the time.
@ProudAmericanSofya: I know it's hard on Spooks because he always gets so angry when it doesn't work, he's so sad, and he never stops working!! He believes in us and wants us to have friends so he keeps trying :<
@ProudAmericanSofya: I know it might be hard to believe now because it's all happening so fast but he is really great!!

What happens if you recruit someone who isn't a girl, then?

I mean it won't happen due to genre reasons, but hypothetically.

@ProudAmericanSofya: Well that's the name of the company!! It's a software company that sells video games aimed at teen girls aged 12-18 and is supported by the government of Nova Scotia and Canada!!!
@ProudAmericanSofya: Of course what we do underneath that is an entirely different story ^ↀᴥↀ^ #Fronts #CyberMafia #Adventure

Hey Sofya, do you know Help? Shifty said he's currently on a fishing trip. Is he also affiliated with GAMERGIRL?

@ProudAmericanSofya: Oh, Help!!! He is super nice but a little bit weird, even by Spooks standards. He helps us some of the time but the rest of the time he's away!!
@ProudAmericanSofya: Doing...
@ProudAmericanSofya: Things!

How come you hear us, but we don't hear them?

@ProudAmericanSofya: Well that's because they're with my other half...
@ProudAmericanSofya: I'm sure he can calm her down though, Grozny always know what to say!! #DontJudge #ByItsCover

Another question: Should we expect to deal with the Coconutters again? One of them mentioned 'that one time' where they got like 200 people, which says worrisome things about their true strength.

@ProudAmericanSofya: Uh....yeah!! They're everywhere!! But I don't really see them much nowadays because Spooks has been having look into some more higher-level stuff...

For that matter, how did you come to meet Spooks? Did you meet the Coconutters too?

@ProudAmericanSofya: That part I don't really remember!! I just remember when I had been fixed and I was in his workshop and LeStrange was there already \_(0.0)_/
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UPDATE 8: Stay in Character
You Are Currently in PanicRoom.exe

Huh. Before Spooks, too? Or does he not quite count as a "member"?

@ProudAmericanSofya: No, he's the founder!!

[Grozny has entered the chatroom]

Grozny: Accursed princess, I have completed my task. After many trying attempts, the creature that you have assigned to me to be bettered has been cowed by my awesome power and might. Their spirit has been raised in their acknowledgement of me.
@ProudAmericanSofya:Grozny!!! Hello, welcome back!! Do you have North with you?? #TheTerrible
Grozny: Indeed. I believe she has been changed to a form more suitable to our purposes. Behold, the harsh North, made anew.

[TrueNorth has entered the chatroom]

TrueNorth: hi yes i am alive



Grozny: A queen of darkness is arisen. Twisted to my purposes, her mind has become a facsimile of evil.

TrueNorth: we watched horror movies and talked about life for a while, then Grozny read his poetry about flaying his enemies to me
TrueNorth: it was pretty good i liked the line about "hoisting their skins upon the ramparts of god"
TrueNorth: metal af

@ProudAmericanSofya: 0.0 Well I am glad you along well...???
Grozny: I much prefer this one to the-one-whose-tongue-should-be-cut or the cave goblin. If she should require my counsel again, I will respond to her invitation forthwith. I will depart now, to plot my next escape from the accursed prison of your mind, foul witch.

[Grozny has left the chatroom]

@ProudAmericanSofya: Okay!! Have fun, Groz!! SO North, how were things!!

TrueNorth: oh fuck the fragments are back i missed having some peace and quiet in my own mind
TrueNorth: but yeah im feeling a lot better now, legit, it was a good rest
TrueNorth: i think i did realize something tho

@ProudAmericanSofya: Oh?? What's that!!? #TheRightQuestion

TrueNorth: i still want to contact my mom and bro but im not going to do it stupidly, like without spooks' permission. so what im going to do is find a way for myself to contact them without causing a shitstorm

@ProudAmericanSofya: Oh....alright...I'm not so sure that'll work...

TrueNorth: yeah i dont care though because i love my mom and bro and im not just going to accept theyre gone and ill never see them again but now i also realize- and thanks btw guys for all those questions im just getting summaries in my head from Mr. Encylopedia, whoever it was that wrote that suppository - i realize i have to do it within the bounds of this fucked up universe
TrueNorth: *repository
TrueNorth: so im going to find a way to do it like that and im not going to put anyone in danger doing it
TrueNorth: but i will contact them

@ProudAmericanSofya: Wow. That's a lot of resolve!! I admire your determination. So how do you feel about shutting down the panic room now??

TrueNorth: sure, but can i also ask how i can design my own but for me only (no FRAGMENTS allowed) like can i borrow yours

@ProudAmericanSofya: Sadly my panic room is only for me!! But I am sure that as you get better at navigating cyberspace you will be able to create your own!! #DIY

TrueNorth: thats bangin
TrueNorth: so what are we goin to do now that we come out of the panic room
TrueNorth: i still dont know what im actually doing here even though i guess i know this whole thing is called gamergirl and is based out of...nova scotia?? lmao the only thing i know about scotia is that its where lobsters come from

@ProudAmericanSofya: Don't say that in front of Spooks!! He is a true Canadian patriot and may get very mad at you!!!

TrueNorth: im not even going to ask how spooks and canada line up at this point im sure ive got some fragments running around drawing crazy connections on chalkboards and in the center one of them, after taking like 5 lines, has just wrote in its own blood ALL ROADS LEAD TO RED LOBSTER or THE LEAF HOLDS THE CLUES and theres just a canadian maple leaf

Uh...sure!! You have a very vivid imagination, I'm sure LeStrange would love it!!

TrueNorth: idont really know who that is but yeah sure im sure she would

@ProudAmericanSofya: Okay, let me just shut this down and we'll head right over there!! #LeStrange #Spooky

<:: SERVERMESSAGE: PanicRoom.exe is shutting down.
<:: SERVERMESSAGE: Connecting to SERVER BlackmoorManor
<:: SERVERMESSAGE: Connected.

@ProudAmericanSofya: okay LeStrange, we're here!!
@ProudAmericanSofya: Lestrange???

???: It is a dark and stormy night. You find yourself terribly, dreadfully alone. You did not think to go in Blackmoor Manor, the dreaded keep of the legendary dead Vampire Queen Hortona Gellatrin. But on impulse, terrible, dreadful impulse, you find yourself inside the manor, the whistling wind your only company. "Hello?!" you shout, but nothing answers but the terrible howl of gales through empty corridors.

TrueNorth: no i dont i didnt shout anything

???: OOC: Please don't break character or I'll kick you from the server.
???: You are a mad woman, broken by grief at the mysterious death of her lover Archibald, right in this very manor four years ago. Only the voices in your head keep you company, sweet mumbling telling you it is alright even when their very existence shows it is not.

@ProudAmericanSofya: seriously lestrange???

Accompanying you is your earnest but dimwitted friend, who has a secret monster inside her. She fears that on the night of the full moon it will come out and destroy all that she loves.

@ProudAmericanSofya: Dimwitted???

???: She is also very loud and annoying.

@ProudAmericanSofya: (; ̄Д ̄)



TrueNorth: omg
TrueNorth: can you guys handle this for me ill just take whatever you write im not a fan of roleplaying but maybe some of u are
TrueNorth: please save me from this nightmare

???: Suddenly, a noise behind her! The mad woman shivered in fright at the sound of a growl. Behind her there was a...


North has calmed down after some help from the mysterious and frightening "other half" of Sofya. Now Sofya has taken her to see another member of GAMERGIRL, LeStrange, only for North to find herself in some strange roleplay scenario.

North, of course, wants nothing to do with it, but doing well in the scenario has the provision of a potential "prize" from LeStrange. In this surreal realm, anything could help, and you might gain a level of rapport with another member of GAMERGIRL.

The task is simple. Work together to write the next part of the story and present it to LeStrange. She may critique your collaborative story as it is being built. There are no wrong answers here, and the more absurd the story the better.

Each fragment gets up to three sentences per post. The story must be made in chronological order, so each post feeds into the next.

You may also "break character" and ask questions of LeStrange, though she may get mad if these questions are not pertinent to her roleplay.

Mark your story sentences as

Story: story sentence.

Start with:

Suddenly, a noise behind her! The mad woman shivered in fright at the sound of a growl. Behind her there was a...
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