GAME ON [The Gamer/Negima]

She was definitely best girl in the manga, even after being infected with crazy she clinged to at least some of her sanity throughout the series.
I'm contractually obligated to disagree and say that Evangeline is best girl.

[x] Hint J: Check your Journal regularly to keep track of your quest details. Some quests have time limits or other conditions for failure, as well as penalties for failing. While you should avoid quests you're unable to complete, be sure to keep the potential gains in mind when deciding which quests to accept. You can turn off quest autoaccept in the options menu.

[x] Hint M: You can make annotations in the Map! Use annotations to mark points of interest on the map, or to label map extensions from real maps that might not be accurate until you go there yourself!
[x] Hint J: Check your Journal regularly to keep track of your quest details. Some quests have time limits or other conditions for failure, as well as penalties for failing. While you should avoid quests you're unable to complete, be sure to keep the potential gains in mind when deciding which quests to accept. You can turn off quest autoaccept in the options menu.

[x] Hint M: You can make annotations in the Map! Use annotations to mark points of interest on the map, or to label map extensions from real maps that might not be accurate until you go there yourself!
Well, it wouldn't be a Negima thread without a best girl/shipping war...
Is there a hint archive feature on the Journal?
The hints attached to quests are archived along with them, but no more.
Oh - I have a few things to ask. Is it possible to open up a minimap in one corner of the vision? It's an option in some games, and that can be useful.
Also, are there any skills related to map use?
No minimap, something even our Chiu will complain about. No skills related that I can think of, unless anybody can think of something the scouts teach or something...
The important thing with Quest J is to avoid getting failure penalties. Rewards tend to be obvious, but one common risk is simply taking more quests than you can finish, then racking up the penalties. Checking the Journal regularly also prevents her being surprised by evolving quests.

With Quest M, I don't actually remember what you can do with the map function, but annotations is not obvious, while the map data being filled out by going to places is. I don't suppose it can track creatures or people?
Rewards and penalties are always explicited in the quest prompt. No quest "evolves". If you finish the first part of a questline, you automatically recieve a next quest. Some of these can't be refused.
No tracking of people. The map is just a map, interactive and hyper detailed yes, but just a map.
Edited a bit to offer a more balanced view on quests. On maps - if there *is* a function like that, then we totally want to tell her about it, but if there isn't, we *really* don't want to tell her untrue things.
Chisame does get a tiny amount of XP for each completely mapped squarw kilometer.
[x] Hint J: Not all quests are free to try. Some have time limits. Others have Failure Penalties...
[x] Hint M: The Map only displays places you have been to. Actual maps can help you correct this, but they're never 100% accurate until you've visited the place yourself.

The best girl wars will only accept Nodoka as the champion!
Bitch, please, Chisame (then Eva, and then Nodoka).
[x] Hint J: Check your Journal regularly to keep track of your quest details. Some quests have time limits or other conditions for failure, as well as penalties for failing (often the quests with the best rewards). Don't be too afraid to take any risks, but try not to accept quests with penalties that you are likely to fail. You can turn off quest autoaccept in the options menu.

[x] Hint M: You can make annotations in the Map! Use annotations to mark points of interest on the map, or to label map extensions from real maps that might not be accurate until you go there yourself!
[x] Hint J: Check your Journal regularly to keep track of your quest details. Some quests have time limits or other conditions for failure, as well as penalties for failing. While you should avoid quests you're unable to complete, be sure to keep the potential gains in mind when deciding which quests to accept. You can turn off quest autoaccept in the options menu.

[x] Hint M: You can make annotations in the Map! Use annotations to mark points of interest on the map, or to label map extensions from real maps that might not be accurate until you go there yourself!
[x] Hint J: Check your Journal regularly to keep track of your quest details. Some quests have time limits or other conditions for failure, as well as penalties for failing (often the quests with the best rewards). Don't be too afraid to take any risks, but try not to accept quests with penalties that you are likely to fail. You can turn off quest autoaccept in the options menu.

[x] Hint M: You can make annotations in the Map! Use annotations to mark points of interest on the map, or to label map extensions from real maps that might not be accurate until you go there yourself!

For me, the best are, in order: Nodoka, Chisame, Chachamaru, Yue, and a tie between Setsuna and Kaede.
In all honesty I stopped shipping anyone in Negima at the end of the Festival Arc.

But until then I was one of the few shippers of NegiXSetsuna.
I personally found the epilogue of the series hilarious and a fitting response to shippers.

"What, get romantically involved with someone? It's been five years but I'm only like 17 years old, guys, I think that's still too young to date when I've got my education to worry about and all these projects underway."
I personally found the epilogue of the series hilarious and a fitting response to shippers.

"What, get romantically involved with someone? It's been five years but I'm only like 17 years old, guys, I think that's still too young to date when I've got my education to worry about and all these projects underway."
Sorry girls, saving two worlds here.
The flip side of outliving everyone you love is not having to worry so much about wrinkles.

*Nodoka checks mirror frantically*: "Damnit, Negi, WHEN WILL YOU BE READY! My biological clock is TICKING LIKE A FREAKING BOMB!"
*Chachamaru smirks*: "I think I'll switch my chassis to a model with slightly younger and perkier boobs tomorrow. Just to mess with her."