Precision Tools (MtG New Phyrexia) (200): The exarchs, elite of the Core Augur's creations, managed to create a thought field specifically attuned to the Mirran resistance's minds, disabling their will. While you might not be as versed in the neuroscience involved(yet), you have found a way to attune your creations to a certain group of "targets"- ensuring they will not damage your own allies. This also lets you make your own creations useless against you, ensuring they won ́t be used to fight you... not for long, anyways.
I really like this. It means that the more widespread his creations are the less still will hurt him. He won't have to worry about someone stealing something and killing him with it. Or his loved ones.
"Collaboration's out too, ever since - it was before your time, but one year a whole class of Support students built themselves an honest-to-goodness tank. Believe you me, that did not go down well."
Not doing stuff to stop others from feeling inferior and sticking to something only you can do is some of the most garbage advice I have ever heard. You really want to weaken yourself and restrict your gear when you will be fighting life and death combat with villains so that some random strangers who you barely know dont get jealous?
The reason you are running into so many perks with missing pieces is because you are using the incomplete forge, v2 is not done yet. We are fixing out kinks like that category by category.
You have the means of ending hunger...
And other madness of the Earth...
I approve of this slow but assured growth of our Cinnamon Roll.
He shall be a Tinker of the Ages...
The Grand Artificer...
The Wonder-Maker...
The Miracle Builder...
I await the day when he'll just be truly ridiculously OP with the rolls.
It actually feels like his new tools will be laid out his warehouse like the Sword in the Stone. I'm excited though as Izuku's finally going inside his warehouse.
Not doing stuff to stop others from feeling inferior and sticking to something only you can do is some of the most garbage advice I have ever heard. You really want to weaken yourself and restrict your gear when you will be fighting life and death combat with villains so that some random strangers who you barely know dont get jealous?
When phrased like that then, yeah, it's god awful advice, but Izuku can make it work. The boy has a vastly different ceiling of ability then everyone else. His peers can be allowed support equipment whereas he can focus on space ship design, colonization, decipher new branches of physics( magic, alchemy or other), esoteric paintings and/ or other stuff. Izuku may eventually win over some of his classmates with the sheer wonder he can produce.
When phrased like that then, yeah, it's god awful advice, but Izuku can make it work. The boy has a vastly different ceiling of ability then everyone else. His peers can be allowed support equipment whereas he can focus on space ship design, colonization, decipher new branches of physics( magic, alchemy or other), esoteric paintings and/ or other stuff. Izuku may eventually win over some of his classmates with the sheer wonder he can produce.
The problem is once you out scale stuff that much being something only you can do is still so vastly superior that they will still get jealous anyway, so why bother.
The problem is once you out scale stuff that much being something only you can do is still so vastly superior that they will still get jealous anyway, so why bother.
Not doing stuff to stop others from feeling inferior and sticking to something only you can do is some of the most garbage advice I have ever heard. You really want to weaken yourself and restrict your gear when you will be fighting life and death combat with villains so that some random strangers who you barely know dont get jealous?
If Izuku wants to be a Hero, one that is a Symbol of Peace like All Might who he idolizes, to live up to his school's motto of To infinity, and beyond- I MEAN "PLUS ULTRA", then building a foundation of intentionally crippling himself is not the way to go.
Sure, the initial advice may have been meant as "Instead of showing up others, find a skill that no one complains about being objectively beaten at", but when literally every crafting style begins to be improved at his hands and his bare minimum is a legendary & functional work of art, all he could do is avoid certain tools/gadgets and ask for "help" with them so he can avoid one-upping someone at their specialty that they actually trained for.
All Might doesn't hold himself back so the Silver Medal Hero: Eugenics can hit the #1 Pro Hero spot for a while. He's too busy saving lives to actually be concerned that the guy is actually livid with jealousy over what All Might vaguely notices as a side-effect of his actually wanting to help society.
Basically: Screw the haters, acquire Power Armor, be The Hero. These are the words of wisdom Izuku needs. Or better yet, "If people are upset about you helping save lives, their opinions don't matter."
"Ah, it doesn't work like that, I haven't lost it because I know exactly where it is at home."
"Hmm. Mr. Aizawa, the 1-A homeroom teacher, also has a lockpicking class for second-years. If you make a booking with him, he might be able to identify it and has a room full of locks you could test it out on."
This is the single cruelest tease in that Izuku is probably never going to follow through with, or Mister LoGiCaL RuUuUuSe will be too lazy to help (or just toss him a standalone lock that has vaguely similar tumblers).
Inui didn't even ask if Izuku tried it on literally anything at all ever, on top of Izuku keeping it at home for some reason (with it not staying on his person on the basis of "Well, he knows where it is, right?", which could at least set up a potential use as an alarm if it reappears on him after someone moves it from wherever he last knew it was).
The story is certainly improving (partially by Izuku starting to build momentum), but the level of dancing around certain simple things (Key + Literally Any Lock = Foundational Feature Of Power) has gained several waltzes by this point. Like the longer it has gone on, the more anticlimactic and personally devastating it will be for the character, let alone the readers.
A/N: Yup, it's another roll that Izuku lacks a suitable power source for. I'm starting to see why the original Forge had the freebie rule, but I won't be changing my approach for now.
It would be mildly rewarding if the Warehouse contains the (often vitally important, depending on setting) freebies, or at least the most standard means to access power sources from unlocked Perks that require them. Izuku's already got one magic system he can't use, if he rolls another and doesn't get the accompanying MP Bar to channel it again it would be disheartening for everyone involved.
The timeline is a tad extremely fast-paced, particularly the fact that the school holds what is considered in-universe as a substitute for the Olympics before the students have even had, what, a full month's worth of classes?
Izuku either needs a slower-paced chapter release to cover more school days/outside activities or a larger word count to prepare for literally everything that starts to snowball as rapidly as events do. It would be reasonable to assume they just skip over a lot of classes, but apparently things really are that ridiculously high-paced until certain Volume-long Arcs stretch out entire days.
But joining his classmates in an out-of-the-classroom bonding experience at the mall was GREAT, he just needs... More. More of that, more Tinkering in the classes with his peers, more interactions to build characterizations/personal bonds as well as gadgets, more words for more rolls with more points to afford some of them as a side-effect of him doing more, making more, and learning more (including how to put what he's made to use).
Okay I'm just going to point this out now. The warehouse key? It has turned to cancer for your fic. Every time it is brought up in story it ruins the scene it is a part of. I also am no longer looking forward to the reveal since it will be such a depressing I can't do anything right moment as to ruin the chapter. If that doesn't happen then it will be so sod breaking as to not be canon anymore. It would be izuku in name only.
The key thing could have worked if you didn't give deku the free warehouse perk
he got just a key that opens nothing, then the first "warehouse" perk would unlock stuff
maybe "start" the forge roll on the sludge villain fight
but its a good story
Okay I'm just going to point this out now. The warehouse key? It has turned to cancer for your fic. Every time it is brought up in story it ruins the scene it is a part of. I also am no longer looking forward to the reveal since it will be such a depressing I can't do anything right moment as to ruin the chapter. If that doesn't happen then it will be so sod breaking as to not be canon anymore. It would be izuku in name only.
I'm halfway convinced that this is secretly the primary goal of the story. Let Izuku bumble his way through the plot, then, after he's done all the things and sacrificed all the things, let him finally try the key on an actual door. Watch him fall apart with the realization that he never needed to sacrifice anything if he'd only ever actually bothered to test the thing his power gave him at the start. Fade to black.
I would keep or even slow down the current pace of power acquisition. If his power growth starts really taking off I feel like there wont be enough time for plot and character development, your story will start reading like a tech montage.
Eh, one of the problems this fic has is that the perks Izuku has gotten aren't very interesting. The only ones he can use are ones that make him better at crafting, not make neat goodies.
I am curious how he is going to get Aether, there is no perk that gives the ability to use it in the doc that I could find via the search.
Okay I'm just going to point this out now. The warehouse key? It has turned to cancer for your fic. Every time it is brought up in story it ruins the scene it is a part of. I also am no longer looking forward to the reveal since it will be such a depressing I can't do anything right moment as to ruin the chapter. If that doesn't happen then it will be so sod breaking as to not be canon anymore. It would be izuku in name only.
Seriously, the key thing is fucking stupid and goes against izukus character. Seriously, why give it to him if he wouldn't use it for a fucking decade. It's a bad choice ruining a decent story. God that is annoying.
How many of you guys would honesty try and fit a random ass key into a lock.... Espically a key that look weird, and doesn't by observation look like it will fit into the lock?
Unless someone else calls him out on it, or he gains some random ass insight, its not going to work.
And frankly i can't blame him.
There is no metagaming or a hypercompitient protoganist.
He's a teenager in the MHA world.
Lets just see where the author goes with it.
The writer has done a good job so far.
The salt I had when this missed. Oh god the salt. Would he get the necessary capabilities to actually use the ship or would it be just another pile of dead weight for him?
How many of you guys would honesty try and fit a random ass key into a lock.... Espically a key that look weird, and doesn't by observation look like it will fit into the lock?
Unless someone else calls him out on it, or he gains some random ass insight, its not going to work.
And frankly i can't blame him.
There is no metagaming or a hypercompitient protoganist.
He's a teenager in the MHA world.
Lets just see where the author goes with it.
The writer has done a good job so far.
I have a few spare locks that I would try the key on just to see if it turned out to be a skeleton key. Thing is, not including the amount of meta-knowledge about random keys and jumpchains, none of those are attached to a door, so your point still stands.
Edit and opinion on how perks are being given out:
The issue with not giving any freebies means that it should probably require certain perks to be unlocked before giving him others, calling for a reroll. Giving him the CAD spells without having any way to get or make a CAD just seems like a huge block. Sure there is hardly anything that can stand up to a large portion of the CF, but that should not mean for it to be locked behind arbitrarily removing the freebies necessary to use the perks.
How many of you guys would honesty try and fit a random ass key into a lock.... Espically a key that look weird, and doesn't by observation look like it will fit into the lock?
He got it at the age of 4, sooooo... Basically every toddler? It's pretty much why childproofing is its own industry, by all rights he should've had to have been warned away from trying to fit it in an electrical outlet.
Add in that literal superpowers are a thing there and his manifested as a mysterious key that he was physically incapable of losing, Occam's Razor easily hits as "Wow! I can call my Quirk 'Skeleton Key' if it opens any lock! I- ...probably can't think of any way to use this for Heroism and a bunch of ways for Villainy. Aww man... At least I don't have to worry about locking myself out of the house."
It's not metagaming or hyper-anything, it's not even competence. Ignoring it as completely as he did (an entire decade) is willful obliviousness, an outright refusal to engage in the most likely action at his age (over-enthusiastic exploration/experimentation). He didn't even think, "Hey, Mom can pull small things towards her, this key is a small thing! Maybe I can make small things appear in my pockets!" and proceed to try teleporting various items onto his person like he was a Kender. Pinning the entire focus and importance on the Key as his Quirk and then adamantly refusing to do anything with it is a narrative waste, establishes poor characterization for someone whose power excells with creativity, and ultimately would have changed nothing if it happened at the appearance of the Slime Villain or even the Giant purse-snatcher instead. Add in his power's growth is directly linked to action, interaction, and generally being shown as active or at minimum thoughtful, skipping large swaths of time means he's doing nothing worth viewing or discussing during these periods, making him seem lethargic, dull, and uninterested in the world around him, which is at odds with having journals dedicated to analyzing aspects of Pro-Heroes, their Quirks, and their deeds.
How many of you guys would honesty try and fit a random ass key into a lock.... Espically a key that look weird, and doesn't by observation look like it will fit into the lock?
Unless someone else calls him out on it, or he gains some random ass insight, its not going to work.
And frankly i can't blame him.
There is no metagaming or a hypercompitient protoganist.
He's a teenager in the MHA world.
Lets just see where the author goes with it.
The writer has done a good job so far.
How many of you guys would honesty try and fit a random ass key into a lock.... Espically a key that look weird, and doesn't by observation look like it will fit into the lock?
Unless someone else calls him out on it, or he gains some random ass insight, its not going to work.
And frankly i can't blame him.
There is no metagaming or a hypercompitient protoganist.
He's a teenager in the MHA world.
Lets just see where the author goes with it.
The writer has done a good job so far.
He got it at the age of 4, sooooo... Basically every toddler? It's pretty much why childproofing is its own industry, by all rights he should've had to have been warned away from trying to fit it in an electrical outlet.
Add in that literal superpowers are a thing there and his manifested as a mysterious key that he was physically incapable of losing, Occam's Razor easily hits as "Wow! I can call my Quirk 'Skeleton Key' if it opens any lock! I- ...probably can't think of any way to use this for Heroism and a bunch of ways for Villainy. Aww man... At least I don't have to worry about locking myself out of the house."
It's not metagaming or hyper-anything, it's not even competence. Ignoring it as completely as he did (an entire decade) is willful obliviousness, an outright refusal to engage in the most likely action at his age (over-enthusiastic exploration/experimentation). He didn't even think, "Hey, Mom can pull small things towards her, this key is a small thing! Maybe I can make small things appear in my pockets!" and proceed to try teleporting various items onto his person like he was a Kender. Pinning the entire focus and importance on the Key as his Quirk and then adamantly refusing to do anything with it is a narrative waste, establishes poor characterization for someone whose power excells with creativity, and ultimately would have changed nothing if it happened at the appearance of the Slime Villain or even the Giant purse-snatcher instead. Add in his power's growth is directly linked to action, interaction, and generally being shown as active or at minimum thoughtful, skipping large swaths of time means he's doing nothing worth viewing or discussing during these periods, making him seem lethargic, dull, and uninterested in the world around him, which is at odds with having journals dedicated to analyzing aspects of Pro-Heroes, their Quirks, and their deeds.
Even if izuku is the one in a trillion kid that doesn't try out a key in locks simply out of curiosity, he still showed it off in school and claimed it was a quirk. There absolutely will be a dozen kids there who would egg him on to try out the key on random locks. Give that the only locks they would have access too are doors since this is a school then viola! Warehouse found. It breaks the story to not find the warehouse within 24 hours of acquisition of the key. Even then that is assuming the person is restrained or otherwise impaired otherwise that expectation becomes figuring it out in minutes. This is such common sense that it breaks immersion to have this not happen. Only possible excuse for why thos doesn't happen is that they get hit with emergencies and forget about it until they find it again after the emergency.
Heck the teachers would tell him to try it out! Remember they are trying to document quirks as part of their job!