Forged Symbol (MHA Celestial Forge alt-Quirk)

Does the flashCAD have the capacity to store multiple spells? Because multiple specialized ones are fine for selling but it might get cumbersome if you want to have versatility.
A spell which prevents combustion in an area sounds quite nifty, yeah. Although by the sound of it you need to point the flashlight at the target area first, rather than being some sort of spherical area-of-effect centered around the user for X metres? Just trying to work out how an anti-gun flashlight would be helpful for people using anything beyond pistols and other short-med range firearms.
His tech works better when it doesn't look like what it does. A tool that that turns out lights (and combustion in general) would work a lot better since it is in the shape of a flashlight. Presumably he could have used a car clicker, a big box with a button, or a lightswitch.
Can Endeavor still use his fire Quirk?
That was actually the first thing I thought, yhe chapter opened talking about how Endeavour was getting in hot water. I think it can as a conceptual effect, which makes this a perfect counter to Endeavour. Seems like a giant chekhov's gun but I don't see how it could happen without Endeavour being arrested. Izuku's tech doesn't work for anyone but heroes and he could restrict it to only working on villains and their equipment.
The sequence in question was for Freeze Flame, a spell which suppressed all combustion in a wide area, chosen because the effect would be safe, unambiguously due to the spell, and didn't need the caster to provide parameters unless they wanted to specify targets to exclude.

If looking for a safe spell to test, I wouldn't have gone with "suppressing the concept of combustion", because that's the same concept that I use to breathe. Magic can be arbitrary, of course, so this is not necessarily true. But since the device in question demonstrably suppresses firearms, it may well have had other nasty effects. In particular, I'd expect that effect to suppress internal combustion engines; an inconvenient property for a device intended to be widely-distributed.
talking about how Endeavour was getting in hot water. I think it can as a conceptual effect, which makes this a perfect counter to Endeavour.
Yeah, Endeavour is in a lot of trouble, but the actual threat is Todoroki. If he does some kind of tabloid tell-all about his family's affairs while talking with his family's lawyers then that's it for Endeavour. 1st place? No, Endeavour should be lucky if he doesn't get a visit from Stain, and that's the rub isn't it.

Todoroki can't speak the truth as there are larger stakes at hand. It must eat away at the young man.
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If looking for a safe spell to test, I wouldn't have gone with "suppressing the concept of combustion", because that's the same concept that I use to breathe. Magic can be arbitrary, of course, so this is not necessarily true. But since the device in question demonstrably suppresses firearms, it may well have had other nasty effects. In particular, I'd expect that effect to suppress internal combustion engines; an inconvenient property for a device intended to be widely-distributed.
Izuku is making them and he can make a knife that cuts only villains.

Though, a better form for the anti-fire enchanted item might be a lantern. Things he makes are more effective the worse they are at their obvious job. So making a lantern that puts out every fire around it would probably be pretty great.

Incidentally, it might be a good idea to set up some defenses against things like teleportation and instant die effects like that hand dude dissolving your face.
Izuku is making them and he can make a knife that cuts only villains.
That could well mean that his device is secretly a deadly weapon, which quickly causes all villains in its radius to suffocate, and only the fiat protections implies by Izuku's power prevented it from hurting him and the roomful of observers. Without biological testing, there's no way to be sure (recall that the UA was more cautious about exposure to the Warehouse than with exposure to an unknown magical effect).

Granted, in this case, it probably doesn't (a quick check of the relevant wiki indicates that its effect is subject to a temperature threshold, explaining why it doesn't do this in the relevant source material). I'm mostly just saying that modifying the functioning of a vital concept of reality doesn't seem like a safe first test of an unknown magic system that it's not clear you have working correctly. Something harmless like Voice Transmission (the equivalent of the Message cantrip from D&D) would've probably been a wiser first choice.
I think there's your problem right there. The quirk defines this as magic, and Izuku has no other vocabulary to describe this other than magic. It's no wonder they don't take as much precautions when magic doesn't sound that dangerous to an unknown, empty dimensional space with only one exit( but that exit can be any door anywhere.).
Like my 29th invention, the adorable sneaky stealth rockets I made because the early warning center kept sending someone to tell me off whenever they detected my rocketry experiments in middle school. They found out about them even though they stopped showing up on their radar because the neighbors complained
I love how noone is bothered that Mei has undetectable (electronically) independent launch capacity working with someone who could build fusion warheads small enough to to fit on the rockets and get them efficient enough to become ICBMs.

EDIT: Given that the Japanese government knows the Mei can do it, and knows that Izuku has anti-material nano-tech that can quickly eat entire cars; I'd almost be surprised if Nedzu doesn't have to report on what those two are working to upper echelons of the Japanese government since the two of them together could start international wars even without the resources of UA to pull from.
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One huge safety issue to watch out with combustion suppression: gas stoves and gas fireplaces will go out, but keep pumping out flammable gas.
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So, I dislike Endeavor as much as the next guy even though his redemption arc was fairly well done.
But getting dunked on an industrial level by a UA First Year is a little bit much.

Nevermind that Izuku has the perfect present for Shoto - packing enough joy for the next 30 years.
Easy solution for all the collateral damage from combustion suppression issues, since this is probably a century and a half from modern time developed nations could have moved away from fossil fuels and natural gases for most things since electric alternatives have probably been developed much further... especially since there was a small quirk related dark age that probably heavily screwed petroleum trade and infrastructure.

If looking for a safe spell to test, I wouldn't have gone with "suppressing the concept of combustion", because that's the same concept that I use to breathe. Magic can be arbitrary, of course, so this is not necessarily true. But since the device in question demonstrably suppresses firearms, it may well have had other nasty effects. In particular, I'd expect that effect to suppress internal combustion engines; an inconvenient property for a device intended to be widely-distributed.
This was also my first thought, expecially since I recalled an existing mention of a gadget like that in fiction - one of SCP-914 products.

Well, actually it's apparently a denied entry for the Russian version of the SPC wiki, but here's my translation of it anyway:
Input: One gas fire extinguisher
Setting: Very Fine
Output: A red-colored device resembling a pocket flashlight. On the side of the device a yellow round button is placed, with a black rhombus in the middle of it. Next to it is an arrow pointing towards the end with the glass, and several warnings in different languages. The English warning says: "Attention: stops all forms of combustion. Do not use in the vicinity of people. Solid angle of 20 degrees, range of 30 meters." Experiments confirmed that when activated the device stops all forms of fire. The device was used on a D-class armed with a pistol. The gunpowder didn't ignite, but the D-class expired.

Note: Gentlemen, do read the fine print. "All forms of combustion" includes both adenosine triphosphate and gas exchange in tissue. - Dr. ██████
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"- I must insist you put that device into immediate production, the benefits it offers to underground Heroes is immense. But I do echo my colleague's point that you should devise a better name for it."
ETA until the first heroes accidentally kill people with the device? An omni-directional effect that does not distinguish between guns, stoves, combustion engines etc seems like a disaster waiting to happen. It's basically an incomplete emergency shut down device for a large number of devices including air planes, rockets, jet packs, cars… (though luckily not people)
One I think the magic nature of the device probably makes it safe, I do remember this very affect coming up in one of Larry Nivens short stories the fire stop device that had to be suppressed by by the a RM because it would've made it impossible to tell the cause of death.
My bad, I didn't read the perk text thoroughly enough for that one. I'll edit that shortly.
I'm not sure that's the most natural interpretation. To me it seems like "…function just as well with the size taken into consideration" makes more sense if read as functioning just as well in relative terms. Most devices that produce any physical output to an expected precision (like manufacturing ball bearings smooth to one part in ten thousand or whatever) are built in such a fashion as to produce that output with a given ratio to the size of relevant components. There are also cases where precision is determined by e.g. the wavelength of visible light, though, so results might vary.

I think what the perk is intended to do is simply ensure that things don't work less efficiently or fail entirely due to the consequences of objective physical size differences, like microscopic electronic components that in reality ought to lose power due to quantum tunneling if their dimensions were cut in half, or engines that ought to overheat if scaled up due to the square-cube law. Or things that have components built to match the specific wavelengths of light or sound that they're supposed to interact with. That's actually ubiquitous with many sorts of devices (e.g. any musical instrument), and those would require some serious reality-warping to work as intended without any redesign when built to a different scale.
My son...
Forbidden Tech must be studied in secret.
For the good of the world after all.
Progress was not made by being safe.
So take a risk...
What's the harm?
I'm sure things won't go wrong.
List of OCs
A/N: It's a shame to break my streak, but I'm not really happy with how I wrote Nedzu in the previous chapter so I'm going to make some revisions there, and also address the broader definition of combustion than I was aware of. I'm aiming to get back to my usual posting habits by the end of the week, though. In the meantime, here's another informational post to help me keep track of the various OCs.

From Sexy Evil Tailor (Dungeon Keeper Ami). Peron is a Dark Elf, a hairless humanoid with long pointed ears and pale skin. I used the D&D example names for elves to come up with his name. He is an expert at creating outfits that make the wearer look impressive, sexy, and evil. Originally these were all very revealing, but he has adapted his collection for Japanese sensibilities so they don't show as much skin but are still highly suggestive.

He switches fluidly between different levels of formality even between sentences, for example treating Izuku as a child, an apprentice, and as the owner of his shop. I imagine that this reflects different levels of formality in the Dark Elf language, and the strict multi-layered hierarchy of their society.

While Peron is evil, he is already thriving in Japan with no need for any cutthroat business practices beyond fleecing his customers. Additionally, he's aware of how much of a do-gooder his owner is, so any evil deeds he does get up to will have to be well-hidden.
From Personal Assistant (Portal). Caroline is a middle-aged woman with long brown hair. She is friendly, professional, and extremely competent and loyal. She also displays some moral flexibility about how she goes about her job, and is enthusiastic about human testing. While she doesn't know enough to replicate the scientific breakthroughs of Aperture, she is the ideal person to have managing any such effort. She addresses Mr. Midoriya formally, as she would any other employer.

Until recently she was employed by Aperture Science Innovators at the end of the 1960s, when Izuku's Quirk pulled her in during a discussion with Cave Johnson about hiring alternate versions of herself out to other dimensions to resolve Aperture's looming bankruptcy. She assumes that she is one of those alternate versions.
Izuku's middle school chemistry teacher, Mr. Kou is bald and bearded. His name uses the kanji 皓 meaning white or clear, as I originally imagined him as a Walter White expy.

With his Quirk: Glassfinger, he can suck up or deposit precise quantities of liquid with each of his glass fingers shaped like pipettes and test tubes. He got fired from a research lab for using his Quirk instead of following the safety precautions for unknown chemicals, and is still bitter about it.

He claims credit for Izuku's entrance into U.A. after having a single conversation with him, and is disliked by the other teachers because of his conceitedness. However, he is an enthusiastic educator.
A nameless canon character and a fellow childhood friend of Izuku and Katsuki, Yubito became a hanger-on of the latter until the end of middle school, when he reconciled with Izuku. Yubito has long straight hair with a center parting, dyed blond. His name uses the kanji 指 for finger or digit, and because of his Quirk: Triple Digits, his fingers have three times as many joints and are correspondingly longer.
A fellow 1-F student, Yasakani has black hair in a bowl cut, and wears a mirrored wraparound visor to hide her eyes. These eyes are responsible for her Quirk: Electrovision, she can see electric fields. She claims to be a living lie detector by watching people's nervous systems but she isn't completely accurate, it just gives her another set of tells to look out for.

Her abrasive speech and counterculture fashion are partly because she wants to put off intolerant people, and if people are going to dislike her anyway it might as well be for a reason she chose.

Her name references one of the treasures of Japanese myth, to parallel the obvious pseudonym of "Kusanagi Motoko" used by the Major in Ghost in the Shell.
Another 1-F student, Haze means mist in English and Kasumi (霞) means mist in Japanese. Because of her Quirk: Mist Body, her body is made entirely of a white mist. She can shrink down to become denser and stronger, or expand out to float. However, she diffuses constantly and must be careful not to lose too much substance, relying on an airtight suit that leaves only her face uncovered for daily life and an inhaler for emergencies. This also limits her choice of outfits to clothes that look good no matter her size.

She is prone to extended gasps or exclamations, with corresponding changes to her size, and her size also affects the pitch of her voice. She wants to use her ability to get into costume design by being able to match the figure of any customer and check the fit on herself.

She sets off most fire alarms when she gets too excited, consumes molecular gastronomy vapour meals from Lunch Rush or Izuku to build up her substance, and admires Velvet and Iron.
Another 1-F student, Yokote means "beside a hand" and Sode (袖) refers to a sleeve but is also used in the word for a bribe. He is conventionally attractive, with perfectly symmetrical features and center-parted hair to match his Quirk: Presto, which creates a temporary mirrored duplicate in his right hand of anything he holds in his left that lasts as long as both hands are in contact with their respective objects. The more mass he duplicates, the more his right hand becomes like his left, causing him to become weaker and less coordinated temporarily.

His parents are stage magicians but he wants to use his Quirk for more than magic tricks. Yokote doesn't care about being caught in a lie, and likes to show off his manual strength and dexterity, along with any skills he's practiced enough to make them look effortless. He favors fashionable streetwear.
Another 1-F student, because of his Quirk: Redwood, Akagi is a tall and broad mutation type with soft fibrous red bark instead of skin and branches for hair. He can put down roots to sense through the ground nearby, grow his hair faster, and stay fixed in place. Akagi (赤木) means "red tree" and Taiki (大樹) means "big tree". He tends to wear cheap clothes, because his bark wears through them quickly.

Akagi is into grafting, and looks for unusual specimens to add to his hair. He is good at judo but gave it up because his physique gave him too much of an advantage and he didn't like the effects that had on the people around him. He tends to list things out, and clicks his fingers whenever he has an idea.
Another 1-F student and also the class vice-president, Kokonoe (九重) means "ninefold" and Hifumi (一二三) means "one, two, three". She wears her brown hair in a complicated arrangement that uses a dozen clips, and usually has a cold expression. With her Quirk: Ninefold, after performing the same motions three times in a row she repeats them nine more times in an instant. However, this causes her to suffer from repetitive strain injury with overuse.

She dislikes inefficiency and wasting time. She also has a bad relationship with her mother, who takes a transactional view of childrearing and expects her to enter a Quirk marriage.
Another 1-F student and also the class president, Toya (斗矢) uses the kanji for constellation and arrow, while Hokuto (北斗) refers to the Big Dipper. He is tall and wears his long hair up in a bun. His eyebrows are thick, angular, and look kind of like the Big Dipper if you squint. His rough appearance contrasts with his preppy fashion sense.

His Quirk: Starlight Arrow, can fire glowing arrows of light from his inner wrist. On impact, each arrow creates a shining rope connecting it to the previous one to land. Each arrow he fires dims his vision, but the arrows and ropes remain just as bright and visible so he can still use them to navigate.

Toys fought for justice against bullies in middle school and wanted to be a Hero, but hurt a bystander with his Quirk in a fight. He swore off violence and now wants to learn to evacuate people from wrecked buildings, having learned that structural damage is the main cause of civilian casualties in earthquakes and Villain fights. His conversational style is very connect-the-dots, each sentence connecting to the next but dancing around the main point he wants to make.
Another 1-F student, Aburaya (油谷) means "oil valley". He has long black hair which his Quirk: Greaser, can secrete any kind of oil from. However, he has to train up each kind of oil separately, so at present he is learning as many different types as possible to find out which are most useful to him. He applies the same approach to his classes and clubs at school, going through them in alphabetical order, and suffers from decision paralysis.
A test pilot with Corellian Mobility Solutions, his name means "water inside". He has greying hair which he wears in an undercut, and when piloting wears an orange jumpsuit with a white sensor -studded chestpiece.

His Quirk, Liquid Bones, allows him to quickly recover from bone-breaking injuries, though it doesn't affect the blunt trauma to other parts of his body.

He has a happy-go-lucky nature and isn't afraid to put himself in danger, tackling Izuku out the way of a thrown car and borrowing a jetpack from his workplace to do search and rescue afterwards.
A formidable Quirkless old lady working for Corellian Mobility Solutions, she develops and maintains their computational fluid dynamics software and is universally respected in the company for her skills.
The CEO of Corellian and formerly the Perching Hero, Peregrine, Takasu means "hawk nest". She has a mutation Quirk which gives her avian features, most prominently her bird feet, and presumably retired because of the same injury which caused her to need a prosthetic arm.
Barbearian is the nameless canon Hero thrown through a train by the pale Noumu. I imagine his Quirk gives him similar abilities to a 5e Bear Totem Barbarian.
Grapuella was a Pro who themed herself after luchadores and magical girls, had hair made of prehensile grappling hooks, and was very successful with her merchandising, at least until Stain killed her.
The Mountaineering Hero, Incline has a Quirk that allows him to change the direction his weight pulls him. He is talkative and specializes in rescues and evacuations.