Forged Symbol (MHA Celestial Forge alt-Quirk)

Edit: And self-replicating nanites Would earn him a shiny new kill order in Worm. Thankfully bnha is more laid back.

It's actually interesting comparing this version of Izuku to Joe in Lord's story. Joe would never use self-replicating nanotechnology as anything but a last resort but here, Izuku is 100% willing to use nanites to their first potential.

On the other hand, Joe had a very lucky start with his starting perks. It took Izuku a long time before he could get a perk that could actually let him fight.
It's actually interesting comparing this version of Izuku to Joe in Lord's story. Joe would never use self-replicating nanotechnology as anything but a last resort but here, Izuku is 100% willing to use nanites to their first potential.

On the other hand, Joe had a very lucky start with his starting perks. It took Izuku a long time before he could get a perk that could actually let him fight.

And yet Izu went and fought without relying too much on machinery to empower him like Joe - instead Izuku was discount Armsy for a bit - another difference between them
I think the difference between Joe and Izuku is the passenger that Joe has. It influences his paranoia.
I think that's only part of the issue. Now, we can clearly see very different paths being taken here and with Brockton Bay's Celestial Forge. In that story, the thread has often theorized that the passenger is just someone who has knowledge/ fan of worm and ward. The Passenger though is slipping knowledge to Joe about the fact that powers might be more lively than people realize, and this touches on fundamental differences between the base settings.

For all intents and purposes, Quirks appear to be a natural phenomenon akin to a powerful mutation. Despite all the strife they initial caused, quirks have become integrated into society and appear to be here permanently. Quirks also don't serve Void Worms in collecting data through observation. Shards give the illusion of being natural, and in a normal cycle their true origins would never be uncovered. The reality is Shards are not normal for humanity, and are heralds of greater issues. Though, these greater issues have been substituted the moment the cycle was disrupted. Meaning, there are a great many shards that aren't distributed, so the shard,' population,' is much smaller then what the MHA world was at this same period of early development. There's also a lack of conflict engines inside of people's heads or endbringers to prod along conflict, but that's getting into details.

Tl:DR: Worlds handle powers differently especially when those powers have different sources even if the end 'products,' appear similar.
It's actually interesting comparing this version of Izuku to Joe in Lord's story. Joe would never use self-replicating nanotechnology as anything but a last resort but here, Izuku is 100% willing to use nanites to their first potential.
I mean, it makes sense considering the settings. MHA doesnt have s-class threats or kill orders. There's no reason for Izuku to not use the nanites from his perspective.
Did you just have them record the whole conversation about his fucking universe breaking powers where deku explains everything in the most intricate detail ever? And then at the end the fucking season hero decided not to destroy the fucking thing right away? Holy fuck this story is just idiot ball after idiot ball. Especially this bullshit where apparently deku is some careful note taker who leaves no stone unturned except for the one where he didnt use his only power for 10 years. Oh fuck off.
well, personally I thought it was reasonable that Deku couldn't figure out the thing with the key plus having a very good reason for being scared to actually use it out of fear that it might end up being a very useless quirk after all. It was his dream to be a hero after all.

personally, I think you're being a little bit too hard on the characters in the story. This is one of the stories I genuinely enjoy because the author strikes a good balance between having things actually happen in the story vs overly explaining what everything he got was all about.
Well he still managed to help by clearing the rubble, he prob did the most to reduce civilian casualties and help keep order, tho I have to wonder how the Stain fight went without him.
Chapter 20: Aftermath
Izuku woke up slowly and uncomfortably. His mouth was dry and his eyes itched, he hadn't removed all of his armor and the remaining pieces were digging into him, and his sleeping posture, face-down in a sofa cushion to avoid the fluorescent lights, was so awkward that he ached all over. It was such a contrast to his previous awakenings in his master-crafted bed that he checked himself over for injuries in case an unnoticed wound was causing some of the discomfort.

Finding nothing, he wandered over to the entrance to get some phone reception, gathering up his scattered armor on the way. His nanites had behaved themselves overnight, remaining as a blob on one of the shelves, and he started sipping the now-cold soup his mother had left for him the previous night as breakfast. Just as he got his phone out, his Quirk activated.


This latest attempt felt identical to the one at the end of the Sports Festival. Even though it was unsuccessful, that could still tell him a lot: he'd need to check whether the circumstances were similar somehow, and if his Quirk reached out at random then he could estimate the total number of choices with capture-recapture statistics. Or was it the birthday paradox? The German tank problem? He made a note to work it out once he was more awake, sent a text to his mom to thank her for the soup and let her know he was fine, then got distracted by the buzzing of his phone as it reconnected to the network.

There were hundreds of messages from the group chats, no doubt sharing information about the event as it happened. Izuku felt a bit of regret at having muted his notifications last night, but he knew that texting while driving was a bad idea under normal circumstances, and his had been far from normal. His friends had also sent him a few messages in their chats, noticing his absence from the speculation.

"sorry to worry you! i was in my warehouse with no reception, are you all okay?"

Yasakani replied immediately. "Wow Midoriya you picked the worst evening to go offline, I'll fire you the best summaries for all the shit that went down"

A half-dozen links followed below her message.

Hosu Attack: Stain Claims Responsibility In Rooftop Speech

Hosu Incident: What We Know About The Ideology Of The Hero Killer Stain

Idaten Official Statement On The Hosu Attack

All Might Praises Defenders; Mourns Deaths And Injuries

Blood In The Alleys, Fire In The Streets: The Two Battles of Hosu


Izuku read through the articles as he did his best to clean himself up with whatever he could improvise from the warehouse.

The three monsters - Noumu, as All Might had called them while he was consulting - had appeared from nowhere in the middle of the city and began rampaging indiscriminately without warning. Each of them had superhuman strength and toughness, but the black eyeless one could regenerate from any attack the Heroes threw at it and the pale one had two separate Quirks, a long tongue that could branch and extend to grab people and the ability to absorb attacks and release them later.

With the violence of the Noumu as a distraction, Stain stalked the night with impunity. The news speculated that precautions against him were forgotten or discarded as the crisis went on, and by the end of the night he had ambushed several Heros while they were alone, killing Native and Grapuella and seriously injuring the rest.

He joined figures previously seen at the USJ attack at the top of a building after the winged Noumu was taken down, announcing to the shocked Heroes below that he was going to tear down society and topple the false Heroes it put on pedestals, until only those with true conviction remained. In a swirl of dark mist, he vanished along with the eyeless Noumu in the streets below, another Villain in a creepy hand costume announcing that they were leaving the pale Noumu as a parting gift. Videos of that speech were being circulated faster than they could be taken down.

With the sheer number of Heroes on the scene and no other opponents, that last Noumu was thankfully captured before it could do any more harm. The anticlimax had only fostered debate over whether the Villains had overestimated its strength or if it could be hiding another Quirk as a Trojan horse, and every precaution was being taken in its containment outside the city. There was more uncertainty over the origin of Stain's allies, and the reason for his shift in methods.

Before he could finish with the news articles, Yasakani had followed up with her summary of the gossip from the U.A. group chats.

Bakugo fought alongside Endeavor from the start, his strong synergy with the internship host and his previous encounter with the Noumu making him one of the best fighters on the scene. He'd been knocked out briefly by the pale Noumu, only to return to harass the eyeless one and even participate in the takedown of the flyer, or so he'd bragged to the other 1-A students. It seemed his ego was recovering from after the Sports Festival.

Uraraka and Monoma had been loaned out from their agency to Ryukyu's in order to help ferry Heroes in from other cities, levitating them so she could drag them weightlessly through the sky at high speed. Someone had shared a photo of Monoma's expression of "grim determination", but to Izuku's eyes he was more nauseous and fed up with being a taxi service.

Worryingly, there was little news to be had about Iida Tenya, whose brother had been attacked by Stain and who had taken an internship in Hosu himself. Mr. Aizawa had told the class that he was safe and stable, but that was it.

None of the other U.A. students had been allowed anywhere near the city until after the Villains had left, and while some were in their element during the cleanup, like Todoroki and Toya working together to prop up damaged buildings, most were taken aback by the devastation they arrived to, the chat unusually somber and serious.


Around nine o'clock, he closed up the warehouse and returned to Corellian Mobility Solutions, wanting to check in with Naimizu figure out what he'd be doing for the rest of the week. His supervisor looked as rough as Izuku felt, but he was still smiling even before his arrival.

"Midoriya, you're okay! You're here? I thought you got out of the city, what happened?"

"The railway lines got damaged but I'm fine, I found a safe place to sleep," he said.

"Damn, I'm sorry, I should have checked but the phones kept going down. In case you hadn't guessed, we're going to have to cancel the internship. C'mon, you can freshen up in one of the employee showers and then we'll get you on the next bus out of here."

Inside, the CEO Takasu had the old landline phone held up with her prosthetic arm to talk to someone and her bandaged avian feet up on the reception desk. She ignored them as they passed.

"Don't mind her, she's just stressed about whether she'll get in trouble for joining the fight on a lapsed license," Naimizu commented. "As if anyone would prosecute that after a night like this."

"Oh, you're one to talk!" She snapped back. "Stealing company property for a search and rescue joyride?"

"Hey, I brought it back in one piece," he protested with a goofy smile. She gave him a thin smile in return, then returned her attention to the phone.


Izuku called his mother to let her know he was alright and would be coming home to tell her everything, then got on board the next bus to Musutafu. As he settled into his seat, his Quirk activated.


This latest ability seemed to parallel his earlier power to arbitrarily specify targets for his creations by allowing him to designate wielders through technological means: as well as being able to make knives that could only cut specific vegetables, he could now create ones which would only cut while in the hands of chefs he whitelisted. With that combination, he could share what he produced without having to worry either about it being used by the wrong people or for the wrong purpose. From what Takasu had said, that would be very valuable if he did start up a jetpack company of his own.

Remembering the repeated pull from the morning, Izuku got a notepad out and started working out just how many things his Quirk might be reaching out to.

His working complete, Izuku stared blankly out the window as he thought. If his calculations were correct, what his Quirk had successfully pulled in represented only one part in eighty of the options that it could reach for. The objects and skills he'd received already had been transformative, and it was scary to think that he had only scratched the surface. What else was lurking out there, waiting to be grabbed?


"Mo-om, I'm home!" He called as he took off his shoes. It was midday by the time he got back to his hometown, the roads having been choked by traffic.

"Izuku! Come on in, there, um, there are some people here to talk to you," Inko called. She sounded concerned, but in a different way to what he had expected.

Sitting around the kitchen table drinking tea with his mother were Principal Nedzu and a feline police officer.

Nedzu took a long sip of tea. "It's good to see you safely home, Midoriya. Why don't you tell us all about your experiences last night?"


Word count: 1464/52973

A/N: I'm not counting the pictures towards the word count, as I'm not sure how I'd count the math even if it wasn't in an image.

I had fun working it out for myself and was surprised that it was only a third out, so it seemed a shame not to include it even if it might not be realistic to Izuku's current level of mathematics. The same mathematical approach should work for any Celestial Forge story where you can roll something multiple times, though different rulesets will complicate that.

Izuku made a couple of errors contributing to his overestimate of 2100 compared to the true value of 1560: he ignored the second-order terms for two or more repeats happening, counted his warehouse key as a pull, counted his pull of Hands Off that came after the repeat had happened, and assumed that the successful pulls were also replaced. Some of these mistakes were reasonable based on what he knows, some were just to simplify the math for me. Beyond that, all math mistakes are my own.

Similarly, I'm not a Wonder-Forging Genius so you'll just have to imagine Izuku's calligraphic handwriting and photorealistic doodle of Ectoplasm in place of my crude renderings.

I struggled with how to convey the events of the previous night that Izuku missed, I'd like to revisit them with a sidestory some time to cover the same ground and cut out the inelegant exposition after the headlines.

OC fact of the day: Grapuella was a Pro who themed herself after luchadores and magical girls, had hair made of prehensile grappling hooks, and was very successful with her merchandising, until Stain killed her.

Hands Off (Starcraft 2 Nova Covert Ops) (100): When one is at the forefront of technological development, one sometimes has to watch out for espionage. Why bother developing a revolutionary new weapon system when a Ghost with sticky fingers walks in and takes it? You are able to design, and seamlessly implement security protocols into any technology or equipment you have access to that would limit use to only authorized personnel. You don't even have to go to the extreme of half-breaking it either, that's for neanderthals and inferior scientists.
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I'm enjoying the faster chapters but they feel almost painfully short and cliffhanger baiting now. I think the math notes inclusion is a nice touch. The chapters are now getting short enough that we are seeing one pull attempt per chapter. Given a choice, I would prefer less frequent but longer chapters. The quality of the writing is still top not and engaging, but the pace feels somewhat more rushed.
I'm enjoying the faster chapters but they feel almost painfully short and cliffhanger baiting now. I think the math notes inclusion is a nice touch. The chapters are now getting short enough that we are seeing one pull attempt per chapter. Given a choice, I would prefer less frequent but longer chapters. The quality of the writing is still top not and engaging, but the pace feels somewhat more rushed.
IMHO, this dude has got a good groove going, and it seems to work pretty well for him - plus, all the other Celestial Forge fics update like once a weekish already and have huge chunks in each post, so this bite-sized daily fanfiction is a nice change of pace in my opinion.
Technically he did not use any powers, he should have no license problems. The air bike could be a small problem, but the nanites were manufactured tech and not something produced by his power.
Enjoyed the chapter. But not sure why you went through the effort of listing the assumptions Izuko has made if you aren't going to at least count the words that are in actual sentences.
I would say a charge (100cp) for the math, but only this time. Next time something like that happens give it half a charge (50cp).