Fools, We Will Destroy You All! ...After We Save The World! (Mad Scientist Riot Quest)(RECRUITING!)

How Should Minions Be Capped?

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Well, the brain doesn't have a set linear mode of execution like a CPU. It's a chaotic network of pulsing neurons, so there is no set mechanism by which it could be "crashed."

You could use those brain jacks form the matrix or the brain connecting armor from halo. Many examples, but really hard to do, unless you map out thoes neurons then it becomes infinitely easier.
Well, the brain doesn't have a set linear mode of execution like a CPU. It's a chaotic network of pulsing neurons, so there is no set mechanism by which it could be "crashed."
Actually, you probably can crash a person brain easily. Human brain is a squishy thing after all, there probably an exact "stimulation" that can bring brain to a halt. It probably won't be memetic, thus can't really spread itself, but we could make a meme that contain said "stimulation"
And about the "violating thermo" part...

You realize that the Correspondence Principle still applies? Mad Science isn't pseudomagic, it's just a mindset that lets you make scientific discoveries far more quicker. You still have to respect some fundamental principles, and Thermodynamics is probably the most fundamental principle in all of science.
Actually, you probably can crash a person brain easily. Human brain is a squishy thing after all, there probably an exact "stimulation" that can bring brain to a halt. It probably won't be memetic, thus can't really spread itself, but we could make a meme that contain said "stimulation"

We could also create a literal think tank for the brains we captured.

And about the "violating thermo" part...

You realize that the Correspondence Principle still applies? Mad Science isn't pseudomagic, it's just a mindset that lets you make scientific discoveries far more quicker. You still have to respect some fundamental principles, and Thermodynamics is probably the most fundamental principle in all of science.

We are mad scientists, thermodynamics, physics, and the like all cry to their momie when we are around.
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And about the "violating thermo" part...

You realize that the Correspondence Principle still applies? Mad Science isn't pseudomagic, it's just a mindset that lets you make scientific discoveries far more quicker. You still have to respect some fundamental principles, and Thermodynamics is probably the most fundamental principle in all of science.
Argue that with I Just Write, cause I got the Word of God that we are going to be violating that excessively fundamental principle. We are apparently gonna Science WELL beyond current understanding of physics, overturning old principles.
Also just going to note that you guys won't be breaking thermodynamics until at least the mid-game.
Considering the violation of the laws of thermodynamics is something we will be doing roughly mid-game, you should really expand your definition of science for the purposes of this quest.

If we're using the argument of "Violation of Thermodynamics by mid game, so X is science too", then aren't we opening the door to just about anything so long as it's technically still science? Magic that's magic in everything but name?

What are the limits of "science" anymore? What can't we do if we put our minds to it?
Argue that with I Just Write, cause I got the Word of God that we are going to be violating that excessively fundamental principle. We are apparently gonna Science WELL beyond current understanding of physics, overturning old principles.
Of course, that could also mean we only breaking thermodynamics known to mankind and not judo the actual physics itself. But hey, what's the difference :V
Regardless of that, I doubt easy memetics will ever be a thing. Even if there are, you can bet their will be major flaws in it that allow the vamps, wolves, wizards and others to get around it, so you have to resort to blasting them with death rays.

Game balance, yeah?
Regardless of that, I doubt easy memetics will ever be a thing. Even if there are, you can bet their will be major flaws in it that allow the vamps, wolves, wizards and others to get around it, so you have to resort to blasting them with death rays.

Game balance, yeah?
memetic hazzard is actually surprising broad things to research. Social, neuroscience, pyschological, the media to transfer them, etc.

Hey, guys, I got a great idea! Let's clone C'thulu in our labs, but make him as friendly as a rambunctious little puppy up until the moment we smite our enemies with him!
Just Ctulhu? C'mon, at least the Black Goat mother? :V
Yeah, you'll still have to explain why cars and stars still follow thermo. Whatever we'll discover will likely just be an updated version of thermo, in the same way that relativity was an updated version of Newtonian Dynamics.
Yeah, you'll still have to explain why cars and stars still follow thermo. Whatever we'll discover will likely just be an updated version of thermo, in the same way that relativity was an updated version of Newtonian Dynamics.
But we still breaking the current thermo law and making a new one :V

So we still breaking a thermo law. :V
If we're using the argument of "Violation of Thermodynamics by mid game, so X is science too", then aren't we opening the door to just about anything so long as it's technically still science? Magic that's magic in everything but name?

What are the limits of "science" anymore? What can't we do if we put our minds to it?
Probably nothing. The Entities from Worm are an example of all the science bull-shit you can do while staying on this side of thermodynamics. When you can just ignore that law, it opens TONS of new possibilities.
Regardless of that, I doubt easy memetics will ever be a thing. Even if there are, you can bet their will be major flaws in it that allow the vamps, wolves, wizards and others to get around it, so you have to resort to blasting them with death rays.

Game balance, yeah?
Then he'd have to soft-ban TONS of weapons. Like engineered diseases. Just because a weapon is effective does not mean it should not be allowed, if that's the case why even let us be Mad Scientists? What we DO is find obscure laws in reality and abuse the fuck out of them.
Yeah, you'll still have to explain why cars and stars still follow thermo.
We won't be finding a way to make thermo not exist anymore. It just wouldn't apply to the bits we don't want it to apply to.
Then he'd have to soft-ban TONS of weapons. Like engineered diseases. Just because a weapon is effective does not mean it should not be allowed, if that's the case why even let us be Mad Scientists? What we DO is find obscure laws in reality and abuse the fuck out of them.
Engineered diseases can likewise be countered by your enemies. As can death rays, really, but the key thing is you can always build a bigger death ray/more death rays. And most ways of dealing with raw firepower can be overcome by application of more of the stuff.

It's not denying weapons that are effective so much as weapons that let you win everything forever, which easy and effective memetics would be, since you just need a loudspeaker and there, done.

In other words, memetics. Debilitating, easy to deploy, hard to counter. Pick any two, at best.
Anyone else get the feeling that, in spite of the aliens, the supernatural beings, the wizards, the dream creatures, the illuminati, and all the other mad BS that inhabits this universe that is a major threat to both us and the world at large, the only thing that's really keeping our band of Mads together to fight those greater threats and preventing us from turning on each other is the game rules and mechanics?

Like, if we didn't have I just write's rules and the meta element of the game itself in place to keep us in line, we'd already be at each others throats betraying one another and stabbing each other in the back and otherwise be in the active process of violently self destructing as a group?

The Entities from Worm are an example...

Does this game exist in the "Worm" universe?

Because if not, your idea that "Characters from X can do Y, so we can do Y" means nothing. The only thing that matters is what I just write says the laws of this game's universe allow and don't allow. I doesn't matter what characters from Worm or Star Trek or any other universe can do if I just write says 'No, this universe doesn't work that way'.

Need I remind you of your insistence that we could build a metric square butt-ton of Spider Bots and your insistence that your math proved we could store them all, only for I just write to come along and say 'the rules for housing minions are X' which negated your argument and forced you to backtrack on the number of Spider Bots you wanted to build?

The game and the rules of the universe work the way I just write say they do, not according to how anyone else says they're supposed to.

We can probably try to make arguments for why I just write should say the universe works a certain way, but as this is I just write's game, he has final say on what is or isn't allowed by the rules of reality within this games universe.
"Welp it seems that Felicia is at it again. WADDLE DEE! BRUTUS PROTOCOL: FelCat level1!"
*Waddle dee pulls out one of dr.breefs capsules and opens it*
*He is know wearing a cat themed waddle shape pajama, with stuffed cat ears, fluffy cat paw shoes and gloves as well as a bell collar*
Waddle dee: Nya~

(Being a mad scientist DeDeDe does not trust any of co-workers not to betray him down the line so he has Brutus protocols. They are pretty much counters measures to defeat his co-workers if they betray him. Level 1 is just making sure their madness does not harm him. Things like the waddle dee challenging Dr.Ferns to a flexing match or putting a plant pot with a smal tree in eggmans way with a sign that reads: Robots suck)
(Also @Shadowhope it is a really nice drawing)

What are the ones for Master Viper Jaminson?

//Only for dream-stared eyes//
Brutus protocol: Mad Viper
MAD scientist: Master Viper Jamieson
Focus: Reaching beyond
Flaw: Focus on work to the point of sacreficing self.
Description: A brilliant man that can conquer any law of nature and spit god in the face, at the cost of himself. Wil slowly destroy himself if not stopped. His over realiance on stimulants make sedatives extra powerful against the man.

[Protocol levels:
Lvl 1: Basic outburst
Lvl 2: Advanced outburst
Lvl 3: Minor aggresion
Lvl 4: Major aggresion
Lvl 5: Fight to te death

LvL1: Inform Joe He has not sleept for a while.
LvL 2: Send waddle see With Blackjack to knock him out
LvL 3: Use blowdart with special chemical that turns cafeïne and other such substance into sedatives, knocking the man out.
Lvl 4: Use disruptor to weaken angel field and send minions to with sedatives (note: Disruptor)
LvL 5: Use specialist pulse to turn LEARNER and Angelfield against their creator. Making the man work himself to death without a way to return. (note: Brutus pulse bomb not build yet)

(DeDeDe has a hidden filling cabinet filled with documents like this)

I've got to ask, what is your Brutus Protocol for Magnus? And no he doesn't go by or use his last name, mostly because I can't remember it, or spell it.

Is it just me, or does anyone else get the feeling that "Memetic" anything sounds absurdly ridiculous and like something that should fall as outside the realm of Mad Science as much as Magic and other supernatural mumbo-jumbo does?

(Makes mental note to find said filling cabinet)
I must be fair, the Brutus protocol filling cabinet started out as a throw away joke that has become something way larger then intended. Same with Joe really.
I a, actually planning on writing an Omake where in Master Viper Jamieson or someone else like Henry or Robotnik finds the cabinet and walks away, only to add some notes to THEIR betrayal back up plans (except if it is Henry, he is not Mad enough for that shit).

Also I think we now have three "sensible" Mad scientist.
Anyone else get the feeling that, in spite of the aliens, the supernatural beings, the wizards, the dream creatures, the illuminati, and all the other mad BS that inhabits this universe that is a major threat to both us and the world at large, the only thing that's really keeping our band of Mads together to fight those greater threats and preventing us from turning on each other is the game rules and mechanics?

Like, if we didn't have I just write's rules and the meta element of the game itself in place to keep us in line, we'd already be at each others throats betraying one another and stabbing each other in the back and otherwise be in the active process of violently self destructing as a group?

Does this game exist in the "Worm" universe?

Because if not, your idea that "Characters from X can do Y, so we can do Y" means nothing. The only thing that matters is what I just write says the laws of this game's universe allow and don't allow. I doesn't matter what characters from Worm or Star Trek or any other universe can do if I just write says 'No, this universe doesn't work that way'.

Need I remind you of your insistence that we could build a metric square butt-ton of Spider Bots and your insistence that your math proved we could store them all, only for I just write to come along and say 'the rules for housing minions are X' which negated your argument and forced you to backtrack on the number of Spider Bots you wanted to build?

The game and the rules of the universe work the way I just write say they do, not according to how anyone else says they're supposed to.

We can probably try to make arguments for why I just write should say the universe works a certain way, but as this is I just write's game, he has final say on what is or isn't allowed by the rules of reality within this games universe.
About why we stayed together...look I am not always as clever as I think I am so take the following with a grain of salt:
I think what started as let's save the world evolved into much more. Doctor Red is not here so we can assume that this was actually all a ploy. She wanted us to get together and back stab each other so she would lose some competitors and could always make excuses if it was brought up. Her plan 'blew up in her face' in that we did not self destruct, at least not yet.
It could be because of multiple factors like size (the more people there are the more you can find to get along with), that we have been making more progress etc. The Omakes show that some characters are connecting and so stabilizing MAD. It is probably also because characters like Joe, XNFE, Felicia and Ophelia who pull mad together.

I mean DeDeDe IS preparing for a sudden but inevitable betrayal but wil play nice until we reach that point.
Maybe I'm just thinking of something else, but don't we already have elves in here somewhere?
Yeah, I'm going down this path w/ my dryads. Elven combatants, faerie hounds, and mixed cat/bird spies are the next steps. Then I'm making either a tree spaceship or co-opting other peoples' reality warp technology to make permanent portals. Idk.
"It is a well-proven fact that "organic technology," to put it simply, sucks compared to "hard" technology. A simple laser rifle would be able to kill a zergling in one or two shots. Remember, lasers are not magic glowing bolts. At weapons-grade intensity, they cause flesh to explode."
Realistic laser rifles can't make a laser beam strong enough to do any damage. They'd need to be tank sized.
If we're going the whole "I can make rad developments" stage then zergs, which are basically just large bugs with carbon fibers in their exoskeleton, can be made far superior.

I agree that Oracle Cells are a better technology... but they're also kind of boring aesthetically.
Yeah, I'm going down this path w/ my dryads. Elven combatants, faerie hounds, and mixed cat/bird spies are the next steps. Then I'm making either a tree spaceship or co-opting other peoples' reality warp technology to make permanent portals. Idk.

Realistic laser rifles can't make a laser beam strong enough to do any damage. They'd need to be tank sized.
If we're going the whole "I can make rad developments" stage then zergs, which are basically just large bugs with carbon fibers in their exoskeleton, can be made far superior.

I agree that Oracle Cells are a better technology... but they're also kind of boring aesthetically.
Oracle Cell is merely a material dear~ Just like clay in pottery, clay is usually boring before hand of the artist shape them.
I beg to differ. The only thing we need to do is integrate a marble reactor.
I mean we could debate for years for the meaning of technology, advantage and disadvantage of both biological and mechanical tech.

HOWEVER! Is it not better to just accept each have their own dis/advantages? And event better! Combine both principle and escape the limitation of both flesh and steel! We should transcend to a greater form, to reach perfection!

What? I just said MY Biomachine is better than all of yours :V
I beg to differ. The only thing we need to do is integrate a marble reactor.
>sends me a link to a website w/ pretty much 0 hard science but a lot of random numbers
>said website indicates that each blast of a phaser would be equivalent to a rifle shot
>unconvinced 2 shots would magically kill a zerg

why not just integrate marble reactors into zerg so that they, too, can shoot laser beams, electrocute everything, brute-force endothermic metabolic processes, etc. Cyborgtech.

Oracle Cell is merely a material dear~ Just like clay in pottery, clay is usually boring before hand of the artist shape them.
yeah I said that b4 looking at the pictures.
Still lacks a particular dedicated aesthetic but it's definitely workable.
yeah I said that b4 looking at the pictures.
Still lacks a particular dedicated aesthetic but it's definitely workable.
Oracle Cell is basicly a goo. A goo that outeat even Tyranid and capable to be turned into imitation of various force. But a probably-biological goo, we could shape them anyway we want~

Of course, it probably end-game thing so yeah.
I'll probably be developing some sort of Auto-Doc as a less dangerous but also more time-intensive alternative for those who want cybernetic augmentations without the risk of spawning goo monsters.