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Channels. Individuals who can be born of any mortal species who have a naturally occurring...


Sleepyhearted Hierophant.
The Empty Path.
Channels. Individuals who can be born of any mortal species who have a naturally occurring portal in their soul. A portal leading to a different plane. These planes are as numerous as the stars, but all of them have one common factor: they leak the magical essence, the Nature of themselves through the portal into the soul of the Channel. This gives the Channels strange and unique abilities, and their power will only grow with time. Channels can even (given their strong affinities for realm-walking magics, and myriad ways of getting around the multiverse) increase the number of worlds that grant them power, although they will almost always hold the most power in the Nature of their Fountain; the original world through which a Channel gains their abilities.

Recently, however, Channels are being hunted. Many opponents of the plane-bridges have begun to rise; after all, even divinity trembles in the face of the more experienced and powerful Channels. If a Channel is discovered by beings who know what they are, they will be tortured, enslaved, killed, or worse. Channels have become far rarer, and the newborn Channels often only survive when they are born in a realm with a masquerade; after all, if the main population doesn't even know the "supernatural" exists, why would they look for and persecute any specific type of magic-wielder? These Channels could be considered extremely fortunate, for they do not immediately have to worry about purges from the moment they are born.

You are one such Channel. You wouldn't know any of this, of course, as you are too busy being born in your mother's womb. Before you enter this world, however, it is traditional for the protagonist to dream of something significant. You, of course, are no exception, being too young to properly eschew classic tropes (or indeed, know what tropes are). What is it that you dream of?

[] Castles (Ghazakheft - Fountain of Domination)

[] Graves (Reizan - Fountain of Determination)

[] Stars (Procex - Fountain of Discovery)

[] Trees (Ebolkan - Fountain of Deray)

[] Clouds (Xenitii - Fountain of Destiny)


[] Authority (Ghazakheft)

[] Resolve (Reizan)

[] Ambition (Procex)

[] Freedom (Ebolkan)

[] Foresight (Xenitii)

A/N: Votes close 20 hours from now.
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Fountains and Wellsprings
A plane that a Channel is born with a link to is called their Fountain. Only one Channel can have a specific Fountain at a time. Channels can bind to other planes with a weaker link. Their other planes are traditionally called Wellsprings.

Ghazakheft is a realm of dominion and conquest. All the beings that frequent the realm are entities full of power or those who aspire to become the former. While Domination is the key tenet of the plane, this does not mean those connected to it are impatient or unsubtle. It simply means that they will acquire power and control by any means necessary, and will not hesitate when forced to do something unpleasant in the sake of its goals. Channels of Ghazakheft often become monarchs or dictators.
Reizan is a realm of perseverance and resistance. The place itself is full of things that refuse to accept death, and while it is a desolate wasteland, the entities there are often optimistic and unbowed. The key tenet of Reizan is Determination, and it is all that needs to be said about the residents. They just don't give up. Channels of Reizan often become warriors or rebels.
Procex is a realm of ambition and ingenuity. It encourages creativity and solving of problems. Procex-associated beings are often concerned a lot with the seeking and gaining of knowledge/wealth/proficiency/power. The key tenet of Procex is Discovery, and they are very interested in fresh new finds. Channels of Procex often become seekers – specifically, people who chase after a specific reward in order to obtain it, and are never satisfied with the amount they have of said reward.
Ebolkan is a realm of growth and liberation. It is best described by freedom; Ebolkan-related sapients don't have a lot of respect for establishments, or rules that aren't self-imposed. The colourful, bright nature of the realm belies the fact that many of them are very willing to do very nasty things in order to preserve independence and freedom – after all, if you don't believe in ethics, you don't impose them on yourself and by Ebolkan logic that makes them moot. Key tenet of Ebolkan is Deray, as the entire plane is all about wildness and freedom. Channels of Ebolkan are likely to become outlaws and daydreamers.
Xenitii is a realm of paradoxes and logic. It contradicts itself a lot, and only the residents and those familiar with the plane's strange way of thinking can navigate the plane properly. The residents can be quite introspective – the place is all about futures and destinies, and how you relate to the ever present logical insanity of the multiverse and of Xenitii in particular, which can lead to a lot of entities there being very interested in "enlightment" or "ascenscion" of some sort, especially when "the stars are right". The key tenet of Xenitii is Destiny – will you make your own, has yours been made for you, or will deciding one is the case lead to the other? Channels of Xenitii are likely to become psychonauts or prophets of some kind.

· Scales well into late – game power scenarios

· Synergises with most other Springs

· As long as you are willing to partially follow its Nature, Ghazakheft will support you pretty strongly


· Not suited for fine manipulation – it's all about the widespread effects.

· Anyone who knows about Channels and has a tiny bit of Fountain lore will know of Ghazakheft and be able to recognise a Channel linked to it – people are most scared and hateful of those connected to the Fountain of Domination, and negative reputation will be tripled, at least.

Does not lend itself to esoteric applications like divination

· Reasonably decent at everything

· Is the most powerful early game Fountain, and does not fall off super hard late

· Among the (extremely small) Channel community, those linked to Reizan are often seen as the golden boys of the community, and you immediately engender positive reputation as a scion of the Fountain of Determination


· Trying to specialise with this Fountain is, to be honest, pretty counterintuitive It doesn't work very well

· If you work in alignment with your Nature, you will never back down from anything ever – even when you know you'll lose. Not working in alignment is always a bad idea, which can leave you stuck between a rock and a hard place

· Reizan is not particularly friendly (think Imperial Death World from 40k), even to its Channels

· Incredible creators and architects, especially of artefacts and rituals

· Procex's Nature is almost never a downside

· If given sufficient time to ramp up, and sufficient knowledge of the problem, is effectively unstoppable


· Weak without resources – especially weak without time and knowledge

· Not much in terms of immediate, spontaneous application without the use of artefacts – and if said artefacts are stolen/negated, then you can't do much

· Not a user-friendly Fountain – the Fountain of Discovery does NOT suffer fools gladly, and there's no safety net in case you mess up your forging priorities.

· Probably the easiest Fountain – you are very slippery, as you are hard to catch, and to hold onto.

· Decent early game, and incredible mid game.

· It has objectively the best Nature in the selection: "Do what you want". The Fountain of Deray doesn't want to hold you down.


· Falls off pretty hard late

· Doesn't play well with others – even more so than Ghazakheft

· Doesn't specialise very well, but can't pull off "jack of all trades" as well as Reizan

· Scales HARD late

· It has plenty of uses, but specialises mostly in divination, combat, realmwalking, and ascension-style rituals.

· Doesn't really play by the rules of the game


· While it's not USELESS early, it's not the most impressive.

· The Fountain of Destiny itself makes literally no sense (or is it all the sense in the world?) unless you are attuned to its Nature fairly heavily.

· Its Nature is contradictory, and thus it is difficult to act in a way Xenitii finds pleasing unless you are already heavily attuned to it.
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Character Sheet(s)
Scott Shai Free, Scion of Destiny and Deray
Human Channel, 6 years old
None yet.
Overall: (F +)
None of note yet.
Overall: (E + +)
Literacy: (E +)*/ You are an incredibly competent reader and writer for your age.
Mathematics: (E +)*/ You are an incredibly competent mathematician for your age.
Philosophy: (E +)*/ Your understanding of people's worldviews is incredibly developed for your age.
Politics: (E +)*/ You are uninterested in governance and control, but you can comprehend basic ideas without difficult.
People: (F + +)/ You aren't rude, but you aren't interested in the kids around you. They don't have anything to offer you. You can sort of empathise with why they are confused with your behaviour, though. Your manipulation of adults is impressive, but you are still a six-year-old and there is a lot you don't know.
Arcana: (E +)/ You can reasonably identify the differences between magical objects and you understand basic theory for artefacts and rituals. Prodigious at an age of six.
Alchemy: (E + +)*/You have considerable skill with potions, and while you do not know recipes off by heart, you can rustle things up that would shock experienced practitioners (although the shock would be more that a six-year-old can do things like this than actual shock at the abilities you've supplied). Potion stock is currently:
A large jug and several 500ml bottles of diluted Rejuvenator: causes things to become "right", effectively healing/fixing them. Appears to be water to the naked eye.
Spellcraft: (E +)/ Spell list below.
Transcomprehension: A spell that allows you to comprehend and speak any language; it makes the language sound to you like your native tongue, and your use of it sounds native in turn.
Simreht's Catalyst: A spell that allows you to start a fire or freeze a liquid.
Lesser Opening of Was: A spell that allows you to telepathically commune without someone/thing for 5 minutes.
Lesser Solution of Alexander: A spell to shatter objects you are touching: it causes the subject's bonds to break apart (at a structural level).
Stamina: (F + +)*
Finesse: (E - -)*
Empathy: (F +)
Analysis: (F + +)
Insight: (F + +)
Chaotic Neutral(1/10)
Parents: Attuned
Ren: Allied
Xenitii: Attuned (15% towards Bound)
Ebolkan: Allied (15% towards Attuned)
Self-Awareness (E + +): You know who you are, and you have effectively had years of introspection shoved into a single dream. You are at the peak of human understanding of yourself. Additionally, you are more resistant than an average human to negative mental effects (both self-inflicted and from others).
A Dream (E +): You have a dream, which you are working towards. It's better than the average "not aware of the future much" thing that most six-year-olds have going on, but it's still pretty vague. Ascend? You need to set yourself a more specific target. Or maybe not. Small bonus to actions going toward your Dream, small malus to actions going away from your Dream.
A World of Wonder (E +): You know about the existence of the magic and the supernatural, and you can rationalise it by remembering that many people wish that their lives were half as exciting as yours.
Prophecy (C +)*: Something's going to happen in the future. You don't know what though. It sounds really important though.
Whispers of Manifest Destiny(E + +)*: Voices in your head that whisper secrets of the present and future, and allow you to focus your attention on multiple things at once.
Glimpse of The Impossible(E +)*: Your eyes can see much further than the spectrum of normal light, when you wish.
Paradoxical Form(E +)*: Your body doesn't quite obey the laws of physics to the letter. You can make it even more pronounced, for correspondingly pronounced effects and energy costs.
"Ren" Virazels
Human, 6 years old

Assume she's wearing clothing that makes sense for the season/place.
None yet.
Overall: (F +)*
She's very physically adept from what you can tell.
Overall: (F +)
Literacy: (F)/She doesn't have your innate grasp of language, but she can understand stuff pretty quickly. Much faster than the other kids in your year.
Mathematics: (F + +)/Ren's really, really good at maths. She's very meticulous, which might factor into it a bit.
Philosophy: (F -)/She's not really a fan of all that "spiritual thingummy stuff". You think it might be just because she doesn't have an aptitude for it.
Politics: (F + +)/She seems to quite like the idea of having control over people, especially as she's pretty good at managing things and organisation.
People: (F + +)/Ren's a master manipulator when it comes to both kids your age and adults. You think you might have to watch out for that.
Stamina: (F + +)
Finesse: (F +)
Empathy: (F + +)
Analysis: (F +)*
Insight: (F -)
True Neutral (9/10)
Ren's Parents: ???
You: Allied
Imperfection of the Perfect(E + +): ????
Force of Will(E +): ????
A Dream(E +)*: ????
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Mechanics Clarifications
A lot is narrative, but rolls and ranks are still involved.

Attributes and Skills work on this system= (grade +/-/*)
How this works exactly:
F --> E --> D --> C --> B --> A --> T (stands for Transcendant)
F(- -)* --> F(-)* --> F(- -) --> F(-) --> F --> F(+) --> F(+ +) --> F(+)* --> F(+ +)* --> D(- -)* (etc.)

Do note an asterisk is a large jump, much larger than the others. To go from (+ +) to (+)* is larger than any other jump. The reasoning for this would be the fact that an asterisk on a (+) denotes the ability to punch above your weight class (think the Hero from Legend of Zelda, most Exaltations, etc.)

F is abysmal, terrible beyond possibility.
E is mundane human. The best human (without supernatural interference) is roughly an E(+ +).
D is supernatural in some way. The average for people in general is here.
C is respectable in some higher circles. If this was a system used in-verse, Channels would be put here on birth from pure discrimination and fear.
B is demigod. You're pretty scary.
A is deity - Titan - Primordial tier. Very scary.
T is what the name implies. Just don't bother. A T(- -)* can eat a team of A(+ +)*s, and can solo armies of B(+ +)*s without breaking a sweat.
Traits are... well... traits. Tautology +1! If you don't know what those are, why are you here.
Attributes are stats, nothing particularly fancy except the way I arrange mine.
Stamina is Fortitude/Constitution/Vitality (in other words, hit points and stamina) and Strength combined.
Finesse is Dexterity + Agility + Speed. It's the ninja/thief stat.
Empathy is your ability to relate to people and manipulate them. It's simultaneously the nice guy attribute and the evil guy attribute.
Analysis is your Intelligence, mostly in terms of cognitive thinking (mathematics, sciences, so on and so forth).
Insight is your Wisdom, mostly in terms of decision making, philosophy, perception, and occasionally imagination.
Anyways, they follow the same system as the above mostly. In terms of traits, it's mostly just how powerful those traits affect you/the world around you, and in terms of attributes, it's mostly how impressive that stat is in your case.
There are three types of alignment - Philosophical, Material, and Natural.
Philosophical alignments are the classic DnD system of "morals", and are simply rated as a 1-10 system.
Material alignments are your political and social agendas and groups and your reactions toward them. Note that these can be negative alignments. System below.
Natural alignments are the alignments of your soul - i.e. magical links and bonds. The most immediate would be your Fountain and Wellspring(s). System below.

Anathema -->Bane -->Enemies-->Opposed-->Against-->Neutral-->Allied-->Attuned-->Bound-->One
This has different effects based on whether the alignment is Material or Natural.
Anathema: if Material, means that you are constantly hunting them in an effort to purge them from the multiverse, and/or possibly vice versa. If Natural, the weaker one of you will cease to exist if and when you meet.
One: If Material, they are either owned by you, or you are owned by them, or both, or vice versa. These are your family (by blood or by choice), your people. Lovers, when the relationship is *excellent/divine*, are also this. If Natural, you are either part of them, or they are part of you. Your souls/minds are indistinguishable.
When a Manifestation occurs, there will be a few options (number decided by narrative) as to what you get. You do get to choose a certain number of Affinities, but you must select that number. Nothing more, nothing less. If you find and align with any other Channels to a sufficient degree, if and when they Manifest Affinities, you will also be able to do the same with them.
more to follow
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The First Dream
[X]Clouds(Xenitii, Fountain of Destiny)

[X]Freedom(Ebolkan, Wellspring of Deray)

You dream a dream of awakening. You dream a dream of ascension. Most of all, you dream a dream of Destiny. You see things that could be, things that are, things that have been, and things that should not be. You see what you could become, a wondrous deity, head of a pantheon of ascended deities that laugh and play in the heavens, and how to make it so. However, your Dream focuses on what you are, and you see the bridge, the strings connecting you to… two? planes. You are sure that that's… not how it works, but your visions assure you of their veracity.

Then, the tone of your vision changes. You fly over the clouds that were the source of your visions ,and look around. You feel changed, as though the chains that you didn't know were holding you down snapped. You could get used to this. You grin as far as your baby face will allow you to, and let the currents carry you where they wish.

Gained Destiny-Attuned, Freedom-Allied, Self-Awareness, and A Dream.

As you fall back into unconsciousness, you exit your mother and enter the world. You are named

[] Write in. Will probably be something related to either Destiny, Deray, Foresight, or Freedom due to you literally having a portal to Destiny in your soul.

and you are born in the suburbs of London.

What did you like to do as an infant?

[]Play with blocks and toys. (Greatly increases physical skills, increases Ebolkan alignment, slightly increases mental skills.)

[]Annoy your parents *intentionally* (Greatly increases Ebolkan alignment,increases physical skills, slightly increases mental skills.)

[]Listen to stories and words. (Greatly increases mental skills,increases Xenitii alignment, slightly increases Ebolkan alignment.)

[]Sleep, and Dream. (Greatly increases Xenitii alignment,increases mental skills, slightly increases Ebolkan alignment).

A/N: Very, very surprised by the vote. I was expecting Reizan, Ghazakheft and Procex to be the ones people voted for. Anyone want to tell me why Reizan was so downtrodden(I think I know why Ghazakheft was eschewed, and Procex was given a chance)?

Votes close in 16 hours. These are far less important votes, but they'll still do things and affect your character's preference and personality.
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Lethargic Prodigy
[x] Scott Shai Free, son of Alice and Edmund Free
[X]Sleep, and Dream. (Greatly increases Xenitii alignment,increases mental skills, slightly increases Ebolkan alignment)

Your father, being a "funny" man, named you Scott. Scott Free. The pun is both hilarious and terrible. Just like all good/bad puns are. Your mother was not impressed by the joke your dad made of your name, but she was touched by your middle name. Your dad is sentimental, and as your grandmother on your mother's side died the day before you were born, and her name was Shait, you got a middle name that was the male form of it to remember her. You think that your dad is a pretty cool guy for that.

You were a quiet child for your first four years. While others ran, and played, you slept, and Dreamed. None of them matched your First Dream, which you remember more vividly than anything else in your four-year-old life, but they each made you feel… more connected to something. Or somethings. You're not sure.

Anyways, when you are awake, you are a smart kid. You can read and write without hesitation, and only misspell due to the English language being strange. You can do limited mathematics, and have an innate grasp of philosophy and the sciences. Your teachers praise you for being a little genius, but you don't make too many friends. While in playtime, you are either asleep, or watching others play without joining in.

You have noticed something weird, though. The connection to things you feel in your Dreams (you always want to capitalise that word. You don't know why) has begun to mimic itself in real life. You can feel a… pull? Of something in your soul. What do you do about it?

[] Accept. (Will max out the possible significant Natural alignment gains for a while. Is good if you are trying to keep Ebolkan relevant and/or get Xenitii to its best possible position. Does come with side effects.)

[] Resist. (Will cut down on the obviousness of your Nature. Will also cut down on your late game power a bit.)

Either way, a girl your age comes over, confidence in every step. She offers you a hand, a wide crocodile grin, and gives you a proposition.

"Name's Ren. Come play with me? I promise it won't be boring!"

[] Accept proposition. (Gain Ren as a friend/comrade. Aligns with A Dream.)

[] Reject proposition. (Lose Ren as a potential friend/comrade. Slightly increases Ebolkan alignment).

A/N: This is what I meant when I said Ebolkan doesn't play well with others. Luckily, it doesn't hate the idea of a group, so if you really want friends, you can have them without necessarily cutting into your power, as long as you're smart about it. These are the last set of "infant" votes, as we will time-skip 2 years or so after your choices here. Pick carefully!

Votes close in 20 hours.
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Alignment Effects and You
If you have a Fountain and Wellspring(s), if you become attuned to their natures enough, when you Manifest Affinities, they will be a reflection of the combination of Natures held within your sources of power.

For example, if you Manifested something involving Ghazakheft and Reizan, you might Manifest a combination of Ghazakheft's Authority and Reizan's Resolve to form Commandment, or Will.
Manifestations are what occur when you become more aligned with your Fountain and/or Wellsprings. These are events that "gift" you with Affinities, which are modifications of your previous abilities, body, and mind in order to reflect the Nature of your relationship with your source(s). They will grow in power as you become more aligned to your source(s) and as you yourself become more powerful. They are NOT spells or magicks and are more like techniques/natural bodily abilities. Think of them somewhat like "special abilities" from traditional tabletop game systems like DnD.
First Manifestation
[X]Accept proposition.

As you look into Ren's reddish-brown eyes, you see a fire in them. She looks… alive. More so than the others. You grasp her hand and match her grin with a deadpan smirk. "I can tell. Alright, sure." Inwardly, while a part of you is disappointed at losing the independence (the freedom) of being alone, you look forward to seeing what this girl has to offer.

You are pleasantly surprised by Ren being just as competent as you in terms of intellectual capacity; she's really freaking smart, and that is nice. You can talk to someone your own age, and that feels great. She is very high-energy, unlike you, and likes to run around, but when you discuss things, she's smart and funny, if a bit Domineering. You resolve to stick with her for the rest of your time at school. Potentially further? Well, you'll have to wait and see.

Gained Ren as Material Alignment (Allied – Temporary).

A Dream (E +) --> A Dream (E + +)

Empathy (F +) --> Empathy (F + +)

[X] Accept

You stop resisting the pull on your soul, and feel the connection… solidify.

Then you black out. No pain, no dizziness, just gone.

Luckily, you had the foresight to do some experiments with whatever this is inside your room while your parents were downstairs, so when you come to, there are no concerned parents wondering why their child just fell unconscious for an indeterminable amount of time (you don't feel like its been too long).

You notice something very strange immediately. There are voices in your head. Voices. In your head. They sound like… your voice? You think. But that's not important right now.

Voices. In your head.


[X](Auto-locked) Whispers of Manifest Destiny: The voices in your head, they tell you of things that are, and things that are yet to come. They also allow you to have your full attention on multiple things at once, making multi-tasking and planning much easier. (Allows for some future knowledge, and some knowledge of Channels IC, as well as potential development for more info on more stuff faster. Gives bonuses to planning, strategy and tactics, as well as interacting with Things Man Was Not Meant To See/Know and negative mental effects due to the rules of "you can't break what's already broken". Gives a malus to Empathy when interacting with people who are Neutral or lower on the alignment scale due to acting strangely due to basically having multiple versions of yourself who can see the future mucking about in your skull).

[] Glimpse of the Impossible: Eyes that perceive far more than the physical. They allow you to see much, much more than light. Ambient magic, potential actions people might take, energy, even sometimes glimmers of what might be thoughts? When people look into the illogic that is now your ocular system, they are instantly disturbed by the non-Euclidean geometry and lack of sanity that lurks within. (Pretty much does what it says. When you want to, your eyes glow with strange, mysterious radiance, and allow you to see things and freak people out. Gives bonuses to perception and stuff, as well as intimidation. Is rather addictive.)

[]Paradoxical Form: You no longer quite conform to the laws of physics. You are now slightly out of step with material existence, allowing you to change attempts to do things with your body from "almost" to "how did that work?". It does make you slightly strange in appearance (due to the wrongness of your outline), but that's no worry of yours; you are (partially)free of stupid things like causality and angles. You can double down on this in order to make yourself start to ignore some of the world's rules. You can phase through objects, energy, and magic, you can appear to do two things literally at the same time, and other stuff that comes from being a tiny demi-Eldritch Abomination. (The active portion of this Affinity is pretty magic-intensive. In addition, this is the sort of stuff which while not incredibly obvious, will start to attract notice).

How do you rationalise your/their/our thoughts in your head?
[] Write-in

A/N: Turns out I lied. I have one more "infant update" to drop before the Two Year Plan/Timeskip. Anyways, you're a pretty smart kid, and you do have a decently high Insight score, so you won't explode from confusion or anything due to the WoMD, but you'll need to figure out a way to calm down and rationalise, as well as realise you apparently have magic or something. Good job on the Ren vote by the way, as not picking her would *probably* have been a mistake. Remember, you can pick either, both, or neither of the two optional Affinities. Ask away if you have more questions.

On the note of questions, what does Scott look like? Currently, he's tanned (due to being quarter Egyptian and stuff), green-eyed, and kinda tall and thin. Hair colour would be nice, and any specifics like nose and mouth stuff would be nice. Pictures would be cool if anyone has any similar-ish pictures they know of online or something.

Votes close in 24 hours.
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Deadline - Prophecy
[X] Whispers of Manifest Destiny

[X] Glimpse of the Impossible

[X] Paradoxical Form


No. No. Why are you freaking out about this? Sure, magic is a thing apparently. That's a thing all children wish for, what's wrong with that. And apparently, it's related to you. Even worse better! Sure, you have whispers in your head. You're a smart kid, you can deal with that. You might have problems in the beginning, but you're sure it will be fine.

Gained A World of Wonder.

Screaming into your pillow for the next half-hour probably doesn't help you long-term, but it does help you feel better now. To be honest, that's all you care about currently.

You go downstairs for dinner, and your parents squint at you when you enter the room.

"Sweetie? You feeling okay?"

"…uh…" You aren't. But you feel like your expression is perfectly normal – there's no downturned mouth, no pursed lips, no furrowed brow on your face.

"Yeah?" You wince. That came out far too question-like for your mum not to notice.

"Good. You just seemed a little, I don't know, off. Honey? Come have a look."

Or not. Your dad raises his eyebrow, blinks and then frowns slightly – a rather rare sight on his usually jolly face.

"could've sworn… Sorry, pardon? Oh. Well, he seems alright. Son, you been feeling strange lately?"

You nod slightly before you catch yourself, and your dad opens his arms for a hug. You sulk and totter in his arms.

They're warm.


Later, when you are brushing your teeth before bed-time, you look into the mirror, and are nearly spooked out of your skin by your own reflection. Your outline is shifting. Your arms and legs aren't always in one place – they seem to be appearing in multiple places at once. You are clearly magic as heck, and you don't know why – or even what's going on. You wish there was a kind of guide or book for th-

open the eye

see beyond

break the form

break the bonds

heed the call

find your kind

survive them all

ascend to sky

You're going to bed now. You're too young for this stuff.

Gained A Prophecy.

Your dreams are mercifully without much imagery of the nightmarish (lovely) splits and warps that compose your new form. The voices stay mostly quiet, until the end of your dreams, which have been abstract up until this point.

The voices start chanting the verse you heard earlier over and over and over and over. You feel a faint rumbling, as though something is coming over the horizon, and a sense of dread. The clouds you had been floating through darken, and darken, and darken. This increases more and more and more until you are hit with clarity. There's something coming in the future. Something bad. Something soon. You get the feeling that it's not going to be around for a few years, and you know that you have magic of some kind. Surely you can figure something out, if not to fight it, then to escape it. Then, as the vision clears, something brushes through the clouds.

[] A pale silver cloak wrapped in electric blue chains. It doesn't seem to hold a consistent shape. (The Voices the call)

[] A ball composed of pale silver rings concentrically orbiting a miniature absinthe star. If you observe the angles of orbit carefully, you notice they should collide with one another. (The Heart the form)

[] A circlet of pale silver, embedded with gems of green and blue. The light reflected from them seems to array itself into something. (The Gaze the eye)

You reach toward it, and the rest of your dream is bliss.

When you wake next morning, your parents are still worried (as they should be) that something is off, but don't make too much of a fuss and send you off with their usually warm goodbyes. When you go to school, everyone is… intimidated by a certain atmosphere you carry around with you. How Ren reacts, however, is most interesting and unexpected. When you appear, in full physics-skirting glory, and she sees you, her eyes widen, and she seems both apprehensive and… excited? Not sure what's up with that. You ignore it though. You have a vague deadline of a few years before the something bad occurs. Better make them count. You know that training and learning require specialisation if you're trying to learn a lot about something; so, what are you going to specialise in?

You have 24 actions; obviously, you may select an option more than once to double up on it.

[] Physical training: You know that you aren't unfit, but you're an intellectual, and your body is sub-par compared to where it could be.

[] Martial training: You've always thought martial arts looked cool, like most kids your age, but unlike most kids, you realise to get to Bruce Lee-expy levels you need to go through a lot of training – which means work and pain. You are willing to put the effort in for yourself and your family though. You'd need to convince your parents to let you, but it shouldn't be that hard.

[] Mental training: The adults in your life have called you a prodigy, but you know that you can never be too smart. After all, scientia potentia est, right?

[] Arcana training: The more you learn about magical objects, rules and entities, the better you can defend yourself and your parents.

[] Spellcraft training: The more magic you know and can do, the better.

[] Search for allies: You have always read about the underlying magical communities in stories that hide from mortal eyes. You could see whether such a thing exists in the real world, and then look for allies.

[] Search for the Artifact: Whatever you saw in your Dream, it was powerful, and you want to find it and capture before the event happens, and before someone else comes to possess it.

[] Investigate Ren's behaviour: Clearly, she noticed something. Is she naturally more sensitive? Can you be more sensitive to magic? At any rate, you need to know the reasons behind her reaction, and whether it can benefit you and/or her. (Can only be taken once)

[] Experiment with Affinities: Whatever weird powers your Dreams have given you, they seem potent, if not without problems. How can they better achieve your goal of survival for you and kin?

A/N: Well, I decided to write a marginally longer update but lowered the speed of updates. Is this better?

Anyway, timeskip now.

If you want questions answered, feel free to ask. I can only really answer spoilery questions in vague consequences though - some stuff is intentionally hidden from you.

The whole "magic is cool" thing would not have worked nearly as well if you guys weren't Self-Aware™, and you would have much worse consequences than a mere Empathy malus, but you're good. As always, choose wisely! Votes will be closing in 48 hours.
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Roll Mechanics
And *some of* the results are in.

I haven't done much explanation of rolling, so here we go:

Working rolls are one roll for every action put into them. If they are succeed/fail, they succeed on a GM-decided DC. If they are not, there are three DC's, which are Minor, Average, and Major Successes (50% the benefit, 100% the benefit, 200% the benefit). In both, the number is the addition of the dice together. The dice is always d20.

Skill rolls are one d100 influenced by your Skill Rank and your Attribute, as well as any potential influences made by those.

Cosmic rolls are a d6, upon which I check some table I have somewhere and something happens based on it. You won't see many of these.

Combat has a d8 made by both opponents to determine advantage, but the roll will not determine the fight, just influence it.