Fluid Pestilence (Sci-Fi, LitRPG)

"To see if you are saying something real instead of just an uncomfortable story. I want to see if you can show me the human instance again."
.. instance.. ouch. that word has implications that i'm not sure i can articulate..
also, i'm getting real invested in these guys!
though, i gotta admit i'm not quite following along with this part:

"Not greater," Flamescale admitted to her infected creatures. "We have been thinking this is a very great danger, one that will overtake entire instances, and may even harm Void Entities as well."

i'm not sure what they are hinting at, as it seems to be flying over my head. unless that's on purpose by the author, if not, can someone help explain why they are so afraid of it?

So either it's Sledge's vocabulary ending up slightly corrupted thanks to the way Void Strike works.. Or he's hinting at the way the reality works with all of this. Neither option is exactly fun, whee.

Lovely chapter, even if Right left me a bit confused in terms of word usage. And Left too. Wonder what's Flamescale's annoyance with unison multihead speech though?

And ow, the one about "There's a name for those who do that". And having extreme control over them, and integrated loyalty... Not a good dynamic, and not good for any person. And it's not entirely trivial to figure out if they are a person. Though having their mind always linked to Flamescale sidesteps that...

Speaking of minds... What is happening within the "community" in regards to controller classes? Like, the whole mind link seems to be conveniently not mentioned by anyone, and that's a bit odd. Surely enough people already ended up with an ability to puppet/take over the residents without their minds being wiped, right?

Flamescale's fellow Void Entities both looked at her unhappily. "I have no idea how they do that, let alone why," she confessed, even if it being a result of her own new habits was an option.

"They were doing that before we all got eaten," Sixteen complained with a sigh. "Just ignore it, the rest of us did."

"If we could focus?" both Left-and-Right said together, and Flamescale still did not like how that sounded even for someone else. Then the two resumed handing off for every sentence.

Flamescale, welcome to the circus. Population: you, and technically separate from you people that you fully control and can edit. And this one is very similar to you, out of the box. Congratulations! Now you know how you look like outside.
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"To see if you are saying something real instead of just an uncomfortable story. I want to see if you can show me the human instance again."
.. instance.. ouch. that word has implications that i'm not sure i can articulate..
also, i'm getting real invested in these guys!
though, i gotta admit i'm not quite following along with this part:

i'm not sure what they are hinting at, as it seems to be flying over my head. unless that's on purpose by the author, if not, can someone help explain why they are so afraid of it?
There were a previous group of players of Void Strike a few zillion years ago, until they did something so spectacularly dickish that the devs hit them all with the banhammer en masse. Now the bans are starting to wear off, and signs are that they haven't learned anything from their ban.
"[...] I want to see if you can show me the human instance again."
That is... a brutally "native" way of refering to it, huh chief? Damn, it's almost haunting how little by little this group chips off their humanity. Terribly interesting too.

EDIT: And it speaks volumes that the general reaction to the chapter was a wince to that closing line, hahaha...
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Speaking of minds... What is happening within the "community" in regards to controller classes? Like, the whole mind link seems to be conveniently not mentioned by anyone, and that's a bit odd. Surely enough people already ended up with an ability to puppet/take over the residents without their minds being wiped, right?
I honestly don't know if they would? Like, it sounded like most of the take over builds were zombie builds because, well, that was the common nickname for it, and the undead probably don't get undeaded with their minds staying remotely the same. At least not the killer zombie hoard kind of undead, you know? The zombie swarm controller classes provide a big smoke screen for a smaller population who are distinctly Not Talking About it, because that was already the going thing Flamescale found out when she tried looking up if anyone else had her issues on the forum a chapter or three ago.

And even with the ability to access common areas, how often are Void Entities interacting with each other in instances while they're still active at being Void Entities? Because it was also stated in this chapter that Flamescale can't bring her minions back with her into the void, and the mutual areas are also set in the void if I understand things right, so, uh, I kinda expect them to explode if she tries to bring them out there. (And on that note, given earlier statements about the void, minds required for stuff in the void, and so on, it makes me wonder who is maintaining said mutual areas...)

So to encounter another Void Entities thinking capable minions you need to, A, end up on a mission with them, B, have them pull said thinky minions out, and C, have said minions do something that makes the other players realize they still have independent minds that are lasting between 'incarnations' that can't just be assumed to be 'oh, the other player infected a local and now they are brainwashed and mutated'. Which, you know, is probably what a lot of Void Entities would assume first before going 'huh, Player Z seems to be going discount Borg'.

And Flamescale didn't get the mind link going until she invested in the class enough to get the skill going more then at the basic level, so someone who just dips in isn't going to have the issue shoved in their face, especially for the more 'zombie horde' themed skills.

Maybe whatever the skill tree that Yellow-Glow mentioned way back when that would let them do the whole machine assimilation thing works differently, but on the other hand, cyborg takeovers probably have their own hoops to level through before they start mass uploading their targets into the matrix where they can remote pilot the attack drones their captor produces like a discount TA Commander.
--- 21 - Bastions ---

It took a couple of days for Flamescale to have everything to make the attempt. After trying she kind of wished that it had not worked. Sledge clearly had never used practical Synch-Tech before, it was a lot different to be in a virtual or Void Entity body compared to a machine that only had as much of you put into it as it needed to work. Humanity had learned quite well how to make Synch-Tech devices that cleared themselves of whoever used them last to let someone else link to them, but the consequence of that was a degree of discomfort and distance compared to one that needed to be manually cleared.

"You know, I've never been to earth before," Sledge said as he ended synch with the Care-A-Bot prototype Helen had at home. An old prototype that she had purchased instead of letting it get scrapped, at least a full generation behind when she got it, and most of the delay had been getting the thing working again after sitting in her closet for over a year. "Seeing it like that, being in that instance again." Flamescale wasn't sure she liked their home universe being called an 'instance', but it was likely the right way to think of it. "I believe I understand better why you would say you wouldn't want to linger afterwards."

"I think I will remind you both that I have been stuck with those bodies since the accident," Yellow-Glow grumbled from nearby at a generic console in the rest area they were all in for this event.

"It was the point six nine prototype, Yellow-Glow. You remember that one don't you?" Flamescale pointed out, because it was actually a concern on that front.

"You couldn't get him one that didn't feel like you were made out of broken glass?" her old friend sighed. "I want to let him try a real, worth actually using, one now. Just so he doesn't get the wrong idea about what this has been like for me."

"Given what the new Liquid Crystal ST is like I think she doesn't realize it is that bad," Sledge cut off her complaint, although she had not tried that ST yet to compare to it. "I didn't have another liquid form myself before getting one, and it has some of the same odd feelings. I suspect that is why she still has that drone."

"You didn't like being liquid?" Flamescale asked, having decided to not to address the other parts of that statement. Then she realized something. "I can actually ask people that and expect an answer now."

Then their discussion was interrupted by the appearance of a Void Strike update message. Specifically a warning that a new season critical Mass Instance mission was now available, or in other words something so serious was happening in instances that they were asking for multiple Void Entities for a single objective. "Outbreak, main objective is destruction of a gate they cannot destroy themselves, followed by the destruction of all ancient computers, and secondary of clearing out any Rhizocephala or Asteroidea. That is apparently the name for the ancient disruptors," Yellow-Glow explained dully. "We need to move."

"Who do we have on the short list?" Flamescale asked as she started by checking where her infected creatures were, and after giving an order to abort some trips to the arcology that luckily had not started yet she added her bio-weapons skills. Then she split off a body to get Sixteen to prepare her combat teams.

"Jovian and Stone," Sledge answered dully as he started towards his armor and weapons. "Maybe Wolfy too, but he said he was trying something new, and he doesn't know the truth. How exactly is this a situation where they can't destroy the gate themselves?"

"No idea, sending the mission details," Yellow-Glow said. "I'm going to go prepare my combat ST, wait for my return."

The Nine-one-eights had their own concerns. "Are we opening the gate now? I thought we had more time," the researchers questioned darkly. "I need more time to rebuild the gate prototype, at least another hour."

"Emergency mission," Sixteen answered before she could. "I don't think we're going for a gate."

"We have a major issue, an open gate that isn't being closed the blunt way," Flamescale corrected him as she inspected the various linked weapons these infected needed to use. They didn't have enough heavy rifles of any kind for this. "This is one of the situations we were halfway prepared for. The locals want the gate closed, but we are going to do that after getting a small group in." Smaller than planned, they wanted six Entities with strong combat STs to go with her ability to hopefully take a beachhead. "You aren't being brought in until and unless we have a chance to take the far side of the gate."

"I'll get some extra head volunteers ready," Sixteen sighed and left to do that. Flamescale could also tell he wanted some more remade with the hives hidden in the facility and set the ones he was thinking of to start.


Flamescale emerged from the Mass Rift quickly to check what was on the other side for any immediate threats, quickly followed by the boys, and found only a quickly abandoned storage facility. Mass Instance missions started you off all at the same place, and it was rather clear from the not-quite-hum of ancient disruptors that the over-sized Rift was needed to make it here at all. It looked like at least a dozen Void Entities, with the three they expected and a number of others clearly not that concerned with sticking together.

A few even grumbled or commented about Sledge's presence as they ran off out of the building to deal with the targets. Flamescale knew firsthand that he had made himself a bit notorious with how often he went into the major season three mass instance missions and worked more closely with the locals than most Entities liked. It seemed like he spent entire days just running the pirate king assault to the point that he earned his own thread to warn others about his actions, and Flamescale personally did not have a single attempt at that one where she didn't run into him during season three.

The extra three they had contacted instead stuck with them as they made their way out of the building more cautiously. Which gave Flamescale time to double check their allies for their own secret mission. "Jovian Gate Guard", typically just Jovian, was a humanoid three tailed fox, with grey fur with white tips and a Decay elemental Skill Tree that was not also necromancy themed, and apparently actually worked at one of the Jupiter research stations. "DeepStoneMiner", always called Stone, on the other hand was human, but short and hairy in a way she knew was commonly thought to be somehow not just human, even if she didn't understand how. Stone mostly used heavy guns, in this case what looked to be a Macrophylla rotary cannon from one of their power armor suits. Finally "Constant Werewolf 2180", who preferred Wolf but everyone called Wolfy because of his overly common name, was typically a rather impressive massive wolf man, but currently was a shiny purple goo wolf with crystal fur and plates that didn't look entirely uncomfortable with being liquid.

"Do we have a- Oh shit that's a space battle," Wolfy said with a glance to the night sky above them, which was streaked with combat even while some small groups of Rhizocephala found them. "Why are they fighting in space?"

"If we are lucky, someone thinks they can control this," Flamescale grumbled as she checked her current cybernetic 'implant', which looked more like a slightly discolored bit of her liquid inside of her. They had mostly focused on getting ready for this operation, so her cybernetic options were currently limited to a basic hacking mod with build in comms, and her current cybernetic. Right now she had a small sensor array specially tuned to Void Materials to track down gates and other void devices, and a quantum comm unit to allow her to talk with the others even on the other side of a gate.

"If we are unlucky then we might not be able to stop the other gates in this instance from being opened," Sledge sighed as the combat group finished taking out the initial group of foes. His hammer not even used as raw strength was enough to deal with the few scout units that had found them.

"Tracking ancient computers that made it onto those ships is probably too difficult, and we do not know if they can reproduce yet," Yellow-Glow added with a glance in the direction Flamescale was already moving. Her old friend was carrying a more high tech vehicle scale plasma autocannon that was only able to be controlled in its current state due to his mechanical nature. "How far out is a void gate core?"

"Not far, but there are some good sized collections in the way, probably ancient disruptors," Flamescale specified as her body began to grow from her now arriving extra heads. Her other three bodies were back at her infected's facility, two of them growing to full four head size and the last remaining there to be ready to make replacements. "We should go quickly before one of the others stumble onto it."

The difference between an unfinished and a finished combat ST was plain to see as they moved as fast as they were able across the hilly farmland between them and the gate site. Yellow-Glow's rather impressive use of a completed weapon enhancement branch was matched by what had to be a similar ST used by Stone, both of them able to make their heavier than normal weapons hit even harder and quickly erase or punch holes in the heavier enemies present.

Jovian on the other hand was sending out bolts of energy that made their targets wither and die, quickly taking out the medium threats. The fox also had an aura of that same energy did the same to any lesser enemies that got close, and both of those likely were able to heal Jovian given how those branches worked out. Flamescale wasn't sure if he could make decay illusions too, it was somewhat implied by his form but hard to say if his ST allowed for it.

Sledge had figured out which way they were going and had taken the lead. Between enhanced armor and melee weapon, along with a surprising speed if you only looked at his bulk, the pangolin Void Entity carved through the enemies that showed up in front of them.

By contrast even with a four headed form Flamescale simply did not have the rate of fire for her bio-weapons to contribute more than a few kills at a time, and Wolfy clearly and understandably had not found time to complete a brand new and just discovered Skill Tree before this fight. The goo wolf could let off a burst of crystals, form a limb into a crystal blade, fire crystal shards that seemed made for it, fire larger crystal missiles, and even had a crystal cannon like weapon, but all of them were only barely faster firing than Flamescale's bio-weapons and clearly not as hard hitting.

The gate itself turned out to be hard to miss, and Flamescale wasn't sure how long it had been open, because the formerly dead and lifeless coral structure that held it was now a number of shifting colors and clearly alive. With three ancient disruptors and four computers present and clearly doing something to the structure.

Even with two of them being underpowered that group of enemies went down quickly. With the heavy weapons, and a few carefully rationed laser 'rifle' hits from Flamescale, breaking the shields on the disruptors and allowing the rest to kill the starfish constructs. The green liquid crystal bird-squids took a moment longer, apparently able to regenerate if not hit with similar firepower, but were also cleared. Despite that Flamescale knew more were close by from how the ancient infection was still controlled, and as a result could not be easily overwhelmed by her own.

"Ha, how many of those shuttle laser shots do ya have, Flamescale?" Stone laughed after they cleared out the immediate area around the gate for a moment. "I thought you weren't at a high combat level yet."

"It is just a regular laser rifle made bigger. I get the same shots per battery, and I've only got fifteen batteries for this mission," she explained quickly as they made their way to the active local made gate. It was a much more obvious appearance than a Void Rift, with a pale unnatural uniform grey circle suspended in the air in front of the generator, with a few more Rhizo coming out. Sledge's hammer came down immediately onto the single heavy laser Rhizo among the latest group, while the rest fell to massed fire from the group. "The problem is that they basically don't recharge, so that is all the really heavy firepower I have."

"You have more than me," Wolfy sighed and slumped down a bit, a familiar movement that seemed to surprise the other goo Entity as he puddled. "This is why I can't help with this early secret mission run. I've got some demo charges, so I can make sure its closed after you guys, but this is definitely as far as I can go."

"I think we can handle at least an attempt," Jovian laughed. "And that way we still technically complete the main objective, which should be fine enough." He fanned out his tails. "So, are we ready to be the first to see where this leads?"

"We don't have time to talk," Yellow-Glow cut off the rather amused discussion. "The other Entities have figured out this location and we might not need to wait for Wolf to destroy the gate if we hesitate."

That was enough to prompt the group to simply go through the strange barren portal, and Flamescale was right behind the four fighters they had on hand. The other side was not what she expected, as the first thing she saw was the 'sky' around them. The same flat almost fake looking grey as the sky around the Void Nexus, and clearly simply exposed to the flat ground they were on. That ground was more of the multicolored and living coral like structural material that the ancients seemed to build with, covering an area that was large enough to move around a lot of supplies that contained two other ancient void gate devices each set well apart to either side and inactive.

There was a low wall around the sides behind them that contained the void gates, but in front of them was a much larger contained structure with a number of fixed bio-weapon emplacements and a single large checkpoint door. Otherwise they were simply in a flat yard open to the nothing around them, as if air was just an assumption here. With regards to size, Flamescale could possibly fit a nine headed body here, if she wanted to literally cover the entire construct. Big enough for all of her current max sized four headed bodies, or in this case a half dozen ancient disruptors with their own ancient computers.

"We need those shuttle lasers!" Stone yelled at the sight of those, and Flamescale obliged by moving her other two four headed bodies to this side of the gate. Which did make a tight fit, but gave them enough of those lasers to let the combat Entities quickly break through the shields.

"Flamescale, this place looks alive, can you take it over?" Sledge asked quickly as he took on another ancient computer, a larger one than any of those in the disruptors.

"I need the computers gone for that," she answered with a head that had just spit a toxic glob at one of the weapon emplacements as part of her current attempts to do just that. "They aren't just coming out of those holes in the floor, they are controlling everything here directly. I need some clear space to start getting my troops here." Sixteen was ready for her signal to bring two dozen heavy plasma rifle armed serpents to the field to take some pressure off, but they needed to know it was worth committing that gear first.

"I don't suppose you can see how far that structure goes from up there?" Jovian asked. The fox still sounded amused with everything despite how he had been pushed to using her as a way to keep the stronger Rhizo weapons off himself, the missiles and cannons that were hitting hard enough that Flamescale was about to start up her replacement head healing method soon.

"About half the size of this open area," Flamescale said with a laugh of her own, because she was actually that tall with her highest heads. "There are some holes up there I might be able to use to get inside, and I don't know how far down the whole place goes, but it is not very big across at all."

"This is not the expected result," Yellow-Glow said, and that removed some of her own amusement. "This is far too small, we are looking at a still active network of some serious size to support this many Rhizocephala. Break down that door, we need this site under control now so we can move on." Naturally that was when the gate they used to enter closed. "Flamescale, cover me while they break the gate and take out anything inside. I will attempt to link this gate to our shared base area."

"Might be a good thing to have left Wolfy behind then," Stone grumbled as he let his rotary cannon cool a bit and switched to a small single shot grenade launcher to blast the door from a distance. "I'm gonna be honest, the kid probably doesn't realize this isn't actually a game."

"Have you found out if you died or not yet, Stone?" Jovian questioned as he frowned at the latest issue, a bubble of green goo that was now forming from some of the holes in the ground. Which turned out to be a use of Liquefy Cargo by another of the larger ancient computers to bring another set of heavily armed Rhizo. "Oh I do not like that trick."

"Ha, if I knew for sure I was I would probably join one of the dead guilds," Stone laughed as he loaded a second grenade because the first had not taken out the door.

"As for that trick," Flamescale added to change the topic. "I would like it a whole lot better if I could do it like that, but I can still do it a bit." With the area mostly cleared it wasn't too dangerous to let lose her infected creatures, with the two dozen linked heavy plasma rifles ready to eliminate both that first group of transported Rhizo and a second that was simply dropped and abandoned by their ancient computer as the bird-squid sank back into the floor immediately.

"Please tell me we can work out how to do that too," Sixteen requested at that display. "Because that would solve half our gear issues."

"Focus, Sixteen, we have more places to get," Flamescale said a bit harshly, unsure why the former local was only taking things as seriously as the rest of them. "How many more computers do they have here?" she questioned the group that had made their way to the now open door in that time.

It turned out to be just that third over-sized one, as her infection suddenly overtook basically the entire void construct as that bird-squid fell next to another void gate behind the checkpoint. An open and active one, although one that Flamescale now had under her control as the entire coral structure changed to her red color and began to ooze out her infection.

"Oh wow, that's a lot of lava fruit mist," Jovian said with amusement and a cough as Flamescale's infectious vapors started to pour out of the entirely living surface of the location. "Um, is there a reason the little snakes don't like the sound of that?"

"It is a long story," Yellow-Glow cut off Clumsy's angry response about scented filters before the very stripe covered infected snake could start it. "The way out is ready. Flamescale, bring one body forward with us while the rest set this place up as a fall back location."

"I might bring Left-and-Right's team in to take a look while we have the chance," Flamescale agreed as one body went through this second gate just behind the combat Entities. Then she paused at the sight of another relatively small ancient void construct with a similar layout to the last.

Unlike before the large open area featured three open void gates instead of two of them being inactive, with the other two gates both to the right of them, and the enclosed security area was much larger. Flamescale could not use the cybernetics to tell how many gates were beyond the latest open area, because the ground below them had quite a bit of Void Materials present inside. It also had another set of defenders, but the ancient computers here seemed more hesitant to engage.

"We need to clear those other gates," Stone declared quickly as the short human opened fire on some of the ancient disruptors.

"I'll help hold this side," Sledge offered, and made good on that by crashing into the only oversized computer currently visible.

Flamescale brought forward her other two four head bodies, although it turned out the ancient force was more prepared as one ended up triggering Splash and turned into a puddle by a surprise strike from three hidden laser Rhizo. Their movement to one of the other gates was slowed briefly to clear out the worst of the threat, although it seemed that the ancients were mostly trying to have their massive starfish constructs fall back into the structure here.

She wasn't sure why the ancient forces weren't cutting off the gates to stop them, but it didn't take long to clear out the rather small area they had and soon enough they were through the next gate. Which led to a nearly identical security checkpoint structure to the first of the these constructs. With only one over-sized computer this time, and no other computers as destroying it immediately caused Flamescale to have two massive void constructs under her complete control, although this new one didn't have any of its four outer gates active.

They barely paused once that was taken, going back out and right into the next gate to make sure that they didn't have anyone at their back, but once again they found a similar situation of a near abandoned construct with only a single ancient computer. Giving them a trio of gates where Flamescale controlled one side and now she simply had her infected creatures start setting up hives and defenses on all of them. She also brought all her research staff over to see what they could figure out.

"Is this good news fast or bad news fast?" Sledge questioned while they took a moment to collect themselves after that rapid action.

"Looks like just more gates to the instance," Flamescale specified. "Barely guarded and with closed gates out farther. My research team is seeing what they can find."

"So are we going to keep trying every gate we find, or is there a point where we're stopping?" Jovian asked fairly seriously for once. "Because this is looking like a much more complicated issue that I thought I was signing up for."

"If it goes much further I'm going to start eating farther into some of my ammo stock than I wanted," Stone agreed with a huff. "Those shields aren't easy to take down, and the goo things take more than I expected."

"Flamescale, can you cut off the gates once you gain control over them?" Yellow-Glow questioned with a clear check of his own weapon as well.

The answer was something she was working on. "I don't think they can close on their own, but that doesn't mean I can't work out how to close them," Flamescale admitted and went to check the details her researchers had found already with another body. "Give me a bit to try some things out, and be ready just in case they figure it out."

"We should at least clear this one out so it is something she can do," Sledge pointed out, and Flamescale mostly just followed them idly while they cleared out the larger structure.

"We have an issue," Left-and-Right then said to her from the third of these structures they had taken. Specifically from next to a now open void gate in that one.

"Is there a reason you opened that gate?" Flamescale had to question the two headed infected creature. Then blinked as she realized it linked to her infected facility.

"This is the other side of our facility's gate. It appears we are not putting off exploring the other side," they specified. "These three new infected locations are each linked to a different instance of reality by default."

"Help me work out how to open and close these things directly," Flamescale ordered quickly and got to work on that, while Sixteen took advantage of this development to get some non-linked weapons and gear through to help with the defenses.

"Problem, we have a meta-instance," Flamescale said to the combat Entities, even as she cringed at the first area of the structure. Which was a broad travel area clearly meant to both go directly between the two new gates at either end of the enclosed corridor, and also with access out to the other gates. "Yellow-Glow, we don't need to do this again for the far side of the facility gate."

"We need more data," Yellow-Glow immediately replied as the over-sized ancient computers in the corridor fell. "I suspect there is another inward gate here." He was soon proven right as the farthest part of the structure did include a single gate, and the final ancient computer that had not fled.

"I don't think we can keep taking these one by one if there are just more and more gates," Jovian pointed out at that discovery as Flamescale gained a fourth construct. "Can we close these for now and try and re-open them later when we are ready for this sort of thing?"

"I could use the break," Stone admitted with a grumble as another group of Rhizo made their way in one of the corridor gates. The crab-like enemies were easily eliminated, but the point was made by the next few attacks from those three gates that kept them all busy while a way to close the gates was worked out.

"Okay, I have a basic idea of how to get these to close without outright destroying them," Flamescale informed the rest of the invading force after the first ancient disruptor tried to bring an ancient computer back to the captured area. Luckily it turned out that the computers had just as much trouble taking over a place Flamescale already held as she did the other way around. "They aren't supposed to close, but my people have found a minor modification that should work. It will take a bit to open them again, but I think that is better than the alternative."

"We can always perform some more rapid raids to map the area later," Sledge suggested, and the other Void Entities clearly agreed with that idea. So Flamescale went ahead and closed the three gates that opened to ancient controlled areas.

And she immediately found a mission completion screen appear, with new seemingly unfinished alerts for four "Captured Ancient Bastion" rewards. There were quite a few Liquid Crystal Skill Trees, one-off skills related to those trees she didn't have before, resources including some Void Materials, and a strange setup for the ST points gained. She had ten from the mission reward itself, but it appeared that each "Ancient Bastion" was worth one bonus point to clear out and two more to capture. Giving a total of twenty two points for the entire operation.

Closing that reward screen gave an even more worrying result, as a special announcement appeared that seemed to have been triggered by a "capture" of one of these Bastions. It was clearly unfinished, with several parts that were at odds with each other and a few features that outright had question marks next to them. One example being the possibility to create a Void Base door directly to a captured bastion.

"Well, that's something. Anyone else get an announcement for 'captured bastions' without getting any 'bastions'?" Stone questioned with a frown as the short human finally relaxed. "It isn't really saying how you capture one."

"I think Flamescale probably is the one who actually got those," Jovian pointed out, the three tailed fox once more joking. "I think I'll leave them to her honestly. I don't need eldritch coral reefs."

"I have some possible use for them," Sledge admitted as the pangolin looked over the area in a new light. "But that can wait until we get a better explanation."


[Author's Note]
It is time to start with the real exploration of the ancient threat. Also a few more characters because I couldn't just not specify who was working with them on this, and found some more character concepts.
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And so the facade cracks even further for those willing to see.

So the Ancients seem to be some sort of semi-eldritch extradimensional invaders that had been previously fought off and temporarily barred from this Universe Branch at the apparent cost of those doing it. The question is if there's anyone driving, or if it's an autonomous remnant of some fallen empire.
I've got to wonder if the human instance is where the ancients went to respawn after some apocalypse, and the Void Entities are re-claiming things now.
So the Ancients seem to be some sort of semi-eldritch extradimensional invaders that had been previously fought off and temporarily barred from this Universe Branch at the apparent cost of those doing it.
Maybe? Given that the Ancients also seem to have been destroyed by this whole thing, I suspect things are still more complex then we're seeing.

Closing that reward screen gave an even more worrying result, as a special announcement appeared that seemed to have been triggered by a "capture" of one of these Bastions. It was clearly unfinished, with several parts that were at odds with each other and a few features that outright had question marks next to them. One example being the possibility to create a Void Base door directly to a captured bastion.
Lol. Seems the developers, whoever they are, certainly weren't expecting anyone to jump the gun like this yet.

With all those ancient computers running around it seems a shame that Flamescale couldn't hold one down and capture/infect one, or at least do her best to try and find out what happens if she really pours the infection goo down on one, but I suppose everyone was a little distracted by more normal combat at the time.

As is, I suspect that with the data they can get out of those facilities, Flamescale and friends are going to make considerable progress in those translation quests that were mentioned earlier. She might even find out what that first ancient computer was screaming at her about soon!
I wonder if the "devs" are familiar with Leeroy Jenkins. "Oh my god they just ran in."

And what's worse is this time it worked, which means once word gets out everyone is going to want to try it for themselves. Those four just opened up a literal new dimension to this war.
"It was the point six nine prototype, Yellow-Glow. You remember that one don't you?" Flamescale pointed out, because it was actually a concern on that front.


"DeepStoneMiner", always called Stone, on the other hand was human, but short and hairy in a way she knew was commonly thought to be somehow not just human, even if she didn't understand how. Stone mostly used heavy guns, in this case what looked to be a Macrophylla rotary cannon from one of their power armor suits.

Rock and Stone! Hi Gunner expy. Makes me wonder if the others are a reference too, one much sneakier, or just original. I do like the fox. Foxes are great! And also huh, Flamescale did not recognize a dwarf? Damn what the hell happened to fantasy in the year XXXX that they are in?

The whole outpost thing with a maze of gates leading either to one another or to a planet sounds like it will get really annoying. People are really going to fight a lot of that eventually huh? Also explains why "the devs" have implemented the shared spaces and guild features. Because the outposts would have been already used for that either way, so why not just skip things and make sure people have the same thing but comfy?

I wonder if the "devs" are familiar with Leeroy Jenkins. "Oh my god they just ran in."

I suspect the developers expected this one to happen uh, a little later? The gates are boring gray, most people think it's just a game (maybe) and the announcement only went on about destroying things. But honestly that was really silly of them not to consider a bit more. Guess an active problematic gate popped up earlier than they expected? Hmm.

The fact it was so "close" to the gate Flamescale was about to open is an interesting coincidence. I wonder if it's just these outposts and instance gates that can be reached, or is there more? Bigger outposts? Cuz these sound like they are basically just checkpoints/killboxes for anyone dumb enough to poke head in without enough firepower.
--- 22 - Armory ---

Flamescale had admittedly not done much herself in the aftermath of the bastion invasion attack. Having to work out what exactly she could and should use them for had taken quite a bit of time, although there was also the task of acting as the base of operations for the expeditions into the still ancient controlled areas of the larger bastion-network. That had strangely enough earned her a few ST points, despite not going on the unofficial missions herself and just holding the door open for the others to use.

Together with the big reward for taking the bastions and what she had built up before that mission, Flamescale now had enough points to go to five bodies and heads by putting another forty points into Multiform. It would take out many, but not all, of the second level skills she had been using recently, but the boost the larger form should give her would make up for that when she used it.

"So, does this place actually have enough room to use five heads in combat?" Sledge asked practically as they emptied out the facility side bastion loading area for the attempt. One major advantage of having the new shared base areas and her bastions was that she could actually get in person help with any new developments like this one.

In practice the bastions apparently counted as a sort of shared base space that locals could survive inside once they were marked as captured. Which meant that Flamescale could alter her character and skills while inside of one, although only as long as the gates were only linked to controlled end points. Even linking to an instance that didn't have a long term presence would disable that, although Flamescale had not worked out how exactly that was determined yet.

"We require the increased firepower enough for the larger locations," Yellow-Glow explained, currently in a winged insect themed body plan. "Four heads are sufficient for Ancient Bastions, but the other sites are too well defended." They planned on going over the findings in detail to review after this test, as Yellow-Glow had more information collected from other groups that were now exploring the Ancient Bastion Networks.

"We also need to go with Girant weapons," Stone pointed out from where that short human Void Entity and Jovian the three tailed grey fox man Entity were both waiting for that part of the explanation. Possibly also going with the rest of them on a supply run if they were both willing to help there too. "319 stuff is fine for ammo endurance, but for pure power Girant explosive rounds are what we will need here."

"More heavy plasma rifles would solve it too, without needing over-sized and poorly made guns," Sixteen complained with a huff. "If we have the free time they can even be modified vehicle versions like what Yellow-Glow has been using. My people are strong enough for those as well."

"Unfortunately we can't magically grab piles of those," Flamescale had to tell her infected. "It is hard enough to find an instance where more than a couple of them are in the same place, let alone how many we need. Though let's start with the upgrade that impacts me a bit more. I don't think I'll find ammo for Girant weapons that are scaled up." Given testing at four heads resulted in it trying to grab ammo she didn't have stocked so far.

"Perhaps you simply need to grab a whole vehicle depot's ammo stock," Jovian joked with a laugh. "Now, we've delayed long enough, let's see your first five headed hydra."

Flamescale did start on that, with only her natural bodies for the moment. She didn't want to make her infected serpents give up some time alive to just let her try out a new way to have extra heads. Although she was planning on trying to heal with heads the other way around now. Four heads was good enough for Bastion clearing, but the brief moment she shrank down was a possible risk to lose the body if she timed things wrong. This would let her instead briefly scale up.

Four heads were still the same as ever, although she did shift position a bit to make sure she didn't end up on top of anyone. Then she added the next head, so she had two below, two outside and above those, and one head at the top in a rough pentagon. She also felt just how much bigger she was getting this time, as she clearly was going to hit forty meters, and also be wide enough to look more like a small river of goo than a creature. Where before she could just see the top of the bastion structure, now she could just casually look over the top, and a glance back at the others revealed that they were outright tiny looking now.

"Um, maybe a bit too big?" she rumbled, the word 'said' not quite fitting at her current scale. "I mean, mostly for doing stuff... I am not getting into that doorway without being liquid, and then everyone inside needs to hold their breath."

"The next one is going to be a bit too large for the current threats," Yellow-Glow said unhelpfully, as that was quite obvious now. "Also, we still need to hear the stats."

"I think her point is a bit more practical," Jovian said, now not as amused. "I didn't think we were talking about her being bigger than some shuttles!"

"Well I want to know when she does find some ammo that works in a Girant rifle that size," Stone laughed, the short human clearly thinking of what might work. "Actually, bring one out if ya have it. I might know what is about that size. It's gonna be an artillery piece or shuttle gun, but I know a few that are similar enough."

Flamescale sighed, regretted that because of just how much air she moved with a sigh out of even a single head, and brought out one of the linked Girant heavy rifles she had mostly for her creatures. She actually had some Girant artillery rounds for her vehicles, although none of the associated vehicles were linked yet. Which turned out to matter when it successfully loaded those rounds into the rifle. "Uh, yeah that works," she noted and checked the stats of the gun. The very dangerous looking stats that made it a rather high end Fire attack with a sizable area of effect. "Oh, yeah we might want to go for Girant vehicle ammo too if I can use it like this."

"Let me see what's in there," Stone requested, and then whistled when she removed one of the rounds for him to inspect. "Why do you even have some of those? I would probably put up with being liquid to be able to use those in a gun."

"I still don't like how everyone seems to be acting like being liquid is that bad," Flamescale complained and moved onto her other weapons, after setting down the artillery shells she had now removed from her stores. The standard plasma rifle now had an ammo consumption that was unreasonable for infantry sized depots to sustain, but also had damage usually associated with shuttle sized heavy plasma weapons. Her laser rifle was similarly at a light warship scale now, probably able to outright down a dropship, or maybe one shot an ancient disruptor.

Her skill based attacks were similarly a bit absurd. Her vapors were over one hundred percent infect chance, although she now knew that being over helped with already infected to explain why it could go that high, but she had not considered how that impacted the damage. Which was high enough to be an actual combat threat for lesser enemies, like anything short of a heavy Rhizo or power armor, and that was without having the skill levels to improve its basic damage. Her residue was honestly close enough to actual lava at this scale that calling her "toxic" was outright wrong, and her spit attack would probably count as a volcanic eruption more than spit before taking into account that she could use it five times with a single body.

Flamescale's bio-tech skills were a bit new at the moment. There had been a good mix of one-off bio-tech and crystal skills from the small army of ancient constructs they had defeated, and she had added some of them already. One was a bio-shield, which normally wasn't that impressive, but with the size bonus was honestly enough to take quite a bit of infantry scale weapons fire. Although against anything worth shooting at her it wasn't going to do much before breaking.

Her four launcher Chitin Spike skill had been replaced by a two launcher Crystal Shards weapon. The quantity was worse, and otherwise the stats had been the same as the spikes, but they didn't actually need a full reload cycle after she melted down and even could reload while she was liquid. A two launcher crystal missile skill joined it as an outright better replacement instead of a trade off. Both of them were much weaker than her hand weapons, but her hand weapons were at the point where they could threaten spacecraft. The power was solidly in the shuttle weapon scale, and that was honestly at the point where the missiles would be best used on groups of enemies and the shards on heavy Rhizo or vehicles.

"Stone, I need something strange," Flamescale then said as she took off her bio-shield. "Shoot me a bit with that rotary."

"I've got this thing with my special anti-shuttle ammo. Only stuff it takes strong enough to deal with those disruptor shields," the short human warned her, but still shot her for a long burst anyway. "Flamescale, your health didn't even move."

"Infection Regeneration is percentage based," Flamescale noted a bit unhappily. "I'm going to ignore anything small right up until it overpowers that, and by that point they'll likely have found the big stuff." Which was a problem, because with how small everything around her looked she wasn't sure how well she would be able to tell when a crowd of enemies went from doing nothing to being a threat.

"Did you figure out what you need from the new crystal stuff?" Sixteen questioned. "Because Squeaky wants to know when she can send another supply mission, and I don't want to head back until I have an answer."

"Tell her I held you up for some practical tests," Flamescale answered him and removed those one off-skills. "Also, I'll tell her if she gets upset about an emergency use of them she gets to help fight it." Actually Squeaky would probably be on a combat rotation anyway if the former 319B got any more unreasonable about that sort of thing. Squeaky had turned out to have been named because the former bat could be the biggest and loudest perfectionist Flamescale had ever met, and unfortunately was typically just right enough to not be easily called out about that.

"Hm, that reminds me of some things," Jovian said quietly, and that made Flamescale wonder about her hearing because she kind of expected it to be worse at this scale. "Does anyone mind if I stay behind to talk while the rest of you get some more gear? I don't exactly need it myself."

"Take the offer," Stone said with amusement. "He is nowhere near as strong as he thinks and is useless for carrying actual supplies. If we aren't going for those light little 319 guns he isn't any help."

"This is why I try and just work with simple weapons," Sledge lamented. "Things that need maintenance more than ammo. I cannot remember the last time I actually raided a supply depot... for myself at least. Sometimes the anti-pirate forces need some extra supplies." Given that apparently included nuclear weapons Flamescale wasn't sure she trusted Sledge's idea of 'simple weapons'.

"We should probably start with the new information if Flamescale is done with the tests of her new skill level," Yellow-Glow pointed out, and started up a projector screen. A full sized one that her currently insect looking friend had apparently managed to fit in his body somewhere.

"We probably can start off," Flamescale agreed, then decided to stay giant for this as she started her part. "I'm fairly sure the developers are still messing with what exactly we can do with ancient bastions, as some things haven't been stable. We do not have the doors that it was talking about right now, but we did for a short time yesterday, and we have more than enough gates to link those instead. The structure itself is made out of a combination of the standard ancient building materials and some nodes of an odd Void Material none of us have seen before. I've been hoping to check if the Void Nexus has any of that, but it isn't even in the Void Bases as far as I've been able to see."

"I think I know the stuff you mean," Sledge grumbled while Stone and Jovian both seemed to laugh at the pangolin. "I cracked a wall on one of the other bastions and there were some off looking bits inside."

"'Cracked' he says. I took two grenades to break down a door and he 'accidentally' brought the entire wall down with a single swing," Stone laughed loudly.

"Any luck with working out how the ancient bio-technology works now that we have some live examples?" Jovian asked to continue the explanation, despite clearly wanting to continue to joke about that.

"Not much, there are only a few bio-technology constructs on these bastions," Flamescale admitted. "The gates are the main thing we actually can use, and honestly I'm adding more functionality than they started with. Otherwise it is just some sensor systems and data storage that will need ancient translation to do anything with. The good news there is that looking over the ancient gates was enough for my researchers to work out how to make infected gates that they can move around." It actually added a new entry into her Infected Material options, along with a couple of other project results. Apparently that was something that could happen if you developed the skill more, although most guides didn't mention that aspect either.

"Well that will make some things easier," Sledge admitted with a nod. "I think all of us wanted your... creatures, to be able to actually carry stuff out properly." Flamescale pretended to not notice his clear stumble over what to call the infected snakes, although she didn't really have a better idea herself yet.

Flamescale nodded and then looked towards Yellow-Glow because that was all that she had to explain. "I will preface with the confirmation that, while the ancient bastion networks do link multiple instances, there are in fact different meta-instances instead of just a single ancient network across all instances," her friend confirmed.

"So we will be fighting new ones forever," Jovian complained. "But we also don't have to deal with a group that controls all of existence."

Those were two of the implications, but Flamescale had another, "It also gives one explanation of why we haven't met any other versions of ourselves. If we are also a meta-instance, then we should also have variants."

"Please don't go into alternates," Stone requested with a loud groan. "I do not want to get lost on that topic again. I already deal with enough worries about alternate versions of myself on my own without talking about it with other people."

"Agreed," the other three declared bluntly.

"With that out of the way," Yellow-Glow continued to also cut off that topic. "We do know that the layout of the networks are consistent. On the outside there are individual bastions that each link to a single instance. These are the outermost spokes of the network, and between one and three of these are connected to each of the bastions of the outer ring. Literally a ring of bastions, with the corridor allowing easy access around the entire network."

"'Outer ring' implies an inner one," Flamescale pointed out as she put that into her mind. "Do I want to know how big the outer one gets?"

"Outer ring bastions connect to the inner ring, once again at a rate of one to three outer connected to each inner," Yellow-Glow confirmed, and then his projector lit up with a display of a series of rings of symbols. There were actually four rings if you counted the outside spokes and some larger inside ones that did not connect to the massive symbol in the center. The two middle rings were connected around in circles, and the inner of the two was notably smaller than the outer. "The inner ring has been recorded with between four and sixteen bastions along it."

"Four to one forty four instances?" Jovian asked with clear horror. "Over a hundred instances of reality? How big was the ancient empire?"

"There are very rarely more than a handful of worlds in any instance that were owned by the ancients," Sledge noted carefully. "In fact, there is an interesting mystery that these gates solved according to my local contacts. The ancient sites are specialized too much, it even looks like the pirate king strongholds were actually the ancient homeworld at one point, but even those were specialized to make only one thing at a point relatively far in the past from when they fell."

"The Girant have a few hundred worlds most of the time, the Leaf even more than that," Flamescale pointed out. "Wait, wait the Rhizo pirates always go for FTL ships. They always go for those. If the ancients had void gates, but didn't have FTL, then their entire civilization might have depended on those gates. Using a bunch of alternate versions of themselves instead of getting new worlds most of the time."

"That does seem to be the case," Yellow-Glow confirmed with a sigh. "But we should focus. As you can see, inward from the bastions of the inner ring are the actual infrastructure of the ancient gate networks. At the very center is the Citadel. Current brief looks with advanced scanners reveal it has a regular polygonal shape with between three and five sides, and those have ranged between ten and thirty kilometers per side. No actual ancients have been found in this arcology like void structure as of yet, as long as the Mucin are not in fact actually the ancients." 'Mucin' was the new official name for the ancient computers, but so far Yellow-Glow was the only one Flamescale had heard use it.

"Given how big those get I don't want to find out they are actually the ancients themselves," Jovian said with a shudder. "We spotted a literal wall of the stuff they were made out of when we tried to look at the Citadel connected to these bastions. I really hope that was a bunch at once and wasn't just a really big ancient computer."

"The other places had some that were a bit too big for my tastes," Stone agreed with a glare at his gun. "That's honestly why I'm happy to see we have something in their size range."

"Yellow-Glow, what does that mean?" Flamescale asked with considerable concern given how big she was at the moment.

"The inner bastions also link to currently unidentified structures. Due to the lack of translation at this time and the threat of Citadel defenses, I feel that we should focus on determining the function of those sites," he explained instead at first. "However, from our investigation they are heavily guarded themselves. Mucin grow larger the more important they are." The projector shifted to showing a model of an ancient computer, but the scale and the details the holographic projector were displaying did not sit well with Flamescale.

"Guys, that thing is at least my current size," she had to point out, fairly sure the green crystal coated goo bird-squid was actually larger than her current mass of red snake hydra goo. "Squeaky," she then ordered when it was clear that they were serious. "Pale," outright dragging both her quartermaster and craft expert to their location. "Prep a bastion for arrival of a 319 plasma gas tanker or two, and get ready to grab some of them," she cut off both of them before they could complain. "We need to be able to arm me at this size, and I think I need that much spacecraft scale plasma weapon gas to have enough ammo. We're testing if ammo stored on bastions counts for Magazine Link now, and we are going for any Girant ammo depots that might have more of these artillery rounds."

"Isn't this a bit extreme of a reaction?" Sledge attempted to ask, but did start moving to get ready.

"If we need to take on something that might have my level of regeneration, possibly to rescue captured Entities, I will need that firepower," Flamescale said bluntly and maybe a bit terrified. None of them really trusted that other players were getting ready fast enough for rescue missions. Ancient disruptors still prevented standard abort, and they occasionally had been noted to heal Void Entities that tried to die to get out with that method. "Liquid Crystal has a regen skill that might get the size bonus, and my researchers are fairly sure that there are ancient constructs inside the tubes of this place that are supposed to heal the computers along with what the starfish can do. We haven't confirmed it yet, or really found them, but it took too much firepower to take down the big ones if there aren't."

"Perhaps that should have been included in your part of the presentation, even if the data was incomplete," Yellow-Glow pointed out with some worry of his own. "I had a secondary target for our supply mission that just became primary. A major Girant ammo supply station that mostly contains vehicle scale ammunition."

"You want to get access to a couple of gas giant harvester stations I know of," Stone added seriously. "There are only a few places that collect and refine the warship grade plasma weapon gas, and an orbital fusion reactor core is about the only place you're going to find enough of those in one spot to be worth getting."

"We got Clumsy from one of those stations around planet nineteen," Squeaky pointed out rapidly, and Flamescale didn't have time to be annoyed with how excitedly her quartermaster reacted to these orders. "She might still have some access codes that could get us through security. They don't change them often enough."


Five bodies was at the point where Flamescale could start to consider doing multiple missions at a time. In this case one staying at the bastion to see what happened with using base construction tools to try and make some storage on the captured structure, one or two going to a 319 orbital facility with her creatures to capture some supply ships, and two or three going with Yellow-Glow, Sledge, and Stone to clean out an entire Girant ammo facility.

Clumsy it turned out had problems while there was gravity instead of just in general, as the very stripe covered serpent was able to move quite well in the zero-g environment as they took advantage of a lack of need to breathe in order to get from the civilian ship where their Void Rift had been formed to the 319 supply docks by using the structural elements around the massive station components.

"Lab one zero five is that structure there, we should make sure not to get too close," the former 319A specified over a cybernetic comms unit as they approached with an indicator marking a large block of the station rather close to the docked ships. "The cloning tubes are the most well guarded parts, but the real reason is that the docks don't like putting plasma weapon gas tankers on those slots. The pipes to transfer it are harder to use and take longer to draw from the station's main tanks. If we want to do this quick we need to go to the other side, next to those fuel bunkers over there." Those were half kilometer tall and quarter kilometer wide tanks on the opposite side of the smaller craft docking area.

While that group made its way to try and steal some space ships the two bodies with the other Void Entities arrived with three heads each, and the new crystal weapons back for both operations. She was only using laser weapons, mostly because it didn't make sense to waste ammo to get ammo, although Stone was at least using conventional and cheap Leaf rounds to get rarer and harder to get Girant explosive shells. The Girant were guarding the large tan concrete structure, in the middle of a large military base that the Slinks of that instance were actually asking them to eliminate.

Naturally with four Void Entities present the only question was how much of the contents of the base would be taken instead of destroyed, so Flamescale was mostly focused on her bastions. The gates were ready to move to both of the target sites, and she currently had two bodies taking advantage of the lack of a current link to a mission in order to add some base building options to the ancient structures. There were storage boxes and containers available for a wide variety of uses, and while there wasn't entirely a need to have them purpose made she was still using a tank design for plasma gas storage to mark off where she wanted to set the tankers. Along with another place that was being made into a fairly standard ammo depot they would be ready to start testing by the time the gates needed to be opened.

"So, I must admit," Jovian started, the only one of them staying behind entirely. "It is a surprise to see you with a command interface Skill Tree." The fox man paused deliberately. "I had thought your reason for avoiding them was the typical one, but seeing this I can clearly tell I was mistaken."

"There is a typical one," Flamescale didn't question. She had realized that this was the sort of confrontation that was the real reason he was staying behind, although not the specifics of what the issue was.

"After the update to the command interface there was a new aspect to intelligent minions," Jovian explained at that prompting. "Suddenly it was possible to get into all of the minds of whoever you took over. There are three ways players typically react to finding that out. They stop using those control skills entirely, like I did when I stopped being a necromancer. They could instead just stop using the intelligent skills, which is far more common and the only method that gets talked about on the forums. Or, they go all in, often staying in an instance that they practically take over in order to protect their new children-"

"Do not use the 'c' word," Flamescale cut him off instantly. "I am doing everything I can to use these skills and still avoid having to deal with being a mother to eternal eldritch monsters that are extensions of myself. Call it literally anything else."

Jovian didn't look impressed. "The local ideas on family isn't going to help you there," he pointed out, unfortunately quite correct. "319 consider being remade and put under the control of new management the closest thing they have to adoption. The Slinks have demon gods that you practically inspired, if we aren't dealing with time travel so you are their demon god. The Girant are a mess that still uses slaves after going interstellar, with social standards that match. And do I need to point out the Leaf ideas of family? We had an entire war that nobody liked because they think having a part of someone else added to them makes them family to the point they need to follow the family leader."

"There is a difference between people I've stolen from their lives, and creatures that only exist, that were created new and unique, because I made them," Flamescale clarified, well aware of all of that massive set of complications. Pale-Three-Moon-Sky had turned out to be a survivor of the mess with the Pale Stem General who had been sent on the mission to die, and the 319 under her command had barely changed what they had been doing before. She had spent plenty of time learning more about their thoughts since her poor idea of asking them about family and being converted.

Jovian simply gave her a look, while in the instances Clumsy was expertly disarming the local 319 with movements that were anything but, and Sixteen had Squeaky help start up a forklift hover unit to begin shifting the pallets of artillery shells.

"I'm probably going to try and get them to call 'Clumsy' 'Orbital' instead," Flamescale then sighed, resigned to her fate as probably counting as at least some form of family. "Not to mention I can't use the idea of letting Squeaky go into combat as a punishment now."

"Oh, and why not?" the fox Entity questioned while clearly ready to laugh.

"She just smashed a half dozen Girant off a bridge with a forklift, laughing all the way," she answered as Stone laughed loudly as well at the sight and Left-and-Right began to move the first infected gate to the Girant facility.

Working out how to switch names for one of her creatures was another question, and unfortunately probably had to wait until after that rapid infiltration force had already got away with the two tankers they had found in a good state. Flamescale was going to need Left-and-Right's team helping a bit more there to increase the base size of the gate to fit the spacecraft, and then Squeaky's people to get it set down.

"The Girant are getting ready to hit us with a small army," Yellow-Glow warned just as that first gate opened. "I believe they realize that the site is lost, but do not want to go for an orbital strike on this much ammunition."

Sledge responded to that by dropping a small theater shield generator, and then a mobile fusion unit to run it, out of his linked storage. "It still counts as one piece of gear," he then argued when they all stopped to stare at the two trucks bigger than he was that he had just materialized in the middle of a warehouse that was clear of every local except some Slinks, who honestly were probably going to be evacuated with the ammo if Flamescale had the choice. She didn't know where she was going to put some random Slinks after the fact, but she now had the option for them to not die.

"How serious were you about that Slink thing?" Flamescale asked Jovian as the first of the ammo started moving into the bastion next to them, thankfully successfully being stored in the new eldritch containers that held more than their volume.

"If time travel turns out to be a thing I will be quite upset," Jovian answered darkly. "However, with how strangely time seems to pass for some instances, I think we cannot rule out that it is a relatively recent idea inspired by your actions."

"I meant how they think about my new creatures," she specified while she started getting an idea of what the Slinks' existing plan was. "I want to make sure I don't give the ones I'm planning to evacuate the wrong idea." Their existing plan unfortunately was the typical idea of 'die while sabotage happens', and unfortunately she probably couldn't sneak them back to their instance easily.

"Flamescale, I mean this as nicely as possible, but taking a bunch of Slinks to this place, with its alien look and all of your red not-quite-lava goo, will very much look like their demon god's home," Jovian said somewhere between amused and exasperated. "To be blunt, they are going to be confused if you do that and don't just turn them into more snakes."

"I'll try and avoid that one," Flamescale sighed as the station team began to move to take the ships. Clumsy/Orbital easily leading some of them to the farther one from the tanks to check its load and hopefully try and top it off, while Flamescale personally did the same for the closer tanker. The ships themselves were probably forty to fifty meters long, and it would be a bit complicated to dock them, but it seemed the reaction time would be slow enough to at least get a partial load.

Opening a gate into space was surprisingly simple, as was making the gate larger to the scale they needed, although it did imply some uneasy things about just how arbitrary the ancient bastion's artificial not-instance was. If they actually had an atmosphere or not was still uncomfortably unclear, but at least it wasn't venting one if it had it. Getting the two tankers into the gate, well that was where things got strange.

"I have negotiated the transfer of these tankers in exchange for scanner data on the attempt," Left-and-Right suddenly cut in, as the 319 present pulled back from the two partially filled tankers. "We now should have time to fully fill them."

"Next time let me know before you try that," Flamescale immediately complained from next to the two head researchers. "I want data on void anything to be mostly contained. Get me your contact, and let me get Yellow-Glow here. Sledge too if there is a local anti-pirate group representative on the station."

"Boys, I have social issues that need handling. I'm sending more snakes to get the ammo, get ready for zero-g and no atmosphere in order to figure out what my researchers just messed up," she then said to the other team.

That worked to at least give her an idea on what the locals could actually figure out from their poorly tuned sensors while the attempt was made, and it also turned out to save them from having to deal with a laser cannon turret that they had missed during their infiltration. Then it turned out to give them additional help when they discovered that even the area around the bastion itself had eldritch gravity. Where there was a clear 'down' even well away from the structure, but the degree of that 'down' seemed to change by odd rules that took well over an hour of letting the 319 station crew into her bastion to help to get the ships docked.

This did have the upside that it convinced the Slinks that they were not in a demon god's abode quite clearly, but Flamescale honestly just wanted to make sure she had ammo for when something really went wrong by that point.

[Author's Note]
I'm not sure I can properly describe what it is like to try and balance both making sure readers understand what I mean, and also explaining things over time to slowly build up details. A mixture of unhappiness and pure amusement that honestly can make writing worthwhile.
On that note I'd like to thank IndustrialVice2 on SpaceBattles for some insightful commentary that impacted this one directly, if not in the exact way they thought it would turn out.
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Her vapors were over one hundred percent infect chance, although she now knew that being over helped with already infected to explain why it could go that high,
I wonder if she can directly infect one of those "bird squid" things now? She's got more than enough of herself now to completely submerge one of them in her body.

Although it might not survive long enough for the infection to actually take, considering...
Her residue was honestly close enough to actual lava at this scale that calling her "toxic" was outright wrong, and her spit attack would probably count as a volcanic eruption more than spit before taking into account that she could use it five times with a single body.
Starting to toe the line between 'Slime Monster' and 'Magma Elemental'. And this is without having a lot of points in her "Fire Aspect" branch skills, correct? It said she had to pull points out of a bunch of other skills to afford head #5.

Its a good thing Void Entities are already a collective middle finger to conventional physics (Or in this case, convectional physics), otherwise her guns would start having trouble with their ammo cooking off before they can fire.

She actually had some Girant artillery rounds for her vehicles, although none of the associated vehicles were linked yet.
Wouldn't Linked vehicles also be X2^(H-2) larger and made of scalding-hot goo? Seems kinda impractical.
Sledge responded to that by dropping a small theater shield generator, and then a mobile fusion unit to run it, out of his linked storage. "It still counts as one piece of gear,"
Having an up-sized, Linked power generator, on the other hand...

Clumsy it turned out had problems while there was gravity instead of just in general, as the very stripe covered serpent was able to move quite well in the zero-g environment
"I hate gravity. It's always dragging me down."

"To be blunt, they are going to be confused if you do that and don't just turn them into more snakes."
Some of them might even ask for it, which would be just a whole new level of uncomfortable for her.
--- 23 - Rescues ---

"My brother's been taken by the ancients," Wolfy started off his message, and they had barely waited for a target before they were at an arcology that had seen better days. The once pristine example of the greatest developments in local civilian infrastructure, places rarely touched by battle, was half covered with the foul smelling green ancient infection. No ancient computers, because there were already enough Void Entities here to have cleared the instance itself, but those Entities were mostly retired or related to non-combatants, and in many cases were avoiding hurting the infected locals with clear recognition.

Flamescale made a point to try and convert and reverse the infection of all the locals using some of her forces and an extra body, only keeping them infected long enough for her regeneration skill to heal them where needed, while her group made its way to the still open Void Gate. Some of the Entities who made it there first had already gone through to find those who were taken, but Wolfy had called them for a reason. They were prepared for this sort of mission, and waiting for it to come to pass, while the Entities already here had not been ready.

So they expected the broken and devastated bastion, but they also moved quickly to make sure that nobody had been caught trying to recover someone else. Thankfully the gates seemed to have been left intact, so they weren't slowed down by a need to replace them. They made sure to fully take what was left of the instance spoke bastion to allow Flamescale's forces to establish a defensive position to get everyone back to the arcology and make sure no more ancient forces got through.

From there they went to the connected outer ring bastion, and apparently the previous group of Entities had gone straight to the inner ring based on how shattered the main structure of the outer bastion had become. Either that or the ring gates had been destroyed during the attack and then repaired to a degree, because the inner ring bastion had its own structure broken to reach the inner ring corridor, but the wall that separated the inner spoke and Citadel gates was still sealed.

Their group quickly moved though the next gate along the ring towards the trail of destruction, and found an enraged dragoness blasting apart another bastion with a trio of lightning balls. ThunderFang77 was clearly too focused on one of the bastion control sized ancient computers, with the bird-squid Mucin being supported by over-sized Asteroidea ancient disruptors. Flamescale grabbed a fifth head that made her barely fit in the space, but also meant that the crystal shards she sent into one of those immediately broke its shuttle scale shield across multiple nodes and then let the crystal missiles immolate both the Asteroidea and the Mucin it was protecting. Then she shrank back to four to make sure everyone else could still fit.

The rest of them joining the fight was enough to make ThunderFang77's current efforts a bit less desperate, but it still took the rest of Flamescale's group a few moments to clear out the corridor and be able to actually take a moment to speak. "My mother called me about an hour ago," the dragoness said once the threat was gone, before the rest of them could say anything to ThunderFang. "A direct call from mars, an expensive emergency Synch-Tech call, and she said that Ms Smith had been killed and the whole family was captured by the ancients. Which didn't make any sense, she's been telling me about her new neighbor Ms Smith for months now."

"She was talking about a local?" Wolfy asked with concern, and a bit of worry. "My brother acts like that sometimes." The werewolf themed Entity currently had an actual combat Skill Tree he had finished instead of his new Liquid Crystal ST, so was a fluffy humanoid wolf at the moment.

"It took me a few minutes just to figure out what she meant, that she was talking about the whole family getting captured in the game, and-" ThunderFang paused with a deep breath to collect herself that made it easier to see just how much damage the dragoness had been taking to reach this point. "My mother has spent the past few months telling me about a local, and the first thing out of her mouth after using a direct mars to earth emergency line was something about a local!" There was clear confusion and concern on the Entity's face.

Flamescale checked through her current process to see if she could find who survived and who didn't. "Ms Smith didn't actually die," she clarified carefully. "She was infected, and hurt rather badly, but she should recover. Her kids are mostly alright, but her husband unfortunately didn't make it." Those weren't entirely accurate descriptions of the Remigrant family situation going on there, and even 'Ms Smith' was a bit of an awkward translation, but it was close enough for the time they had.

Wolfy looked at Flamescale like she was insane, but ThunderFang instead looked at her more seriously. "You're comforting me about what happened to a local," the dragoness pointed out, and then either began to laugh or to cry, probably both. "You, you are talking about them like that, and mom has been saying- This isn't a game at all, is it?" Wolfy froze at the question, but the rest of them unfortunately had to be honest in a time like this.

"I'm sorry," Flamescale said with a sigh. "There is never a good way to explain it."

"Honestly, there is a bunch of reasons why we never tell people who haven't figured it out themselves," Stone agreed with her.

"It is terrible to find out with this sort of disaster," Sledge understated. "However, at least you know that there are some survivors."

"I don't blame you guys for not telling me," ThunderFang replied to those attempts bluntly. "I blame my mother, who clearly knew this, for not telling me that I've been killing people!" Wolf flinched so badly he nearly fell over at that blunt statement. Flamescale felt bad for him, because she could tell he was taking this seriously, and that wasn't the kind of thing to figure out comfortably in better situations. "Although I guess my family needs someone who can do that right now," the dragoness rumbled dangerously. "Because I can definitely kill these ancients!"

"Do you have a way to tell where the captured were taken?" Yellow-Glow practically questioned, and got them back on the more important topic.

"Isotope tracker, my family has them in real- in the human- As humans," ThunderFang stumbled over the answer, but held up a small device. "It is important to be able to find people who end up lost, and I led." The dragoness seemed to realize there weren't any other Entities besides herself and Flamescale's group. "Oh. There were more of us before."

"One must take care not to lose sight of yourself in a rage," Sledge said solemnly. "It runs the risk of losing more people as you fight. With any luck the others were killed instead of captured, an odd situation but a rather noteworthy feature of being a Void Entity."

"You aren't really a roleplayer," Wolf realized quietly with wide eyes focused entirely on Sledge.

"We are ready for the threat that will will find, or at least we should be," Flamescale pointed out before that could go further. "If the path didn't go directly to the Citadel then wherever they are taking us is probably one of the unidentified sites."

"We could use the help, and the directions," Jovian said with a smile, and then it came down to the specifics of the tracker and the path to travel.

"Inward this time," ThunderFang specified and pointed towards the secured area. "They jumped us with those big ones here, and some of the other players who didn't get caught said there were oversized ones involved in the main attack before I arrived." The wall proceeded to collapse from the firepower that had filled the corridor just before, and revealed that the other walls of that area had collapsed earlier. "The left one." Thankfully the three inward gates were still working.

"Be ready, we have an idea what is on the other side," Flamescale specified as she regrew her fifth head and moved to enter first. "And I need to be bigger."

The other side was the first proper ancient void construct Flamescale saw for herself, and she made that distinction because the several kilometer to a side structure was clearly different from a bastion. One large open area along the middle with a number of spires, and structures along either side, and a pair of large dome structures at the far end that already had a Mucin of vast size growing out of them. It was clear from just a glance that bastions were just travel routes, small in comparison to this massive and well inhabited structure.

Inhabited by Asteroidea of three sizes, from the 'smallest' ones Flamescale had first fought with ThunderFang when she met the dragon, through the larger ones they had just faced outside on the bastion, all the way to a pair of them that were back by the large domes that once more out-massed her. Between those was the largest ancient computer that she had ever seen, rising out of both of the domes to dominate the other edge of the facility. "Guys, this one is bigger than what you showed me," she rapidly said as the rest of the Entities followed behind her and her body split into four forty meter rivers of snake. Her words almost drowned out by the not-sound of something that was making it slightly harder to concentrate.

"Still smaller than the Citadel one," Sledge pointed out, but he was also already going for a small army of Mucin present. There was not a Rhizocephala to be seen on the battlefield, but the many smaller goo bird-squids present had many more launchers and cannons like what Wolf had during his use of Liquid Crystal than she had seen on a Mucin before.

"That's smaller than another local?" ThunderFang demanded with clear horror, but still started to fight the smaller Asteroidea.

"Focus on the fight," Yellow-Glow ordered firmly. "Flamescale, keep the large ones busy while I identify priority targets. ThunderFang, area of effect duty, use that three sphere trick to break up formations and shatter shields. Everyone else, handle the swarm until I direct you otherwise."

Flamescale got started with that, and also decided that her creatures were needed now so summoned Sixteen to follow Yellow-Glow's overall instruction. Then she lost one of her bodies entirely from a pair of crystal cannon shots timed to hit just before a wave of missiles from the largest Mucin. It was the first body with more than three heads she had actually lost, and as a result her creatures weren't quite in the right position to replace it immediately. Luckily it did turn out that those crystal weapons did not have the same cool down, and the Mucin clearly didn't think it could afford to keep them at the rate of the slowest weapon.

Which was probably smart given she still had three of those bodies after that loss, and each of those had ten missiles of her own compared to the smaller number of larger missiles that had taken out that body. They also now had three of her limited number of heavy plasma rifles out because those were the fastest 'distraction' she could get to make it decide to try and go for her faster rather than smarter. Those rifles let her focus her missiles and shards on the two massive starfish that were clearly healing the even more massive bird-squid.

"Spires are the source of the enhanced void disruption signal," Yellow-Glow called out. "Sledge, Stone, handle those."

"Not enough, Yellow-Glow," Flamescale corrected her friend as her forth body with five heads returned, stats worse but not by enough to leave it behind. "Those are too big a priority," she said and directed the next set of her missiles to those instead, along with one Girant artillery shell. The spires on the far end of the field shattered, and the ones left behind after that were much closer for the others to reach.

"Keep on the big ones, Flamescale," her friend countered with a bit of anger, but changed priority immediately. "Jovian, check those buildings, see if there are any more of those domes inside."

Flamescale then had to deal with the side effects of Yellow-Glow's orders, because the main ancient computer apparently realized that the smaller Entities were the ones actually doing important things at the moment. Which meant that she had to body block a number of attempted attacks by the light warship scale enemy goo monster towards her much smaller allies.

"Okay, Yellow-Glow, I'm guessing that you think the domes are making more goo things," ThunderFang pointed out with notable worry, but also as she shattered one of those domes with a blast of electrical energy. "Because we are getting a lot of the goo things, faster than I've seen Rhizo made."

"Okay, if you've seen Rhizo made anywhere near fast enough to compare to this I want to know when," Wolf declared as he clawed through a few of the smaller Mucin. "Can they do what you're doing with the little snakes, Flamescale?"

"I can confirm that these are hives like ours," Sixteen answered the overall question from near one of the larger domes. "Orbital, go back and get a gate. We're going to want some demo charges."

"The buildings have containment units," Jovian declared as Flamescale lost her newly replaced fourth body again, although thankfully not the Girant weapon or its ammo. "There are a lot of Entities there."

"Leave them for now, they are mostly non-combatants," Yellow-Glow ordered. "Focus on the larger domes, they are healing the main Mucin, and the lesser ones are all extensions of it. Possibly able to grow into new ones, but also possibly destroyed when it is destroyed."

"Final tower down!" Stone declared as the majority of the not-sound vanished, and suddenly Flamescale realized how much that presence had been holding her back. With a quick burst of fire based attacks she shattered the hearts of both of the starfish shaped ancient disruptors guarding the main ancient computer. Similarly she could see ThunderFang literally tearing an arm off of one of the smaller Asteroidea, and that everyone else was moving much more quickly.

"Domes next!" Yellow-Glow said quickly. "We need that Mucin dead!"

Flamescale decided that meant to shift to actually trying to kill the thing, while she let everyone else handle the domes. That meant focusing on the stronger Girant artillery and bringing out the laser rifles until she drained the one battery she had them share. It would not be worth it to take the time to replace the battery over just changing back to the more energy efficient plasma weapons.

"Getting the tanks!" Sixteen called out just before the lasers' battery ran out, which was a sign that they had taken enough ground space to fit the things and keep them safe enough to bring in. "We aren't getting close enough to the big domes." Then there was a series of thumps Flamescale didn't have time to look at. "Why do you have all of these, Sledge?"

"Because I work with locals all the time, and locals need tanks to fight at my level," the pangolin answered, apparently already at a medium sized dome along the left side of the facility that shattered to reveal it was filled with green goo.

"I really want an explanation of this all being real when this is over!" Wolf then shouted from close enough to the main threat that Flamescale had to dive in the way of an attack directed at him. "Because everyone is taking that snake seriously, and that is not Flamescale!"

"You'll get one when we aren't fighting anymore," Flamescale complained over the sound of an enemy missile hitting her instead of him. "Now stay back if you can't take the hit."

"I think we probably need someone who has a fully finished shield branch to handle this at our size," ThunderFang pointed out as the dragoness attempted to bombard one of the largest domes. "Which I would like to have here, but the rest of that ST is still terrible."

A number of tank shells then slammed into the other of the two largest domes, and cracked it noticeably. With that suddenly the colossal Mucin's regeneration rate cut massively, and that loss made it take only a few seconds for Flamescale's firepower to remove the rest of its health. As it broke apart and the massive crystal at its core fell to the ground Flamescale felt her infection overcome the ancient facilities and forces present, including the minor Mucin. Although she could feel their minds just sort of collapse and that they were, unfortunately, being made into nearly mindless infected creatures of her serpentine kind instead of staying bird-squids.

"Okay, alright, suddenly changing that much is new," ThunderFang said as everyone else realized the fight was over. For a moment nobody said anything more.

"Yellow-Glow, tell me there is something worth that fight here," Flamescale demanded to end the silence. "Tell me we have something here worth taking down a warship grade enemy with their own personal army."

"Saving people isn't enough?" Wolf reasonably questioned.

"Most 'players' don't know that this isn't a game," Jovian pointed out as the group collected around the ancient computer's core, a massive crystal that was larger than any of the other Void Entities present. "We have an endless number of these, and we need to save people and work out how to stop these places from figuring out new ways to catch us. We can't wait for a patch or administrator to reset the Entities who get caught, because one isn't coming."

"Nor can we find enough who know it is not merely a game with the power to do this without the rest of the Entities," Sledge agreed with a sigh. "There is a reason why I still take on new Pirate King mass instances, and have been working out how to take them on without needing other Entities."

"Yellow-Glow, rewards? I would take a big enough pile of Void Materials, maybe a hundred Skill Tree points," Flamescale repeated, now quite worried as the fact that it had taken down one of her current sized bodies with a single barrage sank in. "I'd say a unique Skill Tree chance, but we already have everyone saying that Liquid Mobility isn't good enough."

"Close the gates and redirect to get us a route for the recovered back to the instance," Yellow-Glow said instead of giving her an answer. "What is going on with the captured?"

"I'll need a bit to figure out how to open the chambers they are stuck in, unless we want to just break them," Flamescale answered as she started to reconfigure things. Sixteen had got a gate of their own to the site, and it didn't take much to connect to another in the spoke bastion. Then she closed the two captured ancient gates that still connected to the bastion network, and triggered the mission completion results. "Oh, yeah, that would do it," she then said faintly as she read the description of a new reward.

"Yeah, that makes it so we have to worry more about too many people trying for these instead," Stone said with a whistle. "I know I'm motivated."

"I need to make a full guide for these," Yellow-Glow said dully. "We need to work out what counts as a source of these."

"I want in," ThunderFang said firmly. "You all know what is going on, you're ready to fight these now. I want to help, and I know I can with a few of these."

"This, is either the greatest thing the developers have ever done, or the most insane," Jovian said, sounding like he was torn between amused and horrified.

"I have no idea what to use this on," Wolf admitted simply, but very distracted as well. "I- There are too many options. I've been collecting STs."

"It is a pity we are capped at enough points to max out a tree," Sledge lamented. "We probably will need all of the extra points that gave, but we also need well developed trees to actually fight those Mucin."

"That depends on what a Skill Vine is, they might be something else that earns points even when you have a maxed out tree," Flamescale admitted as she considered the full results. Another set of various STs and Void Materials were the more normal results. The one new bastion was only two ST points for the capture due to those who were there first being the ones to actually clear it, the Ancient Void Lab was worth three points to clear and seven to capture, and it turned out that killing the 'Advanced Ancient Computer' was worth a massive twenty points, to go with ten for the mission's regular reward. All giving a total of forty two points for a single mission.

However, the real prize was another reward listed as being from killing an Advanced Ancient Computer. A new consumable item called a "Void Grafter", with the simple description "One time use, moves a Skill Tree Branch to another Skill Tree or to create a new Skill Vine". Closing the mission rewards allowed a new major announcement to appear, declaring that the new reward could be gained by the destruction of enemies that threatened all Void Entities, and giving the 'Advanced Ancient Computers' and 'Core Ancient Computers' as two examples in the current season.


[Author's Note]
This change to the status quo has been planned for a long time. I want to assure people that I did not just come up with this without consideration to the effects it has on the world I established.
... actually a part of me really wants to go into the thought process behind the Void Grafter, but that is probably best saved for after next chapter, where the details will be defined for this new development.
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"This, is either the greatest thing the developers have ever done, or the most insane," Jovian said, sounding like he was torn between amused and horrified.
"One time use, moves a Skill Tree Branch to another Skill Tree or to create a new Skill Graft".
Sounds like the players are moving faster than the devs can keep up with, and they're being forced to hand out rewards that haven't quite finished balancing and bug-testing. Hopefully these Void Grafters don't have too many problems left over from their rushed development cycle.

Though I'm not sure what they were really expecting, using Gamers for their trans-dimensional PMC. Speedrunning and Glitch Hunting is practically in our blood.

I wonder what would happen if you tried to graft together two mutually-exclusive skill branches, like if Flamescale tried to add on a Cold equivalent to the Fire branch her tree came with, or something like that. I can already picture someone trying to collect a bunch of Elemental branches for a full Avatar build.
"It is a pity we are capped at enough points to max out a tree," Sledge lamented. "We probably will need those extra points, but we also need well developed trees."
does this mean that while you can use the one-time item to graft another skill-tree onto you ST, you are still capped at enough skill points to only fill out your original ST? so you would have to sacrifice some part of your original ST, to put points into the grafted skill-tree?
does this mean that while you can use the one-time item to graft another skill-tree onto you ST, you are still capped at enough skill points to only fill out your original ST? so you would have to sacrifice some part of your original ST, to put points into the grafted skill-tree?
No, the intention there is that you cannot earn more points on a current skill tree than you would need to max it.

So if you have a ST that needs 1500 points to complete every skill to max level before using a Grafter, and you had those 1500 points, then you can't earn any more points for that ST. After using a Grafter the limit can increase because there are more skills to earn points for, so it could go up to 2000 points and you can start going above 1500 current points. Although it is also possible to end up with a state where you have more than a cap because the ST becomes smaller from a move, say you take out 500 points and end up with 1500/1000.

... I am not sure if that is something I should clarify in story here, if it needs to be fit in the full explanation next chapter instead, or if what I have works well enough. Let me know what you think.
No, the intention there is that you cannot earn more points on a current skill tree than you would need to max it.

So if you have a ST that needs 1500 points to complete every skill to max level before using a Grafter, and you had those 1500 points, then you can't earn any more points for that ST. After using a Grafter the limit can increase because there are more skills to earn points for, so it could go up to 2000 points and you can start going above 1500 current points. Although it is also possible to end up with a state where you have more than a cap because the ST becomes smaller from a move, say you take out 500 points and end up with 1500/1000.

... I am not sure if that is something I should clarify in story here, if it needs to be fit in the full explanation next chapter instead, or if what I have works well enough. Let me know what you think.

Then i'm not really sure what Stone means by this quote
"It is a pity we are capped at enough points to max out a tree," Sledge lamented. "We probably will need those extra points, but we also need well developed trees."
does he then mean, that it sucks you can't earn extra skill points before you skill-graft?
and the second part just confuses me then, as i have no clue what he's referring to. since if your max skill points goes up, when you graft, then it just takes time to max it out?
as to your question, i prefer to know how it works, it allows me to better follow along in the story, so having it spelled out for the readers is a yes from me :)
so, it's basically the helmint for this game, and the devs really really want to ensure void entities don't end up captured.

Nothing is as bullshit as gamers motivated by meta rewards.
Then i'm not really sure what Stone means by this quote
This is really helpful actually.
does he then mean, that it sucks you can't earn extra skill points before you skill-graft?
Yes, that is the main thing I want him to be saying.
nd the second part just confuses me then, as i have no clue what he's referring to. since if your max skill points goes up, when you graft, then it just takes time to max it out?
He is going a bit min/max here because this mission gave out a lot of points, but it was also hard enough that you basically need to have a tree that is already near maxed to complete them.
A comment on how the other part of the rewards for the mission aren't quite working.
as to your question, i prefer to know how it works, it allows me to better follow along in the story, so having it spelled out for the readers is a yes from me :)
It is helpful, and feedback like this is what I like about writing serialized works.
Hmmm, I wonder what kind of fun nonsense Flamescale is going to graft onto Liquid Pestilence....I wonder if a Skill Branch that gives Multiform would stack and let her get even more heads. The way things are escalating, that seems like it would definitely see use eventually. Alternately, something that allows her to shrink or condense her liquid could alleviate the issues she currently has with tight quarters.
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So what happens if you literally remove all the skill branches from an existing skill tree? Like, say, Flamescale goes 'you know, those new fluid skills dropping this season are nice, i am just going to take one that looks good and move it full out into my preferred skill array', or goes 'I liked my old fire elemental combat skills, so I'm just going to graft the entire thing onto my current set'.

And speaking of grafting the entire old fire elementalist set onto her current set, what happens if you double up in something like that fire element thing, getting the same ability from two trees? Does it stack? Not to mention we've already seen some skills can be 'unlocked' by more then one root skill. If you get an 'advanced' skill from a root skill, and then graft on a second root skill, does that second root skill start interacting with the advanced skill as well?
Is it bad that I want her to graft on that aforementioned dedicated kaiju size tree and have it synergize properly? Considering what hints have been dropped of what really happened, fleet killer builds are potentially not enough... that and I kind of want to see if she can get to Death Star size if she gloms all her sub bodies together.