Fluid Pestilence (Sci-Fi, LitRPG)

--- 24 - Crystallization ---

A console in the middle of the captured Ancient Void Lab was playing one of the first videos made by Void Entities who had managed to get some Void Grafters. As they mostly expected it was only moments after the announcement that every single high end Void Entity still playing had started to form large groups to take on the larger sites of the ancient bastion networks, although it did appear that Flamescale's group had also only been the first by a few minutes at most. Possibly even not the first at all if someone else had finished while they were only starting the mission to save the civilian Entities.

"So, here we have one of those things I never expected the developers to actually put in, but that everyone has been saying they should add," RedStarScribe said from the screen. The deep orange/red furred lion man was looking directly at the screen, with the special tools to let you share menus enabled so it could reveal the Void Grafter stats and menu more clearly. "The good news is that my worst case of a swap of one skill between trees at a time didn't happen. Or re-rolls of existing branches like most people thought it would be.

"The Void Grafter at least has an acceptable challenge to get one, you need to get into a group that goes up against what is basically a warship fight without your own warship. I have been on three attempts at getting an Advanced Ancient Computer down, and I only have one Grafter to show for it so far."

"I'm guessing they weren't all Void Labs?" Flamescale paused the video to question. "Because I would expect someone getting captured to come up if they failed to take one of those." She was present with the entire group that had taken the lab, and honestly it had only been five or six hours. The video was practically brand new, but it was also clearly someone who had not spent that time getting civilian Entities and locals calmed down after an ancient invasion.

"From my understanding it is not a reward for all inner spoke facilities," Yellow-Glow answered. "The original size I showed you is only a 'Main Ancient Computer', ten Skill Tree points per kill but no Grafter. Initial reaction is that they are valuable for leveling a modified ST, but should only be attacked after the fact. Five points for a cleared and captured site instead of ten as well."

"One day, I will be brave enough to ask how easily he analyzes that much information so fast, but that day is not today," Jovian joked tiredly. "Start it back up."

"Now, there are two modes to this thing. One where it switches around entire Branches of your Skill Trees, yes more than one despite the description text, and another where it turns a single Branch, just one for this one, into a new kind of Skill item I'll go into later," Red continued as Flamescale let the video play again. "Let's start off with the first mode." He selected the item and then chose the modification mode marked Skill Tree, instead of Skill Vine, and was presented with the ST selection menu. "First select the Skill Tree you want to move a branch out of," he picked a Liquid Crystal tree. "And then we need to cover the limits."

This time it was Yellow-Glow who stopped the video, and simply glared at Sledge. "I did not say he made good guides, just that I had watched them before," the pangolin defended his suggestion to take advantage of this video instead of just trying things out themselves.

"He at least tries out all sorts of STs," ThunderFang noted, but the dragoness' dark tone sounded like she agreed with Yellow-Glow's assessment of the guide's quality. "A real ST collector."

Yellow-Glow then resumed play, his point apparently made. "There are three limits to moving around branches," Red completely changed topic now that there was the action to select a branch to move on the screen. "The first is the reason this isn't just a way to make any ST into the perfect ST. There are two types of branches on any ST, primary and secondary. Primary branches are the ones where the ST gives you a level of the first skill on the tree just for putting it on, while secondary is everything else. The limit there is that primary branches cannot be moved off of the ST they come from, so this nice Crystalline branch with the regeneration skill and the damage boost for Crystal Weapons is currently something we can't get away from Liquid Mobility."

Flamescale did not like the guide maker's tone with that last statement, but if they stopped the video for every problem they might as well just test the things themselves instead of watching it at all. Which she was seriously considering. Then RedStarScribe took a moment to switch to a rather large six branch fungal zombie ST.

"So we weren't wasting our time finding all of our really rare STs, because you now need a good set of primary branches to start with and then to get other STs with those nice secondary branches you can finally add to something that actually uses them," RedStarScribe joked. "I for one am looking forward to seeing what I can pull off, although the second limit does mean you still want multiple STs. Each ST now has a limit of nine branches." He paused for effect, and then laughed. "Yeah, nine is the limit. I don't think I've seen one with seven and they're giving us nine to start. Although there is a trick there I will be covering later." Flamescale had opened the menu long enough to know she was at eight out of nine for her Fluid Pestilence Skill Tree, so she actually had to consider that limit.

"The final restriction is also the most obvious one, but it does have some nice features along with it, you cannot move a branch somewhere to make a tree that doesn't have the required skills for a branch. So for instance I have a Mass Infection branch here, and if I try and move that one over to this other tree on its own," He selected the branch, then smiled with great amusement at the camera as he selected a Fluid Pestilence ST. One that turned out to be four branches Liquid Mobility, Ice Toxin, Enhancement, and Multiform. "Like my worst and rarest ST, then you can see that it is complaining that I don't have a Contagion branch or another way to get the skills it needs. This works the other way too, but in a much nicer way." He went back, and this time selected the Contagion branch that was above Mass Infection. The menu then seemed to take both branches instead of just the one selected. "As you can see, this is where that ten limit matters. We can in fact move more than one branch at a time, as long as the extra ones have a hard requirement of the one you start moving. Honestly just adding these two to my Fluid Pestilence here would make it almost worth it for someone, if they could handle the real downsides there." Flamescale glared at the half insulting way that was said.

"Now, there is another thing to point out," Red continued as he re-opened the Fluid Pestilence tree. "While it does let you just move into an open slot, if you have got close to nine then you can select to swap two branches between STs. So I could replace this useless Enhancement branch with actually valuable Contagion skills with a single Grafter."

Red then paused to go back a few menus, and Flamescale could feel Yellow-Glow's unhappiness for that awkward moment of silence in the middle of the guide. "Now, I promised a couple of friends who weren't around for the successful run that I would go over what a Skill Vine is before I started to speculate on what we can do with switching out branches, and honestly it is really worth it to do that," he finally explained once they were back to the mode selection. "Now, a Skill Vine is a single branch from a Skill Tree that you have split off onto its own using a Grafter. It has the limitations that you cannot make a primary branch into a Vine, and you cannot select a branch that has another branch that needs it for the tree to still work." He demonstrated the second one using the same fungal zombie ST and a show of how it did not let him try and select the Contagion branch now.

"The rest of the information I've got is from another friend who already used one to make a Vine. You see, the reason we have an odd limit of nine for a Skill Tree, is that we are also getting a single slot to add one Skill Vine at any given time. The things can only be equipped when you have the skills to unlock at least one of the Vine's skills, and they don't start with any points when you make one, but whenever you earn points for a Skill Tree you get the full amount for your Vine too, so those are going to level really fast. I can already advise that you should find a solid starter branch, I've got a few videos linked in the description on some options, and then level it up as something to keep on hand when you are building up a ST-"

Flamescale paused the video, hopeful that it was a good stopping point before the next topic. It was possible that he would get back onto the information they wanted later, but that was enough to at least know what was known. "So, what does everyone think?" she asked, then thought better of her phrasing. "About the Grafters, not the video or RedStarScribe's ability to inform people."

"I hate to admit it, Boss, but we probably want to start with some kind of bio-weapon stuff. Like the crystal things," Squeaky surprised Flamescale by answering before a Void Entity could reply, with Sixteen nodding in uneasy agreement. "We just can't keep solid weapon stocks for that kind of fight. We drained a tanker and a half with your plasma guns, which isn't too strange for a fight like that but we also can't afford for that to happen again. Not unless we're building our own ammo depot to make the gas ourselves."

"We have the same issues with the guns," Sixteen clarified. "We lost almost half of our heavy plasma rifles, including two of the ones you made giant however that works. I want to say we should get something to let us travel with stuff, but having a backup is more important right now."

"Well, I'm going for getting giant myself," ThunderFang laughed at that set of replies. "For pretty much the same reason. I'd like to start with a bio-shield branch, but I need a way to actually fight something as big as the monster Mucin we just went up against."

"I believe that we all can make use of these, but a better guide than that is my first priority once we have a method to take on the threat effectively," Yellow-Glow specified dully. "We should start by trying to clear as much of the civilian instance's ancient bastion network as we can. While we are clearly not ready to capture a Citadel, we do know that enough damage should be able to destroy one. Preferably after having tried to gather some data once the likely soon to be completed translation is ready."

"I'm probably going to start with those Skill Vine things," Stone admitted, the short human one of the few who did not seem unhappy with the guide. "My ST is already fairly well rounded, and I want to test things out before I try adding anything to it."

"I have to worry that some Entities are going to get caught trying to get these," Sledge noted with a sigh, the pangolin clearly not as interested in the reward compared to the other consequences of it existing. "It is good that there is a reward worth the effort, but I hope we get more successful missions than failures."

"Not to mention they're going to need to top this if we ever hit another problem this bad," Jovian pointed out even as the three tailed fox clearly was going through his own skill menus. "I'm not sure what is worse than being trapped in pods forever that didn't leave any way out, but I don't think we want to find something worse and not have another reward. More of these might work for a while, but it has the risk that we lose people we need to keep doing this or that stay just doing this instead."

"I mean, it isn't going to be that bad right?" Wolf asked uneasily. "I know this is real, even if you guys haven't actually explained anything yet," That explanation was their next topic to cover. "But that doesn't mean it wouldn't just be getting stuck here until we die right?"

Flamescale looked over at ThunderFang to see how the dragoness thought on that topic, only to see that ThunderFang was nervously looking her way too. "Since this is all real, that means Synch-Tech is actually Void-Tech," ThunderFang started, to Wolf's clear surprise. "And even if it wasn't, we were already at least stuck here until the servers were destroyed, even if we died as humans, or AI." Flamescale blinked at that last addition, which was for some reason directed at Stone.

"If there ever were servers," Jovian pointed out seriously. "I've heard from some of the first players before that the first few weeks had some messages about server downtime, and I can't imagine that they haven't been told to go to extreme measures to shut it down."

"Those messages did appear," Yellow-Glow admitted, which might be the start of an argument if Flamescale didn't keep things in check. "If the servers ever existed in the first place is something I question myself, despite having been here to see them."

"I think Wolf would prefer a clearer answer," Sledge then cut in. "I am dead, Wolf. I know, very well, that I died with no hope of recovery. I can even give you the details to look up the accident, including some that are harder to fake, although anything that can be proven can be found at this point. I am dead, and I am still here, and I will continue to be here for at least as long as Void Strike exists."

Wolf looked at Sledge carefully during the brief speech. "Ah. Okay, I have no idea how I'm explaining that to my family," he admitted. "I mean, half of them signed up when I started to make sure it wasn't too bad of a game."

"My whole family is here," ThunderFang reminded him. "Although now I am worried they all didn't tell me for some reason."

"I am currently near death, and also using Synch-Tech robots commonly," Yellow-Glow agreed. "I have the risk of dying right in front of them and not realizing it until they realize I am still talking despite that."

That drew attention from everyone but Flamescale and Sledge. "Okay, better question, is everyone else who I didn't already know is possibly dead doing alright? I can't do much from Jupiter, but I've got some resources to throw around while I'm alive," Jovian questioned looking between everyone but Sledge, Stone, and Yellow-Glow.

"I'm fine as a human," Flamescale admitted tiredly. "No issues with my life."

"No, I don't need anything as a human," Wolf said with a huff, but he seemed to be growing more uneasy. "Ugh, I have to say 'as a human' now, don't I?"

"So, what I'm hearing is that we can still use Synch-Tech robots back home when we die there," ThunderFang mistakenly focused on, shifting the concern again, this time towards the dragoness. "Hey, mars needs people with jobs to help support the colonies. We aren't just a couple of days from earth like the moon is, and it hasn't even been a hundred years since we first landed a settlement yet."

"Okay, I'd say that is insane, but I am currently dealing with that being our plan A if anyone critical to the station dies suddenly," Jovian sighed and flopped down over dramatically. "I made the mistake of talking about this with my manager, and next thing I knew the whole research team was ordered to get accounts. Turns out we might be slightly short staffed." He paused for an instant. "Do not tell anyone I said that, we do not need the investigation."

"I get the feeling my talk about this sort of thing went better than the rest of yours," Stone said with a shake of his head.

"Wait, if your relatives know you're still here, how do you not know if you're dead or not?" Flamescale questioned with considerable confusion.

"Maybe he has a backup that is lost somewhere?" Sixteen suggested. "I know you think this is strange, but backups are a thing."

"I don't think people outside of the 319 usually have backups, Sixteen," Squeaky countered.

"You are DeepStoneMiner Three, right?" ThunderFang questioned, once again to Flamescale's confusion as it sounded like the dragoness agreed with the two former 319. "The martian auto-mining rig that got lost in a cave in after getting a Synch-Tech comm system to keep in contact. I know they gave that one a Void Strike account for entertainment, and you look like the character they associated with number three."

"Ha," Stone laughed while they all looked at him with confusion. "Would you believe you're the first person to actually ask me about that? Yeah, still trying to figure out if my hardware is destroyed or just offline."

"Wait, you've known why you don't know if you are alive or not this whole time?" Jovian asked unhappily. "You've had me worried about finding a way to talk to your relatives from Jupiter this whole time!"

"I'm not sure what to think about the only human of our group not being one normally," Flamescale sighed, now completely lost on what they were talking about. The plan to talk about how this was real seemed to have not worked out.

"He's a dwarf?" ThunderFang suggested with confusion, which also confused Flamescale and Wolf. Although Jovian started to laugh and Stone just looked vaguely boggled. "You know, short people who mine stuff in the ground."

"They're lunar," Jovian started to explain, laughing all the way. "Go on, tell her what a 'dwarf' is for you guys."

"Short unless you count the ears," Yellow-Glow described tiredly. "Fuzzy all over." He clearly ran out of ways to describe it without just saying it. "Like small rabbit people who really like big hammers, digging holes, and making that paste stuff I don't like much. We usually don't see much on the moon that uses the older variation on the concept. A lot of games and books actually give a lunar makeover to their dwarfs for us. I think they replace 'beards' with 'ears'. It is beards, right?"

"You need to ask if it is beards," ThunderFang grumbled, while Jovian laughed harder. "Wait, there is a lot of stuff they can do with their beards. What does that even look like when you use ears for it instead?" It honestly did get rather impressive. Shiny trinkets of both gemstones and raw metal were very common, often with fantastical brilliance. Although Flamescale didn't like the more horrible stories about cutting them off, which sounded just strange if it was only beards instead, even if dwarf ears grew back.

"So, they do have a lost backup then?" Sixteen asked with confusion. "Because I was kind of joking. Backups never work that well, and I didn't think Entities needed them?"

"I'll try and explain later," Flamescale reluctantly promised her combat leader. "I think we're going to get distracted too often if I tried now."

"On the topic of the little snakes who are apparently people," Wolf then specified, looking unhappy to end the brief amusement. "Have I been killing people? Because I'd like to know if I have an actual body count." ThunderFang huffed out sparks at that, and there was a pause for everyone to figure out how to answer the question.

"Well, that says a lot about what you guys are if he actually needs to ask if he's killing people at all," Squeaky said before a kinder person could talk. "Yeah, you definitely have been killing people if you've been killing people."

"You get used to it if you keep going," Jovian said bluntly in addition to that now that the silence was already broken badly. "Many do not when they learn of this. This instance is not the only one where those who cannot handle our nature live."

"We mostly just go after targets that we feel are better off dead than alive for the instance as a whole, or at least try to," Flamescale admitted with the best she could say about the topic. "We don't always manage that, but the alternative isn't for me at least."

"I have got to talk to my family about it," ThunderFang said somberly. "I'm going to help you guys with this ancient thing. They're at least a target I don't mind killing, but after that... I need to know if my family realized what I have been doing and didn't tell me, or if they were acting like these locals were people without knowing somehow."

"Honestly, I'm not that picky," Stone admitted gruffly. "I do things to get stronger and pass the time, and generally just avoid the really messed up stuff." The short human, Flamescale refused to think of something with ears that short as a dwarf, then shrugged. "Well, not if the idea is to fight the messed up stuff, that's always good fun."

Unfortunately none of their clarifications seemed to actually help Wolf out, as the wolf shaped Void Entity seemed to get only more and more horrified as they went on. "I- I can't do this," he said with a break in his voice. "I can't, I'm not. I gotta go." Flamescale made sure that he picked the right direction to flee towards the civilian arcology, but otherwise nobody stopped the wolf man on his quick retreat.

"I think he expected us to say he had not," Yellow-Glow said sadly.

"It probably says worse things about us that the rest of us are not stopping than about him since he's deciding to stop," ThunderFang said and relaxed notably. "Nothing good about us at least."

"I thought you needed to talk to your family?" Sledge questioned with some concern.

"My family already went over the basics when I got them home again," the dragoness rumbled. "They apparently 'weren't sure' about letting me keep killing people before, but now they are 'very glad' I was and 'proud' of me for having 'an actual body count' as Wolf just put it." Sparks literally flew out along with spit at the word 'proud' and the quote of how Wolf had put it. "I need a break from them and some acceptable targets right now, so I hoped going easy on him would keep him from panicking and give me an excuse why I wasn't staying with them right now."

"Well, there is an option I didn't know to worry about when I have to explain my own 'body count' to my family," Flamescale admitted, finding it even more uneasy that they might take her kills that way. It was one thing for her family to be disappointed, but proud was another thing entirely.

"Are we part of the body count, the family, or both?" Squeaky had the audacity to ask. "Because we do need that explanation too."

"Squeaky, I understand that you have a point, but you are about to lose speaking privileges," Flamescale said tightly to her creature.

"How about we change topic back to getting ready for our next step?" Jovian suggested. "Maybe try out our Grafters now to see if we can make the next one easier to get, even without Wolf."

"What exactly is the plan for the next step?" ThunderFang asked as Flamescale got started with looking at her best options for moving branches. "I think I'm the only one here who wasn't part of your group before, so I don't actually already know."

Flamescale paused in her comparison of Light Bio-Weapons, Heavy Bio-Weapons, and Crystal Weapons to consider that reality. Wolf had honestly not been given the full details yet either, but they were at least planning on him if things had worked out better. A part of her had mistakenly discarded that thought when Wolf left, probably because ThunderFang had so quickly joined the rest of them in their explanation to Wolf.

"There are three primary objectives for our group at this time," Yellow-Glow helpfully started to explain, probably with the speech he had ready for Wolf. "The first is to identify the critical parts of an ancient bastion network that need to be a priority to destroy for the safety of Void Entity operations in associated instances. Once that is done we then must ensure that all civilian Void Entity instances such as the one your family dwells within have had those critical components destroyed or captured. Finally, we must create proper guides, actual ones worth using, that allow for other Void Entities to safely engage these targets on their own to make any instance they are operating within safe."

"First thing we do in practice will probably be to clear the rest of the inner ring of this meta-instance," Sledge added with a nod at the dragoness. "Find out if we missed any other Void Labs that people might have been taken to, see if there is anything else on the ring that gives a Grafter, and I personally want to see if we can simply destroy a Citadel with a few megaton scale nuclear weapons. To make sure that this civilian instance at least is safe before we move on to the others."

That prompted a more detailed discussion of their typical combat requirements that Flamescale had heard before, so she went back to her own choice. A Skill Vine would probably be the best option if she wanted to get as many points as possible if it really did get the full amount rewarded with the ST, making it so you effectively got double the skill points. However, it also would start without any points, and would be limited to just the single branch. At the moment she needed extra firepower now, not after another few missions, so instead of the optimal path she was going to directly add a branch to her Fluid Pestilence Skill Tree.

Light Bio-Weapons had Chitin Spikes, Acid Sprayers, and a shotgun like Fragment Cannon, along with other skills to upgrade each of them in a variety of ways. She would need to deal with the weapons only reloading when she was solid, but she would also have access to the reload rate skills and damage improvement skills that would make that less of a complication. The main downside was that it would take many points for them to equal heavier weapon systems.

Heavy Bio-Weapons had the Bio Missiles, Bio Cannon, and powerful Bio Laser skills, along with their own improvement skills. Heavier weapons that cost more points to upgrade, but came with more combat ability. However, even at their best they would not have as short of a reload time, and that could be very limiting with the reload resetting whenever she or her creatures liquefied.

The two ranged Bio-Weapons branches also both had the downside of being exposed weapons. She would have to leave the skills unused, or add the Hidden Bio-Weapons tree as well to hide the few that could be hidden without losing access to them for a time.

Crystal Weapons by contrast did not have any direct damage upgrades to the weapons it provided, although it did use only a single skill to reduce the reload speed for all the weapons instead of needing a specific skill to speed up each one. It also had more of a mixture of weapons, with a melee focused Crystal Blade skill that was possibly similar to some skills from the Melee Bio-Weapons branch that she outright was not considering, the Crystal Shards launcher skill that was similar to Chitin Spike although without as many levels or upgrades, a Crystal Cannon that did have its own damage upgrades but could only stack to two cannons, and the Crystal Missiles skill that again did not offer as many missile launchers as the Bio-Weapons variant. However, both the Shards and the Missiles came with a skill to hide the launchers, and the blade skill seemed to be somewhat hidden as well.

Really it wasn't a choice, Crystal Weapons did everything she wanted for after this rush to fight was over. It wasn't perfect, she personally did not like that the cannon did not come with a hidden version and would have liked the ability to make the Shards explosive the way the Chitin Spikes could be augmented by a skill, but it was good enough for her needs. Using the Grafter to move a Crystal Weapons branch from one of her many Liquid Crystal Skill Trees to her Fluid Pestilence was just as easy as the video had implied, with the only minor complication being a message that had her confirm an automatic removal of the one-off skills that would now be part of her current Skill Tree.

A part of her expected to feel some form of change to altering a Skill Tree, something special for such an unusual new effect, but there wasn't anything different immediately but the lack of her one-off skills. She had forty two points unspent from the assault, and she immediately sank most of them into the new branch.

Bio and Crystal Weapons branches all broke from typical skill costs in that getting multiple levels of some weapons had a flat cost for every level instead of an increasing one, but that was balanced by the other skills that actually improved their stats being costly. Crystal Shard launchers cost one point per launcher, and could be stacked ten times in total, less than the fourteen times that a Chitin Spike skill could stack to at the same cost per level. Up to six of them could then be improved with a two point per launcher skill to allow them to hide, making it so she could only have six if she wanted them hidden which was also four less than the hidden version of Chitin Spike. With that in mind she spent six points right now to get used to what would be the full quantity she could hide later.

Crystal Missiles were more expensive, but still had a flat cost per launcher of five points. They also had a max limit of six launchers, again four less than the bio variant capped at, and only two could be hidden for the large cost of ten points to hide each launcher. All six launchers would cost the same thirty points as just having two hidden missiles. Ten of Flamescale's points went in now to get back her now typical two launchers.

After that she looked at the two other weapons. Crystal Blade allowed her to turn part of her body into a sharp crystal blade, although it would need more levels to do more damage and have greater durability, and it had a fairly long time before she could forge another. One point to have it as an option was all she put into that melee option.

Crystal Cannon was powerful, but could not be hidden and was a base cost of five points, with another ten point skill to get a second cannon. Like the blade this skill increased in cost per level normally to improve damage and area of effect. Unlike the blade she didn't add this skill, as while it could be helpful she had not had good luck with getting the bio-weapon version to actually fit on her body in a reasonable way. She did not want to look silly with a giant cannon on her, especially when she could instead just get more missiles for the same cost as the first cannon skill level.

The final skill of the branch was strange for a Bio-Weapon branch, but welcome here. Crystallization Speed was a flat reload time reduction for every single one of the Crystal Weapons at the same time. Two points for the first level with an increase of two points per level was somewhat costly, but paying twenty points total for the first four levels of ten was worth it. That investment nearly cut half the reload time off the Crystal Shards, and almost a quarter off the missiles. Which told her that there would be very little reload time at all for the shards at the max level of ten, and half the time for the missiles.

That left her five points, which could have gone to another missile or a cannon, but instead were invested into her other skills that did grant some bonus damage. A third level of Infectious Strikes impacted those weapons as well for the biggest bonus she could get out of what she had, then the last two into a second level of a skill to increase the damage of the Fire status effect. All together it gave a nice boost to her combat ability for their next operations.

"Wait, you guys are going to be doing this right now?" ThunderFang fully realized just as Flamescale finished. "Not that I mind getting my family safe sooner, but I didn't think we had a reason to rush right now."

"We do not know for sure that we found everyone who was taken," Flamescale repeated, just in case ThunderFang had not realized why they wanted to see if there were any other labs on this meta-instance. "I don't know if anyone had a full list of everyone who lived in your family instance, and we also don't know if there is another instance that is connected, or if you missed some of those who were traveling with you that got caught."

"We do, I made sure to check in with all of them I could remember," ThunderFang corrected thoughtfully. "But I guess we didn't all get there in time to know we didn't miss anyone else who might have gotten caught." Then the dragoness grew in size quite a bit, from five meters to fifteen. "Okay, that will help, but forty points for the next level is a bit more than I expected."

"Your next level is equal to my five headed form," Flamescale pointed out dryly. "I spent one hundred to get there."

"You have five of those slithering around, I just get the one," ThunderFang joked back, with Jovian and Stone both seeming rather amused with that counter.


[Author's Note]
Here we have a more complete explanation of the new capability for changing skill trees around.
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Well, that was a lot of stuff in the chapter. Video guides still suck as always, there's no FTL (physical one that is, Synch/Void Tech seems to just work across whatever), and the moon has rabbit themed dwarves. Also DeepStoneMiner is an AI, specifically a giant drilling machine. Who someone gave a game account.

A bit sad we did not get Flamescale to go into crystal building stuff, but maybe some time? But nice that she finally has a weapon option that is useful. Well, other than her having some opinions on aesthetics of weapons, but she does justify it by "I already have missile launchers instead of the cannon". Though, uh, what was that skill branch she removed?

Love the banter between the people, the whole "Trying to figure out who is from where and how weird is their life". From what I understand, both Flamescale and Jovian are in some sorta research stuff. And ThunderFang is… hm. Either high up on Mars, or just looks at the news a lot. Or part of whatever org overseeing mining operations.

Actually, I do wonder what kind of society Sol is in the story. Like, is there still money, corporations, etc? Kinda unsure from the banter, but then again it's not like we IRL complain that much about capitalism and companies and money. Kinda. Well okay it depends? Anyway… Really really nice to see more about the world on the other side. Still expecting Flamescale to somehow end up meeting her human self eventually P:
I wasn't expecting that Moon Dwarves, were:
1. Apparently just as likely to want a beer as some mochi.
2. Drop a "In the Name of the Moon" speech as a "Rock and Stone!"
3. A thing that exists
She was at 8? She started with 7, though.
I'm partially bringing this up because I started with a degree of "how do we count the number?" at the beginning of the story, and I am wondering if I need to add some clarification this chapter.
Her original set was:
1- Contagion
2- Hidden Infection
3- Mass Infection
4- Reformation
5- Liquid Mobility
6- Multiform
7- Fire Toxin
8- Enhancement
The confusion at the start was how to count the first three, since they all link together tightly. (It was common to not count Contagion and instead just count Hidden and Mass.) Now there is an actual display of how many you have, and I might need to have a line in this chapter where Flamescale sees her current count.
Well, looks like she can take branches from her Flame Elementalist Tree, since the Fire Toxin branch is stated to be nearly identical to its base tree.
Which is good, since she stated it was a well used Tree, which means she has a lot of experience with it and likes it.
After a shower to think, and a double check of the chapter, I found a spot to add a clarifying sentence:
"So we weren't wasting our time finding all of our really rare STs, because you now need a good set of primary branches to start with and then to get other STs with those nice secondary branches you can finally add to something that actually uses them," RedStarScribe joked. "I for one am looking forward to seeing what I can pull off, although the second limit does mean you still want multiple STs. Each ST now has a limit of nine branches." He paused for effect, and then laughed. "Yeah, nine is the limit. I don't think I've seen one with seven and they're giving us nine to start. Although there is a trick there I will be covering later." Flamescale had opened the menu long enough to know she was at eight out of nine for her Fluid Pestilence Skill Tree, so she actually had to consider that limit.
So if she drops Enhancement and Reformation, she can pick up Flame Illusions and Liquid Utility. Then for Grafts, she can have situational infiltration stuff and maybe a shield one for heavy combat.
Ancient Forge
--- 25 - Ancient Forge ---

The smaller inner facilities that didn't give a Void Grafter still were worth fifteen points each between the defeat of the massive Mucin "Main Ancient Computer", the reward to clear the site, and the site capture reward that Flamescale's group was still picking up since the whole goal was to figure out what everything did. Combined with capturing other bastions that was adding up to a lot of points very quickly, and Flamescale had not been surprised to see that the guides that were already out focused on teaming up to use that factor to rapidly level upgraded or new STs.

It was honestly going a bit too fast for her, as the last pause for a break had revealed that she earned more than enough points to sink ninety more into the speed her Crystal Weapons reloaded, enough to actually complete that skill's ten levels. Which would help considerably, as it was also clear from those fights that the ancient forces were starting to break out everything they had to slow or stop her conquest. The worst part of it was that they had only cleared out part of the overall network. Four of those minor inner facilities, two inner ring bastions, four connected outer ring bastions, and the ten instance spoke bastions that were connected to those.

Although Flamescale was about ready to stop actually capturing the bastions herself. They were in theory useful to have more of, but after rapidly adding twenty new locations to her personal network her forces were stretched a bit thin keeping track of all that space.

"I think we can count you in the combat STs now," Sledge mentioned as the latest spoke bastion's very minor bird-squids found themselves bombarded by multiple rapidly fired crystal shards from both Flamescale's four headed bodies, and her creatures. "You might be able to take on the bastions yourself at this point, Flamescale."

"I think I made a mistake with going entirely for size," ThunderFang admitted at about thirty meters instead of the dragoness' current max of around forty five. "I mean, I don't usually use guns, but..." ThunderFang trailed off to look at what was left of this bastion. Flamescale admittedly needed to use her Material Movement or massive size to get between the now shattered fragments of the bastion, and there was a real risk that they would need to work out how to reopen broken Void Gates after ThunderFang's poorly thought out attempt to spear only two of the now far more massive lightning spheres. "Yeah, I need to be more careful fighting anything smaller like this."

"We should halt operations on the outer ring and instance spokes," Yellow-Glow suggested from near the inward gate. "It is taking too much time and has too little impact. The locals can most likely handle the Mucin that remain should we only leave behind those bastions."

"I think the locals can at least bomb the places until they're clear," Stone agreed, and the short human eyed the red of Flamescale's control that had overtaken the bastion's fragments. "Although they are going to need a lot of ammo for that. There aren't many forces on the bastions, but with the infection they will need a lot of things killed."

"I'm just happy that I don't need to find as much ammo myself," Flamescale admitted, but the extra firepower of regular guns would be a nice bonus on top of her new baseline. "Although, my next thing is probably putting the hidden skills for these Crystal Weapons if we don't get another Grafter soon."

"I'd be happy with those too," Squeaky said as the black serpent with red spots arrived from where the infected quartermaster was looking over a material stockpile they had captured not long before. "Bad news boss, this is another pile of junk that needs to be refined all over again for us to use it, but Left-and-Right think this stuff is what they used to make the platforms and Asteroidea. At least it matches what they wanted me to keep an eye out for."

"Everyone, prepare for major conflict," Yellow-Glow suddenly said at that news. "There is still the other gate at the inner bastion we came from, and the information available so far shows that the most common locations for Grafter sized Mucin are Void Labs, and Asteroidea foundries. That proximity might be an indicator of the next site's function as a major site."

"I don't like the sound of it being platform material either," Stone pointed out. "That refinery you called a piece of crap earlier was getting fresh raw material from somewhere, and if they could just build another lab we might have a bigger issue in the long run." They had held off on the other inner spoke site in the hope of finding another outer spoke with open gates to explain where those raw materials had come from.

"On that note, I still want to see if there are any open instance spokes that they were using to get those resources," Sledge specified as the pangolin checked his hammer and looked out towards where they had found more unopened gates. "But that can wait for the time being. Are we still prepared for the main fight?"

"I'm good to go," Jovian said easily, but the three tailed fox was the least equipment limited of their group other than ThunderFang.

"My ammo is at forty percent," Stone specified. "Which isn't great given I was at one hundred forty percent of my usual load when we went up against the last one. Even if this isn't another Grafter computer I need to have another big restock mission after this one. I might have some backup stuff if you only need my help for bastions."

Flamescale looked to Sixteen for his opinion. The added ability of her infected creatures to bulk out their force had let them take on an Advanced Ancient Computer with what was apparently an undersized team as far as initial assessments were showing. Eight to ten Void Entities with combat STs was the initial standard, with some suggesting more since that technically gave out more Grafters overall, even if the things could not be traded.

"The last boost to reload speed is enough that we're hitting as hard and fast as some Girant rifles without the need for extra ammo, and the missiles are just plain nice to have at this rate compared to that first boost you got us, let alone how slow they started," Sixteen answered. "We're much better off this time, although I would still like to have time to fix and expand our vehicle force if we want to do those more often. Not to mention more forces in general if we actually keep all of these places, although we could do without whatever those things we've been getting from these guys are. I don't like seeing others like us without any minds in them."

"How is the Citadel plan?" Flamescale took a moment to ask Sledge. "Do we have the nuclear weapons to at least take out the gates?" Her creatures had scouted out the other side of the Citadel gates they had found so far, and hopefully discovered the gate layout of the innermost core of the network.

"I have three weapons at the moment, they are not trivial to get," Sledge admitted carefully. "If there are more than three gate locations I cannot guarantee we will cut it off entirely, or if that will be enough to destroy the overall site. They also will need time to be setup and armed, although Sixteen seems to have the people to handle that for the time period we require."

"If it works I'm still putting it into the guide," Yellow-Glow specified, apparently to the surprise of the others. "I've put 'just use a nuclear warhead' into them before." Flamescale on the other hand knew very well that Yellow-Glow was quite practical about his guides, and if 'nuke it' was on the table it at least made it into the end notes. Thankfully there weren't many targets tough enough for that plan to be less trouble than a regular solution. "We may wish to perform that test relatively soon. Knowing the side effects of a destroyed Citadel could be valuable as well."

"One more inner facility and then just take over the inner ring to finish scouting the Citadel?" Flamescale suggested with a consideration on how well that might work. "No, we would have to figure out if they have a faster way of making their mobile forces first. I don't have enough infected minds to keep a full ring contained if they can move out from the Citadel or some of these inner sites while we got ready."

"Have any attempted that yet?" ThunderFang reasonably asked.

"None yet, but we need to have forces on standby just in case. We've been cutting the ring and Citadel gates we don't control until we have time to clear them so far," Sixteen responded with a nod. "If we can also cut the outer ring connections then I think we can actually handle the full inner ring. It isn't as large of a front line, and we can reposition quickly enough that they would need either a very large force or a lot of coordination."

"I have some more advanced sensors that should let us find all gate locations without needing control over the entire inner ring," Yellow-Glow specified with a sigh. "Worst case we infiltrate more deeply so the limited weapons we have on hand can be more effectively deployed."

"I think I can get us more nuclear weapons," Squeaky contributed thoughtfully. "That arcology we just saved can definitely find people to chip in a few, and if we can get their move-stuff ability with another 'Grafter' then we can reposition them quickly. If we don't get that capacity then we need to use our Infected Gates instead, but it is possible."

"In that case we should move to take this next site sooner rather than later, so I know if I can add that," Flamescale said and that got everyone else moving.


Unlike most of the inner facilities they had found so far, this one was full of Rhizocephala. Flamescale's five headed body was first onto the site, which seemed to be a large pentagon shaped central area with a number of smaller complexes extending off the four sides that did not contain the gateway itself. She could immediately see that the closer pair were far more well crafted structures for the creation of Rhizo than she was used to, which unfortunately implied that they could in fact build them faster. Further back were the starfish shaped ancient disruptor Asteroidea, clearly newly built from the back left side, and more concerning a few slabs of ancient construction material and unfinished ancient hive structure domes being made by the final side.

There were many small Mucin and domes present along the entire structure, but three massive domes and another Advanced Ancient Computer were right in the middle of the open space, and clearly had been making a force to strike back at them with the resources on hand.

Flamescale did not wait to launch all of her crystal shards and missiles into the best targets she could spot, while spitting at the ground in the largest open spaces she could see. Which was very needed to get her three other five headed bodies onto the field to start to thin out the many missile, cannon, and laser armed Rhizo that were more of a threat to her allies. As she expected, that first body was lost immediately from the massive Mucin's counterattack.

"We have a small army on the far side. ThunderFang, you need to be bigger to help me clear these out," she instructed with her single headed backup body as her other bodies tried to get a first wave of missiles into that crowd. Then added and split off a head to get a start on a replacement. "I think I need to invest in Reformation soon. Maybe strip it off into my first Skill Vine to double the points I get." Also to give her another space in her ST for stuff she really wanted to use after the Season.

"Focus Flamescale, if we have an army to fight we need to deal with the fight first," Yellow-Glow specified as ThunderFang started to grow and flew through the Void Gate.

"Definitely my last mission until a resupply," Stone complained as the short human followed ThunderFang through along with Sledge and Jovian. "This is why we're nuking the Citadel," he then added when he actually saw the army they were up against.

"We need this place intact or gone," Yellow-Glow agreed as he went through last. "I also need that translation yesterday."

"No time travel talk," Jovian complained as he sent a blast of Decay that turned into a shimmering dome of darkness. "The universe is confusing enough with me actually being a magical fox monster without risking time travel turning out to be real too." The effect was clearly an advanced use of Elemental Illusions, one that appeared to have been tuned to cause some Decay status effects. That made it easier to tell it was an illusion, but was better for combat uses and effectively a more free form way to effectively cast elemental spells. In this case it allowed Jovian to add ranged area of effect damage to his skill set to go with his aura of damage around his body and single target skills.

Flamescale only barely had enough free thought to handle spotting that detail as they spoke. If not for Sixteen and her other leader infected creatures she already wouldn't have the chance to handle all of her infected outside of vague orders, the focus to know what they were doing was too much work in active combat against a foe of this size and threat level. Just keeping the heavier weapons the ancient force had from taking out ThunderFang while the dragoness did real damage to the main Mucin was difficult enough, and that had been a concern at the smaller forces from the other facilities they had hit.

Flamescale's multiple heads covered in rapid fire Crystal Weapons were the better option against smaller foes, each of her five viewpoints on each of her four bodies she sent in could track a group of Rhizo, while ThunderFang only had one set of eyes and one set of cooldowns for the dragoness' attacks. Each head had its own array of six crystal launchers and twin missiles to handle the groups, or to be turned against heavier targets all at once.

Although this Mucin had a lot more heavy ground forces, with a whole lot of the typically rare laser Rhizo that were using the strongest bio-weapon available. Bio-lasers were strong enough to still be a threat at the scale Flamescale and ThunderFang were currently at without being on something that size themselves. Not a significant threat individually, but this many of those solid damage over time attacks countered much of Flamescale's regeneration and could quickly remove both of their basic shields.

Then there was the massive downside that the nearby production facilities seemed to be creating new laser Rhizo to join the main force along with cannon and missile variants. "You jinxed us," Flamescale said to ThunderFang and punctuated it with a barrage of crystals towards one of the larger domes instead of the Advanced Ancient Computer itself. "Because they are making these Rhizo as fast as the Mucin."

"Focus fire on the main domes, we need control cut on this one," Yellow-Glow ordered. "We cannot clear these forces fast enough otherwise. Rhizocephala are better armored than Mucin," he then reminded the two of them on behalf of the part of the group that were not giant monsters.

Flamescale decided that meant trying her laser rifles on the largest domes. With ThunderFang to help with the biggest enemy, she could spare the battery on those instead of needing to use it to cut down the health of the Mucin again. Flamescale's lasers carved through the three domes quickly, and spilled large amounts of the green goo onto the ground, but it wasn't another instant victory. This Mucin had taken far less damage before the domes were destroyed, but it did mean that the main enemy was actually losing health at a measurable rate instead of barely being chipped away.

Before they were able to take the Advanced Ancient Computer down they nearly lost Stone when he got caught switching to another weapon by an Asteroidea that the rest of them had ignored too long due to it not having actual weapons. Unfortunately it was more than capable of physically lifting the short human to prevent him from fighting back while a number of missile Rhizo all targeted the incapacitated earth-dwarf. Yellow-Glow ended up personally taking out one of the starfish creature's arms with a grenade of some kind to get Stone out in time, because the rest of them were too busy with more dangerous targets of the main enemy or even more laser Rhizo.

When the Advanced Ancient Computer finally died Flamescale didn't waste any time before closing any remaining gates outside of the captured area. They needed a break and time to look over the results. More general rewards greeted her, along with another Grafter and yet more new points. "Are we going to destroy the Citadel today? Because I can see if Squeaky can find those nukes if we are," Flamescale questioned a bit tiredly.

"I want it gone," ThunderFang growled deeply, still the size of a small building. "This was building another lab, I can see all the parts. We can't let them keep any of this running."

"Even though I can't really help now, I have to agree," Stone said tiredly as he checked the replacement gun that had not taken the grenade well, although the missiles would have been worse for it. "We can't let these things rebuild. They will learn how to do that better if we let them survive."

"We must finish this network today," Yellow-Glow agreed unhappily. "The civilian instance needs to be made entirely safe, and the ancients being able to rebuild infrastructure with only what is present on the network was not in my original plans. We must capture or destroy the remaining inner spokes, destroy the Citadel, and then clear any open instance spokes."

The rest of the group quickly started considering backup options to get that done today. Flamescale knew her part of that was to add Liquid Utility to her Skill Tree so she could move those nuclear weapons as fast as they needed to. She was out of empty slots, but she had an Enhancement branch that was not worth it in comparison she could outright replace with only a single Grafter.

Liquid Compression was the base skill for the Liquid Utility branch, and as a result adding the branch took off her one-off version with the transfer. The first level was a single point, and also was the same effect as her one-off skill by letting her reduce her liquefied body to half its natural volume. A brief test of leveling it up more revealed that the second level was one quarter volume, then the third was only one tenth. The fourth made her slightly uncertain, as it went to one percent of her natural volume, but there was still a level to go after that.

"'Can reduce down to a single drop?'" she quietly questioned, uncertain if that actually worked when she was at her larger sizes. If it did that could be a rather extreme option for getting into places with far too much firepower. Although with a total cost of fifteen points she couldn't justify going that far just yet, so she spent three there for the first two levels and decided to be content with one level better than what she had before for the moment.

The first level of that skill unlocked two more. Liquid Creation was nearly useless to her, although double checking revealed that the skill was listed as already gained for zero points, with the Liquid Travel skill associated with it also unlocked in that way. Both of those were clearly things she already had other skills to do. The last of that side of the branch was a skill to convert liquids she touched into more of her goo, a skill that wasn't worth the points at the moment.

The other side was the entire reason to get this branch, Liquefy Cargo, and the augmentation skill for it to allow passengers as well. It was five levels starting at two points and going up by two points per level, so somewhat costly, in order to allow her to temporarily turn anything she carried within a size limit into liquid to move it with her liquefied body. The first level allowed things one quarter her size, the second allowed for half her size, the third let her take something up to her own size and also let her spend ten points on the skill to take living passengers, then the fourth went up to letting her transport stuff twice her size, and the fifth allowed a rather extreme four times her size that she had to consider more carefully.

"Guys, if I could bring stuff four times my size along, what does that mean when I have a lot of heads?" Flamescale asked aloud to the gathered group, having spent all thirty points to be able to do that, along with the ten more for passengers.

"It means I am having you get me some space ships," Sixteen and Sledge both said slightly out of synch. Her combat leader with a tone of annoyance, the pangolin Void Entity with excitement.

"It gives me unpleasant ideas about what a Mucin can do with their ability," Jovian said more practically. "We have seen them bring along entire groups of Rhizo before, but that implies they could possibly transport the starfish too. Which is a bigger issue now that we know they can replace them this easily. The one that grabbed Stone was new, and I didn't see how it got so close to him."

"It went through the back of the Rhizo factory," ThunderFang specified as she touched down and finally shrank back down to only five meters long. "I saw the thing, but it was taking all I had to just keep up with that Mucin. I can see why Flamescale drained a warship's worth of plasma gas against the last one, they have a lot more health than the other ones I've fought at this size and they heal far too fast. Which is a problem when we need to clear out an army before we are safe enough to take out their support domes." The dragoness then shrugged her wings. "I think this Grafter is going for the Breath Weapons branch. I know that one stacks with my Evoker branch instead of just giving free levels. The last new guide I read was complaining about adding a second Evoker element. If the skills are too similar then you technically get both for free, but it apparently works out oddly for how multiple elements go together."

Flamescale brought out a lighter linked Girant rifle with her only single headed body while ThunderFang went into detail on that, and found that apparently Liquefy Cargo was one of the skills that linked weapons got from her as it easily melted the ammo she loaded into it with its Linked Magazine even though she wasn't the one to use that skill deliberately. Then the ammo reformed nicely when she returned the weapon to being solid.

"Okay, I just got here to tell you I can get us four nuclear weapons in about half an hour if twenty five megaton will work, but what you just did with that gun is the best news I've had all day," Squeaky said from next to that body. "Two hours if we need bigger than that, so I need an answer on what we need for yield now."

"We cannot go under fifty, and I would prefer twice that yield per gate set to make sure we break the platform itself," Yellow-Glow answered quickly and clearly. "But past fifty megatons we might run the risk of multiple blasts interfering with each other at the target scale. Our best bet is to instantly destroy enough of the living infrastructure that the rest cannot survive long enough to matter without gates."

"In that case we need to see the results screen as soon as the bombs go off," Sledge said with the practical tone Flamescale knew was from actually doing this before. "Usually that just lets you pick out mission objectives and small details from the rewards, but here we are getting clear rewards when the Mucin dies. Can we reopen the inner spokes if we close them to pull that off?"

"We don't want to let them sit without knowing what is in them," Flamescale specified, even as she sent orders to Left-and-Right to work out how quickly they could shut down and reopen those gates. "If we do that we need to handle them by tomorrow at the latest, because my people still need a gate-to-gate link. If the gate is offline they can dismantle it to lock us out until they are ready for us, but it should take a bit for them to think of that. We might still risk it if they are already considering that, but I don't want to do it to the Citadel either while we take them. They could possibly use that tactic there to much worse results for us."

"Worst case, I have a new breath weapon branch and some points to use with it that aren't in Titanic Scale yet," ThunderFang pointed out. "I think between myself and Flamescale we can break the lesser spokes quickly enough. As long as there isn't another Advanced Mucin among them we can clear it out properly first."

"We can afford to have another of these still working more than a Citadel," Jovian countered. "You haven't seen a Core Ancient Computer yet, and even I haven't seen all of one yet. They probably will need a maxed Titanic Scale to fight it one on one. If we can take out the core first it would be best."


Flamescale was not ready for the Citadel's size. It wasn't bigger than the largest arcology she had seen, although it was solidly larger than the smallest. The issue was that it had a number of larger pathways and open areas compared to one of those self contained cities. The Citadel was massive, but it also was not truly a city from what she could see. It was clearly made as a capital, but there were not enough places that looked to be homes. Not enough locations that were not just storage, computation, or other administrative needs. More like a machine's core than a place for people.

"Either the Mucin are the ancients, or something might have happened to them before the fall," Flamescale noted to her allies as they held the four gates that were being used to deliver the nuclear weapons, in a way. The Citadel was more of a diamond than a square, but was still four sided with one set of gates in the middle of each side.

"Not enough data yet, we need that translation," Yellow-Glow cautioned. "Can you see the Core Ancient Computer?"

"You can't miss the Core Ancient Computer," Flamescale admitted about the one thing so obvious that it almost didn't need to be mentioned in comparison to everything else. The green goo and crystal bird-squid was by her measure actually larger than Titanic Scale could manage, and she knew there were even larger regeneration domes hidden somewhere in the infrastructure around them connected to the massive pillars of green goo that held up the ancient computer. "Not unless there is one of the buildings in the way, and the layout isn't quite setup to have that happen." Then she paused as she considered that nobody else was actually at the Citadel. "We probably shouldn't have the person who can't give out useful replay files scouting this place."

"You aren't scouting, you are planting four bombs and getting out of there," Sledge pointed out. "Well, maybe getting out? You kind of also can afford to not make it out better than the rest of us too."

"I can't get deep enough to possibly survive the nuclear weapons," she specified, with a mental check of how Sixteen was doing with getting them armed properly. "Honestly, I'm only getting the look I'm getting because I'm entirely fluid." Four melted single headed bodies compressed to one quarter their full volume was apparently small enough to not quite trigger the Citadel defenses, although it was clear that the Core was preparing for an attempt to break out of the rough confinement they had with the captured inner ring. With Rhizo and newly made Mucin gathering at each set of gates, although she had a hint where the open outer spokes were based on the largest concentration.

"Any ideas why they might not have noticed her yet?" Stone questioned reasonably. "They've been fairly fast to respond so far."

"We haven't actually tried sneaking into these yet," Sledge pointed out. "Although I don't think it will last very much longer."

"They know I'm here, but I don't think they realize I'm more than just scouting," Flamescale specified with a glance from her puddles to the nearest enemies. "I've got a lot of weapons pointed at me, but they seem to have focused on the gates themselves instead." She was slowly working her ways to blind spots where there would hopefully be enough time to move the bombs without letting the ancients have time to destroy them before proper detonation. It would be cutting things close, there were a couple of laser Rhizo waiting for her to try something and only so close they could set the timers.

The plan was for ten seconds for transport and reformation of the nuclear weapons at the most, with the hope that none of the fifty megaton bombs would detonate too early and destroy the source bastion before it could go off on the Citadel itself. Although one destroying another before it could detonate at the target was a bigger worry for Flamescale now that she could see there were some rather clear paths between the four sets of gates that might funnel the blasts partially. If she was more confident that the ancients would not take it as a reason to shoot her she would be trying to move her scout bodies into the nearby structures. If they had the firepower or resilience to handle the Citadel defenders then she might have suggested going back to plan A of invading long enough to take a location better suited for the weapons.

"We're going," Flamescale said to the other Entities as the few laser Rhizo were momentarily distracted towards the gates, likely anticipating an attack from that direction, and then sent the order for the four volunteer infected creatures who were taking the weapons for her to move out. The ancient forces clearly realized the issue when those serpents started to reform with the weapons. A few spine Rhizo were able to successfully strike the bombs, but Squeaky had come through with a set of anti-ship missiles complete with the armor needed to survive that job. That armor held for the final few seconds, the Rhizo weapons didn't go through fast enough without the speed and firepower of the lasers, and then Flamescale lost those bodies and the infected creatures.

Despite all of the Citadel gates closing in an instant it took a few more seconds before the results screen actually appeared. Ten points for 'clearing' the Citadel, but obviously none for the capture. "Core Ancient Computer is destroyed," Flamescale said just in case the others didn't get that. That would be a big loss, as the core was worth forty points and a surprising three Grafters.

"Yeah, three Grafters is probably fair for that sort of work," ThunderFang said sounding a bit torn on if she was joking or not. Flamescale at least wasn't sure if that was an easy win or just a tricky one.

"Getting enough of those weapons is that hard, yes," Sledge agreed with the statement sincerely. "Did you need the armored variants? Those normally end up destroyed before they allow them to be captured, and you don't want to know how much they cost."

"Needed the armor, the ability to move between instances as liquid, and ending up underestimated," Flamescale specified as she started to go over her next Grafter options. "Everyone did get those Grafters, right?"

"Yeah, although I kind of hope there aren't any more places in this network that give more," Jovian admitted. "We need a break."


[Author's Note]
A bit more developments for the season, and hopefully an interesting showing of what the Grafters are already doing for this group.
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A shame she couldn't take it over, there probably was a lot of useful information there. But hey, good? news! There's probably more of those things out there on different networks, so they can always try again after they've rested, restocked, and leveled up a bit! Preferably once the translation is done~
The Citadel was massive, but it also was not truly a city from what she could see. It was clearly made as a capital, but there were not enough places that looked to be homes. Not enough locations that were not just storage, computation, or other administrative needs. More like a machine's core than a place for people.

Well, yay they are not actually sapient! Maybe. Not yay that all of this is now gone without being able to comb through with a fine comb. Also still wish they could find and take over any sort of computing system and analyze it in depth. Wonder what the heck the translation will help them uncover.

And more yay at Flamescale having decent weaponry... and finally able to carry around normal weaponry. Or you know, nukes. It seems that this gang really likes 'em, not just the pangolin.
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--- 26 - Grafting ---

The Void Nexus had grown since its release with a lot more Void Entities using it for a lot more reasons. Flamescale could see a few of the food places from before now had proper shop fronts and signs, along with even longer lines. The weapons sale locations were also more advanced, with actual prices on display now, apparently there was a bit of a quality scale for what Void Materials were worth what. One storefront seemed to be dealing in Void Gate coordinates, presumably to bastion networks that had not been cleared yet.

"So, this place is busy," ThunderFang commented as their group made their way to see the developments in the Void Council Halls. "I didn't really check this part when it released, was it always this full?"

"No," Jovian said slowly. "There also wasn't as much open discussion of some of the topics I'm hearing." The three tailed fox Entity seemed quite disturbed by a couple of open discussions of the reality of being Void Entities they had passed by. Not loud discussions, but more than had been present the last time Flamescale had been here, and in particular they had passed a group talking about the issues with intelligent minions.

"Yeah, there is a lot of talk I didn't expect already," Stone agreed as the short human Void Entity looked with some interest at an ammunition dealer. The prices were fairly steep, but Flamescale could at a glance spot that it was mostly rare high end ammo types instead of the common stuff. They would probably stop back later to see how much those cost in practice after they had finished with checking out the updates.

Then they all paused after the next corner. Just past them was a store that wasn't as well traveled as many of the others near it for the moment, but did have the most interesting product for sale that they had found yet. "That can be done?" Sledge asked thoughtfully. "Because I would like some for my personal projects, and I've been trying to figure out how to get them myself."

"I'm probably going to have more than I can deal with real soon," Flamescale said as she inspected the prices listed for the store selling Ancient Bastions. "So if you need them I'm willing to pass some along as soon as I know how they are doing that. Do we go up and ask?"

"Perhaps after checking the updates," Yellow-Glow admitted with curiosity, currently spider shaped again, and they started moving again. "I know that it isn't common to have the skills to capture instead of simply clear yet."

The Void Council Halls were still without any actual 'council', but apparently were being used enough that their group ended up in a partially filled tracking center room instead of an empty one. Some were by the now completed Ancient Translation one-off skill display that was the main reason Flamescale's group was here in the first place. Although some new displays were a concern Flamescale had not had the time to consider yet, with progress on the local response to the Ancient Infection.

"Ah, yeah that is something people aren't going to be happy about," Jovian said at the small unhappy crowd of Entities with obvious Contagion branches. "Sorry, Flamescale, looks like you have a time limit on using that to get into places."

"You say that like I'm not looking forward to having an excuse not to use it every time," Flamescale said with enthusiasm that even surprised herself. Now that she was faced with the possibility, it suddenly was a very welcome way to keep from her desired mission types getting too easy. "Although I'm less sure I'm going to like what they find for solutions. They have had a while to look into the infection themselves, and I didn't like the stuff they were trying before that I've found."

"Yeah, the Macrophylla were doing some things I really worry about in the labs I went after at the start of this Season," ThunderFang agreed as they took a spot in the short line for the translation. "Although, they are probably going to get the gates open first. They are already using living creatures for their gate controllers, or at least are planning on using them."

"That is a concerning development, although I wonder if there are more details than just the main three opponents," Sledge commented with a long look at the new display. "I have plans for the future that might be impacted by that information."

"Now I'm slightly worried about what you are planning to do with bastions," Jovian noted but that also marked the end of the line and a response was cut off by everyone going to the menu to add the new skill.

"Well, Left-and-Right liked getting that so much I can feel it," Flamescale said with a wince at the sensation.

"So, just like Squeaky did when you added the skills to hide your crystal weapons?" Stone asked with clear amusement at her unease. That had taken Flamescale a good portion of her points from clearing the rest of the civilian instance's ancient bastion network, but it was worth it in her opinion, and there had been a lot of points available. The fifty from the Citadel itself had gone into a sixth body, although she had not tried six heads yet.

"And like how Sixteen reacted to Bio-Hacking," Flamescale confirmed with a thought to that surprise. Apparently being able to interface with systems was on its own something Sixteen wanted for their combat force. 319 military and combat elements were still 319, and the group prided themselves on having the most advanced technologies available despite being a relatively minor power overall. They weren't an entire species like the Girant or Macrophylla, but they were advanced enough to be counted among those two even by other locals.

The Bio-Hacking branch had been the second actual change to her ST that Flamescale had made after the destruction of the Citadel. The first had been to split her Reformation branch off into a Skill Vine, and as a result she now had fifty points in that Vine to allow her to get a couple of levels of its skills already. The base skill to reform with forty percent health was twenty points, then two levels of the improvement skill boosted her to sixty percent health on reformation for ten and fifteen more points, and the last five points was put into the ability to reform from material, mostly because she had the extra points to spare for the moment.

Bio-Hacking itself was something she had added in place of that branch after they had finished clearing the network. The base skill, Bio-Interface, simply allowed her to biologically interface with computer systems directly, with it being particularly made for the ancient tech but usable everywhere. The next skill was Bio-Data, a simple way to download and store data in yourself that matched what Flamescale had tried before with skills that went with attempts at being mechanical like Yellow-Glow and was also very familiar to her former 319. Then there was a biological version of the single level skill to make your own data chips, a useful skill but the results tended to be lower quality by local standards, with less capacity and sometimes worse speeds.

After those there were the skills to improve what and how you could hack. Hacking Processes was effectively the skill version of security crackers, with ten total levels of increasing capability. The fourth level was where it reached the current best available cybernetic technology, which was actually a local advancement from where it started at level three being the best you could find. Then the Override Speed skill improved how quickly you could hack things, with two levels out of ten being the best available in cybernetics.

The final Bio-Hacking skill, System Control, was a common hacking skill, but didn't really have a technology version available on the market. It was the most expensive skill per level, and only had five levels. It was also the only skill she had not put any points into yet. In theory the ability to take direct control over anything linked to the computer you hacked was massively useful, in practice it was only valuable if you knew the system wasn't going to get fixed by a local administrator, and the ancients should be more than able to regain control over their systems given she got the branch from their Mucin.

"You gave former 319 the ability to use our kind of hacking?" Jovian said to draw her back to the present, and make her realize she had been considering what she added for hacking in the middle of everyone else looking at her in quiet horror. "Well, that's a new concern. I did not even think about how those skills work with minions."

"There are a considerable number of skills that never appeared in minion skill trees before," Yellow-Glow agreed uncomfortably. "If many of those pass along it could result in some very strange outcomes." 'Strange' in this case clearly meant 'worrying'.


Everyone had some time to rest and prepare while Yellow-Glow and her researchers looked over the now translated data. Flamescale was spending it working on any issues with her forces. She needed them in good shape, and hopefully with actual weapons to make things easier. Built in Crystal Weapons were a good baseline, but more was better with the forces they were up against.

"Boss, I need a space dock. A full shipyard if we can pull it off, but that needs a lot more infrastructure first and a dock is the first part of that," Squeaky said as Flamescale spoke with her quartermaster at the storage bastion that still had two tankers docked on makeshift berths. "Actually I want to upgrade all of that ancient crap to some worthwhile refining and manufacturing infrastructure, but again, I need a space dock to actually get us anything like the supplies we actually need."

Flamescale considered that request carefully, really more of a demand but this was Squeaky, before she replied. So far the biggest news out of the investigation without translation was that the ancients seemed to be rather unimpressive when you actually had working examples of their capabilities. The bio-tech refinery was still functional, and it made stuff that the bio-tech fabrication centers wanted to make other ancient tech. Unfortunately the refinery couldn't make anything without notable impurities, and the fabrication devices seemed to introduce even more impurities as they made things between ten percent larger than standard tech and twice the size of what locals could make for the same purpose. It was all valuable for being effectively completely automated, but in practice they couldn't use it for anything that the ancients weren't already making.

"Planetary gates aren't going to let us bring enough stuff here?" Flamescale questioned to clarify the reasoning here. She could understand getting the dock ready if they had some other ships already, or even just to get their current ships set up better now that they could more easily build more bastion material. She could even understand it being the basis for a shipyard given that Sixteen definitely wanted them to be able to maintain warships of their own now that Flamescale could in theory steal them herself.

Squeaky laughed harshly at her, the black snake with red spots then motioned for her to follow towards the ships. "No, definitely not. The sort of stuff we're using to get funding for purchases is raw materials and refined materials. I'm at a literally up a gravity well battle just to sell the stuff, and the quantity I need to sell needs to go to orbital trade hubs instead," Squeaky explained. "Even with finished goods, which we are not ready to make let alone sell, we'd get the best outcome from going to orbital hubs."

"I have some deep stores of resources, but not that deep," Flamescale pointed out. "I know from experience how big cargo freighters can get, and if you're asking for a proper dock you don't mean one that can go into an atmosphere. Where is the rest of it coming from?" They had ancient storehouses, but those had been filled using ancient refineries. Flamescale didn't think they would get more than ore prices for those without refining them all over again.

"Different instances have different resource distributions. That is one of the first things I've looked into with the translation, just to know why they went so far to specialize their various homeworlds," the other goo snake explained. "Which explains why my attempts to find some things for the prices I expected in different instances hasn't been working, but also means I can get us some profit by taking stuff between them. I need some starting resources, and additional instances to make sure the trade cycle completes, but we have both of those from taking these ancient sites. Which just leaves the transports to take stuff where I need it, which is between those trade hubs. Unless you want us opening gates directly between orbital hubs?"

"You want to setup trade between instances," Flamescale said, cautious now. "Which is a big change if we are also making things ourselves eventually, but not on its own big enough to need this much work to convince me. What's the real issue?"

"I don't just need the infrastructure," Squeaky admitted finally. "I need people. Crews for the ships, dockworkers for actually moving things around, refinery and factory experts. The kind of people you don't convert on your missions."

"I take it there is a reason they would need to be converted?" Flamescale asked, even as she prepared to make a choice she didn't want to consider. If she wanted to keep all of these infected creatures around, then she did need to get that infrastructure built. A part of her had hoped that they could just use the automation of the ancients instead, but Left-and-Right had been growing more unhappy the longer the translation had been available. This talk with Squeaky was supposed to be an easier issue while Flamescale prepared for whatever bad news her researchers had found.

"Do you really think we aren't going to need to replace one of those ships? You can just bring us back if we die, and I'd rather not train replacements instead of just yelling at whoever managed to mess up so badly they needed to be remade," Squeaky pointed out. "Even just being able to ignore industrial accidents is a big bonus to being remade into a Devourer."

"We are not calling ourselves 'Devourers'," Flamescale said, and made sure that everyone knew that. She would accept Slinks calling them that, but it was not a name she was using herself and she had opinions on the topic. "If you absolutely need something to call us you can either find something better than that I like, or just go with 'Lava Vipers'." It was the first thing that came to mind, and Flamescale had been hoping to find something better before she admitted that the only thing she had was that basic first thing to come to mind.

"You mean like just plain saying we are lava fruit creatures?" Squeaky said dully. "I hate how that is actually better than the Slink name. Let's try and get a better one."

"Figure out where and how you want to recruit, and keep in mind I will be doing the final check before they end up converted," Flamescale finally allowed, unhappy but unable to avoid the situation.


"I have never been more disappointed in a discovery in all of my life," Left-and-Right said together as soon as Flamescale emerged into the section of the Ancient Void Lab they had taken over for the translation investigation. Bits and pieces of most of the ancient devices they had recovered now littered the open space at the center of the platform. "Even the realization that we had been trying to replicate impurities pales- No, no this is merely an extension and clarification on just how disappointing that actually was."

"I take it the ancients missed more things we already know how to do?" Flamescale questioned as she checked their twin minds. Not identical, not by a long shot. Like Squeaky's resource distributions Left and Right had lived similar lives with noticeable differences. They just were in synch with each other, two different lifetimes that resulted in the same outlook.

"They were agrarian. They discovered Void technology before they discovered industry," the two headed snake spat at her. "We have mistaken a civilization that stumbled upon the key to making the mystical real before they worked out how to properly understand physics for an advanced precursor race that mastered the technology of biology. All of their life forms are Void based."

"Void creatures?" Flamescale questioned seriously, and only held back from going over their minds entirely due to her lack of speed on that skill.

"Like myself and my fellow 'Lava Vipers'," Left-and-Right answered together, apparently already having heard the name despite it not being that long since her conversation with Squeaky. "Creations of use of the Void, but still physical things. Not eternal marks on reality like yourself and the other Entities."

"I'm not going to like how you know there is a distinction there, am I?" Flamescale questioned as she took in that specification that she had never said to her creatures. She looked at a containment unit that was mostly disassembled nearby for one possible source.

"The ancients may not have understood technology well, but they knew Void effects and had captured your kind before," they specified, handing off sentences again. The two headed snake twisted to look at a number of the crystal data storage systems scattered about. "I am still going over those details, and I want to work with Yellow-Glow before I give any real options there, but it is enough to understand the nature of their creations."

"Were there any older Void Entities that were trapped here?" Flamescale questioned at that news, uncertain if she would have noticed during the aftermath itself.

"Possibly, I need Yellow-Glow here to verify," Left-and-Right answered, but then changed topic immediately. "It is more important now to understand the nature of their creations. The unusual creation of bio-weapon ammunition, the regeneration of their bodies, and even the very base function of the Mucin are all the result of Void exploitation. Which was a considerable problem for them when suddenly there was a disruption to such a degree that it prevented most Void effects for at least thousands of years."

"Now I'm worried about a lot of things my civilization does with Void tech," she admitted slowly at the idea that the effect they saw on all instances was able to get that strong. The interference that she had even risked checking for in the human instance. She had found that it was at the same magnitude there as well. "So that is why we didn't see any Mucin before?"

"As well as living structural material and Asteroidea," Left-and-Right confirmed. "The Rhizocephala are at a much lower level than those, possibly to save resources but my team has not found the details on how the designs are made in practice to know if that is the case. We have manufacturing data, research data, and the refinery database, but again I must note that the ancients were not industrialized. The data is not clear enough to know what is accurate information and what is merely rumor or myth."

"You also said that they found out how to make the mystical real. Dragons and other creatures that wield the elements directly are fantasy and myth in my home instance," Flamescale pointed out. "What we both are at the moment is quite fictional there, or at least was."

"This is the most disappointing discovery I have ever made," they complained as they acknowledged that point. "On a better note, we have the controls for the captured ancient infrastructure translated now. I do not think we want to use Rhizocephala ourselves, and functionally the surviving Mucin generators are the same as our own hives, but the platform construction tools and Asteroidea support units may be valuable. I need to speak with Sixteen more about those."

"Do we know everything the Asteroidea can do yet?" Flamescale asked, thinking of the Skill Trees those foes gave out. There were some branches that might be worth making into Skill Vines, but if she could get the same functionality with the starfish shaped ancient constructs directly it would save her the Grafters for other options.

"Unfortunately no, but the Void Entity information you have provided did allow for more to be used directly," Left-and-Right specified. "It is unclear if there are different models of the constructs, if there are construction methods that allow for other functionality, if it is developed over time as they age, if it is related to the Mucin controlling the units, or if some functions are only available to Void Entities that destroy them."

"Entirely possible," Flamescale said with a sigh. "Do we at least know how they are making these platforms? I know you hoped that would give us better Void Gates."

"I do think that we can develop a gate-to-point system instead of being restricted to gate-to-gate links," Left-and-Right said more happily. "It wasn't something they seem to have been able to do casually, but they also were using terrible raw materials in their attempts. It is a major use for a paired gate set in their case, where a platform is constructed next to an existing platform, with both gates present in the same location, and then the new platform and gate is transported into nothingness." The two heads of her head researcher twisted to look at her seriously. "Which is when the Void technologies in the platform material establish the local rules and limitations of the new space that produces. We will need to be cautious about destroying too much of any given platform during combat, it could produce a total collapse of the artificial space."

"Hm, on one hand, I want you to look into what we can do to avoid that issue if we were attacked," Flamescale admitted at that development with a glance over at some shattered material. "On the other, I want you to look into what we can do to cause that sort of break deliberately." Because it was best to have one thing to look into for both things you wanted.


Flamescale had gained another Void Grafter after the fall of the Citadel from clearing out another ancient factory complex. Giving her two available after turning Reformation into a Vine and adding Bio-Hacking, and that meant she could create her next Skill Vines at any time. Reformation as a whole took just under two hundred points to fully complete, under a tenth of the over two thousand that Fluid Pestilence now sat at for completion. With the high point values of her current targets there was a solid chance she could complete Fluid Pestilence this season, and that meant she would waste points if she didn't have more Vines to fill out.

One option was to pick apart Flame Elementalist trees. Not her completed one, that was going to stay intact for sentimental reasons at minimum, but she had been playing long enough to have duplicates of most of the STs she had used before. Typically worse copies from when she was trying to get a setup she liked. She could add Fire Evoker for more literal firepower, with those skills very likely assisting her 'Lava Vipers' as well, but she didn't really want two combat SVs to start. Elemental Illusions had a few possible sources in her collection, but there were better stealth branches. It had been wonderful at the time for giving both combat and stealth, but now she could consider better options to mix in immediately.

She also had Infiltrator STs she had used before. Mystical Agility from there would be better if she was capable of jumping, as that was a required part of the best skills on that branch, but it at least was worth considering for the possibility of getting to the final skill fairly quickly. One hundred sixty five points to max the branch gave the final ability to literally walk or run on the air, although you couldn't stand still in mid air, and that almost seemed to be a reasonable amount of points to build up with how things were going. It came with a couple of other skills that were both useful in combat missions and infiltration ones, but probably not good enough to get right now.

Those STs also had a much better choice in the long run. The Cloaking branch on its own wasn't the most advanced 'hide from sensors' method, but the better branches were much rarer and usually Cloaking was part of the best combinations of multiple branches for the effect. It had skills for changing body color dynamically, visually cloaking yourself, heat sensor cloaking, sonar based sensor cloaking, and another great maxed tree skill where you could briefly move through solid objects. It also was five points cheaper for the entire tree than Mystical Agility.

"Is the Ethereal branch better than Cloaking now that we can just put it on a Skill Vine?" Flamescale asked Yellow-Glow where she found him alongside Sledge in their shared base area. It was yet another interesting branch on that front, one that gave a better way to go through walls with a couple notable downsides.

"Being Ethereal doesn't actually do anything about how easy it is to see you," Sledge pointed out first from where the pangolin was inspecting and cleaning his weapons. "But if you don't need the Cloaking skills for that then it is just plain better."

"Have you tested the fully leveled Liquid Compression skill?" Yellow-Glow asked thoughtfully as her friend turned from the database he was going over. "Because you just gave me the horrified idea of a single drop of you going through walls."

"I have tried it, I'd probably need Better Flow maxed to get anywhere at a reasonable speed. Movement speed scales with compressed size, I can barely move right now as a drop, unless it is downhill," Flamescale specified. "I wouldn't want to try that while phased out of reality. Actually, that is an argument for Mystical Agility."

"That is one I am getting," Sledge said with a nod at her for that possibility. "Being able to move more effectively is my best way to improve at the moment, although I suspect I have more space for branches than you do, Flamescale."

"From what I have heard you possibly had the least open space for branches out of all Entities," Yellow-Glow noted. "I still have not seen anyone else who has found a seven branch, even with the new counting. Multiform is also still nearly unheard of to find. I have seen many who have been going for the Fluid Pestilence tree to try to get it among those I've contacted about the Void Grafters. It is the most well known way to find it, and it appears that the Mucin Skill Trees have Titanic Scale in its place as the rare giant monster skill."

"There are more people willing to put up with being liquid?" Flamescale asked, without much hope for confirmation.

"There are more ways to use Multiform without Liquid Body," Yellow-Glow corrected her as she expected. "It isn't common to find a way to use it otherwise, but there is more interest in many bodies at once than being fluid. The few who have found it so far have been upset with my 'claim' that I know someone who likes it. Although at least one of them said it is too good to pass up even with the mental downsides."

"Maybe I should just wait until I have enough Grafters to make every branch that catches my interest into Skill Vines," Flamescale sighed happy for a lighter topic and the moment of rest. It was very welcome in the part of the Season where she started just waiting for things to calm down again.


[Author's Note]
Some overall progress and lore here. We're getting closer to the end of the arc, and I have a bit of work to do for the next few chapters to get them how I want them.
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Boss, I need a space dock.

Aw, they grow up so fast! Now you are one step closer to being a multiversal empire, Flamescale. An empire full of children minions you can control entirely, but also end up being responsible for! Oops.

We are not calling ourselves 'Devourers'

They are absolutely going to get called Devourers more often than they want, aren't they. And enemies will love to use it to annoy them, too, probably. Which will in turn end up with some people knowing them just via the warnings than preferred monicker.

They were agrarian. They discovered Void technology before they discovered industry

…I feel like pretty much anyone (aware of reality) who digs this up will just stare at it, and wish for a drink. Makes one wonder how easy it is to stumble upon void tech. Like, all the void tech construction so far has involved extremely industrial and lab things. The fact it can be done by a society that never bothered with industrialization of any kind is… uh. Concerning? Interesting? Though are we talking agrarian in structure of society, or tech level?

"Now I'm worried about a lot of things my civilization does with Void tech," she admitted slowly at the idea that the effect they saw on all instances was able to get that strong. The interference that she had even risked checking for in the human instance. She had found that it was at the same magnitude there as well.

This honestly feels like foreshadowing, I would say. Except, ah… honestly, sorry Flamescale, your civilization has already done something with Void tech that is bizarre. In fact you are the direct beneficiary and result of it! Congratulations on contributing to eldritch stuff. Hell, isn't she a void Synch technology researcher on human side?

"There are more people willing to put up with being liquid?" Flamescale asked, without much hope for confirmation.

"There are more ways to use Multiform without Liquid Body," Yellow-Glow corrected her as she expected.

Poor Flamescale. Nobody wants to be a multibodied eldritch horror that can melt into a puddle that is colored and smells like an air freshener.

And now I wonder how many people chose bacon as their scent…
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Boss, I need a space dock. A full shipyard if we can pull it off, but that needs a lot more infrastructure first and a dock is the first part of that,

And so Void Strike adds EVE Online to the list of MMOs it's pulling from the DNA of.

And now I wonder how many people chose bacon as their scent…

She didn't choose her scent, it's mentioned in one of the early chapters that it automatically chose her favorite food, to the bemusement of the many people who don't consider that a food at all. Of course, that just changes the question to how many people has bacon chosen for them.
Quoted Post
Kitty S. Lillian said:
I'm confused by the latest post; I thought she couldn't add more branches due to being at 8/9 branches? Why is she turning her current branches into grafts? I thought the grafters just edited [two] skill trees once each.
The answer for this is going to both forums because it is actually an important bit where I have been unhappy with how names for things worked out.

So, two things happened with her ST during this chapter, and they have a bit of a name overlap giving me issues.
Void Grafters (being shortened to just Grafters) are the "item" that allows for a single change to Skill Trees, or for the creation of a Skill Graft (being shortened to Graft) that is an extra removable tenth branch that earns points separately from the main ST.

I know this is a naming problem, but unfortunately I was not able to find a good solution to what to call the produced Skill-Thing with my investigation into grafting plants.

Grafting - Wikipedia

I do not think "Skill Scion" works better, and unfortunately that is the only other term I was able to find.

I have been dreading this problem, but I don't have a solution. So any help there would be appreciated.
I'd actually recommend changing this portion. Instead of calling them grafts, you could call them sub-trees like from Persona Q with sub-personae. Other options include Attachment-trees or side-trees.
Side tree does sound good, hm. Would need a line somewhere when the grafters are introduced and explained, about how they exist how they are named. Could keep"Grafts" as an option of how some call them but some don't cuz it's confusing?

"Side tree" does get penalty points for not being a single word, hm.
I'd actually recommend changing this portion. Instead of calling them grafts, you could call them sub-trees like from Persona Q with sub-personae. Other options include Attachment-trees or side-trees.
Side tree does sound good, hm. Would need a line somewhere when the grafters are introduced and explained, about how they exist how they are named. Could keep"Grafts" as an option of how some call them but some don't cuz it's confusing?

"Side tree" does get penalty points for not being a single word, hm.
So, one reason I avoided starting with "tree" is the design space here. Namely that I already am calling the subsets "branches", and this is just a single branch.

... which means if I ever decide that the devs need to escalate this again I want to be able to not cause new confusion should I add a way to have a second full Skill Tree at a time, or a way to add more branches to this additional one that I already decided on.

I would also like it to be able to shorten nicely to something that is commonly said. "Sub" doesn't work for obvious reasons. "Side" is almost good, but runs into the issue that if I do go with "two of something at once" I would like to have it available. "Attachment" is a bit too long.

... this is also a bit of a time limited thing to cover, because the next chapter for me to write is mainly about these things and I don't want to have to rework all of its text after the fact if this changes.
They seem to be fully interchangeable, so minor skill tree might work, minors or MSTs for short. Someone else already mentioned sub-tree, which would be my second guess.

If you want to fully embrace the arboreal theming, trunk or root or stem could be used. Rhizome, if you want to play on multiple branches from the same root system. Adventitious shoots of probably a bit much. Or you could just call them bushes or shrubs I guess.
They seem to be fully interchangeable, so minor skill tree might work, minors or MSTs for short. Someone else already mentioned sub-tree, which would be my second guess.

If you want to fully embrace the arboreal theming, trunk or root or stem could be used. Rhizome, if you want to play on multiple branches from the same root system. Adventitious shoots of probably a bit much. Or you could just call them bushes or shrubs I guess.
... I'm really tempted by "Skill Shrub" and "Skill Bush". They almost feel like joke options that need a bit more commentary when revealed, which is a ways back now, but they are options I like so far.
So, lemme see if I've got this right:
A skill grafter has one primary function: It removes a branch from a skill tree.
And then it has three secondary functions:
• The removed branch can be added to another ST, as long as that ST has fewer than nine branches
• The removed branch can be used to replace a branch in an ST that has nine branches
(In this case, is the replaced branch swapped to the origin ST or just deleted? Unclear.)
• Or the removed branch is turned into a standalone 'skill graft'

With the note that a standalone skill graft can only be slotted into the 'tenth slot'.

So, drawing from gaming terms, here's what I'd suggest:
• Rename the 'skill graft' to something like "Ancient Branch" or 'prestige talents' or 'hero skills' or 'ascendant branch' or the like.
• Change the wording so it's not "A player has ten available skill branches, of which the tenth has to be a skill graft" but instead "A player ST can have up to nine branches. A player may have one Skill Tree and one Ancient Branch equipped at a time; if the Ancient Branch has pre-requisites, these must be provided by the active ST."

And then Skill Grafting is the process of swapping branches between STs, while creating Ancient Branches is a secondary thing that you can also do with a skill grafter, but is more... skill crafting than grafting? I think?

Hm. Well, hopefully some of these thoughts are useful.