Fluid Pestilence (Sci-Fi, LitRPG)

Alternate POVs are fine, as long as they are communicated clearly. You've done a good job with them in Typechange Johto so I don't foresee it being an issue here.

Otherwise, it really depends on what kind of story you want. On the one hand, there is something to be said for a consistent viewpoint, we are seeing Void Strike entirely through the lens of Flamescale's experiences and perception. Which is a bit restrictive, since we only know what she knows and if she wasn't at an event then her information is subject to unreliable narrators.
On the other, having alternate viewpoints changes things up and would allow the worlds to be expanded on in ways that you simply can't reasonably manage with Flamescale alone. It could also provide a nice window into what Flamescale's nonsense looks like from the outside, or Void Entities in general depending on who the viewpoint is.

So, what I'm saying is, go for whatever works best for what you want to share of the wild and fascinating worlds you have created. We'll be here along for the ride, enjoying every word of it.

Edit: Also, nominated for both.
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Yeah, I have nothing against alt POVs, and you're a good writer so I have full confidence you won't fall into any of the pit-traps like "not being obvious whose POV" or "just rehashing things seen from another POV without anything new to add"
(I also don't have anything against not having alt POVs, so I'm also not going to be put-out if you eventually decide against doing any)
I think that alternate POVs would be fine, Typechange Johto had plenty and it's still one of my favorites, if not the story i love the most.
Thank you all, it is really nice to see that the immediate response is that my writing has proven good enough to handle that change.

I can't overstate how happy it makes me to know that people enjoy my stories enough to be waiting for more even after the break this one has had.
Be careful with alt POV's that the characters selected still maintain the story's tone. That's the only restriction i can think of.
Oh of course. I want to make sure things still fit with what I am doing, I just have a few places where another view would be nice to show off different details.

My sense of humor and preferred writing style hopefully will keep the tone about the same.
Trade Development New
+++ Arc 2.5: Local Perspective +++

--- 31 - Trade Development ---

A mostly black colored liquid serpent with red spots on her arms and face moved with purpose across the makeshift dock towards one of the interstellar space ships in equally makeshift docking clamps. The area around her was made of a mixture of glassy rock the color of most of her gooey body, with a coating of that same goo that matched the red color instead contained within an eerie grey void.

Planet-21 Augmented Lab-125 Batch-1469 Maintenance Personal-ID-9715678 was somewhat annoyed with the lack of a new full identification. "Augmented" was supposed to be used to show when a 319 was remade for a new purpose. M9715678 was technically speaking cloned instead of manufactured from a naturally born 319B-Base animal, but she had been reworked once to move from resource allocation to maintenance at a different site. She had earned the word-name 'Squeaky' for her complaints, and the rework to get her out of a position nobody wanted her complaining to them about anymore.

Being reworked again into a 'Lava Viper' as their new boss had decided to call all of them wasn't at all what she expected from how the 319 did things. Flamescale seemed to assume names were much more permanent than they ended up in the 319, and didn't seem to entirely get that the full designation was still a name for them. Although Squeaky could agree that they probably shouldn't update the batch numbers for each revival given how often those happened now, but that just meant you needed to make a different designation standard.

It was on her mind as Squeaky looked over the three new freighters they had managed to buy. The first was the Star-Flower, a somewhat old and outdated ship that had survived a number of Rhizocephala pirate attacks with scars inside and out. The second was the Star-Flower, a somewhat old and outdated ship that had a major reactor failure that could be fixed enough to function with only a bit of work, but a fully intact hull. Finally there was the Star-Flower, a somewhat old and outdated ship that had never actually been launched due to being constructed on a contract for a company that ceased to exist before it could be claimed.

The power of knowing about a cheap ship in once instance was that you could likely find the same ship for a cheap price in another, and Squeaky intended to take full advantage of that fact. She admittedly could not fit more than three of them into the current budget for both resources and personnel, but three ships of the same class was better than she expected to get when she first thought of this project. Apparently it was possible to find instances even closer to each other in details, but the two R0918918 that were now being called "Left-and-Right" were hard to get a good explanation out of on the topic.

Likely because they were also two of the same thing from different instances in this case. They were not the only repeat Lava Vipers either, which was another reason to get a new designation standard beyond the simple ones. Like how all three of these freighters couldn't keep being called the 'Star-Flower'. "So, Khga, how do they look," Squeaky asked the new leader of their ship maintenance teams.

The other Lava Viper was the more typical red colored goo, with a collection of black squares down the length of his back. "The pirate hunter either needs different registration or the hidden guns removed," the former Girant huffed as he looked over the small data pad he had on the topic. "A few of them are hidden by cargo bay doors, and it only has three fifths the capacity of the other two as a result. Anyone paying close attention will be able to tell it isn't carrying as much as a six chain long ship should manage. Still, the armor looks worse than it is, that is higher grade plate than I've ever seen on a civilian ship before. I think they sold it because it would take too much work to get it back to looking like a good target instead of the trap it is."

"Are the guns any good? Because Sixteen will be upset if we managed to snag a makeshift warship and we stripped it to just carry stuff," Squeaky lamented. It was a valid concern, as they were likely to need a bit more firepower on any jobs against orbital targets eventually, and the sooner they could get something the better. "Actually, can we keep the thing working? Because even somewhat crap guns might still be worthwhile."

"Probably not worthwhile, it is mostly a mixture of excessive point defense emplacements and some bays filled with heavy vehicle weapons. We have the ability to keep those up to date, but we could also just put a bunch of Devourers into the bays to accomplish the same effect," Khga declared strongly, and then sighed. "You know, despite believing in the Great Devourer I didn't actually think she would consume me. We should have been far more careful with playing around with the Void."

"You were a Girant that believed in the Devourer?" Squeaky asked as she tried once again to consider how the world actually worked. Flamescale was certain that the Entities were people from another instance that had made a game wrongly, but that did not mean everything about that view was entirely true. The typical fictional risks of summoning things beyond reality said that such things could view your life as just a game after all, and they always seemed to summon the things they were trying to summon. The Slinks who drew Flamescale were trying for the Great Devourer, and Squeaky wasn't sure how it could be said they didn't get her.

"A Girant saboteur who got caught in the wrong place at the wrong time?" he laughed and moved his body side to side along his length in a common way for the Vipers who needed to remind themselves of how they had changed. "I got a full shipwright education, and then went into the military to make sure strategic targets didn't get ships that worked right. Of course I found more in common with a Slink god of sabotage, most of my classmates were one day away from stabbing me in the night." He then waved over at the second Star-Flower to change topic. "The good news is that we do not have a reactor failure with the contaminated ship. It was only pipes breaking from the coolant lines."

"That is the bad news?" Squeaky asked carefully as she tried to work out how the harder to replace stuff being broken was the good news.

"No, the bad news is that these three were all built with over-sized reactors and standard sized lines," Khga laughed. "The pirate hunter already had them changed out to use the reactor at a higher draw, but the unfinished one will need a complete rework of those too before it is ready. I'm fairly sure that our pirate hunter was the original plan for this class, that reactor is big enough to handle a full set of the lighter capital weapons."

"So, do we have the ability to replace those lines?" Squeaky more bluntly questioned.

"Ah, right, I didn't get to that yet. The Asteroidea units can handle replacing the pipes better than we can manage a full reactor replacement right now," he answered. "We've gone from needing to get a makeshift shipyard up and running to just needing some Asteroidea construction time. The ships were made to be able to have those pipes expanded on, that's why I think they were someone's attempt to sneak a combat ship into their fleet."

"I've seen what Asteroidea extrude," Squeaky pointed out darkly. "It is crap compared to proper material production."

"Better than trying to get the proper pipes without controlling a good fabrication facility," Khga replied dryly. "We are talking chains worth of properly cut pipe to handle everything on the lines. We could probably manage with just a large scale conventional metal extruder and some fancy blade work for the segments, but we'd still need the extruder and a foundry for the metal and to overwork our small scale fabrication systems for the connectors."

"Do you have to put things in chains?" Squeaky complained, obviously using the double meaning of the term. The Girant Trade Empire wasn't typically an actual empire, but that didn't mean their measurement systems didn't end up the standard across Local Space. The four armed slavers were the first to get the modern fast FTL drives, and decided to use that along with their slave powered industrial capacity to control trade over all the systems they could find. Which meant that most of the first pieces of interstellar infrastructure for quite a few local species was made to chain measurements, despite how awkward they were to use and the unpleasant origin of the unit names.

"Do we finally have something better we can use, Death-Sound?" the former Girant shot back, deliberately pronouncing her name wrong in the typical insult, but she was ready for that.

"The Boss is going to want it in meters anyway, so we should start getting used to them now," she suggested with a huff. The chain measurement system was based on historical slave chain lengths set into a standard by an early Girant civilization. One 'chain', which was about eighty seven and a half meters long, was made out of one hundred 'segments' of fourteen 'links' that had an inner loop that was six and a quarter centimeters long. The size of a segment was based on the amount of links that could be made using a standard sized ingot of metal that thankfully did not survive as a unit of measurement.

Khga blinked at the statement, and then nodded a few times. A positive answer body movement that uneasily was also used by Void Entities too. "Yeah, yeah when you put it like that it does work," he agreed with a tone that was now too happy about it for her tastes. "Breaking things down by orders of magnitude is much better than doing everything in fifths or worse."

"Some of our R&D Vipers are still asking for stuff that is four twenty fifths of a link by twelve twenty fifths of one. Which is making the production staff demand they use meters instead," Squeaky agreed with that. The fractions of a link for anything small was the main reason most minor powers tried to make new ways to measure things or keep using their own native measurements, but when you needed to print chains on the documentation anyway for the Girant market it wasn't a solution that really caught on across all of Local Space. "Back on topic, how do things look for the rest of the other two?"

"Well, the unfinished one was partially stripped for parts," Khga pointed out. "The main bay's freight lifts are the obvious things there, and we can't replace those easily, but the real issue is about four fifths of a chain of power conduit that I do not think the previous owners knew was taken out." Squeaky gave him a look. "Right, about... seventy meters-" He blinked. "Okay, the Void stuff is really weird for having that come out nicely. Seventy meters of missing conduit from about four places where it should be going to secondary systems that were at least disabled first. Unlike the pipes we can just replace that normally. The Devourer is perfectly fine with stealing conduit so we have plenty of that, it will just take time to put back."

"Timeline for it to be good enough to pick up industrial equipment?" Squeaky bluntly questioned. "Or is the contaminated our best bet for that?"

"Pirate hunter is our best bet if you need one running immediately," the shipwright told her simply. "The contaminated needs those pipes, but we need to finish cleaning the thing up first. With the fact we don't need to worry about dying and have some interesting usually unsafe ways to pull that off we are looking at a day or two instead of eight there, but we need to confirm nothing else went wrong after the pipes are in. So I need at least six days to do all that. The unfinished one is probably three or four days instead if we focus on it, but it also never got a proper launch and we don't know how everything took sitting so long. That could make it take twice that time if there are more issues."

"Alright, I will check what Sixteen wants done with that one and get back to you," Squeaky admitted with a grumble. "If it has the space and is good to go then we can handle any registration issues in the short term."


Squeaky felt that she should have known it would not be that easy. "What do you mean he's on a mission? There are two of him now and we can basically teleport!" The main military command center was still cheap prefabricated parts, worse than some field bases that Squeaky had records on the creation of, but also the best she could get so far.

"I mean that our new boss convinced him to go on a long term infiltration mission as a pair of twins inside of a group of tourists from beyond the Gap," Spike said with a huff. Sixteen's new second in command was a former 319A from an instance where an ancient Bastion Network opened up in year 321 After Contact. Three years since the Founding, and as a result 0001-A-005-0125-G8730717 was from early enough to have been made from one of the last of the source species of their former kind's leaders. Now that historic body had been replaced by another red viper, although Spike had a broad black stripe with jagged edges down her length.

"The Boss is also a pair of twins for this I assume," Squeaky lamented with a huff. "Do you have any idea how much this will slow us down?"

"No, because unlike most of the '319' we have I do not have a background of living as part of a self sufficient mercenary group," Spike harshly replied. "I'm from back when we were still arguing about using the founding year as a name, and had to actually buy our own gear. Not just have monumental snake monsters steal entire buildings."

"If I could convince Flamescale to steal buildings I wouldn't have this problem. The whole issue is that we need to get this sort of stuff legally in order to get it in good condition," Squeaky countered. "We are pushing portable fabrication systems and micro-refineries taken from R&D bases to their limit just keeping our own R&D running, and the full scale stuff we need to pull off actual supply production isn't the kind of thing you can just unbolt in a day long mission. I need these ships to buy the stuff to build our own stuff to refine our pile of ancient crap resources."

"Well I can't tell you anything about that. I don't know modern warship requirements, so I can't tell you if we can use the thing or not," Spike hissed at her. "Maybe it's perfect, maybe it's garbage, I don't know. I still need to get a proper briefing and everyone seems to think that is something to do with implants I don't even have anymore. I'm in some nightmare future where we just summon horrors from the depths of mad imaginations and hope they don't decide to eat us or worse recruit us to become new horrors! And I still ended up stuck in command when my boss is off on missions somehow! So work with what you've got and let me try and figure out what retraining I need to take!"

Squeaky didn't bother with a reply and just merged with the pool of lava-like fluid they were made of under herself to get away from that. It was a fast way to get back to the main supply organization center and her own staff. "Does anyone know why we have Spike in charge when she doesn't know what to do?" Squeaky complained to Jplo, a former Slink that did not believe in the Devourer, a rare case for the Slinks they had changed.

"Because you former 319 put a lot of faith in your 'Founders', and she's nearly one herself," Jplo said dully. The red Lava Viper with a black belly said most things dully, and Squeaky appreciated that. It made it clear that he didn't care how harsh she was.

"A solid point," she reluctantly admitted. "And most of the combat staff Sixteen actually uses are former 319."

"Or also believe in their Founders," Jplo added dully. "We have a lot of believers here." Squeaky turned to look at him for that odd comment. "Have heard a rumor from some of the Slinks we have met recently. Well, more of a story. About a Girant slaver who got over-sized ingots, that the slaver thought made fifteen instead of fourteen links, but it turns out there was actually enough for sixteen. Since the ingots were already over-sized the slaver didn't notice that even as they collected the extra links they knew about, the Slinks were able to make weapons from the sixteenth links."

"Not sure I like the implication there," Squeaky noted, clearly getting that they now had a new Devourer named 'Sixteen' that was a new Void Entity. "This a new myth?"

"It resembles one I learned growing up, but that one did not have a focus on the number being what to call the war demon," Jplo replied calmly. "It, however, does talk about a war demon I have heard of before. The story is of course a fiction. At the time when that could happen there was a very harsh punishment for over-sized ingots, and the forges were not the ones who would be able to hide that activity."

"We have problems with the makeshift refineries?" Squeaky finally caught on, slightly annoyed by her second in command's worst feature. He really liked talking about topics that only technically related to the thing he meant. She wasn't sure if that was a thing from dealing with Girant before, or just the way he was.

"We need a proper setup fairly soon if we don't want to have half our fabrication systems stuck on replacement parts," he confirmed with a nod to where they were putting those so far on this ancient storage structure. "There are simply too many byproduct outputs from reprocessing ancient materials. The designs we have were made to deal with raw ores, not the half biological mess we have." He paused thoughtfully. "Either a proper setup or a real set of mines, but none of us want to play at being miners as far as I am aware."

"How long do we have? Because I'm looking at ten days before the first ship is ready," Squeaky pointed out.

"With current wear rate I would say half that time, but if we slow down production first we can stretch things out. It will need to slow down after that point anyway," Jplo clarified. "We are running faster than I am used to."

"Let me get the Boss. That is R&D stuff and I want to talk with her about how to handle that," she sighed and got ready to try and find one of Flamescale's bodies that wasn't on a mission.


[Author's Note]
Welcome back to the story. This arc is the Squeaky interlude, so I hope that she isn't too bad of a perspective for this view from someone who didn't start out thinking it was a game.
This is intended to be a smaller arc, just a bit of the world from someone who was never human. Currently it sits at five planned chapters, although it might grow a bit larger if I need more to tell everything.

Working out the length of the Star-Flower in meters is an exercise left to the readers.
In Which Squeaky Learns the Pitfalls of a Small Startup Operation in the Process of Repairing Three Ships, Or, The Squodyssey: A Tale in Five Parts
I foresee plenty of worldbuilding and am therefor pleased, and am also pleased at the continued evidence of Flamescale's Someday Very Fun Godhood Adventure That May Or May Not Involve Timetravel, Now With Subordinate Spirits Included.

Also poor Squeaky. They're gonna have fun learning the startup perils.
Gate-to-Point New
--- 32 - Gate-to-Point ---

Squeaky was torn. For one thing, the unfinished Star-Flower was ready to go, and in time for the new Advanced Void Gate systems to be ready as well. However, that was only because Left-and-Right had been given extra support to get the project done quickly, and that meant she didn't have the resources for the other ships to get fixed for a bit longer.

"This thing works, and I mean actually works not just small scale tests, right?" she outright asked the two headed technically-two-Vipers pair. "Because the boss is looking for an extraction, and I don't want to lose our only working cargo ship because something went wrong with that."

"The system is ready." "We are just going to use the full checklist for all of the early operations," they said one after another, and Squeaky honestly had stopped paying attention to which head said what. "Orbital, begin the sequence."

Squeaky was not the type to ignore technical details just because she wasn't building stuff, mostly because knowing what went into something was rather critical to knowing what you needed to keep in stock. The new Gate-to-Point system in particular was going to be something of a mess.

"Activating main power system," Orbital declared. The very stripe covered Lava Viper was the subject of some humor. Flamescale chose two names in sequence for the spacer, apparently unaware that the term for someone from orbit in the 319 conlang was often used as a word for being clumsy. So while there clearly had been a distinction for Flamescale, the rest of them heard a change that was mostly the tone of the word. Then again, Squeaky didn't have much room to talk there. "Sending power to outer array."

The key to a Gate-to-Point system was to have a number of rather hard to make large curved pieces of Void Material held in place to contain the standard core. These were used as the core equivalent for the gate side, and were also the main expense of the system. Even with Flamescale's eldritch expertise with making Void Materials they were only barely able to create them so far, and doing so was extremely hard on expensive equipment. Squeaky wasn't sure if anyone else was even just close to this development.

"Outer array stable, synchronizing with inner core," Orbital continued as the strange not-sound increased. Nothing seemed to be able to shield that well, but given they didn't want these gates open unless needed that was not a priority. "Preparing for core transition."

Squeaky would call the trick 'simple sounding' if she didn't know how expensive just making the key parts was. The inner core would be effectively fired to the target instance, with better accuracy if targeted within that instance but they were planning on mostly using deep space where that wouldn't matter, and then used to make the far end of the gateway close to itself while the near end was made by the array of harder to make pieces.

"Firing core," Orbital said, and a pop sound indicated that at least part of that worked. "Contact confirmed, correct instance confirmed, power connection confirmed. Opening gate now." The tear in reality appeared, and then resized to be able to fit the cargo ship.

"Unfinished Star-Flower, you are good to enter gate," Squeaky ordered. "Once you are on the far side establish FTL targeting, and prepare for FTL transit." They weren't opening the gate on top of Flamescale and Sixteen's location, but they were doing so close enough to only be a few hours at most outside the target system with the ship's FTL drive. Such a short FTL transit was usually a waste of an ignition crystal, but given they had a much better FTL method using these gates they could afford it for this deception. "Remember, we do not have the accuracy to target the same spot again. Just get away from the system a good distance and give us a targeting signal."

"It says a lot that an entire crate of ignition crystals is cheaper than one of these systems," Orbital complained once the docking clamps unlocked. "I mean in general, let alone for us. We can just raid any space ships we need to take out for them." Flamescale was quite happy with that option for missions, and as a result they actually had a good supply of spare parts for a variety of systems. Just not enough of the specific things they needed to fix the ships they had.

"Crystal production has uncomfortable similarity to Void Material production," Left-and-Right said together for emphasis, then return to a normal trade off. "The lack of recognition from Flamescale has odd implications." "Possibly exists that standard FTL unavailable to her, or mechanics of creation unknown."

"Pretty sure Flamescale doesn't want to even touch what she could be doing in her instance," Squeaky pointed out as the engines of the Star-Flower went past the edge of the Gate. "Wait a moment, they want to verify arrival in the right area before we close the gate." The docking area held still for a moment while she waited for her comm cybernetic to receive an all clear. "We're good, they are starting up FTL navigation."

"Closing gate," Orbital stated then. The tear vanished moments later. "Starting recall sequence for the core." Another pop then showed that they didn't lose the core, a problem that Squeaky had with earlier versions due to that major expense. "Core recovery confirmed, powering down system."

"How many of these do we have ready?" Squeaky asked now that she knew for sure it worked. "Because I'd like one for every docking bay we have, which hopefully is a number that will be going up."

"Current plan is to build four for ourselves." "Then we have an order of six for Sledge," Left-and-Right specified. "That is an R&D task right now." "We are not ready for proper production yet." "However, those six are the only ones that are not going to be kept internal to our operations." "Flamescale does not want the design to spread because of us."

"You think I want that? The time travel problems that are showing up just because of cleared or not so cleared ancient networks is already causing complications in my plans," Squeaky pointed out. The uneasy truth was that instances connected by those could vary just as much as ones found by Void Entities. Spike had been recovered from an expedition by 319 that got distracted by finding another instance where the Founders were around, and thus was a bit too distracted to properly secure the Void Lab they were showing off to someone effectively from the past.

The age of the 319 as a group wasn't the most extreme example even. Some instances didn't have Girant, which led to a version of Local Space that had a different start and more complicated contact with the Macrophylla when a bunch of smaller powers found the plant civilization. Others didn't have the Leafs, and were still basically controlled by an unmatched Girant Trade Empire that never met anyone larger than themselves. A few that Squeaky wanted to exploit were seemingly dead, or at least without any nearby intelligent life to complain about new infrastructure.

"I cannot tell what you do and do not want to sell for a profit," Left-and-Right responded as they began to sink off the dock. "The system should be fine now." "And I must oversee the production of more."

"So, am I going to be stuck with this job?" Orbital asked her. "Because I know we're going to be doing more orbital missions now, and I don't want to be put on FTL operations."

"I've got a proper dock crew being recruited, we just need trusted people right now for the test models," Squeaky said with a glare. "You are someone Flamescale knows the word-name of, and that matters given how many of us there are. You might end up training people, and I want the full list of what can go wrong with this thing before we start on that so I know how easy it is to break one of these by doing it wrong."

"Ah, right, you missed that conversation," Orbital said with a wince. "Flamescale is making operation of these part of our orders." Which was a rather blunt way for a boss to say they didn't trust things to be followed without direct programming. Not uncommon, but usually a sign that something was quite important to management.

"Good, that's even better," Squeaky said with the harshest face she could. She was after all part of that management this time. "Because I know exactly how expensive each of those will be to make, and I could refit multiple space craft for less fabricator time and raw materials."


Luckily Squeaky did not have to wait for the unfinished Star-Flower to get back to speak with Sixteen, just for them to make it plausibly deniable that the ship was used to extract everyone. "Have fun on your trip?" she questioned him as he reformed in her office.

"You bought the Star-Flower?" Sixteen asked instead of answering. The body did not seem to be his Lava Viper one, but instead his Void Entity body. A slight sense of other from the banded red goo snake was the main hint when he wasn't using his new abilities from Void Entity powers that he didn't share with Flamescale.

"I bought three Star-Flowers," she smugly responded, although the huff she got in reply wasn't reassuring. "Is there a problem with them?"

"You got half the Star-Flower class from somewhere?" Sixteen sounded somewhere between impressed and exasperated, a bad sign for Squeaky's question because she had in fact found one-off ships being sold as oddball creations.

"There is a class? I just got the same ship in three different instances," she complained. "One of them, one, is a makeshift pirate hunter I wanted to ask about disarming before I did it."

"Let me put it this way, your extraction wasn't as quiet as we wanted because they showed up in what looked like a Gruae warship," Sixteen explained bluntly. "They bought six 'cargo ships', took them to their own personal docks, and bolted a bunch of Girant military surplus naval guns onto spots that just happened to be ready to accept them."

"Are you saying my cheap deal was finding instances where the long legs didn't get their surprise fleet?" Squeaky darkly questioned. "Because I found three instances where this cheap cargo ship was ready to buy." It wasn't a total disaster of an option, but not ideal. "Any ideas on how to reduce that impression, or did I just get you your warships early?"

"If you can get different identification for them, and just arm them a bit, then we might pass it off as being Gruae surplus when we need to," Sixteen sighed in response. "In our original instance at least the Gruae had bought another set a few years after the shock wore off, and the oldest ones had issues with their build due to the secrecy. We can't keep them all with the name of the first one if you use more than one in an instance, at least if we want to hide being from another instance."

"If I had the resources to deal with them properly they wouldn't look anything like when I bought them," Squeaky argued and motioned for him to follow her. "Come on, I want to hear what you think of the pirate hunter. We can outfit more like it more easily that I can keep proper Girant naval guns fed. We have enough people who need those rounds already to take up what we get right now." That statement was directed at how Sixteen had the Entity power to grow giant like ThunderFang, with the associated ammo requirements.

He then followed her travel through the lava-like fluid. It was a new way to move compared to her creation or first remake, one that was Squeaky's favorite part that almost made up for not having legs anymore. In an instant they were both on the still under work space craft. The structure of the ship covered in many places with the goo to ease movement, although that would be removed afterwards to hide the substance.

"Most of the stuff is loaded in the bays, although I haven't touched base with Khga on if there were any more discoveries yet," Squeaky pointed out, and led him on a short tour made easier by being able to move between rooms without opening doors.

"I would think we would be able to rather easily check everywhere," Sixteen pointed out, with a glance to a maintenance Viper literally flowing down a narrow 'path' that probably wasn't intended to be checked without support robotics. "This looks like it will at least work for hostile orbital extractions. I'm not sure it works as an armed transport, so I might be telling you to rip out most of this and replace it in spots that they didn't know they could put them."

"Or these are from an instance where they were built wrong," Squeaky suggested unhappily as it occured to her that there might be bigger reasons for these being cheap. "Honestly, Sixteen, are you happy with the mess you got us all into?" she questioned, not for the first time since he opened Flamescale's Void Rift.

"Alive is better than dead," he said once again, and this time Squeaky could not take it.

"Would we be dead? Sure The-Fleshless-One was aiming for our facility, but you are the one who took his offer. You don't know that some of us wouldn't have gotten out otherwise," she hissed at him.

"I knew the Macrophylla strike was inbound," Sixteen blandly answered, and that surprised her. "I didn't fall for the temptation of getting a form like this one because I thought it would work for that, I decided to summon a Void Entity and hope that they could be reasoned with."

"Reasoned with over a Void Lab?" Squeaky questioned less harshly, but still with annoyance. That was a death sentence, even if they had not known back then that Void Entities took those seriously. "Why not just call for help? Escalate to management?"

"Because I still don't know what kind of fast talking The-Fleshless-One did to keep us from being burned down from orbit as soon as the attack was announced," he quietly said. "We were a black site, the kind of place where they didn't even question why a nuke leveled us after it happened, and I know that for sure because as soon as I became a Void Entity myself I got Yellow-Glow to tell me where it was so I could check."

"'Alive is better than dead'," Squeaky then quoted thoughtfully instead of reacting to that last detail. "You weren't in that storage room to guard it, were you?"

Sixteen did not answer that. Instead he led her into one of the ship's smuggling bay corners. Little surface facing cargo areas with odd connection points and an outer covering that honestly was too well supported when opening for something you clearly did not want to show customs inspectors.

"So, who exactly is inspecting these ships for you?" Sixteen asked a bit tiredly, clearly not interested in returning to the prior topic. "Because this is a Girant general mounting point concealed behind an armored shutter. Two actually, one of those oddball ones that can even use those terrible Girant laser batteries."

"I think I'd rather stand in the spot and fire crystal missiles at another ship than use those," Squeaky said, although she couldn't keep some relief out of the statement. "So, armed merchant ships. Can we modify some plasma cannon to fit these? I can get plasma gas stocks more easily than Girant ammo."

"We can probably get some in some instance out there," Sixteen seemed to complain. "I have been trying to get that information you wanted on instances that will actually work to buy what we need, but from the looks of things Void Entities only just started trying to get their own ships and arm them. Yellow-Glow has some guides for that, but they are mostly about how to sabotage buyers for longer missions."

"Hm, on that topic, there is some other information I want from the Void Entity networks," Squeaky considered thoughtfully. "I want to know where exactly they buy stuff from Locals usually. If there are any common places they buy and sell, specific instances they go to for that."

"You do know that Flamescale will let you just become one yourself, right?" Sixteen grumbled and turned to inspect the connectors.

"Yeah, but I want to see how far I can push things without that," Squeaky had to admit, even if he quickly turned to say something obvious. "And I know she likes us pushing boundaries, but it isn't the same when doing it is an order, or even just a suggestion. I'm not opposed to turning myself into an eldritch monster, but I want to get a better name first at least."

"I'm not sure I can even describe the worst parts of it," Sixteen said slowly. "Even knowing that it isn't better than any human Entity, I can see thinking it is just a game."


"I have not personally inspected every connector," Khga told the both of them a short time later when they brought him to inspect the mountings directly. "I think I need to though, because I don't get back pain from crawling into tight places anymore despite having a lot more back. Or is it 'flowing' into spaces now?"

"It is in fact 'flowing' now," Squeaky said a bit grumpy with the joke. "I take it you didn't know about these?"

"A bunch of proper warship mounts hidden in smuggling bays? No I did not know about these," Khga more bluntly said and moved over to look at the things. "Standard general mounts from the looks of things, which to be honest were made to accommodate anything. We didn't usually get our hands on 319 light and medium mounts, but I know we were trained in how to fit the connections into these." He pointed to one set of what Squeaky had assumed were coolant pipe connectors. "This is a redundant pipe that can be repurposed for plasma gas, and I do know this one has the tanks for that to use with those bay weapons."

"The Gruae planned for 319 weapon systems?" Sixteen asked with a bit of insult that Squeaky could understand. The 319 used weapons for money, and sold some older style small arms, but ship weapons were one thing you could not buy from the 319. They were planning on secondhand at best, or scrap they could fix if it came down to it.

"The Girant planned for using captured 319 ship weapons, and Macrophylla, Remigrant or any other major group that actually built ship weapons," Khga clarified with a chuckle. "If there is one thing my former species understood, it was being able to use what you have. I'm certain a Slink designed it for use in rebellion after they lost access to proper Girant stockpiles, but what weapons didn't they have a hand in?"

"What I'm hearing is that we could probably stick any ship weapons we've got into these," Squeaky said happily for once. "Which means I can just use some stuff we have in the Boss' stockpiles instead of scrapping them." She looked over at Sixteen for a reaction to that detail.

"Yellow-Glow has a bad habit of getting you to decide to grab random stuff to check out what it can do, and Sledge is worse about suggesting grabbing big stuff," Sixteen tiredly said, which was a good enough reaction. "Flamescale makes it sound like The-Fleshless-One only cares about data, but in practice everything is data to him. He wants to know all sorts of small things that don't seem to matter, and then next time you ask him for mission advice he tells you al of these small tricks to get things done." Squeaky had a feeling this was an explanation for the scented filter disaster that started everything in their latest life.

"You risk asking The-Fleshless-One for help on missions?" Khga questioned nervously, and Squeaky sighed at that sort of reaction. It was too easy to forget that most of the Lava Vipers were not in fact used to the true nature of Void Entities. That they were surprisingly still people despite being godly eldritch horrors from beyond reality.


[Author's Note]
Here we have a bit more technical developments from Flamescale's R&D staff, along with a bit more explanation of the world.

... a part of me is wondering if I should comment more on things. I don't want to spoil stuff or start giving out "Word of God" statements that I might contradict, but I do have more stuff I'm thinking about than I expect will ever make it into the story.
Not to mention some uncertainty with my plans for the next arc that I almost want to talk about, but that would be a very big set of spoilers due to the nature of that topic.
> The first was the Star-Flower, a somewhat old and outdated ship that had survived a number of Rhizocephala pirate attacks with scars inside and out. The second was the Star-Flower,
Squeaky wasn't sure if anyone else was even just close to this development.
Should 'just' be in this sentence? It doesn't really flow right.

"Crystal production has uncomfortable similarity to Void Material production," Left-and-Right said together for emphasis, then return to a normal trade off. "The lack of recognition from Flamescale has odd implications." "Possibly exists that standard FTL unavailable to her, or mechanics of creation unknown."
This does lead to a few interesting questions about humanity and FTL, both along the lines of "how long until someone who knows Void Strike is real tries 'game' ftl in the Human instance', and "what kind of galactic community exists in the Human instance', as well as 'does any variation of earth exist in the Void Strike instances, and just happen not to have FTL yet?'.

"Pretty sure Flamescale doesn't want to even touch what she could be doing in her instance," Squeaky pointed out as the engines of the Star-Flower went past the edge of the Gate.
The real question is, how many other people agree with her on that, and how long before 'her instance' starts trying to take advantage of things? Because we all know someone is going to be an idiot about this, because after all, "It's only a game, even if we can get real stuff from it".

We already had mention in the last part of the story that at least one space station had, upon learning some of the truth of void strike, immediately started using it to 'back up' essential crew, but that's the 'people are dead but not really' secret. The 'stuff in void strike is actually real' secret is less immediately leaky, because it needs people to actually pay attention to 'NPCs', but given the mention that other Void entities are looking into making their own space navy stuff, well, that might be happening to some degree. But there's still probably a lot of people with no clue, too. Interesting times are certainly upon the game.

"Would we be dead? Sure The-Fleshless-One was aiming for our facility, but you are the one who took his offer. You don't know that some of us wouldn't have gotten out otherwise," she hissed at him.
Between this and the other mentions of The-Fleshless-One, it certainly sounds that either Yellow-Glow is part of Flamescales' Totally Fun Time Travel Adventure That Hasn't Happened Yet, er, I mean her pantheon, or he's really speedrun getting a reputation amongst the Lava Vipers.

Originally that seemed like a thing unique to Flamescale, but now that we've seen two other void entities mixed in, it makes me wonder how many other void entities may or may not be getting preemptively worshiped in some form or another...

looked like a Gruae warship
Have we heard of the Gruae yet? I don't recall them coming up before, though it sounds like they 'got up to things' presumably to get out of the mentioned Girant trade empire thing.
Should 'just' be in this sentence? It doesn't really flow right.
Possibly not, but I want to think about that one. I can almost see my logic there, but you seem right.
Have we heard of the Gruae yet? I don't recall them coming up before, though it sounds like they 'got up to things' presumably to get out of the mentioned Girant trade empire thing.
This is their first mention, I'm trying to fill out the minor species. Local Space is intended to be full of a good number that just aren't the big names and as a result don't get the main descriptions.
It is a work in progress.

I will note that the Girant trade empire is less East Indian Company and more Amazon in most instances.
... I think that analogy works, and I'm not sure if/when I will clarify that further in the story than this bit from the chapter before the latest:
"Do you have to put things in chains?" Squeaky complained, obviously using the double meaning of the term. The Girant Trade Empire wasn't typically an actual empire, but that didn't mean their measurement systems didn't end up the standard across Local Space. The four armed slavers were the first to get the modern fast FTL drives, and decided to use that along with their slave powered industrial capacity to control trade over all the systems they could find. Which meant that most of the first pieces of interstellar infrastructure for quite a few local species was made to chain measurements, despite how awkward they were to use and the unpleasant origin of the unit names.
A few that Squeaky wanted to exploit were seemingly dead, or at least without any nearby intelligent life to complain about new infrastructure.

Dead... Or killed?

And if dead, then how dead?

This is starting to expand into exploring various worlds, and it really scratches that Stargate itch.

Squeaky had a feeling this was an explanation for the
scented filter disaster that started everything in their latest life.

Love this ragtag mess of converted creatures. I need more! And they are so funny to read about shenanigans of, and their knowledge of the overall context.

Wonder if they will end up being the first to jump their ship to Solar System lmao.

It was on her mind as Squeaky looked over the three new freighters they had managed to buy. The first was the Star-Flower, a somewhat old and outdated ship that had survived a number of Rhizocephala pirate attacks with scars inside and out. The second was the Star-Flower, a somewhat old and outdated ship that had a major reactor failure that could be fixed enough to function with only a bit of work, but a fully intact hull. Finally there was the Star-Flower, a somewhat old and outdated ship that had never actually been launched due to being constructed on a contract for a company that ceased to exist before it could be claimed.

I am utterly in love with this paragraph. It's a brilliant little thing that feels weird at first but then you get it and start cackling.

I am so looking forward to more of the silly eldritch snake(s)'s adventures.
I am utterly in love with this paragraph. It's a brilliant little thing that feels weird at first but then you get it and start cackling.

I am so looking forward to more of the silly eldritch snake(s)'s adventures.
That is one of my favorite paragraphs too, because it is a bit of technical information I wanted to get out about how Squeaky is doing things that is very easily explained as a joke.
That is one of my favorite paragraphs too, because it is a bit of technical information I wanted to get out about how Squeaky is doing things that is very easily explained as a joke.

I think the best part of the new arc is seeing the perspectives of the natives, and especially various little language notes you slip through.

Also I keep mentally noting "Left-and-Right" as "LAR"... and given there's two of them, slap "Lars" as a name :D

Kinda struggling to keep straight who's from where now, and feel like I need to reread the amazing "mess" that was the bunker infiltration. The characters talking about the scented filter got me to remember about it. Also love how they react to Yellow-Glow with just... "Nope nope nope that guy is too curious and knowledgeable".

Looking forward to seeing more shenanigans of the 319s, and the evolving story of Totally Legit Used Ship For Cheap Pls Buy It Before We're Caught that is the Star-Flower(s).
Worlds of Life and Death New
--- 33 - Worlds of Life and Death ---

Squeaky did not understand what the Void Entity she worked for considered fun. If Flamescale at least understood the various films and other bits of Local Space culture she enjoyed it would be one thing, but it was increasingly clear that Squeaky's Boss did not really get most of the context. More importantly the Great Devourer did not ask, or even just download memories, in order to get that context. She just watched in ignorance and then talked about it in ways that made you wonder if you should correct the misconceptions or not.

Like the current situation Squeaky was stuck in, a civilian theater showing a Macrophylla eldritch horror movie that had most of the civilians present clearly wondering if creatures from the film had shown up to watch. The plot was a standard experimental FTL ignition crystal sending a transport full of some of the best Local actors of this instance, plus a couple of actors from species across the Gap, to the Worlds of Life and Death. A concept that a Macrophylla horror writer that was particularly xenophobic came up with of a dual planet setup without a gas planet and with a habitable atmosphere on the World of Life.

They were watching this low quality high cost horror movie because Flamescale thought it was a fun way to celebrate getting the first set of proper refinery, foundry, and fabrication facilities online. Squeaky was proud of making that happen within only forty days from getting the freighters, but she was not as happy with worrying civilians. Still sort of happy, the film wasn't entirely a bad way to spend some time, and messing with civilians they didn't need to worry about again was fun, but she would be fine with simulations and other games.

The movie had all the problems Macrophylla films had, including the budding plot that just plain did not work for non-Macrophylla being given to non-Macrophylla. Squeaky was fairly sure the actress saying those lines wasn't aware of what they actually meant, although the only actor that didn't seem to be just there for the paycheck was the 319A that clearly was experimenting with translator programs on someone else's budget. They also had the best expressions when those lines came up.

"She cannot have said that with a straight face," Sixteen said dully over the comms cybernetics they had with them to disguise things a bit. The local arcology had a wireless AR system that needed a sign in, and Flamescale didn't go for an excuse why they didn't have those.

"She doesn't know what she just said," Squeaky replied on that private channel. Then used the cybernetic link to look up reviews of the film. It was a new release, and she found herself horrified by the local reviews. "Actually, I think we're far enough from Macrophylla space that nobody here knows what she just said but us."

"That is horrible, it is worse than the orbital mechanics here," Sixteen grumbled. "Look, the other planet is blocking the star entirely." Squeaky could easily tell that it was made by someone who had only ever seen a gas planet blocking the light for one of the smaller planets that orbited around it.

"Not going to mention how the shadow is just killing everything?" Squeaky pointed out about that. It wasn't a typical interpretation of the World of Death, but at least this take did understand that they could cast shadows on each other like with a normal planet around a gas planet.

"Is that what is doing that? I thought that was the shadow things they've been running away from," he complained. "Tell me this isn't getting good reviews here, these people seemed like they should have better taste from the hallway art."

Squeaky thought that this was particularly bad hallway art, but she was never a civilian so any arcology decoration was outside her experience. It occurred to her that Flamescale might not realize that fact given all the civilian things they were taken to. For one thing clothes instead of uniforms or armor was still an odd thing, and completely impractical for their body plan. Squeaky wasn't sure how to get anything that couldn't be best called a tarp draped over them.

The film had a fairly typical ending for the style of film, a desperate last stand to stop the entities from the Worlds of Life and Death from getting out into the universe proper that got their group increasingly worried looks. The typical ending was a halfway hopeful seal of the gate, although this one was entirely so with a clear victory instead of only a partial one. Which explained the good reviews, this apparently was a propaganda film for military forces that needed to fight an open Bastion Network.

"You know, a lunar eclipse doesn't look like that at all," Flamescale said aloud as they left the theater, and Squeaky needed to stop a moment because there was no way she heard that right. "I've only personally seen one from the moon, which is really neat actually, but I've seen videos of what they are like."

'Lunar' was a word that could not be translated right somehow, even if 'eclipse' made sense in context. Squeaky was getting something like 'of the orbital body' from it, but with a bunch of bad context. 'Moon' was Flamescale's homeworld, but sometimes the Void Entity also used it to talk about smaller planets around a gas planet like the Macrophylla word for their own homeworld, and other times about asteroids around any sort of planet. There was an implication here, however, with the fact that she was talking about the film they had just seen. A film about a world the Macrophylla very specifically did not use their word for.

"You have actually seen that sort of orbital configuration before," Left-and-Right said together, although with separate bodies for the first time in quite some time, slowly and cautiously with a tone that said they were actually shaken for once.

"Is it rare?" Flamescale asked, clearly not getting that it wasn't just unusual, but outright mythical. "I know it can get more common in the outer system at least."

"It is unheard of for a habitable world," Sixteen said, but he didn't sound as surprised as Squeaky was. "That was fiction for us."

Flamescale looked uncertain about that, and then nodded. "Alright, I think I need to check some stuff about that film out then," their Boss said and slithered off towards a bookstore with a quiet instruction to 'have fun' without her.

"Sixteen, I need you to tell me that the Great Devourer is not from the World of Death," Squeaky hissed in horror. "Because that would both imply that the World of Death actually exists, and also that the most famous xenophobic author was right about that! A Leaf that got scared of the idea of colors that they couldn't see!"

"I would think that you would be in favor of the World of Death existing." "You are a worshiper of the Death-Sound, are you not?" Left-and-Right suggested, and the worst part was that they sounded like they genuinely did not understand that it was just an insult. "That is why the others say 'sharp, death, sound' instead of 'sharp, danger, sound' at times when talking about you, correct?"

"Are you seriously asking that question?" Squeaky asked with a strong attempt to keep a handle on her anger at being so bluntly asked. The researchers looked confused. "Right, let's see if these cybernetics are up for a data update," she complained and made the attempt as she turned back towards Sixteen because she still wanted an answer.

"Oh, that is an unfortunate name then," Left-and-Right said together before Sixteen could answer, which at least confirmed that it worked.

"They are almost certainly from the Worlds of Life and Death, or at least a homeworld that looks extremely close to them," Sixteen sighed when she made clear that she was not going to fall for the distraction. "Just like Yellow-Glow is almost certainly The-Fleshless-One." Sixteen nodded towards one of the nearby robot service units. "I think the only thing I haven't seen is him just talking through machines randomly."

They all watched the robot work for a moment. "I'm not the only one who almost expected it to turn into Yellow-Glow, right?" Squeaky asked to confirm, and received a collection of nods in reply.

"I think I'm the only one of us who has heard about his attempts to make that happen, unless Flamescale has complained to the rest of you about his attempts," Sixteen noted. "It didn't turn into him when he was mentioned yet, but he is trying for that. Which is why I am fairly sure that they don't just seem to be from the Worlds of Life and Death." He then clearly changed topics by sending Squeaky some data too. "I collected what I could about how Void Entities trade with Local Space instead of each other. A few places get a lot of traffic, but usually it just happens wherever a Void Entity tries to get stuff. I did include the gate coordinates for the most common places."

That made her day much better. "Any that are particularly popular?" she asked, happy to hear that her plan might just work out.


A couple of days later Squeaky was going over the initial information her scouting missions had done on the instances in question. A small number of the most recent going to the ones visited by Void Entities, but most of them had been sent to alternate instances as similar as they could find to try and work out who to sell things to.

"I do find your name interesting," Jplo noted midway through a report on those missions. "Sharp danger sound is a very spacer sort of word, which makes sense given the artificial nature of your native language, but I have never quite understood why danger and death sounded so close to each other. It seems as if there could be issues for saying one when the other is correct."

"'Danger' in this context means 'may fail at any time'," Squeaky specified as she inspected the sites that worked best for bulk raw material sales, and which would require manufactured goods instead. "That variant of 'death' is a word that is not as commonly used. We actually have a few ways to talk about someone who is dead, and that one is closer to 'danger that has happened'."

"I see. It is interesting because the inhabitants of Freeport 45 have a similar issue to yourself," Jplo possibly started getting to his point. "The generic translation of the station name would be 'Freeport Tuber', with most Void Entities calling it 'Freeport Potato'." He continued using a very foreign world that matched Flamescale's language. "However, a potato is a common and basic food plant. The specific food that Freeport 45 is named after is much rarer and more prized. I have done some basic research and found that 'Freeport Truffle' may be a better way to say things."

"There is a problem with my plan to buy the bulk raw materials from Void Entities," Squeaky translated after a moment of thought. "That is a secondary goal here, it mostly just makes it easier to sell locally, but what is the problem?"

"The Locals of Freeport 45 have already established a well controlled system for buying bulk raw materials from visiting Void Entities," the black bellied Lava Viper answered dully. "That form of trade is highly controlled and there is a chance it covers most of the needs for currency exchange."

"The goal isn't to get money to Void Entities, the goal is to buy stuff from them in exchange for easier to get local currency," Squeaky pointed out, but did look down at the site list again. "I take it the main issue there is we might not have the best options outside of the Freeport?"

The reason for the station to be the target of this trade was due to its position. Freeports were located on the edge of the Gap, the large area around Local Space currently empty of permanent populations. Being at the edge, or more accurately just past it, meant fewer regulations in exchange for more risk of someone from beyond the Gap showing up to take your stuff. Or some Rhizo, but Rhizo could end up anywhere. A place where Squeaky could mostly just deal with whoever controlled the station instead of proper governments.

"The main issue is that we will be noticed when we try," Jplo pointed out. "I suspect there will need to be considerable deals made to actually trade there."

"Of course there will, that's just the next stage," Squeaky confirmed thoughtfully. "Is there a reason to go for 45?"

"The ancient bastion network there has been cleared, the other instances have not had that done successfully yet," he noted, and Squeaky had to rush to double check those data points.


Freeport Truffle, as Squeaky decided to call it just because she liked Jplo's logic there, had been a fairly standard remote colony supply port at one point. The kind of place founded at the edge of Local Space, not far enough to really be called part of the Gap, but too far to be regularly policed by whatever power was the closest. A place where a company looking for cheap mining options or a set of colonists looking to try their own attempt at civilization could go and be close enough to still have emergency help only a week away, but far enough to stay independent until they got big enough.

Simple standard Girant docks were a solid starting point, even the Macrophylla used those as soon as a few years after that contact because even with more worlds they didn't have the same industry, but those docks had not been enough for the new requirements of this station. The largest freighters, over a kilometer long, could carry a lot of materials from the Void Entities that showed up as long as the custom docks for ships that size were used. Every single one of those docks had to be custom built, because there weren't any ships large enough to carry even just prefabricated pieces for one without needing an entire fleet of them.

The rest of the station clearly was a mixture of newly built sections that were high quality prefabricated modules around a more custom core that was more makeshift. The kind of thing you saw with a station that hit a big payday, but needed to expand fast to keep it going. Squeaky had been cloned in one of those, and she had earned her name dealing with all the side effects of getting those two construction styles to work together. The best she could say was she could see a full prefabricated support system module so they weren't trying to run it all on whatever had been built first.

"So, now that we are alone I will be blunt, Death-Sound," the Station Master, a rather large Remigrant that had asked to talk with her directly when she started to investigate who could get her authorization most easily. The way he said 'Death-Sound' wasn't how Squeaky normally heard it, but instead a serious statement as if that was genuinely her name and she was using Squeaky as a less obvious alternative. "I get a lot of your kind here. Void Entities from the Worlds of Life and Death following after the one I foolishly summoned quite some time ago in the hopes of trading for resources I could not get otherwise."

Squeaky, did not know how to react to the assumption that she was herself a Void Entity. She couldn't explain that very well when she was an extension of the power of a Void Entity, but that also meant she couldn't correct his error. Because now she was certain that he thought she was the Death-Sound, and that wasn't the kind of thing you could just say you weren't and expect people to just believe you.

"Now, that has been good for us. We have plenty of any resources we want, and you have learned that we buy the raw resources directly," he continued tiredly. "But that does not stop you from trying to sell anything and everything."

"My intention is to sell raw materials at scale to fill an account that will be used to buy those things to take out of this instance," Squeaky noted, unsure if he had been told that yet. This wasn't the first time she had interacted with a Local since her latest rework, but being inside his somewhat small office did make it clearer that she was considerably larger than she had considered. Her form now wasn't made for sitting, but even with the chair pushed aside she still was large enough on the floor to need to coil over herself slightly.

"I have heard what your fellows have said that you desire," he grumbled and turned to the window she had used to look out at the station. "The stuff you Entities bring can be really dangerous things for a station like this to have around. Military secrets, experimental weapons, things this world has never seen. Do you know why this station still exists despite having all those very risky things to have on it?"

"You don't mess with things Void Entities like," Squeaky suggested dully, ready to get to the point.

"I still have nightmares about the Girant fleet that came here to take the station or destroy it, and not because of what the fleet did. No, the sounds and sights of what happened to that fleet still haunt me," he confirmed darkly, still looking out the window. "You want to get that stuff, to make sure it goes into your pockets instead of our hands. Well I'm not the only one who wants that too." He turned back towards her. "I can offer something of a credit line for that if you can assure me that nothing from the rest of you ends up in this reality, and if you can actually sell enough raw material to keep an account filled for that then I'll give you whatever floor space or docks you want."

Squeaky nodded at that, and with only a bit of unease over how well that fit with her plans.


[Author's Note]
I present Squeaky's real plan, and one of the core reasons for this arc, even if one that I wasn't sure I would have happen. Also a few nice little scenes that I rather liked to write, including the other side of Flamescale trying to have fun with her minions.
Alright, so Squeaky's setting up accounts with local traders to buy up the random dangerous junk other Void Entities drop into local markets. Makes sense, you don't want that stuff just floating around.

Also, soft confirmation that she will be going on Flamescale's Excellent Time Adventure (Schedule Pending), possibly as her own VE at that point.
"Freeport Truffle?" "I guess it's a better name than 'Spudstation 13....'"

Though what really interests me is the fact that their equivalent solar systems to ours is considered usually rare to the point of being borderline mythical. Now admittedly, from what I understand, according to what we know about real astrophysics is that our system really is pretty rare for how it has so many planets in it that aren't just gas giants and that Luna is downright huge for a single moon. Though IIRC the methods we have now for finding systems with smaller rocky bodies are nowhere near as good as finding the supergiant planets, so that might explain the bias.
"Freeport Truffle?" "I guess it's a better name than 'Spudstation 13....'"

Though what really interests me is the fact that their equivalent solar systems to ours is considered usually rare to the point of being borderline mythical. Now admittedly, from what I understand, according to what we know about real astrophysics is that our system really is pretty rare for how it has so many planets in it that aren't just gas giants and that Luna is downright huge for a single moon. Though IIRC the methods we have now for finding systems with smaller rocky bodies are nowhere near as good as finding the supergiant planets, so that might explain the bias.
The Earth-Moon system is as far as we know the result of a collision between two planets early on that resulted in the formation of an oversized moon out of the bits that stayed in orbit.
I don't know for sure that it is a rare outcome in reality, but it sounds like a strange enough situation to be plausibly unknown even for an interstellar civilization that does not have access to Earth. I may be wrong and early collisions leading to larger than typical moons/double planet orbits may be more common.