Fluid Pestilence (Sci-Fi, LitRPG)

Flamescale focused on collecting a couple of strange green crystal shards more than getting confirmation on what had destroyed the gate. They smelled even more strongly of the infection, and when she got back to base she found them listed as 'Ancient Computer Fragments' along with a new one off skill called 'Liquid Compression'.

Aha! Knew something like this is going to happen the moment I saw the suspiciously convenient channels for her to flow through to unlock a door on another one of the Ancient sites. Made me instantly think of the "infection" is, somehow, used for computing stuff or general interfacing with things and such. Actually what is the infection…?

Is her base going to become something straight out of Alien? Because this feels like it might go in that direction. Weird semi-organic tech…

…also the fact this thing is part of the gate that is in itself related to void materials, uh. Hm. She is totally going to be able to form permanent gates eventually, won't she? Really really wanna see this explored more. Oh also, wonder if you can make cybernetics out of that, in addition to stuff mentioned above about linking them.

Also the entire mechanic of linking seems to be awfully convenient for her specifically. Though it's also a resource sink to keep void mats out of grabby NPCs' hands, I guess. But hm. Wonder what you can make with 'em in general… she mentioned that some of it reminded her of Real World tech she literally works with. Which makes me extremely curious how stuff looks like outside of the game.
The linking is convenient for everyone, it's just that our POV is especially good.
But even if someone had something like Hardened Body or Steel Fiber, it would probably translate to buffs to linked weapons too.
--- 13 - Roleplayers ---

Flamescale looked over the data she had gathered herself fairly rarely. Mostly due to the local tech base being fairly far removed from her own education as Helen the human. Now that wasn't the case anymore. There were two options, either Void Strike was a simulation taken too far, or Synch-Tech was a form of Void Tech.

Either way, she had the background to tell how close the locals were to working out the creation of Void Materials, and more importantly could start seeing what Yellow-Glow had meant about the data they had on the Ancient Void Gates. It wasn't extremely far along, but it was close enough that there were more missions to deal with Rhizo outbreaks at Ancient Gates. Currently more to clear out those Rhizo who went feral when the gates closed than because they were reopened, but it was clearly only a matter of time.

That meant Flamescale was fairly happy to be interrupted by a call, although surprised by who was calling. "Sledge, what can I do for you?" she questioned the pangolin. They had not spoken since that disaster of a mission, but that wasn't too long ago.

"I am in need of a bit of assistance, and you are my best option to complete it properly," Sledge replied simply, if a touch nervously, while fully armored. "It. It is a personal project, and likely a longer one. My contacts among the anti-pirate groups of a number of instances have been providing worrying data, and I fear that we Void Entities may be at direct risk for once."

Flamescale agreed with that idea strongly, but didn't really want to even talk with Yellow-Glow about why she had those worries at the moment. Sledge at least didn't have to worry about her own worst case outcome anymore. "I agree with that," she said vaguely. "What do you need help with?"

"I. I'm not used to asking other Entities about this sort of thing," Sledge admitted. "I always forget that despite having eternity we are typically concerned with doing things quickly. I need help with performing a number of missions at the same instance."

"You must mean a really long set of missions if you are worried about that," Flamescale noted. "I can make time for something important."

"Hours at a time. The first is an infiltration, and it is very important that it is not detected," the 'roleplayer' clarified with a huff. "I need an entire 319 research facility taken over and inspected while I act elsewhere to cover the creation of the Void Rift. It is not the direct research location, but rather the main R&D office for the world. Finding the data on where exactly the real target facilities are located is the goal of this first mission."

"I can handle the biological aspect of that, but you're going to need technical help to get rid of cybernetic and electronic records of any infiltration," Flamescale cautioned. "I just got Remove Memory so I can handle that part after I infect them, and I can bump up my infection chances a bit if I leave off some other skills."

"I have already been working with a tech expert to setup this operation," Sledge said with clear relief. "We need that data to know what will be required for followup missions. To know which sites are working on the Void and how far along they are." He looked her in the eye. "A part of me was worried you had been soured on your contagion skills, or on missions as long as the one you told me of."

"Long?" Flamescale questioned, and then realized that she had in fact only spoken about the terrible mission with Sledge. "Three hours is pretty typical for one of my missions. I've honestly got some skills now that are having me consider going on day long missions that involve interplanetary travel, maybe even weeks for interstellar."

"You have a way out of a mission without a Void Rift?" he questioned thoughtfully. "That could help a lot actually."

"I can currently get data out that way, but not any supplies," she cautioned. "I'm guessing I'll be meeting your other help when I get to the mission?"

"The expert is already on site," Sledge said, looking a bit amused, but also uneasy. "Do you want me to send you the rift?"

"Go ahead, I'll change around my points," Flamescale agreed, and as he cut the line and gave her a Rift Opening. She had focused on getting a level of every Hidden Infection skill, with two levels of Hidden Infection itself to reduce detection chances, for a total cost of twenty three points, and now stripped out the six points she had in Mass Infection to get the second level of all three Infectious skills. The loss of Infected Material would be a downside, but even just a minor increase in the infection chance of everything was a worthwhile improvement.

With some careful use of her skill to tune down damage and the way those stacked on the laser rifles she should hopefully be able to tag targets to infect them if needed. The lasers did actually produce infected residue when she had at least one level of Infectious Strikes and Residues, but very little and with a very short lifespan. Infectious Vapors on the other hand were given off by whatever was hit, and with any luck two levels of that would allow her to just spread using the vents if she was careful.

Flamescale decided to start with just one body, reverted to scales for the moment, and thought about how nice it would be to pull off a full lab takeover without being known to have done it at all. An amusing thought that went away as she recognized Yellow-Glow at the other end of the Void Rift in the middle of a large advanced industrial area. He was in a machine reptile form, clearly as close to a 319A as he could get with his typical visuals and the limits on character creation.

"This is that serious?" she questioned her friend as Sledge arrived behind her.

"Unfortunately. We believe that the locals are developing a method to close Void Rifts," Yellow-Glow specified. "As a side effect of learning to close Void Gates to prevent still active Ancient Computer equivalents from being a problem. The two of us had hoped to be further along before we asked you for help."

"It is a threat to ourselves as Void Entities, as well as a complication that threatens the locals," Sledge noted with a nod at her. "The goal is to find their Void Gate lab and determine how far along that project is, and if there are any ways to counter a closed Void Rift. I will be going on a supply mission to cover this Rift's formation, as that is my excuse to why I wanted it opened by a local."

"So there is a time limit to start then," Flamescale noted. "So, how much do we need to avoid detection here? I know cameras at places like these tend to have offsite backups, so we will end up on a timer."

"The original plan was to subvert the backup systems instead, and that has been done already. I haven't been back to base in a while to set everything up," Yellow-Glow explained with a shrug. "I've been doing preparations for a few days now."

"Which is the timeline issue. If we are discovered in a month it won't matter as much, but we might be a week away from our target," Sledge clarified better. "We need to keep from having them discover our goals that long at least."

"Oh wow, that brings back some memories," Flamescale laughed towards Yellow-Glow. "I remember my first attempt at a mission on a world other than the one I started. So, if you two have been working on this for that long I am guessing you have a plan for getting me inside?"

"I have the head of maintenance," Yellow-Glow started, and then cut off for an instant. "We need to get moving actually, I need you to take him over first. Then he should be able to get you into the vents. You have a solid Infectious Vapors skill, right?"

"What is the plan to stop them from noticing a strange smell of lava fruit?" she questioned as she followed him, with a nod towards Sledge.

"I will let Yellow-Glow tell you that plan," the pangolin Entity laughed. "I will be going for a supply base to the north. This should take a while, they have an awkward time negotiating with our kind."

"He's going to be buying stuff?" Flamescale questioned with a bit of confusion as they made their way to the alley behind a nearby convenience store. "And what did you pull this time?"

"We have been using the cover of being here to deal with information and technologies from other instances," Yellow-Glow explained, and Flamescale groaned. That was the tricky method of getting stuff where you tried to sell specific items not found in one instance that you got from a different one. This being a 319 target made that more likely to work, but it was still an annoying way to get stuff that only a very knowledgeable 'roleplayer' could pull off. "As for the trick, I have ensured that the target's ventilation systems have had lava fruit scented filters installed."

"You've been here long enough to sabotage this site with scented ventilation filters?" Flamescale had to actually stop to question.

"I have been planning on requesting your help with this operation since the start of the season. I've sabotaged the entire planet's supply of ventilation filters with lava fruit scented models," her insane friend who definitely had too much time on his hands informed her. "We need to get to this worker before he makes his attempt at a workaround to the ever present smell."

"You're editing the guides while on missions again," she pointed out tiredly as they moved into the civilian structure. "I've only tried using a civilian as a vector once so far, do we have a way to make sure this isn't detected?" Yellow-Glow didn't answer for a long moment as they went inside of the store. The store that had one of the very rare robotic kiosks that nobody actually liked but were cheaper than actual useful employees. "Yellow-Glow, did you take over a store for this?"

"This has been a major project, it cannot be left without enough control," he stated instead of answering. "I need you to convert this individual immediately, and then get this data chip into the security room before you take any notable actions outside of the ventilation system."

"Yellow-Glow, please tell me you aren't actually trying to sell these things to infiltrate instances," Flamescale criticized even as she hid behind the counter and started to let out Infectious Vapors. "Are you still trying to show up on a weekly?"

She waited for a response until after the 319B entered, took an annoyed smell of the place, grumbled that the entire star system was going to hate lava fruit's smell as much as the taste at this rate, and then the bat-like tech left fully under her control.

"I am making good progress," Yellow-Glow sarcastically declared. "You didn't pass him the chip."

"Give me a copier, he isn't going anywhere near a security room, but I can get it into a system with someone from security if I pull off a bit of a strange minor power," Flamescale declared and passed over one of her linked data chips.

"You linked data chips? How does that even work with multiple bodies?" her friend questioned, even as he started to load the data.

"I think I've worked out the multiple of the same bodies thing," she answered instead, a bit upset that he had not had time to go over her information on the skills yet. "It isn't two different bodies, it is one body that splits into multiple. My coworkers are complaining about trying to use the new prototype, apparently it is a bit too much to be a camera drone that breaks apart into multiple smaller drones."

"You have data chips that can be in multiple places at once with the same data," Yellow-Glow realized, and that was why she liked her friend having too much time to look into things. "If you can get three into the camera system with a slight modification all at once I might- No, that isn't enough to be safe here, stick with the original plan."

"That's not the best part," Flamescale said smugly. "If I have the right blind spot I can have it emerge out of part of an infected with an arm. At least, I should be able to. It will reveal they are infected where I try, but if I controlled everyone in the room first."

"You can emerge directly from infected?" he questioned curiously, and she knew now that he had been doing this project since the start of the season. It was a bit unnerving to hear how serious this was given how much of her work he hadn't gotten to yet.

"It causes a bit of the liquefied infection at the place I come out, so I want to be careful how much I do because I do know that takes longer to turn back, and it is usually easier to get myself somewhere with a good amount of residue," Flamescale clarified. "Be honest with me, Yellow-Glow, how bad are we worried about here?"

"Sledge did contact me first," her friend started. "I guess he heard something from you that made him trust me with this. The main issue is the ability to track or close Void Rifts. He feels that the downsides of Void Entities being restricted is worse than us being loose, and also is aware that should the ancients be a greater threat on the horizon we would need this sort of counter."

"That's not enough for you to miss out on my reports," she pointed out. "What have you found?"

"The Ancient Gates were destroyed starting with the gate itself," Yellow-Glow admitted. "Whatever killed them destroyed them using the gate itself, possibly a void effect, and it was killing the gates that cut off whatever is on the other side of them. I have been tracing the damage, and that is consistently the case."

"They had good enough Void-Tech to get targeted directly by the Void Entities of the time," Flamescale guessed as her infected reached the facility and started getting to work.

"Or another faction with equally good Void-Tech," Yellow-Glow sighed. "Either way, we can expect advanced void technologies on the other side. Possibly something worse. It seems that the local detection systems are not up for tracking your infection yet. I have only passive access at the moment, but the backups I control have seen him make it into the building."

"He's going for junction three, the one really close to main security. They have been complaining the loudest about the smell, and he has a dumb plan," Flamescale answered, done with the serious topic for the moment. "Not only can I tell it wouldn't work, it actually should cover for me. He was going to try to 'clean' one of the filters to get the smell out."

"Why do you know how that goes wrong?" her friend unfortunately did ask her as the infected 319B reached the room and stuck their head into the already open vent. The splatter of residue was quickly filled with her other two bodies, both going for likely places to start the infection, and making use of the new Liquid Compression one-off she had to squeeze down the vents more easily while letting more air past her.

"Yellow-Glow, I'm going into vent systems all the time now," Flamescale grumbled as she tried to focus on keeping an infectious vapor from being noticed before it took over her current targets. "Of course I've grabbed just about every kind of filter they commonly have. Trying to do anything like that with scented filters, and nobody actually likes any scented filters so they always try to do something, causes basically this cloud of very dangerous stuff that smells like whatever the filter was." Although most of that knowledge was from various maintenance techs that had tried before, with only a few being from attempts to get the visual right to hide herself. She was actually having the 319B make the attempt anyway as extra visual cover.

"This is why I still end up including information from half your replays in my guides," Yellow-Glow said with a laugh as she got control over the last of the security room staff. "You still find the most interesting details. How many of those have I missed on this project?"

"Data chip is in," she cut him off instead. "You're up." The careful pass of the chip to one of the guards was easier than she expected, even if their hand ended up a bit gooey.

"Connected, wait a moment. Cameras are ours, data links are ours, doors, locks," Yellow-Glow listed and then paused. "Once you have the staff we are ready to begin data extraction."

"Wait, are you going in? Because I have more than one of those chips," Flamescale pointed out. "Unless you needed something that can't be copied from an electronic record I should be able to handle this."

"I can get us in with current access, but to gain the files without records I will need to handle the data extraction myself. The staff are unlikely to know how to do that," he specified, and she nodded. It wouldn't take too much longer, the cloud of vapors that covered the building was honestly about half the side effects of trying to 'clean' the filter, and half her infection. If anything the former was currently more harmful to their health, which helped with any misses in keeping the damage lowered.

Flamescale simply went over some of the findings she had made on Linked Gear skills while they waited for the full staff to be controlled. Including the minor skills 'Boost Link' and 'Protect Link' that gave increased stats or increased damage resistance to Linked Gear respectively. They both varied in quality, but were easy to get, and overall were fine. There were skill trees that gave much better boosts to gear you used, but these did make it better to have stuff linked. Flamescale's harder to get 'Skill Link' gave better results that any of the examples of those two minor skills she had found so far, but they did stack.

Then once the entire staff of the facility was overtaken Yellow-Glow made his way inside and Flamescale stayed where her three bodies were to avoid anyone seeing her go in. Yellow-Glow at least at a casual glance could pass for 319A shaped. From there it was just a waiting game for Yellow-Glow to finish his part.

"Flamescale," Sledge greeted her inside the automated store before that was done. "Have you ever haggled with a Remigrant weapons dealer?" The Remigrant were grey skinned bulky creatures with notable scaled patches on their skin that looked like, but critically should never be called, rashes.

"Are you buying a space ship for this mission?" Flamescale had to question. Remigrant were generally just a civilian race, only very rarely requesting or being target by missions. They also mostly made advanced processed materials and space ship parts. She knew they had armed forces, but as far as she was aware they mostly used Girant made small arms.

"I am trying to get a gravity generator. I have been trying to get a Remigrant gravity generator for a while now," Sledge began to complain. "My weaponsmith is certain he can make me a gravity hammer. I just need a small enough gravity generator. I have attempted to see if a ship-wide generator would be able to be used, but those are simply too large. Remigrant gravity cannons are made small enough. Not small enough to carry one of the full cannons around, but they contain multiple generators that are small enough to fit inside the hammer."

"Salvage operations aren't an option here?" Flamescale asked curiously. She recognized Yellow-Glow's appearance from where she could see him outside of vents as an indication that they still had a while left, so she could talk while she waited. "I know I've gone for salvage yards to get raw materials before, and some stuff you find there is still functional. I know you have anti-pirate contacts to work with there."

"You would think that, but unfortunately that is why I was speaking with a Remigrant weapons dealer," Sledge sighed heavily. "They closely control wrecks that have their weapon systems. Often stripping them off themselves, and apparently the easiest way to actually fight the Remigrant is to try and salvage some of their equipment without authorization. I do not want my weaponsmith targeted."

"They are in this instance?" Flamescale questioned with worry. It was one thing to pull major operations in a random instance, but an instance you commonly went, that you knew people in, was another thing entirely.

"No, I am trying to work out what needs to be done before I make the attempt there," Sledge quickly corrected her. "I do not want to have a history of failures in that instance."

"You need a license for them to work with the things," Flamescale realized aloud. "I think Yellow-Glow might be able to help you there. He's worked on that sort of thing before, and is just about done now."

Yellow-Glow was in fact going over the final cybernetic parts of clearing out the records of what had been done here. She could sense those changes from the 319 she infected only vaguely, and it did tell her that some sort of hacking skill would be needed to pull off something this hidden on the cyborgs without his help. She pulled her bodies out of the facility with some residue, to make sure it was gone by the time they needed to reverse the rest.

"I suppose he is probably better to ask," Sledge admitted with a laugh. "Although I do need to remember that you can be in more than one place at a time. Will you have trouble getting out?" he started to ask, and then remembered. "Oh, right, you can just leave without Rifts now. A single lab building is probably much easier."

"We are clear," Yellow-Glow then said, apparently after running to reach them. "Remove the infection when ready."

"Just a second," Flamescale said as she went into the mental controls she had. It was a bit tricky to work out what exactly she couldn't change, which was more of a concern over how she seemed to be able to completely rewrite someone if she wanted to, and it didn't seem that hard to get something as simple as removing any thoughts that indicated they were present at this site. After that she started the infection to be removed as well. "It's going. Are we sticking around or heading out?"

"Hold just a couple of minutes longer," Yellow-Glow requested. "I am still monitoring the situation to make sure that it has worked properly." Flamescale and Sledge both watched the robotic Entity for a bit. "It appears better than I expected actually. There does not seem to have been any interruption they are aware of."

"In that case I'm going to say my request is done," Sledge said with a smile at Flamescale. "Your contract is concluded successfully."

"If just saying that works I'll be surprised," Flamescale laughed. "Let me know if you do end up needing me for a followup. I'll try and keep in base for a couple of days, I have stuff I can do." She didn't want to go back to personal data analysis, but she needed to look into the Void Tech herself at some point.

The other two agreed with that, and instead of finding the Rift again Flamescale simply vanished into a bit of residue back to her base. Directly to a mission complete screen that gave her a massive and rare thirteen new points for her ST.


[Author's Note]
A team mission, and the advancement of the current arc now that the basics are all done. Maybe better described as the setup to the meat of this arc, as here is where the season's actual content really starts to show off the changes to the worlds.
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Flamescale looked over the data she had gathered herself fairly rarely. Mostly due to the local tech base being fairly far removed from her own education as Helen the human. Now that wasn't the case anymore. There were two options, either Void Strike was a simulation taken too far, or Synch-Tech was a form of Void Tech.

And so the "reality" bleeds into the "game".

My coworkers are complaining about trying to use the new prototype, apparently it is a bit too much to be a camera drone that breaks apart into multiple smaller drones.

And the other way around, hah. So she basically applied the "big snek combo form" trick in reverse? I'll be surprised if this indeed works and turns out to be why she can indeed have so much control over the bodies.

Surprised to see Yellow-Glow in here and being in on the mission before she got contracted. Also neat, contracts from void entities count as, well, contracts.

So, in re: infection residue and popping out from it and always being able to slip away into her base… does that work cross-instance? Hmmmm.

Overall nice to see a new chapter! And slowly the plot ticks along as we see how things converge towards the same direction. Low key keep wondering if she will somehow end up with her own infection goop somehow at her work or home. I wonder if it's even Earth at this point. Humanity (and woo, solid confirm of indeed Helen the human) could be anywhere from vague cyberpunk dystopia/utopia to an interstellar empire or something in-between…

Though. I wonder if we'll get to know that in most convoluted way possible somehow? Like Flamescale just managing to find Earth from "in game"… Oh wait, instances. Hm. Still want to bet some players are not from her Earth. Or maybe they all are. Can't say much given she does not participate in forums and for all we know it might be some sort of thing everyone there is semi-aware. "Stuff is weird, don't think about it".
"As for the trick, I have ensured that the target's ventilation systems have had lava fruit scented filters installed."

"You've been here long enough to sabotage this site with scented ventilation filters?" Flamescale had to actually stop to question.

"I have been planning on requesting your help with this operation since the start of the season. I've sabotaged the entire planet's supply of ventilation filters with lava fruit scented models," her insane friend who definitely had too much time on his hands informed her. "We need to get to this worker before he makes his attempt at a workaround to the ever present smell."
Wow, that really gives you an idea of the power levels we're seeing here. "I'm going to casually manipulate this entire planet's supply of filters to make my long-term infiltration attempt moderately easier". It really goes to show how absolutely cracked XPerienced Void Entities are. And, by extension, the Rhizo.
Also, ten cents on the filter manipulation eventually getting detected being what allows the 319 to eventually realize that site got compromised.
Research and Development
--- 14 - Research and Development ---

Flamescale removed all of her second level skills, and took a look at two options she had for replacing bodies. One complicated thing with figuring out skills for Void Strike was that complete details often didn't show up until you had the first level of something. Switching back and forth between options was sometimes enough to work out what did what better.

She was in her base waiting for updates from Sledge or Yellow-Glow, and trying not to worry too much about how many Void experiments the locals had done that matched the results from Synch-Tech testing. It was likely that the next thing they would need would be more obvious given the context.

The obvious option for replacing bodies, and the expensive one, was Infected Reformation from her Reformation branch. A twenty point single level skill that normally would be simple, with it letting her reform using someone she infected as raw material to remake her body. Doing so would reduce her maximum health for the duration of the mission, from the looks of things she would only have 40% of her normal max health. The Improved Reformation skill from that same branch was ten points for the first level out of five, and reduced the penalty by a flat 10%, with a maximum revived health of 90% of her normal max.

However, having Multiform apparently messed with the normal function. It simply let her reform a body with the health decrease from the location of another body she still had in play, which wasn't even that much of a downside with Material Movement letting her rapidly get somewhere else after the fact. That even made the third Reformation branch skill of 'Material Reformation' less valuable, as that cooldown based alternative to reviving from an infected wasn't in practice different from reviving the basic way all Void Entities could do without skills for her, only it had the health downside if she used it.

To contrast that expensive skill set that was partially invalidated by Material Movement, she had Fusion from the Multiform branch. It was a skill that required something like a Contagion branch, and at only five points it was much cheaper. The downsides were that it needed thirty points to already be spent on multiple bodies, and it was a complicated skill that was clearly intended for a different purpose than just replacing bodies. If she was short a body and used the skill on an infected, then the infected would be fused into her and converted into another new body, with the downside of that body taking the infected's stats instead of her base stats.

It was clear the intent on the other hand was to give her another way to grow the size of her bodies by adding heads that could not be split off. The limit of heads on any single body was determined by her Multiform skill's level, so right now she could only fuse up to two infected onto a body as truly extra heads, and then she couldn't add the other bodies as heads to that one. These extra heads could be absorbed for a noteworthy health restoration effect, but they could not be reverted back into the infected they were made out of after she fused with them. In fact, from the description so far, it appeared to be just as much a skill to consume an infected as Reformation.

"Flamescale, we have a problem," Yellow-Glow cut in, which was a terrible sign. "I need the best widespread infection setup you can make, with the infected keeping their minds."

"We have the worst case scenario," Sledge added, which meant they were both on the comm line at the same time, which was an even worse sign. "I'm afraid that they are both too far along to let them continue their work, and yet also have not completed their work enough for us to get the data we need."

"Alright, I'm going to need some more details there," she said as she started to reconfigure. Hidden Infection itself gave a bit more intelligence, but the rest of that branch came off immediately. The six points for the first levels of Infected Strength and Infected Material were added on with some of those points. Then she considered the biggest boost to infection chance she knew of. "Like 'what is the issue that we need to attack now', and 'how you want me to help there'?"

"The creation of a device that would be able to close Void Rifts is close to reality. I anticipate it will be completed within the month, along with devices to open Void Gates that locals can use to safely travel between instances," Yellow-Glow explained, to her horror. "I require the latter to try and develop a counter to the former, but the development is too closely linked."

"We want to take over the site, prevent any transmission of new data developed there, and complete both projects under our control," Sledge said grimly. "This is an active threat to Void Entities."

"That might be able to trace our world," Flamescale said to explain the part of that idea she was worried about. "I know you don't have to worry about that anymore, Sledge, but most of us do."

Sledge's face looked even more worried. "That was not my worst case," he admitted.

"How are we stopping them from just burning down the lab from orbit?" Flamescale interrupted that topic, they probably didn't have time to waste on that discussion yet. She grabbed her four spine launcher and two bio-missile skills, and put all of those on her head. With the missiles placed right next to the spines as strange forward facing horns that didn't look good, but they probably didn't have time for pretty either. "Also, I am going to be bigger than normal." Thirty points went into giving her a fourth body, and five into letting her fuse with infected to get the size boost to infection rate on all of them.

"The locals want this data badly, but worst case we try again for the data elsewhere after removing this facility," Yellow-Glow said unhappily. "How much bigger are you thinking?"

Flamescale decided to answer by growing all four of her current heads. One on each side, one above, and one below. Only, as she went from three to four she started to grow much more than she expected. Her heads went up in size as well, and she reached what looked like double again her length at three heads. "Yellow-Glow, I was expecting fifteen meters, not twenty. What the heck?" she questioned. "How big do normal giant monster skills make you?" Her hands now were large enough that they didn't make hand weapons at her scale.

"The most easily found example is Titanic Scale. A skill tree branch that has only a single skill, which costs twenty at base and increases in cost by twenty for each of the rest of its five levels. The first lets you grow at will to three times your base size. Each level after that allows for three times larger than the previous maximum," her friend explained carefully. "It is not uncommon for Entities your size to top out at over a kilometer with that one, although at that point you are more at risk of needing to fight a warship of similar size than you get benefits from the skill tree that has it."

"Yellow-Glow, I have doubled in size twice now. If that keeps up I will get to over half a kilometer with nine heads," Flamescale noted back to him. He only nodded. "Yellow-Glow, I have another skill, Fusion, from that same branch that should let me have nine bodies with nine heads each at that size."

"You planned on having four fifteen meter bodies?" Sledge asked with some concern. "I'll admit, I understand the issue with growing in size faster instead, but fifteen isn't that much smaller is it?"

"I think I'm big enough to eat a tank," Flamescale said as she inspected the size she had reached. It wasn't uncomfortable or anything to be so large, but she wasn't sure how it would feel to meet with locals at this size. However. "Which we might need. It will work for a combat form, or for taking over places. I have a really high infection chance for everything right now. The vapors are pretty potent even at this scale." She double checked. "Oh, five probably already hits the vapors always infecting." Admittedly it would do so at forty meters in length, so it would not be an option she could hide unless she only used vapors and found a particularly deep hole to hide in.

"You have a solid ST with it," Yellow-Glow said thoughtfully. "You have a giant monster skill inside of a solid ST. We have a fleet killer ST." Flamescale blinked at that idea, the best of the STs found, a Skill Tree strong enough to allow for an Entity to possibly take on space or sea warships on their own. In combat instead of subversion, although she could probably do both at once with this. "Have you found any issues with more bodies?"

"No, despite how everyone keeps asking, having more bodies doesn't bother me," Flamescale said and pulled out her laser rifle to see if it would still work. Then paused at the size of her laser rifle, which still fit nicely into her hands. "I guess Linked Gear gets the size part too. The battery is... Well that's a problem. The total energy storage has gone up, and the current energy is up, but I think this isn't going to recharge in a reasonable time like this."

"Flamescale, please do testing for how that works now," Yellow-Glow said excitedly. "We are opening your rift, the facility is a remote lab with integrated landing zone. We can contain the locals while you initiate the takeover."

"With any luck all resources will be present to complete the research," Sledge sighed. "Without that we may take longer, and I am already worried this is going to take days."

"If they let me turn the lab into an infected hive for days then we might have bigger problems," Flamescale declared, but still prepared for that. It would not be the first time she spent days on a single mission, but it would be the longest outright attack if it lasted that long. "Is the Rift going to be somewhere I can start at full size?"

"You should be able to fit, and we need infection chance as high as possible," Yellow-Glow declared as the Rift opened. "Please try and get to full size and quantity as soon as possible."

"We are close to the site, please take a comm unit so we can learn when the location is under control," Sledge requested, and Flamescale had to stop and go grab a comm unit. Then because she did have some extra Void Materials she also linked it.

Flamescale then went through the Rift, and into a large storage area with a few now quite horrified guards as she discovered that twenty meters long was in fact large enough to be more on the scale of a vehicle than a creature. She had all of her damage turned down, and was letting out a cloud of vapors that almost immediately took over the five guards. Those five unfortunately did not have any knowledge of how to perform the research, which meant they were about to become a test of her Fusion skill.

Her vapors were already spreading through the vents of the storage bay to other areas as she split off one of her four bodies. The decrease in size reduced her stats for a moment, but the first of these victims pressed against the larger three headed body, and she triggered the skill. The effect was to pull the 319A's head towards where her three necks were, while the rest of their body melted down. Then their head started to extend and change into another of her heads, but that was where the issue turned up.

Because rather than just destroying the now consumed guard's mind, it was instead as if her mind was simply layered on top of it. Pushing their memories backwards, into just a sort of knowledge she possessed, but not removing them. In fact Flamescale could feel those memories and the associated knowledge settle in the back of her mind, made into a part of it that she worried would not go away when she got rid of the extra head.

Despite that the body still grew back to the full twenty meter size, and she still needed more for this site given the knowledge of her infected of just how big the place was. Three more terrified infected 319A guards were ordered to fuse with the single headed body, and their minds quickly joined the first as nothing more than a part of her as she got a chance to see what her four headed form looked like from another four headed form.

The results looked good to her. The four necks were a bit confusing to see, and the size was a bit tight to fit both of them in the room, but both of those actually felt rather nice to see. If it wasn't for the consumed minds she would have considered having as many larger bodies as she could all the time. "This might be a reason to get the points for Infected Creation," she admitted as she split another body off the one that still had three of her original heads to consume the final guard. "Those are supposed to make new creatures that can be used for this instead." The last guard was not reassured by this before they ceased to be another person, and gave her two full sized bodies and a single singular headed body.

During that testing the rest of the facility had started to notice the vapors, although luckily with the plot by Yellow-Glow to replace all filters with lava fruit scented ones making it easy to disguise for those who had not yet been infected. A group that she started to reduce quite quickly as she began to squeeze her largest bodies into the facility itself.

Most of it could not fit her while she tried to be solid, but at the same time a river of infected material from one of the bodies was another option to infect the locals. That didn't seem to impact having extra heads that couldn't split off, and Flamescale was careful to double check each infected for knowledge of local projects before she tried to use them to get up to a full four bodies with four heads each. Those guards who weren't consumed utterly for her bodies were started off on the job of building infected materials and emplaced biological defense weapons, while the research staff was set on completing their work.


It wasn't until well after the entire site was taken that Yellow-Glow and Sledge arrived at the site with a civilian shuttle full of captured researchers from another shift. As a result she wasn't able to compare her current size to them until the isolated desert base was coated in a layer of infected materials, and she had even had time to start construction of outlying defensive structures covered in bio-missile launchers.

"Ah, you are considerably larger than I realized," Sledge noted from the shuttle pad as her vapors flowed into the vehicle. It wasn't possible to use any command interface skills on other Void Entities, so they were safe, but the rest of the crew and cargo of the ship was quickly overtaken. Sledge himself was now small enough to possibly ride on one of her heads, although not easily, and Yellow-Glow was still in his 319A form that was a bit smaller than that. Even the forty meter long shuttle looked too small for her to actually fit inside.

"Yeah, it is taking some getting used to," Flamescale admitted, with a glare at various control systems and devices she could not use simply because her smallest fingers were now larger than they were designed to operate with. "But I'm having a fairly good time."

"Of course you are," Sledge sighed, while Yellow-Glow moved up to look over the body that was present.

"Did you encounter any issues with the efforts?" Yellow-Glow questioned, and Flamescale paused a moment before she decided they didn't need to both know the complication with her new skill yet.

"Unfortunately, it seems that we will be here a least a day," she admitted the easier part to talk about. "Possibly even with missions to some resource depots for additional supplies if I can't find everything I need soon. Some of the experimental setups are hard on the manufacturing equipment, and the gate itself already needs parts to be replaced. I'm glad you found these guys, I need some of them to make those repairs."

"I don't suppose you can tell where we would need to get those supplies?" Sledge questioned. "I would like to get everything we need sooner rather than later."

"If it comes to that? We need to hope they still order some of the stuff," Flamescale had to tell him. "Or manufacture it in some cases. If we're going farther than I hoped we would, then we can capture some auto-foundries too. I can split myself between multiple sites if we really need that." She hoped that this would be the full extent of locals she infected. "Has there been any response yet? I've been keeping comms fairly quiet so far."

"Let me have comms access, I might be able to delay inspection quite a while," Yellow-Glow declared. "Is the work that can be done proceeding well?"

"Not yet, but I've been waiting for you two to arrive before I went over what they were doing myself," she admitted, although a part of her wondered if Yellow-Glow had even had the chance to see her replay for the first mission of the season where she made some Void Materials yet. If he hadn't that statement might not tell him what she meant, and she wasn't sure when they would discuss that issue. "Did you have any time to look into Skill Link yet?"

"It is the result of making Void Materials," Yellow-Glow confirmed. "Although how to do that is complicated. I have not had time to work out how to decode a three viewpoint mission yet, so any details on the process could help with making a guide." He then paused visibly. "And now I will need a four body, sixteen viewpoint decoder," he lamented as he visibly counted her heads, and looked over at another body she had attempting to build Infected Mass turrets nearby. That attempt was a failure that still made the same sized ones as those made by anyone else infected. "I don't think I even want a nine by nine viewpoint replay, just don't even bother."

"If I ever need to fight an entire warship fleet on my own we probably will want to know what the heck caused that," Flamescale pointed out with a mixture of amusement and unease at the idea of having so many bodies that large. It would be at a scale that she couldn't imagine anything short of trying to destroy a planet as the reason for such a situation.

"Then let me go make sure we don't have to fight a warship fleet now," Yellow-Glow joked and followed one of her infected towards the communications center.

"You were able to use local gear to make Void Materials?" Sledge questioned as he instead followed her body that met with them into the facility, with her destination being the research area itself.

"I was. The methods are, similar to how Synch-Tech is made," she confessed to him. "My job as a human works with Synch-Tech a lot."

That left Sledge strangely quiet for long enough to get them to the main lab floor. "Tell me, Flamescale, honestly if you can. Is this existence just a simulation?" he questioned. "Am I just a copy made using Synch-Tech taken too far?"

"That's the wrong way of taking that news, Sledge," she answered, honestly as she could. "It isn't that this is some reference to Synch-Tech being a thing." She started to look into the actual research being done here. "Synch-Tech is Void-Tech. I can't say if this was supposed to be a game or not, but it definitely isn't anymore, and whatever these locals are working on works as well for humans as it does for them." Flamescale considered the results. "I can already apply what I know to get this project further along."

He was silent for another long moment. "I am uncertain I feel better with that possibility. If it was always Void that was the cause- Well that almost seems worse for everyone," he admitted with a sigh, and looked over the researchers as they got back to work. "Flamescale, look at those two," he then said more seriously and pointed at-

"Yellow-Glow, we have a complication," Flamescale said seriously over the comm unit she had as she looked at the same researcher twice over. "Another instance has completed a gate experiment. Wait, accident."

"Flamescale, how do you know that?" her friend asked with interest over the comm line.

"Because I have two instances of the same researcher, one who is trying deliberately to open a gate back to his home instance," she specified with special attention towards the other creature from another universe. "That result was an accident, and they haven't worked out how to recreate it, but if we could track that other instance it might be another site to target."

"If they have not tracked it already there is little chance that we can find the exact instance," Yellow-Glow said thoughtfully. "But that does improve our chances of just locating this site again in another instance to check for the data if we are destroyed here. I've delayed any investigation for at least a day, but we might still have a local Macrophylla attack inbound."

That was a problem. Of all the factions Macrophylla used power suits the most commonly, largely because they weren't really built for making conventional vehicles of a practical size. It meant they would be harder to infect, and would likely need to be actually fought. "Where?" she questioned quickly. "Give me a moment to get some anti-air ready."

"Not that soon, probably around nightfall at current projections," Yellow-Glow cut off that immediate reaction. "I have found a bugged system, and you can probably identify an infiltrator if you went through the minds of the former comm station staff. They are the only group I cannot trick into thinking the site has a development serious enough to lockdown for the moment."

"Alright, give me a direction when they get close," Flamescale requested. "I'm going over what they are working on for now."


[Author's Note]
We have a two parter here, and I am going to experiment with making everyone wait at a cliffhanger for the next part.
Usually I don't, and I do have the backlog at the moment to avoid it if needed, but I am doing this as a writing exercise anyway.
Last edited:
Because rather than just destroying the now consumed guard's mind, it was instead as if her mind was simply layered on top of it. Pushing their memories backwards, into just a sort of knowledge she possessed, but not removing them. In fact Flamescale could feel those memories and the associated knowledge settle in the back of her mind, made into a part of it that she worried would not go away when she got rid of the extra head.
Well, that's a new level of horror. Flamescale probably just straight-up pulled a "your soul is mine" on those luckless schmucks. The fact she's not freaking out over this - even with the fate of Earth potentially on the line - is probably a sign that she's been in Void Strike way too much (and in denial). Hopefully the infected hive skill works like I think it does, because otherwise those guys are so incredibly dead there's going to be theological implications.
"Yellow-Glow, I have doubled in size twice now. If that keeps up I will get to over half a kilometer with nine heads," Flamescale noted back to him. He only nodded. "Yellow-Glow, I have another skill, Fusion, from that same branch that should let me have nine bodies with nine heads each at that size."
"If I ever need to fight an entire warship fleet on my own we probably will want to know what the heck caused that," Flamescale pointed out with a mixture of amusement and unease at the idea of having so many bodies that large. It would be at a scale that she couldn't imagine anything short of trying to destroy a planet as the reason for such a situation.
Any situation serious enough that you would need more than 3.5 miles worth of Melted Gummy Worm Syndrome, is probably going to be bad enough that you will wish you had even more of it.

"Yeah, it is taking some getting used to," Flamescale admitted, with a glare at various control systems and devices she could not use simply because her smallest fingers were now larger than they were designed to operate with.
... Wait, does it only allow for 'Multiple Heads all at Max Size' or 'Entire Separate Body' with no in-between? She can't have smaller upper-bodies branching off from a central trunk? Can't even project extra sets of arms off her main body? That seems like a bit lacking in versatility.
Can she at least choose not to have all of the extra heads out at once? Or maybe there's a Skill that grants her better control over the shape of her multi-body bodies (Malleable Form? Versatile Amalgamation?)
I wonder if the consumed can be sent back out as minions, maybe with the infected creation? I doubt they will ever truly be able to be truely separate again, but they could get some temporary independence.
and trying not to worry too much about how many Void experiments the locals had done that matched the results from Synch-Tech testing.
...Now I'm wondering if the whole game is a plot by a surviving Ancient who drip-fed Earth the basics of Void Tech without letting them know it was Void Tech so they could arrange things to screw over whomever or whatever killed off their own civilization.
The Void Gate
--- 15 - The Void Gate ---

The locals missed a key part of Synch-Tech material creation. Something very dangerous to miss, but also something that said a whole lot about where they were coming from. As far as Helen was aware nobody had ever made a teleportation device using Synch-Tech attuned materials, at least not before now. However, the locals knew of the Void from interactions with Void Entities, and they mostly used it to travel between instances.

The problem the locals had was with how they tried to attune their Void Materials to be useful for transporting things, but that wasn't how it was working. A Void Base wasn't an actual place the same way an instance of reality was a place. Instead it was more an extension of a Void Entity, a place they could put things and a part of them that could interact with others like them. It was very hostile to local life, and even things like the Infected Creatures she could possibly produce couldn't survive in one the way a Void Entity could. Trying to take a living thing with you through your Void Rift was a quick way to get a corpse.

Synch-Tech needed a mind to connect to, and that was the biggest complication with making Synch-Tech. You couldn't go from machine to machine, everything had to be a direct connection with either a person or a fairly potent AI entity at one of the ends. With that in mind, it was fairly obvious how the Ancients made their gates without running into that part of the issue. Ancient tech was alive, so of course its 'computers' had minds to work with, and as a result it could use the same materials Helen used in order to function. It also meant that whatever an Ancient Computer actually was, you would find one at any working Ancient Gate.

Flamescale's problem there was that the locals did not have very good options for making their own gates, even if they had all the pieces to the puzzle. "I've worked out what happened with the duplicate researcher," she said to both of her companions. Yellow-Glow had just gotten down to the research floor, and was only starting to look at what the locals were doing himself. Sledge on the other hand had been with her the entire time, but clearly didn't have the background to have worked this out himself.

"Already? I didn't think you had that much insight from controlling the locals," Yellow-Glow noted uneasily, having clearly realized she wasn't going to give him good news.

"You haven't told him that this Void-Tech is Synch-Tech yet?" Sledge asked sympathetically.

"He's been working on your project instead of working out how I made the Void Materials," Flamescale confessed as she also refocused one of the researchers who clearly didn't believe her requirements for a device on the project of replacing everything instead of sticking with the current materials. "It was an attunement machine."

"You made it sound more important than something you can look up how to build," her friend once again focused on one of the less important bits. "How far off are they, and how much faster can we do things with this knowledge?"

"Very, and not very," Flamescale answered with a sigh, a complicated sound with four mouths. "They have the entirely wrong focus for what sort of materials they should be making, and the only reason this guy is here is because his team did something 'wrong' by their understanding. He also was the core link for the event, he connected to his counterpart to open the gate. It needs a mind, and it is much easier with the right materials. I need at least a day just to replace the Void Materials with the proper variants."

"We need to replace all of the Void Materials," Yellow-Glow more seriously realized.

"Dare I ask how much we need?" Sledge questioned with a look around the room. "Because I am uncertain of where we can get the raw materials for that without letting out the right things to use. That is more information than I want revealed here."

"There is all the equipment to forge the pieces here, that's honestly the longest part of-" Flamescale started to explain. "Leaving you guys with that one, the Leaf force is coming from the north," she cut off and pointed to an unfortunate former guard who she shoved the rest of the explanation into as she dove three of her bodies to join the fourth on the surface to use oversized bio-missiles as makeshift long range air defense. Hopefully with enough time for those missiles to reform from the trip.

A sensor cybernetic or skill would probably help, but a fair backup method was tracking with an infected's mind in the relatively limited radar system the facility featured. There was an anti-air missile system at the site originally, along with a more capable 319 laser defense array that meant the Leaf forces couldn't get too close, but both were made under the assumption that the facility would not be detected without that detection being noticed. The good news there was this attack probably wouldn't see the massive coating and outer constructions made of red infected goo before they were under attack.

The lockdown Yellow-Glow had them under prevented more forces from being deployed immediately, with the reasoning the infected were using to keep that up being that on site defenses could hold until a proper relief force arrived. Yellow-Glow had threaded that needle of conversation mostly by downplaying the size of the infiltration. The three medium dropships, or shuttles as it was currently a bit unclear what sort of ships were inbound, could represent a force capable of taking out the original defenses, but the rest of the 319 had the impression of just a single shuttle instead.

Her missiles were ready and had a vague lock soon enough, thankfully before the three ships set down to offload ground forces. Thirty two larger than normal bio-missiles streaked out, but at the current range only four of them actually found a target. The damage likely wasn't great, but that wasn't the point of the attempt. Instead the point was the spray of infected residue that splattered on top of all three space ships and a good sized chunk of empty wilderness.

Three of her four bodies dove into the coating they had emerged from just a short time before, and each emerged again on the outside of one of the ships. Or rather, two of them ended up on the outside of the two light shuttles, and the third ended up inside of the medium dropship that had taken a direct hit that managed to splatter the massive cargo bay inside. The armored units inside were clearly unprepared for that, but there was a problem Flamescale had also overlooked.

Like the fact that a light shuttle was 'only' thirty meters long, which was not very long when she was twenty herself. In fact they both sagged notably as she found herself wrapping around them entirely, and barely squeezed into the sixty meter long dropship. Just working out how to move when such a large vehicle was at a scale where she could reasonably fight it herself now seemed more complicated. In fact it was hard enough to keep on the shuttles that one of the two had time to fire its own powerful missiles in an attempt to get her off the other one.

Flamescale's body there lost a large chunk of her health, barely surviving because of the increased maximum from the increased size, and even then only until a followup barrage from electomagnetic projectile cannons reduced that body to just a mass of lifeless goo before she could sacrifice a head to restore some of the lost health. Admittedly while also sending the shuttle under her crashing into the ground, so she was still down a target, but now she needed to try replacing a body.

Although not yet, as she still needed to get inside of the remaining shuttle, clean up any survivors of the downed one, and stop the really small looking power armored Leafs from taking out the body inside the dropship without taking it down with her inside. Most of her focus went there for the moment, although she did move her final body to the wreck to check, and she found as they reloaded that her spine launchers hit at anti-vehicle levels more commonly seen with a bio-cannon instead of the basic infantry option. Without the explosive component that helped against many targets, but in this case it allowed her direct infection to take over a couple of the armored opponents by punching the enhanced residue inside. Those were sent to help against the rest as she filled the interior with vapors and hoped that the crew weren't in vacuum rated gear.

Then Flamescale was reminded that her vapors were Fire elemental, as the seals for those lighter vacuum rated suits were not up for the heat of the vapors, which was just as good as being without the suits. So she had control over the dropship even as the armored suits that weren't compromised managed to take enough health off to be worth the sacrifice of a head, although the decrease in size was honestly helpful for that fight as it was more of an issue of being hard to miss than not having enough health. Liquid Compression then allowed her to hide as a puddle behind a few she had already converted and some supply crates while she considered the situation.

The fourth body arrived at the crashed ship without resistance, in fact the few Leaf crew were only still alive because they were saved from death as they were taken over by the vapors from the residue of her former body. The fire that had started in the ruins of the shuttle was actually healing them at this point. There were only three of them, and her plan was to use all of them to replace the lost heads as much as she could. First by splitting off a former guard from the lab using Fusion to replace a body for the first time.

The result there was a reminder that most locals had a lot less health than a Void Entity, as Flamescale's new body was left with less than a quarter of her normal single headed health, and much worse for all of the other stats. A solid reason to use Reformation instead, but hopefully a rare enough event that she didn't need to give up her fourth body for the next major battle she ended up fighting. The now three headed body then regained a fourth from one of the Leaf crew, their mind also absorbed, and the new body added the other two to get up to a ten meter long three heads. Leaving her with two twenty meter bodies and two ten meter ones.

It also left her with the second shuttle as the last enemy target she didn't control, with the few ground units nearly eliminated. The smaller intact ship was distorting slightly from the heat of her body, residue, and vapors around it, but unless she wanted to crash it as well she needed to get inside before that took it down. So Flamescale got out her oversized laser rifle, and aimed it at an airlock with a very awkward angle needed to hang off the ship to target the barely visible seam.

The weapon's effect was about the same as a shuttle mounted version instead of the handheld model it normally was, burning through the vulnerable location's armor and dealing some damage to the inner door as well. It wasn't a true anti-warship shot, that would be larger still and past what this size of shuttle could even carry, and unfortunately the battery for the rifle was still charging at the very slow rate she expected. If needed she still had five batteries linked, and in the case there were more fights like this she might even get another chance for a better Power Link skill.


"I have a shuttle and a dropship that both probably won't get back up again when I land them," Flamescale said with a one headed body. She had worked out that she could transfer heads between bodies with a lot of tricky maneuvers, and that let her send the reduced health body to talk with the guys while fixing some last minute damage to her other bodies from the rest of the combat. "How did the explanation go?"

"I have had enough time to go over the requirements for the replacement parts. I take it we are tearing apart a couple of space craft for whatever gold we can get out of them?" Yellow-Glow sighed.

"I remember hauling gold back from the belt," Sledge said wistfully as he inspected what seemed to be a piece of the proper mixture that Flamescale had the locals making. "Father always hated cleaning out the byproduct bays of the mining rig. Reminded us every time that humans once hoarded the suff and now it was mostly just another metal that filled up the refinery too fast."

"You were from the belt?" Flamescale questioned carefully as she inspected the other Entity. He seemed calm enough, but that was not a topic she expected out of him anytime soon.

"Some days I wish the rest of my family joined me here," he said with a nod. "We were all on a trip back, and the return load of supplies came loose. I only had enough time to realize something went wrong before I was only here." He turned to the floor where replacements were already being made for the smaller test rigs. "You likely have enough here if you scrap some unneeded electronics. I'm more worried about the reality that these gates could possibly be made by humans. It seems a risk that could prove dangerous."

"Why haven't they made one already?" Yellow-Glow asked her directly. "Helen, this isn't that difficult when you have the materials."

"Yes, it is," Flamescale specified with a huff and moved over to the main test device, the actual prototype Void Gate itself. With some careful movements from the memories of her infected she opened the device and took out the Void Material Gate Core. A ten centimeter diameter sphere that made Yellow-Glow recoil in horror at the sight of it. "This is what it takes to pull this sort of thing off."

"I feel like I am missing some details here," Sledge noted with a cautious glance between the two of them.

"The largest known attempt to attune a piece of material was a six centimeter sphere," Yellow-Glow specified darkly. "It exploded rather spectacularly when they tried to use it from being improperly formed. There was no known use for something of that size at the time, and most current uses rarely need more than a three by three by three centimeter cube."

"Do you remember why nobody really was that concerned when the end-synch button didn't work?" Flamescale questioned Sledge seriously.

"Synch-Tech systems large enough can cause a permanent synch that needs the device to be destroyed to end the synch," Sledge answered thoughtfully. "Do I want to know what happens if you die while connected to one of those?"

"I think you already do," Flamescale admitted sadly. "But at the same time that is the limitation here. These gates need to either be able to be transferred, or needs the same mind at both ends of the gate. The first kind can open to any gate it can target in theory, but the second would be easier to pull off. At least from what the locals know about how to make one. I can fix the issues with how they are making the materials, and how to make a system that can be transferred, but the actual gate part needs what they found out to inspire them to make this thing."

"When will the replacement for that monster be ready?" Yellow-Glow asked, still sounding a bit horrified by a new technical development for once.

"This is the very last thing I am replacing," Flamescale specified as she put the sphere back. "I need to have the infected completely redo the shock absorption systems for the attunement device to handle the larger vibrations that proper source materials have, and even before that change making this one shook the entire building hard enough to register on seismic monitors. Once we start to replace this we are on a time limit, because every 319 facility on this planet is going to know we're making another one, and they are going to want to hear the results."


Hours later, in the middle of the night, a pop that wasn't a sound from one of the test rigs caught their somewhat distracted attention. The locals had not attacked or looked too closely yet, but the process of replacing and reworking all of the test equipment was slow going, and it was hard to keep focused over this long of a time. Thankfully Flamescale's infected didn't need to sleep, or at least could go without for a while.

"What was that?" Sledge asked, but Flamescale was too busy double checking what the device was supposed to be to answer just yet.

"I believe it was some kind of Void effect, but I am not seeing any changes," Yellow-Glow pointed out, before there was another not-sound pop.

"I've found your Void Rift Disruptor," Flamescale admitted with a grumble, now completely without a way to get any of this gear back to her base if they needed it out quick. "Although if you two haven't noticed that part then we can tell there is a max range. Hopefully we have enough raw materials, because I was planning on using my own resources if we ran short on anything before this."

"Already? I did not think they would be able to create one until after we had a working gate," Yellow-Glow said with concern. "Do you recognize how it was done?"

"Yes, it's an over engineered Synch-Beacon?" she said with surprise as she double checked the design from a researcher's mind. "That- We put those things everywhere, not to mention we build them to target things. I know it sends out pulses that can be detected easily, but I didn't think Void Rifts were that easy to disrupt."

"So the good news is we can track them relatively easily?" Sledge questioned with a nod. "That is a better case scenario if we work out the gate part. Knowing what to destroy to get out again will help a lot."

"Helen, I know I can't usually feel a Synch-Beacon," Yellow-Glow complained but they both followed her as she started towards the test rig.

"Most don't have this much Void Material in them," she admitted as she went through all the knowledge of the experiment itself. "Maybe the military models, but this was supposed to be a device to track Void Rifts, not disrupt them. I think the locals are just caught up with trying to make really big stuff instead of knowing they can pull stuff off with smaller pieces."

"I am starting to get concerned with what the locals will do if they discover Synch-Tech as well," Sledge pointed out. "Will they also make themselves like us? Can they?"

"If they keep trying with this size of stuff they might," Flamescale admitted, possibly with a bit too much annoyance but she was starting to get the impression that the device was still overbuilt for even closing Rifts. "I'm still halfway convinced that Void Strike was actually supposed to be a game, and they just got things that wrong."

"It is unlikely that this was not done on purpose, Flamescale," Yellow-Glow grumbled. "I for one doubt the locals will manage the same transformation due to us not knowing what exactly creates Void Entities in the first place. We know the game is part of it, but that does not say how."

It was an old argument, and one of the reasons they typically just ignored the issue. Flamescale personally thought that Yellow-Glow mostly wanted it to have been done to everyone on purpose, instead of just another accident that went too far, but she admittedly did not have proof for her thoughts on the matter yet. Sledge seemed to just think about those options silently while the both of them silently avoided getting into a fight about the topic again.

The device they were after had not stopped giving off not-sound pops, Flamescale didn't want to break it by stopping it early when it wasn't stressed, and turned out to be considerably larger than even she expected. "That is not man portable," she admitted about the half meter tall rather awkward shaped experimental device that was literally wired into the local grid with some rather large cables.

"I was honestly expecting to find this after we could re-open and move Void Rifts," Yellow-Glow sighed at the size of the device. "Now I will probably need to move this somewhere else to test that, and that will risk losing it somewhere."

"Guys, what is the plan for making sure they don't get anything out of this place?" Flamescale asked now that she was faced with the device they were trying to delay the development of, and that she was fairly sure they would be seeing fairly soon given how easily this was made. Delay possibly wasn't an option in reality, but she did not want this instance getting the results if they could stop at least that much.

"A good point, we should get it ready now to make sure they cannot get this," Sledge agreed with the idea, and then there was a thump as a large object appeared next to him.

"Sledge, did you make a fifty megaton fusion bomb into a piece of Linked Gear?" Flamescale had to ask with considerable concern.

"Where exactly did you get a fifty megaton fusion bomb?" Yellow-Glow questioned a bit less concerned, but from the way her friend was inspecting the warship grade munition Flamescale was fairly sure he was at least as worried by this turn of events as she was.

"I was fairly certain I would find enough Void Materials to make up for it," Sledge answered her question first. "I have found that there are occasionally times where you need a way to cause a place to cease to exist, and some of my local contacts agree with that assessment. They are quite happy that I don't need to use the more intimidating way to carry one anymore, and my back is happier as well."

"And you two were saying that I needed to grow giant to become a fleet killer," Flamescale said dully as she considered just how much of the stuff present might possibly survive such a blast. "I hate to say it, but we might still want to use some secondary charges on anything particularly important. Just in case the materials that let them make a ten centimeter attuned sphere can actually survive that thing somehow."


"The security force is four hours out," Yellow-Glow warned as Flamescale kept an eye on the gate prototype.

"I know, but we might only have this chance anyway," she pointed out, operating the test herself to make sure they didn't lose any infected researchers to an accident. If it wasn't too bad then her body could be replaced, the locals who might be able to fix it in time couldn't.

"Are we certain that it was made correctly?" Sledge questioned reasonably, as the sphere had still shaken the attunement device so badly as to effectively destroy the machine during its creation.

"I am," Flamescale declared, because she was used to attuned materials that were made for specific things. "The sphere feels right. I've used enough for that. The only problem at this point is the targeting, and we don't have the time or safety to test linking to another instance. We need this stuff out too, the gate itself if we can manage. So I'm going to use this to open a Rift, maybe all three of our Rifts if this wasn't as stable as I expected."

Yellow-Glow had actually been the one to propose it, hours ago when the initial testing of the various other experimental rigs reached the end of the things they could do in the time frame before they were discovered. It was well over a day after they arrived at the site, they were lucky enough that the Leaf team was not followed up on with a second wave. They couldn't really afford any more time now for full testing if it didn't work, and the guys still needed time to get out. Everything was rigged to either be taken or destroyed, whichever was possible after this.

There was a hum that was not a sound. Helen was very used to things like that, it was a sign you were working with experimental Synch-Tech. Mark was not used to experimental models, and she could see Yellow-Glow grow slightly nervous as a result. Sledge she didn't know enough about before he was Sledge to be sure he hadn't encountered any before, but he seemed at least to know that it was a property of the Void-Tech they were using by this point.

Then there was a crack that still was not a sound, but one that was more familiar to Flamescale than to Helen. Open Instances didn't start the Entities all at the same time, so it was quite possible to be close enough to the formation of a Void Rift to sense it. "Gate device is still intact," she said firmly as she started to power it down. "My Rift is open again, what about you two?"

"Mine has been moved," Sledge said simply. "We need to get started. Collect the infected, I can deal with them while the two of you start to move the stuff we want to take."

"No, I have the infected covered," Flamescale countered, and sighed at what she was thinking of doing. "We need the knowledge they have, and fusing them with me lets me keep that." The guards and the Leaf attack force were easier to think about, she needed the firepower and they would die anyway. This though was too important to avoid.

"It what?" Yellow-Glow said sharply. "None of those I've questioned with such skills have mentioned that sort of thing."

"It appears there's lots of things that don't get mentioned about the mind part of these skills," Flamescale admitted as she started that process anyway. The infected were ordered to her bodies even as she started to just entirely absorb the extra heads. "I'm going to double check when I get back, but we need the details they have. I can put up with eating these local's minds as well as their bodies." Even if she didn't like being able to handle that.

"Hm, I am not sure what to think about that," Sledge admitted. "But you are right about the knowledge, and I would have argued for other, possibly worse, methods of getting it if I had known of any, but then again I didn't know of this one. I'll start on the heavier items then."

Adding an entire research facility's staff to that place in the back of her mind didn't take long, in fact she ended up done in time to help with the removal of some of the experimental rigs that Yellow-Glow wanted to keep. Then she was the last out of the base before the bombs went off. The sudden loss of the infected materials that had coated the facility was a mixture of uneasy and relief to Flamescale, but more than anything she wanted to rest after the long and tiring mission.

The rewards were notable, however, with an unbelievable thirty points just for her skill tree. The bigger reward, and the one that had her discussing what exactly Yellow-Glow had been trying to do after it appeared, was an overall announcement of a new feature unlocked by community research. A new device that could be made with the Linked Gear interface, the Void Rift Generator. A device that was only ever Linked Gear, and allowed Entities to move or reopen their Void Rifts as long as they had one.

Along with the downside of the development, a proper announcement of Void Rift Disruptors being a possible thing to encounter. With warnings about how they would be a new hazard, and a forum thread already complaining about how this was an annoying way to balance out the Linked Gear. Flamescale wasn't sure what to make of the many posts who said they said it was coming. The links to proof were rather annoying, but the idea that it was "obvious" from the perspective of this being a game felt strange knowing it wasn't.


[Author's Note]
So, the big help with cliffhanger chapters in a web serial is you can still edit part 2 after feedback from part 1. That is something I've apparently not considered in the past, where I usually tried to release multi-chapter plots all at once instead.
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So, pieces we've got this chapter... Humanity is in space, not sure if it's in-system or interstellar though. There's definitely enough asteroid mining going on and for long enough for gold to be considered disposable due to sheer amount of it mined.

Synch-Tech is fucking weird and I still want to know more. But it seems to be primarily a mean of remote control for humanity and it's basically a weird mind attuned technology. Wonder if the void entities are basically giant blobs of void material linked to a person? Oh and I guess linked Synch/Void tech can in rate circumstances preserve someone's mind from their real/main body death?

Not gonna lie I almost thought they are going to open a rift to their home. But now we know this is going to be extremely unlikely due to humanity using the "rift distributors"... aka beacons. Not sure what they actually signal to people, but they seem to be very common. Wonder if that's by accident or not?

Linked nuke... Yeah, that is a good idea. Fucking ridiculous, but a good one.

Oh also the fact that the hideout thing of void entities (forgot the name) is basically a part of them... Hm. Again, wonder if it's all void/synch tech or extremely related... And really makes me want to know more just what the hell is infection. And given how much Flamescale can do with her infected.. is there a mind controlling the infection in all those research labs and such? Hmm.

Also, wonder whether to look forward to lava fruit goo "computers" in the future, though. Well, eventual future... And how those interact with Flamescale's mind.

And speaking of mind... She just absorbed a lot of researchers. Like, a lot. The fact she isn't a broken mess from all the memories that easily outmass her own, is good, if a bit scary (because that's an infection ability, so it was made to do this, maybe... oh god what if it's removed?). Though I also wonder how much this will help her job on the human side? Sure the void/synch tech doesn't seem to differ that much, but it's still an alternative perspective on how to work with it, that she knows from inside out...
...Now I'm wondering if the whole game is a plot by a surviving Ancient who drip-fed Earth the basics of Void Tech without letting them know it was Void Tech so they could arrange things to screw over whomever or whatever killed off their own civilization.
I'm almost certain that it is. And given the hints with the infection, it has access to the same Fluid Pestilence skill Flamescale does. Literally the only good thing about this is that it doesn't seem to be able to launch a kaiju apocalypse and use whatever ST it needs to maintain Void Strike at the same time. That said, given how it's got everyone scrambling after the Void Tech developments instead of paying attention to the zombie virus, I strongly suspect that it's going to get out. Given that, it seems that the climax of this story is going to be a mashup of Planetary Annihilation and Splatoon.
Calm Before
--- 16 - Calm Before ---

In the days after the gate lab mission Flamescale slept for one whole day, went on a couple of Void Disturbance missions to get more Void Material, and spent the time between those things looking for answers to the question of how the mental connections to infected worked. She was up to one hundred thirty six points in her ST, enough to have a single level of every skill she could get in her Liquid Mobility, Multiform, Contagion, Hidden Infection, and Mass Infection branches. The cap skill of Liquid Mobility wasn't available to her yet, she still had a second level of the Multiform skill itself for a fourth body, and three points were in her Fire Toxin tree to keep her basic Fire elemental abilities. That left only the Reformation and Enhancement branches untouched, and those two were still a bit dubious of a use for points right now.

Flamescale looked at her skills with unease. Any information on the mental aspects of her Contagion skills was basically impossible to find, and what few mentions she did locate seemed to have been told not to discuss it by others with such skills. Apparently it was actually a taboo topic for the majority of the forums and sites, and she had to admit she wasn't going to be the one to start talking about it openly. She had every one of the skills now, and oftentimes it took having a skill to get the full details on it.

The two she had not tried before now were Infection Regeneration, a ten point single level skill from Mass Infection that gave a powerful percentage health regen per second, and Infected Creation, a fifteen point single level skill that required a level of every other Mass Infection skill. The purpose of Infected Creation was to allow her to make new infected creatures without needing to infect someone, or to improve an infected victim to be stronger and more powerful.

One thing that was tricky with Void Strike was skills sometimes gave you menus and capacity to do things that you could actually do without that skill to some extent. Hacking was a good example, where you could naturally learn to perform many kinds of hacking techniques on local systems, but getting a hacking skill gave you an interface that let you more easily see how to do such things. Having both the natural ability and the skill granted ability was better than either one alone.

In this case, the result was more blunt but also clarified things greatly. Infected Creation gave a new menu, because apparently one thing nobody discussed about the ability was that you could keep and develop your creations' minds. There was an interface for it, that listed three kinds of minds to interact with. The minds of infected were Controlled, the original minds of those who were converted were Recorded, and the minds of your creations were Created.

The moment she used the fifteen points to get Infected Creation she found her collected minds from using Fusion placed into Recorded. Sorted as if she had used this skill on them instead. She needed to test it to work out what exactly the tutorial that came with the skill meant about each of the little complications it had pointed out. Flamescale needed to make Infected Hives in order to create Infected Creatures, then she could select an open spot in her Created mind area, select an existing mind that was already there, select a Recorded mind to make into a Created mind, or order a Controlled mind to go to a Hive to be converted into both Recorded and Created entries.

The details on that last part were unpleasant, as it appeared the only changes she could not make to the resulting minds were actually restrictions on what had to be changed every time. If she understood it correctly, and she hoped she didn't, they would have to be changed in two ways. First, they would be changed to be able to use and prefer the body of an Infected Creature, which wasn't that bad considering it would be the body they had. The second one was an issue for her, as they would always be changed to be entirely loyal to her and her alone.

Flamescale could simply remake her entire consumed research facility staff. Which was theoretically helpful, but she really hoped she never needed to do it. They just would look mostly like her, because while she did finally have access to the menus to customize the infected materials and the forms of these new creatures, the results had far more limitations than she had on altering minds. Her chosen body plan didn't help much there, and strangely the Infected Creature options appeared to be made to give general ideas for the changes from her base form instead of specifics.

"I guess darker black color spots and stripes?" she suggested to herself, uncertain where to start with that, and not really in the mood to talk with Yellow-Glow about the discovery just yet. She needed to know what it was like in practice first. "Huh, those are some fairly solid stats... That's more than half my base health," she then noticed. "That's better than using basic Reformation if they work with Fusion, and I wouldn't need to fuse more minds." It would still be worse for many of her other stats, Reformation only decreased max health, but it would be easier to pull off and let her have multiple of her larger bodies more easily too.

The mission console had a new warning marker for missions, a little symbol that said it was known that Rift Disruptors existed or could soon exist in the instance. It wasn't always accurate, but usually exceptions were only found in Void Labs, and that was safe enough to let people get the resources to make a Void Rift Generator. There were complaints about that, although Flamescale's favorite complaint was Yellow-Glow's about how the feature needed to be added after a day of it being too much of a difficulty.

Near the top of her display was an annoying kind of Open Instance, and unfortunately marked with the new warning marker. An outright combative Slink rebellion, where the rat-like locals were trying to overthrow their slavers. It was a situation where you often had a number of targets that the Slinks wanted destroyed, often with little coordination, and they summoned Void Entities to take them out. Girant sometimes summoned Entities to deal with the issue as well, but much more commonly they simply bombarded the planet from orbit if it even looked like the Slinks were winning.

It killed their own people, but Flamescale knew the Slinks who tried this didn't have all of the moral high ground. Usually by the time the bombing started more Girant had died of Slink action first than of the orbital fire. Other local groups didn't like either side of it, but the Girant in any given instance usually only did it once or very rarely twice before they started to look to other methods. Usually terrible ones, but at this point Flamescale couldn't do much to save these Slinks from the long term results of this choice, only try and get the short term issues resolved as best she could help.

The specific objective she had found offered was to take out a Girant military control center, which was a target that favored her own methods, and was also a good target for her current goals. Those facilities would be nice to try and take over, and it should allow her to quickly figure out if there were any enemy Void Entities on the mission.

Flamescale went through the Rift as soon as it formed, ready for it to vanish just in case there was already a disruptor. Four bodies allowed for even more complex infiltration operations. One body could obviously perform actions to distract for the other three each going for their own targets. Others could go straight to the security center or centers to subvert it and delay the reactions of the internal personnel to being taken over, which could take two bodies. Being able to take on both when they had two, keep a body to infect directly, and still have a distraction body as well was the major advantage she got with the fourth body.

A plan that worked rather poorly in this case, as the world she emerged into was already in a major fight, with it clear that she was not the first Entity to get there. A number of clearly undead Girant were fighting the living ones near her Rift, and the information she had for her target showed it not too far from that active conflict. The undead were moving away from her target, but already covered distractions fairly well.

Her target itself was clearly well guarded, with hasty welded plates over the Slink tunnels that once went inside. Admittedly that didn't stop Flamescale, as these were not air tight welds and her bodies regenerated from the heat rather than getting hurt by it. After going through that she broke up into four bodies, one that started making a first Infected Hive, and the rest spreading out to infect the entire population of the building directly.

Her visual choice was to make it look like hardened obsidian rock covered with holes that were entirely full of her infected material. Making the hive itself did not take too long, she had not finished taking over the Girant staff yet by the time it was done, and with it she had the actual details of Infected Creature creation available. The mental aspect was a part she was honestly the most torn on now that she saw what was required to start making one, because if she didn't have the stored minds of the former research base staff she would now apparently need to make entirely new minds. Possibly entirely new people, who looked like her, and that was an idea that sat a lot less easily while she acknowledged that this was not just a game.

Flamescale did not want to make new creatures like that, even if the alternative was converting locals into automatically loyal minions. Something she needed to try, and that required picking one of the minds to remake into another goo snake person. Of the options, it was ironically the first she had fused with who seemed to be the best option from what she could tell from his memories, as they were the one mind out of the group that had an existing interest in being made out of liquid.

Admittedly it was something the 319A in question wanted to hide, due to the current experiments with ancient computer remains, but it still gave her the option to start with somebody who wouldn't be changed as much due to the new body. The first created infected was quick to make, one of the things that was stated was that the first one for each hive was quicker than the later ones. Names for 319 were tricky, a lot of them were actually clones, this one included, and they tended to only have their designation. This one was "0021-C-125-1470-G1698416", although he was commonly called "Sixteen" due to having that number twice in his personal identifier. She left the original name when prompted for the creation of a new Created entry.

The snake monster that emerged was not quite what Flamescale had expected, with a similar build to herself, but notable black bands at his shoulders and then repeated down his body at every meter below there. At this point it was actually strange to see a body like her own that was not her directly, even if his was still in a way an extension of herself. The fact that she now had two places with a copy of 0021-C-125-1470-G1698416 was unnerving as well, as it implied she would always have the original dead mind separated from the still existing copied mind.

"I'm going to end up another head again, aren't I?" Sixteen questioned tiredly as soon as he finished emerging.

"Probably," she admitted bluntly. "How is it?" she questioned, uncertain what it was like for a local to be changed like this.

"It is, easy? I don't know how to answer that, it doesn't fit with my memories well," Sixteen admitted, and then they both started towards the control and communications center of the building. Her infection was now mostly completed, and she had other things to work on now to try and make this rebellion more likely to survive. "Can we avoid that topic? I think I'd rather just get clear orders." The question was a well worn path in his mind, something he had to say to superiors often.

"So, I'm going to tell you a secret your boss never got to tell you," Flamescale said to him quietly, although she was being a bit mean here. "You were management material, and you are being put in charge of the rest when I don't have time for more precise orders." He looked as unhappy as she expected. "Is there any problem with your appearance?" she questioned more seriously as they emerged into a collection of Girant and one of her other bodies that were working on leading the local forces into a variety of plausible traps.

"I would have liked some more options, but I think the stripes work nicely," the other snake person commented, and that made Flamescale stop.

"You were able to pick that out," she realized, as she noticed that his AR was updated with some menu options for that sort of thing. "That honestly is a relief."

"Are we converting these ones?" Sixteen then asked about the Girant still working at their stations. "I can feel that we are making more hives."

"Possibly," Flamescale admitted, unhappy with it as an option but well aware that she might need the extra heads. "I was hoping to keep the numbers fairly low."

"I'm happier to be alive that not," he grumbled with a huff. "Although I'm not looking forward to dying again."

"You get used to it," Flamescale noted, unhappy with noting it because she had forced that immortality on him. "We have a necromancer and an electric elemental dragon out there." She considered for a long moment all of the knowledge that she had on hand. "I'm going to try and work with the Entities here, and I'm going to let you use your judgment on what to do to support the Slinks while I handle that," she allowed, knowing that the Girant had not officially summoned anyone.

Sixteen did not look enthused with that instruction, which was honestly half the point. Flamescale could handle one mission where he went too far, and it would tell her how much she could trust her infected to avoid becoming monsters. "Start by giving me the rest of the guard staff you ate," he requested with a grumble as she sent off two bodies to find the other Entities.

The request made her pause for a moment instead of sending the other two bodies off to start mapping the damage from the other Entities. "How much do you remember from after you were turned into a head?" Flamescale questioned carefully, uncertain about the possibility. It should have been just her in that head after the fusion.

"You had four heads, split one off, and only then ate me," Sixteen complained. "Of course you didn't stop at just one of us. I could use a few more guards."

"Ah, you were a smart guard," Flamescale said with a bit of relief, but she needed him to know what he could ask for. "I ate everyone, not just a few guards. Just ask if you think we need the entire research facility. Also some Macrophylla, but they were a strike team."

"Give me the entire security staff, I'd rather have some former 319 than these Girant or some Leafs," Sixteen grumbled and Flamescale went ahead and started on that. "Any targets you want us to focus on?"

"Try and keep any civilian infrastructure intact," Flamescale ordered, somewhat happy to possibly have someone to trust on this sort of mission for that. "I'm sure you can figure out a way to get me if you need clearer orders."

Sixteen then went to where the hives were making the rest of that force, clearly able to use Material Movement as well, while Flamescale found a familiar necromancer. "Hello again," she said, in a Reverted Form coat of scales to keep up the illusion of not being a contagion for a moment.

"The roleplayer snake. I guess you probably are helping the rats out this time too," the human shaped Void Entity grumbled. "Although this is one of the smartest I've seen from the rats. You missed the first player they brought in taking over half the orbital fleet. They have four battleships under rat control up there in case we pull anything."

"They went for orbital control first?" Flamescale had to ask, and sent orders to Sixteen to investigate the orbital side of things and get records there. "That's a new one. I've got the local Girant military command center under control. The other forces haven't figured it out yet, so if you want I can send them to where you can take them out."

"I'm almost done with this one," the necromancer complained. "Just need to clean up a few more formations and I can get out of here." Then the other woman seemed to realize what exactly Flamescale had offered. "Alright, I guess you can try and feed me my targets."

Flamescale mostly just went along with that conversation idly as another body found the dragon. It was rather easy, given the dragon was flying over a Girant formation hitting them with Thunder Bolts and balls of electrical energy. The dragon was at least five meters from snout to the end of their long tail that ended in three large spikes. Spikes were really the main characteristic of the pale blue with a gradient to grey dragon, with blue arcs of electricity going between the spikes. Their wings were ten to fifteen meters and had spiked edges, still a bit small for realistic flight, but it wasn't like Flamescale was biologically possible either.

"Hello there, I'm ThunderFang77," the dragon greeted her with a wave of five fingered claws and a feminine voice. The dragoness even included her player data. "Please tell me you are with the Slinks."

"Flamescale, and yes. I was checking in to see if the others they hired needed help," Flamescale happily greeted the dragoness with matching data. It wasn't common to send that, but you needed to take advantage of it when you actually met someone willing to try and make contact. The social areas promised still had not shown up.

"Flamescale? From the Yellow-Glow guides," ThunderFang77 realized with excitement. "Oh, you guys make the best guides for nonhuman shapes. Would you be willing to stick around a bit when your mission is done? I'd love to ask a couple of questions about the character creator guide."

"Yellow-Glow handles most of the guide stuff, but I guess I can spare the time," Flamescale admitted, kind of happy to discuss that sort of topic. "What do you have left to do?"

"Just a second," ThunderFang77 replied with a nod, and then seemed to start up some communications cybernetics. Which was strange, because the Electric Evoker branch was well known to have problems with cybernetics. Flamescale's own Fire Evoker sometimes overheated them, but the hardening against electromagnetic interference was usually not great when the interference came from whoever installed them. Season one had featured a character creator 'improvement' that basically just made it so you couldn't install them at all with an incompatible skill set. "I'm almost done, just need to take down or take over a fuel depot over that way."

"I can help with that," Flamescale declared and melted her appearance to tell this Entity what she was. "I've got a small army of infected to work with." She gave another order to have Sixteen help here as well, his mind sort of exasperated but not overwhelmed. "Did you find somewhere with better than normal hardening for their cybernetics?"

"Actually, that's new for this season," the dragoness admitted as they both started towards that final target. Flamescale was technically done with her mission before she even started looking for the other Entities. "I managed to get this rare 'Skill Link' skill for doing that easter egg of using an attunement device to make Void Materials. I just needed to make the cybernetics into Linked Gear and they got my Electric Immunity skill. After that I was able to just install them."

"Skill Link works on cybernetics," Flamescale realized aloud, and then sent ThunderFang77 the details for Yellow-Glow. "Okay, now I've got one better for you than just asking about the guides, if you are willing I'm sure Yellow-Glow would love to add that information to them. Not to mention if it works like that it might let me use them again too."

"Really, that's new information for you?" ThunderFang77 asked curiously with a glance towards their target. "It was the first thing I tried when I got that one, even if it was annoying to get. The fact that we're stuck here isn't funny."

"I guess you got Void Strike to be a dragon?" Flamescale pointed out, and split off the body she had been using to talk to the now leaving necromancer.

ThunderFang77 watched her other body move off with a now familiar look that said 'you actually have multiple bodies' without using words. "Actually, it was my younger brother's fault. I was heading back to Earth for my last few weeks of college and after that my job, and he suggested it as a way the whole family could keep in touch better," the dragoness stated, and Flamescale flinched at that. "Yeah, worst part is he doesn't even like it after getting everyone stuck here. I'm the only one who really plays, the rest of us stay at this nice arcology where a bunch of people stuck here all play out being in a normal world. Personally, it gave me the chance to be a dragon, and you always take that chance."

"I didn't," Flamescale pointed out jokingly, to try and go along with the attempt to lighten the mood.

Then her Void Rift suddenly closed as a harsh hum that wasn't a sound covered everything. Both of them immediately got out and attempted to use their new Void Rift Generators. They didn't even open one for a flicker. "I can track that," ThunderFang77 declared, but looked as uneasy as Flamescale felt. "But that is too rapid. The locals can't have made a disruptor that is online that long."

"I can get out without a rift," Flamescale pointed out as they both followed the direction of the disruptor. Sixteen and her other infected indicated that an ancient gate was found in that direction. "Can you afford to abort?"

"Already tried, triggered abort isn't working," the dragoness rumbled like a thunderstorm. "Death probably would pull me out, but I'd rather see if I could break whatever this is before I tried that."


[Author's Note]
I need to put a thank you to Arcane Howitzer on Sufficient Velocity for the realization that cybernetics get nice benefits from a Skill Link skill. It was a very nice comment that touched on something I had not considered, and an example of why I like making web serial type fiction. Reader interactions are nice for story development.
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"Skill Link works on cybernetics," Flamescale realized aloud, and then sent ThunderFang77 the details for Yellow-Glow. "Okay, now I've got one better for you than just asking about the guides, if you are willing I'm sure Yellow-Glow would love to add that information to them. Not to mention if it works like that it might let me use them again too."
So, Skill Link works on gear, and it works on cybernetics.
. . . does it work on people? Because that might solve Sixteen's little "dying" issue.
So, Skill Link works on gear, and it works on cybernetics.
. . . does it work on people? Because that might solve Sixteen's little "dying" issue.
I think that's a "probably not", but for a complicated reason:
Sixteen already gets some/most of Flamescale's skills in a minor form. In a way converting locals into Infected Creatures is a way of linking locals, if a bit of a "technically killed" way.
...I kinda hope Flamescale tries to infect some animal/s of some sort now, just because I want to see if that results in an accidental uplift. I also refuse to believe that no one wants a pet mechanic considering how common those are in MMORPGs, and I'm not sure if you could normally bring back whatever animal you found and liked to your void base so that might be a way of actually having a pet depending on how it worked out.

If a way that's probably not to most people's tastes.

ThunderFang77 watched her other body move off with a now familiar look that said 'you actually have multiple bodies' without using words. "Actually, it was my younger brother's fault. I was heading back to Earth for my last few weeks of college and after that my job, and he suggested it as a way the whole family could keep in touch better,"
For a second there I thought she was going to be related to Sledge. Speaking of Sledge, I wonder if he knows about the 'nice arcology' that's been turned into a de-facto social zone.

...I also wonder if, now that the separate realms are contacting each other, if said arcology with a population of void beings is going to attract some surprising attention when the natives (either natives of that verse, or otherwise), notice exactly who's living there...

You missed the first player they brought in taking over half the orbital fleet.
Aaand I guess Flamescale doesn't get to see if she can grow big enough to get into a Fleet Verses Giant Monster battle yet.

On the other hand, whatever is about to come out of that Ancient Gate might still need a proper giant monster form to deal with...

I think that's a "probably not", but for a complicated reason:
So if the person in question is a robot, what happens? Because I'd be surprised if drones of some sort weren't an equipment type.
...I kinda hope Flamescale tries to infect some animal/s of some sort now, just because I want to see if that results in an accidental uplift. I also refuse to believe that no one wants a pet mechanic considering how common those are in MMORPGs, and I'm not sure if you could normally bring back whatever animal you found and liked to your void base so that might be a way of actually having a pet depending on how it worked out.

If a way that's probably not to most people's tastes.
As noted a chapter ago, the Void Base is hostile to local life and it has been a long requested feature to have somewhere to keep locals to have them follow across missions.
So if the person in question is a robot, what happens? Because I'd be surprised if drones of some sort weren't an equipment type.
This, however, is an edge case question that is important to consider. I'm going to have to think on this one.
I wonder then if 'Instance/World Link' might be an ST that shows up. It would allow the Void Entity to create a permanent link to a particular instance, so that they can always create a Void Rift to it. Lets you keep locals you like in one place, build up a local support base. I think to successfully move locals between instances, you'd probably have to develop a specialized Void Rift Generator that doesn't go through the Void Base as an intermediary. That's assuming it's the Void Base that kills locals, and not entering a Void Rift.
Second read of the chapter sparked a thought: the Infected Creations like Sixteen are, technically speaking, an extension of Flamescale. To the point they share many of her skills to some level and can use her infected material to move around.
So, could they survive being in her Void Base?
If they can I'd see her being a bit torn about it, on the one hand she wouldn't have to stick them back in mind storage but on the other they didn't choose this new life and does she really want her base to be full of minions. It would also be a powerful boon for her, since she wouldn't need to make a hive to have them on hand. Which might be too powerful... being able to call up a small army of almost-Void Entities at moment zero of a mission is a bit much.
... so, we now have a new tag system on SV, and I need help with it.
Specifically, I want to know what I should be tagging for this story, as I am not very good at figuring that out and it is something I asked for feedback on before.

If anyone has ideas on what I should have to properly sort this story, please let me know.