Fluid Pestilence (Sci-Fi, LitRPG)

it was pretty obvious really. good stuff still.
also, does yellow glow work for the game company? does flamescale?
are they actually working hard to give people some information on what is coming and passing it as if they were planned seasons?
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Well. That's ah...

... How did humanity end up with this "game" just hanging around? And that whole thing about the lack of log-out button, the way she remarks that this technology really shouldn't let you just casually control two bodies at once.

And ow. Discovering the whole thing about this being a bit deeper than a game through curiosity and vivisection is much, much better way than uh, spending months after some sort of mental break, living with the locals.

Bravo. Somehow you managed to both imply a horrifying thing, yet the part about "instances" and such, made it not feel absolutely terrible from moral and existential point of view. Also the way things dripped through the cracks slowly slowly, hinting at the bigger stuff, that was amazing.

It did end up feeling a bit too fluffy about Void Strike Gameplay, but that leveled out as more and more of the actual world, not just gameplay, leaked into the narrative. Is that the intention, I wonder? I honestly did question a few times if like, is this going to keep on going through a gameplay loop thing of "mission choice, clear, reward, pondering skills" but it only lasted for all of uh, maybe 2-3 chapters?

Unless I'm misreading the entire situation, of course. Void Strike truly is an exceptional game, isn't it?

P.S. Called it.
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Just in case, I do not get enough comments on my stuff to discourage me from liking literally every post I get in my threads.
You need to cause me some sort of problem to not get a like or something from me here, so don't assume that me liking someone's post means they got things right about stuff that wasn't clarified.

Bravo. Somehow you managed to both imply a horrifying thing, yet the part about "instances" and such, made it not feel absolutely terrible from moral and existential point of view. Also the way things dripped through the cracks slowly slowly, hinting at the bigger stuff, that was amazing.

It did end up feeling a bit too fluffy about Void Strike Gameplay, but that leveled out as more and more of the actual world, not just gameplay, leaked into the narrative. Is that the intention, I wonder? I honestly did question a few times if like, is this going to keep on going through a gameplay loop thing of "mission choice, clear, reward, pondering skills" but it only lasted for all of uh, maybe 2-3 chapters?
Thank you for this feedback. I intend to try and keep the mixture fairly solid between concepts that are critical to the current situation and story events that progress.
With hopefully not too many things explained too quickly.

... although, now I am not sure if the big thing I intended to imply is being properly implied, but I also want to see what people speculate as well so I don't know if I should clarify something that intended to be implication at the moment.
Just in case, I do not get enough comments on my stuff to discourage me from liking literally every post I get in my threads.
You need to cause me some sort of problem to not get a like or something from me here, so don't assume that me liking someone's post means they got things right about stuff that wasn't clarified.

Thank you for this feedback. I intend to try and keep the mixture fairly solid between concepts that are critical to the current situation and story events that progress.
With hopefully not too many things explained too quickly.

... although, now I am not sure if the big thing I intended to imply is being properly implied, but I also want to see what people speculate as well so I don't know if I should clarify something that intended to be implication at the moment.

Well, I definitely like the mix of glimpses into the world and the actual thoughts of the main characters becoming prominent among the "gameplay".

As for the big thing - my interpretation that might not be entirely correct, is that this is some near-ish future where humanity got technology for full immersion vr, and commonplace enough for there to be gaming industry. And some company has made the usual plot hook of a game that is a bit.. too realistic, too detailed in a way that can't be explained by just having too much computational power. Unless they somehow have computing methods far better than anything, bordering on magic (whether it's author fiat that just is, or if people actually consider it impossible, is dependent on a story and it leans a lot on the latter in here)- or it isn't a simulation at all.

I do love how neither of us is sure if we are on the same page though, hah xD Hope I'm not being too flowery about my musing on what I might be seeing here.

... I'm still curious as to what happens if any "player" gets hit by a bus irl. Also whether every player even is from the same "IRL".
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"Then the Pale Stem General arrived with his fleet of destruction, and reduced my arcology to a glassy crater. For the second time in my life I awoke in my Void Base having lost everything and everyone I cared for. Only this time, when I searched for a reason why I had lost them I found one.
Uh oh. Sledge just all but outright said that he got isekai'd for realsies. Given his nature as a decent dude who knows the real reason that Void Strike is really exceptional, there's a frighteningly high chance it was done to shut him up. And as he said it in a conversation where Helen was spilling her guts, in Void Strike? Where they're certainly being monitored? Odds are good that we're going to be reminded why they came up with that euphemism in the first place.
The more I learn about the Fluid Pestilence ST, and particularly Flamescale's Alpha-Strain variant here, the more it looks like a slimy version of the Flood, right down to being found in the ruins of a mysteriously absent precursor race. And knowing the Flood as I do, I think I can guess both what happened to the Ancients, and what the theme of the upcoming Season is going to be, and neither of them will make our local goo-snek a happy camper at all. On the other hand having a friendly counter-infection is going to be an absolute godsend when the containment finally breaks, as this chapter showed quite well.

Also, I had been wondering what happens to a person's Void Entity self if their Human body dies while Synched, but I think I know the answer now thanks to Sledge.
Welcome to Void Strike! A game so good, you'll never stop playing.
Uh oh. Sledge just all but outright said that he got isekai'd for realsies. Given his nature as a decent dude who knows the real reason that Void Strike is really exceptional, there's a frighteningly high chance it was done to shut him up. And as he said it in a conversation where Helen was spilling her guts, in Void Strike? Where they're certainly being monitored? Odds are good that we're going to be reminded why they came up with that euphemism in the first place.

Dunno. Accidents happen. Usually you don't get to tell about how sudden and life changing they are, though.

And I feel like this is an euphemism more for their own sanity's sake. It's one thing for them both be aware that this game is a bit too detailed. It's another to talk about some topic and digging in so far that they get reminded "this isn't really what it seems". So they use this as a phrase meaning "Stop, I don't want to think about it right now".

But ah... I suspect having a weird ST that lets you take over the "NPCs", to the point where you can feel their knowledge and more, of course there's more... kinda tends to shatter the carefully built house of cards called "denial".

That and it's useful to make sure other players don't start yelling at every corner that they are crazy.
Season Start
+++ Arc 2: Season 4 +++

--- 11 - Season Start ---

Flamescale had taken a day off. She finished talking with Sledge, packed everything from the terrible mission into her storage, went to sleep until the next morning, and then used Reverted Form to fit in better with a random arcology that she just visited for the day. She watched a movie she didn't have the cultural background to entirely understand, ate a show piece made out of lava fruit after buying it in front of the employees of the furniture shop she found it in, and purchased some fiction books that hopefully wouldn't be as incomprehensible as the movie.

It was something she did normally every once in a while, but Sledge's advice was the main reason she tried it after such a bad event. Flamescale did feel a bit better, but her first action afterwards was still to strip most of her contagion and fire branches. Both to get a break from that, and also because she now had the points to try three bodies. Ten points stayed in the contagion side to keep her level of Reverted Form skill, with Infectious Residues as the base infection skill due to it being slightly easier to control if she wanted to use it or not.

Only Fire Conversion was kept from the fire branch, but clearing that branch was more to allow her to get another skill too using those five points than because she was upset with the skills. She planned to try the first level of the actual Multiform skill, which took twenty points out of those for a third body at its first level, and still allowed her to place five into the only level of the Material Movement skill it unlocked. Two skills she wanted to try, and which hopefully would be enough to do impressive things without being able to infect an entire settlement in a few hours.

She started with the first level of Multiform proper. "Well, time to see," "If three," "Are better than two," Flamescale said as she pulled a third head out of her currently single body state and arranged the three into a triangular placement on her shoulders, one on top and two to either side below it. "Oh, well three is definitely more massive than two," she said with all three heads as she inspected the overall growth in scale of the rest of her body from her necks down. Her hands had gone from 319A lizard sized, to slightly larger than a Girant's. Her body's length was at least twice as long as before. About ten meters total length instead of a still sometimes tricky to fit five, with a matching width change to make her bulky enough to need her ability to melt to get through some smaller doorways.

"What does this, oh. That is a big stat boost," her upper head said. It was the largest bonus from a single skill level she had ever seen, and it also was the most complete one. Only a handful of her stats weren't higher than before, with even things like the infection chance of her residue being higher and the duration it would last longer. "If that's three heads then what does nine do?" she questioned with a mixture of interest and concern.

She split off one head, and noticed as that made the size boosts vanish that two heads didn't get the bonuses without the third, and also that two heads looked rather interesting from the outside. Then she split again, and three different viewpoints was such a fun enough thing to just try out moving around with that she lost track of time for what turned out to be an hour of just getting used to it before she finally added the Material Movement skill as well.

That gave a strange change in perception to Flamescale. A vague sense of where all of her infected material was, the entire infected appearance of her base included. With curiosity she moved one body towards a thin coating on one wall, and tried to push into the film of red goo.

The result was instinctive to a degree, but also a bit complex. She could push in and come out at another spot anywhere else covered, which she first attempted to end up in the not currently visible "bedroom" area where she had some unused bed models and the very used pool. This worked perfectly, with her having instantly crossed a fair distance, before she looped around and back into the pool again.

This time Flamescale just sort of stopped having a third body. Putting it into that sort of compressed area where she could split it off from her body, but had not yet. Which was now in both of her still existing bodies at once instead of only one like it had been when she first split one body off the other two. From that she swapped between those two bodies having two heads a couple of times without crossing the space between them.

"I can see a whole lot of uses for being able to do this," she said as she did the last thing she wanted to check, and merged the other body into some nearby material to have only one, and spat some residue onto a rare empty patch of ground in her base. Then she had both of the other bodies form from infected material at that patch. "Being able to put down some residue and just make a body there is really nice." She then had both of the distant bodies flow into material and back out at her equipment storage.

"Downside, I now need three times the gear," Flamescale had one of those two say. "And I doubt that I can just carry stuff that isn't also infected material that way."

Flamescale then went over to the mission console to see if she could find anything simple to try this out on, and found herself faced with a surprise. A very rare "Void Disturbance" that, instead of being a normal mission from a local opening a Rift, supposedly had a spot where a lot of Void energy was present and you could just open a Void Rift there yourself. Typically the 'mission' for those was to find rare "Void Materials" that were currently not actually used for anything directly.

Technically the stuff could be used to buy just about anything from a local organization, they would be more than willing to trade just for a chance to study the stuff, but Flamescale did not trust them with any material labeled a "Void" material when all the other Void things were just for players. It seemed risky to her with what she knew of the accuracy of these worlds. So instead she just collected the materials whenever one of these missions showed up, which was only when a large amount of the stuff was together in one place.

Gear for one of those was generic. A basic pair of silenced pistols for two of her three bodies, with the plan to have the third move around more to test the new abilities. Two security crackers to match that, and the data chips to match for figuring out what was going on at the site. She didn't really plan on just killing anyone at the target, but this was the sort of target she didn't want to keep running. As much as she wanted to make things better for locals, that didn't come at the cost of possible risk to other Void Entities.

She didn't need containers for this one, as long as you weren't giving some away you just needed to mark the materials and they would automatically come back to your base when you left through a Void Rift at the end. The hard part was finding all of them or taking them out of devices attempting to be made using them. Although the second hardest part was dealing with a Void Rift that nobody had placed, and that could have ended up anywhere.

So, ready for a lab that really would not be willing to just let a Void Entity inside she sent one of the two equipped bodies inside alone first. Only to find a somewhat rare but appreciated case of an empty and dark room that was clearly not actively in use. Her other two bodies followed right after, the one without gear going straight for a vent to map out that part of the building before someone spotted them. A minor surprise was that the sense of being able to go to the infected material of her base did not go away when all of her was at the instance, but unless she needed an emergency exit that wasn't useful yet.

Arriving while a lab was closed wasn't something that happened very often, but it had the upside of giving access to a site without as many people present. While in theory a lab could have multiple shifts that worked around the clock, there were limits to how often that could be done in practice. With the simplest limit being that there would be only so many staff who could run experiments, or so much equipment to run them on at a time. Downtime for labs was technically a reason to wait, but it could be hours to have the shift end, and even Flamescale found that too long for a single mission.

There wasn't a need for her to turn on the lights. Night vision was a common one-off skill that most beginner guides told you to get, with the alternative being a character eye model with it built in. Technically her glowing eyes had picked up that feature, but that wasn't enough to make her take off those one-offs.

The first room had a number of storage lockers for samples of materials, along with a few of the largest pieces of Void Material Flamescale had ever seen that were clearly being inspected and analyzed. Each block was easily three centimeters on the longest dimension, and one centimeter at the smallest dimension. Actual noteworthy blocks of the stuff instead of just tiny fragments.

Which was why she started every computer she could find with her two equipped bodies and got ready to grab all the data this place had, while her vent body discovered that apparently this was a lab that had been entirely sealed off from the rest of the place it was located in. Vent closed with heavy doors as well as a massive barrier to the only way out. This was the kind of place you didn't normally find at all, and couldn't get into unless it was already opened.

That body ended up sent around the four rooms next to check all the machines and cabinets to see what was here. Where Flamescale found something that made her stop. The machine wasn't entirely familiar looking, but the slight strange feeling that just being near it gave off reminded her too much of something Helen used regularly for Synch-Tech device development.

"That, that can't be what it feels like," she said aloud, and then changed tactic. The machine was inspected for any direct connections outside of the sealed area, and the one she could find was removed. Then she went over the room for cameras and removed them as well, while she had the other two bodies speed up finding the rest of the Void Material and grabbing data. She was going to get everything, but doing it as soon as possible was now a priority.

Next to the device was a cabinet filled with material samples all the same size and shape as the blocks she had found at first. A quick scan and a longer translation of the materials involved told her which ones were the best fit for what she wanted to try, but the moment of thought to get there made Flamescale also realize that she could not simply take the right samples. If this succeeded then that would tell the locals what they needed. So she grabbed everything, while keeping track of what she wanted to use.

The device's control computer was configured for a few tests, all of which looked wrong for what she suspected, but in a way that could be fixed if she understood what they were missing. Flamescale rather hoped she did not understand what they were missing. It took a few modifications to base setups that clearly weren't meant to be changed for experiments, but she set it to what should attune the material into Synch-Tech receiver material. The closest sample to what she normally used went into the chamber, the program that should work with the differences in material was set, and Flamescale reluctantly started the process.

The not-quite-hum increased as she expected, the machine shook a bit as the thing turned out to not be properly stabilized for this process, and there was a sharp sudden cut off that made no sound but left the room without the feeling for a moment before the unease returned. Flamescale didn't open the chamber yet, instead waiting for the various computers to be cleared of data and then destroyed. It was too accurate to Synch-Tech attunement.

She expected it, but seeing the piece of Void Material inside was unpleasant when she opened the chamber. The explosive charges she set on the machine were overkill, it likely could be taken out with much less, but this was a new sort of risk, and Flamescale could not bring herself to let the locals figure out how to use the device properly. She carried that created piece out herself, along with the random assortment of samples, and then after setting off the explosives brought her three bodies back to her base.

The results screen featured three points for her ST, about half the amount of Void Materials she had owned beforehand found in a single mission, a random assortment of material samples, quite a bit of data, and a number of skills. Including a brand new and annoyingly named one, Skill Link, that confused her as she looked it over in the results screen. "What in the world is 'Linked Gear'?" she questioned of a skill that made any of her 'Linked Gear' get her equipped skills. Presumably with limitations, but without knowing what it was talking about she couldn't be sure.

Which was a secondary concern the moment she closed the rewards screen, as the presence of the Season Four Announcement screen was far more important. "Void Strike Season Four: The Void Labs" topped the description in a fancy image made of metal plates that had the colors of various Void Materials. Below that the description informed everyone that the locals were stepping up their Void research, and as a result were now developing new technologies and methods of interacting with the Void.

It advertised new sources of the rare Void Materials, new targets that would be reached with Void Disturbances, and more new developments as the season progressed. All with images of various lab setups and materials, along with a mission screen showing multiple Void Disturbance missions with different than normal objectives. Including stuff like "eliminate void research", "sabotage void prototype", and "recover void data". That last one was associated with a "community research" goal, something rarely used that typically unlocked feature updates later on when enough of the right data was collected in personal archives.

However, her answer to the question of her new skill was right below that, where a heading of 'Linked Gear' explained the latest new mechanic with pictures of the details. "Introducing a new way of taking your favorite gear with you on tougher missions. Using Void Materials and the new Gear Enhancement interface you can now turn any piece of gear you have into Linked Gear. By default any Linked Gear you take on missions is automatically returned to your Void Base whenever you end a mission, even if you don't bring it yourself, and even on a death or mission abort.

"Be aware that this gear can still be damaged or destroyed. Damaged Linked Gear can possibly be repaired, or can be unlinked from the Gear Enhancement menu for a full refund of Void Materials. Destroyed Linked Gear refunds half of the Void Materials that were invested into it automatically. So take care of your Linked Gear.

"And to help with taking care of your Linked Gear we also have new Linked one-off skills to add more capability and power to your Linked Gear. Keep an eye out for these rare and potent skills that enhance your Gear even farther." Three example skills were placed as the final images in the section. One for Linked Inventory that apparently let you store and recover a number of these modified pieces of gear during a mission, another was Power Link that apparently made modified batteries draw from the Void Base's power instead, and finally Protect Link that gave the linked stuff quite a bit of damage resistance.

After that was a list of changes that Flamescale mostly skimmed to see if anything noteworthy was present, with nothing standing out in the moment, and then closed the announcement and went straight to the communications console. "Yellow-Glow, what's going on here?"

"I see you've finally read the announcement. It is my worst case scenario," her friend answered quickly, currently very uncanny valley human faced. "I had hoped I was wrong about this."

"I thought it was Ancient stuff, not Void stuff," Flamescale pointed out as Yellow-Glow visibly counted how many of her there were. "Is this connected?"

"I'm afraid that the teleportation method of the Ancients was likely Void related," the guide maker sighed. "The good news is that there is a worthwhile reason to not give the locals Void Materials now. I suspect there will be a lot of disruption to local research as those are hunted down. If you have the time I could use some help finding as many of these new skills as you can."

"I've already got one, Skill Link, which needs to be tested out," Flamescale said a bit tiredly given what she had found there. "I can think of a reason to get it from the mission, but I don't like the reason. I was using three bodies instead of two, but here is the replay." She sent the data. "I also got a whole lot of the stuff from this one."

"How much?" Yellow-Glow asked with some concern. "I haven't had a chance to actually run one of the new mess of Void Disturbance missions yet. I've been fielding questions and taking information from my usual sources ever since it dropped. We have already worked out how to get two of the three preview skills, but none of that group pays attention to the rate of materials when there are skills to hunt."

"Half of my entire collection," she answered and got out the piece she made. "Along with the equipment to make more."

Her friend leaned forward to see the massive piece of Void Material. "How many of those did you find?" Yellow-Glow questioned sharply. "That explains how some of the loadouts I've seen my sources claim are happening, but it is a terrible sign for how far along these projects are. That much Void Material is enough to start doing practical research instead of just working out how to make the stuff."

"I think I picked up five, but I have the materials to make at least six more if they worked out how to use the device properly," Flamescale specified. "I might have stolen an entire experimental sample cabinet again, and blown up an empty lab."

"Was the machine portable?" her friend questioned dryly. "I still remember having to find another mass data chip copier after you blew up the first one."

"I was not going to pick up something bigger than I am," Flamescale complained, and then thought about it more. "Wait, I get bigger with three heads. I might have been able to lift it." And gotten a solid source of more Void Materials. "Great, now I have to find another one."


[Author's Note]
So, we're starting act 2 now instead of after a break. I'm still kinda writer's blocked on my fanfiction, and I have more of this ready to go.
I'm trying for each arc to be mostly a single storyline. I think this is going to end up being something of a serial project rather than a series of separated books, but the intent is for each arc to complete the main story topic of that arc. With that in mind, I don't plan on starting a new arc until I have an outline for how the arc ends.
I want to get back to my fanfics too, so I still want to warn people that this might cut off at any time, but I do have a plan for this entire arc to work from.
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The Plot thickens and deepens. Did not expect this.

These new systems are suspiciously useful for Flamescale's chosen build, particularly getting Skill Link right off. I would be a touch paranoid. Though I suppose there's probably enough other STs this is useful with that it's not too suspicious.
The Plot thickens and deepens. Did not expect this.

These new systems are suspiciously useful for Flamescale's chosen build, particularly getting Skill Link right off. I would be a touch paranoid. Though I suppose there's probably enough other STs this is useful with that it's not too suspicious.
It is an event mission. Getting a guaranteed skill drop is the sort of reward you'd expect from that, to get players hyped up and willing to grind for the others. That said, I would also be seriously paranoid, especially after the reveal that Synch Tech is apparently accessing some eldritch dimension and the company behind Void Strike is exploiting that for unknown but evidently sinister ends.
Huh, I was wrong. The new season is apparently Synch-Tech scrambling to maintain their monopoly on The Void after their "players" traded away a few too many samples for neat toys from the locals, with a somewhat blatantly tacked-on incentive to not give any more of the stuff away in the form of the "Linked Gear" mechanic.

Her body's length was at least twice as long as before. About ten meters total length instead of a still sometimes tricky to fit five, with a matching width change to make her bulky enough to need her ability to melt to get through some smaller doorways.
I don't think it was said how much larger the Dual Form skill made her, but considering just a linear progression equal to the jump from 2 to 3 would have her next step make her just a tad bit larger than the estimated largest size of the Titanoboa (according to Wikipedia), I'd reckon nine would put her somewhere in the kaiju range at least. She literally wouldn't be able to bring all of herself on some missions due to space constraints.

Although with the Material Movement skill, is there anything keeping her from leaving her excess selves in fluid limbo and have them emerge from or add to her main self as needed?

"What in the world is 'Linked Gear'?" she questioned of a skill that made any of her 'Linked Gear' get her equipped skills. Presumably with limitations, but without knowing what it was talking about she couldn't be sure.
Any Gamer knows, unless a limitation is explicitly stated, assume it isn't one until you've tested it yourself. And even if there is any explicitly stated limitation, always be on the lookout for a way to bypass it.

In the case of "Skill Link" paired with her Goo Snek build, I'd give good odds on it melting down and assimilating any Linked Gear into an extension of her body that she can pull from any mass of her Goo, including herself. Which is the kind of synergy that would make a lot of players consider hunting down at minimum a Skill Tree with Material Movement for themselves.
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In the case of "Skill Link" paired with her Goo Snek build, I'd give good odds on it melting down and assimilating any Linked Gear into an extension of her body that she can pull from any mass of her Goo, including herself.
I'd also think Fire Conversion applies to any Linked Gear weapons. Not sure if it'd convert all weapons, but stuff like bioweapon launchers? Yeah, I'd bet those just spit fire now. Or infectious molten glob material.
I'd also think Fire Conversion applies to any Linked Gear weapons. Not sure if it'd convert all weapons, but stuff like bioweapon launchers? Yeah, I'd bet those just spit fire now. Or infectious molten glob material.
If it actually does turn all Linked gear into an extension of her goo, wouldn't that mean all of the weapons become bio-weapons?
I don't think it was said how much larger the Dual Form skill made her
So, Dual Form does not have any size growth associated with it, so she stays at her base size with just two heads. I'm going with Flamescale being about 5 meters from head to tail, with something like 2 meters of snake person 'standing up' while the other 3 are on the ground behind her.
... I'm not great on descriptions, and nailing down that detail took a bit, so I might need to put that in somewhere before here. Maybe it could just be a change to this chapter?
Man, that was a golden goose of a mission. No personnel to interfere, just a chance to indulge some lootgoblin/loremaster tendencies. Shame she forgot she can get big, Yellow-Glow would've probably leveraged something like that into a whole lot of data.
So synctech is trying to avoid allowing other dimensions to get syncgear too, maybe afraid that hostile void entities will invade Earth? Also, keeping a lid on the absolute clusterfuck that this situation is to them.

Also, is Syncgear actually made with void materials, and that is why they got linked to actual void entities?
So synctech is trying to avoid allowing other dimensions to get syncgear too, maybe afraid that hostile void entities will invade Earth? Also, keeping a lid on the absolute clusterfuck that this situation is to them.

Also, is Syncgear actually made with void materials, and that is why they got linked to actual void entities?
The Company is definitely trying to keep the problems they caused from coming home to roost, but I'm not sure where "home" is. Given the repeated comments about Void Strike being significantly more advanced than the competition, I'm kinda dubious that the higher ups are human, and not horrors from beyond reality.

And yeah, looks like.
Might be less 'linked too' and more 'generating' really, given the statement on how customizable character creation was back then, and how much different skills can change you up anyway.

And while the different dimensions reaching Earth is interesting as an idea, I'd expect them to start reaching each other first. Which should also be rather 'interesting' given the stated character of a lot of these factions. IE, not a lot of them look like they'd get along with themselves.
I think it's linked actually, and the character generation is more of a consequence of a mass of void stuff sincronising with the a bigger mass and the will of the players giving them form through the medium of the game interface.
from the various comments about how there actually was a programmed disconnect button and it was a surprise it didn't work, I think it was a group messing with void stuff and trying to experiment via games, who suddenly got way more than they expected.
Independent Cooperation
--- 12 - Independent Cooperation ---

The subverted Girant security guard spat infected material across the wall of a storage closet, and then wandered off on his patrol with orders to simply ignore one of Flamescale's bodies emerging from the mess. The research lab she was infiltrating for the Slinks was a new layout, that was even more secure than the last she had visited. Now there was a proper airlock and on site housing for both the research staff and a collection of actually rather well treated maintenance Slinks. No connections in or out that weren't highly controlled, with heavily scanned supply missions to keep the space ship grade environmental systems going.

Unfortunately for the Girant they overlooked one detail when planning the on site housing and local life support systems. Without considering it too closely they only planned for security staff outside of the sealed area, which had the problem that even well treated Slinks were still slaves that didn't really want to help with Girant research projects. So three shifts of security guards were sent in at various times during the day.

Flamescale reformed her laser rife, one of the items she was trying out Linked Gear on. Skill Link was in theory a solution to her gear issues in many ways, but that didn't mean it was without downsides. The rifle appeared less like its typical advanced 319 made appearance, and instead like she had formed part of her infected material into a close shape of one. There were still metal looking bits and the optics were notably not made of anything seen on her body, but the skills the linked devices got from her included the visual changes.

They also had complications with ammo. What counted as a single piece of Linked Gear for the new menu was a bit annoying. Stuff like security crackers and other electronics were easily seen as singular items, but weapons often had their ammo containers not count. Ballistic weapons needed their magazines linked separately, and even that didn't actually link the bullets themselves, which just ended up floating around in her when the weapon melted down alongside her. Plasma gas containers were worse, as the gas was harder to get back in after melting a linked container. It was a downside that left her usual weapons unable to follow along with Material Movement even when linked. The laser rifle's that only needed batteries worked much better, but those batteries still needed their own specific link, which was more Void Material cost.

Flamescale finished checking the storage room and pulled out a second body to check both vents out of the room. Each body now with their own split off copy of the laser rifle and its battery, which was actually another complication as those two battery copies shared a single charge value. So while it let her fire more shots in a given time frame, she needed to be more careful with how many she fired, and actually replacing a split battery was a mess too.

Her objective was to grab the local data for the surface cell of rebel Slinks to use to purchase supplies. It was possible that this was a Void Lab, that wasn't the sort of mission she had taken but the location had a bit too much security. There also did not seem to be cameras in the sealed lab area, which was a sign that whatever they were working on wasn't supposed to be leaked.

The Slinks had actually planned for the best time to summon a Void Entity, about half an hour before the night shift change for the guards. With a guard already captured, which wasn't really the most reliable way for them to get the average player inside, but was perfect for her, and now Flamescale was in a sleeping facility. The night shift only had four guards, and she already controlled one of them.

One of her vent bodies found the Slink sleeping area, which was where the other three guards were all keeping a close eye on the real reason they were there at all. In theory they would switch out with the infected guard at some point. In practice the infected guard was almost late and as a result got to do the patrols alone all night.

Her other infiltration body found the first of a few computer systems that the infected guard knew about. With an eye on all of the known threats she flowed down to turn on the system and use her linked advanced security cracker on it. The feeling of having liquefied pieces of gear inside her was a bit odd, but being able to just get them into a place like this so easily more than made up for that. It was just a moment to break the limited security, with the machine setup to have its difficult to access location more restricted than its digital security.

Flamescale then got out one of a few high volume data chips she had linked. There was an interesting side effect to linking a data chip that was related to the side effects of a linked battery. If she split the same chip between multiple bodies, then all of those copies would have the exact same data.

So her third body that was still outside of the lab with a chip copier could just duplicate the data onto other chips that she could both put into the dead drop and take back to her Void Base. It took an entire body to pull off, and the surface body was the only one with unlinked gear, but this was finally the kind of mission she wanted to run.


Linked Inventory turned out to be a stat instead of a one-off skill. For every point of Linked Inventory you could store and recover a piece of linked gear from basically anywhere. Which did make it an alternative to Skill Link for her, and a method of getting linked stuff into places more easily for other players. It also was just as common as any other stat skill as long as you had at least one piece of Linked Gear on a mission, and could appear alongside other stats, so it wasn't like anyone wasn't going to have some ability to store their linked stuff.

Her three bodies were currently armed with two linked laser rifles and a single linked Macrophylla light machine gun. The goal being to get two more of the new Linked Gear skills, that hopefully would solve her weapon issues a bit better. The preview skill of Power Link would solve her battery splitting power drain issue, but to get the skill you needed to drain five linked batteries in a single mission. Similarly the discovered Magazine Link was supposed to give a way to have endless ammo from your base, but needed you to fire hundreds of rounds from a linked gun in a single mission.

So Flamescale had swapped out for combat missions and was going after a few Rhizocephala extermination missions to try and do that. With five linked batteries for her laser rifle bodies and her LMG body filled with a slightly silly looking collection of ammo containers. With backup unlinked batteries too just in case she ran out the linked batteries and still needed the rifles. It was a larger target than she normally went up against, and she had reworked her skills for combat as well.

Which was another complication of using Skill Link, her Fire Conversion skill now changed all of the damage of her linked weapons into Fire damage. So if she needed a specific damage type she either needed to remove Skill Link, since even the basic Infected skill turned them to Toxic damage, or use unlinked weapons. It was a moderate downside, but on the other hand the weapons also received bonuses from damage buff skills. Infection Strength in particular had turned out to give some nice boosts, and they also got the massive boost from her three or more headed form's increased scale, although that might have made the weapons larger as well.

Infectious Strikes would make any linked weapons able to infect, which could be good or bad, and Flamescale wasn't sure yet if any particular weapon or ammo types would take an added effect from the other two Infectious skills. One disappointing exception to skills applying to weapons turned out to be the bio-weapon skills. So she didn't get mini spine launchers on her Linked Gear. Reverted Form seemed to work to make her Linked Gear able to appear unchanged, but she didn't know how practical that was.

Flamescale herself was still using Reverted Form, the local anti-pirate force wanted to send people along with her and they were nervous enough without being obviously fluid. A group of four 319A soldiers and a pair of Leaf heavy weapon armored suits. They were acting as a solid firing position outside of a rather large, and rather dead ancient ruin. She was also carrying a number of sensor modules that hopefully would get more Void energy data now that they knew they were looking for that specifically.

It was a basic and simple mission, something she was doing just to get new skills. While it was probably easier to get the two skills from just going to a weapons range and staying a bit too long, Flamescale wanted to actually do something with her time to get them, and this hopefully would solve a few things at once.

The smell of ancient infection was strong around the target, and Flamescale's briefing indicated that the site was being researched prior to the arrival of far too many Rhizo. Which didn't quite make sense, unless they somehow turned on one of the teleportation devices Yellow-Glow was certain were the source of the improved Void research projects.

That still didn't really prepare her for the sight of these Rhizo. Unlike the feral versions she was used to they were easily seen to be standardized, with a mixture of six spine launcher lighter units and four missile anti-armor versions that had properly clean and symmetric armored shells. They moved in squads, but thankfully seemed at least somewhat disorganized at a larger level. Simply going in patrols around the ancient ruin that looked very similar to the portal structure she had helped Yellow-Glow investigate.

Flamescale reported the visible numbers on the comm unit that the anti-pirate team had given her, and then took aim with her laser rifle bodies at two of the missile Rhizo to start with. The machine gun would likely fair better against the lighter versions so she simply got that ready to spray the area with bullets, with the goal mostly being to get the skill.

The lasers were successful in burning away the life of the two target missile Rhizo, and the LMG rounds seemed to work reasonably well to light the rest of the squad on fire, with the effect on the ballistic rounds after they were fired being somewhat of a surprise. Flamescale vaguely wished that they changed as much when they were loaded as they seemed to when fired.

Then she wished it didn't change as much, as it turned out that the bullets were in fact producing a bit of residue as she encountered the infection conflict mechanic, and proceeded to take over one of the spine Rhizo. Which was a complication as she now needed to deal with the command interface and kill a heavily fire enhanced Rhizo. One that immediately started to spread as the overtaken Rhizo started to fight the others with less care for spreading the infection.

Flamescale kept firing, and made sure to try and limit how many were infected, but as the mission progressed two things became clear. First, she choose a mission too hard to avoid using the infection side of her Skill Tree, because this was just too many Rhizo that were too organized and she would have needed to replace bodies somehow without the extra allies. Second, she was not going to use up the hundreds of machine gun rounds in this mission, because she needed to use the laser rifles to take these down faster.

There was also the third issue of the anti-pirate forces apparently having fully expected her to do something like capture some of the Rhizo, but that wasn't a negative so it didn't feel right to list it with the other two. It fit in more with the discovery of some Void Material fragments among the exploded remains of the ancient gate, although it was a bit difficult to tell if those were from the gate or from the similarly destroyed analysis gear.

"This wasn't an equipment failure," the lead 319A pointed out when they saw the damage. "That was a demolition charge, a pretty big one too. They were expecting this."

"I guess it answers where the Rhizo came from," one of the Leaf grumbled. "Good job demons, we will make sure you are properly paid."

Flamescale focused on collecting a couple of strange green crystal shards more than getting confirmation on what had destroyed the gate. They smelled even more strongly of the infection, and when she got back to base she found them listed as 'Ancient Computer Fragments' along with a new one-off skill called 'Liquid Compression'. That skill seemed to be directly related to the fragments somehow, and let her reduce her volume while liquefied. Something that might find a bit of use, but mostly just further confirmed that an Ancient Computer was related to the Liquid Body part of the Fluid Pestilence skill tree somehow.


Flamescale remembered now why helping Yellow-Glow with research could be useful for grinding out progress on a ST. She was up to seventy one points in her Skill Tree after the string of missions to get the new Linked Gear skills that she actually liked the sound of, and to see how they interacted with Multiform and Liquid Body. Enough points to finally have most of the skills in her ST at the first level all at once, including getting Reverse Infection without leaving other options out, and discovering that it let her choose to make her attacks not be able to infect as well as remove the infection from victims safely.

She was honestly regretting not going for it sooner, but it required Reverted Form and that was already an expensive skill when you counted all the requirements and side skills that made it more valuable. It let her do things like her current attempt to get into a 319 Void lab that had thoughtfully made sure to store the Void Materials off site. To get the actual data Yellow-Glow wanted from any of these Flamescale found she would need to get into the lab itself.

So she had infected a civilian who worked in a nearby restaurant, used that civilian to infect one of the scientists as they got ready for work, and was about to remove the infection from the civilian. Flamescale had one body inside the lab already, and one close enough to the restaurant to see if the plan would actually work as well as it seemed. And for the worst case she didn't even need to get back to her base with the Void Rift, as she had her third body back at base already to transfer data directly off linked data chips.

Working without any unlinked gear was going very well now, but naturally there were complications with the new skills that had looked like they solved the ammo issues. Power Link drew energy from her base to recharge, but that was specifically to recharge, and apparently that skill could vary in how much it charged at a time. Her first drop of one was a mid range example, and that only partially solved the issue of the power draw for multiple laser rifles using the same battery.

Magazine Link by contrast turned out to work in a very simple but annoying way once she used the firing range method to get one. It gave a linked ammo storage device the ability to trigger it to fill with ammo. So she still ended up with loose ammo to work around or lost plasma weapon gas if she had to melt after loading that way. It worked well for some weapons like specialized grenade or exposive charge pouches, and as a result she was keeping the skill on, but it could leave behind traces that she would rather not leave near targets for more typical weapons. So she was stuck considering a grind for a better Power Link in order to fully switch to laser rifles.

Either way it let her have a full set of admittedly just basic gear inside of a site that she reached by using Material Movement and carefully placed patches of infected residue. Now she just needed to see what happened when she removed the infection from someone. The civilian wasn't entirely comfortable with the infection, or spreading it, but had been given orders to not think about or realize that either of those had happened.

Unfortunately it turned out there was a reason for the final Hidden Infection skill, and the only one she had not gotten yet, to be Remove Memory as the civilian immediately tried to call for help and needed to be infected again by the Infected Coating Flamescale had made sure to keep the civilian standing inside of. Infected Material creations thankfully could be made to decay away at command with Reverse Infection, so this wasn't too big of a risk to put in place for the test, but it still left Flamescale with the issue that removing the infection from a target took time.

She could do it all at once for a major infected area, but these were not one-off skills. Reverse Infection had five levels, starting at five points for the first and then going to six for the next and so on. Each level increased both the speed that the infection was reversed, and also increased how much infection could be reversed. Flamescale didn't have firm knowledge of what counted as what for that, or if it could possibly be reversed over a longer time period, but it was such a rarely used skill that she couldn't find much information on the topic. At a minimum she didn't want to try the bio-weapons with it just yet, just in case that was too far to reverse, or slowed the process too much.

"Does it work as something to start and just let happen?" she questioned herself back at base where nobody could hear her. It was one thing to reverse the infection too early and get caught, but if she did it while she pulled out it would result in an after the fact detection. It was a kind of detection she preferred, although she would much rather not get detected at all and leave little if any trace, but she was already stealing their entire stock of Void Materials so it wasn't like they wouldn't be able to tell something happened.

The lab workers were already noticing the smell of lava fruit from the vents as infectious vapors filled the facility, but between that and careful use of infected residue Flamescale was able to take over the entire site. A quick check of their minds revealed the project was just trying to refine the process of making Void Materials. Which meant that she had another chance to steal an attunement machine if she wanted to abandon the vague attempt to avoid detection before she was gone.

"I'm going to wait for one that isn't so far from my Rift," she complained at base, fully aware that she probably needed to be taking more Void Disturbance missions if she wanted one herself.


[Author's Note]
Here we have some more details on how things are going with the new features, and a bit of a faster view of missions now that things are established.
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They also had complications with ammo. What counted as a single piece of Linked Gear for the new menu was a bit annoying. Stuff like security crackers and other electronics were easily seen as singular items, but weapons often had their ammo containers not count. Ballistic weapons needed their magazines linked separately, and even that didn't actually link the bullets themselves, which just ended up floating around in her when the weapon melted down alongside her. Plasma gas containers were worse, as the gas was harder to get back in after melting a linked container. It was a downside that left her usual weapons unable to follow along with Material Movement even when linked. The laser rifle's that only needed batteries worked much better, but those batteries still needed their own specific link, which was more Void Material cost.
Ah, the inverse of "unless a limitation is explicitly stated, assume it isn't one until you've tested it yourself." Unless an exception or QoL feature is explicitly stated, assume it is as obnoxiously inconvenient as possible until you've tested it yourself.

Together they basically boil down to "know your gear inside and out, and don't assume or rely on anything that hasn't been demonstratively confirmed."

With an eye on all of the known threats she flowed down to turn on the system and use her linked advanced security cracker on it. The feeling of having liquefied pieces of gear inside her was a bit odd, but being able to just get them into a place like this so easily more than made up for that.
Odd thought, but can you Link cybernetic implants? I wouldn't be surprised if nobody has tried it yet, for most people it would be kinda redundant. Then again, you'd be surprised how many people just go "Huh, I wonder if this would work?" That is, after all, how many of the best glitches are found.

Anyway, Goo can't use cyborg bits because they just drip through them. But if the cyborg bits were also Goo...

Flamescale focused on collecting a couple of strange green crystal shards more than getting confirmation on what had destroyed the gate. They smelled even more strongly of the infection, and when she got back to base she found them listed as 'Ancient Computer Fragments' along with a new one off skill called 'Liquid Compression'.
Hmm... The plot thickens. Or rather, crystalizes.

Can Liquid Compression be used to increase her body's density? Or does it only affect volume and shunts excess mass into Goo Limbo, the space between puddles.
Odd thought, but can you Link cybernetic implants? I wouldn't be surprised if nobody has tried it yet, for most people it would be kinda redundant. Then again, you'd be surprised how many people just go "Huh, I wonder if this would work?" That is, after all, how many of the best glitches are found.

Anyway, Goo can't use cyborg bits because they just drip through them. But if the cyborg bits were also Goo...
... well, there is a consideration that had not occurred to me yet.
I had vaguely thought about it being a way to get cybernetics out if they aborted or were killed without destroying them, but the impact of Skill Link on such things had not yet come to mind.

I have to comment here because this is such an obvious thing to have be a thing in hindsight, and now that I am thinking of it I will likely have to have it show up. I'm a whole lot less certain how to handle this sort of thing for original stuff instead of fanfics, because this is a very helpful comment that will change how some things can end up in the story now.
Linking cybernetics seems like the kind of thing that would need a relatively rare version of the Linked skills. Or possibly specialty cybernetics? Rather than spending Void Matter on cybernetics you already have, maybe you'd need to source cybernetics built with Void Matter to begin with. Could be something big for the crafter type players.
I'm a whole lot less certain how to handle this sort of thing for original stuff instead of fanfics, because this is a very helpful comment that will change how some things can end up in the story now.
Here's my first thought: Cybernetics don't function until they've been "activated," and can't be activated until after they've been installed into the body. However, once they've been installed they are considered part of the character, and since you can only Link external equipment that means they're no longer a valid Linking target.
In order to use Linked cybernetics, you have to Link them before they're installed, then install them, then activate them. It's a convoluted workaround, and players are already complaining about the "developer oversight."

Flamescale's situation is even more convoluted, because Liquid Body means she can't get cybernetic installed at all. Even if she uses Skill Link to turn them into Goo like herself they still can't really be properly installed because they just subsume into her body, meaning she can pull a set of inactive gooey cybernetics from her body at any time, which is... less than helpful. In order to have active cybernetics in a Liquid Body, she would have to:
1] unequip the Fluid Pestilence Skill Tree, thus reverting back into a flesh-and-blood giant snake woman.
2] Link the cybernetics she wants to use.
3] have the cybernetics installed and activated
4] re-equip the Fluid Pestilence Skill Tree after making sure that Skill Link is already active since otherwise the cybernetics wouldn't turn into goo with her.
5] NEVER deactivate Skill Link, otherwise the cybernetics would revert to their solid form and be just sort of floating inside her instead of properly installed.
It's the kind of complicated messy effort that isn't really worth going through unless you really have to (or really really want to).

On the other hand, fully mechanical players like Yellow Glow can now, with a bit of effort and modularization, swap out body parts on the fly, even during missions!

Also! Cybernetics + Multiform. Do the Multiform bodies get a copy of the player's cybernetic? or do they have to get their own installed?
I'd say Material Multiforms that can go in and out of the main mass like Flamescale's Goo Clones get a copy, but any Multiform that creates a discrete separate body (call it Corporeal Multiforms?) would need their own sets, meaning each body can have different cybernetics based on what the player wants to use it for.
Assuming, of course, that there are any instances of Multiform that allow for separate organic bodies and not just robotic drones.
Linking cybernetics seems like the kind of thing that would need a relatively rare version of the Linked skills. Or possibly specialty cybernetics? Rather than spending Void Matter on cybernetics you already have, maybe you'd need to source cybernetics built with Void Matter to begin with. Could be something big for the crafter type players.
Skill Link is the relatively rare Linked Gear Skill.
... by "this sort of thing" I meant "readers offering a suggestion that I now want to use", not "how I justify why that wasn't something that I was going to have".

I actually like the thought of it being another obscure upside to having Skill Link, and while it throws off some minor details it doesn't do so enough to be a problem rather than a useful complication. A thing that gives another upside to keeping Skill Link all the time despite the weapon downsides like only dealing fire damage or split copied batteries sharing charge.

The cybernetics would also split into multiple copies, but if they would be able to function normally in that state could be a question that depends on the specific function of the things. Like how batteries share their charge, or how data chips share a single data storage.

The biggest complication is I will need to actually work out some cybernetics details that I've been able to avoid due to Flamescale not using them.

My actual concern is how to handle that sort of suggested concept from a reader that I had not thought of beforehand. I'm probably going to mention you in the author's note whenever this first comes up, and I don't plan on publishing this properly so it probably won't be a concern on that front yet, but I don't know if that is all that needs to be done for such things.