Not the Sankt-Kaiser!
Entropy Judge
Recurring Bouts of Misanthropy
[X] Talk to Sein.
- [X] About the whole "kaiserin" thing
Right, there's someone you can talk to who probably isn't very busy right now. You swing out of the chair and walk toward the cafeteria. Of course, she might not be there, but there aren't that many places apart from private rooms, and you're not sure your question is so important that she wouldn't decline to answer if you have to wake her up. Fortunately, she is sitting at a table in a corner, eating some kind of soup. She starts to lean back when you slide in across from her, then forces a smile and nods. "Hi. You want something to eat?" She glances at the dispensary but you shake your head.
"Actually, I had a question about something that happened on the planet, and I think you might be able to help." Her expression loosens and she frowns.
"Me? Not sure I can do much, but if you're sure you want to ask, I'll try." You nod and tap your pointer on the table for a few seconds before shrugging.
"When I was fighting Carmilla, Tool hit me with a magic attack that broke Loki and sent me into the church." Sein shudders and nods. "Obviously, that didn't stop me, but after I got up I heard some of the people there call me 'kaiserin.' And your Church is the Sankt-Kaiser Church, so maybe you have some thoughts on why they would do that." She blinks and stares at you for a long moment before frowning thoughtfully and resting her head on interlaced fingers.
"… You know, I have no idea. It's not like they're so backwater that they haven't heard of knights and mages, even strong ones. And even if anyone knew about Lady Vivio, you don't look that much like her." She blushes slightly when you cock your head. "Uh, I don't remember if you ever met her, but Lady Vivio is a clone of the last Sankt-Kaiser that the Doctor made so he could use the Cradle. She's in the Church now, but … well, she's a little kid who's been under a lot of stress lately, so Lady Carim isn't going to do something like formally announce who she is. Maybe in a couple years, if she wants to … anyway, the point is that even though she is the Sankt-Kaiser, these people wouldn't be mistaking you for her." You sigh.
"So you can't think of anything?" She grins mischievously.
"Oh, I can't - but like I said, the Church has excellent communications systems at all of its facilities. So let's call Father Maurice! Come on!" She darts to her feet and hurries over to a terminal in the wall, then guides you through the calling process again. It takes a few minutes for the old priest to answer your call. "Father Maurice! Sorry we had to leave so quickly, but one of the attackers is … kind of a sensitive case, and she's not in a good way as far as her health goes, either. I'm sure once Lady Carim hears about this, though, she'll send you any help you want." He laughs tiredly and shakes his head.
"No, no, it should be alright. Help would be … um …." His gaze focuses on you and Sein takes a breath.
"Father Maurice, would you happen to know why some of the people in your church called me 'kaiserin'?" He sighs and Sein winces.
"I … think I do, actually. The problem is … well, it could have been a branch of the family with an eccentricity, or it might just be one of those inaccuracies that occur when exact, direct evidence doesn't exist, or something else entirely. But … from what I learned about the Sankt-Kaisers when I went through school, one of their primary identifiers was the color of their magic. Instead of a single color like nearly every other mage or knight, Sankt-Kaisers had the 'Kaiserfarbe' - which was a sort of iridescence or rainbow. So one of the legends here is that the Sankt-Kaisers can be known because they're surrounded by a rainbow. One of their main cathedrals even has a stained-glass image of a Sankt-Kaiser in combat, and the colors are distinct." Sein's mouth drops open.
"Is that why you had me wear that coat?" He smiles and shakes his head.
"No, that hadn't even occurred to me. I only thought that they might be worried by the fact that you have wings. Anyway, between your amazing combat prowess, apparent near-invincibility, multi-colored magic, your wings, and that awe-inspiring radiance when you 'rose from the dead,' they do seem to think you're one of the Sankt-Kaiser bloodline." He laughs humorlessly. "They want this place to be recognized as a major holy site, now." He pales a little and looks back at Sein. "Actually, Sister Sein, if you could ask Lady Carim to send a diplomat and a dedicated historian, I would be most appreciative. I don't think this will cause a problem for the Church, but I would like to forestall any potential issues of unrest here, if at all possible." Sein's eyes widen and she nods jerkily.
"Yes, Father, I'll let her know. Hopefully someone will be there in a few days." Father Maurice sighs in relief and sags wearily.
"Thank you. I don't think it'll be a problem … but I'd rather we make the attempt than ignore it. Besides, it's about time a historian came here - they have stories and legends about the Sankt-Kaisers that I hadn't heard before coming here, so maybe they have other information that we can use to learn more about the Sankt-Kaiser and her life and history …." He yawns widely and smiles sheepishly. "Er, sorry. I think I've had a bit too much excitement today. Is there anything else you wanted to ask?" You and Sein shake your heads.
"No, but thank you, Father Maurice. Maybe I'll see you again sometime." You grin as he shakes his head, and laugh when he yawns again. He waves goodbye and cuts off the transmission. Before you or Sein can say anything else, the terminal lights up again, showing the captain's own tired face.
"Flandre Scarlet?" Unless she's just been randomly activating terminals and asking for you, she must know you're here, so it's probably just a formality … but you should still respond.
"Yes, Captain?" She starts to speak several times before she shakes her head and looks right at you.
"Enforcer Harlaown will be resting for the duration of the trip. If you need anything, come see me." You tilt your head slightly to your right as you stare at the woman. If she feels the need to inform you of that, then it's probably an … 'official rest' that Fate is taking.
"… Understood, Captain." She holds your gaze for a moment before the terminal switches off again. Sein squirms uncomfortably.
"… Well, I'll just go back to my food - wouldn't do for it to get cold, huh?" She scoots back to her table - you're pretty sure her soup was already cold when you arrived - and you stare back at her with narrowed eyes. She must know, or at least suspect, something. The question is whether it's worth pursuing her for it or going after someone else.
What do you do?
[ ] Make Sein explain what she thinks is going on.
[ ] Make the captain explain what's going on.
[ ] Wait until you can talk with Fate and have her explain what happened.
[ ] Other?
- [X] About the whole "kaiserin" thing
Right, there's someone you can talk to who probably isn't very busy right now. You swing out of the chair and walk toward the cafeteria. Of course, she might not be there, but there aren't that many places apart from private rooms, and you're not sure your question is so important that she wouldn't decline to answer if you have to wake her up. Fortunately, she is sitting at a table in a corner, eating some kind of soup. She starts to lean back when you slide in across from her, then forces a smile and nods. "Hi. You want something to eat?" She glances at the dispensary but you shake your head.
"Actually, I had a question about something that happened on the planet, and I think you might be able to help." Her expression loosens and she frowns.
"Me? Not sure I can do much, but if you're sure you want to ask, I'll try." You nod and tap your pointer on the table for a few seconds before shrugging.
"When I was fighting Carmilla, Tool hit me with a magic attack that broke Loki and sent me into the church." Sein shudders and nods. "Obviously, that didn't stop me, but after I got up I heard some of the people there call me 'kaiserin.' And your Church is the Sankt-Kaiser Church, so maybe you have some thoughts on why they would do that." She blinks and stares at you for a long moment before frowning thoughtfully and resting her head on interlaced fingers.
"… You know, I have no idea. It's not like they're so backwater that they haven't heard of knights and mages, even strong ones. And even if anyone knew about Lady Vivio, you don't look that much like her." She blushes slightly when you cock your head. "Uh, I don't remember if you ever met her, but Lady Vivio is a clone of the last Sankt-Kaiser that the Doctor made so he could use the Cradle. She's in the Church now, but … well, she's a little kid who's been under a lot of stress lately, so Lady Carim isn't going to do something like formally announce who she is. Maybe in a couple years, if she wants to … anyway, the point is that even though she is the Sankt-Kaiser, these people wouldn't be mistaking you for her." You sigh.
"So you can't think of anything?" She grins mischievously.
"Oh, I can't - but like I said, the Church has excellent communications systems at all of its facilities. So let's call Father Maurice! Come on!" She darts to her feet and hurries over to a terminal in the wall, then guides you through the calling process again. It takes a few minutes for the old priest to answer your call. "Father Maurice! Sorry we had to leave so quickly, but one of the attackers is … kind of a sensitive case, and she's not in a good way as far as her health goes, either. I'm sure once Lady Carim hears about this, though, she'll send you any help you want." He laughs tiredly and shakes his head.
"No, no, it should be alright. Help would be … um …." His gaze focuses on you and Sein takes a breath.
"Father Maurice, would you happen to know why some of the people in your church called me 'kaiserin'?" He sighs and Sein winces.
"I … think I do, actually. The problem is … well, it could have been a branch of the family with an eccentricity, or it might just be one of those inaccuracies that occur when exact, direct evidence doesn't exist, or something else entirely. But … from what I learned about the Sankt-Kaisers when I went through school, one of their primary identifiers was the color of their magic. Instead of a single color like nearly every other mage or knight, Sankt-Kaisers had the 'Kaiserfarbe' - which was a sort of iridescence or rainbow. So one of the legends here is that the Sankt-Kaisers can be known because they're surrounded by a rainbow. One of their main cathedrals even has a stained-glass image of a Sankt-Kaiser in combat, and the colors are distinct." Sein's mouth drops open.
"Is that why you had me wear that coat?" He smiles and shakes his head.
"No, that hadn't even occurred to me. I only thought that they might be worried by the fact that you have wings. Anyway, between your amazing combat prowess, apparent near-invincibility, multi-colored magic, your wings, and that awe-inspiring radiance when you 'rose from the dead,' they do seem to think you're one of the Sankt-Kaiser bloodline." He laughs humorlessly. "They want this place to be recognized as a major holy site, now." He pales a little and looks back at Sein. "Actually, Sister Sein, if you could ask Lady Carim to send a diplomat and a dedicated historian, I would be most appreciative. I don't think this will cause a problem for the Church, but I would like to forestall any potential issues of unrest here, if at all possible." Sein's eyes widen and she nods jerkily.
"Yes, Father, I'll let her know. Hopefully someone will be there in a few days." Father Maurice sighs in relief and sags wearily.
"Thank you. I don't think it'll be a problem … but I'd rather we make the attempt than ignore it. Besides, it's about time a historian came here - they have stories and legends about the Sankt-Kaisers that I hadn't heard before coming here, so maybe they have other information that we can use to learn more about the Sankt-Kaiser and her life and history …." He yawns widely and smiles sheepishly. "Er, sorry. I think I've had a bit too much excitement today. Is there anything else you wanted to ask?" You and Sein shake your heads.
"No, but thank you, Father Maurice. Maybe I'll see you again sometime." You grin as he shakes his head, and laugh when he yawns again. He waves goodbye and cuts off the transmission. Before you or Sein can say anything else, the terminal lights up again, showing the captain's own tired face.
"Flandre Scarlet?" Unless she's just been randomly activating terminals and asking for you, she must know you're here, so it's probably just a formality … but you should still respond.
"Yes, Captain?" She starts to speak several times before she shakes her head and looks right at you.
"Enforcer Harlaown will be resting for the duration of the trip. If you need anything, come see me." You tilt your head slightly to your right as you stare at the woman. If she feels the need to inform you of that, then it's probably an … 'official rest' that Fate is taking.
"… Understood, Captain." She holds your gaze for a moment before the terminal switches off again. Sein squirms uncomfortably.
"… Well, I'll just go back to my food - wouldn't do for it to get cold, huh?" She scoots back to her table - you're pretty sure her soup was already cold when you arrived - and you stare back at her with narrowed eyes. She must know, or at least suspect, something. The question is whether it's worth pursuing her for it or going after someone else.
What do you do?
[ ] Make Sein explain what she thinks is going on.
[ ] Make the captain explain what's going on.
[ ] Wait until you can talk with Fate and have her explain what happened.
[ ] Other?
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