Not the Sankt-Kaiser!
[X] Talk to Sein.
- [X] About the whole "kaiserin" thing

Right, there's someone you can talk to who probably isn't very busy right now. You swing out of the chair and walk toward the cafeteria. Of course, she might not be there, but there aren't that many places apart from private rooms, and you're not sure your question is so important that she wouldn't decline to answer if you have to wake her up. Fortunately, she is sitting at a table in a corner, eating some kind of soup. She starts to lean back when you slide in across from her, then forces a smile and nods. "Hi. You want something to eat?" She glances at the dispensary but you shake your head.

"Actually, I had a question about something that happened on the planet, and I think you might be able to help." Her expression loosens and she frowns.

"Me? Not sure I can do much, but if you're sure you want to ask, I'll try." You nod and tap your pointer on the table for a few seconds before shrugging.

"When I was fighting Carmilla, Tool hit me with a magic attack that broke Loki and sent me into the church." Sein shudders and nods. "Obviously, that didn't stop me, but after I got up I heard some of the people there call me 'kaiserin.' And your Church is the Sankt-Kaiser Church, so maybe you have some thoughts on why they would do that." She blinks and stares at you for a long moment before frowning thoughtfully and resting her head on interlaced fingers.

"… You know, I have no idea. It's not like they're so backwater that they haven't heard of knights and mages, even strong ones. And even if anyone knew about Lady Vivio, you don't look that much like her." She blushes slightly when you cock your head. "Uh, I don't remember if you ever met her, but Lady Vivio is a clone of the last Sankt-Kaiser that the Doctor made so he could use the Cradle. She's in the Church now, but … well, she's a little kid who's been under a lot of stress lately, so Lady Carim isn't going to do something like formally announce who she is. Maybe in a couple years, if she wants to … anyway, the point is that even though she is the Sankt-Kaiser, these people wouldn't be mistaking you for her." You sigh.

"So you can't think of anything?" She grins mischievously.

"Oh, I can't - but like I said, the Church has excellent communications systems at all of its facilities. So let's call Father Maurice! Come on!" She darts to her feet and hurries over to a terminal in the wall, then guides you through the calling process again. It takes a few minutes for the old priest to answer your call. "Father Maurice! Sorry we had to leave so quickly, but one of the attackers is … kind of a sensitive case, and she's not in a good way as far as her health goes, either. I'm sure once Lady Carim hears about this, though, she'll send you any help you want." He laughs tiredly and shakes his head.

"No, no, it should be alright. Help would be … um …." His gaze focuses on you and Sein takes a breath.

"Father Maurice, would you happen to know why some of the people in your church called me 'kaiserin'?" He sighs and Sein winces.

"I … think I do, actually. The problem is … well, it could have been a branch of the family with an eccentricity, or it might just be one of those inaccuracies that occur when exact, direct evidence doesn't exist, or something else entirely. But … from what I learned about the Sankt-Kaisers when I went through school, one of their primary identifiers was the color of their magic. Instead of a single color like nearly every other mage or knight, Sankt-Kaisers had the 'Kaiserfarbe' - which was a sort of iridescence or rainbow. So one of the legends here is that the Sankt-Kaisers can be known because they're surrounded by a rainbow. One of their main cathedrals even has a stained-glass image of a Sankt-Kaiser in combat, and the colors are distinct." Sein's mouth drops open.

"Is that why you had me wear that coat?" He smiles and shakes his head.

"No, that hadn't even occurred to me. I only thought that they might be worried by the fact that you have wings. Anyway, between your amazing combat prowess, apparent near-invincibility, multi-colored magic, your wings, and that awe-inspiring radiance when you 'rose from the dead,' they do seem to think you're one of the Sankt-Kaiser bloodline." He laughs humorlessly. "They want this place to be recognized as a major holy site, now." He pales a little and looks back at Sein. "Actually, Sister Sein, if you could ask Lady Carim to send a diplomat and a dedicated historian, I would be most appreciative. I don't think this will cause a problem for the Church, but I would like to forestall any potential issues of unrest here, if at all possible." Sein's eyes widen and she nods jerkily.

"Yes, Father, I'll let her know. Hopefully someone will be there in a few days." Father Maurice sighs in relief and sags wearily.

"Thank you. I don't think it'll be a problem … but I'd rather we make the attempt than ignore it. Besides, it's about time a historian came here - they have stories and legends about the Sankt-Kaisers that I hadn't heard before coming here, so maybe they have other information that we can use to learn more about the Sankt-Kaiser and her life and history …." He yawns widely and smiles sheepishly. "Er, sorry. I think I've had a bit too much excitement today. Is there anything else you wanted to ask?" You and Sein shake your heads.

"No, but thank you, Father Maurice. Maybe I'll see you again sometime." You grin as he shakes his head, and laugh when he yawns again. He waves goodbye and cuts off the transmission. Before you or Sein can say anything else, the terminal lights up again, showing the captain's own tired face.

"Flandre Scarlet?" Unless she's just been randomly activating terminals and asking for you, she must know you're here, so it's probably just a formality … but you should still respond.

"Yes, Captain?" She starts to speak several times before she shakes her head and looks right at you.

"Enforcer Harlaown will be resting for the duration of the trip. If you need anything, come see me." You tilt your head slightly to your right as you stare at the woman. If she feels the need to inform you of that, then it's probably an … 'official rest' that Fate is taking.

"… Understood, Captain." She holds your gaze for a moment before the terminal switches off again. Sein squirms uncomfortably.

"… Well, I'll just go back to my food - wouldn't do for it to get cold, huh?" She scoots back to her table - you're pretty sure her soup was already cold when you arrived - and you stare back at her with narrowed eyes. She must know, or at least suspect, something. The question is whether it's worth pursuing her for it or going after someone else.

What do you do?

[ ] Make Sein explain what she thinks is going on.

[ ] Make the captain explain what's going on.

[ ] Wait until you can talk with Fate and have her explain what happened.

[ ] Other?
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Sein's Revelation
[X] Make Sein explain what she thinks is going on.

You follow her back to her table and slide onto the bench across from her. She sighs resignedly and you nod. "You're here, and you seem to know something - at least, you think you know something. What do you think is going on?" She puts her spoon back the bowl and looks at you.

"Before I say anything, I want it to be clear that this is my impression of what's happening, based on what I know about Enforcer Testarossa and what's been going on." You start to nod, then cock your head to the side.

"… Everyone's been calling her 'Harlaown', though." Sein sighs.

"Yes. Fate …. Alright, so, about thirty-five years ago, the daughter of a woman named Presea Testarossa died in an accident. That girl was named Alicia, and Presea … obsessed about reviving her. About fourteen years ago, she finally activated a clone of Alicia - but it wasn't Alicia. She named that clone 'Fate' after the cloning project that she used to create the clone. And that cloning project was developed by Doctor Scaglietti." She runs her finger in circles on the table.

"… So is it this 'Presea' that sent out Tool or Doctor Scaglietti?" Sein shakes her head.

"Well, I don't think it was either of them. Neither gains anything by attacking the Church this way, and the Doctor is still in prison and Presea is supposed to be dead - fell into some kind of dimensional void. Of course, that does raise the question of where Tool came from, because only the research belonging to one of them would have been able to clone Alicia - or Fate - so well. And with all the spill-over from the trials …." You cock your head again as she stares down at the table; when she looks up after a few moments she frowns quizzically.

"What 'spill-over'? Is it anything I should know about?" She winces and puts a hand over her eyes. After a few seconds she takes a breath and sits up straight.

"Alright, so you at least heard about General Gaiz and his trial, right?" You nod slowly.

"It's the reason for the Bureau breaking up and all the fun times happening now." Sein screws her eyes shut before nodding reluctantly.

"… More or less. Anyway, some of the … more questionable decisions the Bureau made were made public. Including their recruitment of both Fate Testarossa and Hayate Yagami while covering up the precise details of their pasts. Oh, someone with the information and desire could have looked them up and put the pieces together, but the general … I don't think he attacked them - at least, from what I heard, he didn't attack them - but he definitely attacked the process that led to their joining the Bureau, and that included the fact that both were nearly involved in planetary-scale dimensional disasters." She pauses to consider her next statement.

"So the captain doesn't trust Fate and locked her up?" Sein's eyes widen and she shakes her head, paling.

"No, no! I … I don't think so!" You have to wonder how much of her denial is genuine and how much is a desire to stay free. "I mean, I said it earlier - Presea Testarossa is missing, presumed dead, right? So where did this 'Tool' person come from? Naturally, Fate is going to want to go find out, and the only way to keep her from going off on her own is to order her to stay confined and make sure her Device is locked out. She's a very good mage, after all, and she can do cross-dimensional teleportation. So if she found out where to go from Tool, she'd be able to go there." You blink twice and stare at Sein as she starts to calm down.

"So it's a matter of them not trusting Fate. The captain is afraid that she'll go back to helping her mother." Sein's jaw drops before you tap your chest. "I'm Fate's subordinate. One mage that doesn't know about me is not a threat. So the only reason the captain's actions make sense is if she's afraid that Fate will go to her mother to help her. Fate isn't stupid; she'd make sure to deal with me somehow, and she might be able to restrain me long enough for two powerful mages to deal with me in a more permanent fashion. Depending on how she worked it out, of course." Sein goes even whiter, somehow, and works her mouth uselessly. You tap your fingers together. Fate certainly seems happy with Admiral Harlaown, but if she has a chance to go back to her real mother, why wouldn't she take it? Especially if Presea was only missing and not verified to be dead? And the whole situation definitely isn't Fate's choice - even if she decided to put herself into isolation instead of staying with her sister, she would have told you instead of relying on the captain.

… So maybe you should break her out and then go see how Presea is doing.

What do you do?

[ ] Go talk to Fate.
- [ ] Tell the captain first.

[ ] Try to force the captain to go to Tool's home.

[ ] Hijack the ship and try to make Sein take you to Tool's home.

[ ] … Of course, you could be wrong about Fate; if she's the kind of person who would willingly leave her family without trying to help them, maybe you need to talk to someone about getting a different supervisor ….
Phone Call?
[X] Get a second opinion, see if you can raise Nanoha or Hayate on communications. They should have a better idea of events.

"… Anyway, come with me again." You swing away from the table and hop onto the floor; Sein sighs tiredly, but you hear her move to follow you back to the terminal. "I want to call someone on Mid-Childa. Make sure I'm doing everything right, and then help me find them, because I don't know their actual contact information." You tap at the terminal to wake it up. But who should you call? Probably someone who knows Fate well enough to tell you if she's being legitimately imprisoned or not, so either Nanoha or Hayate. … Of course, either of them has the problem of being friends with her, so they may simply defend her out of principle, but you don't really know anyone else you could ask, and they at least seem level-headed, so maybe they can give you a valid judgment.

"Er … are you sure that's a good idea? I mean, with the time differential …." You cock your head to the side - that hadn't occurred to you. Still … if you left in the morning, took twelve hours to arrive, and arrived in the early evening … Mid-Childa should still be in daylight, probably around noon. You glance at Sein.

"Shouldn't be a problem. And if it were, I can wait for them to wake up." She winces before nodding. You start the connection process like she told you, but when you try to actually send the connection, it gives you an error. And a command override.

"Uh … that's not supposed to happen. That -" The screen flickers, showing the captain's face. You cock your head to the side, almost horizontally. What does she want?

"… Officer Scarlet. … Sister." The captain's voice becomes temporarily frozen when she refers to Sein; did she have a bad experience with her and her family? She thaws slightly when she returns to looking at you - but only slightly. "You don't need to send your report; your superior will look at it when she wakes up. - You were planning to send your report to someone, weren't you? And not just playing around with my ship's equipment?" You blink twice and tilt your head so it's slightly angled on the other side.

"I wasn't playing around. I wanted to call someone to ask them their opinion on a matter of importance." You refrain from explaining what that particular matter is, of course - humans tend to become upset when they're told that they aren't trusted, or when you tell them that you're trying to figure out if you need to deal with them in a violent manner. The captain closes her eyes irritatedly anyway, then takes several deep breaths before opening them again.

"Something that I don't need to know about, of course. Well, if I don't need to know about it, it's not important enough for you to be bothering someone who might not even be home - or on-planet, for that matter. Moreover, if you want to use my ship's communications network again, you can come ask me. And, if I think you're going to call someone who isn't going to be bothered by your unannounced call or by the subject you want to discuss, I'll let you contact them. On that note, I would greatly appreciate it if you don't do anything that would cause alarm or concern in any of my crew." She takes a moment to control her breathing, but you can't tell how much of it is fear, how much anger, and how much is simple stress. "So, would you like to tell me who you wanted to call, and what you wanted to discuss with them?"

What do you do?

[ ] Tell her who you were going to call and why.

[ ] Refuse to explain.
- [ ] Go to sleep. It's irritating, but you don't seem to be able to make any headway on the matter.

[ ] Make up something, and bring up the issue after talking about it. (Write-in required)

[ ] Other?
Accusation and Explanation
[X] Tell her who you were going to call and why.

You look at the captain for a moment before shrugging. After all, she did say to see her if you wanted something. "I wanted to call either Nanoha Takamachi or Hayate Yagami - probably Hayate, since I'm pretty sure she's still on Mid-Childa and not off doing some mission elsewhere - to ask her about the current situation and whether or not I should trust that neither you nor Fate are untrustworthy." The captain simply stares at you, dumbfounded by your statement. To your side, Sein's expression turns to horror and her mouth opens and closes without a sound. After a long, long pause, the captain shakes her head.

"Could … could you explain that logic to me?" She sounds bewildered … and afraid. Which makes a good deal of sense, considering that the only person on the ship who might even be able to slow you down is currently out of commission and would need authorization to be able to fight you anyway. You shrug again.

"Well, to start with, there's a good argument to be made for us not actually completing the mission we were assigned to do. Yes, we've captured the individuals who actually attacked the Church - assuming there was only one team, of course, and not several - but the one who sent them out is still free. Since we aren't going after him right away, that leaves the possibility that he'll escape to continue attacking the Church through some other means. I could see the argument being made that it's more important to get the prisoners back to Mid-Childa than to go after their master, but I think that would be foolish. Which brings us to why we're going back to Mid-Childa, and why you informed me that Fate wouldn't be available for the trip and that I had to go through you, even though you aren't in my chain of command. Because from my perspective, you just imprisoned my superior officer and told me to report to you, which is usually a sign of treason on someone's part." You hold up one finger. "First, it's possible that you suspect Fate is a traitor. According to Sein, she and this Tool girl are both clones of another girl, and it could be that Fate is willing to try and reunite with her mother, who is the most likely source of Tool's existence. Of course, that sort of loyalty doesn't seem likely, given Tool's injuries - but that's why I wanted to talk with someone who knows Fate well, because they would know her best and should be able to tell me how she would react in this situation and what she would want."

You hold up a second finger. "Which brings up the second possibility. Again, we aren't going after the mastermind, and you've attempted to separate me from my superior officer and take her authority for yourself. I can only assume that we're actually heading back to Mid-Childa, after all, and I don't know anything about you. For all I know, you're in league with Carmilla's master and are taking advantage of Fate's current weakness and my apparent docility and … rule-abiding nature to score a coup. And to verify that, I would need to speak with an outsider on the subject." The captain stares at you after you finish talking, bewilderment plain for all to see. After several seconds she shakes her head again and, after several failed attempts, responds.

"So … you think that either Enforcer Harlaown or I intend to betray the Bureau?" You shrug and nod.

"Based on your apparent imprisonment of my superior officer in the current situation. According to Sein, there's also the possibility that you're imprisoning Fate so that she won't try something on her own, but given that her abilities are already restricted she wouldn't be able to do much on her own anyway." The captain slowly lowers her head into her hands and massages her temples tiredly. One of her crewmen calls softly to her, but she simply shakes her head before straightening up and looking at you.

"I … think I understand where you're coming from. If you're willing to listen, may I present my side of the story?" You wave your hand for her to continue. "Thank you. … To start, then - Enforcer Harlaown is not being imprisoned. After the full extent of - 'Tool's' - injuries were determined, she became distraught. She communicated with the girl telepathically, and she did learn the location of Carmilla's … 'husband'. Then she contacted Headquarters, gave a brief explanation of what happened, and requested that the mission be expanded to include going after him." The captain sighs. "… Her request was refused. She attempted to argue her case - based on Tool's information, the man has no defenses capable of stopping a basic Enforcement team, or even her currently restricted state - and was refused again. I was ordered to return to Mid-Childa with yourself, Enforcer Harlaown, and the prisoners, and Enforcer Harlaown was told that another ship would be assigned to complete the mission. She …." The captain trails off uncomfortably and looks down at her lap. "She did not take it well. As her own agitation was negatively affecting the girl, she decided to retire. I told her I would handle you so she wouldn't have to deal with anything else and she accepted my offer." She spreads her hands. "If you wish to review our communications or security footage, you may. If you wish to question either Enforcer Harlaown or - 'Tool' - I can have them woken for you. If you wish to communicate with someone on Mid-Childa - Headquarters, or someone who knows Enforcer Harlaown - that can be arranged." She stares levelly at you.

What do you do?

[ ] Thank her for the clarification and go to sleep.

[ ] Talk to Fate.

[ ] Continue calling Hayate.
- About?

[ ] Talk to someone at HQ about completing the mission.

[ ] Review the footage.

[ ] Other?
Talking to Headquarters
[X] Talk to someone at HQ about completing the mission.
- [X] Clarify that you do in fact believe her, but that you can't let a reasonable-sounding explanation after the fact dissuade you from verifying on principle.

You consider your options for a few moments, then nod to the captain. "Actually, I would like to speak with Headquarters, if that's possible. If whoever you and Fate spoke with is still there, that person would be preferable." The captain holds your gaze impassively for a moment, then sighs. You hold up a hand to forestall any response. "Don't get me wrong, please - I believe you're telling the truth about what happened. But I do want to clarify some things about what happened." Besides, it's not like you would be able to tell if this 'call to Headquarters' is actually happening until after you reach Mid-Childa and can verify that it did, in fact, happen and you weren't simply tricked by some technology or magic that makes it seem like you're talking with someone far away. The captain blinks and looks at you for a moment before nodding.

"Of course. Just wait, please; it could take a few minutes if he's stepped out for something." She doesn't sound like she believes you. You nod and glance at Sein; the girl seems to have forgotten her meal and is simply staring at you blankly. A shame Satsuki isn't awake, but even if you could wake her up and keep her awake, this isn't really important enough for her to learn from. The screen splits into two parts, the captain on one side and the other blank, but after fifteen seconds the captain frowns at something. Before she can say anything, the other screen flickers to life, showing an older man with greying blonde hair. "Admiral Tacoma! I wasn't expecting you to answer personally." The captain stiffens as she speaks, straightening to a more formal sitting position, and the man laughs.

"Ah, Captain Captain. At ease, please. When we got another communication from your ship so soon after the last, I thought it might be important enough to merit my attention from the start. What's on your mind?" The captain takes a breath and her eyes flick to the side, looking at you - she must have a split screen as well, and when she taps at something in front of her the admiral's eyes slide over, too, and his eyes widen in surprise. "Oh. Officer Scarlet, I believe? Or would you prefer that I call you something else?" You shrug carelessly.

"It doesn't matter to me, really. You're the one who talked with Fate? Is there anything I should be worried about with regards to that decision?" Tacoma frowns and glances at the captain, but a cough interrupts his response.

"I'll take care of this, Admiral. It was my decision, after all." Tacoma stiffens and the captain's eyes bug out and her mouth drops open. Then Tacoma's image is replaced by an ancient woman, hair gone silver with age. It's difficult to tell if her obvious exhaustion is due to her advanced age or if she's just been really busy lately, but she gives you a tired smile. "It's alright if I call you Flandre, right?" The captain shoots to her feet and salutes stiffly.

"Admiral Crowbel!" Not a name you remember, but Sein goes very pale and makes a curious whimpering noise, so she's probably someone important.

"Oh, sit down, Captain. It's not like this is a formal inspection - not that I've done one of those in years, anyway." She turns her attention back to you as the chastised captain sits back down. "So, young lady, what did you want to know?" You snort - she can't be much more than a fifth of your age, if that.

"You're the reason Fate had an emotional breakdown?" Sein and the captain both almost choke and stare at you in horror and outrage, respectively, but Crowbel simply nods calmly.

"Broadly speaking, yes. She wanted to go deal with Mister Trabant, and when she was told that was impossible, she reacted emotionally. As expected, of course, given that the girl Tool seems to have been subjected to quite severe abuse and torture over the years of her life so far, and that she seems to have been cloned directly from the remains of Alicia Testarossa. Therefore, from a strictly personal view, Enforcer Harlaown had good cause to go. Unfortunately for her, that isn't enough to justify altering the current mission to let her deal with Mister Trabant." She sighs and shakes her head. "In any case, there isn't any problem we have with the Enforcer, and we aren't going to censure her, or even make a note of this in her pubic record. She has ample cause to be upset, and I don't blame her for anything." You nod; Fate isn't in trouble, under arrest, or anything of the sort, just as the captain said. Of course, there is the issue of you leaving the job half-done ….

"I see. Now, about this - Trabant, you called him? Stopping him is my current mission, and I would very much prefer to minimize the risk of failure. By delaying the move against him, by sending a less powerful team, you are increasing the risk to my mission, by giving him time to escape or fortify himself." Crowbel sighs tiredly, but when she opens her eyes to look at you there is very little give in them.

"Frankly, Flandre, the only reason you and Enforcer Harlaown went on this mission to begin with is that Carim specifically went to her to begin with, and because we frankly didn't have anyone else. There has been discussion as to whether or not she deliberately waited to the last minute to ask for assistance, but I don't believe she's that callous with the lives of her people; like most of us in the Bureau, she genuinely believes in helping others. So there's one reason you and Enforcer Harlaown won't be moving to arrest Mister Trabant. Another is, in fact, the Enforcer's emotional attachment to the secondary objectives of the mission - the retrieval of Alicia Testarossa's remains and the whereabouts of any remains of Presea Testarossa - which could lead to her taking drastic measures. And you really aren't much better," she says, her gaze hardening even more. "We would very much like to avoid the sort of damage that you appear to casually inflict, and that Enforcer Harlaown might inflict in a state of charged emotion. This is going to be highly publicized, and any show of unnecessary force on our part could put public opinion even further against the Bureau, which we can't really afford." She sighs again and her shoulders slump. "And the third is simply that she is Enforcer Fate Testarossa Harlaown. Her past has been brought up - former criminal, artificial mage - and if she's linked at all to such a highly-publicized incident as this one will be, that's going to bring up those issues again." You snort again, more derisively.

"Propaganda. Your organization is so shaky that you can't afford to let someone retrieve the remains of her family because some people might complain that you're using resources effectively." The captain's eyes blaze in fury, but Admiral Crowbel sighs once more and nods.

"Cynical, but … essentially true. If it were up to just me, and I could pass judgment based on what I want, I'd let you go without a second thought, no need to bring back any bodies you don't want to. But it's not, and I can't. There's far more at stake than the desires of one washed-up old woman, an effective but not irreplaceable mage, and one charming little bloodthirsty monster. The Bureau's mission comes first." You glower at the screen and the withered old woman sitting at her chair.

What do you do?

[ ] Try to convince her to let you and Fate go after Trabant.

[ ] Go to sleep.

[ ] Other?

DM Note: Starting next Sunday (10 June), my schedule will change, which will necessitate a change in Quest update times. Right now, I think I'll move updates back five hours, to 5 PM US Central Time.
Back on Mid-Childa
[X] Go to sleep.

After a few seconds of glaring at the screen, you sigh and shrug. "Thank you for your time and honesty. I guess I'm done for now." You glance at Sein, still gaping at you. "I press this button to end the call, right?" She somehow goes even paler and her eyes widen in horror, and the captain practically squawks in outrage.

"That's it?!" Before you do anything more than raise an eyebrow at her - what did she want you to do? - Crowbel chuckles dryly.

"I'm so glad you're taking this as well as you are. If she needs it, feel free to tell Enforcer Harlaown about this conversation, please. I don't know how much it'll help, but it's something." You nod, then cock your head.

"Who are you, anyway? I heard 'Admiral Crowbel', but that doesn't mean anything to me on its own." She laughs heartily as the captain and Sein make strangled noises in their throats.

"Admiral Midget Crowbel, Bureau Chief of Staff. And don't worry about disconnecting, Captain can handle that." You nod. At least she's someone at the top of the Bureau, not just a public-relations flunky, which drains the irritation a little.

"Alright. Thank you again. Captain, I'll be going to sleep, so don't bother me unless it's something important." She bites down a no-doubt-tactless response and nods. You bow your head to Crowbel once more, glance at Sein, then turn away from the terminal and walk through the ship to the room you share with Satsuki. Her sleeping bag isn't closed - of course, there's no sun she needs to block out - and you brush her cheek lightly. Of course, she doesn't respond, and you slide between the sleeping bag and the wall, then snuggle up against her and go to sleep.

You study Fate as she stands in front of the teleporter. She looks almost fine, just a hint of tightly-controlled muscles in her face and a stiffness to her stance. Satsuki seems to notice it as well, because she gives you a quizzical glance. You shake your head slightly; you'll probably tell her at some point, but now is definitely not the right time. The teleporter lights up for a second time - they'd simply taken Tool right from the infirmary to wherever she's going, but you'd gotten no small amount of satisfaction from seeing Carmilla's terrified expression - and Fate steps through without hesitation. Satsuki takes a breath and waits for the technician to give her the sign to go through. When it's your turn, you nod politely to the captain and step into the teleporter.

It's bright inside the building, of course, and it seems you got a rather deserted part of the terminal. You can see people moving around past a glazed-glass partition, but right here it's virtually empty. Admiral Harlaown walks up to meet Fate, concern clear on her face.

"Fate? If you want, you can take a day of absence tomorrow. You can stay with me -" Fate loses control and stumbles forward to hug her mother, crying helplessly. Lindy wraps her arms around her and makes soothing noises, and you drag your gawking servant away from them to the other people in the room. Erio, Caro, Ginga, and Alph all stare at them for a moment, then Erio and Alph turn toward you.

"What happened?! If you did anything to hurt Fate, I'll -!" You glance at the familiar after she cuts off her whispered attempt at a threat. She's certainly loyal … but then again, they really don't know what's going on. Probably leaving it up to Fate to decide who to tell right now - if Crowbel was telling the truth, what happened is going to come out pretty soon, so you don't need to tell them anything. Especially not the kids.

"… You've been with Fate for a long time?" Alph blinks, taken aback by your apparent non-sequitur, then glares suspiciously.

"Longer than anyone else!" Good enough for you. You pull her toward you, then push her gently toward Fate and Lindy.

"Gently. It was rough for her." Her expression doesn't change much, but she hurries toward her master, and you watch as she reaches up to brush her fingers against Fate's arm. Fate looks down and wails before dropping to her knees and giving her familiar a hug that's more reminiscent of a death-grip than anything else. You turn back to the others; Ginga looks worried, but resigned. Caro simply looks like she wants to help but can't figure out what to do, but you can see Erio's mind working behind his eyes. Ginga clears her throat.

"Admiral Harlaown told me that I'm to take you and Satsuki back to Long Arch if you want to head there now. She didn't think anything else would happen for a day or two." You nod and glance at Fate again. The night isn't yet old, and you could probably teach Satsuki something if you wanted - and there is Sein's message for her sisters. But if Fate does want to bury herself in work instead of taking a day off, maybe you should stick around to make sure people treat her properly - she is your superior officer, after all.

What do you do?

[ ] Head back to Long Arch.
- [ ] Teach Satsuki.
- [ ] Tell Erio and Caro what happened before you leave.

[ ] Stay with Fate.

[ ] Other?
Staying with Fate
[X] Stay with Fate.

As she is right now, Fate doesn't look capable of doing anything, really, and everyone else here - except Ginga - is either family or something similar. So unless this building is completely empty right now, that means there's the possibility of people bothering Fate, and anyone trying to deal with them is going to be someone taken away from Fate for at least a short time. You look back at Ginga and shake your head. "We'll stay here for a little. Out of the way, of course." Your eyes slide over the children. Erio frowns at you, but Caro is still staring at Fate - and you finally notice that her little dragon is missing. Or at least not hanging around within arm's reach.

"What … what happened?" Caro finally looks at you, worry plain on her face. You tilt your head slightly, not sure how much you should tell them, and she and Erio both start getting angry when you delay your response. Ginga clears her throat, drawing your attention, and you look at her before walking a bit farther away from Fate.

"Unless it's something you've been ordered to keep quiet about, we're going to find out anyway, Flandre." Right, Crowbel did say something about this getting a bit of publicity, didn't she? You shrug and nod, then glance at Satsuki. She hunches her shoulders defensively, but you shake your head and smile at her before turning back to the others.

"It's not, and from what I was told, it's probably going to be in the news quite a lot once everything is in place. Hmm … well, what I think has her most upset is that she can't go finish the mission herself. We were sent out to stop an unknown group from attacking Church properties, and it turned out that one of the attackers was a clone of hers. Or another clone of the same person, I guess." Caro's eyes widen, but Erio stiffens and clenches his jaw. You cock your head and look at him - it's difficult to tell whether he's angry at you or at whoever was ordering the attacks. "She was taken into custody, but Fate was specifically told that she couldn't go after the mastermind and had to come back here, which is why she's so upset." Erio relaxes and looks down at his feet, meaning he probably was angry at you, but Caro turns toward Fate, and a few moments later she tugs at Erio's sleeve.

"Come on!" The boy is almost pulled off his feet as the girl rushes toward Fate. Admiral Harlaown waves briefly at you before turning back to her family. You keep watching until Erio reaches Fate and he and Caro half-drape themselves over her shoulders, then shrug and walk a bit farther away. Ginga follows you, sucking in her breath when your clones quietly slip out and dart for the exits.

"They're just going to keep watch and discourage anyone from bothering Fate. Unless we should make sure the cars are close enough?" She glances back at the huddled group and shakes her head.

"Admiral Harlaown knows what she's doing, and she knows Fate very well. They'll leave when she's ready." Your clones in position, like animated gargoyles perched well above the lighted streets, you take a seat on one of a row of chairs against the wall. Satsuki sits as well, after a few seconds of agitated looking about, but Ginga continues standing. "… I'm a bit surprised that Fate decided to come back now instead of finishing the paperwork and interviewing the prisoner. Or was that something she was ordered to do, too?" You shrug.

"Possibly. On the other hand, that girl is dying; on her own, I don't think she'd live more than a few days. So maybe Fate doesn't want to bother her, and doesn't remember the other prisoner." Ginga goes very still and you shake your head. "I didn't do anything, at least nothing like that. Admiral Crowbel said that the clone was subjected to both abuse and torture for years, and she rather looked like it." Ginga's eyes somehow widen even more, and Satsuki swallows and hugs herself. It seems she's still very empathetic, even toward strangers. You'll have to train her out of that, at least a little bit. It'll probably help with her willingness to fight, too. After a few more seconds, Ginga sits down next to you.

Fate finally rises from her huddle and starts walking more-or-less steadily toward the exit before she realizes you're still here and nearly stumbles. Alph glares at you from outside her line of sight, but you shrug it off and fly forward to meet her. "F-Flandre …." She doesn't look as terrible as you expected, given how long she was crying and wailing, but she's obviously not feeling too well, and you nod a greeting.

"I was staying to make sure no one bothered you and to make sure you got out without any problems." She smiles brokenly, and after several attempts to respond Admiral Harlaown puts a hand on her shoulder.

"Thank you for your support, Flandre. Fate will be taking tomorrow off, and the day after that she'll spend the morning on other duties, so you won't see her for a couple days. Have a good night." You curtsy, and Fate manages to nod her head before allowing herself to be led away. You watch them leave, making sure your clones are available in case anyone tries to ambush them - but they make it to a car, pile almost everyone into the back with Fate, and drive off. You dismiss your clones and look at Ginga as she walks up to you.

"So, back to Long Arch?"

What do you do?

[ ] Head back to Long Arch.
- [ ] Teach Satsuki.
- [ ] See what they have for more mundane entertainment.

[ ] Other?
Return to Long Arch
[X] Head back to Long Arch.
- [X] Teach Satsuki.

You bob your head eagerly. "Yep! Come on, Satsuki!" You hurry outside ahead of them, eager to get to Long Arch - oh, that's right! "Hey, Ginga. Did anyone come by about the piano?" She frowns and shakes her head.

"I don't think so. A letter came for you, though. If I'd been there when they told me to come pick you up, I'd have brought it." You scowl grumpily, but at least something came. It's just waiting for you to go see it ….

"Satsuki, you sit up front." She looks at you nervously, but you simply grin and gesture around the parking lot. "It's your first time going around the city, right? You can see more from the front." She looks stunned for a moment, before you open the door and start pushing her toward it. Once she's in and buckled up, however, she smiles warmly at you.

"Thank you, Flandre-sama." You stick your tongue out at her, making her giggle, and slip into the back seat. You catch Ginga giving you an odd look - but it's not like you really care about being able to see things from the car, and you've seen most of this before, anyway. Still, she helps by giving Satsuki a bit of history and a mini-tour of what you drive past. And Satsuki seems to enjoy it a lot as well, constantly looking around. All good things come to an end, though, and Ginga finally pulls into the parking lot. "Thank you, Ginga-san!" Once they're both out of the car, Satsuki bows to Ginga before scurrying behind you.

"It was my pleasure, Satsuki." The three of you walk into Long Arch, and you're somewhat surprised to see that the prisoners are awake. Cinque smiles at Ginga and shakes her head.

"Good morning, Sergeant Nakajima. You get to settle another bet." You glance at them in turn before finally raising an eyebrow at Ginga. She sighs.

"No, I didn't bring another movie. You'll have to wait a bit longer." Wendi whoops and raises her arms victoriously.

"Hah! Your turn to clean up again!" Nove scowls at her sister and makes a threatening gesture that Wendi laughs off. Oh, yes, you had something to say, didn't you? You clap your hands to get everyone's attention.

"I have a message for you three. I met Sein on the mission," you begin, and Cinque's face tightens warily. "She said that she's fine - she's working for the Church - and she asked me to tell you that Otto and Deed would be getting released soon." For some reason, the news doesn't seem particularly well-received: Cinque and Wendi both look at Nove, who pales and looks shocked before refusing to meet your own gaze and staring at the floor instead. You glance at Ginga, who stares at you inscrutably, before Cinque coughs to attract your attention.

"Thank you, Flandre." Her expression isn't quite as unreadable as Ginga's, but she doesn't look terribly happy about something. You look her in the eye, look meaningfully at Nove, and return to Cinque, raising an eyebrow. She at least looks embarrassed, but doesn't say anything, and you turn back to Ginga. Whatever.

"You said I got a letter?" She nods after a moment.

"It's up in your room." You grin.

"Yes! Okay, Satsuki, meet me in the kitchen, I'll be right there." You dash away, leaving the cyborgs to whatever drama is deciding their lives right now. You burst into your room and tear open the letter. It's not quite everything you could have hoped for, but it's close - everything but the sound board will be ready tomorrow, and they should be able to get a sound board here the day after tomorrow. It won't be quite a perfect fit for your piano, necessitating some modification by a technician, but if all goes well then in two days you'll have a functioning piano! You check the dates again, then squeal delightedly - today is when everything but the sound board should be ready, and tomorrow is when everything should be arriving! … The letter also has the price for everything, which makes you wince, but since the Bureau was kind enough to back-pay you for your previous time, it's not really a problem. Just annoying. Still, tomorrow you should have a piano! Humming cheerfully to yourself, you make your way to the kitchen, where you surprise Satsuki by launching yourself at her and swinging her around in a hug.

"Aaahhh … Flandre-sama? Is everything alright?" You giggle and set her down, continuing to fly around so you're at her head height instead of walking.

"Yep! Everything's going just fine. Anyway, we're going to work on something practical today, and that's cooking. We'll start with something simple - almost the simplest form of 'cooked' food, in fact. It's called 'something in a pot.'" You take out a large pot and fill it with water, then head into the food storage and grab some chicken meat. You hand it to her and she looks at it warily. "Now, put it in the pot, then put the pot on the stove and turn it on." She follows your instructions and you clap happily. "Yay! And then you just wait until it boils and cooks, and that's how you make stuff." She looks at the pot, then gives you a confused look.

"But … that's it?" You grin and shrug.

"Technically, yes, but not really. You add things so that it tastes good, and that's what cooking is. You take ingredients and mash them together until it works. But lets leave this to boil for a while and come back in here." You head back to the storage area again. "Most people have similar enough tastes that you can just make something that applies to everyone pretty well and they'll agree on what it tastes like - and, usually, about whether or not it tastes good. That's where recipes come in; they're collections of what people agree tastes good." You scan the shelves. "But if you're cooking for specific people, keep in mind what they like. Take me, for example - if you were cooking for me, would you add garlic if the recipe called for it?" She shakes her head vigorously.

"Of course not! It's not good for you." You chuckle.

"Really? A shame, I love garlic. It's so delicious … I'm not sure Sakuya even buys it, because if she did Remilia and I would make her add it to everything." She stares at you and you laugh again. "Of course, you're right. It is bad for us and we shouldn't eat it. In small quantities it doesn't affect us, and even with larger amounts it's hard to poison us effectively, but that's just because we're really strong. Anyway, the point I was getting toward is that following recipes exactly is probably a mistake, because they don't fit everyone. If a recipe calls for a thickening agent of some kind, you might want to add less of it for a more liquidy result, or more of it for something more solid. Recipes are good for a base, because someone else did the hard work of finding something that people will probably like, but when you're making something, you need to consider whether any given ingredient is necessary for success, and how much to add." You look meaningfully toward the kitchen.

"So … we are going to add something?" You grin.

"You are, yes. I'll be watching and critiquing if necessary. So, what do you think should be added?" She looks around the room.

"Umm … some kind of seasoning?" You laugh.

Eventually, you end up with some pretty good chicken. Satsuki keeps the seasoning light, allowing the consumer to add something later if desired. Salt, pepper, and a bit of a brownish spice that tastes a lot like paprika. As the two of you sit down to eat it, you continue talking to her about differences in tastes and other reasons for changing recipes.

What do you do?

[ ] Start teaching Satsuki something else.
- What?

[ ] Find Cinque and ask her what's wrong with Nove.

[ ] See what mundane entertainment is available.

[ ] Other?

DM Note: It kind of stops because I can literally not think anymore right now. Reminder that starting tomorrow updates will be at ~5 instead of ~12.
Seeking Entertainment
[X] See what mundane entertainment is available.
- [X] With Satsuki

Meal finished, you grin and clap your hands. "Okay, clean-up time!" This, at least, Satsuki already knows how to do - if she's not as efficient and thorough as you are, it's only through lack of experience.

"Are you going to teach me something else tonight, Flandre-sama?" You tap your lips for a moment, then shake your head.

"Nope! Let's go see what kind of fun things there are here." She follows you as you start leaving the kitchen, head cocked curiously.

"Fun things?" You bob your head and spin around so you're walking backward.

"Yep! In case I can't take you with me somewhere and you want to play something, or if it's raining and I can't go outside. Fun stuff!" Fortunately, you already have a good idea of where to start, and you head toward the room where Nove and Wendi were playing that 'game' involving cars crashing into things. When you get there, you find Wendi already inside, playing a different game - this one seems to be nothing more than matching patterns displayed on the screen. You knock on the door to get her attention.

"Nove, just tell her. The longer you put it off, the worse it'll …." She trails off as she turns away and sees not her sister, but you and Satsuki standing at the door. She stares at you, face locked in a rictus grin of embarrassment, then shakes her head. "Um, can I help you with something?" The screen behind her lets out an angry tone and she jumps, startled. "Damnit! Um, sorry." You brush it off and walk into the room, looking around. There are a few likely-looking cabinets against the wall - but as long as you have someone here who can help you, why shouldn't you use her?

"What games do you have around here?" She stares at you for a moment before blinking and shaking her head.

"… Um, games? Ahh …." You nod, then shrug.

"Or any other fun things to do to pass the time. It sounded like you don't have any movies." That seems to be something she can focus on, and she nods.

"Yeah, at least, nothing long-term. Ginga brings some stuff sometimes - I think we've actually got a couple that she hasn't taken back yet. Let me see …." She glances at the screen, shakes her head at her defeat, and walks to one of the cabinets. You and Satsuki follow her, standing over her shoulders as she sits on the floor. "Um, let me … yep. Right, I don't recommend this one - it's some big-hit culture film from some other planet, but it's literally a flower. I don't know if there's some context we missed, but it's literally just two hours of watching a particular flower in a field. And then someone steps on it. I don't know how Cinque didn't sleep through it. This is about a group of high-schoolers trying to put a band together. I don't think it was bad, but Nove was in a bad mood when we watched it and wouldn't stop complaining. And this is about some guy getting recruited to help save some other group from raiders. Well, except he dies halfway through. It's actually pretty good - lots of budget to show magic and stuff." She closes the cabinet and slides over to another, but pauses with her hand on the handle and takes a deep breath. "Um, I'm sorry about … in the kitchen. Before. It's just … I was looking forward to doing something for Cinque and Nove, and then you were just there, and Dieci still has nightmares about you, you know? Cinque wants us to at least try to get along with you, but she's … she's so grown-up, you know? She can …." She trails off, wringing her hands in front of her. Even though she can't see you, you nod.

"And you haven't heard much about me that isn't about my violence." Satsuki looks back and forth between you.

"… Well, we heard a bit from Miss Lu and Agito, when they got to talk with us, but … yeah." And unless they left out a lot, they'd have had a lot to say about your violence, too. "A-anyway, with Nove and me, a lot of it's stress and worry, because everything's gone upside-down. We're trying, it's …." You grin.

"It's just that I'm me." Wendi nods silently, and you pat her shoulder. If it makes things smoother for you, less of a hassle, there's no reason you can't 'at least try'.

"A- … anyway. We've got some video games - some head-to-head racing, pattern and puzzle games - but they're pretty basic. Nothing with a real story, it's mostly just stuff to keep your hands busy. Lot of board games, for some reason. Most are just some variant of 'go around the big shape and do managing things' - I think Ginga said someone called them 'Monopoly clones', or something, but I don't think anyone knows what they were talking about. Some strategy and diplomacy games - controlling a country and trying to get a certain win condition, or building up some fantasy army from the ground up and becoming the winner either by beating everyone or doing some other absurd thing. And some of those really look interesting, but they're actually designed to be played over a long time or with a large group. So we haven't gotten much use out of them. And then there's music." Your wings twitch and you cock your head.

"Music?" She nods and finally looks up at you.

"Oh, yes. So much music. I don't know who set it up, but the music library here is gigantic. If you played them one after the other without stopping, you would be listening for centuries." Satsuki moans at the thought; you can't help but wonder if there's a youkai for cataloging music somewhere in Gensokyo. "And there's a news channel, but that's not really entertainment. Cinque makes us watch it, though."

What do you do?

[ ] Ask Wendi to show you:
- [ ] Some of the board games.
- [ ] Some of the video games.
- [ ] One of the movies.
- - [ ] The flower.
- - [ ] The band.
- - [ ] The fighting movie.

[ ] Thank her for taking the time to explain things and leave.
- [ ] Teach Satsuki something else.

[ ] Other?

DM Note: If you want to teach Satsuki something, you'll get about half a lesson done before she has to sleep.
Looking at Games
[X] Ask Wendi to show you:
- [X] Some of the board games.

"Hmm … if it's not too much of a bother, would you mind showing us the board games? Or at least where they are?" You try to make it very clear that it's a real request, and you won't hold it against her if she refuses, but you see her hold herself very still for a moment before letting out her breath and nodding.

"… Yeah, I guess I can. Cinque would probably be more help, but she's sleeping right now." She smiles wanly and shrugs. "Come on, they're in another room." You glance at the screen, still frozen with a 'Try Again' question, then follow her to the room where Ginga and Cinque played their tower-collapse game. Wendi walks over to one of the walls and turns an innocuous handle - then slides the entire wall to the side, revealing a rather spacious closet.

"Wow! So many …." You nod, agreeing with Satsuki and walk up to the closet. Wendi nods.

"Yeah, that's a lot. I mean, there are a good forty of those 'clone' games alone, with slightly different rules - how many spaces there are, what you do with the 'properties', how you move, and so on. Not counting different versions of the same game, of course. And here in the middle we've got some pretty quick and easy games." She makes a face at one of the boxes and tosses it aside. "Well, usually pretty easy. A couple of them are pretty heavily-stacked in favor of one side or the other. And Cinque is way, way too good at that puzzle-question game." She pulls down another box and opens it up. "Let's see … 'There is an ancient invention still used in some parts of the world today that allows people to see through walls. What is it?'" She makes a face and shakes her head. You glance at Satsuki and put your hand over your face when you see her struggle with the question.

"Hm. So is that one just questions?" Wendi nods.

"Yeah. I mean, there are points and technically you're moving along a path, but really it's just asking questions of varying difficulty until one side gives up." She takes out another small box. "This one's pretty fun, though. Basically simulates a duel. Depending on the character you have, you can use certain moves and stances, and maybe some special abilities. Nove's actually really good at it as long as she doesn't get upset. But like I said, there are some games that are designed for long-term gameplay or bigger groups. Like … this." She hauls a rather large blue box with the word Gigant on the front and sides out from the floor of the closet and carries it over to a table. You float up so you can look over her shoulder as she opens it, and Satsuki watches from across the table. "Basically, it's some - ah, weird imitation of the Sankt-Kaiser Unification Wars. You pick a faction and build up your armies, then try to win the game. How you do that - well, you can beat everyone else. There's also a Lost Logia that you can try to control, but with the power limitations on the players, basically the only way to do that is to cooperate with someone else - and there's no guarantee that either of you will survive the battle anyway. She takes a folded-up piece of board out of the box and spreads it over the table. You slide over to study it.

"So you travel between worlds, which have their own effects in play, and you fight on different terrain boards depending on the geography of the planet in question, which affects your troops differently, and you have to manage logistics and transportation …." You sigh and shake your head - you got fed up enough with all that just thinking about perfectly normal humans in a small part of one world!

"Yep! I mean, it's actually really simple, just … a lot of stuff to keep track of. And there are rules for what happens if you forget something. And some of the factions are stronger than others - the Belkans get the Cradle, for example, so they aren't reliant on a home planet, and fighting them where the Cradle is gets really hard if they build up at all." She shrugs. "It's not particularly historically accurate, though - half the factions are completely made up, and most of the others are only loosely related to the historical reality. But the guy who gets to use the army made up entirely of replicating dragon-robots seems pretty fun to play as, and there's an army that leaves the worlds it conquers lifeless husks that other players get no use from. You can't really mix-and-match units a whole lot, but there are rules for mercenary characters." She shakes her head. "And Ginga said there's a, ah … modern version that's more focused on getting the Lost Logia, because some of the players actually play the part of Bureau agents and others play the part of dimensional criminals. We don't have that one, but it's apparently more focused on cooperation between the Bureau members, and doesn't have as much of a 'critical failure' point as this one does." Satsuki clears her throat nervously, and hunches her shoulders when you and Wendi look at her.

"Um … um, do you have any games that are … just cooperation?" Wendi smiles and nods.

"Yep. We do, actually, and there's a good one that we haven't played much because it's designed for a six-player minimum. Hmm …." She ambles back to the closet and takes out a green box. This one actually has a cover, showing a walled city in a storm, and is apparently called Stormwrack. "Basically, you run this city that's isolated by some weird magical storm. And as resources start dwindling - well, the game starts with you allocating resources to different areas, like social services, military, luxuries, and finding out what's causing the storm. And after a couple turns … something starts happening. Depending on what bad guy you get, you see." She grins and shakes her head. "And different threats require different responses - something that's just trying to overrun the city is going to need different resources than one that tries subverting the population. But you're supposed to cooperate, based on what the character card you have says you know and care about." You nod.

"And I suppose that last part is what makes keeping track of different characters per person tricky? Because you have to argue against yourself if they have opposing beliefs and goals." She nods.

"Yeah. Ginga's actually pretty good at it, but even she gets tripped up sometimes." She stretches. "And there are a few games that aren't really either cooperative or combative. There's one where you're basically different countries with different resources, and you're all trying to build some particular building or monument. And you need to trade with other people, because you don't have the resources to build the monument on your own, but it's still a race to build it first. I'm not sure it's really balanced well - either that, or there's something we're missing." You nod and look back at the closet - there are still a lot of games you could look at - then turn back to Wendi.

"Thank you for showing us where to find them. When we're done, we just it all back in the closet?" She blinks, then relaxes a bit and nods.

"Yeah. If there's anything you particularly want to play, you can just leave it out. I'll just go back to my game, then. Unless there's something else …?" You shake your head and bow politely.

"Thank you again." She nods and withdraws, not quite fleeing … but definitely relieved to get away from you. You shrug and float back to the closet. The games seem to be separated by number of players, which is as good a method as any. "So, Satsuki, what do you think? Is there anything you want to play?" You smile at her.

"You mean … right now?" You shrug.

"Or later - I mean, we'd have to make sure we know the rules, and it's getting a bit late for anything complicated." She nods and slowly walks over to the closet, looking helplessly at all the different games - and when she turns a pained expression toward you, you smack your forehead. "Right … I'm sorry, I forgot you can't read this. It's not your fault, Satsuki," you say forcefully as she starts to look down at the floor. You jab her with your index finger and she squeaks.

What do you do?

[ ] Have her tell you what kind of game she wants to play, and you'll find some that seems appropriate and copy down the rules for her.

[ ] Apologize again and ask her to think it over, and tomorrow you can go through the games with her.

[ ] Put everything away for now and go do something with Satsuki.
- What?

[ ] Other?