Fate's Party V
Entropy Judge
Recurring Bouts of Misanthropy
[X] Sing.
- [X] Something Flan knows.
"Oh, fine, I'll sing something." Satsuki claps happily behind you. "Just give me a few minutes to figure out what I want to sing." Fate frowns.
"Are you sure? You don't have to …." You wave her off and she sighs. "Alright, alright. I look forward to hearing you sing." You smile as you start considering what you want to do. There are so many, after all. "Come on, Hayate." She pulls her friend away from you, toward where Nanoha is singing.
"Yes, yes." You shake your head when you see them standing there, Fate still holding onto Hayate like she's keeping her from fleeing.
But what should you sing? It'll probably have to be something that works unaccompanied; it's possible they have the music for songs you know, but it's not really likely, unless they just have all of Earth's music available somehow. With that in mind … Der Taucher would be a good one, dealing as it does with human bravery and stupidity, but it's also longer than what's been sung tonight, and if only a few people here know German or Belkan you'll probably just bore them long before you reach twenty minutes regardless of how well you sing. If you had a piano … well, one that works, anyway. Done is done, though. That also rules out Das Lied von der Glocke, although that isn't as interesting a song anyway. Unless you like making bells, anyway. Maybe the Schwertlied, or Lützow's Wild Hunt? Or something from Faust ….
Nanoha finishes her song to applause, while you're thinking and Fate pushes Hayate forward. When she replaces Nanoha she sticks her tongue out at the Enforcer, leading to some laughter. After a moment, though, she composes herself and stands up straight and starts singing, a slow, mournful piece rather than something energetic like Nanoha's song. Well, that's helpful, at least - you don't have to sing something quick or happy … maybe something from Die Winterreise or Die schöne Müllerin? You hop out of the chair and scurry toward Fate, tapping her arm when you reach her. She glances down at you and you smile, nodding. You have your song in mind; maybe it's not the best song for the occasion, but it's also not unfitting. And it works perfectly well without accompaniment, too. And then Hayate finishes, again to general applause, and you step forward to take her place. She smiles and bows politely; you curtsy back and turn to face the assembly.
And then you start to sing Abschied. It would, of course, work even better with a piano accompaniment, but that's hardly a requirement. You make up for it somewhat with your movements and gestures, making sure your face never slips into the melancholy that lurks beneath the surface of the song's lyrics. That you don't change your voice too much helps - a deeper voice could add to the sadness quite easily, but your own clear and piping voice makes it sound as though the song is sincere. A song of farewell, of refusing to give in to unhappiness at being forced to leave, forcing oneself to remain in good cheer. Of course, most people here don't speak anything resembling German, but you see Carim frowning thoughtfully at you. And then you suddenly stop, having come to the end of the song, and the end of the farewell. There's a brief hesitation due to people being unsure as to whether you actually are finished or not, but then you curtsy and they start clapping. Fate lets it go on for a bit, then gestures for you to come back, and her mother steps up to replace you. Satsuki only finishes clapping when you get close to her and motion for her to stop.
You turn around to pay attention to the admiral's singing … which probably isn't bad, exactly, but certainly isn't anywhere near the quality of her predecessors. Maybe that was the point? Get the good singers to go first so people don't get a let-down at the end when their efforts are blown out of the water? And with the good singers having gone first, everyone else should be relaxed enough to sing their own best. Of course … leaving right now would probably be taken poorly, even though you weren't forced into singing. If nothing else, it could be taken as not wanting to listen to people who aren't good at singing. You look around for anything interesting, but apart from the dragon sitting on the railing there isn't really anything. Everyone seems to be clustered around this end of the balcony, listening to the singers. Of course, that is a dragon, tiny as it is. It looks at you and tilts its head to the side. You shake your head and look back at Lindy; the dragon looks like an overlarge chicken now that you've had a good look at it.
What do you do?
[ ] Stay and listen to the rest of the songs.
- [ ] Sing something else.
- - [ ] Random selection.
- [ ] Make Satsuki sing something.
[ ] Leave the party.
- [ ] Go find Ginga and the Numbers.
- - [ ] Bring cake.
- [ ] Go teach Satsuki.
- - [ ] Politics.
- - [ ] Etiquette.
[ ] Other?
DM Note: Abschied sung by Ditrich Fischer-Dieskau.
- [X] Something Flan knows.
"Oh, fine, I'll sing something." Satsuki claps happily behind you. "Just give me a few minutes to figure out what I want to sing." Fate frowns.
"Are you sure? You don't have to …." You wave her off and she sighs. "Alright, alright. I look forward to hearing you sing." You smile as you start considering what you want to do. There are so many, after all. "Come on, Hayate." She pulls her friend away from you, toward where Nanoha is singing.
"Yes, yes." You shake your head when you see them standing there, Fate still holding onto Hayate like she's keeping her from fleeing.
But what should you sing? It'll probably have to be something that works unaccompanied; it's possible they have the music for songs you know, but it's not really likely, unless they just have all of Earth's music available somehow. With that in mind … Der Taucher would be a good one, dealing as it does with human bravery and stupidity, but it's also longer than what's been sung tonight, and if only a few people here know German or Belkan you'll probably just bore them long before you reach twenty minutes regardless of how well you sing. If you had a piano … well, one that works, anyway. Done is done, though. That also rules out Das Lied von der Glocke, although that isn't as interesting a song anyway. Unless you like making bells, anyway. Maybe the Schwertlied, or Lützow's Wild Hunt? Or something from Faust ….
Nanoha finishes her song to applause, while you're thinking and Fate pushes Hayate forward. When she replaces Nanoha she sticks her tongue out at the Enforcer, leading to some laughter. After a moment, though, she composes herself and stands up straight and starts singing, a slow, mournful piece rather than something energetic like Nanoha's song. Well, that's helpful, at least - you don't have to sing something quick or happy … maybe something from Die Winterreise or Die schöne Müllerin? You hop out of the chair and scurry toward Fate, tapping her arm when you reach her. She glances down at you and you smile, nodding. You have your song in mind; maybe it's not the best song for the occasion, but it's also not unfitting. And it works perfectly well without accompaniment, too. And then Hayate finishes, again to general applause, and you step forward to take her place. She smiles and bows politely; you curtsy back and turn to face the assembly.
And then you start to sing Abschied. It would, of course, work even better with a piano accompaniment, but that's hardly a requirement. You make up for it somewhat with your movements and gestures, making sure your face never slips into the melancholy that lurks beneath the surface of the song's lyrics. That you don't change your voice too much helps - a deeper voice could add to the sadness quite easily, but your own clear and piping voice makes it sound as though the song is sincere. A song of farewell, of refusing to give in to unhappiness at being forced to leave, forcing oneself to remain in good cheer. Of course, most people here don't speak anything resembling German, but you see Carim frowning thoughtfully at you. And then you suddenly stop, having come to the end of the song, and the end of the farewell. There's a brief hesitation due to people being unsure as to whether you actually are finished or not, but then you curtsy and they start clapping. Fate lets it go on for a bit, then gestures for you to come back, and her mother steps up to replace you. Satsuki only finishes clapping when you get close to her and motion for her to stop.
You turn around to pay attention to the admiral's singing … which probably isn't bad, exactly, but certainly isn't anywhere near the quality of her predecessors. Maybe that was the point? Get the good singers to go first so people don't get a let-down at the end when their efforts are blown out of the water? And with the good singers having gone first, everyone else should be relaxed enough to sing their own best. Of course … leaving right now would probably be taken poorly, even though you weren't forced into singing. If nothing else, it could be taken as not wanting to listen to people who aren't good at singing. You look around for anything interesting, but apart from the dragon sitting on the railing there isn't really anything. Everyone seems to be clustered around this end of the balcony, listening to the singers. Of course, that is a dragon, tiny as it is. It looks at you and tilts its head to the side. You shake your head and look back at Lindy; the dragon looks like an overlarge chicken now that you've had a good look at it.
What do you do?
[ ] Stay and listen to the rest of the songs.
- [ ] Sing something else.
- - [ ] Random selection.
- [ ] Make Satsuki sing something.
[ ] Leave the party.
- [ ] Go find Ginga and the Numbers.
- - [ ] Bring cake.
- [ ] Go teach Satsuki.
- - [ ] Politics.
- - [ ] Etiquette.
[ ] Other?
DM Note: Abschied sung by Ditrich Fischer-Dieskau.