[X] Go with her.
- [X] Curious, taking notes about new magic to give to Patchouli will probably distract Patchouli from you using the gate things. Hopefully.
- [X] You're a vampire, not a magical girl, who's looking for a tough monster to slay while on vacation. Because you don't get good monster fights around your mansion normally.
You think to yourself for a moment, then decide you might as well go with her. She's not a bad sort, for an uncouth magician, and she's still your best bet for finding powerful youkai to fight, since searching has never really been something you're good at. You grin and nod your head vigorously, and Kyouko sighs before looking around the room a bit. She shakes her head, then turns and walks out the shattered door and into a very clean hallway. She's walking a bit fast, so you fly along behind her until you get to a large, vertically-split door. Kyouko presses a button and the doors slide into the walls; the two of you get in, she presses another button, and the doors close and the small room starts to move down. You drop your flight in order to avoid being pressed against the ceiling, and Kyouko glances at you.
"Never been in an elevator before?" You shrug and shake your head, and she sighs. "Well, whatever, don't do that flying crap when we're outside. Most people aren't around this time of day, but it wouldn't be good for anyone to see you just floating along. You've got legs; use 'em." A few moments later, the downward motion stops, and the two of you leave the elevator. You have to trot a little to keep up with Kyouko, but it's not too much effort - it just makes you grumpy.
You step outside, and the first thing you do is open your parasol and sling it behind you, handle thrust forward. The sun is still up, and you're pretty sure it'll be hours before dusk sets in. It's a little hard keeping up with Kyouko now that you have a parasol, but it's doable, and you're much more comfortable. You keep an eye out for anything strange or interesting, but it's all just buildings, tall with lots of glass, the occasional carriage or person on the street giving you an odd glance they think you don't notice. Eventually the two of you stop at one building, and Kyouko stares nervously at one of the upper floors. You glance at her, then the building, then back at her.
"Which room is she meeting us in?" Kyouko blinks and looks down at you.
"Huh? She's only got one apartment," she says. You frown; that the building is home to many individuals would explain why there are so many doors and windows leading outside, but it seems strange for a magician to live in the company of so many humans. In any case, Kyouko sighs again and begins walking up the stairs; without anything better to do, you simply follow her, and it's not long before you're standing in front of one door - a small plaque says 'Mami Tomoe,' so you suppose that's the name of the resident. Kyouko hesitantly starts to knock, then simply opens the door and walks in. She kicks off her shoes, and you take off your own and lean your parasol in the corner as you enter. "Mami?"
"Come in, Sakura-san," you hear. So - Kyouko Sakura; you file that name away for future reference. Maybe Remilia or Patchouli can do something to learn more about her when you get back. The two of you walk a bit further into the room, and you see two other people - a slightly older blonde girl, and a blue-haired girl. There's a strange white creature, vaguely catlike, sitting on the blue-haired girl's lap, and it locks eyes with you for several seconds before turning away. Kyouko steps away from you to lean against a wall, and the blonde girl stares at you for several seconds, smiling pleasantly.
"Good afternoon, Flandre-chan," she says, and you smile and curtsey in response.
"Good afternoon, Mami-chan." That seems to take them all back a bit, but Mami recovers quickly.
"Well, I suppose we should get down to business, then. How long have you been a Magical Girl, Flandre-chan? You are obviously very powerful, but you don't seem to understand much, and Kyubey-san doesn't recognize you at all." She tilts her head, frowning. "In addition, you are in your transformed state even when not fighting, and you seem to have many different Soul Gems. It is very strange." The white creature sits up, cocking its head and looking at you, then looks at Mami and curls up again. You frown; why would they think you're a magician?
"Well, I'm not a witch, I'm a vampire," you begin. You see everyone tense with your first statement, but you're already tilting your head to look at Kyouko. "Didn't I tell you? I'm just looking for some fun, because I'm not allowed to go out and have real fights at home." Her mouth works for a moment, then she shakes her head.
"Wait, a vampire? Like, sleeps in a coffin, drinks blood, can't stand garlic or crosses, can't enter a house without permission ... that kind of vampire?" She seems a bit nervous, and you shrug your shoulders.
"Pretty much, yeah. Is something wrong?" You turn back to Mami and the as-yet-unintroduced blue-haired girl. Mami has a yellow egg like Kyouko's out, and your eyes lock onto it. Maybe if you can figure out something, Patchouli won't be upset if you accidentally messed up some experiment of hers!
"A ... vampire .... Very powerful ... but child-like ...." She looks up at you, then picks up a short, flat thing with some buttons on it, and points it at a wall. "Flandre-chan, would you happen to know anything about this?" She presses one of the buttons, and part of the wall comes alive, showing pictures of a ruined building along the river. You instantly recognize it as the place you had a tantrum, and you break into a grin.
"Ah! That's where I first showed up! There was a really powerful thing that I felt, and I wanted to fight it, and then there was another powerful thing, and then everything changed - it wasn't rainy, the sun was up, and the two things were gone! I was so mad, I just had to break something."
"And if there had been people inside those apartments when you had that tantrum, would that have changed anything?" Mami's voice is soft now, and you look back at her.
"Of course not," you say. "Why should it? They're only humans." The room is deathly silent for a moment, then you squeal in surprise. Yellow ribbons shoot out from the walls, the floor, and the ceiling, tying up your arms and legs, even your wings! You decide that you're definitely going to have to get one of those magic eggs for Patchouli - being able to cast magic without a chant would be great for her - and then there's a flash of yellow light, and Mami is standing before you, a gun pointed at your chest.
"You will swear, right now, that you will not harm a single human in Mitakihara."
Well. That is ... unacceptable.
What do you do?
[ ] Write-in
Also, I'll need one d100 Roll. Call it "Intervention."
On the whole, telling people you're a blood-drinking monster doesn't go over too well. You have a few options here, but as the last line indicates, Flandre is utterly unwilling to go along with any idea that curtails her rights and freedoms as she views them. I'll try to notify any potentially problematic votes as soon as I can.
If you want to bargain, you'll need to list concessions you're willing to make, as well as items that are a no-deal. If you want to flee, I'll need an escape route and general thought process, or else you're putting yourself into my hands If you want to fight, keep in mind that it's daylight out - this is actually a dangerous place for Flan to fight.
[X] "Tell me where the giant monsters are, and I won't have a reason to kill any humans. No promises, but I'd at least try to not kill any humans... that don't bother me first."
-[X] "Besides, I've already seen how red here fights and even if you're twice as strong as her it still wouldn't be enough to hurt me... but it would make me mad. I'd have to break more things in repayment~"
--[x] Ready the clone magic in case a fight starts, and avoid damaging anything that'd let more sunlight in. A quick slaughter is the goal.
this is actually a dangerous place for Flan to fight.
and also just from experience both Mami and Kyoko are 100 years too early for Flan-( Granted Flandre spent a large amount of time locked in a basement but I doubt she is stranger to a battle). In other words even if Flan is "brought down to normal" just from sheer experience and age she wins Mami.
so [X] "Tell me where the giant monsters are, and I won't have a reason to kill any humans. No promises, but I'd at least try to not kill any humans... that don't bother me first."
-[X] "Besides, I've already seen how red here fights and even if you're twice as strong as her it still wouldn't be enough to hurt me... but it would make me mad. I'd have to break more things in repayment~"
--[x] Ready the clone magic in case a fight starts, and avoid damaging anything that'd let more sunlight in. A quick slaughter is the goal.
and also just from experience both Mami and Kyoko are 100 years too early for Flan-( Granted Flandre spent a large amount of time locked in a basement but I doubt she is stranger to a battle). In other words even is Flan is "brought down to normal" just from sheer experience and age she wins Mami.
[X] "Tell me where the giant monsters are, and I won't have a reason to kill any humans. No promises, but I'd at least try to not kill any humans... that don't bother me first."
-[X] "Besides, I've already seen how red here fights and even if you're twice as strong as her it still wouldn't be enough to hurt me... but it would make me mad. I'd have to break more things in repayment~"
-[X] "And even if you somehow do manage to hurt me... Well my sister would not take it kindly, and she is someone even i would think twice before crossing."
--[x] Ready the clone magic in case a fight starts, and avoid damaging anything that'd let more sunlight in. A quick slaughter is the goal.
Because really Flandre does not really care about humans in the city beyond a simple meal, so she wont go out of her way to kill them unless they bother her first, and yeah Flandre is ridiculously powerful so even Mami and Kyoko together wont be that bad of a fight. and the threat of a another vampire coming after them if they hurt us that will be even more powerfull than Flandre will probably dissuade Mami from hurting Flandre.
I can work with it ... mostly. The first part isn't quite lying, but Flandre doesn't really care for 'restraint,' and her feedings are going to be killing people. She can try to avoid killing people who don't deserve it (... as far as she's concerned ...).
That was to see if Kyubey was around and able to talk to us... if we got info dumped, that'd be great, but Flan's #1 goal is to get that giant Youkai for a fight. Or the other Magic thing.
I can work with it ... mostly. The first part isn't quite lying, but Flandre doesn't really care for 'restraint,' and her feedings are going to be killing people. She can try to avoid killing people who don't deserve it (... as far as she's concerned ...).
You can't blame poor old Flandre for defending herself from those guys who attacked her in alley. And maybe getting a snack out of it.
(Although she was baiting it but hey, it's nice when food comes to you, nice and easy.)
Although I do see Flandre being fine with 'restraining' herself if it's part of something fun she's doing and doesn't want to end it early or to show off in front of someone else... ectera. It's when someone else tries to make her do it, is when she gets 'annoyed' to put it mildly.
Although I do see Flandre being fine with 'restraining' herself if it's part of something fun she's doing and doesn't want to end it early or to show off in front of someone else... ectera. It's when someone else tries to make her do it, is when she gets 'annoyed' to put it mildly.
Here it'd be a case of the latter ... but in general, while Flan does know 'restraint,' that's still a massively high bar. She is not, for example, someone you want to spar with unless you're already high-tier, because even 'holding back' she'll take your arm off if you're not strong enough. It's really less a case of 'holding back' and more 'not fighting at full strength.' Flan's "fighting style" is a lot like Sayaka's - not a whole lot of skill, and relying a lot on overwhelming power. She can be tricky and subtle, but she doesn't know 'how' to fight. Remilia's significantly more dangerous not because she's more powerful, but because she has a lot more skill and experience, as well as a cooler head.
We probably should point out our diet at least, huh?
Flan is a powerful, powerful little girl. She doesn't like to hold back, because what's the point of doing something if you don't do it all the way? And if there's not point, then it's boring, and boring is just plain no fun.
Unrelated, I love how they immediately assumed our wings were Soul Gems.
...I wonder if we can make a contract. Something along the lines of "We want one of those Eggs; 'Kyubey' gave them their Eggs; Therefore, we should ask Kyubey for an Egg."
Here it'd be a case of the latter ... but in general, while Flan does know 'restraint,' that's still a massively high bar. She is not, for example, someone you want to spar with unless you're already high-tier, because even 'holding back' she'll take your arm off if you're not strong enough. It's really less a case of 'holding back' and more 'not fighting at full strength.' Flan's "fighting style" is a lot like Sayaka's - not a whole lot of skill, and relying a lot on overwhelming power. She can be tricky and subtle, but she doesn't know 'how' to fight. Remilia's significantly more dangerous not because she's more powerful, but because she has a lot more skill and experience, as well as a cooler head.
Well I've always viewed Sayaka as a master knife user, who uses Time Tricks to make up for the lack of power. All skill, one power to magnify it.
Where as Remilia's a good amount of both, and Flandre's the All Power, little skill.
Patchy is a Magus so she wins when she get's an hour prep time. All Power (Except when sick which is all the time), All Skill.
Still, I wonder what Intervention means? Kyubey? Homura? Patchy!?
They initially assumed Flan was some sort of anti-Walpurgisnacht, an amalgamation of Magical Girls (that was probably insane). Homura would have wondered whether she was a proto-Walpurgisnacht.
...I wonder if we can make a contract. Something along the lines of "We want one of those Eggs; 'Kyubey' gave them their Eggs; Therefore, we should ask Kyubey for an Egg."
Two problems, one of which was - subtly - indicated in the update: Flan, for whatever reason, can't hear Kyubey; and she also doesn't know who/what Kyubey is. Also, Flan is a vampire, and they take that 'will not break a contract' thing very seriously - she'd make sure to get the full details of just what she's getting into.
Meiling is obviously a dragon in human form who holds back even then to let people through to bother the mansion guests, because they need the bothering. It's not because she likes curling up in the warm sun or anything and napping.
Definitely not.
If we do go with mentioning the sister (Remelia), can we say it is Flandre's big sister. They already have an idea of how strong we are, and will likely get to see more of just how strong. Implying there is someone even bigger, more experienced, and just generally more dangerous/scary than we are that we have a personal connection to should really up our intimidation potential.
Meiling is obviously a dragon in human form who holds back even then to let people through to bother the mansion guests, because they need the bothering. It's not because she likes curling up in the warm sun or anything and napping.
Definitely not.
They initially assumed Flan was some sort of anti-Walpurgisnacht, an amalgamation of Magical Girls (that was probably insane). Homura would have wondered whether she was a proto-Walpurgisnacht.
Two problems, one of which was - subtly - indicated in the update: Flan, for whatever reason, can't hear Kyubey; and she also doesn't know who/what Kyubey is. Also, Flan is a vampire, and they take that 'will not break a contract' thing very seriously - she'd make sure to get the full details of just what she's getting into.
[X] These magicians think they can tell you what to do? They think they can curtail your freedom?! Unacceptable. Absolutely unacceptable.
-[X] Use strength to break free.
--[X] Four of a kind, maximum destruction.
[X] These magicians think they can tell you what to do? They think they can curtail your freedom?! Unacceptable. Absolutely unacceptable.
-[X] Use strength to break free.
--[X] Four of a kind, maximum
[X] These magicians think they can tell you what to do? They think they can curtail your freedom?! Unacceptable. Absolutely unacceptable.
-[X] Use strength to break free.
--[X] Four of a kind, maximum destruction.