While materialized? No, I don't think so. In astral form?
He might actually. I'd have to check. Certainly he ain't moving around by physical force in that form, as a spirit he may not be bound to gravity.
And it's not like Flan stays in the air all the time. Archer, and every other Servant, is plenty fast on their own anyway.
You mean besides shooting her? Because Archer? It's right in his name?
Well, he can jump pretty good, if memory serves. Certainly Saber pretty much ran straight up a skyscraper while fighting Rider, and right now Archer has comparable Agility to Saber.
Also come to think of it, Rin still has two Command Seals, so she could get Archer to save her, or spite us with her last breath by commanding him to kill us. Which, considering his arsenal and Command Seal boosted actions, will probably be rather successful.
And Rider is total weaksauce right now; Flan and Rider could fight a Masterless Archer head on and I'd still put money on Archer at least killing Rider, if Flan doesn't make an effort to protect the enemy Servant.
From the wiki:
Flandre possesses superhuman capabilities just like
Remilia Scarlet, such as enhanced physical strength, with the destructive power of
oni and the nimbleness of
tengu, as well as a
vampire's bodily and regenerative ability. She can swing an oversized sword, thought not as quickly as she would like to
[4]. Since she doesn't know the proper way to attack humans, she is unable to go easy on them and blows them away without a trace.
Japanese Tengu were based off of Tiangou, or heavenly dog, from Chinese Myth. It can resemble a meteor, which is what I'm hoping Flandre would be for Rin.
I think Flandre has more than enough power to incapacitate Rin before she realizes what's up (up, ha a pun) Interestingly, the enemy of
Tiangou was also an Archer. His name was Zhang Xian, and he uses his
If Magi battle at higher levels are based off the concepts, then Archer shouldn't be able to stand up to a high-level youkai, without cheating. This youkai, a creature made from human belief, magic, and conflict Flandre Scarlet, is one of the strongest. It's a servant pretty much, made of actualized belief in legends. A Gensokyo vampire is has the conglomerate powers of these legends.
Zhang Xian had much divine blood, and was a mortal enemy of the
nephew of a god on high-end
Dragonball Z power levels. To add a perspective, the nephew beat Sun Wukong, but he was cheap. Sun was a monkey king, who clubbed ginormous demons, and gods alike, almost like Gilgamesh with Humbaba, but on a larger scale. Sun got his ass beat by a Buddha as big as the universe though.
Archer is a wannabe faker, while Shirou had outdone him. The difference is that while it takes Archer time and effort to even level a mountain by broken phantasms, the original legends created, and destroyed, in fractions of a moment. It took the concerted efforts of Shirou and Archer to kill Gilgamesh, who was really damn close to divine, and had one of the strongest legends. But was way overconfident, and wasn't being sneaky, to assassinate a prana battery. Flandre had some trouble with a heroic spirit of Hercules, but she was holding back. These servants are weak compared to their originals.
If Archer tries UBW, won't it just be a danmaku battle, but with swords?
Another wiki quote:
World constantly attempts to crush the unnatural bounded fields, as they are not created by
spiritual beings, meaning that it costs a great deal of
magical energy to construct one and keep it stabilized. This generally only allows them to be used for a few minutes, but given their powerful nature, that is likely enough time to properly utilize them, even the strongest Dead Apostle can not maintain a Reality Marble for more than a single night.
Flandre has the edge I think. Shirou's efficiency was near perfect, and utilized his reality marble well, despite being a hedge-magus. Archer appears to have deviated from the purity of his origin over time, and along his line of work. Without Rin, his time, and number of swords in UBW, is drastically reduced.