- Location
- A Place Miserably Bereft of Cats
Is there a reason it shouldn't be? It would be more of a post-quest Epilogue event if it had been done.
It's one I didn't think about until I was actually writing the update - and more important than whether it is actually possible, Flandre thinks its possible. In a similar vein, just because I don't put something in as an option doesn't mean it can't be done - that's one of the reasons I'm usually explicit about including an [ ] Other? option, in case someone comes up with something I hadn't thought about.
And, because I'm going to keep fussing over the details forever and never actually add this into an update like I keep planning, I'll just toss this in now. Assume that it appears in Flandre's headspace.
... And that Flan is rather grumpy at Pache's condescending attitude.Flandre: I found your request most intriguing. In all the time I have known you, that single desire demonstrated the most forethought I have ever witnessed or heard of coming from you. In deference to your request, and also in the hopes that you return to your sister, I shall accede:
One portal leads to a dark underground area with a large number of thickly-constructed buildings, ruined by damage and age. This is an abandoned city on a world called Krieg, a world dedicated to the raising and training of soldiers for an empire of galactic scale. While the soldiers there pose little threat to you, they are numerous, and your continued presence may draw the attention of mortals and youkai that are capable of harming you.
One portal leads to an elevator. Truthfully, there is little of consequence on this Earth unless you wish to live among humans, being poked and prodded by their scientists. There are entities that I find interesting, and your sister has an interest in the world itself; those entities are, generally, quite massive and powerful, and are capable of resisting most of your efforts.
One portal leads to a long street with a shadow cast over it. This leads to another Earth, much like the Earths of Mitakihara and Mid-Childa, where magic hides away from the mass of humanity due to its own rules. At the instant of the portal's entrance, there is a shadow war between Magi - not Magicians - to achieve their desires. … Should you enter here, the greater threat is behind you.
One portal leads to a bowl-like structure surrounding a small house of odd design. This world merges magic and technology, with a preference for the latter, although a magician of some power is instigating a great war. The people of that particular settlement are pacifists; you would be doing that world a favor by removing them from existence.
One portal leads to a great city, sprawling and unbroken. This world-city is called Ravnica, and is host to a vast number of youkai and humans. Many are of little threat to you, but the situation would be much the same as the mansion's entrance to Gensokyo - you could cause much destruction if you so chose, but you would be unable to achieve a real victory, and your destruction would be a real possibility.
One portal leads to a small tunnel, dark but leading to the day and an ocean. Yet another Earth, this one is home to a great number of individuals who have gained access to a bewildering variety of powers. Some are capable of threatening you; a small number are capable of fighting you outright. Much like Gensokyo, however, much of the planet has accepted a set of rules designed to minimize damage and reduce fatalities.
Try to avoid unnecessary complications, and keep in mind your sister's health.
In order:
Krieg, Warhammer 40K
Tokyo-3, Neon Genesis Evangelion
Fuyuki City, Fate/Stay Night
Fisherman's Horizon, Final Fantasy VIII
Ravnica, Magic: The Gathering
Brockton Bay, Worm
Holy crap, we need to go to Ravnica.
It's totally fine that you thought of it after the fact though. I understand that stuff like that happens, I was just worried that we'd missed some really vital context clues is all.
Incidentally, aside from Ravnica, NGE could be really neat to meander into, too. Flan VS Angels would be an... interesting thing to see. Fuyuki and Fisherman's Horizon are also really neat to me for various reasons.
Never got into Worm. I'm more of a City of Heroes guy. Played on Virtue for yeaaaars.