Uhh we're a little girl in foreign clothes with Jewel wings being followed around by a sentient suit of armour. Why would he believe us or take us at all seriously? We have no uniform, no credentials, no officer names above him to name if he asks who gave us permission... No papers, aquisition orders or identification of any kind...

Yeah I expect that would go over well. /s :p
Just as realistic as a lot of the times it works in pop culture, with the head of the rebels wearing ill-fitting armor (if at all) or the guy with a long black coat and a bad hairdo..., etc,etc.:p:D
Votes are not locked.
[x] Find the commander.
- [x] Inform him that you will be taking one of the small ships.

[X] Find the commander.
- [X] Request that he loan you one of the small ships.
[X] Find the commander.
- [X] Request that he loan you one of the small ships.
[X] Find the commander.
- [X] Request that he loan you one of the small ships.
- - [X] In the name of Deis!

What? She was summoned as a Goddess. Is possible someone knows about her and if it is the General ...
[X] Hijack the small ship.
- [X] Consult Deis for a destination that may be interesting or fun.

Hijacking seems like fun and a quick way to get to an interesting destination.

Requesting will probably get us roped into some side-quest that Flan may or may not have the patience for, demanding/informing is likely to lead to just taking it by force, and this particular town seems pretty backwater to stick around.
Meh it was my hope that by demanding it then forcing the issues when denied we'd make a spectacle of it before we left. That way whatever happened in the next town was much more likely to be interesting as those who care about these type of things for whatever reason would attempt to seek us out for one reason or another. Requesting just doesn't suit Flan and seems like way too much of a backstop from her established personality way too fast even if she's going to "try" to be more responsible. She's certainly not going to take a no very well either which is what I'm pretty damn certain is going to happen if that vote wins.

It also out her in a weaker position right away as she comes across as either a beggar or a supplicant and recognising the power/ authority of whoever the empire is or whoever the ship belongs to whereas demanding that one is given over either would give the impression of (at least self believed) strength or power.
[X] Hijack the small ship.
- [X] Consult Deis for a destination that may be interesting or fun.

It worked for Ursula and Scias!!
Votes are locked.
[x] Find the commander.
- [x] Inform him that you will be taking one of the small ships.

[X] Find the commander.
- [X] Request that he loan you one of the small ships.

[X] Hijack the small ship.

[X] Find the commander.
- [X] Request that he loan you one of the small ships.
- - [X] In the name of Deis!

[X] Hijack the small ship.
- [X] Consult Deis for a destination that may be interesting or fun.

Also, a small confession: I apparently have a lot of trouble with directions, like the difference between East and West. I'm reasonably sure I caught all the mistakes in the political section, but I just noticed one in the update proper:
What's more interesting are the ships sitting on the sand outside the city - two small ones, and one that's bigger. One of the smaller ships stars moving rapidly to the west.
That should be east, and I'll be correcting it momentarily. I apologize if that had any affect on the way anyone voted.
We Are the Pirates!
[X] Hijack the small ship.
- [X] Consult Deis for a destination that may be interesting or fun.

You stare at the ships for a moment, then turn to Ershin. "I'll be right back!" Before it can respond, you throw yourself toward the moving ship. It's fast, but you're much faster, and even as it picks up speed you plummet toward the small deck. Your logic is simple: You need a sandflier, and here is a sandflier! And you know it works and is ready to go, because someone is leaving in it! The other small one might be broken, and the big one is … well, it's a little much, at least for now. Some of the soldiers on the ship stare at you in confusion as you land, and you smile as you begin pitching them overboard. The pilot jerks his head back, eyes wide, and the ship slews to the side in a vain attempt to throw you off. One of the soldiers falls past you, and you giggle at the snapping of bones before you lunge for the pilot. He tries to struggle, but an arm through the chest makes that difficult, and you hold the controls steady with your free hand.

The ship turns a little stiffly - probably to keep humans with poor reflexes from tumbling it accidentally - but the controls are simple enough. You aren't sure why someone would want to pitch the bow, but you can. Slowing and accelerating takes you a moment to figure out, but then you realize that speed is controlled by a mechanism by the pilot's feet. Satisfied, you clap your hands and head back toward Ershin. If there's something special that needs to be done to start it up, stopping out here would be a bad idea, after all. You frown at the sail as the ship skims along above the sand - you suppose you'll have to get used to the Chinese sail-type, since that's pretty close to what this uses … not that you're really fond of any sails, if you're honest. They usually mean you're over water. You shake your head and fire off a few danmaku shots to slow down the other ships as you pass by the anchorage. Ershin is still waiting on the road - and there are soldiers surrounding it, weapons drawn. Sighing, you slow the ship as much as you can and slide it sideways toward the armor. A handful of crossbow bolts hum past your head or bounce off the thick armor hurrying toward you.

"Come on, come on, up!" Ershin jumps at your call, and you catch the outstretched arm and haul it up, nearly yanking it onto the ship. "You pilot." You stick out your tongue at the assembled soldiers as they try to board as well and let loose a burst of danmaku to drive them back. The ship spins around and hurtles away from the troops.

"You did not kill them." You don't reply immediately, instead picking up the dead soldier and tossing him overboard. The other soldier is still alive, but unconscious, and probably prefers it that way, considering how many bones you can see.

"Nope. Better this way." You lift the body and carry it with you as you sit on the railing, then tear out his throat and feed on the soldier's blood as Ershin steers.

"That does not make sense! They'll come after us! Says Deis." It turns a little to glance at you, and when you're finished you toss the body over the side as well.

"Deis, what do you think about humans?" You give her a bit to think it over, then continue. "Some youkai pity them - they have such short lives, they're weak, they have no intrinsic goal or purpose. Some youkai fear them - despite their weaknesses, they can believe fervently, and they can change their beliefs. And they will build a ramp of their own dead, just to make a single useless attack on their betters. That drive, that need to prove themselves … it makes them dangerous. Especially when heroes are present - humans who reject human weakness, who set themselves apart from other mortals and have the power to make it stick. If that single attack comes not from a human, but a hero - well, it's not a useless attack." You grin. "Deis, I want the Imperial Army to come after me. I told you that I'm trying to have fun, right? Humans aren't any fun, but maybe I can provoke a hero into making a try at me, and then I'll have a fun fight." The silence continues for a while, and you take out a parasol. Your new ship isn't too bad, at least above-decks. Fifteen meters long, bowsprit to stern, with three smallish sails that you really hope you don't need to mess with. The rails would be four meters above the ground if the ship were sitting on the ground..

"You want something fun to do? And you think fighting strong enemies is fun?" You shrug.

"Pretty much. Or something interesting. I've seen a lot in the past few months, but I know there's a whole lot of stuff I haven't seen, and I haven't seen as much as I could have! Haa~ Do you know any good places to have fun or excitement?"

"… If you want fun and excitement, and you're willing to take on an empire, the best thing to do would be to make sure the Empire sees you as something worth taking on, says Deis." The ship turns to the northeast. "If you have no objections, we will travel around the mountains and north to Kyoin. From there we will utilize the Imperial Causeway to reach the western continent." Ershin turns toward you. "But if things look bad for you, I want you to get away, because I would really like to go home, says Deis." You nod.

"Of course. Kyoin, and then the Empire's continent …."

"If Deis knew where powerful monsters lived, she would direct you toward them, but civilized people usually kill them," Ershin says, almost as an afterthought.

"Hm. Well, I'm going to see what's in the cabin, okay? Call for me if you need me." You put your parasol away and slip through the heavy curtain into the back of the ship. It's pretty stuffy, and it'll get hotter as the day goes on, but it's out of the sun, and that's what's important. There's a table, fastened to the floor, although the four chairs weren't, and they're tumbled against the walls. The walls are bare, annoyingly enough, and you don't see anything left out up here. A trapdoor beckons, however, and you drop down into the lower … hold, you suppose. The hold. It has bunks fastened to the walls, with storage trunks at the foot of each bed. Nothing in any of them, though, which is extremely frustrating. You hop onto one of the beds, thinking. Kyoin is the Imperial holding on this continent, and probably fairly well-defended by their standards. You wouldn't have any trouble sneaking through, especially since they won't be expecting an enemy presence, although Ershin might … or you could just blast through the place. At least the Causeway should be large enough that you can take your sandflier through! At least, it should be, since the Empire seems to use it for logistical purposes. And you should probably name your sandflier ….

What do you do?

[ ] Open assault on Kyoin.

[ ] Sneak through Kyoin.

[ ] Change your mind about going to Kyoin.
- Where to?

[ ] Name the Sandflier.
- Write-in.
"That does not make sense! They'll come after us! Says Deis." It turns a little to glance at you, and when you're finished you toss the body over the side as well.
What, like the guys one the ground and the other ships wouldn't see what you did and come after you anyway? You just angered a whole empire, I doubt leaving a handful of soldiers alive is going to make things that much harder on yourself.... I guess maybe it will let them circulate a slightly more accurate description since they got to see you from closer up than the others.
What, like the guys one the ground and the other ships wouldn't see what you did and come after you anyway? You just angered a whole empire, I doubt leaving a handful of soldiers alive is going to make things that much harder on yourself.... I guess maybe it will let them circulate a slightly more accurate description since they got to see you from closer up than the others.

Stealing a sandflier is a criminal offense, not something that gets the entire Fou Empire to drop everything that it's doing and come after them. They'll probably post wanted notice and stuff though.


[x] Sneak through Kyoin.
[x] Name our Sandflier
-[x] Tiamat

Because blowing it up means we can't get back in case we ever want to do that.

Also the name is topical! Tiamat was the best in BoF III
What, like the guys one the ground and the other ships wouldn't see what you did and come after you anyway? You just angered a whole empire, I doubt leaving a handful of soldiers alive is going to make things that much harder on yourself.... I guess maybe it will let them circulate a slightly more accurate description since they got to see you from closer up than the others.
"Slightly more accurate" in the sense of "No, it wasn't a Wyndian with odd wings, it was something very different." There was a war between the two very recently, after all, and if Sarai isn't in the Alliance proper, it's still far from being an Imperial holding. Giving people a good look at Flan means that they have a bargaining chip against the Alliance ("You totally have a freak Wyndian who just kicked our asses at Sarai, but we'll forgive you in exchange for ...") instead of legitimate casus belli ("Something butchered our people at Sarai, and it flew and looked like a human, so it must have been a Wyndian!"). That's not something Flan particularly cares about, of course.

Tiamat was the best in BoF III
Unfortunately, the Sandflier is incapable of soloing the final boss while you go make a sandwich.
Now I want to go play 3 again, but that means playing through the early parts, too. And the Plant.
Unfortunately, the Sandflier is incapable of soloing the final boss while you go make a sandwich.
Now I want to go play 3 again, but that means playing through the early parts, too. And the Plant.

Ugh, fuck the Plant. The Plant is just the worst. Early game BoF III is nowhere near as bad as Early BoF II though. The sheer amount of backtracking you have to do over that goddamn mountain is just terrible.

Also BoF III picks up a lot pretty much as soon as you get Garr, so it's not all that bad!
[x] Sneak through Kyoin.
[x] Name our Sandflier
-[x] Tiamat

Are we trying to get cursecannon'd? It seems attacking Kyoin so quickly is a good starting point for that, if we want to leave we could always break one of the sticks instead of getting thrown out with our power reduced.

Let's try looting more stuff before leaving, Skyrim got wasted a bit.
Stealing a sandflier is a criminal offense, not something that gets the entire Fou Empire to drop everything that it's doing and come after them. They'll probably post wanted notice and stuff though.
I meant more in the "you are now a wanted criminal they will all attack on sight" sense than in the "the whole empire will do nothing but hunt you" sense.