Hungry Hungry Flandre
Entropy Judge
Recurring Bouts of Misanthropy
[X] Go find a meal Downtown.
-[X] Make sure that you don't attract other people during your feeding.
-[X] You can totally eat tidily, unlike Big Sister who gets it all over her clothes!
You stretch a little, wings jingling a little as you quickly vibrate them. You've just been looking around the past few days, hunting unsuccessfully for more youkai, but now you're getting hungry. You haven't seen any indications that one youkai or another actually owns this territory, so you're pretty sure you aren't going to be poaching anyone's humans. Not that you would consider it a problem if some youkai tried to stop you - you might actually get a decent fight out of it! But you've kept a weather eye out for where humans tend to congregate, and you decide to go hunting a bit to the east of your current lair, where humans seem to be a fairly constant sight, especially this early in the night. A grin crosses your face as you realize that this will be the first time you've actually hunted on your own! To commemorate that fact, you're going to be nice and clean while you eat - no blood all over the walls, no smashed bodies, and definitely no blood all over your clothes. You're not Remilia, after all!
To that end, you swiftly and quietly fly to the east, where the light never dies. As you pick a relatively secluded alley, you wonder once again why your stomach never growls like Sakuya or Meiling's. Somehow you think your sister's "Because we're elegant and proper vampires" isn't the whole story. Oh well. You find a spot behind a big green box and sit down to wait. And wait. ... Boring. This whole 'not getting spotted' business is really - oh! One human, male, alone. Perfect! You scoot back against the brick, the metal box to your right, and begin to cry. Not too loudly, of course, and not the annoying kind of crying that makes Remilia irritated, with all the screaming. No, it's a soft sort of crying, meant to coerce someone into coming to see what's the matter. And it works! After a few moments, you hear the man stepping along the box, but you make sure to keep up the crying. No changes, that could throw off the tasty prey! He pokes his head around ....
"Hey, are you -" And you strike! Like a whirlwind, you uncurl and lunge forward, your claws punching into his collarbone, and then you twirl to slam him into the wall behind you, and -
... Right. You don't want the body ruined, and you don't want to alert the people behind the wall. Unfortunately, both of those happened. Fortunately, you don't have any blood on you! You scramble out of the alley, deciding to try your luck elsewhere before people see you.
You decide to try again, this time making sure no one's in the building you're taking cover near, which eats up some time but should make things safer in the long run ... once someone comes by, anyway. ... Ah, someone! You start crying again, and the woman comes by to investigate. As she walks in front of the bags, you leap forward, grabbing her shoulders and spinning, sending yourself slamming into the wall this time! ... Except you're holding a pair of arms, the woman is on the ground screaming, and now someone's sending a beam of light down the alley and saying something about ... backup? Grumbling to yourself in frustration, you drop the arms and fly straight up. Third time's the charm, right?
You're in another alley, on the far side of the area, just in case anyone's spreading the word about what's happening. There have been a few people, but not too many are on your side of the avenue, and most of them haven't been alone. Finally, though, one woman who looks suitable starts walking toward your alley, and you creep to the back. She jerks nervously when you start crying, her right hand coming up in a smooth motion, then she stops and looks into the alley for a moment. You're crouched invisibly in the corner, waiting for her to come near enough for you to strike without being seen, and then you realize that she's carrying a gun in her hand. It even looks small enough that you could hold it comfortably, and you consider taking it with you.
Then, when she's almost within range, her body seems to fall apart just before bullets - a lot of bullets slam into the wall next to you. Then you hear a lot of gunfire, from everywhere. You shriek in frustration, breaking your invisibility and slamming your fist into the wall next to you. A stream of bullets rips into the stone beside your head, and you take off through the opposite wall, going through as many houses as you need to to get away from the crazy humans.
After three failures in a row, you decided that the problem wasn't the strategy, but the tactics! This city is obviously too full of people for you to just ambush some unwitting victim and not be caught, so you decided to go on the offensive! Which is why you're now here, in this below-ground establishment with its own door guard - no one will hear you, no one will interfere. Perfect! Except that they're playing some kind of pulsing sound that's driving you crazy, the women are wearing clothes that would get them thrown in jail, and everyone's performing actions that you're sure would send your sister into a screaming fit. Though, maybe you could teach them to Patchouli or Meiling, as some kind of stretching exercise? ... Yeah, no, you're pretty sure you can't pull some of that stuff off, and Patchouli would just tell Remilia and then you really would get locked up in the basement like everyone believes.
"Heh, that's an interesting costume, young lady, but I'm afraid Halloween is quite a ways off. Now, why don't we head over to the bar, get you a glass of milk, and see about calling your parents, hm?" You look up at the well-dressed young man, short blond hair and bright green eyes, and smile. You don't detect a hint of alcohol on him - whether that means people do that kind of thing sober, or it's just because he's not participating, you're not sure. Regardless, you're not sure whether to be thankful to your older sister for protecting you from the bizarre behavior of humans, or upset that she hasn't done more to curb their more excessive acts of stupidity. Then you reach up and throw the man across the room.
Killing everyone doesn't take more than a handful of seconds, and you don't even get that much blood on you. That annoying noise even stopped! You pick up a few of the more intact bodies and fly them over to one of the tables so you can eat neatly. You're even successful! ... Mostly. Kind of. Well, your clothes aren't covered in blood, anyway, and that's important in surpassing your sister. Full, and feeling that sort of unsatisfied satisfaction, you go find a sink to wash up.
You waited a half hour, then plowed through the door, killing the guard, and flying over the silly humans before they can react. Now you're in a more abandoned area, but more importantly, there's another rift! That means a youkai is here, and you step through. It's very different than the other one - you're floating, without doing anything, and there are a lot of weird boxes around. Rather, there were; they're broken and ruined, except a few, some smashed and others looking almost carved. That probably means another magician came through here ....
What do you do?
[ ] Treat Magicians ...
- Hostile?
- Diplomatic?
- Ignore?
- Observe?
[ ] Treat Youkai ...
- Hostile?
- Observe?
- Diplomatic?
[ ] Write-in?
Please detail your goals for each interaction - if hostile, do you want to kill? Play? Send a message? If diplomatic, what result are you going for? If observing, will you cease observation at a particular point and take another action, or just avoid all interaction? Please be clear.
-[X] Make sure that you don't attract other people during your feeding.
-[X] You can totally eat tidily, unlike Big Sister who gets it all over her clothes!
You stretch a little, wings jingling a little as you quickly vibrate them. You've just been looking around the past few days, hunting unsuccessfully for more youkai, but now you're getting hungry. You haven't seen any indications that one youkai or another actually owns this territory, so you're pretty sure you aren't going to be poaching anyone's humans. Not that you would consider it a problem if some youkai tried to stop you - you might actually get a decent fight out of it! But you've kept a weather eye out for where humans tend to congregate, and you decide to go hunting a bit to the east of your current lair, where humans seem to be a fairly constant sight, especially this early in the night. A grin crosses your face as you realize that this will be the first time you've actually hunted on your own! To commemorate that fact, you're going to be nice and clean while you eat - no blood all over the walls, no smashed bodies, and definitely no blood all over your clothes. You're not Remilia, after all!
To that end, you swiftly and quietly fly to the east, where the light never dies. As you pick a relatively secluded alley, you wonder once again why your stomach never growls like Sakuya or Meiling's. Somehow you think your sister's "Because we're elegant and proper vampires" isn't the whole story. Oh well. You find a spot behind a big green box and sit down to wait. And wait. ... Boring. This whole 'not getting spotted' business is really - oh! One human, male, alone. Perfect! You scoot back against the brick, the metal box to your right, and begin to cry. Not too loudly, of course, and not the annoying kind of crying that makes Remilia irritated, with all the screaming. No, it's a soft sort of crying, meant to coerce someone into coming to see what's the matter. And it works! After a few moments, you hear the man stepping along the box, but you make sure to keep up the crying. No changes, that could throw off the tasty prey! He pokes his head around ....
"Hey, are you -" And you strike! Like a whirlwind, you uncurl and lunge forward, your claws punching into his collarbone, and then you twirl to slam him into the wall behind you, and -
... Right. You don't want the body ruined, and you don't want to alert the people behind the wall. Unfortunately, both of those happened. Fortunately, you don't have any blood on you! You scramble out of the alley, deciding to try your luck elsewhere before people see you.
You decide to try again, this time making sure no one's in the building you're taking cover near, which eats up some time but should make things safer in the long run ... once someone comes by, anyway. ... Ah, someone! You start crying again, and the woman comes by to investigate. As she walks in front of the bags, you leap forward, grabbing her shoulders and spinning, sending yourself slamming into the wall this time! ... Except you're holding a pair of arms, the woman is on the ground screaming, and now someone's sending a beam of light down the alley and saying something about ... backup? Grumbling to yourself in frustration, you drop the arms and fly straight up. Third time's the charm, right?
You're in another alley, on the far side of the area, just in case anyone's spreading the word about what's happening. There have been a few people, but not too many are on your side of the avenue, and most of them haven't been alone. Finally, though, one woman who looks suitable starts walking toward your alley, and you creep to the back. She jerks nervously when you start crying, her right hand coming up in a smooth motion, then she stops and looks into the alley for a moment. You're crouched invisibly in the corner, waiting for her to come near enough for you to strike without being seen, and then you realize that she's carrying a gun in her hand. It even looks small enough that you could hold it comfortably, and you consider taking it with you.
Then, when she's almost within range, her body seems to fall apart just before bullets - a lot of bullets slam into the wall next to you. Then you hear a lot of gunfire, from everywhere. You shriek in frustration, breaking your invisibility and slamming your fist into the wall next to you. A stream of bullets rips into the stone beside your head, and you take off through the opposite wall, going through as many houses as you need to to get away from the crazy humans.
After three failures in a row, you decided that the problem wasn't the strategy, but the tactics! This city is obviously too full of people for you to just ambush some unwitting victim and not be caught, so you decided to go on the offensive! Which is why you're now here, in this below-ground establishment with its own door guard - no one will hear you, no one will interfere. Perfect! Except that they're playing some kind of pulsing sound that's driving you crazy, the women are wearing clothes that would get them thrown in jail, and everyone's performing actions that you're sure would send your sister into a screaming fit. Though, maybe you could teach them to Patchouli or Meiling, as some kind of stretching exercise? ... Yeah, no, you're pretty sure you can't pull some of that stuff off, and Patchouli would just tell Remilia and then you really would get locked up in the basement like everyone believes.
"Heh, that's an interesting costume, young lady, but I'm afraid Halloween is quite a ways off. Now, why don't we head over to the bar, get you a glass of milk, and see about calling your parents, hm?" You look up at the well-dressed young man, short blond hair and bright green eyes, and smile. You don't detect a hint of alcohol on him - whether that means people do that kind of thing sober, or it's just because he's not participating, you're not sure. Regardless, you're not sure whether to be thankful to your older sister for protecting you from the bizarre behavior of humans, or upset that she hasn't done more to curb their more excessive acts of stupidity. Then you reach up and throw the man across the room.
Killing everyone doesn't take more than a handful of seconds, and you don't even get that much blood on you. That annoying noise even stopped! You pick up a few of the more intact bodies and fly them over to one of the tables so you can eat neatly. You're even successful! ... Mostly. Kind of. Well, your clothes aren't covered in blood, anyway, and that's important in surpassing your sister. Full, and feeling that sort of unsatisfied satisfaction, you go find a sink to wash up.
You waited a half hour, then plowed through the door, killing the guard, and flying over the silly humans before they can react. Now you're in a more abandoned area, but more importantly, there's another rift! That means a youkai is here, and you step through. It's very different than the other one - you're floating, without doing anything, and there are a lot of weird boxes around. Rather, there were; they're broken and ruined, except a few, some smashed and others looking almost carved. That probably means another magician came through here ....
What do you do?
[ ] Treat Magicians ...
- Hostile?
- Diplomatic?
- Ignore?
- Observe?
[ ] Treat Youkai ...
- Hostile?
- Observe?
- Diplomatic?
[ ] Write-in?
Please detail your goals for each interaction - if hostile, do you want to kill? Play? Send a message? If diplomatic, what result are you going for? If observing, will you cease observation at a particular point and take another action, or just avoid all interaction? Please be clear.