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  • Pure narrative quest: no dice will be used, the author will have free reign to decide what happens.

    Votes: 25 59.5%
  • New dice system: the author will design a new, better dice system to add some randomness and risk.

    Votes: 17 40.5%

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  • Poll closed .
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Also, I'd like to request that the QM confirm that this plan is—as far as Ryza knows—physically possible. Like, can she fake a lightning strike from that far away? Did the material Sypha's prison-tent look like canvas or something else a knife can quickly cut and not, I dunno, leather or chainmail?

The tents looked like normal cloth, so it wouldn't be that hard to cut through them. It might take a little bit, but it's possible.

Starting a fire that deep in from the outside... not so much. The map isn't to scale; it's more of a general idea, so that's out of range of your Thunder or Elthunder spell. You'd also have to carefully aim for something that would catch fire easily, which means you'd have to clearly see it.

If you were to be flying above the camp, you'd be able to do it, but you'd have to duck down into bow range. EDIT: Or you could set a fire somewhere on the outskirts of the camp from outside.
There's one thing I really don't like about this plan, which is that it blows open the return of dragons. But I'm having a hard time thinking of a way of pulling this off without Ryza transforming. A stealth infiltration and exfiltration with Sypha while undetected seems very unlikely, and Ryza and Robin just don't have the firepower to fight their way out.
I was considering trying to come up with a plan that didn't involve dropping on the camp as a dragon and pretty much came out to the same idea as you. Stealth infiltration is would be very restrictive and way, way too dangerous.
It goes without saying that letting Mantrae's people die only to grab Sypha from them at the last moment is downright cold blooded. This might be the smart play for Ryza's safety in the short and long term, though.

What do people think?
Putting aside the fact that as you say this is super cold-blooded, and way too cold-blooded for my poor heart, the biggest issue I could see here is that the plan puts the burden of assaulting the mercenary camp on Mantrae's people. We're estimating they have like, 10-12 people up against a much larger camp. If they don't have a good plan for the wyvern we'd be losing out on the best opportunity to take it out without much danger. It would also be slow, having to wait for them to fight their way into the camp, then out of it, then wait for them to gain enough distance that we could swoop in relatively unseen.

Besides, I'd rather leave Kelton in as little danger as possible. I'd imagine Sir Octavio and Claire are down there as well; they seem like they could become future allies and I'm a sucker for potential future allies.

I'm also of the opinion that trying to keep our dragon under wraps isn't going to be possible for the operation.

editing in my vote:

[x] Plan Death From Above
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The tents looked like normal cloth, so it wouldn't be that hard to cut through them. It might take a little bit, but it's possible.

Starting a fire that deep in from the outside... not so much. The map isn't to scale; it's more of a general idea, so that's out of range of your Thunder or Elthunder spell. You'd also have to carefully aim for something that would catch fire easily, which means you'd have to clearly see it.

If you were to be flying above the camp, you'd be able to do it, but you'd have to duck down into bow range. EDIT: Or you could set a fire somewhere on the outskirts of the camp from outside.
Hm. So we'd need a different plan in order to avoid telling the entire camp that we're attacking them and hence getting attacked by dozens of mercenaries at the same time.
I do still think that, all else aside, telling dozens of mercenaries to attack us is a pretty bad idea. So...two ideas.

[X] Plan Solid Drake
-[X] Primary Objectives:
--[X] Use magic lightning to set the outermost ??? tent on fire from beyond the edge of camp, hopefully without being seen. (Also hopefully, the wyvern tent will get caught in the fire.)
--[X] Sneak into camp once everyone starts rushing to put out the fire. (It's a fire in an important tent, lots of people are going to run and help so other people don't get hurt. Right?) Specifically, Robin and Ryza both sneak from what I assume is the northwest corner to Lady Sypha's tent.
--[X] Robin and Ryza use knives to cut a person-sized hole in the tent we're pretty sure has Sypha in it. (What else could it have? Where else could she be?) Rescue Sypha and run to the horses' pen.
--[X] If discovered on the way to the pen (which won't happen, we're all stealthy, right?), Ryza turns into a dragon and carries Robin and Sypha out of the camp ASAP—secrecy can wait until we're safe!
--[X] Otherwise, cut the horses loose, open the gates or knock down the fences, and steal a few horses to ride away from camp. (We can do this.)
-[X] Secondary Objectives:
--[X] Try not to fight anyone. We probably can't win.
--[X] If we come across Artemis's bow or Jack and can free/de-steal them without much risk, do so.
--[X] If we come across anything outside the implied parameters of this plan—like Jack in a place where we might be able to free him, or something that might reveal the Talons' secrets, or Kelton being here for some reason—take a moment to think and figure about whether to chase that new thing or follow the old plan or what.

TL;DR: Basically the same plan, but targeting a probably-important tent whose contents are more mysterious. Hopefully it's not their powder magazine.

[X] Plan Solid Drake
-[X] Primary Objectives:
--[X] Use magic lightning to set the horse area on fire from beyond the edge of camp, hopefully without being seen. (The horses will just run, they'll be fine.)
--[X] Sneak into camp once everyone starts rushing to put out the fire. (It's a fire in the horse area, lots of people are going to run and help so the horses don't run off.) Specifically, Robin and Ryza both sneak from what I assume is the west side to Lady Sypha's tent.
--[X] Robin and Ryza use knives to cut a person-sized hole in the tent we're pretty sure has Sypha in it. (What else could it have? Where else could she be?) Rescue Sypha and run out of camp.
--[X] If discovered after rescuing Sypha (which won't happen, we're all stealthy, right?), Ryza turns into a dragon and carries Robin and Sypha out of the camp ASAP—secrecy can wait until we're safe!
--[X] Otherwise, find somewhere in the woods to catch our breaths and plan our return to Agrithe. (We can do this.)
-[X] Secondary Objectives:
--[X] Try not to fight anyone. We probably can't win.
--[X] If we come across Artemis's bow or Jack and can free/de-steal them without much risk, do so.
--[X] If we come across anything outside the implied parameters of this plan—like Jack in a place where we might be able to free him, or something that might reveal the Talons' secrets, or Kelton being here for some reason—take a moment to think and figure about whether to chase that new thing or follow the old plan or what.

TL;DR: Set the horse pen on fire. We can't ride off into the...um...starset, but that side of camp is probably less guarded, and it's one less thing we need to do while in the camp.
How much fire-starting capacity does Robin have (i.e. coat an arrow in pitch and then light and shoot)?
How willing is Robin to work semi-independent / coordinated? (i.e. we burn the wyvern tent, he burns the gathering area, everybody's attention goes there, we grab Sypha and get everybody to a horse or two, lighting a fire behind the ones we can't use so they run back across the camp to add more chaos?)

Presently my thought looks a little more like this:

[X] Plan Kansas City Shuffle
-[] Primary Objectives:
--[] Set fire to the ??? tent near the flattened area.
--[] Set fire to the gathering area or some of the other tents on the right/east side of camp. We want their attention north and east because our exits are south and west, and fires tend to get lots of attention.
--[] Cut a hole in the Sypha tent and tell her we're here to take her back to the Kingdoms
--[] Lead her to the horse area and break out a few horses
--[] Light fire behind the horses to have them overrun the rest of the camp while we head out the other way.
-[] Secondary Objectives:
--[] Avoid combat if possible.
--[] If we come across Artemis's bow or Jack and can easily retrieve / liberate them, do so.
--[] Evaluate other opportunities or hazards as they arise.

Fairly closely related to GWG's plan but with a bit more attention manipulation and allowing people to arrive at faulty conclusions due to true but misleading information. We want to lean on the "Southern Kingdoms" angle as much as we can because that's _100% true_ and Mantrae's people will support it in ways they wouldn't if we said "Agrithe".
How much fire-starting capacity does Robin have (i.e. coat an arrow in pitch and then light and shoot)?
Oh right, Ryza doesn't have to do everything herself.

[X] Plan Kansas City Shuffle
If SoaringHawk confirms that flaming arrows have greater than 2 range, I'll definitely support this plan. Setting the probably-wyvern-tent on fire is a good distraction and would probably take the wyvern out of the fight for at least a few days.
My vote is still open to shift, but so far, Death From Above seems to be the best

Edit: I would also expect that setting fires will get responders from the town faster, something to consider.
That's not necessarily a bad thing, unless the Talons start getting indiscriminately stabby. More people running around means more confusion and more cover for whatever we're doing. (Also, there's a chance someone else comes across Jack and rescues him.)

I wouldn't count on civilians showing up to cover our escape, but I wouldn't call it a negative either. (I don't expect the Talons to get indiscriminately stabby.)
That's not necessarily a bad thing, unless the Talons start getting indiscriminately stabby. More people running around means more confusion and more cover for whatever we're doing. (Also, there's a chance someone else comes across Jack and rescues him.)

I wouldn't count on civilians showing up to cover our escape, but I wouldn't call it a negative either. (I don't expect the Talons to get indiscriminately stabby.)
Seconded, with the additional Xanatos Gambit side note of if the Talons, an explicitly Empire Merc group, DO in fact get indiscriminately stabby (against their own citizens no less!), this helps bolster anti-Empire sentiment which would generally help us.
I would like to say I never said that was a bad thing. I just said it was something to consider when planning! I agree that in terms of long term stuff, it's likely a good thing, but for our Quest Character, is probably not. She's already having a crisis of morals as it is, we don't need to make it worse.
She's already having a crisis of morals as it is, we don't need to make it worse.
This would actually simplify it, at the sacrifice cost of some innocence, to Empire bad Kingdoms good Agrithe best of kingdoms.

Not that I'm, y'know, rooting for gratuitous slaughter of unarmed innocents, but it would not be entirely disadvantageous.
This would actually simplify it, at the sacrifice cost of some innocence, to Empire bad Kingdoms good Agrithe best of kingdoms.

Not that I'm, y'know, rooting for gratuitous slaughter of unarmed innocents, but it would not be entirely disadvantageous.
See, but then we have a child looking at the world in Black and White, and that's honestly not a good thing for a FE MC. Especially since Awakening. Even though Awakening's Big Bads are Black and White, the other villains are shades of grey.
See, but then we have a child looking at the world in Black and White, and that's honestly not a good thing for a FE MC. Especially since Awakening. Even though Awakening's Big Bads are Black and White, the other villains are shades of grey.
Part of the time we're a child. Part of the time we're a highly-instinctual, emotion-driven being about whom "reptile brain" would not be entirely inaccurate. Being able to set up "acceptable targets" and "not acceptable targets" in a simple enough manner they might actually be able to be retained by our dragon self is the first step to being able to do complex morality in dragon form.

We have people like Robin and Artemis (magically chosen for potential for loyalty and good will towards us, but not magically bound so there's nothing to dispel) for any shades-of-gray complexity.
How much fire-starting capacity does Robin have (i.e. coat an arrow in pitch and then light and shoot)?
How willing is Robin to work semi-independent / coordinated? (i.e. we burn the wyvern tent, he burns the gathering area, everybody's attention goes there, we grab Sypha and get everybody to a horse or two, lighting a fire behind the ones we can't use so they run back across the camp to add more chaos?)

Good question. He could probably rig something up for the fire arrows. They wouldn't have any further of a range, and if anyone were paying attention they'd be able to track where the fire arrow came from, but it could work.

As for working independently; he's willing to do that. So long as there's a solid plan in place and both of you know where the other will be, what they'll be doing, and where the rally point is, he thinks the added confusion could be usable.
Good question. He could probably rig something up for the fire arrows. They wouldn't have any further of a range, and if anyone were paying attention they'd be able to track where the fire arrow came from, but it could work.
So I'm gonna ask a little bit of a jerk question: can we get a "effective range of your ranged weaponry" marker on the map to be able to see if we can do literally anything interesting and creative? (Ideally with a "beyond this range dispersion starts to increase and power of strike reduces but if you're literally trying to hit the broad side of a tent you'd still have a good shot" kinda distance)

Without it, it feels like the best move is Draconic Snatch-And-Grab 2, Stealing Sypha Version.
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So I'm gonna ask a little bit of a jerk question: can we get a "effective range of your ranged weaponry" marker on the map to be able to see if we can do literally anything interesting and creative or if we're getting thrown into what appears to be indistinguishable from an absolute meatgrinder without much to do but go dragon and hope that's enough?

Everything in the outermost circle it's possible to hit from outside the camp without too much difficulty.

Everything in the second circle is possible to hit, but you'd either be blind-shooting from outside the camp (making starting a fire hard since you need to hit something easily flammable) or you'd have to pretty much be on top of the outer sentries.

Innermost circle: you either have to be already in the camp or the sky above it.

I hope that answers your question.
Hm. It might take a few shots to hit the wyvern-tent, but it's a big target, and cloth is pretty flammable (especially if we dry it out with burning pitch). I say it's worth the risk.

[X] Plan Kansas City Shuffle
[X] Plan Kansas City Shuffle

Death from Above is still a pretty solid plan, but I'm a fan of misdirection gambits and it seems like this one is within our capabilities.

???: Hopefully this doesn't burn up Artemis's bow, though. That's definitely not what we want to happen!
If I had to guess at the larger than normal tents, they're probably a storage tent and a command tent, or a command tent and a lesser officer's tent. (Maybe the mage.)
Gah! I wasn't getting notifications about this thread for some reason, so I missed a couple days of discussion.

[X] Plan Kansas City Shuffle

Fortunately, this works well enough for me.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by SoaringHawk218 on Sep 12, 2022 at 12:50 PM, finished with 54 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Plan Kansas City Shuffle
    [X] Plan Death From Above
    -[X] Primary objectives, in chronological order:
    -[X] When the wyvern falls asleep tonight, Ryza will transform (determination), approach the camp with Robin from high altitude and attempt to kill the wyvern by diving on it first. (PREY!) By tooth, claw, arrow and magic, it needs to die or be made incapable of flight fast.
    -[X] Next land by Sypha's tent. Rip the tent open, grab Sypha. (MINE!) Blast or flatten the guards if you must, but Sypha is what matters.
    -[X] Fly over the horses, blasting some of them as you go or at least blasting the fence.
    -[X] Leave by flying over where Mantrae's people are camped. Let Sypha's shouting tip them off to what's going on. Robin can shout something if need be. Fly low, change directions out of view, and get as much distance as you can before having to land somewhere out of sight. Perform the half-transformation ritual while Robin watches Sypha and fly for home at best speed.
    --[X] Secondary objectives:
    --[X] If the mage shows himself, avoid fighting him. You can't afford to get bogged down or risk getting hurt.
    --[X] Grab Artemis' bow if you see it while performing other objectives. (SHINY!)

Alright, plan is put in place.

I need 3 people to roll some dice to see who/what you run into: 2 d6s and a d4.
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Voting is open for the next 1 day, 11 hours