What would readers prefer?

  • Pure narrative quest: no dice will be used, the author will have free reign to decide what happens.

    Votes: 25 59.5%
  • New dice system: the author will design a new, better dice system to add some randomness and risk.

    Votes: 17 40.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Voting is open for the next 1 day, 23 hours
Oh. Well okay then. By the way, what is the difference between Dragon and Manakete anyway? I know manaketes use dragonstones and have a human form, but both are essentially the same yeah?
Essentially, yeah. It's a common thing in Fire Emblem, that Dragons kinda go feral and mindless with sufficient age. Manaketes are dragons who sealed away all the bits that make them Dragons in order to prevent the 'going feral' thing. They still live the same lifespan as they would have if they'd remained a Dragon, but their bodies are generally only as strong as a normal human unless they use their Dragonstone to tap into all that sealed power.

This is accurate, though in-universe the whole "sealing in stones" shift happened so long ago that even most manakete had forgotten about it before Ryza went to sleep.
So one thing I will note just because Artemis knows Ryza is a manakete there is a chance that knowledge on what a manakete is has been forgotten by humans due to the passage of time or just stopped being taught since they all are gone except for Ryza.
[X] "Mother always said that we are strong so that we can protect the ones we love. I don't like to fight, but if it keeps you and everyone else safe…"
will the Mother always said option not win because of the small add on of "I won't run away. Not this time."

there's enough for it to win collective but I'm not sure if the QM will count it separate due to that small add on
will the Mother always said option not win because of the small add on of "I won't run away. Not this time."

there's enough for it to win collective but I'm not sure if the QM will count it separate due to that small add on

Yes: I will be combining those two.

EDIT: That being said, there is also an "all manakete are like this" vote that has a write-in added, so that would get added as well.
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[X] "Mother always said that we are strong so that we can protect the ones we love. I don't like to fight, but if it keeps you and everyone else safe…"
2 Hour Heads Up
Adhoc vote count started by SoaringHawk218 on Jan 8, 2022 at 5:04 PM, finished with 53 posts and 36 votes.

EDIT: "Mother always said..." is currently winning 16 to the 15 of "I... I don't know." taking into account minor additions via write-in.
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[X] "Mother always said that we are strong so that we can protect the ones we love. I don't like to fight, but if it keeps you and everyone else safe…"
-[X] "I won't run away. Not this time."

This quest looks like fun, though I've only really played three houses, which had nabateans rather than manakete. Are Nabateans a kind of Manakete?

I think I want to see the misunderstanding continue a little longer, though it is starting to overstay its welcome. Artemis seems like she'd be trustworthy if she knew we were a dragon person.
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This quest looks like fun, though I've only really played three houses, which had nabateans rather than manakete. Are Nabateans a kind of Manakete?

I haven't played 3 houses, but I think so? In traditional Fire Emblem Manakete are a race of dragons that sealed their powers into stones to avoid going mad. This is mostly true for this continent's manakete, though there are some subtle differences, since traditional manakete are not natural sorcerers like I made them to be (since I wanted to give options other than dragon form, and to tie into some story hooks later.)
Rest in Pieces, Determinator Ryza.

My plans for badass dragon preaching friendship on the battlefield will go unanswered.
[X] "Mother always said that we are strong so that we can protect the ones we love. I don't like to fight, but if it keeps you and everyone else safe…"
-[X] "I won't run away. Not this time."
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by SoaringHawk218 on Jan 6, 2022 at 7:20 PM, finished with 56 posts and 39 votes.

EDIT: There's something up with the automatic vote count, here's the one I have. "Mother" and "I don't know" are tied. Rolling tie-breaker : 1 is Mother, 2 is I don't know

Adhoc vote count started by SoaringHawk218 on Jan 8, 2022 at 7:07 PM, finished with 65 posts and 41 votes.

"I don't know" it is.

As for the dice rolling, the decision I've come to is that I will work to design a dice system, but it will be used solely for combat. Out of combat will be purely narrative, but I don't trust myself to have risks without dice.

I would like to thank @VagueZ for his help in designing the system: it's not finalized yet, but when it is I'll give you all the details so you can help hold me to it.
SoaringHawk218 threw 1 2-faced dice. Reason: Tie Breaker Total: 2
2 2
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This quest looks like fun, though I've only really played three houses, which had nabateans rather than manakete. Are Nabateans a kind of Manakete?

Here are the main key differences between Manakete and Nabateans, from someone who did the four routes in FE3H.

Nabateans are quite similar to manakete. Transformation, long life, long sleep, pointed ears, predominant green hair and risk of madness. However, there is quite a few differences.

Nabateans need no stone to transform.
Or it's more like they have a stone, but its also a heart, so it stays inside of them. That's a major plot spoiler by the way.
Their massive form is not necessarily that of a dragon. Some can have the shape of a gigantic bird or a huge turtle.
Should they stay a very long time in their human form, they may not be able to turn into their big form anymore.
And Nabateans have managed to give a measure of their blood to humans they picked and they share it with their children.
I Am That I Am
[X] "I… I don't know. I'm just a manakete, all manakete are like this."

"Never forget what you are, the rest of the world will not."

Oh dear, Artemis's getting existential. In your experience, that's never ended well; you remember a few decades ago Father had one of his "phases," as Mother put it. For the better part of a year, anytime you tried to ask him any questions, he would somehow turn his answer into philosophical waxing about whether or not manakete were the "product of some cosmic coincidence," or if the Mother was watching everything with a plan.

It had been a weird year.

You have to head this off fast, you don't think you have time to let Artemis contemplate her and humanity's place in the universe for a year. Or worse, try to contemplate your place in the universe. That would just lead to sleepless nights and confusion.

"I… I don't know," you say carefully, trying not to trigger any more musings. "I'm just a manakete, all manakete are like this."

Artemis blinks. "Manakete," she says, almost tasting the word. "Is that the name of your people?"

You nod. "Yep."

She frowns, considering. "So… manakete… are there many of you?" she asks. "You mentioned that you and your parents were the only ones left."

"In our home, yes," you say. "There are lots of manakete that live elsewhere: we live all over the continent. Or… at least that's what Father and Mother tell me; I've never really met any of them."

Artemis leans slowly back, her thoughts clearly racing. "If that's true, how have I not heard of them…" she mutters, almost to herself. "Manakete… they're all like you? Powerful lightning mages, able to fly…"

You shake your head. "Sorry, I should have been more clear," you say. "There are five Tribes of manakete; I'm of the Yellow tribe, so that's why I use lightning magic. A Red manakete would use fire instead." You start to call forth your wings, but remembering that Artemis thought you shouldn't show off when not in real danger, you resist. "And most can't fly with their wings; they're too small. I don't know why the Mother blessed me with big wings; Mother and Father couldn't fly in heart-form, but I can."

"Five… why does that sound familiar…" Artemis mutters.

"Yep, five: Yellow, Red, Green, White and Black," you say.

"Yellow for lightning…" Her eyes widen. "The five schools of magic! Fire, lightning, wind, light and dark!"

You nod happily. "Yep, exactly! Each tribe has one school of magic that they're born to and for, though Yellow manakete are the best sorcerers in general. Father said he'd teach me the other schools when I got older but… well, he didn't have time."

Artemis's confused face morphs into a sympathetic one. "I'm sorry, Ryza," she says. "But… there's still something missing." Her eyes sharpen. "I'm not the most well-read or well-travelled person in the world, but I was given a good education and I've been around. What you're describing, Ryza, is something that I have heard nothing about. The closest I've ever heard are the attempts that have been made in the past to make humans more capable of casting magic, none of which have ended well for anyone. I could believe a brilliant, private sage figuring out some trick to make it work and then not telling anyone about it, keeping it within the family. But what you're describing? A whole race of winged super-mages, hiding in the mountains of the world? Why?"

You frown. "I wasn't hiding!" you say. "I was asleep!"

"But you said you'd never left the mountain before."

"Of course not, it's my home! Mother and Father lived there, why would I need to leave it?"

Artemis starts to open her mouth, only to close her eyes and take a breath. "I'm sorry, Ryza," she says after a moment. "I don't want to sound like I'm accusing you of anything, or your parents. I just… it doesn't make sense. It's like there's a piece of the map that's been cut out and because of that I can't see the path that I know is there." She puts her face in her hands. "And I want to know, I want so badly to know, but you've already done so much for me, it's not fair to demand answers that you don't want to give."

"You know, you could just ask," you say. Artemis's eyes jerk up to meet yours. "I mean, it's not like I don't want to tell you anything. I trust you. Father's letter said that he'd made the spells in the shrine such that if anyone found me, it's because I wanted them to find me, and you found me." You reach up and pat her on the head. "If you somehow ask me something I really don't want to answer, I'll tell you, but I can't think of anything off the top of my head that I won't answer for you."

Artemis studies you for a moment before nodding. "If you're sure," she says.

The two of you sit in silence for a minute as Artemis seems to marshal her thoughts. Finally, she smiles. "Okay, something easy to start with. How old are you, anyways?"

That was easy! "I'm ninety-three," you say.


You cock your head as Artemis stares at you. "Artemis?"

"Nine- ninety- ninety-three!?" Artemis quietly screams (you're not quite sure how she manages that). A quick glance behind you shows that Lancel and Axton must have heard her, as they throw confused glances her way, but neither move. "You… you mean months, right? Moons? Lunar calendar?"

You shake your head. "No, ninety-three years," you say. "Why? How old are you?"

You remember too late that Artemis had never agreed to answer your questions, but she seems to have forgotten that as she gawks at you. "I'm seventeen!" she says. "How?! How are you…"

Seventeen?! You knew that humans were shorter-lived than manakete, but surely not by that much! You'd thought she was in her forties at least! Maybe her thirties. Seventeen… you'd been little more than a baby when you were seventeen! Why did her parents let her go wandering off when she was so young! When you got to Agrithe, you were going to give them a piece of your mind!

Artemis grabs your shoulders and pulls you close enough to stare directly into your eyes. "Ryza, if this is some kind of joke-"

"No! No, I wouldn't lie to you!" you say, hurt and offence warring in your mind. Hurt that Artemis didn't trust you, offence that she thought you were some kind of liar.

Her hands let go, causing you to flop back as she stares at you. "But… but how! You look like your ten! At most! And you act so young, like a child! A very smart child, true, but a child!"

"I am a child. Father and mother were both hundreds of years old!"

Artemis closes her eyes and takes a few deep breaths. "So that's another manakete thing? Ridiculously long lifespans?"

"I don't know about ridiculous," you say, frowning, "but yes, manakete live a long time."

"Ryza, most people don't live to see sixty, let alone the ninety-three that is apparently not even adulthood for your people!"

"…Oh…" That… that just sounded sad. There was still so much you hadn't seen, wanted to learn, but you'd have time to. If human lives were so short that most would never get the chance... You gently reach out and take Artemis's hands in yours. "I'm sorry."

Artemis takes another deep breath before nodding. "No need, Ryza," she says, waving a hand. Turning, you see that Axton had started to move back towards the two of you, but at Artemis's signal he returned to his seated position, though his sharp eyes remained fixed on you. "I knew this conversation might go some strange places: I just… didn't expect it to be quite this strange."

Not sure how to respond to that, you simply squeeze her hands, and are pleased to get a gentle squeeze back even as Artemis studies you.

Finally, she opens her mouth again. "I had hoped to leave this question for later," she says. "But… I have to ask. Ryza… what other powers does your being a manakete give you."

Was it just you, or did she seem scared as she asked that? Not scared of you, maybe, but scared of the answer? However, you would not lie to her or try to hide things. "Well, I can turn into a dragon when I have to, though I've never done that without Mother's supervision before," you say.

Artemis's breath caught. "I…" she whispers. "Dragon?"

You nod. "Uh-huh," you say. "You know, big, scaly, highly emotional." Artemis just keeps staring at you, her mouth moving silently. "Elemental breath? Sharp claws? Wings? Tail?" More silence. Tugging your hands from her numb grip, you raise them both to either side of your head, curling your fingers into mock claws.


Artemis's breaths start to come out short and fast as she stares at you. "Dragon? You're a dragon?"

"No," you say. "I'm a manakete. I can turn into a dragon."

She laughs hysterically. "What's the difference?" she asks.

"I mean, I'm not a dragon all the time. Mostly, I'm my heart; as I said I've only ever transformed with Mother around before." You reach into your pocket and pull out your dragonstone to show her. "I have to use this to be able to shift-"

Artemis's eyes widen as she reaches out and pushes your hand down. "Ryza!" she gasps. "Is that- you shouldn't just pull that out! It's not safe!"

You cock your head. "Why not?"

"Because it's valuable! Even the most honorable of men would be tempted to kill over a whole dragonsto-" she flinches. "That's a dragonstone… you're a dragon… Oh spirits you're a bloody dragon…"

"No… no, Artemis, I'm a manakete. My dragon is…" your eyes widen. "Wait a minute! I have a scroll, that'll make everything better!" Hopping up, you tuck your dragonstone away and turn towards Bill and Rebecca's house. "Wait here, I'll be right back."

You shoot a quick, reassuring smile at Lancel and Axton as you pass and slip into the house: it was a little rude going in without permission, but your bag is in here, and surely having Smagishi's scroll on dragons would help! Pulling The Dragon Within out, you hustle back outside.

Artemis is sitting exactly where you left her, her eyes still locked on the spot where you'd been. Lancel and Axton have moved to join her, though she doesn't seem to be responding to them. "Lady Ryza, is Lady Artemis…" Lancel asks warily.

"I think she's just confused," you say, holding up the scroll. "I'm trying to explain me to her, and I'm not doing a very good job of it, so I'm consulting the expert!" Plopping down, you carefully start to unroll the scroll before pausing and glancing up at them. "Um, Artemis, I don't mind if Axton and Lancel are here, but you seemed to want to talk privately…"

Artemis shakes herself. "I… I don't-" She closes her eyes and starts to breath slowly and deliberately. This takes several minutes, enough that you, Axton and Lancel glance worriedly at each other, each trying to figure out who if anyone should ask Artemis if she was okay.

Finally, however, she opens her eyes and turns a claw-sharp gaze onto her yeomen. "If you are comfortable with them staying, Ryza, I will allow it, but let me make myself clear: if you stay, you will not speak of what you hear to anyone. Ever."

The two men flinch slightly, but nod before looking to you. You frown: you had a nice talk with Lancel, and he seemed nice, but you didn't know Axton as well… However, he clearly liked Artemis; he was ready to fight for her even when he didn't know you were there to help, and he hadn't been mean to you, just a bit suspicious.

Still, if the way Artemis was acting was any indication… Lancel did seem to be a really nervous person, and Axton was suspicious… And it would probably make Artemis feel better to be the first to be told…

[] Allow both to stay.

[] Allow Lancel to stay.

[] Allow Axton to stay.

[] Ask that both leave.
Voting is open for the next 1 day, 23 hours